# 2 spaces defaultIndent: " " # verbatim environments- environments specified # in this hash table will not be changed at all! verbatimEnvironments: verbatim: 1 alltt: 1 # verbatim commands such as \verb! body !, \lstinline$something else$ verbatimCommands: verb: 1 # no indent blocks (not necessarily verbatim # environments) which are marked as %\begin{noindent} # or anything else that the user puts in this hash # table noIndentBlock: noindent: 1 # remove trailing whitespace from all lines removeTrailingWhitespace: beforeProcessing: 0 afterProcessing: 1 indentAfterItems: itemize: 1 enumerate: 1 description: 1 list: 1 onlyOneBackUp: 1 modifyLineBreaks: textWrapOptions: columns: 100