Add debug gui window

This commit is contained in:
Federico Cecchetto 2022-01-07 01:22:05 +01:00
parent 655868d4ba
commit ce3245a57f
4 changed files with 565 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
#include <std_include.hpp>
#include "loader/component_loader.hpp"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include "game/dvars.hpp"
#include "scheduler.hpp"
#include "command.hpp"
#include "gui.hpp"
#include "game/scripting/lua/context.hpp"
#include "game/scripting/lua/engine.hpp"
#include "game/scripting/execution.hpp"
#include <utils/string.hpp>
#include <utils/hook.hpp>
#include <utils/concurrency.hpp>
namespace gui_debug
game::dvar_t* cl_paused = nullptr;
enum object_type
float camera[3] = {};
float axis[3][3] = {};
struct draw_settings
bool enabled;
bool native_rendering;
bool camera_locked;
float camera[3] = {};
float range = 500.f;
float color[4] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
float mesh_thickness = 1.f;
float size = 10.f;
object_type type;
struct : draw_settings
float link_thickness = 1.f;
bool draw_linked_nodes;
} path_node_settings{};
float vector_dot(float* a, float* b)
return (a[0] * b[0]) + (a[1] * b[1]) + (a[2] * b[2]);
bool world_pos_to_screen_pos(float* origin, float* out)
float local[3] =
origin[0] - camera[0],
origin[1] - camera[1],
origin[2] - camera[2]
float transform[3] =
vector_dot(local, axis[1]),
vector_dot(local, axis[2]),
vector_dot(local, axis[0])
if (transform[2] < 0.1f)
return false;
const auto width = game::ScrPlace_GetViewPlacement()->realViewportSize[0];
const auto height = game::ScrPlace_GetViewPlacement()->realViewportSize[1];
out[0] = (width / 2) * (1 - transform[0] / game::refdef->fovX / transform[2]);
out[1] = (height / 2) * (1 - transform[1] / game::refdef->fovY / transform[2]);
return true;
void draw_line(float* start, float* end, float* color, float thickness)
ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
float start_screen[2] = {};
float end_screen[2] = {};
auto result = 1;
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(start, start_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(end, end_screen);
if (!result)
const auto start_ = ImVec2(start_screen[0], start_screen[1]);
const auto end_ = ImVec2(end_screen[0], end_screen[1]);
const auto color_ = ImGui::GetColorU32({color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]});
window->DrawList->AddLine(start_, end_, color_, thickness);
void draw_square(float* origin, float width, float* color)
const auto half = width / 2.f;
float p1[3] = {origin[0] - half, origin[1] + half, origin[2]};
float p2[3] = {origin[0] + half, origin[1] + half, origin[2]};
float p3[3] = {origin[0] + half, origin[1] - half, origin[2]};
float p4[3] = {origin[0] - half, origin[1] - half, origin[2]};
float p1_screen[2] = {};
float p2_screen[2] = {};
float p3_screen[2] = {};
float p4_screen[2] = {};
auto result = 1;
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p1, p1_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p2, p2_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p3, p3_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p4, p4_screen);
if (!result)
ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
ImVec2 points[4] =
ImVec2(p1_screen[0], p1_screen[1]),
ImVec2(p2_screen[0], p2_screen[1]),
ImVec2(p3_screen[0], p3_screen[1]),
ImVec2(p4_screen[0], p4_screen[1])
const auto color_ = ImGui::GetColorU32({color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]});
window->DrawList->AddConvexPolyFilled(points, 4, color_);
void draw_square_from_points(float* p1, float* p2, float* p3, float* p4, float* color)
float p1_screen[2] = {};
float p2_screen[2] = {};
float p3_screen[2] = {};
float p4_screen[2] = {};
auto result = 1;
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p1, p1_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p2, p2_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p3, p3_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p4, p4_screen);
if (!result)
ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
ImVec2 points[4] =
ImVec2(p1_screen[0], p1_screen[1]),
ImVec2(p2_screen[0], p2_screen[1]),
ImVec2(p3_screen[0], p3_screen[1]),
ImVec2(p4_screen[0], p4_screen[1])
const auto color_ = ImGui::GetColorU32({color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]});
window->DrawList->AddConvexPolyFilled(points, 4, color_);
void draw_cube(float* origin, float width, float* color)
const auto half = width / 2.f;
float p1[3] = {origin[0] - half, origin[1] + half, origin[2]};
float p2[3] = {origin[0] + half, origin[1] + half, origin[2]};
float p3[3] = {origin[0] + half, origin[1] - half, origin[2]};
float p4[3] = {origin[0] - half, origin[1] - half, origin[2]};
float p1_top[3] = {p1[0], p1[1], origin[2] + width};
float p2_top[3] = {p2[0], p2[1], origin[2] + width};
float p3_top[3] = {p3[0], p3[1], origin[2] + width};
float p4_top[3] = {p4[0], p4[1], origin[2] + width};
draw_square_from_points(p1, p2, p3, p4, color);
draw_square_from_points(p1_top, p2_top, p3_top, p4_top, color);
draw_square_from_points(p3, p2, p2_top, p3_top, color);
draw_square_from_points(p4, p1, p1_top, p4_top, color);
draw_square_from_points(p1, p2, p2_top, p1_top, color);
draw_square_from_points(p4, p3, p3_top, p4_top, color);
void draw_cube_mesh(float* origin, float width, float* color, float thickness)
const auto half = width / 2.f;
float p1[3] = {origin[0] - half, origin[1] + half, origin[2]};
float p2[3] = {origin[0] + half, origin[1] + half, origin[2]};
float p3[3] = {origin[0] + half, origin[1] - half, origin[2]};
float p4[3] = {origin[0] - half, origin[1] - half, origin[2]};
float p1_top[3] = {p1[0], p1[1], origin[2] + width};
float p2_top[3] = {p2[0], p2[1], origin[2] + width};
float p3_top[3] = {p3[0], p3[1], origin[2] + width};
float p4_top[3] = {p4[0], p4[1], origin[2] + width};
draw_line(p1, p2, color, thickness);
draw_line(p2, p3, color, thickness);
draw_line(p3, p4, color, thickness);
draw_line(p4, p1, color, thickness);
draw_line(p1_top, p2_top, color, thickness);
draw_line(p2_top, p3_top, color, thickness);
draw_line(p3_top, p4_top, color, thickness);
draw_line(p4_top, p1_top, color, thickness);
draw_line(p1, p1_top, color, thickness);
draw_line(p2, p2_top, color, thickness);
draw_line(p3, p3_top, color, thickness);
draw_line(p4, p4_top, color, thickness);
void draw_square_native(float* origin, float width, float* color)
const auto half = width / 2.f;
float p1[3] = {origin[0] - half, origin[1] + half, origin[2]};
float p2[3] = {origin[0] + half, origin[1] + half, origin[2]};
float p3[3] = {origin[0] + half, origin[1] - half, origin[2]};
float p4[3] = {origin[0] - half, origin[1] - half, origin[2]};
float p1_screen[2] = {};
float p2_screen[2] = {};
float p3_screen[2] = {};
float p4_screen[2] = {};
auto result = 1;
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p1, p1_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p2, p2_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p3, p3_screen);
result *= world_pos_to_screen_pos(p4, p4_screen);
if (!result)
game::rectangle rect;
rect.p0.x = p1_screen[0];
rect.p0.y = p1_screen[1];
rect.p0.f2 = 0.f;
rect.p0.f3 = 1.f;
rect.p1.x = p2_screen[0];
rect.p1.y = p2_screen[1];
rect.p1.f2 = 0.f;
rect.p1.f3 = 1.f;
rect.p2.x = p3_screen[0];
rect.p2.y = p3_screen[1];
rect.p2.f2 = 0.f;
rect.p2.f3 = 1.f;
rect.p3.x = p4_screen[0];
rect.p3.y = p4_screen[1];
rect.p3.f2 = 0.f;
rect.p3.f3 = 1.f;
const auto material = game::Material_RegisterHandle("white");
game::R_DrawRectangle(&rect, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, color, material);
void draw_window()
if (!gui::enabled_menus["debug"])
ImGui::Begin("Debug", &gui::enabled_menus["debug"]);
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Path nodes"))
ImGui::Checkbox("Draw", &path_node_settings.enabled);
ImGui::Checkbox("Native rendering", &path_node_settings.native_rendering);
ImGui::Checkbox("Lock camera", &path_node_settings.camera_locked);
if (!path_node_settings.native_rendering)
ImGui::Checkbox("Draw linked nodes", &path_node_settings.draw_linked_nodes);
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Object type"))
ImGui::RadioButton("square", reinterpret_cast<int*>(&path_node_settings.type), object_type::square);
ImGui::RadioButton("cube", reinterpret_cast<int*>(&path_node_settings.type), object_type::cube);
ImGui::RadioButton("cube mesh", reinterpret_cast<int*>(&path_node_settings.type), object_type::cube_mesh);
ImGui::SliderFloat("range", &path_node_settings.range, 0.f, 10000.f);
ImGui::SliderFloat("size", &path_node_settings.size, 5.f, 100.f);
if (path_node_settings.draw_linked_nodes)
ImGui::SliderFloat("link thickness", &path_node_settings.link_thickness, 1.f, 20.f);
if (path_node_settings.type == object_type::cube_mesh)
ImGui::SliderFloat("mesh thickness", &path_node_settings.mesh_thickness, 1.f, 20.f);
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Color picker"))
ImGui::ColorPicker4("color", path_node_settings.color);
float distance_2d(float* a, float* b)
return sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0]) + (a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1]));
void get_pathnode_origin(game::pathnode_t* node, float* out)
out[0] = node->vLocalOrigin[0];
out[1] = node->vLocalOrigin[1];
out[2] = node->vLocalOrigin[2];
game::PathNode_WorldifyPosFromParent(node, out);
void draw_linked_nodes(game::pathnode_t* node, float* origin)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->totalLinkCount; i++)
float linked_origin[3] = {};
const auto num = node->Links[i].nodeNum;
const auto linked = &game::pathData->nodes[num];
get_pathnode_origin(linked, linked_origin);
if (distance_2d(, linked_origin) < path_node_settings.range)
draw_line(origin, linked_origin, path_node_settings.color,
void draw_node_object(float* origin)
switch (path_node_settings.type)
case object_type::square:
draw_square(origin, path_node_settings.size, path_node_settings.color);
case object_type::cube:
draw_cube(origin, path_node_settings.size, path_node_settings.color);
case object_type::cube_mesh:
draw_cube_mesh(origin, path_node_settings.size, path_node_settings.color,
void draw_nodes()
if (!game::SV_Loaded() || path_node_settings.native_rendering ||
!path_node_settings.enabled || cl_paused->current.integer)
const auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowBorderSize, 0.0f);
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, {0.0f, 0.0f});
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_WindowBg, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f});
ImGui::Begin("debug window", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs);
ImGui::SetWindowPos(ImVec2(0, 0), ImGuiCond_Always);
ImGui::SetWindowSize(ImVec2(io.DisplaySize.x, io.DisplaySize.y), ImGuiCond_Always);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < game::pathData->nodeCount; i++)
float origin[3] = {};
const auto node = &game::pathData->nodes[i];
get_pathnode_origin(node, origin);
if (distance_2d(, origin) >= path_node_settings.range)
if (path_node_settings.draw_linked_nodes)
draw_linked_nodes(node, origin);
ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
void update_camera()
camera[0] = game::refdef->org[0];
camera[1] = game::refdef->org[1];
camera[2] = game::refdef->org[2];
axis[0][0] = game::refdef->axis[0][0];
axis[0][1] = game::refdef->axis[0][1];
axis[0][2] = game::refdef->axis[0][2];
axis[1][0] = game::refdef->axis[1][0];
axis[1][1] = game::refdef->axis[1][1];
axis[1][2] = game::refdef->axis[1][2];
axis[2][0] = game::refdef->axis[2][0];
axis[2][1] = game::refdef->axis[2][1];
axis[2][2] = game::refdef->axis[2][2];
if (!path_node_settings.camera_locked)
{[0] = camera[0];[1] = camera[1];[2] = camera[2];
void draw_nodes_native()
if (!game::SV_Loaded() || !path_node_settings.enabled || cl_paused->current.integer)
if (!path_node_settings.native_rendering)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < game::pathData->nodeCount; i++)
float origin[3] = {};
const auto node = &game::pathData->nodes[i];
get_pathnode_origin(node, origin);
if (distance_2d(, origin) < path_node_settings.range)
draw_square_native(origin, path_node_settings.size, path_node_settings.color);
class component final : public component_interface
void post_unpack() override
gui::on_frame(draw_nodes, true);
cl_paused = game::Dvar_FindVar("cl_paused");
scheduler::loop(draw_nodes_native, scheduler::pipeline::renderer);

View File

@ -68,6 +68,43 @@ namespace game
char __pad3[392]; char __pad3[392];
}; // size = 760 }; // size = 760
struct pathlink_s
char __pad0[4];
unsigned __int16 nodeNum;
char __pad[6];
static_assert(sizeof(pathlink_s) == 12);
struct pathnode_t
unsigned __int16 type;
unsigned int spawnflags;
unsigned int targetname;
unsigned int script_linkName;
unsigned int script_noteworthy;
unsigned int target;
unsigned int animscript;
int animscriptfunc;
float vLocalOrigin[3];
char __pad0[28];
unsigned __int16 totalLinkCount;
char __pad1[2];
pathlink_s* Links;
char __pad2[104];
}; // size = 192
static_assert(sizeof(pathnode_t) == 192);
struct PathData
const char* name;
unsigned int nodeCount;
pathnode_t* nodes;
// ...
struct Material struct Material
{ {
const char* name; const char* name;
@ -416,6 +453,16 @@ namespace game
vec2_t subScreenLeft; vec2_t subScreenLeft;
}; };
struct refdef_t
char __pad0[0x10];
float fovX;
float fovY;
char __pad1[0x8];
float org[3];
float axis[3][3];
struct CmdArgs struct CmdArgs
{ {
int nesting; int nesting;

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ namespace game
G_GivePlayerWeapon{0x51B660}; G_GivePlayerWeapon{0x51B660};
WEAK symbol<void(void* ps, const unsigned int weapon, int hadWeapon)> G_InitializeAmmo{0x4C4110}; WEAK symbol<void(void* ps, const unsigned int weapon, int hadWeapon)> G_InitializeAmmo{0x4C4110};
WEAK symbol<void(int clientNum, const unsigned int weapon)> G_SelectWeapon{0x51C0D0}; WEAK symbol<void(int clientNum, const unsigned int weapon)> G_SelectWeapon{0x51C0D0};
WEAK symbol<bool(int localClientNum, ScreenPlacement* screenPlacement, const float* worldDir, float* outScreenPos)> WorldPosToScreenPos{0x36F310};
WEAK symbol<char*(char* string)> I_CleanStr{0x620660}; WEAK symbol<char*(char* string)> I_CleanStr{0x620660};
@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ namespace game
WEAK symbol<Material*(const char* material)> Material_RegisterHandle{0x759BA0}; WEAK symbol<Material*(const char* material)> Material_RegisterHandle{0x759BA0};
WEAK symbol<void(pathnode_t*, float* out)> PathNode_WorldifyPosFromParent{0x525830};
WEAK symbol<const float*(const float* v)> Scr_AllocVector{0x5C3220}; WEAK symbol<const float*(const float* v)> Scr_AllocVector{0x5C3220};
WEAK symbol<void()> Scr_ClearOutParams{0x5C6E50}; WEAK symbol<void()> Scr_ClearOutParams{0x5C6E50};
WEAK symbol<scr_entref_t(unsigned int entId)> Scr_GetEntityIdRef{0x5C56C0}; WEAK symbol<scr_entref_t(unsigned int entId)> Scr_GetEntityIdRef{0x5C56C0};
@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ namespace game
WEAK symbol<int(unsigned int classnum, int entnum, int offset)> Scr_SetObjectField{0x512190}; WEAK symbol<int(unsigned int classnum, int entnum, int offset)> Scr_SetObjectField{0x512190};
WEAK symbol<void(unsigned int id, scr_string_t stringValue, unsigned int paramcount)> Scr_NotifyId{0x5C8240}; WEAK symbol<void(unsigned int id, scr_string_t stringValue, unsigned int paramcount)> Scr_NotifyId{0x5C8240};
WEAK symbol<unsigned int(unsigned int threadId)> Scr_GetSelf{0x5C57C0}; WEAK symbol<unsigned int(unsigned int threadId)> Scr_GetSelf{0x5C57C0};
WEAK symbol<void()> Scr_ErrorInternal{0x5C6EC0};
WEAK symbol<unsigned int(unsigned int localId, const char* pos, unsigned int paramcount)> VM_Execute{0x5C8DB0}; WEAK symbol<unsigned int(unsigned int localId, const char* pos, unsigned int paramcount)> VM_Execute{0x5C8DB0};
@ -115,6 +119,7 @@ namespace game
float materialTime, __int64 a7, __int64 a8)> R_AddDObjToScene{0x775C40}; float materialTime, __int64 a7, __int64 a8)> R_AddDObjToScene{0x775C40};
WEAK symbol<ScreenPlacement*()> ScrPlace_GetViewPlacement{0x3E16A0}; WEAK symbol<ScreenPlacement*()> ScrPlace_GetViewPlacement{0x3E16A0};
WEAK symbol<ScreenPlacement*()> ScrPlace_GetView{0x3E1660};
WEAK symbol<const char*(scr_string_t stringValue)> SL_ConvertToString{0x5BFBB0}; WEAK symbol<const char*(scr_string_t stringValue)> SL_ConvertToString{0x5BFBB0};
WEAK symbol<scr_string_t(const char* str, unsigned int user)> SL_GetString{0x5C0170}; WEAK symbol<scr_string_t(const char* str, unsigned int user)> SL_GetString{0x5C0170};
@ -148,10 +153,12 @@ namespace game
WEAK symbol<int> g_poolSize{0xBF2E40}; WEAK symbol<int> g_poolSize{0xBF2E40};
WEAK symbol<gentity_s> g_entities{0x52DDDA0}; WEAK symbol<gentity_s> g_entities{0x52DDDA0};
WEAK symbol<PathData> pathData{0x52CCDA0};
WEAK symbol<DWORD> threadIds{0xB11DC80}; WEAK symbol<DWORD> threadIds{0xB11DC80};
WEAK symbol<GfxDrawMethod_s> gfxDrawMethod{0xEDF9E00}; WEAK symbol<GfxDrawMethod_s> gfxDrawMethod{0xEDF9E00};
WEAK symbol<refdef_t> refdef{0x1BC2500};
WEAK symbol<int> keyCatchers{0x203F3C0}; WEAK symbol<int> keyCatchers{0x203F3C0};

View File

@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
#include <d3d11.h> #include <d3d11.h>
#include <imgui.h> #include <imgui.h>
#include <imgui_internal.h>
#include <backends/imgui_impl_dx11.h> #include <backends/imgui_impl_dx11.h>
#include <backends/imgui_impl_win32.h> #include <backends/imgui_impl_win32.h>
#include <misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h> #include <misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h>