#include #include "loader/component_loader.hpp" #include "game/game.hpp" #include "game/dvars.hpp" #include "console.hpp" #include "filesystem.hpp" #include "scripting.hpp" #include "gsc.hpp" #include "scheduler.hpp" #include "fastfiles.hpp" #include "game/scripting/execution.hpp" #include "game/scripting/functions.hpp" #include "game/scripting/lua/error.hpp" #include "notifies.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace gsc { void* func_table[0x1000]{}; namespace { game::dvar_t* developer_script = nullptr; auto compiler = ::gsc::compiler(); auto decompiler = ::gsc::decompiler(); auto assembler = ::gsc::assembler(); auto disassembler = ::gsc::disassembler(); std::unordered_map main_handles; std::unordered_map init_handles; std::unordered_map loaded_scripts; std::unordered_map functions; std::optional gsc_error; char* allocate_buffer(size_t size) { return utils::hook::invoke(0x14061E680, size, 4, 1, 5); } bool read_scriptfile(const std::string& name, std::string* data) { if (filesystem::read_file(name, data)) { return true; } const auto name_str = name.data(); if (game::DB_XAssetExists(game::ASSET_TYPE_RAWFILE, name_str) && !game::DB_IsXAssetDefault(game::ASSET_TYPE_RAWFILE, name_str)) { const auto asset = game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(game::ASSET_TYPE_RAWFILE, name.data(), false); const auto len = game::DB_GetRawFileLen(asset.rawfile); data->resize(len); game::DB_GetRawBuffer(asset.rawfile, data->data(), len); if (len > 0) { data->pop_back(); } return true; } return false; } game::ScriptFile* load_custom_script(const char* file_name, const std::string& real_name) { if (loaded_scripts.find(real_name) != loaded_scripts.end()) { return loaded_scripts[real_name]; } std::string source_buffer{}; if (!read_scriptfile(real_name + ".gsc", &source_buffer)) { return nullptr; } auto data = std::vector{source_buffer.begin(), source_buffer.end()}; try { compiler->compile(real_name, data); } catch (const std::exception& e) { console::error("*********** script compile error *************\n"); console::error("failed to compile '%s':\n%s", real_name.data(), e.what()); console::error("**********************************************\n"); return nullptr; } auto assembly = compiler->output(); assembler->assemble(real_name, assembly); const auto script_file_ptr = reinterpret_cast(allocate_buffer(sizeof(game::ScriptFile))); script_file_ptr->name = file_name; const auto stack = assembler->output_stack(); script_file_ptr->len = static_cast(stack.size()); const auto script = assembler->output_script(); script_file_ptr->bytecodeLen = static_cast(script.size()); const auto script_size = script.size(); const auto buffer_size = script_size + stack.size() + 2; const auto buffer = allocate_buffer(buffer_size); std::memcpy(buffer, script.data(), script_size); std::memcpy(&buffer[script_size], stack.data(), stack.size()); script_file_ptr->bytecode = &buffer[0]; script_file_ptr->buffer = &buffer[script.size()]; script_file_ptr->compressedLen = 0; loaded_scripts[real_name] = script_file_ptr; return script_file_ptr; } void load_script(const std::string& name) { if (!game::Scr_LoadScript(name.data())) { return; } const auto main_handle = game::Scr_GetFunctionHandle(name.data(), xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::token_id("main")); const auto init_handle = game::Scr_GetFunctionHandle(name.data(), xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::token_id("init")); if (main_handle) { console::info("Loaded '%s::main'\n", name.data()); main_handles[name] = main_handle; } if (init_handle) { console::info("Loaded '%s::init'\n", name.data()); init_handles[name] = init_handle; } } void load_scripts(const std::filesystem::path& root_dir) { std::filesystem::path script_dir = root_dir / "scripts"; if (!utils::io::directory_exists(script_dir.generic_string())) { return; } const auto scripts = utils::io::list_files(script_dir.generic_string()); for (const auto& script : scripts) { if (!script.ends_with(".gsc")) { continue; } std::filesystem::path path(script); const auto relative = path.lexically_relative(root_dir).generic_string(); const auto base_name = relative.substr(0, relative.size() - 4); load_script(base_name); } } void clear() { main_handles.clear(); init_handles.clear(); loaded_scripts.clear(); } void load_gametype_script_stub(void* a1, void* a2) { utils::hook::invoke(0x1404E1400, a1, a2); clear(); fastfiles::enum_assets(game::ASSET_TYPE_RAWFILE, [](game::XAssetHeader header) { std::string name = header.rawfile->name; if (name.ends_with(".gsc") && name.starts_with("scripts/")) { const auto base_name = name.substr(0, name.size() - 4); load_script(base_name); } }, true); for (const auto& path : filesystem::get_search_paths()) { load_scripts(path); } } void g_load_structs_stub() { for (auto& function_handle : main_handles) { console::info("Executing '%s::main'\n", function_handle.first.data()); const auto thread = game::Scr_ExecThread(function_handle.second, 0); game::RemoveRefToObject(thread); } utils::hook::invoke(0x140510B40); } void scr_load_level_stub() { utils::hook::invoke(0x1404FD130); for (auto& function_handle : init_handles) { console::info("Executing '%s::init'\n", function_handle.first.data()); const auto thread = game::Scr_ExecThread(function_handle.second, 0); game::RemoveRefToObject(thread); } } int db_is_xasset_default(int type, const char* name) { if (loaded_scripts.find(name) != loaded_scripts.end()) { return 0; } return utils::hook::invoke(0x1404143C0, type, name); } void db_get_raw_buffer_stub(const game::RawFile* rawfile, char* buf, const int size) { if (rawfile->len > 0 && rawfile->compressedLen == 0) { std::memset(buf, 0, size); std::memcpy(buf, rawfile->buffer, std::min(rawfile->len, size)); return; } utils::hook::invoke(0x140413C40, rawfile, buf, size); } std::optional> find_function(const char* pos) { for (const auto& file : scripting::script_function_table_sort) { for (auto i = file.second.begin(); i != file.second.end() && std::next(i) != file.second.end(); ++i) { const auto next = std::next(i); if (pos >= i->second && pos < next->second) { return {std::make_pair(i->first, file.first)}; } } } return {}; } void print_callstack() { for (auto frame = game::scr_VmPub->function_frame; frame != game::scr_VmPub->function_frame_start; --frame) { const auto pos = frame == game::scr_VmPub->function_frame ? game::scr_function_stack->pos : frame->fs.pos; const auto function = find_function(frame->fs.pos); if (function.has_value()) { console::warn("\tat function \"%s\" in file \"%s.gsc\"", function.value().first.data(), function.value().second.data()); } else { console::warn("\tat unknown location %p", pos); } } } std::optional get_opcode_name(const std::uint8_t opcode) { try { return {xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::opcode_name(opcode)}; } catch (...) { return {}; } } void builtin_call_error(const std::string& error) { const auto pos = game::scr_function_stack->pos; const auto function_id = *reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(pos - 2)); if (function_id > 0x1000) { console::warn("in call to builtin method \"%s\"%s", xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::method_name(function_id).data(), error.data()); } else { console::warn("in call to builtin function \"%s\"%s", xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::function_name(function_id).data(), error.data()); } } bool force_error_print = false; void* vm_error_stub(void* a1) { if (!developer_script->current.enabled && !force_error_print) { return utils::hook::invoke(0x140614670, a1); } console::warn("*********** script runtime error *************\n"); const auto opcode_id = *reinterpret_cast(0x14BAA93E8); const std::string error = gsc_error.has_value() ? utils::string::va(": %s", gsc_error.value().data()) : ""; if ((opcode_id >= 0x1A && opcode_id <= 0x20) || (opcode_id >= 0xA9 && opcode_id <= 0xAF)) { builtin_call_error(error); } else { const auto opcode = get_opcode_name(opcode_id); if (opcode.has_value()) { console::warn("while processing instruction %s%s\n", opcode.value().data(), error.data()); } else { console::warn("while processing instruction 0x%X%s\n", opcode_id, error.data()); } } force_error_print = false; gsc_error = {}; print_callstack(); console::warn("**********************************************\n"); return utils::hook::invoke(0x140614670, a1); } std::string unknown_function_error{}; void get_unknown_function_error(const char* code_pos) { const auto function = find_function(code_pos); if (function.has_value()) { const auto& pos = function.value(); unknown_function_error = utils::string::va( "while processing function '%s' in script '%s':\nunknown script '%s'", pos.first.data(), pos.second.data(), scripting::current_file.data() ); } else { unknown_function_error = utils::string::va( "unknown script '%s'", scripting::current_file.data() ); } } unsigned int current_filename{}; std::string get_filename_name() { const auto filename_str = game::SL_ConvertToString( static_cast(current_filename)); const auto id = std::atoi(filename_str); if (id == 0) { return filename_str; } return scripting::get_token_single(id); } void get_unknown_function_error(unsigned int thread_name) { const auto filename = get_filename_name(); const auto name = scripting::get_token_single(thread_name); unknown_function_error = utils::string::va( "while processing script '%s':\nunknown function '%s::%s'", scripting::current_file.data(), filename.data(), name.data() ); } void unknown_function_stub(const char* code_pos) { get_unknown_function_error(code_pos); game::Com_Error(game::ERR_DROP, "script link error\n%s", unknown_function_error.data()); } unsigned int find_variable_stub(unsigned int parent_id, unsigned int thread_name) { const auto res = game::FindVariable(parent_id, thread_name); if (!res) { get_unknown_function_error(thread_name); game::Com_Error(game::ERR_DROP, "script link error\n%s", unknown_function_error.data()); } return res; } void register_gsc_functions_stub(void* a1, void* a2) { utils::hook::invoke(0x140509F20, a1, a2); for (const auto& func : functions) { game::Scr_RegisterFunction(func.first, 0, func.second); } } scripting::script_value get_argument(int index) { if (index >= static_cast(game::scr_VmPub->outparamcount)) { return {}; } return game::scr_VmPub->top[-index]; } auto function_id_start = 0x320; void add_function(const std::string& name, scripting::script_function function) { if (xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::find_function(name)) { const auto id = xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::function_id(name); functions[function] = id; } else { const auto id = ++function_id_start; xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::add_function(name, static_cast(id)); functions[function] = id; } } void execute_custom_function(scripting::script_function function) { auto error = false; try { function({}); } catch (const std::exception& e) { error = true; force_error_print = true; gsc_error = e.what(); } if (error) { game::Scr_ErrorInternal(); } } void vm_call_builtin_stub(scripting::script_function function) { auto custom = false; { custom = functions.find(function) != functions.end(); } if (!custom) { function({}); } else { execute_custom_function(function); } } utils::hook::detour scr_emit_function_hook; void scr_emit_function_stub(unsigned int filename, unsigned int thread_name, char* code_pos) { current_filename = filename; scr_emit_function_hook.invoke(filename, thread_name, code_pos); } std::string get_script_file_name(const std::string& name) { const auto id = xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::token_id(name); if (id == 0) { return name; } return std::to_string(id); } std::vector decompile_scriptfile(const std::string& name, const std::string& real_name) { const auto* scriptfile = game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(game::ASSET_TYPE_SCRIPTFILE, name.data(), false).scriptfile; if (scriptfile == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error(std::format("couldn't load scriptfile '{}'", real_name)); } console::info("Decompiling scriptfile '%s'\n", real_name.data()); std::vector stack{scriptfile->buffer, scriptfile->buffer + scriptfile->len}; std::vector bytecode{scriptfile->bytecode, scriptfile->bytecode + scriptfile->bytecodeLen}; auto decompressed_stack = xsk::utils::zlib::decompress(stack, static_cast(stack.size())); disassembler->disassemble(name, bytecode, decompressed_stack); auto output = disassembler->output(); decompiler->decompile(name, output); return decompiler->output(); } } game::ScriptFile* find_script(game::XAssetType /*type*/, const char* name, int /*allow_create_default*/) { std::string real_name = name; const auto id = static_cast(std::atoi(name)); if (id) { real_name = xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::token_name(id); } const auto script = load_custom_script(name, real_name); if (script) { return script; } return game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(game::ASSET_TYPE_SCRIPTFILE, name, 1).scriptfile; } class component final : public component_interface { public: void post_unpack() override { developer_script = dvars::register_bool("developer_script", false, 0, "Print GSC errors"); // Allow custom scripts to include other custom scripts xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::init([](const auto& include_name) { const auto real_name = include_name + ".gsc"; std::string file_buffer; if (!read_scriptfile(real_name, &file_buffer) || file_buffer.empty()) { const auto name = get_script_file_name(include_name); if (game::DB_XAssetExists(game::ASSET_TYPE_SCRIPTFILE, name.data())) { return decompile_scriptfile(name, real_name); } else { throw std::runtime_error(std::format("couldn't load gsc file '{}'", real_name)); } } std::vector result; result.assign(file_buffer.begin(), file_buffer.end()); return result; }); utils::hook::call(0x1405C6177, find_script); utils::hook::call(0x1405C6187, db_is_xasset_default); // Loads scripts with an uncompressed stack utils::hook::call(0x1405C61E0, db_get_raw_buffer_stub); // load handles utils::hook::call(0x1404E17B2, load_gametype_script_stub); // execute handles utils::hook::call(0x1404C8F71, g_load_structs_stub); utils::hook::call(0x1404C8F80, scr_load_level_stub); utils::hook::call(0x1405CB94F, vm_error_stub); utils::hook::call(0x1405BC583, unknown_function_stub); utils::hook::call(0x1405BC5CF, unknown_function_stub); utils::hook::call(0x1405BC6BA, find_variable_stub); scr_emit_function_hook.create(0x1405BC5E0, scr_emit_function_stub); utils::hook::call(0x1405BCBAB, register_gsc_functions_stub); utils::hook::set(0x1405BC7BC, 0x1000); // change builtin func count #define RVA(ptr) static_cast(reinterpret_cast(ptr) - 0x140000000) std::memcpy(&func_table, reinterpret_cast(0x14B153F90), 0x1900); utils::hook::set(0x1405BC7C2 + 4, RVA(&func_table)); utils::hook::inject(0x1405BCB78 + 3, &func_table); utils::hook::set(0x1405CA678 + 4, RVA(&func_table)); utils::hook::nop(0x1405CA683, 8); utils::hook::call(0x1405CA683, vm_call_builtin_stub); add_function("print", [](const game::scr_entref_t ref) { const auto num = game::Scr_GetNumParam(); std::string buffer{}; for (auto i = 0; i < num; i++) { const auto str = game::Scr_GetString(i); buffer.append(str); buffer.append("\t"); } printf("%s\n", buffer.data()); }); add_function("assert", [](const game::scr_entref_t ref) { const auto expr = get_argument(0).as(); if (!expr) { throw std::runtime_error("assert fail"); } }); add_function("assertex", [](const game::scr_entref_t ref) { const auto expr = get_argument(0).as(); if (!expr) { const auto error = get_argument(1).as(); throw std::runtime_error(error); } }); add_function("replacefunc", [](const game::scr_entref_t ref) { const auto what = get_argument(0).get_raw(); const auto with = get_argument(1).get_raw(); if (what.type != game::SCRIPT_FUNCTION) { throw std::runtime_error("parameter 1 must be a function"); } if (with.type != game::SCRIPT_FUNCTION) { throw std::runtime_error("parameter 2 must be a function"); } notifies::set_gsc_hook(what.u.codePosValue, with.u.codePosValue); }); add_function("getsoundlength", [](const game::scr_entref_t ref) { const auto name = get_argument(0); if (!name.is()) { throw std::runtime_error("parameter 1 must be a string"); } const auto name_str = name.as(); const auto sound = game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(game::ASSET_TYPE_SOUND, name_str.data(), false).sound; if (!sound || !sound->count || !sound->head->soundFile || sound->head->soundFile->type != game::SAT_STREAMED) { return game::Scr_AddInt(-1); } return game::Scr_AddInt(sound->head->soundFile->u.streamSnd.totalMsec); }); scripting::on_shutdown([](int free_scripts) { if (free_scripts) { xsk::gsc::h2::resolver::cleanup(); clear(); } }); } }; } REGISTER_COMPONENT(gsc::component)