function createdivider(menu, text) local element = { leftAnchor = true, rightAnchor = true, left = 0, right = 0, topAnchor = true, bottomAnchor = false, top = 0, bottom = 33.33 }) element.scrollingToNext = true element:addElement(LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType("h1_option_menu_titlebar", { title_bar_text = Engine.ToUpperCase(Engine.Localize(text)) })) menu.list:addElement(element) end function string:truncate(length) if (#self <= length) then return self end return self:sub(1, length - 3) .. "..." end local maincampaign = LUI.MenuBuilder.m_types_build["main_campaign"] LUI.MenuBuilder.m_types_build["main_campaign"] = function(a1, a2) local menu = maincampaign(a1, a2) local buttonlist = menu:getChildById("main_campaign_list") local button = menu:AddButton("$_MODS", function() LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu(nil, "mods_menu") end, nil, true, nil, { desc_text = "Open mods menu" }) buttonlist:removeElement(button) buttonlist:insertElement(button, 6) = "mods_menu-button" local hintbox = menu.optionTextInfo local firstbutton = buttonlist:getFirstChild() hintbox:dispatchEventToRoot({ name = "set_button_info_text", text =, immediate = true }) menu:CreateBottomDivider() menu:AddBottomDividerToList(buttonlist:getLastChild()) menu:removeElement(menu.optionTextInfo) LUI.Options.InitScrollingList(menu.list, nil) menu:CreateBottomDivider() menu.optionTextInfo = LUI.Options.AddOptionTextInfo(menu) return menu end LUI.MenuBuilder.m_types_build["mods_menu"] = function(a1) local menu =, { menu_title = "$_MODS", exclusiveController = 0, menu_width = 400, menu_top_indent = LUI.MenuTemplate.spMenuOffset, showTopRightSmallBar = true }) menu:AddButton("$_OPEN STORE", function() LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu(nil, "mod_store_menu") end, nil, true, nil, { desc_text = "Open the menu store" }) local modfolder = game:getloadedmod() if (modfolder ~= "") then createdivider(menu, "$_Loaded mod: " .. modfolder:truncate(20)) menu:AddButton("$_UNLOAD", function() game:executecommand("unloadmod") end, nil, true, nil, { desc_text = "Unload the currently loaded mod" }) end createdivider(menu, "$_Available mods") if (io.directoryexists("mods")) then local mods = io.listfiles("mods/") for i = 1, #mods do local desc = "Load " .. mods[i] local name = mods[i] local infofile = mods[i] .. "/info.json" if (io.fileexists(infofile)) then pcall(function() local data = json.decode(io.readfile(infofile)) desc = string.format("%s\nAuthor: %s\nVersion: %s", data.description,, data.version) name = end) end if (mods[i] ~= modfolder) then menu:AddButton("$_" .. name, function() game:executecommand("loadmod " .. mods[i]) end, nil, true, nil, { desc_text = desc }) end end end menu:AddBackButton(function(a1) Engine.PlaySound(CoD.SFX.MenuBack) LUI.FlowManager.RequestLeaveMenu(a1) end) LUI.Options.InitScrollingList(menu.list, nil) menu:CreateBottomDivider() menu.optionTextInfo = LUI.Options.AddOptionTextInfo(menu) return menu end local localize = Engine.Localize Engine.Localize = function(...) local args = {...} if (type(args[1]) == "string" and args[1]:sub(1, 2) == "$_") then return args[1]:sub(3, -1) end return localize(table.unpack(args)) end