#include "STDInclude.hpp" namespace Components { Auth::TokenIncrementing Auth::TokenContainer; Utils::Cryptography::Token Auth::GuidToken; Utils::Cryptography::Token Auth::ComputeToken; Utils::Cryptography::ECC::Key Auth::GuidKey; std::vector Auth::BannedUids = { 0xf4d2c30b712ac6e3, 0xf7e33c4081337fa3, 0x6f5597f103cc50e9 }; void Auth::Frame() { if (Auth::TokenContainer.generating) { static double mseconds = 0; static Utils::Time::Interval interval; if (interval.elapsed(500ms)) { interval.update(); int diff = Game::Sys_Milliseconds() - Auth::TokenContainer.startTime; double hashPMS = (Auth::TokenContainer.hashes * 1.0) / diff; double requiredHashes = std::pow(2, Auth::TokenContainer.targetLevel + 1) - Auth::TokenContainer.hashes; mseconds = requiredHashes / hashPMS; if (mseconds < 0) mseconds = 0; } Localization::Set("MPUI_SECURITY_INCREASE_MESSAGE", Utils::String::VA("Increasing security level from %d to %d (est. %s)", Auth::GetSecurityLevel(), Auth::TokenContainer.targetLevel, Utils::String::FormatTimeSpan(static_cast(mseconds)).data())); } else if (Auth::TokenContainer.thread.joinable()) { Auth::TokenContainer.thread.join(); Auth::TokenContainer.generating = false; Auth::StoreKey(); Logger::Print("Security level is %d\n", Auth::GetSecurityLevel()); Command::Execute("closemenu security_increase_popmenu", false); if (!Auth::TokenContainer.cancel) { if (Auth::TokenContainer.command.empty()) { Game::ShowMessageBox(Utils::String::VA("Your new security level is %d", Auth::GetSecurityLevel()), "Success"); } else { Toast::Show("cardicon_locked", "Success", Utils::String::VA("Your new security level is %d", Auth::GetSecurityLevel()), 5000); Command::Execute(Auth::TokenContainer.command, false); } } Auth::TokenContainer.cancel = false; } } void Auth::SendConnectDataStub(Game::netsrc_t sock, Game::netadr_t adr, const char *format, int len) { // Ensure our certificate is loaded Steam::SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); if (!Auth::GuidKey.isValid()) { Logger::SoftError("Connecting failed: Guid key is invalid!"); return; } if (std::find(Auth::BannedUids.begin(), Auth::BannedUids.end(), Steam::SteamUser()->GetSteamID().bits) != Auth::BannedUids.end()) { Auth::GenerateKey(); Logger::SoftError("Your online profile is invalid. A new key has been generated."); return; } std::string connectString(format, len); Game::SV_Cmd_TokenizeString(connectString.data()); Command::ServerParams params; if (params.length() < 3) { Game::SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString(); Logger::SoftError("Connecting failed: Command parsing error!"); return; } Utils::InfoString infostr(params[2]); std::string challenge = infostr.get("challenge"); if (challenge.empty()) { Game::SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString(); Logger::SoftError("Connecting failed: Challenge parsing error!"); return; } if (Steam::Enabled() && !Friends::IsInvisible() && !Dvar::Var("cl_anonymous").get() && Steam::Proxy::SteamUser_) { infostr.set("realsteamId", Utils::String::VA("%llX", Steam::Proxy::SteamUser_->GetSteamID().bits)); } // Build new connect string connectString.clear(); connectString.append(params[0]); connectString.append(" "); connectString.append(params[1]); connectString.append(" "); connectString.append("\"" + infostr.build() + "\""); Game::SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString(); Proto::Auth::Connect connectData; connectData.set_token(Auth::GuidToken.toString()); connectData.set_publickey(Auth::GuidKey.getPublicKey()); connectData.set_signature(Utils::Cryptography::ECC::SignMessage(Auth::GuidKey, challenge)); connectData.set_infostring(connectString); Network::SendCommand(sock, adr, "connect", connectData.SerializeAsString()); } void Auth::ParseConnectData(Game::msg_t* msg, Game::netadr_t* addr) { Network::Address address(addr); // Parse proto data Proto::Auth::Connect connectData; if (msg->cursize <= 12 || !connectData.ParseFromString(std::string(&msg->data[12], msg->cursize - 12))) { Network::Send(address, "error\nInvalid connect packet!"); return; } // Simply connect, if we're in debug mode, we ignore all security checks #ifndef DEBUG if (address.isLoopback()) #endif { if (!connectData.infostring().empty()) { Game::SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString(); Game::SV_Cmd_TokenizeString(connectData.infostring().data()); Game::SV_DirectConnect(*address.get()); } else { Network::Send(address, "error\nInvalid infostring data!"); } } #ifndef DEBUG else { // Validate proto data if (connectData.signature().empty() || connectData.publickey().empty() || connectData.token().empty() || connectData.infostring().empty()) { Network::Send(address, "error\nInvalid connect data!"); return; } // Setup new cmd params Game::SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString(); Game::SV_Cmd_TokenizeString(connectData.infostring().data()); // Access the params Command::ServerParams params; // Ensure there are enough params if (params.length() < 3) { Network::Send(address, "error\nInvalid connect string!"); return; } // Parse the infostring Utils::InfoString infostr(params[2]); // Read the required data const auto& steamId = infostr.get("xuid"); const auto& challenge = infostr.get("challenge"); if (steamId.empty() || challenge.empty()) { Network::Send(address, "error\nInvalid connect data!"); return; } // Parse the id const auto xuid = std::strtoull(steamId.data(), nullptr, 16); SteamID guid; guid.bits = xuid; if (Bans::IsBanned({guid, address.getIP()})) { Network::Send(address, "error\nEXE_ERR_BANNED_PERM"); return; } if (std::find(Auth::BannedUids.begin(), Auth::BannedUids.end(), xuid) != Auth::BannedUids.end()) { Network::Send(address, "error\nYour online profile is invalid. Delete your players folder and restart ^2IW4x^7."); return; } if (xuid != Auth::GetKeyHash(connectData.publickey())) { Network::Send(address, "error\nXUID doesn't match the certificate!"); return; } // Verify the signature Utils::Cryptography::ECC::Key key; key.set(connectData.publickey()); if (!key.isValid() || !Utils::Cryptography::ECC::VerifyMessage(key, challenge, connectData.signature())) { Network::Send(address, "error\nChallenge signature was invalid!"); return; } // Verify the security level auto ourLevel = Dvar::Var("sv_securityLevel").get(); auto userLevel = Auth::GetZeroBits(connectData.token(), connectData.publickey()); if (userLevel < ourLevel) { Network::Send(address, Utils::String::VA("error\nYour security level (%d) is lower than the server's security level (%d)", userLevel, ourLevel)); return; } Logger::Print("Verified XUID %llX (%d) from %s\n", xuid, userLevel, address.getCString()); Game::SV_DirectConnect(*address.get()); } #endif } __declspec(naked) void Auth::DirectConnectStub() { __asm { pushad lea eax, [esp + 20h] push eax push esi call Auth::ParseConnectData pop esi pop eax popad push 6265FEh retn } } unsigned __int64 Auth::GetKeyHash(const std::string& key) { std::string hash = Utils::Cryptography::SHA1::Compute(key); if (hash.size() >= 8) { return *reinterpret_cast(const_cast(hash.data())); } return 0; } unsigned __int64 Auth::GetKeyHash() { Auth::LoadKey(); return Auth::GetKeyHash(Auth::GuidKey.getPublicKey()); } void Auth::StoreKey() { if (!Dedicated::IsEnabled() && !ZoneBuilder::IsEnabled() && !Monitor::IsEnabled() && Auth::GuidKey.isValid()) { Proto::Auth::Certificate cert; cert.set_token(Auth::GuidToken.toString()); cert.set_ctoken(Auth::ComputeToken.toString()); cert.set_privatekey(Auth::GuidKey.serialize(PK_PRIVATE)); Utils::IO::WriteFile("players/guid.dat", cert.SerializeAsString()); } } void Auth::GenerateKey() { Auth::GuidToken.clear(); Auth::ComputeToken.clear(); Auth::GuidKey = Utils::Cryptography::ECC::GenerateKey(512); Auth::StoreKey(); } void Auth::LoadKey(bool force) { if (Dedicated::IsEnabled() || ZoneBuilder::IsEnabled()) return; if (!force && Auth::GuidKey.isValid()) return; Proto::Auth::Certificate cert; if (cert.ParseFromString(::Utils::IO::ReadFile("players/guid.dat"))) { Auth::GuidKey.deserialize(cert.privatekey()); Auth::GuidToken = cert.token(); Auth::ComputeToken = cert.ctoken(); } else { Auth::GuidKey.free(); } if (!Auth::GuidKey.isValid()) { Auth::GenerateKey(); } } uint32_t Auth::GetSecurityLevel() { return Auth::GetZeroBits(Auth::GuidToken, Auth::GuidKey.getPublicKey()); } void Auth::IncreaseSecurityLevel(uint32_t level, const std::string& command) { if (Auth::GetSecurityLevel() >= level) return; if (!Auth::TokenContainer.generating) { Auth::TokenContainer.cancel = false; Auth::TokenContainer.targetLevel = level; Auth::TokenContainer.command = command; // Open menu Command::Execute("openmenu security_increase_popmenu", true); // Start thread Auth::TokenContainer.thread = std::thread([&level]() { Auth::TokenContainer.generating = true; Auth::TokenContainer.hashes = 0; Auth::TokenContainer.startTime = Game::Sys_Milliseconds(); Auth::IncrementToken(Auth::GuidToken, Auth::ComputeToken, Auth::GuidKey.getPublicKey(), Auth::TokenContainer.targetLevel, &Auth::TokenContainer.cancel, &Auth::TokenContainer.hashes); Auth::TokenContainer.generating = false; if (Auth::TokenContainer.cancel) { Logger::Print("Token incrementation thread terminated\n"); } }); } } uint32_t Auth::GetZeroBits(Utils::Cryptography::Token token, const std::string& publicKey) { std::string message = publicKey + token.toString(); std::string hash = Utils::Cryptography::SHA512::Compute(message, false); uint32_t bits = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hash.size(); ++i) { if (hash[i] == '\0') { bits += 8; continue; } uint8_t value = static_cast(hash[i]); for (int j = 7; j >= 0; --j) { if ((value >> j) & 1) { return bits; } ++bits; } } return bits; } void Auth::IncrementToken(Utils::Cryptography::Token& token, Utils::Cryptography::Token& computeToken, const std::string& publicKey, uint32_t zeroBits, bool* cancel, uint64_t* count) { if (zeroBits > 512) return; // Not possible, due to SHA512 if (computeToken < token) { computeToken = token; } // Check if we already have the desired security level uint32_t lastLevel = Auth::GetZeroBits(token, publicKey); uint32_t level = lastLevel; if (level >= zeroBits) return; do { ++computeToken; if (count) ++(*count); level = Auth::GetZeroBits(computeToken, publicKey); // Store level if higher than the last one if (level >= lastLevel) { token = computeToken; lastLevel = level; } // Allow canceling that shit if (cancel && *cancel) return; } while (level < zeroBits); token = computeToken; } Auth::Auth() { Auth::TokenContainer.cancel = false; Auth::TokenContainer.generating = false; Localization::Set("MPUI_SECURITY_INCREASE_MESSAGE", ""); // Load the key Auth::LoadKey(true); Steam::SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); Scheduler::OnFrame(Auth::Frame); // Register dvar Dvar::Register("sv_securityLevel", 23, 0, 512, Game::dvar_flag::DVAR_FLAG_SERVERINFO, "Security level for GUID certificates (POW)"); // Install registration hook Utils::Hook(0x6265F9, Auth::DirectConnectStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x41D3E3, Auth::SendConnectDataStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // SteamIDs can only contain 31 bits of actual 'id' data. // The other 33 bits are steam internal data like universe and so on. // Using only 31 bits for fingerprints is pretty insecure. // The function below verifies the integrity steam's part of the SteamID. // Patching that check allows us to use 64 bit for fingerprints. Utils::Hook::Set(0x4D0D60, 0xC301B0); // Guid command Command::Add("guid", [](Command::Params*) { Logger::Print("Your guid: %llX\n", Steam::SteamUser()->GetSteamID().bits); }); if (!Dedicated::IsEnabled() && !ZoneBuilder::IsEnabled()) { Command::Add("securityLevel", [](Command::Params* params) { if (params->length() < 2) { uint32_t level = Auth::GetZeroBits(Auth::GuidToken, Auth::GuidKey.getPublicKey()); Logger::Print("Your current security level is %d\n", level); Logger::Print("Your security token is: %s\n", Utils::String::DumpHex(Auth::GuidToken.toString(), "").data()); Logger::Print("Your computation token is: %s\n", Utils::String::DumpHex(Auth::ComputeToken.toString(), "").data()); Toast::Show("cardicon_locked", "^5Security Level", Utils::String::VA("Your security level is %d", level), 3000); } else { uint32_t level = static_cast(atoi(params->get(1))); Auth::IncreaseSecurityLevel(level); } }); } UIScript::Add("security_increase_cancel", [](UIScript::Token) { Auth::TokenContainer.cancel = true; Logger::Print("Token incrementation process canceled!\n"); }); } Auth::~Auth() { Auth::StoreKey(); } void Auth::preDestroy() { Auth::TokenContainer.cancel = true; Auth::TokenContainer.generating = false; // Terminate thread if (Auth::TokenContainer.thread.joinable()) { Auth::TokenContainer.thread.join(); } } bool Auth::unitTest() { bool success = true; printf("Testing logical token operators:\n"); Utils::Cryptography::Token token1; Utils::Cryptography::Token token2; ++token1, token2++; // Test incrementation operator printf("Operator == : "); if (token1 == token2 && !(++token1 == token2)) printf("Success\n"); else { printf("Error\n"); success = false; } printf("Operator != : "); if (token1 != token2 && !(++token2 != token1)) printf("Success\n"); else { printf("Error\n"); success = false; } printf("Operator >= : "); if (token1 >= token2 && ++token1 >= token2) printf("Success\n"); else { printf("Error\n"); success = false; } printf("Operator > : "); if (token1 > token2) printf("Success\n"); else { printf("Error\n"); success = false; } printf("Operator <= : "); if (token1 <= ++token2 && token1 <= ++token2) printf("Success\n"); else { printf("Error\n"); success = false; } printf("Operator < : "); if (token1 < token2) printf("Success\n"); else { printf("Error\n"); success = false; } return success; } }