#include "STDInclude.hpp" namespace Utils { WebIO::WebIO() : WebIO("WebIO") {} WebIO::WebIO(std::string useragent, std::string url) : WebIO(useragent) { WebIO::SetURL(url); } WebIO::WebIO(std::string useragent) : m_timeout(5000) // 5 seconds timeout by default { WebIO::OpenSession(useragent); } WebIO::~WebIO() { WebIO::m_username.clear(); WebIO::m_password.clear(); WebIO::CloseConnection(); WebIO::CloseSession(); } void WebIO::OpenSession(std::string useragent) { WebIO::m_hSession = InternetOpen(useragent.data(), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, 0); } void WebIO::CloseSession() { InternetCloseHandle(WebIO::m_hSession); } void WebIO::SetCredentials(std::string username, std::string password) { WebIO::m_username.clear(); WebIO::m_password.clear(); WebIO::m_username.append(username.begin(), username.end()); WebIO::m_password.append(password.begin(), password.end()); } void WebIO::SetURL(std::string url) { WebIO::m_sUrl.server.clear(); WebIO::m_sUrl.protocol.clear(); WebIO::m_sUrl.document.clear(); // Insert protocol if none if (url.find("://") == std::string::npos) { url = "http://" + url; } PARSEDURLA pURL; pURL.cbSize = sizeof(pURL); ParseURLA(url.data(), &pURL); // Parse protocol if (pURL.cchProtocol && pURL.cchProtocol != 0xCCCCCCCC && pURL.pszProtocol) { for (UINT i = 0; i < pURL.cchProtocol; ++i) { char lChar = static_cast(tolower(pURL.pszProtocol[i])); WebIO::m_sUrl.protocol.append(&lChar, 1); } } else { WebIO::m_sUrl.protocol.append("http"); } // Parse suffix std::string server; if (pURL.cchSuffix && pURL.cchSuffix != 0xCCCCCCCC && pURL.pszSuffix) { server.append(pURL.pszSuffix, pURL.cchSuffix); } else { // TODO: Add some error handling here return; } // Remove '//' from the url if (!server.find("//")) { server = server.substr(2); } size_t pos = server.find("/"); if (pos == std::string::npos) { WebIO::m_sUrl.server = server; WebIO::m_sUrl.document = "/"; } else { WebIO::m_sUrl.server = server.substr(0, pos); WebIO::m_sUrl.document = server.substr(pos); } WebIO::m_sUrl.raw.clear(); WebIO::m_sUrl.raw.append(WebIO::m_sUrl.protocol); WebIO::m_sUrl.raw.append("://"); WebIO::m_sUrl.raw.append(WebIO::m_sUrl.server); WebIO::m_sUrl.raw.append(WebIO::m_sUrl.document); WebIO::m_isFTP = (WebIO::m_sUrl.protocol == "ftp"); } std::string WebIO::BuildPostBody(WebIO::Params params) { std::string body; for (auto param = params.begin(); param != params.end(); ++param) { std::string key = param->first; std::string value = param->second; if (body.size()) body.append("&"); body.append(key); body.append("="); body.append(value); } body.append("\0"); return body; } std::string WebIO::Post(std::string url, std::string body) { WebIO::SetURL(url); return WebIO::Post(body); } std::string WebIO::Post(std::string url, WebIO::Params params) { WebIO::SetURL(url); return WebIO::Post(params); } std::string WebIO::Post(WebIO::Params params) { return WebIO::Post(WebIO::BuildPostBody(params)); } std::string WebIO::Post(std::string body) { return WebIO::Execute("POST", body); } std::string WebIO::Get(std::string url) { WebIO::SetURL(url); return WebIO::Get(); } std::string WebIO::Get() { return WebIO::Execute("GET", ""); } bool WebIO::OpenConnection() { WORD wPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; DWORD dwService = INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP; DWORD dwFlag = 0; if (WebIO::m_isFTP) { wPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT; dwService = INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP; dwFlag = INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE; } else if (WebIO::IsSecuredConnection()) { wPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; } const char* username = (WebIO::m_username.size() ? WebIO::m_username.data() : NULL); const char* password = (WebIO::m_password.size() ? WebIO::m_password.data() : NULL); WebIO::m_hConnect = InternetConnect(WebIO::m_hSession, WebIO::m_sUrl.server.data(), wPort, username, password, dwService, dwFlag, 0); return (WebIO::m_hConnect && WebIO::m_hConnect != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); } void WebIO::CloseConnection() { if (WebIO::m_hFile && WebIO::m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) InternetCloseHandle(WebIO::m_hFile); if (WebIO::m_hConnect && WebIO::m_hConnect != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) InternetCloseHandle(WebIO::m_hConnect); } WebIO* WebIO::SetTimeout(DWORD mseconds) { this->m_timeout = mseconds; return this; } std::string WebIO::Execute(const char* command, std::string body) { if (!WebIO::OpenConnection()) return ""; const char *acceptTypes[] = { "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", nullptr }; DWORD dwFlag = INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | (WebIO::IsSecuredConnection() ? INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE : 0); // This doesn't seem to actually do anything, half of those options don't even seem to be implemented. // Good job microsoft... ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa385328%28v=vs.85%29.aspx ) //InternetSetOption(WebIO::m_hConnect, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &m_timeout, sizeof(m_timeout)); //InternetSetOption(WebIO::m_hConnect, INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, &m_timeout, sizeof(m_timeout)); //InternetSetOption(WebIO::m_hConnect, INTERNET_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT, &m_timeout, sizeof(m_timeout)); WebIO::m_hFile = HttpOpenRequest(WebIO::m_hConnect, command, WebIO::m_sUrl.document.data(), NULL, NULL, acceptTypes, dwFlag, 0); if (!WebIO::m_hFile || WebIO::m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WebIO::CloseConnection(); return ""; } const char* headers = "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; HttpSendRequest(WebIO::m_hFile, headers, strlen(headers), const_cast(body.data()), body.size() + 1); std::string returnBuffer; DWORD size = 0; char buffer[0x2001] = { 0 }; while (InternetReadFile(WebIO::m_hFile, buffer, 0x2000, &size)) { returnBuffer.append(buffer, size); if (!size) break; } WebIO::CloseConnection(); return returnBuffer; } bool WebIO::IsSecuredConnection() { return (WebIO::m_sUrl.protocol == "https"); } bool WebIO::Connect() { return WebIO::OpenConnection(); } void WebIO::Disconnect() { WebIO::CloseConnection(); } bool WebIO::SetDirectory(std::string directory) { return (FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA(WebIO::m_hConnect, directory.data()) == TRUE); } bool WebIO::SetRelativeDirectory(std::string directory) { std::string currentDir; if (WebIO::GetDirectory(currentDir)) { WebIO::FormatPath(directory, true); WebIO::FormatPath(currentDir, true); char path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; PathCombineA(path, currentDir.data(), directory.data()); std::string newPath(path); WebIO::FormatPath(newPath, false); return WebIO::SetDirectory(newPath); } return false; } bool WebIO::GetDirectory(std::string &directory) { directory.clear(); DWORD size = MAX_PATH; char currentDir[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA(WebIO::m_hConnect, currentDir, &size) == TRUE) { directory.append(currentDir, size); return true; } return false; } void WebIO::FormatPath(std::string &path, bool win) { size_t nPos; std::string find = "\\"; std::string replace = "/"; if (win) { find = "/"; replace = "\\"; } while ((nPos = path.find(find)) != std::wstring::npos) { path = path.replace(nPos, find.length(), replace); } } bool WebIO::CreateDirectory(std::string directory) { return (FtpCreateDirectoryA(WebIO::m_hConnect, directory.data()) == TRUE); } // Recursively delete a directory bool WebIO::DeleteDirectory(std::string directory) { std::string tempDir; WebIO::GetDirectory(tempDir); WebIO::SetRelativeDirectory(directory); std::vector list; WebIO::ListFiles(".", list); for (auto file : list) WebIO::DeleteFile(file); WebIO::ListDirectories(".", list); for (auto dir : list) WebIO::DeleteDirectory(dir); WebIO::SetDirectory(tempDir); return (FtpRemoveDirectoryA(WebIO::m_hConnect, directory.data()) == TRUE); } bool WebIO::RenameDirectory(std::string directory, std::string newDir) { return (FtpRenameFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, directory.data(), newDir.data()) == TRUE); // According to the internetz, this should work } bool WebIO::ListElements(std::string directory, std::vector &list, bool files) { list.clear(); WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData; bool result = false; DWORD dwAttribute = (files ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); // Any filename. std::string tempDir; WebIO::GetDirectory(tempDir); WebIO::SetRelativeDirectory(directory); WebIO::m_hFile = FtpFindFirstFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, "*", &findFileData, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, NULL); if (WebIO::m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { //if (findFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) continue; //if (findFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) continue; if (findFileData.dwFileAttributes == dwAttribute) // No bitwise flag check, as it might return archives/offline/hidden or other files/dirs { //printf("%s: %X\n", findFileData.cFileName, findFileData.dwFileAttributes); list.push_back(findFileData.cFileName); result = true; } } while (InternetFindNextFileA(WebIO::m_hFile, &findFileData)); InternetCloseHandle(WebIO::m_hFile); } WebIO::SetDirectory(tempDir); return result; } bool WebIO::ListDirectories(std::string directory, std::vector &list) { return WebIO::ListElements(directory, list, false); } bool WebIO::ListFiles(std::string directory, std::vector &list) { return WebIO::ListElements(directory, list, true); } bool WebIO::UploadFile(std::string file, std::string localfile) { return (FtpPutFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, localfile.data(), file.data(), FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, NULL) == TRUE); } bool WebIO::DeleteFile(std::string file) { return (FtpDeleteFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, file.data()) == TRUE); } bool WebIO::RenameFile(std::string file, std::string newFile) { return (FtpRenameFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, file.data(), newFile.data()) == TRUE); } bool WebIO::DownloadFile(std::string file, std::string localfile) { return (FtpGetFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, file.data(), localfile.data(), FALSE, NULL, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0) == TRUE); } bool WebIO::UploadFileData(std::string file, std::string data) { bool result = false; WebIO::m_hFile = FtpOpenFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, file.data(), GENERIC_WRITE, INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY | INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if (WebIO::m_hFile) { DWORD size = 0; if (InternetWriteFile(WebIO::m_hFile, data.data(), data.size(), &size) == TRUE) { result = (size == data.size()); } InternetCloseHandle(WebIO::m_hFile); } return result; } bool WebIO::DownloadFileData(std::string file, std::string &data) { data.clear(); WebIO::m_hFile = FtpOpenFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, file.data(), GENERIC_READ, INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY | INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if (WebIO::m_hFile) { DWORD size = 0; char buffer[0x2001] = { 0 }; while (InternetReadFile(WebIO::m_hFile, buffer, 0x2000, &size)) { data.append(buffer, size); if (!size) break; } InternetCloseHandle(WebIO::m_hFile); return true; } return false; } }