/* PDCurses */ #include "pdcx11.h" /*man-start************************************************************** sb -- ### Synopsis int sb_init(void) int sb_set_horz(int total, int viewport, int cur) int sb_set_vert(int total, int viewport, int cur) int sb_get_horz(int *total, int *viewport, int *cur) int sb_get_vert(int *total, int *viewport, int *cur) int sb_refresh(void); ### Description These functions manipulate the scrollbar. ### Return Value All functions return OK on success and ERR on error. ### Portability X/Open ncurses NetBSD sb_init - - - sb_set_horz - - - sb_set_vert - - - sb_get_horz - - - sb_get_vert - - - sb_refresh - - - **man-end****************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_XAW3D # include <Xaw3d/Box.h> # include <Xaw3d/Scrollbar.h> #elif defined(USE_NEXTAW) # include <neXtaw/Box.h> # include <neXtaw/Scrollbar.h> #else # include <Xaw/Box.h> # include <Xaw/Scrollbar.h> #endif #include "scrlbox.h" bool sb_started = FALSE; #if NeedWidePrototypes # define PDC_SCROLLBAR_TYPE double #else # define PDC_SCROLLBAR_TYPE float #endif static Widget scrollBox, scrollVert, scrollHoriz; static int sb_viewport_y, sb_viewport_x; static int sb_total_y, sb_total_x, sb_cur_y, sb_cur_x; static void _scroll_up_down(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { int pixels = (long) call_data; int total_y = sb_total_y * pdc_fheight; int viewport_y = sb_viewport_y * pdc_fheight; int cur_y = sb_cur_y * pdc_fheight; /* When pixels is negative, right button pressed, move data down, thumb moves up. Otherwise, left button pressed, pixels positive, move data up, thumb down. */ cur_y += pixels; /* limit panning to size of overall */ if (cur_y < 0) cur_y = 0; else if (cur_y > (total_y - viewport_y)) cur_y = total_y - viewport_y; sb_cur_y = cur_y / pdc_fheight; XawScrollbarSetThumb(w, (double)((double)cur_y / (double)total_y), (double)((double)viewport_y / (double)total_y)); } static void _scroll_left_right(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { int pixels = (long) call_data; int total_x = sb_total_x * pdc_fwidth; int viewport_x = sb_viewport_x * pdc_fwidth; int cur_x = sb_cur_x * pdc_fwidth; cur_x += pixels; /* limit panning to size of overall */ if (cur_x < 0) cur_x = 0; else if (cur_x > (total_x - viewport_x)) cur_x = total_x - viewport_x; sb_cur_x = cur_x / pdc_fwidth; XawScrollbarSetThumb(w, (double)((double)cur_x / (double)total_x), (double)((double)viewport_x / (double)total_x)); } static void _thumb_up_down(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { double percent = *(double *) call_data; double total_y = (double) sb_total_y; double viewport_y = (double) sb_viewport_y; int cur_y = sb_cur_y; /* If the size of the viewport is > overall area simply return, as no scrolling is permitted. */ if (sb_viewport_y >= sb_total_y) return; if ((sb_cur_y = (int)((double)total_y * percent)) >= (total_y - viewport_y)) sb_cur_y = total_y - viewport_y; XawScrollbarSetThumb(w, (double)(cur_y / total_y), (double)(viewport_y / total_y)); } static void _thumb_left_right(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { double percent = *(double *) call_data; double total_x = (double) sb_total_x; double viewport_x = (double) sb_viewport_x; int cur_x = sb_cur_x; if (sb_viewport_x >= sb_total_x) return; if ((sb_cur_x = (int)((float)total_x * percent)) >= (total_x - viewport_x)) sb_cur_x = total_x - viewport_x; XawScrollbarSetThumb(w, (double)(cur_x / total_x), (double)(viewport_x / total_x)); } bool PDC_scrollbar_init(const char *program_name) { if (pdc_app_data.scrollbarWidth && sb_started) { scrollBox = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(program_name, scrollBoxWidgetClass, pdc_toplevel, XtNwidth, pdc_wwidth + pdc_app_data.scrollbarWidth, XtNheight, pdc_wheight + pdc_app_data.scrollbarWidth, XtNwidthInc, pdc_fwidth, XtNheightInc, pdc_fheight, NULL); pdc_drawing = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(program_name, boxWidgetClass, scrollBox, XtNwidth, pdc_wwidth, XtNheight, pdc_wheight, XtNwidthInc, pdc_fwidth, XtNheightInc, pdc_fheight, NULL); scrollVert = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("scrollVert", scrollbarWidgetClass, scrollBox, XtNorientation, XtorientVertical, XtNheight, pdc_wheight, XtNwidth, pdc_app_data.scrollbarWidth, NULL); XtAddCallback(scrollVert, XtNscrollProc, _scroll_up_down, pdc_drawing); XtAddCallback(scrollVert, XtNjumpProc, _thumb_up_down, pdc_drawing); scrollHoriz = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("scrollHoriz", scrollbarWidgetClass, scrollBox, XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal, XtNwidth, pdc_wwidth, XtNheight, pdc_app_data.scrollbarWidth, NULL); XtAddCallback(scrollHoriz, XtNscrollProc, _scroll_left_right, pdc_drawing); XtAddCallback(scrollHoriz, XtNjumpProc, _thumb_left_right, pdc_drawing); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* sb_init() is the sb initialization routine. This must be called before initscr(). */ int sb_init(void) { PDC_LOG(("sb_init() - called\n")); if (SP) return ERR; sb_started = TRUE; sb_viewport_y = sb_viewport_x = 0; sb_total_y = sb_total_x = sb_cur_y = sb_cur_x = 0; return OK; } /* sb_set_horz() - Used to set horizontal scrollbar. total = total number of columns viewport = size of viewport in columns cur = current column in total */ int sb_set_horz(int total, int viewport, int cur) { PDC_LOG(("sb_set_horz() - called: total %d viewport %d cur %d\n", total, viewport, cur)); if (!SP) return ERR; sb_total_x = total; sb_viewport_x = viewport; sb_cur_x = cur; return OK; } /* sb_set_vert() - Used to set vertical scrollbar. total = total number of columns on line viewport = size of viewport in columns cur = current column in total */ int sb_set_vert(int total, int viewport, int cur) { PDC_LOG(("sb_set_vert() - called: total %d viewport %d cur %d\n", total, viewport, cur)); if (!SP) return ERR; sb_total_y = total; sb_viewport_y = viewport; sb_cur_y = cur; return OK; } /* sb_get_horz() - Used to get horizontal scrollbar. total = total number of lines viewport = size of viewport in lines cur = current line in total */ int sb_get_horz(int *total, int *viewport, int *cur) { PDC_LOG(("sb_get_horz() - called\n")); if (!SP) return ERR; if (total) *total = sb_total_x; if (viewport) *viewport = sb_viewport_x; if (cur) *cur = sb_cur_x; return OK; } /* sb_get_vert() - Used to get vertical scrollbar. total = total number of lines viewport = size of viewport in lines cur = current line in total */ int sb_get_vert(int *total, int *viewport, int *cur) { PDC_LOG(("sb_get_vert() - called\n")); if (!SP) return ERR; if (total) *total = sb_total_y; if (viewport) *viewport = sb_viewport_y; if (cur) *cur = sb_cur_y; return OK; } /* sb_refresh() - Used to draw the scrollbars. */ int sb_refresh(void) { PDC_LOG(("sb_refresh() - called\n")); if (!SP) return ERR; if (sb_started) { PDC_SCROLLBAR_TYPE total_y = sb_total_y; PDC_SCROLLBAR_TYPE total_x = sb_total_x; if (total_y) XawScrollbarSetThumb(scrollVert, (PDC_SCROLLBAR_TYPE)(sb_cur_y) / total_y, (PDC_SCROLLBAR_TYPE)(sb_viewport_y) / total_y); if (total_x) XawScrollbarSetThumb(scrollHoriz, (PDC_SCROLLBAR_TYPE)(sb_cur_x) / total_x, (PDC_SCROLLBAR_TYPE)(sb_viewport_x) / total_x); } return OK; }