name: Get help
about: Get help using H2-Mod
title: ''
labels: discussion
assignees: ''


_Do not open an issue here if you need help with modding or have a problem getting the client to run.
It is very likely your problem will be resolved by reading the [README](https://github.com/fedddddd/h2-mod#installation) carefully.
Ask in the `#help` channel on the [Discord](https://discord.gg/dpnRn2tKT9) server if you still have problems.
Before opening a new issue, please see [Issues](https://github.com/fedddddd/h2-mod/issues) and check that a similar issue does not already exist
If this does not apply, please continue by filling in the template below._

**What are you trying to do?**
A short, concise description of the outcome you are trying to achieve.

**What problem are you having?**
A clear and concise description of the problem that is blocking you from your desired outcome, ex. "H2-Mod is crashing with this error message: ..."
Please walk us through the steps you have taken when you encountered this problem.
If H2-Mod is crashing, include the minidump file and the crash address in text form. Screenshots showing the message box with the crash address are not acceptable.

**What have you tried so far?**
Describe any steps you've already taken to try to get past this issue. Have you found a workaround?

**What version of H2-Mod are you using?**
Please make sure you are up to date with the latest build from the `main` or `develop` branch.

**Anything else we should know?**
Add any other context about the problem here.