function createdivider(menu, text) local element ={ leftAnchor = true, rightAnchor = true, left = 0, right = 0, topAnchor = true, bottomAnchor = false, top = 0, bottom = 33.33 }) element.scrollingToNext = true element:addElement(LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType("h1_option_menu_titlebar", { title_bar_text = Engine.ToUpperCase(Engine.Localize(text)) })) menu.list:addElement(element) end LUI.addmenubutton("pc_controls", { index = 4, text = "$_GENERAL", description = "Set the client's settings.", callback = function() LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu(nil, "settings_menu") end }) LUI.MenuBuilder.m_types_build["settings_menu"] = function(a1) local menu =, { menu_title = "$_GENERAL", menu_list_divider_top_offset = -(LUI.H1MenuTab.tabChangeHoldingElementHeight + luiglobals.H1MenuDims.spacing), menu_width = luiglobals.GenericMenuDims.OptionMenuWidth }) Engine.SetDvarFromString("ui_cg_autoUpdate", Engine.GetDvarBool("cg_autoUpdate") and "1" or "0") Engine.SetDvarFromString("ui_cg_drawFps", Engine.GetDvarInt("cg_drawFps") .. "") Engine.SetDvarFromString("ui_cg_speedGraph", Engine.GetDvarBool("cg_speedGraph") and "1" or "0") Engine.SetDvarFromString("ui_cg_drawSpeed", Engine.GetDvarBool("cg_drawSpeed") and "1" or "0") Engine.SetDvarFromString("ui_r_fullbright", Engine.GetDvarInt("r_fullbright") .. "") createdivider(menu, "$_UPDATES") LUI.Options.CreateOptionButton( menu, "ui_cg_autoUpdate", "$_AUTOMATIC UPDATES", "Enable or disable automatic updates on startup.", { { text = "$_ENABLED", value = "1" }, { text = "$_DISABLED", value = "0" } }, nil, nil, function(value) Engine.SetDvarBool("cg_autoUpdate", Engine.GetDvarString("ui_cg_autoUpdate") == "1") end ) menu:AddButton("$_CHECK FOR UPDATES", function() LUI.tryupdating(false) end, nil, true, nil, { desc_text = "Check for updates." }) createdivider(menu, "$_DRAWING") LUI.Options.CreateOptionButton( menu, "ui_cg_drawFps", "$_DRAW FPS", "Enable or disable drawing fps or viewpos on screen.", { { text = "$_DISABLED", value = "0" }, { text = "$_FPS ONLY", value = "1" }, { text = "$_FPS AND VIEWPOS", value = "2" } }, nil, nil, function(value) Engine.SetDvarInt("cg_drawFps", tonumber(Engine.GetDvarString("ui_cg_drawFps"))) end ) LUI.Options.CreateOptionButton( menu, "ui_cg_drawSpeed", "$_DRAW SPEED", "Enable or disable drawing the player speed on screen.", { { text = "$_DISABLED", value = "0" }, { text = "$_ENABLED", value = "1" } }, nil, nil, function(value) Engine.SetDvarBool("cg_drawSpeed", Engine.GetDvarString("ui_cg_drawSpeed") == "1") end ) LUI.Options.CreateOptionButton( menu, "ui_cg_speedGraph", "$_DRAW SPEED GRAPH", "Enable or disable the speed graph.", { { text = "$_DISABLED", value = "0" }, { text = "$_ENABLED", value = "1" } }, nil, nil, function(value) Engine.SetDvarBool("cg_speedGraph", Engine.GetDvarString("ui_cg_speedGraph") == "1") end ) createdivider(menu, "$_RENDERING") LUI.Options.CreateOptionButton( menu, "ui_r_fullbright", "$_FULLBRIGHT", "Change the fullbright mode.", { { text = "$_DISABLED", value = "0" }, { text = "$_ENABLED", value = "1" }, { text = "$_MODE 2", value = "2" }, { text = "$_MODE 3", value = "3" } }, nil, nil, function(value) Engine.SetDvarInt("r_fullbright", tonumber(Engine.GetDvarString("ui_r_fullbright"))) end ) LUI.Options.InitScrollingList(menu.list, nil) LUI.Options.AddOptionTextInfo(menu) menu:AddBackButton() return menu end