#include "STDInclude.hpp" namespace Components { Pipe IPCPipe::ServerPipe; Pipe IPCPipe::ClientPipe; #pragma region Pipe Pipe::Pipe() : connectCallback(0), pipe(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), threadAttached(false), type(IPCTYPE_NONE), reconnectAttempt(0) { this->destroy(); } Pipe::~Pipe() { this->destroy(); } bool Pipe::connect(std::string name) { this->destroy(); this->type = IPCTYPE_CLIENT; this->setName(name); this->pipe = CreateFileA(this->pipeFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == this->pipe) { Logger::Print("Failed to connect to the pipe\n"); if (this->reconnectAttempt < IPC_MAX_RECONNECTS) { Logger::Print("Attempting to reconnect to the pipe.\n"); ++this->reconnectAttempt; std::this_thread::sleep_for(500ms); return this->connect(name); } else { this->destroy(); return false; } } this->reconnectAttempt = 0; Logger::Print("Successfully connected to the pipe\n"); return true; } bool Pipe::create(std::string name) { this->destroy(); this->type = IPCTYPE_SERVER; this->setName(name); this->pipe = CreateNamedPipeA(this->pipeFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, sizeof(this->packet), sizeof(this->packet), NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT, nullptr); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != this->pipe && this->pipe) { // Only create the thread, when not performing unit tests! if (!Loader::PerformingUnitTests()) { this->threadAttached = true; this->thread = std::thread(Pipe::ReceiveThread, this); } Logger::Print("Pipe successfully created\n"); return true; } Logger::Print("Failed to create the pipe\n"); this->destroy(); return false; } void Pipe::onConnect(Pipe::Callback callback) { this->connectCallback = callback; } void Pipe::setCallback(std::string command, Utils::Slot callback) { this->packetCallbacks[command] = callback; } bool Pipe::write(std::string command, std::string data) { if (this->type != IPCTYPE_CLIENT || this->pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; Pipe::Packet _packet; strcpy_s(_packet.command, command.data()); strcpy_s(_packet.buffer, data.data()); DWORD cbBytes; return (WriteFile(this->pipe, &_packet, sizeof(_packet), &cbBytes, nullptr) || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING); } void Pipe::destroy() { //this->Type = IPCTYPE_NONE; //*this->PipeFile = 0; //*this->PipeName = 0; if (this->pipe && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != this->pipe) { CancelIoEx(this->pipe, nullptr); //DeleteFileA(this->pipeFile); if (this->type == IPCTYPE_SERVER) DisconnectNamedPipe(this->pipe); CloseHandle(this->pipe); Logger::Print("Disconnected from the pipe.\n"); } this->pipe = nullptr; this->threadAttached = false; if (this->thread.joinable()) { Logger::Print("Terminating pipe thread...\n"); this->thread.join(); Logger::Print("Pipe thread terminated.\n"); } this->thread = std::thread(); } void Pipe::setName(std::string name) { memset(this->pipeName, 0, sizeof(this->pipeName)); memset(this->pipeFile, 0, sizeof(this->pipeFile)); strncpy_s(this->pipeName, name.data(), sizeof(this->pipeName)); sprintf_s(this->pipeFile, sizeof(this->pipeFile), "\\\\.\\Pipe\\%s", this->pipeName); } void Pipe::ReceiveThread(Pipe* pipe) { if (!pipe || pipe->type != IPCTYPE_SERVER || pipe->pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !pipe->pipe) return; if (ConnectNamedPipe(pipe->pipe, nullptr) == FALSE) { Logger::Print("Failed to initialize pipe reading.\n"); return; } Logger::Print("Client connected to the pipe\n"); pipe->connectCallback(); DWORD cbBytes; while (pipe->threadAttached && pipe->pipe && pipe->pipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BOOL bResult = ReadFile(pipe->pipe, &pipe->packet, sizeof(pipe->packet), &cbBytes, nullptr); if (bResult && cbBytes) { if (pipe->packetCallbacks.find(pipe->packet.command) != pipe->packetCallbacks.end()) { pipe->packetCallbacks[pipe->packet.command](pipe->packet.buffer); } } else if (pipe->threadAttached && pipe->pipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Logger::Print("Failed to read from client through pipe\n"); DisconnectNamedPipe(pipe->pipe); ConnectNamedPipe(pipe->pipe, nullptr); pipe->connectCallback(); } ZeroMemory(&pipe->packet, sizeof(pipe->packet)); } } #pragma endregion // Callback to connect first instance's client pipe to the second instance's server pipe void IPCPipe::ConnectClient() { if (Singleton::IsFirstInstance()) { IPCPipe::ClientPipe.connect(IPC_PIPE_NAME_CLIENT); } } // Writes to the process on the other end of the pipe bool IPCPipe::Write(std::string command, std::string data) { return IPCPipe::ClientPipe.write(command, data); } // Installs a callback for receiving commands from the process on the other end of the pipe void IPCPipe::On(std::string command, Utils::Slot callback) { IPCPipe::ServerPipe.setCallback(command, callback); } IPCPipe::IPCPipe() { if (Dedicated::IsEnabled() || Monitor::IsEnabled()) return; // Server pipe IPCPipe::ServerPipe.onConnect(IPCPipe::ConnectClient); IPCPipe::ServerPipe.create((Singleton::IsFirstInstance() ? IPC_PIPE_NAME_SERVER : IPC_PIPE_NAME_CLIENT)); // Connect second instance's client pipe to first instance's server pipe if (!Singleton::IsFirstInstance()) { IPCPipe::ClientPipe.connect(IPC_PIPE_NAME_SERVER); } IPCPipe::On("ping", [] (std::string data) { Logger::Print("Received ping form pipe, sending pong!\n"); IPCPipe::Write("pong", data); }); IPCPipe::On("pong", [] (std::string data) { Logger::Print("Received pong form pipe!\n"); }); // Test pipe functionality by sending pings Command::Add("ipcping", [] (Command::Params*) { Logger::Print("Sending ping to pipe!\n"); IPCPipe::Write("ping", ""); }); } void IPCPipe::preDestroy() { IPCPipe::ServerPipe.destroy(); IPCPipe::ClientPipe.destroy(); } }