Implement custom menus (with support for multiple menus in one menufile!)

Still contains some memory leaks!
This commit is contained in:
momo5502 2015-12-24 12:00:29 +01:00
parent 2809f51ba6
commit 85f0ebdc5d
4 changed files with 202 additions and 22 deletions

@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ namespace Components
return i;
Game::script_t* Menus::LoadMenuScript(std::string buffer)
Game::script_t* Menus::LoadMenuScript(const char* name, std::string buffer)
Game::script_t* script = Game::Script_Alloc(sizeof(Game::script_t) + 1 + buffer.length());
strcpy_s(script->filename, sizeof(script->filename), "script_t");
strcpy_s(script->filename, sizeof(script->filename), name);
script->buffer = (char*)(script + 1);
*((char*)(script + 1) + buffer.length()) = '\0';
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ namespace Components
return script;
int Menus::LoadMenuSource(std::string buffer)
int Menus::LoadMenuSource(const char* name, std::string buffer)
int handle = Menus::ReserveSourceHandle();
if (!handle) return 0; // No free source slot!
if (!Menus::IsValidSourceHandle(handle)) return 0; // No free source slot!
Game::source_t *source = nullptr;
Game::script_t *script = Menus::LoadMenuScript(buffer);
Game::script_t *script = Menus::LoadMenuScript(name, buffer);
if (!script)
@ -82,38 +82,193 @@ namespace Components
return handle;
Game::menuDef_t* Menus::LoadMenu(Game::menuDef_t* menudef)
bool Menus::IsValidSourceHandle(int handle)
return (handle > 0 && handle < MAX_SOURCEFILES && Game::sourceFiles[handle]);
int Menus::KeywordHash(char* key)
// patch this function on-the-fly, as it's some ugly C.
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x63FE9E, 3523);
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x63FECB, 0x7F);
int var = 0x63FE90;
mov eax, key
call var
mov var, eax
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x63FE9E, 531);
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x63FECB, 0x1FF);
return var;
Game::menuDef_t* Menus::ParseMenu(int handle)
Game::menuDef_t* menu = (Game::menuDef_t*)calloc(1, 2048); // FIXME: tentative size
menu->items = (Game::itemDef_t**)calloc(512, sizeof(Game::itemDef_t*));
Game::pc_token_t token;
Game::keywordHash_t *key;
if (!Menus::ReadToken(handle, &token) || token.string[0] != '{')
return menu;
while (true)
ZeroMemory(&token, sizeof(token));
if (!Menus::ReadToken(handle, &token))
Game::PC_SourceError(handle, "end of file inside menu\n");
break; // Fail
if (*token.string == '}')
break; // Success
int idx = Menus::KeywordHash(token.string);
key = Game::menuParseKeywordHash[idx];
if (!key)
Game::PC_SourceError(handle, "unknown menu keyword %s", token.string);
if (!key->func((Game::itemDef_t*)menu, handle))
Game::PC_SourceError(handle, "couldn't parse menu keyword %s", token.string);
break; // Fail
return menu;
int Menus::ReadToken(int handle, Game::pc_token_t *pc_token)
Game::token_t token;
int ret;
if (!Menus::IsValidSourceHandle(handle)) return 0;
ret = Game::PC_ReadToken(Game::sourceFiles[handle], &token);
strcpy(pc_token->string, token.string);
pc_token->type = token.type;
pc_token->subtype = token.subtype;
pc_token->intvalue = token.intvalue;
pc_token->floatvalue = (float)token.floatvalue;
if (pc_token->type == TT_STRING)
// StripDoubleQuotes
char *string = pc_token->string;
if (*string == '\"')
strcpy(string, string + 1);
if (string[strlen(string) - 1] == '\"')
string[strlen(string) - 1] = '\0';
return ret;
std::vector<Game::menuDef_t*> Menus::LoadMenu(Game::menuDef_t* menudef)
std::vector<Game::menuDef_t*> menus;
FileSystem::File menuFile(Utils::VA("ui_mp\\", menudef->;
if (menuFile.Exists())
int handle = Menus::LoadMenuSource(menuFile.GetBuffer());
Game::pc_token_t token;
int handle = Menus::LoadMenuSource(menudef->, menuFile.GetBuffer());
if (!Menus::IsValidSourceHandle(handle))
return menus;
// TODO: Parse menu!
while (true)
ZeroMemory(&token, sizeof(token));
if (!Menus::ReadToken(handle, &token) || token.string[0] == '}')
if (!_stricmp(token.string, "loadmenu"))
Menus::ReadToken(handle, &token);
// Ugly, but does the job ;)
Game::menuDef_t _temp; = token.string;
std::vector<Game::menuDef_t*> newMenus = Menus::LoadMenu(&_temp);
for (auto newMenu : newMenus)
if (!_stricmp(token.string, "menudef"))
return menudef;
if (!menus.size())
return menus;
Game::MenuList* Menus::LoadMenuList(Game::MenuList* menuList)
bool NewMenuLoaded = false;
std::vector<Game::menuDef_t*> menus;
for (int i = 0; i < menuList->menuCount; i++)
std::vector<Game::menuDef_t*> newMenus = Menus::LoadMenu(menuList->menus[i]);
for (auto newMenu : newMenus)
// Allocate new menu list
Game::MenuList* newList = (Game::MenuList*)calloc(1, sizeof(Game::MenuList));
newList->name = _strdup(menuList->name);
newList->menus = (Game::menuDef_t **)calloc(menuList->menuCount, sizeof(Game::menuDef_t *));
newList->menuCount = menuList->menuCount;
newList->menus = (Game::menuDef_t **)calloc(menus.size(), sizeof(Game::menuDef_t *));
newList->menuCount = menus.size();
// Copy new menus
memcpy(newList->menus,, menus.size() * sizeof(Game::menuDef_t *));
for (int i = 0; i < newList->menuCount; i++)
newList->menus[i] = Menus::LoadMenu(menuList->menus[i]);
return newList;
@ -124,7 +279,7 @@ namespace Components
void Menus::FreeMenuSource(int handle)
if (!Game::sourceFiles[handle]) return;
if (!Menus::IsValidSourceHandle(handle)) return;
Game::script_t *script;
// Game::token_t *token;
@ -155,7 +310,8 @@ namespace Components
void Menus::FreeMenu(Game::menuDef_t* menudef)
if (menudef->items) free(menudef->items);
void Menus::FreeMenuList(Game::MenuList* menuList)
@ -222,6 +378,12 @@ namespace Components
AssetHandler::On(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MENUFILE, Menus::MenuFileLoad);
// disable the 2 new tokens in ItemParse_rect
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x640693, 0xEB);
// don't load ASSET_TYPE_MENU assets for every menu (might cause patch menus to fail)
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x453406, 5);
Command::Add("openmenu", [] (Command::Params params)
if (params.Length() != 2)

@ -15,11 +15,17 @@ namespace Components
static Game::XAssetHeader MenuFileLoad(Game::XAssetType type, const char* filename);
static Game::MenuList* LoadMenuList(Game::MenuList* menuList);
static Game::menuDef_t* LoadMenu(Game::menuDef_t* menudef);
static std::vector<Game::menuDef_t*> LoadMenu(Game::menuDef_t* menudef);
static Game::script_t* LoadMenuScript(const char* name, std::string buffer);
static int LoadMenuSource(const char* name, std::string buffer);
static Game::script_t* LoadMenuScript(std::string buffer);
static int LoadMenuSource(std::string buffer);
static int ReserveSourceHandle();
static bool IsValidSourceHandle(int handle);
static int ReadToken(int handle, Game::pc_token_t *pc_token);
static Game::menuDef_t* ParseMenu(int handle);
static void FreeMenuScript(Game::script_t* script);
static void FreeMenuSource(int handle);
@ -28,5 +34,8 @@ namespace Components
static void FreeMenu(Game::menuDef_t* menudef);
static void FreeEverything();
// Ugly!
static int KeywordHash(char* key);

@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ namespace Game
LoadModdableRawfile_t LoadModdableRawfile = (LoadModdableRawfile_t)0x61ABC0;
PC_ReadToken_t PC_ReadToken = (PC_ReadToken_t)0x4ACCD0;
PC_SourceError_t PC_SourceError = (PC_SourceError_t)0x467A00;
Script_Alloc_t Script_Alloc = (Script_Alloc_t)0x422E70;
Script_SetupTokens_t Script_SetupTokens = (Script_SetupTokens_t)0x4E6950;
Script_CleanString_t Script_CleanString = (Script_CleanString_t)0x498220;

@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ namespace Game
typedef void* (__cdecl * LoadModdableRawfile_t)(int a1, const char* filename);
extern LoadModdableRawfile_t LoadModdableRawfile;
typedef int(__cdecl * PC_ReadToken_t)(source_t*, token_t*);
extern PC_ReadToken_t PC_ReadToken;
typedef void(__cdecl * PC_SourceError_t)(int, const char*, ...);
extern PC_SourceError_t PC_SourceError;
typedef script_t* (__cdecl * Script_Alloc_t)(int length);
extern Script_Alloc_t Script_Alloc;