// sol2 // The MIT License (MIT) // Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Rapptz, ThePhD and contributors // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef SOL_STACK_CHECK_UNQUALIFIED_HPP #define SOL_STACK_CHECK_UNQUALIFIED_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_STD_VARIANT) #include #endif // variant shenanigans namespace sol { namespace stack { template bool loose_table_check(lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { tracking.use(1); type t = type_of(L_, index); if (t == type::table) { return true; } if (t != type::userdata) { handler(L_, index, type::table, t, "value is not a table or a userdata that can behave like one"); return false; } return true; } namespace stack_detail { inline bool impl_check_metatable(lua_State* L_, int index, const std::string& metakey, bool poptable) { luaL_getmetatable(L_, &metakey[0]); const type expectedmetatabletype = static_cast(lua_type(L_, -1)); if (expectedmetatabletype != type::lua_nil) { if (lua_rawequal(L_, -1, index) == 1) { lua_pop(L_, 1 + static_cast(poptable)); return true; } } lua_pop(L_, 1); return false; } template inline bool check_metatable(lua_State* L_, int index = -2) { return impl_check_metatable(L_, index, usertype_traits::metatable(), poptable); } template struct basic_check { template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { tracking.use(1); bool success = check_func(L_, index) == 1; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, expected, type_of(L_, index), ""); } return success; } }; } // namespace stack_detail template struct unqualified_interop_checker { template static bool check(lua_State*, int, type, Handler&&, record&) { return false; } }; template struct qualified_interop_checker { template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, type index_type, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { return stack_detail::unqualified_interop_check(L_, index, index_type, std::forward(handler), tracking); } }; template struct unqualified_checker { template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { tracking.use(1); bool success = lua_isboolean(L_, index) == 1; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, expected, type_of(L_, index), ""); } return success; } else if constexpr (meta::any_same_v) { return stack::check>(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v || std::is_same_v) { tracking.use(1); #if SOL_LUA_VERSION_I_ >= 503 // Lua 5.3 and greater checks for numeric precision #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_STRINGS_ARE_NUMBERS) // imprecise, sloppy conversions int isnum = 0; lua_tointegerx(L_, index, &isnum); const bool success = isnum != 0; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::number, type_of(L_, index), detail::not_a_number_or_number_string_integral); } #elif SOL_IS_ON(SOL_NUMBER_PRECISION_CHECKS) // this check is precise, do not convert if (lua_isinteger(L_, index) == 1) { return true; } const bool success = false; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::number, type_of(L_, index), detail::not_a_number_integral); } #else // Numerics are neither safe nor string-convertible type t = type_of(L_, index); const bool success = t == type::number; #endif if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::number, type_of(L_, index), detail::not_a_number); } return success; #else // Lua 5.2 and below checks #if SOL_IS_OFF(SOL_STRINGS_ARE_NUMBERS) // must pre-check, because it will convert type t = type_of(L_, index); if (t != type::number) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::number, t, detail::not_a_number); return false; } #endif // Do not allow strings to be numbers #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_NUMBER_PRECISION_CHECKS) int isnum = 0; const lua_Number v = lua_tonumberx(L_, index, &isnum); const bool success = isnum != 0 && static_cast(llround(v)) == v; #else const bool success = true; #endif // Safe numerics and number precision checking if (!success) { // Use defines to provide a better error message! #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_STRINGS_ARE_NUMBERS) handler(L_, index, type::number, type_of(L_, index), detail::not_a_number_or_number_string); #elif SOL_IS_ON(SOL_NUMBER_PRECISION_CHECKS) handler(L_, index, type::number, t, detail::not_a_number_or_number_string); #else handler(L_, index, type::number, t, detail::not_a_number); #endif } return success; #endif } else if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v || std::is_same_v) { tracking.use(1); #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_STRINGS_ARE_NUMBERS) bool success = lua_isnumber(L_, index) == 1; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::number, type_of(L_, index), detail::not_a_number_or_number_string); } return success; #else type t = type_of(L_, index); bool success = t == type::number; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::number, t, detail::not_a_number); } return success; #endif // Strings are Numbers } else if constexpr (meta::any_same_v) { (void)L_; (void)index; (void)handler; tracking.use(0); return true; } else if constexpr (is_unique_usertype_v) { using element = unique_usertype_element_t; using actual = unique_usertype_actual_t; const type indextype = type_of(L_, index); tracking.use(1); if (indextype != type::userdata) { handler(L_, index, type::userdata, indextype, "value is not a userdata"); return false; } if (lua_getmetatable(L_, index) == 0) { return true; } int metatableindex = lua_gettop(L_); if (stack_detail::check_metatable>(L_, metatableindex)) { void* memory = lua_touserdata(L_, index); memory = detail::align_usertype_unique_destructor(memory); detail::unique_destructor& pdx = *static_cast(memory); bool success = &detail::usertype_unique_alloc_destroy == pdx; if (!success) { memory = detail::align_usertype_unique_tag(memory); #if 0 // New version, one day #else const char*& name_tag = *static_cast(memory); success = usertype_traits::qualified_name() == name_tag; #endif if (!success) { handler(L_, index, type::userdata, indextype, "value is a userdata but is not the correct unique usertype"); } } return success; } lua_pop(L_, 1); handler(L_, index, type::userdata, indextype, "unrecognized userdata (not pushed by sol?)"); return false; } else if constexpr (meta::any_same_v) { bool success = lua_isnil(L_, index); if (success) { tracking.use(1); return success; } tracking.use(0); success = lua_isnone(L_, index); if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, expected, type_of(L_, index), ""); } return success; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { tracking.use(1); type t = type_of(L_, index); if (t == type::table || t == type::none || t == type::lua_nil || t == type::userdata) { return true; } handler(L_, index, type::table, t, "value cannot not have a valid environment"); return true; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return !stack::unqualified_check(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } else if constexpr (meta::is_specialization_of_v) { tracking.use(1); type t = type_of(L_, index); if (t != type::table) { handler(L_, index, type::table, t, "value is not a table"); return false; } return true; } else if constexpr (meta::is_specialization_of_v) { tracking.use(1); type t = type_of(L_, index); if (t != type::function) { handler(L_, index, type::function, t, "value is not a function that can be dumped"); return false; } return true; } else if constexpr (meta::is_specialization_of_v) { tracking.use(1); if (lua_getmetatable(L_, index) == 0) { return true; } type t = type_of(L_, -1); if (t == type::table || t == type::none || t == type::lua_nil) { lua_pop(L_, 1); return true; } if (t != type::userdata) { lua_pop(L_, 1); handler(L_, index, type::table, t, "value does not have a valid metatable"); return false; } return true; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { tracking.use(1); if (lua_getmetatable(L_, index) == 0) { return true; } type t = type_of(L_, -1); if (t == type::table || t == type::none || t == type::lua_nil) { lua_pop(L_, 1); return true; } if (t != type::userdata) { lua_pop(L_, 1); handler(L_, index, expected, t, "value does not have a valid metatable"); return false; } return true; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v) { if (lua_getmetatable(L_, index) == 0) { type t = type_of(L_, index); handler(L_, index, expected, t, "value is not a valid luaL_Stream (has no metatable/is not a valid value)"); return false; } luaL_getmetatable(L_, LUA_FILEHANDLE); if (type_of(L_, index) != type::table) { type t = type_of(L_, index); lua_pop(L_, 1); handler(L_, index, expected, t, "value is not a valid luaL_Stream (there is no metatable for luaL_Stream -- did you forget to " "my_lua_state.open_libraries(sol::lib::state) or equivalent?)"); return false; } int is_stream_table = lua_compare(L_, -1, -2, LUA_OPEQ); lua_pop(L_, 2); if (is_stream_table == 0) { type t = type_of(L_, index); handler(L_, index, expected, t, "value is not a valid luaL_Stream (incorrect metatable)"); return false; } return true; } else if constexpr (meta::is_optional_v) { using ValueType = typename T::value_type; (void)handler; type t = type_of(L_, index); if (t == type::none) { tracking.use(0); return true; } if (t == type::lua_nil) { tracking.use(1); return true; } return stack::unqualified_check(L_, index, &no_panic, tracking); } #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_GET_FUNCTION_POINTER_UNSAFE) else if constexpr (std::is_function_v || (std::is_pointer_v && std::is_function_v>)) { return stack_detail::check_function_pointer>(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } #endif else if constexpr (expected == type::userdata) { if constexpr (meta::any_same_v || meta::is_specialization_of_v) { tracking.use(1); type t = type_of(L_, index); bool success = t == type::userdata; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::userdata, t, ""); } return success; } else if constexpr (meta::is_specialization_of_v) { unqualified_checker c; (void)c; return c.check(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } else { if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v) { return check_usertype(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } else if constexpr (meta::is_specialization_of_v) { using T_internal = typename T::type; return stack::check(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } else { return check_usertype(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } } } else if constexpr (expected == type::poly) { tracking.use(1); bool success = is_lua_reference_v || !lua_isnone(L_, index); if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::poly, type_of(L_, index), ""); } return success; } else if constexpr (expected == type::lightuserdata) { tracking.use(1); type t = type_of(L_, index); bool success = t == type::userdata || t == type::lightuserdata; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, type::lightuserdata, t, ""); } return success; } else if constexpr (expected == type::function) { if constexpr (meta::any_same_v, c_closure>) { tracking.use(1); bool success = lua_iscfunction(L_, index) == 1; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type handler(L_, index, expected, type_of(L_, index), ""); } return success; } else { tracking.use(1); type t = type_of(L_, index); if (t == type::lua_nil || t == type::none || t == type::function) { // allow for lua_nil to be returned return true; } if (t != type::userdata && t != type::table) { handler(L_, index, type::function, t, "must be a function or table or a userdata"); return false; } // Do advanced check for call-style userdata? static const auto& callkey = to_string(meta_function::call); if (lua_getmetatable(L_, index) == 0) { // No metatable, no __call key possible handler(L_, index, type::function, t, "value is not a function and does not have overriden metatable"); return false; } if (lua_isnoneornil(L_, -1)) { lua_pop(L_, 1); handler(L_, index, type::function, t, "value is not a function and does not have valid metatable"); return false; } lua_getfield(L_, -1, &callkey[0]); if (lua_isnoneornil(L_, -1)) { lua_pop(L_, 2); handler(L_, index, type::function, t, "value's metatable does not have __call overridden in metatable, cannot call this type"); return false; } // has call, is definitely a function lua_pop(L_, 2); return true; } } else if constexpr (expected == type::table) { return stack::loose_table_check(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } else { tracking.use(1); const type indextype = type_of(L_, index); bool success = expected == indextype; if (!success) { // expected type, actual type, message handler(L_, index, expected, indextype, ""); } return success; } } }; template struct unqualified_checker, type::userdata> : unqualified_checker> { }; template struct unqualified_checker, type::userdata> { template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { const type indextype = type_of(L_, index); return check(types(), L_, index, indextype, std::forward(handler), tracking); } template static bool check(types, lua_State* L_, int index, type indextype, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { if constexpr ( std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v) { tracking.use(1); if (indextype != type::userdata) { handler(L_, index, type::userdata, indextype, "value is not a valid userdata"); return false; } return true; } else { #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_USE_INTEROP) if (stack_detail::interop_check(L_, index, indextype, handler, tracking)) { return true; } #endif // interop extensibility tracking.use(1); #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_GET_FUNCTION_POINTER_UNSAFE) if (lua_iscfunction(L_, index) != 0) { // a potential match... return true; } #endif if (indextype != type::userdata) { handler(L_, index, type::userdata, indextype, "value is not a valid userdata"); return false; } if (lua_getmetatable(L_, index) == 0) { return true; } int metatableindex = lua_gettop(L_); if (stack_detail::check_metatable(L_, metatableindex)) return true; if (stack_detail::check_metatable(L_, metatableindex)) return true; if (stack_detail::check_metatable>(L_, metatableindex)) return true; if (stack_detail::check_metatable>(L_, metatableindex)) return true; bool success = false; bool has_derived = derive::value || weak_derive::value; if (has_derived) { #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_SAFE_STACK_CHECK) luaL_checkstack(L_, 1, detail::not_enough_stack_space_string); #endif // make sure stack doesn't overflow auto pn = stack::pop_n(L_, 1); lua_pushstring(L_, &detail::base_class_check_key()[0]); lua_rawget(L_, metatableindex); if (type_of(L_, -1) != type::lua_nil) { void* basecastdata = lua_touserdata(L_, -1); detail::inheritance_check_function ic = reinterpret_cast(basecastdata); success = ic(usertype_traits::qualified_name()); } } lua_pop(L_, 1); if (!success) { handler(L_, index, type::userdata, indextype, "value at this index does not properly reflect the desired type"); return false; } return true; } } }; template struct unqualified_checker, type::userdata> { template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, type indextype, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { if (indextype == type::lua_nil) { tracking.use(1); return true; } return check_usertype>(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { const type indextype = type_of(L_, index); return check(L_, index, indextype, std::forward(handler), tracking); } }; template struct unqualified_checker, expect> { template static bool check_two(types, lua_State* arg_L, int relindex, type indextype, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { tracking.use(1); #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_SAFE_STACK_CHECK) luaL_checkstack(arg_L, 3, detail::not_enough_stack_space_generic); #endif // make sure stack doesn't overflow int index = lua_absindex(arg_L, relindex); lua_pushnil(arg_L); while (lua_next(arg_L, index) != 0) { const bool is_key_okay = stack::check(arg_L, -2, std::forward(handler), tracking); if (!is_key_okay) { lua_pop(arg_L, 2); return false; } const bool is_value_okay = stack::check(arg_L, -1, std::forward(handler), tracking); if (!is_value_okay) { lua_pop(arg_L, 2); return false; } lua_pop(arg_L, 1); } return true; } template static bool check_one(types, lua_State* arg_L, int relindex, type, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { tracking.use(1); size_t index = lua_absindex(arg_L, relindex); // Zzzz slower but necessary thanks to the lower version API and missing functions qq std::size_t idx = 0; int vi = 0; for (lua_Integer i = 0;; (void)(i += lua_size::value), lua_pop(arg_L, static_cast(vi))) { vi = 0; if (idx >= N) { return true; } #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_SAFE_STACK_CHECK) luaL_checkstack(arg_L, 2, detail::not_enough_stack_space_generic); #endif // make sure stack doesn't overflow bool isnil = false; for (; vi < static_cast(lua_size::value); ++vi) { lua_pushinteger(arg_L, i); lua_gettable(arg_L, static_cast(index)); type vt = type_of(arg_L, -1); isnil = vt == type::lua_nil; if (isnil) { if (i == 0) { vi += 1; goto loop_continue; } lua_pop(arg_L, static_cast(vi + 1)); return true; } } if (!stack::check(arg_L, -lua_size::value, std::forward(handler), tracking)) { lua_pop(arg_L, lua_size::value); return false; } ++idx; loop_continue:; } } template static bool check(lua_State* arg_L, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { using Tu = meta::unqualified_t; if constexpr (is_container_v) { if constexpr (meta::is_associative::value) { typedef typename Tu::value_type P; typedef typename P::first_type K; typedef typename P::second_type V; return check_two(types(), arg_L, index, expect, std::forward(handler), tracking); } else { typedef typename Tu::value_type V; return check_one(types(), arg_L, index, expect, std::forward(handler), tracking); } } else { unqualified_checker c {}; return c.check(arg_L, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } } }; template struct unqualified_checker, expect> { template static bool check(lua_State* arg_L, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { return stack::check(arg_L, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } }; template struct unqualified_checker, type::poly> { template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { return stack::multi_check(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } }; template struct unqualified_checker, type::poly> { template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { return stack::multi_check(L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } }; #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_STD_VARIANT) template struct unqualified_checker, type::poly> { typedef std::variant V; typedef std::variant_size V_size; typedef std::integral_constant V_is_empty; template static bool is_one(std::integral_constant, lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { if constexpr (V_is_empty::value) { if (lua_isnone(L_, index)) { return true; } } tracking.use(1); handler(L_, index, type::poly, type_of(L_, index), "value does not fit any type present in the variant"); return false; } template static bool is_one(std::integral_constant, lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { typedef std::variant_alternative_t T; record temp_tracking = tracking; if (stack::check(L_, index, &no_panic, temp_tracking)) { tracking = temp_tracking; return true; } return is_one(std::integral_constant(), L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } template static bool check(lua_State* L_, int index, Handler&& handler, record& tracking) { return is_one(std::integral_constant(), L_, index, std::forward(handler), tracking); } }; #endif // variant shenanigans }} // namespace sol::stack #endif // SOL_STACK_CHECK_UNQUALIFIED_HPP