#include namespace Components { Maps::UserMapContainer Maps::UserMap; std::string Maps::CurrentMainZone; std::vector> Maps::DependencyList; std::vector Maps::CurrentDependencies; Dvar::Var Maps::RListSModels; bool Maps::SPMap; std::vector Maps::DlcPacks; const char* Maps::UserMapFiles[4] = { ".ff", "_load.ff", ".iwd", ".arena", }; Maps::UserMapContainer* Maps::GetUserMap() { return &Maps::UserMap; } void Maps::UserMapContainer::loadIwd() { if (this->isValid() && !this->searchPath.iwd) { std::string iwdName = Utils::String::VA("%s.iwd", this->mapname.data()); std::string path = Utils::String::VA("%s\\usermaps\\%s\\%s", Dvar::Var("fs_basepath").get(), this->mapname.data(), iwdName.data()); if (Utils::IO::FileExists(path)) { this->searchPath.iwd = Game::FS_IsShippedIWD(path.data(), iwdName.data()); if (this->searchPath.iwd) { this->searchPath.bLocalized = false; this->searchPath.ignore = 0; this->searchPath.ignorePureCheck = 0; this->searchPath.language = 0; this->searchPath.dir = nullptr; this->searchPath.next = *Game::fs_searchpaths; *Game::fs_searchpaths = &this->searchPath; } } } } void Maps::UserMapContainer::reloadIwd() { if (this->isValid() && this->wasFreed) { this->wasFreed = false; this->searchPath.iwd = nullptr; this->loadIwd(); } } void Maps::UserMapContainer::handlePackfile(void* packfile) { if (this->isValid() && this->searchPath.iwd == packfile) { this->wasFreed = true; } } void Maps::UserMapContainer::freeIwd() { if (this->isValid() && this->searchPath.iwd && !this->wasFreed) { this->wasFreed = true; // Unchain our searchpath for (Game::searchpath_t** pathPtr = Game::fs_searchpaths; *pathPtr; pathPtr = &(*pathPtr)->next) { if (*pathPtr == &this->searchPath) { *pathPtr = (*pathPtr)->next; break; } } Game::unzClose(this->searchPath.iwd->handle); auto _free = Utils::Hook::Call(0x6B5CF2); _free(this->searchPath.iwd->buildBuffer); _free(this->searchPath.iwd); ZeroMemory(&this->searchPath, sizeof this->searchPath); } } const char* Maps::LoadArenaFileStub(const char* name, char* buffer, int size) { std::string data = Game::LoadModdableRawfile(0, name); if(Maps::UserMap.isValid()) { std::string mapname = Maps::UserMap.getName(); std::string arena = Utils::String::VA("usermaps/%s/%s.arena", mapname.data(), mapname.data()); if (Utils::IO::FileExists(arena)) { data.append(Utils::IO::ReadFile(arena)); } } strncpy_s(buffer, size, data.data(), data.size()); return buffer; } void Maps::UnloadMapZones(Game::XZoneInfo* zoneInfo, unsigned int zoneCount, int sync) { Game::DB_LoadXAssets(zoneInfo, zoneCount, sync); if (Maps::UserMap.isValid()) { Maps::UserMap.freeIwd(); Maps::UserMap.clear(); } } void Maps::LoadMapZones(Game::XZoneInfo* zoneInfo, unsigned int zoneCount, int sync) { if (!zoneInfo) return; Maps::SPMap = false; Maps::CurrentMainZone = zoneInfo->name; Maps::CurrentDependencies.clear(); for (auto i = Maps::DependencyList.begin(); i != Maps::DependencyList.end(); ++i) { if (std::regex_match(zoneInfo->name, std::regex(i->first))) { if (std::find(Maps::CurrentDependencies.begin(), Maps::CurrentDependencies.end(), i->second) == Maps::CurrentDependencies.end()) { Maps::CurrentDependencies.push_back(i->second); } } } Utils::Memory::Allocator allocator; auto teams = Maps::GetTeamsForMap(Maps::CurrentMainZone); auto dependencies = Maps::GetDependenciesForMap(Maps::CurrentMainZone); Utils::Merge(&Maps::CurrentDependencies, dependencies.data(), dependencies.size()); std::vector data; Utils::Merge(&data, zoneInfo, zoneCount); Game::XZoneInfo team; team.allocFlags = zoneInfo->allocFlags; team.freeFlags = zoneInfo->freeFlags; team.name = allocator.duplicateString(Utils::String::VA("iw4x_team_%s", teams.first.data())); data.push_back(team); team.name = allocator.duplicateString(Utils::String::VA("iw4x_team_%s", teams.second.data())); data.push_back(team); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Maps::CurrentDependencies.size(); ++i) { Game::XZoneInfo info; info.name = (&Maps::CurrentDependencies[i])->data(); info.allocFlags = zoneInfo->allocFlags; info.freeFlags = zoneInfo->freeFlags; data.push_back(info); } // Load patch files std::string patchZone = Utils::String::VA("patch_%s", zoneInfo->name); if (FastFiles::Exists(patchZone)) { data.push_back({patchZone.data(), zoneInfo->allocFlags, zoneInfo->freeFlags}); } return FastFiles::LoadLocalizeZones(data.data(), data.size(), sync); } void Maps::OverrideMapEnts(Game::MapEnts* ents) { auto callback = [] (Game::XAssetHeader header, void* ents) { Game::MapEnts* mapEnts = reinterpret_cast(ents); Game::clipMap_t* clipMap = header.clipMap; if (clipMap && mapEnts && !_stricmp(mapEnts->name, clipMap->name)) { clipMap->mapEnts = mapEnts; //*Game::marMapEntsPtr = mapEnts; //Game::G_SpawnEntitiesFromString(); } }; // Internal doesn't lock the thread, as locking is impossible, due to executing this in the thread that holds the current lock Game::DB_EnumXAssets_Internal(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_CLIPMAP_MP, callback, ents, true); Game::DB_EnumXAssets_Internal(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_CLIPMAP_SP, callback, ents, true); } void Maps::LoadAssetRestrict(Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader asset, const std::string& name, bool* restrict) { if (std::find(Maps::CurrentDependencies.begin(), Maps::CurrentDependencies.end(), FastFiles::Current()) != Maps::CurrentDependencies.end() && (FastFiles::Current() != "mp_shipment_long" || Maps::CurrentMainZone != "mp_shipment")) // Shipment is a special case { switch (type) { case Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_CLIPMAP_MP: case Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_CLIPMAP_SP: case Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_SP: case Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_MP: case Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GFXWORLD: case Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MAP_ENTS: case Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_COMWORLD: case Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_FXWORLD: *restrict = true; return; } } if (type == Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_ADDON_MAP_ENTS) { *restrict = true; return; } if (type == Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_WEAPON) { if ((!strstr(name.data(), "_mp") && name != "none" && name != "destructible_car") || Zones::Version() >= VERSION_ALPHA2) { *restrict = true; return; } } if (type == Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_STRINGTABLE) { if (FastFiles::Current() == "mp_cross_fire") { *restrict = true; return; } } if (type == Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MAP_ENTS) { if (Flags::HasFlag("dump")) { Utils::IO::WriteFile(Utils::String::VA("raw/%s.ents", name.data()), asset.mapEnts->entityString, true); } static std::string mapEntities; FileSystem::File ents(name + ".ents"); if (ents.exists()) { mapEntities = ents.getBuffer(); asset.mapEnts->entityString = mapEntities.data(); asset.mapEnts->numEntityChars = mapEntities.size() + 1; } } // This is broken if ((type == Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MENU || type == Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MENULIST) && Zones::Version() >= 359) { *restrict = true; return; } } Game::G_GlassData* Maps::GetWorldData() { Logger::Print("Waiting for database...\n"); while (!Game::Sys_IsDatabaseReady()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); if (!Game::DB_XAssetPool[Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_MP].gameWorldMp || !Game::DB_XAssetPool[Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_MP].gameWorldMp->name || !Game::DB_XAssetPool[Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_MP].gameWorldMp->g_glassData || Maps::SPMap) { return Game::DB_XAssetPool[Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_SP].gameWorldSp->g_glassData; } return Game::DB_XAssetPool[Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_MP].gameWorldMp->g_glassData; } __declspec(naked) void Maps::GetWorldDataStub() { __asm { push eax pushad call Maps::GetWorldData mov [esp + 20h], eax popad pop eax retn } } void Maps::LoadRawSun() { Game::R_FlushSun(); Game::GfxWorld* world = *reinterpret_cast(0x66DEE94); if (FileSystem::File(Utils::String::VA("sun/%s.sun", Maps::CurrentMainZone.data())).exists()) { Game::R_LoadSunThroughDvars(Maps::CurrentMainZone.data(), &world->sun); } } void Maps::GetBSPName(char* buffer, size_t size, const char* format, const char* mapname) { if (!Utils::String::StartsWith(mapname, "mp_") && !Utils::String::StartsWith(mapname, "zm_")) { format = "maps/%s.d3dbsp"; } // Redirect shipment to shipment long if (mapname == "mp_shipment"s) { mapname = "mp_shipment_long"; } _snprintf_s(buffer, size, _TRUNCATE, format, mapname); } void Maps::HandleAsSPMap() { Maps::SPMap = true; } void Maps::AddDependency(const std::string& expression, const std::string& zone) { // Test expression before adding it try { std::regex _(expression); } catch (const std::regex_error ex) { MessageBoxA(nullptr, Utils::String::VA("Invalid regular expression: %s", expression.data()), "Warning", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } Maps::DependencyList.push_back({expression, zone}); } int Maps::IgnoreEntityStub(const char* entity) { return (Utils::String::StartsWith(entity, "dyn_") || Utils::String::StartsWith(entity, "node_") || Utils::String::StartsWith(entity, "actor_")); } std::vector Maps::GetDependenciesForMap(const std::string& map) { for (int i = 0; i < *Game::arenaCount; ++i) { Game::newMapArena_t* arena = &ArenaLength::NewArenas[i]; if (arena->mapName == map) { for (int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE(arena->keys); ++j) { if (arena->keys[j] == "dependency"s) { return Utils::String::Split(arena->values[j], ' '); } } } } return {}; } std::pair Maps::GetTeamsForMap(const std::string& map) { std::string team_axis = "opforce_composite"; std::string team_allies = "us_army"; for (int i = 0; i < *Game::arenaCount; ++i) { Game::newMapArena_t* arena = &ArenaLength::NewArenas[i]; if (arena->mapName == map) { for (int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE(arena->keys); ++j) { if (arena->keys[j] == "allieschar"s) { team_allies = arena->values[j]; } else if (arena->keys[j] == "axischar"s) { team_axis = arena->values[j]; } } break; } } return {team_axis, team_allies}; } void Maps::PrepareUsermap(const char* mapname) { if (Maps::UserMap.isValid()) { Maps::UserMap.freeIwd(); Maps::UserMap.clear(); } if (Maps::IsUserMap(mapname)) { Maps::UserMap = Maps::UserMapContainer(mapname); Maps::UserMap.loadIwd(); } else { Maps::UserMap.clear(); } } unsigned int Maps::GetUsermapHash(const std::string& map) { if (Utils::IO::DirectoryExists(Utils::String::VA("usermaps/%s", map.data()))) { std::string hash; for(int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(Maps::UserMapFiles); ++i) { std::string filePath = Utils::String::VA("usermaps/%s/%s%s", map.data(), map.data(), Maps::UserMapFiles[i]); if (Utils::IO::FileExists(filePath)) { hash.append(Utils::Cryptography::SHA256::Compute(Utils::IO::ReadFile(filePath))); } } return Utils::Cryptography::JenkinsOneAtATime::Compute(hash); } return 0; } void Maps::LoadNewMapCommand(char* buffer, size_t size, const char* /*format*/, const char* mapname, const char* gametype) { unsigned int hash = Maps::GetUsermapHash(mapname); _snprintf_s(buffer, size, _TRUNCATE, "loadingnewmap\n%s\n%s\n%d", mapname, gametype, hash); } int Maps::TriggerReconnectForMap(Game::msg_t* msg, const char* mapname) { Theatre::StopRecording(); char hashBuf[100] = { 0 }; unsigned int hash = atoi(Game::MSG_ReadStringLine(msg, hashBuf, sizeof hashBuf)); if(!Maps::CheckMapInstalled(mapname, false, true) || hash && hash != Maps::GetUsermapHash(mapname)) { // Reconnecting forces the client to download the new map Command::Execute("disconnect", false); Command::Execute("awaitDatabase", false); // Wait for the database to load Command::Execute("wait 100", false); Command::Execute("openmenu popup_reconnectingtoparty", false); Command::Execute("delayReconnect", false); return true; } return false; } __declspec(naked) void Maps::RotateCheckStub() { __asm { push eax pushad push [esp + 28h] push ebp call Maps::TriggerReconnectForMap add esp, 8h mov [esp + 20h], eax popad pop eax test eax, eax jnz skipRotation push 487C50h // Rotate map skipRotation: retn } } __declspec(naked) void Maps::SpawnServerStub() { __asm { pushad push [esp + 24h] call Maps::PrepareUsermap pop eax popad push 4A7120h // SV_SpawnServer retn } } __declspec(naked) void Maps::LoadMapLoadscreenStub() { __asm { pushad push [esp + 24h] call Maps::PrepareUsermap pop eax popad push 4D8030h // LoadMapLoadscreen retn } } void Maps::AddDlc(Maps::DLC dlc) { for (auto& pack : Maps::DlcPacks) { if (pack.index == dlc.index) { pack.maps = dlc.maps; Maps::UpdateDlcStatus(); return; } } Dvar::Register(Utils::String::VA("isDlcInstalled_%d", dlc.index), false, Game::DVAR_EXTERNAL | Game::DVAR_INIT, ""); Maps::DlcPacks.push_back(dlc); Maps::UpdateDlcStatus(); } void Maps::UpdateDlcStatus() { bool hasAllDlcs = true; std::vector hasDlc; for (auto& pack : Maps::DlcPacks) { bool hasAllMaps = true; for (auto map : pack.maps) { if (!FastFiles::Exists(map)) { hasAllMaps = false; hasAllDlcs = false; break; } } hasDlc.push_back(hasAllMaps); Dvar::Var(Utils::String::VA("isDlcInstalled_%d", pack.index)).set(hasAllMaps ? true : false); } // Must have all of dlc 3 to 5 or it causes issues static bool sentMessage = false; if (hasDlc.size() >= 5 && (hasDlc[2] || hasDlc[3] || hasDlc[4]) && (!hasDlc[2] || !hasDlc[3] || !hasDlc[4]) && !sentMessage) { StartupMessages::AddMessage("Warning:\n You only have some of DLCs 3-5 which are all required to be installed to work. There may be issues with those maps."); sentMessage = true; } Dvar::Var("isDlcInstalled_All").set(hasAllDlcs ? true : false); } bool Maps::IsCustomMap() { Game::GfxWorld*& gameWorld = *reinterpret_cast(0x66DEE94); if(gameWorld) return gameWorld->checksum == 0xDEADBEEF; return false; } bool Maps::IsUserMap(const std::string& mapname) { return Utils::IO::DirectoryExists(Utils::String::VA("usermaps/%s", mapname.data())) && Utils::IO::FileExists(Utils::String::VA("usermaps/%s/%s.ff", mapname.data(), mapname.data())); } Game::XAssetEntry* Maps::GetAssetEntryPool() { return *reinterpret_cast(0x48E6F4); } // dlcIsTrue serves as a check if the map is a custom map and if it's missing bool Maps::CheckMapInstalled(const char* mapname, bool error, bool dlcIsTrue) { if (FastFiles::Exists(mapname)) return true; for (auto& pack : Maps::DlcPacks) { for (auto map : pack.maps) { if (map == std::string(mapname)) { if (error) { Logger::Error(Game::ERR_DISCONNECT, "Missing DLC pack {} ({}) containing map {} ({}).\nPlease download it to play this map.", pack.name, pack.index, Game::UI_LocalizeMapName(mapname), mapname); } return dlcIsTrue; } } } if (error) { Logger::Error(Game::ERR_DISCONNECT, "Missing map file {}.\nYou may have a damaged installation or are attempting to load a non-existent map.", mapname); } return false; } void Maps::HideModel() { Game::GfxWorld*& gameWorld = *reinterpret_cast(0x66DEE94); if (!gameWorld) return; std::string model = Dvar::Var("r_hideModel").get(); if (model.empty()) return; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gameWorld->dpvs.smodelCount; ++i) { if (gameWorld->dpvs.smodelDrawInsts[i].model->name == model) { gameWorld->dpvs.smodelVisData[0][i] = 0; gameWorld->dpvs.smodelVisData[1][i] = 0; gameWorld->dpvs.smodelVisData[2][i] = 0; } } } __declspec(naked) void Maps::HideModelStub() { __asm { pushad call Maps::HideModel popad push 541E40h retn } } Game::dvar_t* Maps::GetDistortionDvar() { Game::dvar_t*& r_distortion = *reinterpret_cast(0x69F0DCC); if(Maps::IsCustomMap()) { static Game::dvar_t noDistortion; ZeroMemory(&noDistortion, sizeof noDistortion); return &noDistortion; } return r_distortion; } __declspec(naked) void Maps::SetDistortionStub() { __asm { push eax pushad call Maps::GetDistortionDvar mov [esp + 20h], eax popad pop eax retn } } Game::dvar_t* Maps::GetSpecularDvar() { Game::dvar_t*& r_specular = *reinterpret_cast(0x69F0D94); static Game::dvar_t* r_specularCustomMaps = Game::Dvar_RegisterBool("r_specularCustomMaps", false, Game::DVAR_ARCHIVE, "Allows shaders to use phong specular lighting on custom maps"); if (Maps::IsCustomMap()) { if (!r_specularCustomMaps->current.enabled) { static Game::dvar_t noSpecular; ZeroMemory(&noSpecular, sizeof noSpecular); return &noSpecular; } } return r_specular; } __declspec(naked) void Maps::SetSpecularStub1() { __asm { push eax pushad call Maps::GetSpecularDvar mov [esp + 20h], eax popad pop eax retn } } __declspec(naked) void Maps::SetSpecularStub2() { __asm { push eax pushad call Maps::GetSpecularDvar mov [esp + 20h], eax popad pop edx retn } } void Maps::G_SpawnTurretHook(Game::gentity_s* ent, int unk, int unk2) { if (Maps::CurrentMainZone == "mp_backlot_sh"s || Maps::CurrentMainZone == "mp_con_spring"s || Maps::CurrentMainZone == "mp_mogadishu_sh"s || Maps::CurrentMainZone == "mp_nightshift_sh"s) { return; } Utils::Hook::Call(0x408910)(ent, unk, unk2); } bool Maps::SV_SetTriggerModelHook(Game::gentity_s* ent) { // Use me for debugging //std::string classname = Game::SL_ConvertToString(ent->script_classname); //std::string targetname = Game::SL_ConvertToString(ent->targetname); return Utils::Hook::Call(0x5050C0)(ent); } int16 Maps::CM_TriggerModelBounds(int modelPointer, Game::Bounds* bounds) { #ifdef DEBUG Game::MapEnts* ents = *reinterpret_cast(0x1AA651C); // Use me for debugging (void)ents; #endif return Utils::Hook::Call(0x4416C0)(modelPointer, bounds); } Maps::Maps() { Scheduler::Once([] { Dvar::Register("isDlcInstalled_All", false, Game::DVAR_EXTERNAL | Game::DVAR_INIT, ""); Maps::RListSModels = Dvar::Register("r_listSModels", false, Game::DVAR_NONE, "Display a list of visible SModels"); Maps::AddDlc({ 1, "Stimulus Pack", {"mp_complex", "mp_compact", "mp_storm", "mp_overgrown", "mp_crash"} }); Maps::AddDlc({ 2, "Resurgence Pack", {"mp_abandon", "mp_vacant", "mp_trailerpark", "mp_strike", "mp_fuel2"} }); Maps::AddDlc({ 3, "Nuketown", {"mp_nuked"} }); Maps::AddDlc({ 4, "Classics Pack #1", {"mp_cross_fire", "mp_cargoship", "mp_bloc"} }); Maps::AddDlc({ 5, "Classics Pack #2", {"mp_killhouse", "mp_bog_sh"} }); Maps::AddDlc({ 6, "Freighter", {"mp_cargoship_sh"} }); Maps::AddDlc({ 7, "Resurrection Pack", {"mp_shipment_long", "mp_rust_long", "mp_firingrange"} }); Maps::AddDlc({ 8, "Recycled Pack", {"mp_bloc_sh", "mp_crash_tropical", "mp_estate_tropical", "mp_fav_tropical", "mp_storm_spring"} }); Maps::AddDlc({ 9, "Classics Pack #3", {"mp_farm", "mp_backlot", "mp_pipeline", "mp_countdown", "mp_crash_snow", "mp_carentan"}}); Maps::UpdateDlcStatus(); UIScript::Add("downloadDLC", [](UIScript::Token token) { int dlc = token.get(); for (const auto& pack : Maps::DlcPacks) { if (pack.index == dlc) { ShellExecuteW(0, 0, L"https://xlabs.dev/support_iw4x_client.html", 0, 0, SW_SHOW); return; } } Game::ShowMessageBox(Utils::String::VA("DLC %d does not exist!", dlc), "ERROR"); }); }, Scheduler::Pipeline::MAIN); // disable turrets on CoD:OL 448+ maps for now Utils::Hook(0x5EE577, Maps::G_SpawnTurretHook, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x44A4D5, Maps::G_SpawnTurretHook, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); #ifdef DEBUG // Check trigger models Utils::Hook(0x5FC0F1, Maps::SV_SetTriggerModelHook, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x5FC2671, Maps::SV_SetTriggerModelHook, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x5050D4, Maps::CM_TriggerModelBounds, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); #endif // //#define SORT_SMODELS #if !defined(DEBUG) || !defined(SORT_SMODELS) // Don't sort static models Utils::Hook::Nop(0x53D815, 2); #endif // Don't draw smodels //Utils::Hook::Set(0x541E40, 0xC3); // Restrict asset loading AssetHandler::OnLoad(Maps::LoadAssetRestrict); // hunk size (was 300 MiB) Utils::Hook::Set(0x64A029, 0x1C200000); // 450 MiB Utils::Hook::Set(0x64A057, 0x1C200000); #if DEBUG // Hunk debugging Utils::Hook::Set(0x4FF57B, 0xCC); Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4FF57C, 4); #else // Temporarily disable distortion warnings Utils::Hook::Nop(0x50DBFF, 5); Utils::Hook::Nop(0x50DC4F, 5); Utils::Hook::Nop(0x50DCA3, 5); Utils::Hook::Nop(0x50DCFE, 5); #endif // Intercept BSP name resolving Utils::Hook(0x4C5979, Maps::GetBSPName, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Intercept map zone loading/unloading Utils::Hook(0x42C2AF, Maps::LoadMapZones, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x60B477, Maps::UnloadMapZones, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Ignore SP entities Utils::Hook(0x444810, Maps::IgnoreEntityStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick(); // WorldData pointer replacement Utils::Hook(0x4D90B6, Maps::GetWorldDataStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Allow loading raw suns Utils::Hook(0x51B46A, Maps::LoadRawSun, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Disable distortion on custom maps //Utils::Hook(0x50AA47, Maps::SetDistortionStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Disable speculars on custom maps Utils::Hook(0x525EA6, Maps::SetSpecularStub1, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x51FBC7, Maps::SetSpecularStub2, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x522A2E, Maps::SetSpecularStub2, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook::Nop(0x51FBCC, 1); Utils::Hook::Nop(0x522A33, 1); // Intercept map loading for usermap initialization Utils::Hook(0x6245E3, Maps::SpawnServerStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x62493E, Maps::SpawnServerStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x42CF58, Maps::LoadMapLoadscreenStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x487CDD, Maps::LoadMapLoadscreenStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x4CA3E9, Maps::LoadMapLoadscreenStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x5A9D51, Maps::LoadMapLoadscreenStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Utils::Hook(0x5B34DD, Maps::LoadMapLoadscreenStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); Command::Add("delayReconnect", []([[maybe_unused]] Command::Params* params) { Scheduler::Once([] { Command::Execute("closemenu popup_reconnectingtoparty", false); Command::Execute("reconnect", false); }, Scheduler::Pipeline::CLIENT, 10s); }); if(Dedicated::IsEnabled()) { Utils::Hook(0x4A7251, Maps::LoadNewMapCommand, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); } // Download the map before a maprotation if necessary // Conflicts with Theater's SV map rotation check, but this one is safer! Utils::Hook(0x5AA91C, Maps::RotateCheckStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Load usermap arena file Utils::Hook(0x630A88, Maps::LoadArenaFileStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Dependencies //Maps::AddDependency("oilrig", "mp_subbase"); //Maps::AddDependency("gulag", "mp_subbase"); //Maps::AddDependency("invasion", "mp_rust"); //Maps::AddDependency("co_hunted", "mp_storm"); //Maps::AddDependency("mp_shipment", "mp_shipment_long"); // Allow hiding specific smodels Utils::Hook(0x50E67C, Maps::HideModelStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); if (Dedicated::IsEnabled() || ZoneBuilder::IsEnabled()) { return; } // Client only Scheduler::Loop([] { auto*& gameWorld = *reinterpret_cast(0x66DEE94); if (!Game::CL_IsCgameInitialized() || !gameWorld || !Maps::RListSModels.get()) return; std::map models; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gameWorld->dpvs.smodelCount; ++i) { if (gameWorld->dpvs.smodelVisData[0][i]) { std::string name = gameWorld->dpvs.smodelDrawInsts[i].model->name; if (!models.contains(name)) models[name] = 1; else models[name]++; } } Game::Font_s* font = Game::R_RegisterFont("fonts/smallFont", 0); auto height = Game::R_TextHeight(font); auto scale = 0.75f; float color[4] = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; unsigned int i = 0; for (auto& model : models) { Game::R_AddCmdDrawText(Utils::String::VA("%d %s", model.second, model.first.data()), 0x7FFFFFFF, font, 15.0f, (height * scale + 1) * (i++ + 1) + 15.0f, scale, scale, 0.0f, color, Game::ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL); } }, Scheduler::Pipeline::RENDERER); } Maps::~Maps() { Maps::DlcPacks.clear(); Maps::DependencyList.clear(); Maps::CurrentMainZone.clear(); Maps::CurrentDependencies.clear(); } }