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/// IW4x Server Configuration file //
// //
// ^1 Red //
// ^2 Green //
// ^3 yellow //
// ^4 Blue //
// ^5 Cyan //
// ^6 Pink //
// ^7 White //
// ^8 Depends on the team colors playing. //
// ^9 grey //
// ^0 Black //
// ^: Rainbow colors //
// //
set sv_hostname "^2IW4x^7 LAN Lobby" // Sets the server hostname
set sv_motd "" // Sets a custom motd which is shown on the intel message loadscreen when a player joins. leave blank for defualt intel messages.
// ADMIN INFO (Optional) //
set _Admin "" // Your username.
set _Email "" // E-mail address. you can leave blank
set _Website "" // Website
set _Location "Earth" // Location
// Web Server Downloading (Optional) //
//set sv_wwwDownload "1" // Allow downloading maps and mods from different server instead of the game server.
//set sv_wwwBaseUrl "" // http-Redirect to usermaps & mods folder on a web server. https does NOT work!
set dedicated 0 // True if this is a dedicated server. (0-2) Default is 0 (= listen server). 1 (= dedicated LAN server), 2 (= dedicated internet server).
set rcon_password "" // Access to your server to change stuff remotely or ingame. empty disabled
set rcon_timeout "100" // Minimum allowed interval between rcon messages per IP address
set sv_securityLevel "23" // Configures the servers security level.
set sv_customTextColor "" // custom color for ^;
set g_password "" // Password Protected Server. Leave blank if you want players to join or set password if you want to keep public out.
set g_inactivity "0" // Enable auto kick feature for idle/AFK players
set g_inactivitySpectator "0" // Time in seconds before a spectator gets kicked
set logfile "2" // Enable loging 1-2? enable. 0 disable. Leave it on if you plan on using B3 or IW4MAdmin.
set g_logSync "1" // 1 always flush games_mp.log, 0 only flush on game end
set g_log "logs/lobbyLAN_games_mp.log" // Gamelog filename. If you edit this..make sure you change B3.xml if you have bigbrotherbot. IW4MAdmin auto-detects however.
set g_allowVote "0" // Enable voting on this server
set sv_allowClientConsole "1" // Enable or Disable players ability to access server commands
set sv_maxclients "18" // Max players in your server.
set party_maxplayers "18" // ^^Same as above for some weird reason^^^
set sv_maxPing "0" // Maximum ping allowed during connection, any higher and players will get kicked. ( If you get 'server is for low ping players only' which happens to custom dlc, set this back to 0)
set sv_timeout "20" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after (20) seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions
set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // How many times you can try to reconnect
set com_logFilter "1" // Removes ~95% of unneeded lines from the log.
set sv_pure "0" // verifying cilent files
set sv_sayName "^7Console" // name server-side 'say' commands show up as
set sv_floodProtect "0" // Chat Spam Protection
set sv_kickBanTime "3600" // Kick Ban Duration. Time before player can re-join the server after getting kicked.
set sv_randomBotNames "1" // Randomize the names.
set sv_replaceBots "1" // Test clients will be replaced by connecting players when the server is full.
set sv_voice "1" // Allow Voice Chat (0 = Disable. 1 = Enabled (Teams only).)
set sv_voicequality "9" // Voice Chat Quality. (0-9) Default is 3 (= Steam/Console quality). Use 9 for the best quality.
set sv_allowAimAssist "1" // Enable Controller Aim-Assist.
set sv_allowColoredNames "1" // Allow Colors in Player Names.
set sv_randomMapRotation "0" // Randomize map rotation (takes maps and gamemodes from sv_maprotation and randomizes them).
set sv_disableChat "0" // Disable chat messages from clients.
set scr_player_forcerespawn "1" // Players respawn automatically after being fragged
set scr_thirdperson "0" // third-person mode
set scr_game_hardpoints "1" // Enable/Disable Killstreak rewards
set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter "1" // Allow Attack Helicopters
set scr_hardpoint_allowuav "1" // Allow UAV
set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery "1" // Allow Airstrikes
set scr_game_perks "1" // Allow players to have perks
set scr_game_allowkillcam "1" // Allow Killcam.
set scr_nukeTimer "10" // Timer when nuke goes off
set scr_diehard "0" // die-hard mode. Teammates will have to revive each other.
set scr_teambalance "1" // Enable or Disable auto balance.
set scr_game_spectatetype "2" // Allow Spectators. 0 Disabled, 1 Team/Player only, 2 Free
set scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0" // Wait before you respawn if you committed suicide.
set scr_player_sprinttime "4" // Sprint time, duration a player can run.
set scr_game_killstreakdelay "8" // Delay your killstreaks
set scr_game_objectiveStreaks "1" // Enable Chopper, AC130 and Nuke
set scr_classic "0" // Enable old-school COD4 killstreaks. UAV, Air Strike, Heli Only.
set bg_elevators "1" // Elevator Glitch Settings (default: 1 (normal). 0 = off, 2 = easy).
set bg_rocketJump "0" // Enable CoD4 Rocket Jumps.
set bg_rocketJumpScale "64" // The scale applied to the pushback force of a rocket.
set bg_climbAnything "0" // Treat any surface as a ladder.
set bg_bounces "0" // Enable Bounces (default: 0 (disabled). 1 = enabled, 2 = double).
set bg_bouncesAllAngles "0" // Enable Bounces from all angles (default: 0 (disabled). 1 = simple, 2 = all surfaces).
set bg_disableLandingSlowdown "0" // Toggle landing slowdown.
set bg_bunnyHopAuto "0" // Constantly jump when holding space.
set bg_playerCollision "1" // Push intersecting players away from each other.
set bg_playerEjection "1" // Push intersecting players away from each other.
set bg_surfacePenetration "0" // Values greater than 0 override the surface penetration depth (ability to hit players through obstacles).
set bg_bulletRange "8192" // Maximum Range used when calculating the bullet end position.
set bg_lean "1" // Enable CoD4 leaning.
// uncomment below commands for XP config //
// by removing the // before each set dvar. //
// Change "war" gametype to your liking. //
// //
// DO NOT ABUSE! Some people like to rank. //
// DON'T BE A DICK! Warn HIGH XP via hostname. //
// Don't know what you doing? Don't touch it! //
set scr_xpscale "2" // IW's way of Double XP.
//set scr_war_score_kill "0" // Amount of XP by each kill.
//set scr_war_score_headshot "0" // Amount of XP by each headshot.
//set scr_war_score_death "0" // Amount of XP by each death.
//set scr_war_score_suicide "0" // Amount of XP by each suicide.
//set scr_war_score_assist "0" // Amount of XP by each assist.
// uncomment below commands for airdrop config //
// by removing the // before each set dvar. //
// //
// Weight (1->1000) //
// Selection is weighted random //
// higher weights increase selection chance //
// set scr_airdrop_ac130 "3"
// set scr_airdrop_ammo "17"
// set scr_airdrop_counter_uav "15"
// set scr_airdrop_emp "1"
// set scr_airdrop_harrier_airstrike "7"
// set scr_airdrop_helicopter "7"
// set scr_airdrop_helicopter_flares "5"
// set scr_airdrop_helicopter_minigun "3"
// set scr_airdrop_nuke "0"
// set scr_airdrop_precision_airstrike "11"
// set scr_airdrop_predator_missile "12"
// set scr_airdrop_sentry "12"
// set scr_airdrop_stealth_airstrike "5"
// set scr_airdrop_uav "17"
// uncomment below commands for airdrop config //
// by removing the // before each set dvar. //
// //
// Weight (1->1000) //
// Selection is weighted random //
// higher weights increase selection chance //
// set scr_airdrop_mega_ac130 "2"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_ammo "12"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_counter_uav "16"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_emp "0"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_harrier_airstrike "5"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter "5"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter_flares "3"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter_minigun "2"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_nuke "0"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_precision_airstrike "10"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_predator_missile "14"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_sentry "16"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_stealth_airstrike "3"
// set scr_airdrop_mega_uav "12"
//left alone. in case this missed your bat file. to view more game settings and map rotates check out your playlist.info file or use the right config for a cod4 style server.
set party_enable 1