PROG ?= example                   # Program we are building
DELETE = rm -rf                   # Command to remove files
OUT ?= -o $(PROG)                 # Compiler argument for output file
SOURCES = main.c mongoose.c net.c packed_fs.c      # Source code files
CFLAGS = -W -Wall -Wextra -g -I.  # Build options

# Mongoose build options. See

ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)   # Windows settings. Assume MinGW compiler. To use VC: make CC=cl CFLAGS=/MD OUT=/Feprog.exe
  PROG ?= example.exe           # Use .exe suffix for the binary
  CC = gcc                      # Use MinGW gcc compiler
  CFLAGS += -lws2_32            # Link against Winsock library
  DELETE = cmd /C del /Q /F /S  # Command prompt command to delete files
  OUT ?= -o $(PROG)             # Build output

all: $(PROG)              # Default target. Build and run program
	$(RUN) ./$(PROG) $(ARGS)

ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
# Before embedding files, gzip them to save space
packed_fs.c: $(shell find web_root -type f) Makefile
	rm -rf tmp/web_root && mkdir tmp && cp -r web_root tmp/
	find tmp -type f | xargs -n1 gzip
	$(CC) ../../test/pack.c -o pack
	cd tmp && ../pack `find web_root -type f` > ../$@

$(PROG): $(SOURCES)       # Build program from sources

clean:                    # Cleanup. Delete built program and all build artifacts
	$(DELETE) $(PROG) *.o *.obj *.exe *.dSYM pack tmp