local spacing = 10 local topoffset = 15 local extrawidth = 50 local extraheight1 = 0 local function makelink(element, link) element:setHandleMouseMove(true) element:setHandleMouseButton(true) element:registerAnimationState("focused", { color = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 } }) local entered = false element:registerEventHandler("mouseenter", function() if (not entered) then Engine.PlaySound(CoD.SFX.MouseOver) entered = true end element:animateToState("focused") end) element:registerEventHandler("mouseleave", function() entered = false element:animateToState("default") end) element:registerEventHandler("leftmousedown", function() Engine.PlaySound(CoD.SFX.MouseClick) game:openlink(link) end) end local addlinkinfo = function(menu, key, value, link) local text = Engine.Localize(value) local element = menu:AddInfo(Engine.Localize(key), function() return text end) local linkelement = element:getFirstChild():getNextSibling() makelink(linkelement, link) end local function getnumcredits() local csv = "credits.csv" local rowcount = Engine.TableGetRowCount(csv) return rowcount end local extraheight2 = getnumcredits() * 25 / 2 local function addcredits(menu) local cols = { name = 0, link = 1 } local csv = "credits.csv" local rowcount = Engine.TableGetRowCount(csv) local num = 0 local creditselement = LUI.UIElement.new({ topAnchor = true, leftAnchor = true, left = 500, width = 30, top = 255 }) menu:addElement(creditselement) menu:AddInfo(Engine.Localize("MENU_CREDITS"), function() return "" end) local num = 0 local addcredit = function(name, link) local row = num % 4 local col = num >= 4 and 0 or 1 local text = Engine.Localize(name) local element = LUI.UIText.new({ rightAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, right = -10 + (col * -100), top = 25 * row, width = 90, height = LUI.MenuGenericButtons.ButtonLabelFont.Height * 0.8, font = LUI.MenuGenericButtons.ButtonLabelFont.Font, color = Colors.h1.light_grey, alignment = Engine.IsRightToLeftLanguage() and LUI.Alignment.None or LUI.Alignment.Right }) element.id = "credits_" .. num element:setText(text) creditselement:addElement(element) makelink(element, link) num = num + 1 end for i = 0, rowcount - 1 do local name = Engine.TableLookupByRow(csv, i, cols.name) local link = Engine.TableLookupByRow(csv, i, cols.link) addcredit(name, link) end end LUI.MenuBuilder.m_types_build["SystemInfo"] = function (f6_arg0, f6_arg1) local f6_local0 = LUI.MenuTemplate.spMenuOffset local title = "LUA_MENU_SYSTEM_INFO_CAPS" local f6_local2 = false local f6_local3 = 0 local menu = LUI.MenuTemplate.new(f6_arg0, { menu_title = title, menu_top_indent = f6_local0 + f6_local3, showSelectButton = false, skipAnim = f6_local2 }) menu:setClass(LUI.SystemInfo) menu:PopulateMissingProps(f6_arg1) menu:ValidateProps(f6_arg1) menu.id = "systemInfo_id" local f6_local5 = 300 local f6_local6 = LUI.MenuTemplate.ListTop + f6_local0 local f6_local7 = f6_arg1.menu_height if not f6_local7 then f6_local7 = f6_local5 end f6_local7 = f6_local7 + f6_local6 - extraheight1 local f6_local9 = luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth + 100 local f6_local10 = menu.properties local topoffset2 = LUI.MenuTemplate.ListTop + LUI.MenuTemplate.spMenuOffset local decobox = LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType("h1_box_deco", { decoTopOffset = topoffset2 - topoffset + 15, decoBottomOffset = -f6_local7, decoRightOffset = -665 + extrawidth }) menu:addElement(decobox) local decoleft = CoD.CreateState(0, 0.5, 8, 0.5, CoD.AnchorTypes.TopLeft) decoleft.color = luiglobals.Colors.h1.light_grey decobox:addElement(LUI.UILine.new(decoleft)) local decoright = CoD.CreateState(0, 0.5, -8, 0.5, CoD.AnchorTypes.TopRight) decoright.color = luiglobals.Colors.h1.light_grey decobox:addElement(LUI.UILine.new(decoright)) local element = LUI.UIVerticalList.new({ leftAnchor = true, rightAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, bottomAnchor = true, left = spacing, right = 100, top = topoffset2 + 15, bottom = 0, spacing = spacing * 0.8 }) element.id = "systemInfoList_id" menu.vlist = element menu:addElement(element) local optionmenuwidth = luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth = optionmenuwidth + extrawidth menu:AddInfo(Engine.Localize("MENU_SYSINFO_VERSION"), function() return Engine.GetBuildNumber() end) addlinkinfo(menu, "MENU_SYSINFO_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_LINK", "MENU_SYSINFO_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_URL", "github") luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth = optionmenuwidth menu:AddBackButton() menu:registerEventHandler("menu_close", LUI.SystemInfo.LeaveMenu) return menu end local startmap = Engine.StreamingInstallMap Engine.StreamingInstallMap = function(map, args, ...) if (args == "set ui_play_credits 1; devmap ending;") then LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu(nil, "credits_menu") else startmap(map, args, ...) end end local creditsmap = function() LUI.FlowManager.PushMenuStackToDVar() if LUI.LevelSelect.IsAllLevelCompleted() then Engine.SetDvarString("ui_char_museum_mode", "credits_2", true) else Engine.SetDvarString("ui_char_museum_mode", "credits_black", true) end startmap("ending", "set ui_play_credits 1; devmap ending;") end LUI.MenuBuilder.registerType("credits_menu", function(f6_arg0, f6_arg1) local f6_local0 = LUI.MenuTemplate.spMenuOffset local title = "MENU_SP_CREDITS_CAPS" local f6_local2 = false local f6_local3 = 0 local menu = LUI.MenuTemplate.new(f6_arg0, { menu_title = title, menu_top_indent = f6_local0 + f6_local3, showSelectButton = false, skipAnim = f6_local2 }) PersistentBackground.ChangeBackground(nil, CoD.Background.CampaignRegular) menu:AddButton("MENU_SP_CREDITS_CAPS", creditsmap, nil, true, nil, { desc_text = Engine.Localize("@LUA_MENU_CREDITS_DESC") }) menu:setClass(LUI.SystemInfo) menu:PopulateMissingProps(f6_arg1) menu:ValidateProps(f6_arg1) menu.id = "systemInfo_id" local f6_local5 = 300 local f6_local6 = LUI.MenuTemplate.ListTop + f6_local0 local f6_local7 = f6_arg1.menu_height if not f6_local7 then f6_local7 = f6_local5 end f6_local7 = f6_local7 + f6_local6 - extraheight2 local f6_local9 = luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth + 100 local f6_local10 = menu.properties local topoffset2 = LUI.MenuTemplate.ListTop + LUI.MenuTemplate.spMenuOffset + 50 local decobox = LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType("h1_box_deco", { decoTopOffset = topoffset2 - topoffset + 15, decoBottomOffset = -f6_local7, decoRightOffset = -665 + extrawidth }) menu:addElement(decobox) local decoleft = CoD.CreateState(0, 0.5, 8, 0.5, CoD.AnchorTypes.TopLeft) decoleft.color = luiglobals.Colors.h1.light_grey decobox:addElement(LUI.UILine.new(decoleft)) local decoright = CoD.CreateState(0, 0.5, -8, 0.5, CoD.AnchorTypes.TopRight) decoright.color = luiglobals.Colors.h1.light_grey decobox:addElement(LUI.UILine.new(decoright)) local element = LUI.UIVerticalList.new({ leftAnchor = true, rightAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, bottomAnchor = true, left = spacing, right = 100, top = topoffset2 + 15, bottom = 0, spacing = spacing * 0.8 }) element.id = "systemInfoList_id" menu.vlist = element menu:addElement(element) local optionmenuwidth = luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth = optionmenuwidth + extrawidth addlinkinfo(menu, "MENU_SYSINFO_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_LINK", "MENU_SYSINFO_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_URL", "github") addlinkinfo(menu, "MENU_SYSINFO_DONATION_LINK", "MENU_SYSINFO_DONATION_URL", "donate") addcredits(menu) luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth = optionmenuwidth menu:AddBackButton() menu:registerEventHandler("menu_close", LUI.SystemInfo.LeaveMenu) return menu end)