Restore some code that was hastily removed, and add a warning for images of missing category
This commit is contained in:
@ -224,6 +224,18 @@ namespace Components
void AssetHandler::ModifyAsset(Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader asset, const std::string& name)
void AssetHandler::ModifyAsset(Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader asset, const std::string& name)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (type == Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE && name[0] != ',')
const auto image = asset.image;
const auto cat = static_cast<Game::ImageCategory>(image->category);
if (cat == Game::ImageCategory::IMG_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN)
Logger::Warning(Game::CON_CHANNEL_GFX, "Image {} has wrong category IMG_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN, this is an IMPORTANT ISSUE that should be fixed!\n", name);
if (type == Game::ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL && (name == "gfx_distortion_knife_trail" || name == "gfx_distortion_heat_far" || name == "gfx_distortion_ring_light" || name == "gfx_distortion_heat") && asset.material->info.sortKey >= 43)
if (type == Game::ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL && (name == "gfx_distortion_knife_trail" || name == "gfx_distortion_heat_far" || name == "gfx_distortion_ring_light" || name == "gfx_distortion_heat") && asset.material->info.sortKey >= 43)
if (Zones::Version() >= VERSION_ALPHA2)
if (Zones::Version() >= VERSION_ALPHA2)
@ -149,10 +149,161 @@ namespace Components
if (Dedicated::IsEnabled()) return;
if (Dedicated::IsEnabled()) return;
// Correctly upgrade stats
// Do not execute this when building zones
Utils::Hook(0x42F088, StructuredData::UpdateVersionOffsets, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
if (!ZoneBuilder::IsEnabled())
// Correctly upgrade stats
Utils::Hook(0x42F088, StructuredData::UpdateVersionOffsets, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
// 15 or more custom classes
// 15 or more custom classes
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x60A2FE, NUM_CUSTOM_CLASSES);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x60A2FE, NUM_CUSTOM_CLASSES);
// TODO: Since all of the following is zonebuilder-only code, move it to IW4OF or IStructuredDataDefSet.cpp
AssetHandler::OnLoad([](Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader asset, const std::string& filename, bool* /*restrict*/)
// Only intercept playerdatadef loading
if (type != Game::ASSET_TYPE_STRUCTURED_DATA_DEF || filename != "mp/playerdata.def") return;
// Store asset
Game::StructuredDataDefSet* data = asset.structuredDataDefSet;
if (!data) return;
if (data->defCount != 1)
Logger::Error(Game::ERR_FATAL, "PlayerDataDefSet contains more than 1 definition!");
if (data->defs[0].version != 155)
Logger::Error(Game::ERR_FATAL, "Initial PlayerDataDef is not version 155, patching not possible!");
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> patchDefinitions;
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>> otherPatchDefinitions;
// First check if all versions are present
for (int i = 156;; ++i)
// We're on DB thread (OnLoad) so use DB thread for FS
FileSystem::File definition(std::format("{}/{}.json", filename, i), Game::FsThread::FS_THREAD_DATABASE);
if (!definition.exists()) break;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> enumContainer;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> otherPatches;
nlohmann::json defData;
defData = nlohmann::json::parse(definition.getBuffer());
catch (const nlohmann::json::parse_error& ex)
Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "JSON Parse Error: {}\n", ex.what());
if (!defData.is_object())
Logger::Error(Game::ERR_FATAL, "PlayerDataDef patch for version {} is invalid!", i);
for (auto pType = 0; pType < StructuredData::PlayerDataType::COUNT; ++pType)
auto enumData = defData[StructuredData::EnumTranslation[pType]];
std::vector<std::string> entryData;
if (enumData.is_array())
for (const auto& rawEntry : enumData)
if (rawEntry.is_string())
auto other = defData["other"];
if (other.is_object())
for (auto& item : other.items())
if (item.value().is_string())
otherPatches[item.key()] = item.value().get<std::string>();
patchDefinitions[i] = enumContainer;
otherPatchDefinitions[i] = otherPatches;
// Nothing to patch
if (patchDefinitions.empty()) return;
// Reallocate the definition
auto* newData = StructuredData::MemAllocator.allocateArray<Game::StructuredDataDef>(data->defCount + patchDefinitions.size());
std::memcpy(&newData[patchDefinitions.size()], data->defs, sizeof Game::StructuredDataDef * data->defCount);
// Prepare the buffers
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < patchDefinitions.size(); ++i)
std::memcpy(&newData[i], data->defs, sizeof Game::StructuredDataDef);
newData[i].version = (patchDefinitions.size() - i) + 155;
// Reallocate the enum array
auto* newEnums = StructuredData::MemAllocator.allocateArray<Game::StructuredDataEnum>(data->defs->enumCount);
std::memcpy(newEnums, data->defs->enums, sizeof Game::StructuredDataEnum * data->defs->enumCount);
newData[i].enums = newEnums;
// Apply new data
data->defs = newData;
data->defCount += patchDefinitions.size();
// Patch the definition
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->defCount; ++i)
// No need to patch version 155
if (newData[i].version == 155) continue;
if (patchDefinitions.contains(newData[i].version))
auto patchData = patchDefinitions[newData[i].version];
auto otherData = otherPatchDefinitions[newData[i].version];
// Invalid patch data
if (patchData.size() != StructuredData::PlayerDataType::COUNT)
Logger::Error(Game::ERR_FATAL, "PlayerDataDef patch for version {} wasn't parsed correctly!", newData[i].version);
// Apply the patch data
for (auto pType = 0; pType < StructuredData::PlayerDataType::COUNT; ++pType)
if (!patchData[pType].empty())
StructuredData::PatchPlayerDataEnum(&newData[i], static_cast<StructuredData::PlayerDataType>(pType), patchData[pType]);
StructuredData::PatchAdditionalData(&newData[i], otherData);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user