[ZoneBuilder] building techsets.ff is now working. still need to clean it up and add a function to generate defaults.ff as well.

also featured in this commit:
- better cpu performance when running zb from the shell
- asset pools that are bigger than ever!
- new random struct stuff
This commit is contained in:
TheApadayo 2017-05-26 15:41:40 -04:00
parent 5bbfdfed53
commit 5be5c70cb6
3 changed files with 461 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -115,59 +115,6 @@ namespace Components
static bool buildingTechsets = false;
static std::string techsetCSV = "";
void ZoneBuilder::Zone::Zone::buildTechsets()
buildingTechsets = true;
techsetCSV = "";
this->zoneName = "iw4_techsets";
// load all fastfiles in the zone dir and make a fastfile that contains all the techsets in those fastfiles
std::string zone_dir = "zone/english";
auto files = Utils::IO::ListFiles(zone_dir);
std::string extension = ".ff";
std::string load_suffix = "_load.ff";
for (auto it : files)
if (!it.compare(it.length() - extension.length(), extension.length(), extension))
// ignore _load fastfiles
if (!it.compare(it.length() - load_suffix.length(), load_suffix.length(), load_suffix))
techsetCSV += "require,"s + it.substr(zone_dir.length() + 1, it.length() - zone_dir.length() - 4) + "\r\n"s;
this->dataMap = Utils::CSV(techsetCSV, false);
this->loadFastFiles(); // this also builds the asset list cause we're just dumping the entire DB
this->dataMap = Utils::CSV(techsetCSV, false); // update with asset list and not just requires
Logger::Print("Linking assets...\n");
if (!this->loadAssets()) return;
if (this->buffer.hasBlock())
Logger::Error("Non-popped blocks left!\n");
buildingTechsets = false;
void ZoneBuilder::Zone::loadFastFiles()
Logger::Print("Loading required FastFiles...\n");
@ -791,26 +738,70 @@ namespace Components
bool ZoneBuilder::mainThreadInterrupted;
DWORD ZoneBuilder::interruptingThreadId;
Game::XZoneInfo baseZones_old [] = { { "code_pre_gfx_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "localized_code_pre_gfx_mp", 0, 0 },
//{ "patch_code_pre_gfx_mp", 0, 0},
{ "code_post_gfx_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "localized_code_post_gfx_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "common_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "localized_common_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "ui_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "localized_ui_mp", 0, 0 }
void ZoneBuilder::AssumeMainThreadRole()
ZoneBuilder::mainThreadInterrupted = true;
ZoneBuilder::interruptingThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
void ZoneBuilder::ResetThreadRole()
ZoneBuilder::mainThreadInterrupted = false;
ZoneBuilder::interruptingThreadId = 0x0;
bool ZoneBuilder::IsThreadMainThreadHook()
// this is the thread that is interrupting so let it act as the main thread
if (ZoneBuilder::mainThreadInterrupted && GetCurrentThreadId() == ZoneBuilder::interruptingThreadId)
return true;
// block the main thread from doing anything "main thread" specific while
// the other thread is interrupting
//while (ZoneBuilder::mainThreadInterrupted) std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);
// normal functionality
return GetCurrentThreadId() == Utils::Hook::Get<DWORD>(0x1CDE7FC);
DWORD WINAPI ZoneBuilder::CommandsThread(LPVOID)
while (1)
// Cbuf_Execute doesn't work outside the main thread so hijack it
Utils::Hook::Call<void(int, int)>(0x4E2C80)(0, 0); // Cbuf_Execute
return 0;
static Game::XZoneInfo baseZones_old[] = {
{ "code_pre_gfx_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_CODE, 0 },
{ "localized_code_pre_gfx_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_CODE_LOC, 0 },
{ "code_post_gfx_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_CODE, 0 },
{ "localized_code_post_gfx_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_CODE_LOC, 0 },
{ "common_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_COMMON, 0 },
{ "localized_common_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_COMMON_LOC, 0 },
{ "ui_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_GAME, 0 },
{ "localized_ui_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_GAME, 0 }
Game::XZoneInfo baseZones [] = {
{ "defaults", 0, 0 },
{ "shaders", 0, 0 },
{ "common_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "localized_common_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "ui_mp", 0, 0 },
{ "localized_ui_mp", 0, 0 }
static Game::XZoneInfo baseZones[] = {
{ "defaults", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_CODE, 0 },
{ "techsets", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_CODE, 0 },
{ "common_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_COMMON, 0 },
{ "localized_common_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_COMMON_LOC, 0 },
{ "ui_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_GAME, 0 },
{ "localized_ui_mp", Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_GAME, 0 }
int __stdcall ZoneBuilder::EntryPoint(HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPSTR /*lpCmdLine*/, int /*nShowCmd*/)
@ -847,6 +838,9 @@ namespace Components
//Utils::Hook::Call<void()>(0x464A90)(); // Com_ParseCommandLine
Utils::Hook::Call<void()>(0x43D140)(); // Com_EventLoop
DWORD id = 0x12345678;
CreateThread(0, 0, CommandsThread, 0, 0, &id);
Command::Add("quit", [](Command::Params*)
@ -858,13 +852,13 @@ namespace Components
// now load default assets and shaders
if (FastFiles::Exists("defaults") && FastFiles::Exists("shaders"))
if (FastFiles::Exists("defaults") && FastFiles::Exists("techsets"))
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(baseZones, ARRAYSIZE(baseZones), 0);
Logger::Print("Warning: Missing new init zones (defaults.ff & shaders.ff). You will need to load fastfiles to manually obtain techsets.\n");
Logger::Print("Warning: Missing new init zones (defaults.ff & techsets.ff). You will need to load fastfiles to manually obtain techsets.\n");
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(baseZones_old, ARRAYSIZE(baseZones_old), 0);
@ -904,13 +898,18 @@ namespace Components
Logger::Print(" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
// now run main loop until quit
unsigned int frames = 0;
while (true)
Utils::Hook::Call<void()>(0x440EC0)(); // DB_Update
if (frames % 100 == 0)
Utils::Hook::Call<void()>(0x440EC0)(); // DB_Update
Utils::Hook::Call<void()>(0x43EBB0)(); // check for quit
Utils::Hook::Call<void()>(0x43D140)(); // Com_EventLoop
Utils::Hook::Call<void(int,int)>(0x4E2C80)(0, 0); // Cbuf_Execute
Utils::Hook::Call<void()>(0x43EBB0)(); // check for quit
return 0;
@ -944,6 +943,48 @@ namespace Components
if (!level) ExitProcess(1);
__declspec(naked) void ZoneBuilder::SoftErrorAssetOverflow()
// fuck with the stack to return to before DB_AddXAsset
add esp, 12 // exit from DB_AllocXAssetEntry
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
pop ebx
add esp, 14h
mov eax, [esp + 8]
std::string ZoneBuilder::FindMaterialByTechnique(std::string techniqueName)
static bool replacementFound = false;
replacementFound = false; // the above one only runs the first time
const char* ret = "default";
Game::DB_EnumXAssetEntries(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL, [techniqueName, &ret](Game::XAssetEntry* entry)
if (!replacementFound)
Game::XAssetHeader header = entry->asset.header;
std::string name = techniqueName;
if (name[0] == ',') name = name.substr(1);
if (name == header.material->techniqueSet->name)
ret = header.material->name;
replacementFound = true;
}, false, false);
if (replacementFound) return ret;
return ""s;
// ReSharper disable CppStaticAssertFailure
@ -1000,7 +1041,33 @@ namespace Components
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MAP_ENTS, 10);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_XMODELSURFS, 8192);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE, 14336);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_SET, 1536);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_SET, 0x2000);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_PIXELSHADER, 0x4000);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_VERTEXSHADER, 0x2000);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_VERTEXDECL, 0x400);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_FONT, 32);
Game::ReallocateAssetPool(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_RAWFILE, 2048);
// patch g_copyInfo because we're using so many more assets than originally intended
int newLimit = 0x2000;
int* g_copyInfo_new = Utils::Memory::AllocateArray<int>(newLimit);
Utils::Hook::Set<int*>(0x494083, g_copyInfo_new); // DB_DelayLoadImages
Utils::Hook::Set<int*>(0x5BB9CC, g_copyInfo_new); // DB_AddXAsset
Utils::Hook::Set<int*>(0x5BC723, g_copyInfo_new); // DB_PostLoadXZone
Utils::Hook::Set<int*>(0x5BC759, g_copyInfo_new);
Utils::Hook::Set<int>(0x5BB9AD, newLimit); // limit check
// this one lets us keep loading zones and it will ignore assets when the pool is filled
AssetHandler::OnLoad([](Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader, std::string, bool* restrict)
//if (*static_cast<int*>(Game::DB_XAssetPool[type].data) == 0)
if(Game::g_poolSize[type] == 0)
*restrict = true;
// hunk size (was 300 MiB)
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x64A029, 0x38400000); // 900 MiB
@ -1032,6 +1099,15 @@ namespace Components
// handle com_error calls
Utils::Hook(0x4B22D0, ZoneBuilder::HandleError, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// thread fuckery hooks
Utils::Hook(0x4C37D0, ZoneBuilder::IsThreadMainThreadHook, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// remove overriding asset messages
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x5BC74E, 5);
// don't remap techsets
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x5BC791, 5);
AssetHandler::OnLoad([](Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader /*asset*/, std::string name, bool* /*restrict*/)
if (!ZoneBuilder::TraceZone.empty() && ZoneBuilder::TraceZone == FastFiles::Current())
@ -1050,7 +1126,7 @@ namespace Components
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = zone.data();
info.allocFlags = 0x20;
info.allocFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
info.freeFlags = 0;
Logger::Print("Loading zone '%s'...\n", zone.data());
@ -1061,7 +1137,7 @@ namespace Components
auto assets = ZoneBuilder::EndAssetTrace();
Logger::Print("Unloading zone '%s'...\n", zone.data());
info.freeFlags = 0x20;
info.freeFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
info.allocFlags = 0;
info.name = nullptr;
@ -1104,20 +1180,269 @@ namespace Components
Command::Add("buildtechsets", [](Command::Params*)
static std::set<std::string> curTechsets_list;
static std::set<std::string> techsets_list;
AssetHandler::OnLoad([](Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader, std::string name, bool*)
if (name[0] == ',') return; // skip techsets from common_mp
if (techsets_list.find(name) == techsets_list.end())
AssetHandler::OnLoad([](Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader /*asset*/, std::string name, bool* restrict)
Command::Add("buildtechsets", [](Command::Params*)
if (buildingTechsets && type != Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_SET)
std::string csvStr;
auto fileList = Utils::IO::ListFiles("zone/english");
for (auto zone : fileList)
*restrict = true;
Utils::String::Replace(zone, "zone/english/", "");
Utils::String::Replace(zone, ".ff", "");
if (Utils::IO::FileExists("zone/techsets/" + zone + "_techsets.ff"))
Logger::Print("Skipping previously generated zone %s\n", zone.data());
if (zone.find("_load") != std::string::npos)
Logger::Print("Skipping loadscreen zone %s\n", zone.data());
if (Game::DB_IsZoneLoaded(zone.c_str()) || !FastFiles::Exists(zone))
if (zone[0] == '.') continue; // fucking mac dotfiles
curTechsets_list.clear(); // clear from last run
// load the zone
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = zone.c_str();
info.allocFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
info.freeFlags = 0x0;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, 0);
while (!Game::Sys_IsDatabaseReady()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); // wait till its fully loaded
if (curTechsets_list.size() == 0)
Logger::Print("Skipping empty zone %s\n", zone.data());
// unload zone
info.name = nullptr;
info.allocFlags = 0x0;
info.freeFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, true);
// ok so we're just gonna use the materials because they will use the techsets
for (auto tech : curTechsets_list)
std::string mat = ZoneBuilder::FindMaterialByTechnique(tech);
if (mat.length() == 0)
csvStr.append("techset," + tech + "\n");
csvStr.append("material," + mat + "\n");
// save csv
Utils::IO::WriteFile("zone_source/techsets/" + zone + "_techsets.csv", csvStr.data());
// build the techset zone
std::string zoneName = "techsets/" + zone + "_techsets";
Logger::Print("Building zone '%s'...\n", zoneName.data());
// unload original zone
info.name = nullptr;
info.allocFlags = 0x0;
info.freeFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, true);
while (!Game::Sys_IsDatabaseReady()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); // wait till its fully loaded
techsetCSV += "techset,"s + name + "\r\n"s;
Game::DB_EnumXAssets(Game::ASSET_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_SET, [](Game::XAssetHeader header, void*)
}, nullptr, false);
// HACK: set language to 'techsets' to load from that dir
char* language = Utils::Hook::Get<char*>(0x649E740);
Utils::Hook::Set<char*>(0x649E740, "techsets");
// load generated techset fastfiles
auto list = Utils::IO::ListFiles("zone/techsets");
int i = 0;
int subCount = 0;
for (auto it : list)
Utils::String::Replace(it, "zone/techsets/", "");
Utils::String::Replace(it, ".ff", "");
if (it.find("_techsets") == std::string::npos) continue; // skip files we didn't generate for this
if (!Game::DB_IsZoneLoaded(it.data()))
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = it.data();
info.allocFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
info.freeFlags = 0;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, 0);
while (!Game::Sys_IsDatabaseReady()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); // wait till its fully loaded
Logger::Print("Zone '%s' already loaded\n", it.data());
if (i == 20) // cap at 20 just to be safe
// create csv with the techsets in it
for (auto tech : curTechsets_list)
std::string mat = ZoneBuilder::FindMaterialByTechnique(tech);
if (mat.length() == 0)
csvStr.append("techset," + tech + "\n");
csvStr.append("material," + mat + "\n");
std::string tempZoneFile = Utils::String::VA("zone_source/techsets/techsets%d.csv", subCount);
std::string tempZone = Utils::String::VA("techsets/techsets%d", subCount);
Utils::IO::WriteFile(tempZoneFile, csvStr.data());
Logger::Print("Building zone '%s'...\n", tempZone.data());
// unload all zones
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = nullptr;
info.allocFlags = 0x0;
info.freeFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, true);
Utils::Hook::Set<char*>(0x649E740, "techsets");
i = 0;
// last iteration
if (i != 0)
// create csv with the techsets in it
for (auto tech : curTechsets_list)
std::string mat = ZoneBuilder::FindMaterialByTechnique(tech);
if (mat.length() == 0)
Logger::Print("Couldn't find a material for techset %s. Sort Keys will be incorrect.\n", tech.c_str());
csvStr.append("techset," + tech + "\n");
csvStr.append("material," + mat + "\n");
std::string tempZoneFile = Utils::String::VA("zone_source/techsets/techsets%d.csv", subCount);
std::string tempZone = Utils::String::VA("techsets/techsets%d", subCount);
Utils::IO::WriteFile(tempZoneFile, csvStr.data());
Logger::Print("Building zone '%s'...\n", tempZone.data());
// unload all zones
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = nullptr;
info.allocFlags = 0x0;
info.freeFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, true);
// build final techsets fastfile
if (subCount > 24)
Logger::ErrorPrint(1, "How did you have 576 fastfiles?\n");
for (int j = 0; j < subCount; ++j)
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = Utils::String::VA("techsets%d", j);
info.allocFlags = Game::ZoneAllocFlags::DB_ZONE_MOD;
info.freeFlags = 0;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, 0);
while (!Game::Sys_IsDatabaseReady()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms); // wait till its fully loaded
// create csv with the techsets in it
for (auto tech : curTechsets_list)
std::string mat = ZoneBuilder::FindMaterialByTechnique(tech);
if (mat.length() == 0)
csvStr.append("techset," + tech + "\n");
csvStr.append("material," + mat + "\n");
Utils::IO::WriteFile("zone_source/techsets/techsets.csv", csvStr.data());
// set language back
Utils::Hook::Set<char*>(0x649E740, language);
Logger::Print("Building zone 'techsets/techsets'...\n");
Command::Add("listassets", [](Command::Params* params)
@ -1135,6 +1460,30 @@ namespace Components
Command::Add("loadtempzone", [](Command::Params* params)
if (params->length() < 2) return;
if (FastFiles::Exists(params->get(1)))
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = params->get(1);
info.allocFlags = 0x80;
info.freeFlags = 0x0;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, 0);
Command::Add("unloadtempzones", [](Command::Params*)
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = nullptr;
info.allocFlags = 0x0;
info.freeFlags = 0x80;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, true);
AssetHandler::FindOriginalAsset(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_RAWFILE, "default"); // Lock until zone is unloaded
Command::Add("materialInfoDump", [](Command::Params*)
Game::DB_EnumXAssets(Game::ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL, [](Game::XAssetHeader header, void*)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ namespace Components
void build();
void buildTechsets();
Utils::Stream* getBuffer();
Utils::Memory::Allocator* getAllocator();
@ -115,9 +114,20 @@ namespace Components
static int StoreTexture(Game::GfxImageLoadDef **loadDef, Game::GfxImage *image);
static void ReleaseTexture(Game::XAssetHeader header);
static std::string FindMaterialByTechnique(std::string name);
static int __stdcall EntryPoint(HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPSTR /*lpCmdLine*/, int /*nShowCmd*/);
static void Quit();
static void HandleError(int level, const char* format, ...);
static void HandleErrorStub();
static void SoftErrorAssetOverflow();
static void AssumeMainThreadRole();
static void ResetThreadRole();
static bool IsThreadMainThreadHook();
static DWORD WINAPI CommandsThread(LPVOID);
static bool mainThreadInterrupted;
static DWORD interruptingThreadId;

View File

@ -285,6 +285,18 @@ namespace Game
int count;
enum ZoneAllocFlags
DB_ZONE_MOD = 0x10,
DB_ZONE_LOAD = 0x20,
DB_ZONE_DEV = 0x40
typedef struct
const char *name;