
168 lines
3.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-01-09 14:56:28 -05:00
#include "STDInclude.hpp"
namespace Components
char Theatre::BaselineSnapshot[131072] = { 0 };
PBYTE Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsg = 0;
int Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsgLen;
int Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsgOff;
void Theatre::GamestateWriteStub(Game::msg_t* msg, char byte)
Game::MSG_WriteLong(msg, 0);
Game::MSG_WriteByte(msg, byte);
void Theatre::RecordGamestateStub()
int sequence = (*Game::serverMessageSequence - 1);
Game::FS_Write(&sequence, 4, *Game::demoFile);
void __declspec(naked) Theatre::BaselineStoreStub()
// Store snapshot message
__asm mov Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsg, edi
// Store offset and length
Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsgLen = *(int*)(Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsg + 20);
Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsgOff = *(int*)(Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsg + 28) - 7;
// Copy to our snapshot buffer
memcpy(Theatre::BaselineSnapshot, *(DWORD**)(Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsg + 8), *(DWORD*)(Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsg + 20));
mov edx, 5ABEF5h
jmp edx
void Theatre::WriteBaseline()
static char bufData[131072];
static char cmpData[131072];
Game::msg_t buf;
Game::MSG_Init(&buf, bufData, 131072);
Game::MSG_WriteData(&buf, &Theatre::BaselineSnapshot[Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsgOff], Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsgLen - Theatre::BaselineSnapshotMsgOff);
Game::MSG_WriteByte(&buf, 6);
int compressedSize = Game::MSG_WriteBitsCompress(false, buf.data, cmpData, buf.cursize);
int fileCompressedSize = compressedSize + 4;
int byte8 = 8;
char byte0 = 0;
Game::FS_Write(&byte0, 1, *Game::demoFile);
Game::FS_Write(Game::serverMessageSequence, 4, *Game::demoFile);
Game::FS_Write(&fileCompressedSize, 4, *Game::demoFile);
Game::FS_Write(&byte8, 4, *Game::demoFile);
for (int i = 0; i < compressedSize; i += 1024)
int size = min(compressedSize - i, 1024);
if (i + size >= sizeof(cmpData))
Logger::Print("Error: Writing compressed demo baseline exceeded buffer\n");
Game::FS_Write(&cmpData[i], size, *Game::demoFile);
void __declspec(naked) Theatre::BaselineToFileStub()
call Theatre::WriteBaseline
// Restore overwritten operation
mov ecx, 0A5E9C4h
mov [ecx], 0
// Return to original code
mov ecx, 5A863Ah
jmp ecx
void __declspec(naked) Theatre::AdjustTimeDeltaStub()
mov eax, Game::demoPlaying
mov eax, [eax]
test al, al
jz continue
// delta doesn't drift for demos
mov eax, 5A1AD0h
jmp eax
void __declspec(naked) Theatre::ServerTimedOutStub()
mov eax, Game::demoPlaying
mov eax, [eax]
test al, al
jz continue
mov eax, 5A8E70h
jmp eax
mov eax, 0B2BB90h
mov esi, 5A8E08h
jmp esi
void __declspec(naked) Theatre::UISetActiveMenuStub()
if (*Game::demoPlaying == 1)
mov eax, 4CB49Ch
jmp eax
mov ecx, [esp + 10h]
push 10h
push ecx
mov eax, 4CB3F6h
jmp eax
Utils::Hook(0x5A8370, Theatre::GamestateWriteStub, HOOK_CALL).Install()->Quick();
Utils::Hook(0x5A85D2, Theatre::RecordGamestateStub, HOOK_CALL).Install()->Quick();
Utils::Hook(0x5ABE36, Theatre::BaselineStoreStub, HOOK_JUMP).Install()->Quick();
Utils::Hook(0x5A8630, Theatre::BaselineToFileStub, HOOK_JUMP).Install()->Quick();
Utils::Hook(0x4CB3EF, Theatre::UISetActiveMenuStub, HOOK_JUMP).Install()->Quick();
Utils::Hook(0x50320E, Theatre::AdjustTimeDeltaStub, HOOK_CALL).Install()->Quick();
Utils::Hook(0x5A8E03, Theatre::ServerTimedOutStub, HOOK_JUMP).Install()->Quick();
// set the configstrings stuff to load the default (empty) string table; this should allow demo recording on all gametypes/maps
if(!Dedicated::IsDedicated()) Utils::Hook::Set<char*>(0x47440B, "mp/defaultStringTable.csv");
*(BYTE*)0x5AC854 = 4;
*(BYTE*)0x5AC85A = 4;