Jenkinsfile: Fix workspace allocation and rewrite for configuration mapping.
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,11 +36,43 @@ is set up. For those who want to play around with this, here's a bit of informat
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field def configurations = [
// "DebugStatic",
// "ReleaseStatic"
"Debug": [
WorkspaceID: "build@debug",
StashName: "iw4x-debug",
MSBuildConfiguration: "Debug",
PremakeArgs: "",
Archive: true,
"Release": [
WorkspaceID: "build@release",
StashName: "iw4x-release",
MSBuildConfiguration: "Release",
PremakeArgs: "",
Archive: true,
"Release with unit tests": [
WorkspaceID: "build@release+unittests",
StashName: "iw4x-release-unittests",
MSBuildConfiguration: "Release",
PremakeArgs: "--force-unit-tests",
Archive: false,
].collect {k, v -> [k, v]}
@Field def testing = [
"Debug": [
WorkspaceID: "testing@debug",
StashName: "iw4x-debug",
"Release": [
WorkspaceID: "testing@release",
StashName: "iw4x-release-unittests",
].collect {k, v -> [k, v]}
def jobWorkspace(id, f) {
ws("workspace/${env.JOB_NAME}@$id", f)
def useShippedPremake(f) {
def premakeHome = "${pwd()}\\tools"
@ -65,19 +97,19 @@ def getIW4xExecutable() {
// This will build the IW4x client.
// We need a Windows Server with Visual Studio 2015, Premake5 and Git on it.
def doBuild(name, wsid, premakeFlags, configuration) {
def doBuild(cfg) {
node("windows") {
ws("IW4x/build/$wsid") {
jobWorkspace(cfg.WorkspaceID) {
checkout scm
useShippedPremake {
def outputDir = pwd()
def msbuild = tool "Microsoft.NET MSBuild 14.0"
bat "premake5 vs2015 $premakeFlags"
bat "\"${msbuild}\" build\\iw4x.sln \"/p:OutDir=$outputDir\\\\\" \"/p:Configuration=$configuration\""
bat "premake5 vs2015 ${cfg.PremakeArgs}"
bat "\"${msbuild}\" build\\iw4x.sln \"/p:OutDir=$outputDir\\\\\" \"/p:Configuration=${cfg.MSBuildConfiguration}\""
stash name: "$name", includes: "*.dll,*.pdb"
stash name: "${cfg.StashName}", includes: "*.dll,*.pdb"
@ -148,6 +180,7 @@ gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Checkout & Versioning", "Build", "Testing", "Archiving"])
stage("Checkout & Versioning") {
gitlabCommitStatus("Checkout & Versioning") {
node("windows") {
jobWorkspace("versioning") {
checkout scm
useShippedPremake {
@ -158,19 +191,24 @@ gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Checkout & Versioning", "Build", "Testing", "Archiving"])
// For each available configuration generate a normal build and a unit test build.
stage("Build") {
gitlabCommitStatus("Build") {
def executions = [:]
for (int i = 0; i < configurations.size(); i++)
def configuration = configurations[i]
executions["$configuration"] = {
doBuild("IW4x $configuration", "$configuration", "", configuration)
for (int i = 0; i < configurations.size(); i++) {
def entry = configurations[i]
def configName = entry[0]
def config = entry[1]
executions[configName] = {
node("windows") {
jobWorkspace(config.WorkspaceID) {
executions["$configuration with unit tests"] = {
doBuild("IW4x $configuration (unit tests)", "$configuration+unittests", "--force-unit-tests", configuration)
parallel executions
@ -181,16 +219,20 @@ gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Checkout & Versioning", "Build", "Testing", "Archiving"])
stage("Testing") {
gitlabCommitStatus("Testing") {
executions = [:]
for (int i = 0; i < configurations.size(); i++) {
def configuration = configurations[i]
executions["$configuration on Windows"] = {
for (int i = 0; i < testing.size(); i++) {
def entry = testing.get(i)
def testName = entry[0]
def test = entry[1]
executions["$testName on Windows"] = {
node("windows") {
ws("IW4x/testing/$configuration") {
doUnitTests("IW4x $configuration (unit tests)")
jobWorkspace(test.WorkspaceID) {
executions["$configuration on Linux"] = {
executions["$testName on Linux"] = {
node("docker && linux && amd64") {
try {
def image = null
@ -200,12 +242,12 @@ gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Checkout & Versioning", "Build", "Testing", "Archiving"])
image.inside {
doUnitTests("IW4x $configuration (unit tests)")
} catch (Exception e) {
if (isUnix()) {
manager.addWarningBadge "$configuration unit test failed on Linux"
manager.addWarningBadge "$testName unit test failed on Linux"
} else {
throw e
@ -221,13 +263,18 @@ gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Checkout & Versioning", "Build", "Testing", "Archiving"])
stage("Archiving") {
gitlabCommitStatus("Archiving") {
node("windows") { // any node will do
ws("IW4x/pub") {
jobWorkspace("archiving") {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < configurations.size(); i++)
def configuration = configurations[i]
dir("$configuration") {
unstash "IW4x $configuration"
for (int i = 0; i < configurations.size(); i++) {
def entry = configurations[i]
def configName = entry[0]
def config = entry[1]
if (config.Archive) {
dir(configName) {
unstash config.StashName
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/*.dll,**/*.pdb", fingerprint: true
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