#include #include "ClientCommand.hpp" #include "GSC/Script.hpp" using namespace Utils::String; namespace Components { std::unordered_map> ClientCommand::HandlersSV; bool ClientCommand::CheatsOk(const Game::gentity_s* ent) { const auto entNum = ent->s.number; if (!(*Game::g_cheats)->current.enabled) { Logger::Debug("Cheats are disabled!"); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(entNum, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"GAME_CHEATSNOTENABLED\"", 0x65)); return false; } if (ent->health < 1) { Logger::Debug("Entity {} must be alive to use this command!", entNum); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(entNum, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"GAME_MUSTBEALIVECOMMAND\"", 0x65)); return false; } return true; } void ClientCommand::Add(const char* name, const std::function& callback) { const auto command = Utils::String::ToLower(name); HandlersSV[command] = callback; } void ClientCommand::ClientCommandStub(const int clientNum) { const auto ent = &Game::g_entities[clientNum]; if (!ent->client) { Logger::Debug("ClientCommand: client {} is not fully connected", clientNum); return; } Command::ServerParams params; const auto command = Utils::String::ToLower(params.get(0)); if (const auto itr = HandlersSV.find(command); itr != HandlersSV.end()) { itr->second(ent, ¶ms); return; } Utils::Hook::Call(0x416790)(clientNum); } void ClientCommand::AddCheatCommands() { Add("noclip", Cmd_Noclip_f); Add("ufo", Cmd_UFO_f); Add("god", [](Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { if (!CheatsOk(ent)) return; ent->flags ^= Game::FL_GODMODE; const auto entNum = ent->s.number; Logger::Debug("God toggled for entity {}", entNum); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(entNum, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"%s\"", 0x65, (ent->flags & Game::FL_GODMODE) ? "GAME_GODMODE_ON" : "GAME_GODMODE_OFF")); }); Add("demigod", [](Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { if (!CheatsOk(ent)) return; ent->flags ^= Game::FL_DEMI_GODMODE; const auto entNum = ent->s.number; Logger::Debug("Demigod toggled for entity {}", entNum); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(entNum, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"%s\"", 0x65, (ent->flags & Game::FL_DEMI_GODMODE) ? "GAME_DEMI_GODMODE_ON" : "GAME_DEMI_GODMODE_OFF")); }); Add("notarget", [](Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { if (!CheatsOk(ent)) return; ent->flags ^= Game::FL_NOTARGET; const auto entNum = ent->s.number; Logger::Debug("Notarget toggled for entity {}", entNum); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(entNum, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"%s\"", 0x65, (ent->flags & Game::FL_NOTARGET) ? "GAME_NOTARGETON" : "GAME_NOTARGETOFF")); }); Add("setviewpos", [](Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { assert(ent); if (!CheatsOk(ent)) return; Game::vec3_t origin, angles{0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; if (params->size() < 4 || params->size() > 6) { Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(ent->s.number, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"GAME_USAGE\x15: setviewpos x y z [yaw] [pitch]\n\"", 0x65)); return; } for (auto i = 0; i < 3; i++) { origin[i] = std::strtof(params->get(i + 1), nullptr); } if (params->size() >= 5) { angles[1] = std::strtof(params->get(4), nullptr); // Yaw } if (params->size() == 6) { angles[0] = std::strtof(params->get(5), nullptr); // Pitch } Logger::Debug("Teleported entity {} to {:f} {:f} {:f}\nviewpos {:f} {:f}", ent->s.number, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], angles[0], angles[2]); Game::TeleportPlayer(ent, origin, angles); }); Add("give", [](Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { if (!CheatsOk(ent)) return; if (params->size() < 2) { Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(ent->s.number, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"GAME_USAGE\x15: give \"", 0x65)); return; } Game::level->initializing = 1; const auto* weaponName = params->get(1); Logger::Debug("Giving weapon {} to entity {}", weaponName, ent->s.number); const auto weaponIndex = Game::G_GetWeaponIndexForName(weaponName); if (weaponIndex == 0) { Game::level->initializing = 0; return; } if (Game::BG_GetWeaponDef(weaponIndex)->inventoryType == Game::weapInventoryType_t::WEAPINVENTORY_ALTMODE) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "You can't directly spawn the altfire weapon '{}'. Spawn a weapon that has this altmode instead.\n", weaponName); Game::level->initializing = 0; return; } auto* weapEnt = Game::G_Spawn(); std::memcpy(weapEnt->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.currentOrigin, sizeof(std::float_t[3])); Game::G_GetItemClassname(static_cast(weaponIndex), weapEnt); Game::G_SpawnItem(weapEnt, static_cast(weaponIndex)); weapEnt->active = 1; const auto offHandClass = Game::BG_GetWeaponDef(weaponIndex)->offhandClass; if (offHandClass != Game::OFFHAND_CLASS_NONE) { auto* client = ent->client; if ((client->ps.weapCommon.offhandPrimary != offHandClass) && (client->ps.weapCommon.offhandSecondary != offHandClass)) { switch (offHandClass) { case Game::OFFHAND_CLASS_FRAG_GRENADE: case Game::OFFHAND_CLASS_THROWINGKNIFE: case Game::OFFHAND_CLASS_OTHER: Logger::Debug("Setting offhandPrimary"); client->ps.weapCommon.offhandPrimary = offHandClass; break; default: Logger::Debug("Setting offhandSecondary"); client->ps.weapCommon.offhandSecondary = offHandClass; break; } } } Game::Touch_Item(weapEnt, ent, 0); weapEnt->active = 0; if (weapEnt->r.isInUse) { Logger::Debug("Freeing up entity {}", weapEnt->s.number); Game::G_FreeEntity(weapEnt); } Game::level->initializing = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < std::extent_v; ++i) { const auto index = ent->client->ps.weaponsEquipped[i]; if (index) { Game::Add_Ammo(ent, index, 0, 998, 1); } } }); Add("kill", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { assert(ent->client); assert(ent->client->sess.connected != Game::CON_DISCONNECTED); if (ent->client->sess.sessionState != Game::SESS_STATE_PLAYING || !CheatsOk(ent)) return; auto** bgs = Game::Sys::GetTls(Game::Sys::TLS_OFFSET::LEVEL_BGS); assert(*bgs == nullptr); *bgs = Game::level_bgs; ent->flags &= ~(Game::FL_GODMODE | Game::FL_DEMI_GODMODE); ent->health = 0; ent->client->ps.stats[0] = 0; Game::player_die(ent, ent, ent, 100000, Game::MOD_SUICIDE, 0, nullptr, Game::HITLOC_NONE, 0); assert(*bgs == Game::level_bgs); *bgs = nullptr; }); } void ClientCommand::AddDevelopmentCommands() { Add("dropallbots", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { Game::SV_DropAllBots(); }); Add("entitylist", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { Game::Svcmd_EntityList_f(); }); Add("printentities", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { Game::G_PrintEntities(); }); Add("entitycount", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { Logger::Print("Entity count = {}\n", Game::level->num_entities); }); // Also known as: "vis" Add("visionsetnaked", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { if (params->size() < 2) { Logger::Print("USAGE: visionSetNaked \n"); return; } auto duration = 1000; if (params->size() > 2) { const auto input = std::strtof(params->get(2), nullptr); duration = static_cast(std::floorf(input * 1000.0f + 0.5f)); } assert(ent->client); constexpr auto visMode = Game::visionSetMode_t::VISIONSET_NORMAL; const auto* name = params->get(1); ent->client->visionDuration[visMode] = duration; strncpy_s(ent->client->visionName[visMode], sizeof(Game::gclient_t::visionName[0]) / sizeof(char), name, _TRUNCATE); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(ent->s.number, Game::SV_CMD_RELIABLE, VA("%c \"%s\" %i", Game::MY_CMDS[visMode], name, duration)); }); Add("visionsetnight", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { if (params->size() < 2) { Logger::Print("USAGE: visionSetNight \n"); return; } auto duration = 1000; if (params->size() > 2) { const auto input = std::strtof(params->get(2), nullptr); duration = static_cast(std::floorf(input * 1000.0f + 0.5f)); } assert(ent->client); constexpr auto visMode = Game::visionSetMode_t::VISIONSET_NIGHT; const auto* name = params->get(1); ent->client->visionDuration[visMode] = duration; strncpy_s(ent->client->visionName[visMode], sizeof(Game::gclient_t::visionName[0]) / sizeof(char), name, _TRUNCATE); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(ent->s.number, Game::SV_CMD_RELIABLE, VA("%c \"%s\" %i", Game::MY_CMDS[visMode], name, duration)); }); Add("g_testCmd", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { assert(ent); ent->client->ps.stunTime = 1000 + Game::level->time; // 1000 is the default test stun time Logger::Debug("playerState_s.stunTime is {}", ent->client->ps.stunTime); }); Add("dumpEntInfo", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { G_DumpEntityDebugInfoToConsole(false); }); Add("dumpEntInfoCSV", []([[maybe_unused]] Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { G_DumpEntityDebugInfoToCSV(""); }); } void ClientCommand::AddScriptFunctions() { GSC::Script::AddFunction("DropAllBots", [] // gsc: DropAllBots(); { Game::SV_DropAllBots(); }); } void ClientCommand::AddScriptMethods() { GSC::Script::AddMethod("Noclip", [](const Game::scr_entref_t entref) // gsc: self Noclip(); { auto* ent = GSC::Script::Scr_GetPlayerEntity(entref); Cmd_Noclip_f(ent, nullptr); }); GSC::Script::AddMethod("Ufo", [](const Game::scr_entref_t entref) // gsc: self Ufo(); { auto* ent = GSC::Script::Scr_GetPlayerEntity(entref); Cmd_UFO_f(ent, nullptr); }); } const char* ClientCommand::EntInfoLine(const int entNum) { const auto* ent = &Game::g_entities[entNum]; Game::XModel* model = nullptr; if (ent->model) { model = Game::G_GetModel(ent->model); } Game::vec3_t point, angles; point[0] = ent->r.currentOrigin[0] - (*Game::viewposNow)->current.vector[0]; point[1] = ent->r.currentOrigin[1] - (*Game::viewposNow)->current.vector[1]; point[2] = ent->r.currentOrigin[2] - (*Game::viewposNow)->current.vector[2]; angles[0] = ent->r.currentAngles[0]; angles[1] = ent->r.currentAngles[1]; angles[2] = ent->r.currentAngles[2]; const auto distance = std::sqrtf(point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1] + point[2] * point[2]); const auto* team = (ent->client) ? Game::CG_GetTeamName(ent->client->sess.cs.team) : ""; const auto* scriptLinkName = (ent->script_linkName) ? Game::SL_ConvertToString(ent->script_linkName) : ""; const auto* target = (ent->target) ? Game::SL_ConvertToString(ent->target) : ""; const auto* targetName = (ent->targetname) ? Game::SL_ConvertToString(ent->targetname) : ""; const auto* codeClassname = (ent->script_classname) ? Game::SL_ConvertToString(ent->script_classname) : ""; const auto* classname = (ent->classname) ? Game::SL_ConvertToString(ent->classname) : ""; const auto* eventType = (ent->s.eType < Game::ET_EVENTS) ? Game::G_GetEntityTypeName(ent) : ""; // See description of the format string in the function G_DumpEntityDebugInfoToCSV // If empty it means the item does not exist in the current version of the game or it was not possible to reverse it return VA("%i,%s,%.0f,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%.0f %.0f %.0f,%.0f %.0f %.0f,%i\n", entNum, eventType, distance, classname, codeClassname, (model) ? model->name : "", targetName, target, "", scriptLinkName, team, "", point[0], point[1], point[2], angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], 0); } void ClientCommand::G_DumpEntityDebugInfoToConsole(bool logfileOnly) { const auto channel = logfileOnly ? Game::CON_CHANNEL_LOGFILEONLY : Game::CON_CHANNEL_SERVER; Logger::Print(channel, "=====================================================================================\n"); Logger::Print(channel, "============(entity dump begin)\n"); Logger::Print(channel, "Number,Type,Distance,Classname,Code Classname,Model," "Targetname,Target,Script Noteworthy,Script Linkname,Team,ParentNum,Origin,Angles,SentToClients\n"); for (auto i = 0; i < Game::MAX_GENTITIES; ++i) { if (&Game::g_entities[i] == nullptr) { continue; } const auto* line = EntInfoLine(i); assert(line); Logger::Print(channel, "%s", line); } Logger::Print(channel, "(end entity dump)============\n"); Logger::Print(channel, "=====================================================================================\n"); } void ClientCommand::G_DumpEntityDebugInfoToCSV(const char* filenameSuffix) { assert(filenameSuffix); const auto* fileName = VA("%s%s%s%s", "EntInfo", (*filenameSuffix) ? "_" : "", filenameSuffix, ".csv"); Logger::Print(Game::CON_CHANNEL_SERVER, "Opening file \"{}\" for writing.\n", fileName); auto h = Game::FS_FOpenTextFileWrite(fileName); if (!h) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_SERVER, "Couldn't open file \"{}\" for writing.\n", fileName); return; } Game::FS_Write("Number,Type,Distance,Classname,Code Classname,Model,Targetname,Target,Script Noteworthy,Script Linkname,Team,Paren" "tNum,Origin,Angles,SentToClients\n", 147, h); for (auto i = 0; i < Game::MAX_GENTITIES; ++i) { if (&Game::g_entities[i] == nullptr) { continue; } const auto* line = EntInfoLine(i); const auto lineLen = std::strlen(line); assert(line); assert(lineLen); Game::FS_Write(line, static_cast(lineLen), h); } Game::FS_FCloseFile(h); Logger::Print(Game::CON_CHANNEL_SERVER, "Done writing file.\n"); } void ClientCommand::Cmd_Noclip_f(Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { if (!CheatsOk(ent)) return; ent->client->flags ^= Game::PF_NOCLIP; const auto entNum = ent->s.number; Logger::Debug("Noclip toggled for entity {}", entNum); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(entNum, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"%s\"", 0x65, (ent->client->flags & Game::PF_NOCLIP) ? "GAME_NOCLIPON" : "GAME_NOCLIPOFF")); } void ClientCommand::Cmd_UFO_f(Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] const Command::ServerParams* params) { if (!CheatsOk(ent)) return; ent->client->flags ^= Game::PF_UFO; const auto entNum = ent->s.number; Logger::Debug("UFO toggled for entity {}", entNum); Game::SV_GameSendServerCommand(entNum, Game::SV_CMD_CAN_IGNORE, VA("%c \"%s\"", 0x65, (ent->client->flags & Game::PF_UFO) ? "GAME_UFOON" : "GAME_UFOOFF")); } ClientCommand::ClientCommand() { AssertOffset(Game::playerState_s, stats, 0x150); // Hook call to ClientCommand in SV_ExecuteClientCommand so we may add custom commands Utils::Hook(0x6259FA, ClientCommandStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); AddCheatCommands(); AddScriptFunctions(); AddScriptMethods(); #ifdef _DEBUG AddDevelopmentCommands(); #endif } }