#include #include #include #include "Discovery.hpp" #include "Events.hpp" #include "Node.hpp" #include "Party.hpp" #include "ServerList.hpp" #include "TextRenderer.hpp" #include "Toast.hpp" #include "UIFeeder.hpp" #include #include #include namespace Components { bool ServerList::SortAsc = false; int ServerList::SortKey = static_cast>(Column::Players); unsigned int ServerList::CurrentServer = 0; ServerList::Container ServerList::RefreshContainer; std::vector ServerList::OnlineList; std::vector ServerList::OfflineList; std::vector ServerList::FavouriteList; std::vector ServerList::VisibleList; bool ServerList::UseMasterServer = false; Dvar::Var ServerList::UIServerSelected; Dvar::Var ServerList::UIServerSelectedMap; Dvar::Var ServerList::NETServerQueryLimit; Dvar::Var ServerList::NETServerFrames; std::vector* ServerList::GetList() { if (IsOnlineList()) { return &OnlineList; } if (IsOfflineList()) { return &OfflineList; } if (IsFavouriteList()) { return &FavouriteList; } return nullptr; } bool ServerList::IsFavouriteList() { return (*Game::ui_netSource)->current.integer == 2; } bool ServerList::IsOfflineList() { return (*Game::ui_netSource)->current.integer == 0; } bool ServerList::IsOnlineList() { return (*Game::ui_netSource)->current.integer == 1; } unsigned int ServerList::GetServerCount() { return VisibleList.size(); } const char* ServerList::GetServerText(unsigned int index, int column) { auto* info = GetServer(index); if (info) { return GetServerInfoText(info, column); } return ""; } const char* ServerList::GetServerInfoText(ServerInfo* server, int column, bool sorting) { if (!server) return ""; switch (static_cast(column)) { case Column::Password: { return (server->password ? ":icon_locked:" : ""); } case Column::Matchtype: { return ((server->matchType == 1) ? "P" : "M"); } case Column::AimAssist: { return ((server->aimassist == 1) ? ":headshot:" : ""); } case Column::VoiceChat: { return ((server->voice == 1) ? ":voice_on:" : ""); } case Column::Hostname: { return server->hostname.data(); } case Column::Mapname: { if (server->svRunning) { if (!sorting && !Maps::CheckMapInstalled(server->mapname)) { return Utils::String::VA("^1%s", Localization::LocalizeMapName(server->mapname.data())); } return Localization::LocalizeMapName(server->mapname.data()); } return Utils::String::VA("^3%s", Localization::LocalizeMapName(server->mapname.data())); } case Column::Players: { return Utils::String::VA("%i/%i (%i)", server->clients, server->maxClients, server->bots); } case Column::Gametype: { return Game::UI_LocalizeGameType(server->gametype.data()); } case Column::Mod: { if (Utils::String::StartsWith(server->mod, "mods/")) { // Can point to '\0' which is fine return (server->mod.data() + 5); } return ""; } case Column::Ping: { if (server->ping < 75) // Below this is a good ping { return Utils::String::VA("^2%i", server->ping); } if (server->ping < 150) // Below this is a medium ping { return Utils::String::VA("^3%i", server->ping); } return Utils::String::VA("^1%i", server->ping); } default: { break; } } return ""; } void ServerList::SelectServer(unsigned int index) { CurrentServer = index; auto* serverInfo = GetCurrentServer(); if (serverInfo) { UIServerSelected.set(true); UIServerSelectedMap.set(serverInfo->mapname); Dvar::Var("ui_serverSelectedGametype").set(serverInfo->gametype); } else { UIServerSelected.set(false); } } void ServerList::UpdateVisibleList([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { auto* list = GetList(); if (!list) return; const std::vector tempList(*list); if (tempList.empty()) { Refresh(UIScript::Token(), info); } else { list->clear(); std::lock_guard _(RefreshContainer.mutex); RefreshContainer.sendCount = 0; RefreshContainer.sentCount = 0; for (const auto& server : tempList) { InsertRequest(server.addr); } } } void ServerList::RefreshVisibleList([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { RefreshVisibleListInternal(UIScript::Token(), info); } void ServerList::RefreshVisibleListInternal([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info, bool refresh) { Game::Dvar_SetBoolByName("ui_serverSelected", false); VisibleList.clear(); auto* list = GetList(); if (!list) return; if (refresh) { Refresh(UIScript::Token(), info); return; } auto ui_browserShowFull = Dvar::Var("ui_browserShowFull").get(); auto ui_browserShowEmpty = Dvar::Var("ui_browserShowEmpty").get(); auto ui_browserShowHardcore = Dvar::Var("ui_browserKillcam").get(); auto ui_browserShowPassword = Dvar::Var("ui_browserShowPassword").get(); auto ui_browserMod = Dvar::Var("ui_browserMod").get(); auto ui_joinGametype = (*Game::ui_joinGametype)->current.integer; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list->size(); ++i) { auto* serverInfo = &(*list)[i]; // Filter full servers if (!ui_browserShowFull && serverInfo->clients >= serverInfo->maxClients) continue; // Filter empty servers if (!ui_browserShowEmpty && serverInfo->clients <= 0) continue; // Filter hardcore servers if ((ui_browserShowHardcore == 0 && serverInfo->hardcore) || (ui_browserShowHardcore == 1 && !serverInfo->hardcore)) continue; // Filter servers with password if ((ui_browserShowPassword == 0 && serverInfo->password) || (ui_browserShowPassword == 1 && !serverInfo->password)) continue; // Don't show modded servers if ((ui_browserMod == 0 && static_cast(serverInfo->mod.size())) || (ui_browserMod == 1 && serverInfo->mod.empty())) continue; // Filter by gametype if (ui_joinGametype > 0 && (ui_joinGametype - 1) < *Game::gameTypeCount && Game::gameTypes[(ui_joinGametype - 1)].gameType != serverInfo->gametype) continue; VisibleList.push_back(i); } SortList(); } void ServerList::ParseNewMasterServerResponse(const std::string& servers) { std::lock_guard _(RefreshContainer.mutex); rapidjson::Document doc{}; const rapidjson::ParseResult result = doc.Parse(servers); if (!result || !doc.IsObject()) { UseMasterServer = false; Logger::Print("Unable to parse JSON response. Using the Node System\n"); return; } if (!doc.HasMember("servers")) { UseMasterServer = false; Logger::Print("Unable to parse JSON response: we were unable to find any server. Using the Node System\n"); return; } const rapidjson::Value& list = doc["servers"]; if (!list.IsArray() || list.Empty()) { UseMasterServer = false; Logger::Print("Unable to parse JSON response: we were unable to find any server. Using the Node System\n"); return; } Logger::Print("Response from the master server contains {} servers\n", list.Size()); std::size_t count = 0; for (const auto& entry : list.GetArray()) { if (!entry.HasMember("ip") || !entry.HasMember("port")) { continue; } if (!entry["ip"].IsString() || !entry["port"].IsInt()) { continue; } // Using VA because it's faster Network::Address server(Utils::String::VA("%s:%u", entry["ip"].GetString(), entry["port"].GetInt())); server.setType(Game::NA_IP); // Just making sure... InsertRequest(server); ++count; } if (!count) { UseMasterServer = false; Logger::Print("Despite receiving what looked like a valid response from the master server, we got {} servers. Using the Node System\n", count); return; } UseMasterServer = true; Logger::Print("Response from the master server was successfully parsed. We got {} servers\n", count); } void ServerList::Refresh([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { Dvar::Var("ui_serverSelected").set(false); auto* list = GetList(); if (list) list->clear(); VisibleList.clear(); { std::lock_guard _(RefreshContainer.mutex); RefreshContainer.servers.clear(); RefreshContainer.sendCount = 0; RefreshContainer.sentCount = 0; } if (IsOfflineList()) { Discovery::Perform(); } else if (IsOnlineList()) { const auto masterPort = (*Game::com_masterPort)->current.unsignedInt; const auto* masterServerName = (*Game::com_masterServerName)->current.string; RefreshContainer.awatingList = true; RefreshContainer.awaitTime = Game::Sys_Milliseconds(); Toast::Show("cardicon_headshot", "Server Browser", "Fetching servers...", 3000); const auto* url = "http://iw4x.plutools.pw/v1/servers/iw4x"; const auto reply = Utils::WebIO("IW4x", url).setTimeout(5000)->get(); if (reply.empty()) { Logger::Print("Response from {} was empty or the request timed out. Using the Node System\n", url); Toast::Show("cardicon_headshot", "^1Error", std::format("Could not get a response from {}. Using the Node System", url), 5000); UseMasterServer = false; return; } RefreshContainer.awatingList = false; ParseNewMasterServerResponse(reply); // TODO: Figure out what to do with this. Leave it to avoid breaking other code RefreshContainer.host = Network::Address(std::format("{}:{}", masterServerName, masterPort)); } else if (IsFavouriteList()) { LoadFavourties(); } } void ServerList::StoreFavourite(const std::string& server) { std::vector servers; const auto parseData = Utils::IO::ReadFile(FavouriteFile); if (!parseData.empty()) { nlohmann::json object; try { object = nlohmann::json::parse(parseData); } catch (const nlohmann::json::parse_error& ex) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "JSON Parse Error: {}\n", ex.what()); return; } if (!object.is_array()) { Logger::Print("Favourites storage file is invalid!\n"); Game::ShowMessageBox("Favourites storage file is invalid!", "Error"); return; } const nlohmann::json::array_t storedServers = object; for (const auto& storedServer : storedServers) { if (!storedServer.is_string()) continue; if (storedServer.get() == server) { Game::ShowMessageBox("Server already marked as favourite.", "Error"); return; } servers.push_back(storedServer.get()); } } servers.push_back(server); const auto data = nlohmann::json(servers); Utils::IO::WriteFile(FavouriteFile, data.dump()); Game::ShowMessageBox("Server added to favourites.", "Success"); } void ServerList::RemoveFavourite(const std::string& server) { std::vector servers; const auto parseData = Utils::IO::ReadFile(FavouriteFile); if (!parseData.empty()) { nlohmann::json object; try { object = nlohmann::json::parse(parseData); } catch (const nlohmann::json::parse_error& ex) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "JSON Parse Error: {}\n", ex.what()); return; } if (!object.is_array()) { Logger::Print("Favourites storage file is invalid!\n"); Game::ShowMessageBox("Favourites storage file is invalid!", "Error"); return; } const nlohmann::json::array_t arr = object; for (auto& storedServer : arr) { if (storedServer.is_string() && storedServer.get() != server) { servers.push_back(storedServer.get()); } } } const auto data = nlohmann::json(servers); Utils::IO::WriteFile(FavouriteFile, data.dump()); auto* list = GetList(); if (list) list->clear(); RefreshVisibleListInternal(UIScript::Token(), nullptr); } void ServerList::LoadFavourties() { if (!IsFavouriteList()) { return; } auto* list = GetList(); if (list) list->clear(); const auto parseData = Utils::IO::ReadFile(FavouriteFile); if (parseData.empty()) { return; } nlohmann::json object; try { object = nlohmann::json::parse(parseData); } catch (const nlohmann::json::parse_error& ex) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "JSON Parse Error: {}\n", ex.what()); return; } if (!object.is_array()) { Logger::Print("Favourites storage file is invalid!\n"); Game::ShowMessageBox("Favourites storage file is invalid!", "Error"); return; } const nlohmann::json::array_t servers = object; for (const auto& server : servers) { if (!server.is_string()) continue; InsertRequest(server.get()); } } void ServerList::InsertRequest(Network::Address address) { std::lock_guard _(RefreshContainer.mutex); Container::ServerContainer container; container.sent = false; container.target = address; auto alreadyInserted = false; for (auto &server : RefreshContainer.servers) { if (server.target == container.target) { alreadyInserted = true; break; } } if (!alreadyInserted) { RefreshContainer.servers.push_back(container); auto* list = GetList(); if (list) { for (auto& server : *list) { if (server.addr == container.target) { --RefreshContainer.sendCount; --RefreshContainer.sentCount; break; } } } ++RefreshContainer.sendCount; } } void ServerList::Insert(const Network::Address& address, const Utils::InfoString& info) { std::lock_guard _(RefreshContainer.mutex); for (auto i = RefreshContainer.servers.begin(); i != RefreshContainer.servers.end();) { // Our desired server if ((i->target != address) || !i->sent) { ++i; continue; } // Challenge did not match if (i->challenge != info.get("challenge")) { // Shall we remove the server from the queue? // Better not, it might send a second response with the correct challenge. // This might happen when users refresh twice (or more often) in a short period of time break; } ServerInfo server; server.hostname = info.get("hostname"); server.mapname = info.get("mapname"); server.gametype = info.get("gametype"); server.version = info.get("version"); server.mod = info.get("fs_game"); server.matchType = std::strtol(info.get("matchtype").data(), nullptr, 10); server.clients = std::strtol(info.get("clients").data(), nullptr, 10); server.bots = std::strtol(info.get("bots").data(), nullptr, 10); server.securityLevel = std::strtol(info.get("securityLevel").data(), nullptr, 10); server.maxClients = std::strtol(info.get("sv_maxclients").data(), nullptr, 10); server.password = info.get("isPrivate") == "1"s; server.aimassist = info.get("aimAssist") == "1"; server.voice = info.get("voiceChat") == "1"s; server.hardcore = info.get("hc") == "1"s; server.svRunning = info.get("sv_running") == "1"s; server.ping = (Game::Sys_Milliseconds() - i->sendTime); server.addr = address; std::hash hashFn; server.hash = hashFn(server); server.hostname = TextRenderer::StripMaterialTextIcons(server.hostname); server.mapname = TextRenderer::StripMaterialTextIcons(server.mapname); server.gametype = TextRenderer::StripMaterialTextIcons(server.gametype); server.mod = TextRenderer::StripMaterialTextIcons(server.mod); // Remove server from queue i = RefreshContainer.servers.erase(i); // Servers with more than 18 players or less than 0 players are faking for sure // So lets ignore those if (static_cast(server.clients) > Game::MAX_CLIENTS || static_cast(server.maxClients) > Game::MAX_CLIENTS) { return; } // Check if already inserted and remove auto* list = GetList(); if (!list) return; std::size_t k = 0; for (auto j = list->begin(); j != list->end(); ++k) { if (j->addr == address) { j = list->erase(j); } else { ++j; } } // Also remove from visible list for (auto j = VisibleList.begin(); j != VisibleList.end();) { if (*j == k) { j = VisibleList.erase(j); } else { ++j; } } if (info.get("gamename") == "IW4"s && server.matchType) { auto* lList = GetList(); if (lList) { if (!IsServerDuplicate(lList, server)) { lList->push_back(server); RefreshVisibleListInternal(UIScript::Token(), nullptr); } } } } } bool ServerList::CompareVersion(const std::string& version1, const std::string& version2) { auto subVersions1 = Utils::String::Split(version1, '.'); auto subVersions2 = Utils::String::Split(version2, '.'); while (subVersions1.size() >= 3) subVersions1.pop_back(); while (subVersions2.size() >= 3) subVersions2.pop_back(); if (subVersions1.size() != subVersions2.size()) return false; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < subVersions1.size(); ++i) { try { if (std::stoi(subVersions1[i]) != std::stoi(subVersions2[i])) { return false; } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "{} while performing numeric comparison between {} and {}\n", ex.what(), subVersions1[i], subVersions2[i]); return false; } } return true; } bool ServerList::IsServerDuplicate(const std::vector* list, const ServerInfo& server) { for (auto l = list->begin(); l != list->end(); ++l) { if (l->hash == server.hash) { return true; } } return false; } ServerList::ServerInfo* ServerList::GetCurrentServer() { return GetServer(CurrentServer); } void ServerList::SortList() { // Only sort when the serverlist is open if (!IsServerListOpen()) return; std::ranges::stable_sort(VisibleList, [](const unsigned int& server1, const unsigned int& server2) -> bool { ServerInfo* info1 = nullptr; ServerInfo* info2 = nullptr; auto* list = GetList(); if (!list) return false; if (list->size() > server1) info1 = &(*list)[server1]; if (list->size() > server2) info2 = &(*list)[server2]; if (!info1) return false; if (!info2) return false; // Numerical comparisons if (SortKey == static_cast>(Column::Ping)) { return info1->ping < info2->ping; } if (SortKey == static_cast>(Column::Players)) { return info1->clients < info2->clients; } auto text1 = Utils::String::ToLower(TextRenderer::StripColors(GetServerInfoText(info1, SortKey, true))); auto text2 = Utils::String::ToLower(TextRenderer::StripColors(GetServerInfoText(info2, SortKey, true))); // ASCII-based comparison return text1.compare(text2) < 0; }); if (!SortAsc) std::ranges::reverse(VisibleList); } ServerList::ServerInfo* ServerList::GetServer(unsigned int index) { if (VisibleList.size() > index) { auto* list = GetList(); if (!list) return nullptr; if (list->size() > VisibleList[index]) { return &(*list)[VisibleList[index]]; } } return nullptr; } void ServerList::Frame() { static Utils::Time::Interval frameLimit; const auto interval = static_cast(1000.0f / static_cast(NETServerFrames.get())); if (!frameLimit.elapsed(std::chrono::milliseconds(interval))) { return; } frameLimit.update(); std::lock_guard _(RefreshContainer.mutex); if (RefreshContainer.awatingList) { // Stop counting if we are out of the server browser menu if (!IsServerListOpen()) { RefreshContainer.awatingList = false; } // Check if we haven't got a response within 5 seconds if (Game::Sys_Milliseconds() - RefreshContainer.awaitTime > 5000) { RefreshContainer.awatingList = false; Logger::Print("We haven't received a response from the master within {} seconds!\n", (Game::Sys_Milliseconds() - RefreshContainer.awaitTime) / 1000); UseMasterServer = false; Node::Synchronize(); } } const auto challenge = Utils::Cryptography::Rand::GenerateChallenge(); auto requestLimit = NETServerQueryLimit.get(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < RefreshContainer.servers.size() && requestLimit > 0; ++i) { auto* server = &RefreshContainer.servers[i]; if (server->sent) continue; // Found server we can send a request to server->sent = true; requestLimit--; server->sendTime = Game::Sys_Milliseconds(); server->challenge = challenge; ++RefreshContainer.sentCount; Network::SendCommand(server->target, "getinfo", server->challenge); } UpdateVisibleInfo(); } void ServerList::UpdateSource() { auto source = (*Game::ui_netSource)->current.integer; if (++source > (*Game::ui_netSource)->domain.integer.max) { source = 0; } Game::Dvar_SetInt(*Game::ui_netSource, source); RefreshVisibleListInternal(UIScript::Token(), nullptr, true); } void ServerList::UpdateGameType() { auto gametype = (*Game::ui_joinGametype)->current.integer; if (++gametype > *Game::gameTypeCount) { gametype = 0; } Game::Dvar_SetInt(*Game::ui_joinGametype, gametype); RefreshVisibleListInternal(UIScript::Token(), nullptr); } void ServerList::UpdateVisibleInfo() { static auto servers = 0; static auto players = 0; static auto bots = 0; auto* list = GetList(); if (list) { auto newSevers = static_cast(list->size()); auto newPlayers = 0; auto newBots = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < list->size(); ++i) { newPlayers += list->at(i).clients; newBots += list->at(i).bots; } if (newSevers != servers || newPlayers != players || newBots != bots) { servers = newSevers; players = newPlayers; bots = newBots; Localization::Set("MPUI_SERVERQUERIED", std::format("Servers: {}\nPlayers: {} ({})", servers, players, bots)); } } } bool ServerList::GetMasterServer(const char* ip, int port, Game::netadr_t& address) { return Game::NET_StringToAdr(Utils::String::VA("%s:%u", ip, port), &address); } bool ServerList::IsServerListOpen() { auto* menu = Game::Menus_FindByName(Game::uiContext, "pc_join_unranked"); if (!menu) { return false; } return Game::Menu_IsVisible(Game::uiContext, menu); } ServerList::ServerList() { OnlineList.clear(); OfflineList.clear(); FavouriteList.clear(); VisibleList.clear(); Events::OnDvarInit([] { UIServerSelected = Dvar::Register("ui_serverSelected", false, Game::DVAR_NONE, "Whether a server has been selected in the serverlist"); UIServerSelectedMap = Dvar::Register("ui_serverSelectedMap", "mp_afghan", Game::DVAR_NONE, "Map of the selected server"); NETServerQueryLimit = Dvar::Register("net_serverQueryLimit", 1, 1, 10, Dedicated::IsEnabled() ? Game::DVAR_NONE : Game::DVAR_ARCHIVE, "Amount of server queries per frame"); NETServerFrames = Dvar::Register("net_serverFrames", 30, 1, 60, Dedicated::IsEnabled() ? Game::DVAR_NONE : Game::DVAR_ARCHIVE, "Amount of server query frames per second"); }); // Fix ui_netsource dvar Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4CDEEC, 5); // Don't reset the netsource when gametypes aren't loaded Localization::Set("MPUI_SERVERQUERIED", "Servers: 0\nPlayers: 0 (0)"); Network::OnClientPacket("getServersResponse", [](const Network::Address& address, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string& data) { if (RefreshContainer.host != address) return; // Only parse from host we sent to RefreshContainer.awatingList = false; std::lock_guard _(RefreshContainer.mutex); auto offset = 0; const auto count = RefreshContainer.servers.size(); MasterEntry* entry; // Find first entry do { entry = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(data.data()) + offset++); } while (!entry->HasSeparator() && !entry->IsEndToken()); for (int i = 0; !entry[i].IsEndToken() && entry[i].HasSeparator(); ++i) { Network::Address serverAddr = address; serverAddr.setIP(entry[i].ip); serverAddr.setPort(ntohs(entry[i].port)); serverAddr.setType(Game::NA_IP); InsertRequest(serverAddr); } Logger::Print("Parsed {} servers from master\n", RefreshContainer.servers.size() - count); }); // Set default masterServerName + port and save it Utils::Hook::Set(0x60AD92, "server.alterware.dev"); Utils::Hook::Set(0x60AD90, Game::DVAR_NONE); // masterServerName Utils::Hook::Set(0x60ADC6, Game::DVAR_NONE); // masterPort // Add server list feeder UIFeeder::Add(2.0f, GetServerCount, GetServerText, SelectServer); // Add required UIScripts UIScript::Add("UpdateFilter", RefreshVisibleList); UIScript::Add("RefreshFilter", UpdateVisibleList); UIScript::Add("RefreshServers", Refresh); UIScript::Add("JoinServer", []([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { auto* serverInfo = GetServer(CurrentServer); if (serverInfo) { Party::Connect(serverInfo->addr); } }); UIScript::Add("ServerSort", []([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { const auto key = token.get(); if (SortKey == key) { SortAsc = !SortAsc; } else { SortKey = key; SortAsc = true; } Logger::Print("Sorting server list by token: {}\n", SortKey); SortList(); }); UIScript::Add("CreateListFavorite", []([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { auto* serverInfo = GetCurrentServer(); if (info && serverInfo && serverInfo->addr.isValid()) { StoreFavourite(serverInfo->addr.getString()); } }); UIScript::Add("CreateFavorite", []([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { const auto value = Dvar::Var("ui_favoriteAddress").get(); if (!value.empty()) { StoreFavourite(value); } }); UIScript::Add("CreateCurrentServerFavorite", []([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { if (Game::CL_IsCgameInitialized()) { const auto addressText = Network::Address(*Game::connectedHost).getString(); if (addressText != ""s && addressText != "loopback"s) { StoreFavourite(addressText); } } }); UIScript::Add("DeleteFavorite", []([[maybe_unused]] const UIScript::Token& token, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::uiInfo_s* info) { auto* serverInfo = GetCurrentServer(); if (serverInfo) { RemoveFavourite(serverInfo->addr.getString()); } }); // Add required ownerDraws UIScript::AddOwnerDraw(220, UpdateSource); UIScript::AddOwnerDraw(253, UpdateGameType); // Add frame callback Scheduler::Loop(Frame, Scheduler::Pipeline::CLIENT); } void ServerList::preDestroy() { std::lock_guard _(RefreshContainer.mutex); RefreshContainer.awatingList = false; RefreshContainer.servers.clear(); } }