#include #include "IO.hpp" #include "Script.hpp" namespace Components::GSC { const char* IO::QueryStrings[] = { R"(..)", R"(../)", R"(..\)" }; void IO::AddScriptFunctions() { Script::AddFunction("FileWrite", [] // gsc: FileWrite(, , ) { const auto* path = Game::Scr_GetString(0); auto* text = Game::Scr_GetString(1); auto* mode = Game::Scr_GetString(2); if (!path) { Game::Scr_ParamError(0, "^1FileWrite: filepath is not defined!\n"); return; } if (!text || !mode) { Game::Scr_Error("^1FileWrite: Illegal parameters!\n"); return; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(QueryStrings); ++i) { if (std::strstr(path, QueryStrings[i]) != nullptr) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "FileWrite: directory traversal is not allowed!\n"); return; } } if (mode != "append"s && mode != "write"s) { Logger::Warning(Game::CON_CHANNEL_SCRIPT, "FileWrite: mode not defined or was wrong, defaulting to 'write'\n"); mode = "write"; } const auto* scriptData = Utils::String::VA("%s/%s", "scriptdata", path); if (mode == "write"s) { FileSystem::FileWriter(scriptData).write(text); } else if (mode == "append"s) { FileSystem::FileWriter(scriptData, true).write(text); } }); Script::AddFunction("FileRead", [] // gsc: FileRead() { const auto* path = Game::Scr_GetString(0); if (!path) { Game::Scr_ParamError(0, "^1FileRead: filepath is not defined!\n"); return; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(QueryStrings); ++i) { if (std::strstr(path, QueryStrings[i]) != nullptr) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "FileRead: directory traversal is not allowed!\n"); return; } } const auto* scriptData = Utils::String::VA("%s/%s", "scriptdata", path); const auto file = FileSystem::FileReader(scriptData); if (!file.exists()) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "FileRead: file '{}' not found!\n", scriptData); return; } auto buffer = file.getBuffer(); buffer = buffer.substr(0, 1024 - 1); // 1024 is the max string size for the SL system Game::Scr_AddString(buffer.data()); }); Script::AddFunction("FileExists", [] // gsc: FileExists() { const auto* path = Game::Scr_GetString(0); if (!path) { Game::Scr_ParamError(0, "^1FileExists: filepath is not defined!\n"); return; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(QueryStrings); ++i) { if (std::strstr(path, QueryStrings[i]) != nullptr) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "FileExists: directory traversal is not allowed!\n"); return; } } const auto* scriptData = Utils::String::VA("%s/%s", "scriptdata", path); Game::Scr_AddBool(FileSystem::FileReader(scriptData).exists()); }); Script::AddFunction("FileRemove", [] // gsc: FileRemove() { const auto* path = Game::Scr_GetString(0); if (!path) { Game::Scr_ParamError(0, "^1FileRemove: filepath is not defined!\n"); return; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(QueryStrings); ++i) { if (std::strstr(path, QueryStrings[i]) != nullptr) { Logger::Print("^1FileRemove: directory traversal is not allowed!\n"); return; } } const auto p = "scriptdata"s / std::filesystem::path(path); const auto folder = p.parent_path().string(); const auto file = p.filename().string(); Game::Scr_AddInt(FileSystem::_DeleteFile(folder, file)); }); } IO::IO() { AddScriptFunctions(); } }