More mod loading stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,6 +45,13 @@ namespace database
game::dvar_t* db_filesysImpl = nullptr;
utils::hook::detour db_fs_initialize_hook;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> file_search_folders =
{".flac", "sound/"},
{".bik", "video/"},
{".ff", "zone/"},
game::DB_FileSysInterface* db_fs_initialize_stub()
switch (db_filesysImpl->current.integer)
@ -80,14 +87,17 @@ namespace database
std::string name = file;
if (name.ends_with(".flac"))
const auto search_path = [&](const std::string& ext, const std::string& path)
name = "sound/" + name;
if (name.ends_with(ext) && !filesystem::exists(name))
name = path + name;
if (name.ends_with(".bik"))
for (const auto& [ext, path] : file_search_folders)
name = "videos/" + name;
search_path(ext, path);
std::string path{};
@ -97,7 +107,6 @@ namespace database
const auto handle = handle_allocator.allocate<game::DB_IFileSysFile>();
std::memset(handle, 0, sizeof(handle));
@ -232,8 +241,31 @@ namespace database
bool bnet_fs_exists_stub(game::DB_FileSysInterface* this_, game::DB_IFileSysFile* handle, const char* filename)
std::string path{};
return filesystem::find_file(filename, &path) || bnet_fs_exists_hook.invoke<bool>(this_, handle, filename);
std::string name = filename;
const auto search_path = [&](const std::string& ext, const std::string& path)
if (!name.ends_with(ext))
return false;
return filesystem::exists(name) || filesystem::exists(path + name);
if (filesystem::exists(filename))
return true;
for (const auto& [ext, path] : file_search_folders)
if (search_path(ext, path))
return true;
return bnet_fs_exists_hook.invoke<bool>(this_, handle, filename);
uint64_t bink_io_read_stub(game::DB_IFileSysFile** handle, void* dest, uint64_t bytes)
@ -291,133 +323,6 @@ namespace database
utils::hook::detour db_link_xasset_entry1_hook;
game::XAssetEntry* db_link_xasset_entry1_stub(game::XAssetType type, game::XAssetHeader* header)
const auto result = db_link_xasset_entry1_hook.invoke<game::XAssetEntry*>(type, header);
if (result->asset.type == game::ASSET_TYPE_SOUND)
const auto sound = result->asset.header.sound;
if (utils::flags::has_flag("dumpsoundaliases"))
for (auto i = 0; i < sound->count; i++)
const auto alias = &sound->head[i];
if (alias->soundFile != nullptr && alias->soundFile->type == 2)
const auto file_index = alias->soundFile->u.streamSnd.filename.fileIndex;
const auto length = alias->soundFile->;
const auto offset = alias->soundFile->;
const auto name = utils::string::va("%s.flac", alias->aliasName);
sound_files[file_index][offset] = name;
sound_sizes[name] = length;
return result;
void dump_flac_sound(const std::string& sound_name, unsigned short file_index, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t size)
const auto name = utils::string::va("soundfile%i.pak", file_index);
const auto fs_interface = db_fs_initialize_stub();
const auto handle = fs_interface->vftbl->OpenFile(fs_interface, game::Sys_Folder::SF_PAKFILE, name);
if (handle == nullptr)
console::error("Sound file %s not found\n", name);
const auto buffer = utils::memory::get_allocator()->allocate_array<char>(size);
const auto _0 = gsl::finally([&]()
const auto result = fs_interface->vftbl->Read(fs_interface, handle, start_offset, size, buffer);
if (result != game::FILESYSRESULT_SUCCESS)
console::error("Error reading file %s\n", name);
const auto path = utils::string::va("dumps/sound/%s",;
utils::io::write_file(path, std::string(buffer, size), false);
console::info("Sound dumped to %s\n", path);
void dump_sound_file(unsigned short file_index)
const auto name = utils::string::va("soundfile%i.pak", file_index);
const auto fs_interface = db_fs_initialize_stub();
const auto handle = fs_interface->vftbl->OpenFile(fs_interface, game::Sys_Folder::SF_PAKFILE, name);
if (handle == nullptr)
console::error("Sound file %s not found\n", name);
const auto size = fs_interface->vftbl->Size(fs_interface, handle);
const auto buffer = utils::memory::get_allocator()->allocate_array<char>(size);
const auto _0 = gsl::finally([&]()
const auto result = fs_interface->vftbl->Read(fs_interface, handle, 0, size, buffer);
if (result != game::FILESYSRESULT_SUCCESS)
console::error("Error reading file %s\n", name);
std::vector<std::uint8_t> signature = {0x66, 0x4C, 0x61, 0x43};
const auto check_signature = [&](char* start)
for (auto i = 0; i < signature.size(); i++)
if (start[i] != signature[i])
return false;
return true;
const auto end = buffer + size - signature.size() - 1;
for (auto pos = buffer; pos < end;)
const auto start_pos = pos;
if (check_signature(start_pos))
while (pos < end && !check_signature(pos))
const auto flac_size = static_cast<size_t>(pos - start_pos);
std::string data{start_pos, flac_size};
const auto progress = static_cast<int>(100 * (static_cast<float>(start_pos - buffer) / static_cast<float>(end - buffer)));
const auto sound_name = get_sound_file_name(file_index, static_cast<uint64_t>(start_pos - buffer));
const auto path = utils::string::va("dumps/sound/%s",;
utils::io::write_file(path, data, false);
console::info("Sound dumped: %s (%i%%)\n", path, progress);
class component final : public component_interface
@ -461,63 +366,6 @@ namespace database
bink_io_read_hook.create(0x1407191B0, bink_io_read_stub);
bink_io_seek_hook.create(0x140719200, bink_io_seek_stub);
if (!utils::flags::has_flag("sounddumputils"))
db_link_xasset_entry1_hook.create(0x140414900, db_link_xasset_entry1_stub);
command::add("listSoundFiles", []()
for (const auto& packed : sound_files)
for (const auto& sound : packed.second)
console::info("soundfile%i.pak %s %llX", packed.first,, sound.first);
command::add("dumpSoundFile", [](const command::params& params)
if (params.size() < 2)
console::info("Usage: dumpSoundFile <index>\n");
const auto index = static_cast<unsigned short>(atoi(params.get(1)));
command::add("dumpSound", [](const command::params& params)
if (params.size() < 2)
console::info("Usage: dumpSound <name>\n");
const auto name = params.get(1);
for (const auto& packed : sound_files)
for (auto i = packed.second.begin(); i != packed.second.end();)
if (i->second != name)
const auto& sound_name = i->second;
const auto start_offset = i->first;
dump_flac_sound(sound_name, packed.first, start_offset, sound_sizes[sound_name]);
@ -82,25 +82,6 @@ namespace fastfiles
return db_read_stream_file_hook.invoke<void>(a1, a2);
bool exists(const std::string& zone)
const auto is_localized = game::DB_IsLocalized(;
const auto db_fs = game::DB_FSInitialize();
auto handle = db_fs->vftbl->OpenFile(db_fs,
(is_localized ? game::SF_ZONE_LOC : game::SF_ZONE), utils::string::va("%s.ff",;
const auto _0 = gsl::finally([&]
if (handle != nullptr)
db_fs->vftbl->Close(db_fs, handle);
return handle != nullptr;
void skip_extra_zones_stub(utils::hook::assembler& a)
const auto skip = a.newLabel();
@ -123,8 +104,187 @@ namespace fastfiles
a.and_(r15d, r14d);
bool try_load_zone(std::string name, bool localized, bool game = false)
if (localized)
const auto language = game::SEH_GetCurrentLanguageCode();
try_load_zone(language + "_"s + name, false);
if (language != "eng"s)
try_load_zone("eng_" + name, false);
if (!fastfiles::exists(name))
return false;
game::XZoneInfo info{};
|||| =;
info.allocFlags = (game ? game::DB_ZONE_GAME : game::DB_ZONE_COMMON) | game::DB_ZONE_CUSTOM;
info.freeFlags = 0;
game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1u, game::DBSyncMode::DB_LOAD_ASYNC);
return true;
void load_post_gfx_and_ui_and_common_zones(game::XZoneInfo* zoneInfo,
unsigned int zoneCount, game::DBSyncMode syncMode)
// code_post_gfx_mp
// ui_mp
// common_mp
try_load_zone("h2_mod_ui", true);
try_load_zone("h2_mod_common", true);
game::DB_LoadXAssets(zoneInfo, zoneCount, syncMode);
try_load_zone("mod", true);
constexpr unsigned int get_asset_type_size(const game::XAssetType type)
constexpr int asset_type_sizes[] =
96, 88, 128, 56, 40, 216, 56, 696,
624, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 2112, 2032,
104, 32, 24, 1520, 152, 152, 16, 64,
640, 40, 16, 136, 24, 296, 176, 2896,
48, 0, 24, 200, 88, 16, 144, 3848,
56, 72, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24,
40, 24, 48, 40, 24, 16, 80, 128,
2280, 136, 32, 72, 24, 64, 88, 48,
32, 96, 120, 64, 32, 32
return asset_type_sizes[type];
constexpr unsigned int get_pool_type_size(const game::XAssetType type)
constexpr int asset_pool_sizes[] =
150, 1024, 16, 1, 128, 7000, 5248, 5120,
10624, 256, 49152, 12288, 12288, 72864,
512, 3072, 12000, 16000, 256, 64, 64, 64,
64, 10000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 32, 0,
128, 400, 0, 11500, 128, 360, 1, 2048, 4,
6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1024, 768, 400, 128, 128,
24, 24, 24, 32, 128, 2, 0, 64, 384, 128,
1, 128, 64, 32, 32, 16, 32, 16
return asset_pool_sizes[type];
template <game::XAssetType Type, size_t Size>
char* reallocate_asset_pool()
constexpr auto element_size = get_asset_type_size(Type);
static char new_pool[element_size * Size] = {0};
static_assert(element_size != 0);
assert(element_size == game::DB_GetXAssetTypeSize(Type));
std::memmove(new_pool, game::g_assetPool[Type], game::g_poolSize[Type] * element_size);
game::g_assetPool[Type] = new_pool;
game::g_poolSize[Type] = Size;
return new_pool;
template <game::XAssetType Type, size_t Multiplier>
char* reallocate_asset_pool_multiplier()
constexpr auto pool_size = get_pool_type_size(Type);
return reallocate_asset_pool<Type, pool_size * Multiplier>();
void reallocate_asset_pools()
const auto xmodel_pool = reallocate_asset_pool_multiplier<game::ASSET_TYPE_XMODEL, 2>();
utils::hook::inject(0x140413D93, xmodel_pool + 8);
reallocate_asset_pool_multiplier<game::ASSET_TYPE_WEAPON, 2>();
reallocate_asset_pool_multiplier<game::ASSET_TYPE_SOUND, 2>();
reallocate_asset_pool_multiplier<game::ASSET_TYPE_LOADED_SOUND, 2>();
void add_custom_level_load_zone(void* load, const char* name, bool localized, const size_t size_est)
if (localized)
const auto language = game::SEH_GetCurrentLanguageCode();
const auto eng_name = "eng_"s + name;
const auto lang_name = language + "_"s + name;
if (fastfiles::exists(lang_name))
add_custom_level_load_zone(load,, false, size_est);
if (eng_name != lang_name && fastfiles::exists(eng_name))
add_custom_level_load_zone(load,, false, size_est);
game::DB_LevelLoadAddZone(load, name, game::DB_ZONE_GAME | game::DB_ZONE_CUSTOM, size_est);
void db_load_level_add_custom_zone_stub(void* load, const char* name, const unsigned int alloc_flags,
const size_t size_est)
//add_custom_level_load_zone(load, name, true, size_est);
try_load_zone(name, true, true);
void db_load_level_add_map_zone_stub(void* load, const char* name, const unsigned int alloc_flags,
const size_t size_est)
auto is_builtin_map = false;
for (auto map = &game::maps[0]; map->unk; ++map)
if (!std::strcmp(map->name, name))
is_builtin_map = true;
if (is_builtin_map)
game::DB_LevelLoadAddZone(load, name, alloc_flags, size_est);
add_custom_level_load_zone(load, name, true, size_est);
bool exists(const std::string& zone)
const auto is_localized = game::DB_IsLocalized(;
const auto db_fs = game::DB_FSInitialize();
auto handle = db_fs->vftbl->OpenFile(db_fs,
(is_localized ? game::SF_ZONE_LOC : game::SF_ZONE), utils::string::va("%s.ff",;
const auto _0 = gsl::finally([&]
if (handle != nullptr)
db_fs->vftbl->Close(db_fs, handle);
return handle != nullptr;
void enum_assets(const game::XAssetType type, const std::function<void(game::XAssetHeader)>& callback, const bool includeOverride)
game::DB_EnumXAssets_Internal(type, static_cast<void(*)(game::XAssetHeader, void*)>([](game::XAssetHeader header, void* data)
@ -163,6 +323,17 @@ namespace fastfiles
utils::hook::nop(0x140415DFC, 13);
utils::hook::jump(0x140415DFC, utils::hook::assemble(skip_extra_zones_stub), true);
// load our custom ui and common zones
utils::hook::call(0x14074E22A, load_post_gfx_and_ui_and_common_zones);
// only load extra zones with addon maps & common_specialops & common_survival & custom maps if the exist
utils::hook::call(0x1404128B0, db_load_level_add_map_zone_stub);
utils::hook::call(0x140412854, db_load_level_add_custom_zone_stub);
utils::hook::call(0x14041282D, db_load_level_add_custom_zone_stub);
utils::hook::call(0x14041287C, db_load_level_add_custom_zone_stub);
command::add("loadzone", [](const command::params& params)
if (params.size() < 2)
@ -172,18 +343,10 @@ namespace fastfiles
const auto name = params.get(1);
if (!fastfiles::exists(name))
if (!try_load_zone(name, false))
console::warn("loadzone: zone \"%s\" could not be found!\n", name);
game::XZoneInfo info{};
|||| = name;
info.allocFlags = game::DB_ZONE_GAME | game::DB_ZONE_CUSTOM;
info.freeFlags = 0;
game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1u, game::DBSyncMode::DB_LOAD_SYNC);
command::add("g_poolSizes", []()
@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ namespace fastfiles
void enum_assets(const game::XAssetType type, const std::function<void(game::XAssetHeader)>& callback, const bool includeOverride);
std::string get_current_fastfile();
bool exists(const std::string& zone);
@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
#include "filesystem.hpp"
#include "console.hpp"
#include "localized_strings.hpp"
#include "mods.hpp"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include <utils/io.hpp>
#include <utils/hook.hpp>
#include <utils/flags.hpp>
namespace filesystem
@ -39,6 +41,13 @@ namespace filesystem
const auto mod_path = utils::flags::get_flag("mod");
if (mod_path.has_value())
mods::mod_path = mod_path.value();
utils::hook::invoke<void>(0x14060BF50, name);
@ -129,6 +138,20 @@ namespace filesystem
return false;
bool exists(const std::string& path)
for (const auto& search_path : get_search_paths_internal())
const auto path_ = search_path / path;
if (utils::io::file_exists(path_.generic_string()))
return true;
return false;
void register_path(const std::filesystem::path& path)
if (!initialized)
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ namespace filesystem
std::string read_file(const std::string& path);
bool read_file(const std::string& path, std::string* data, std::string* real_path = nullptr);
bool find_file(const std::string& path, std::string* real_path);
bool exists(const std::string& path);
void register_path(const std::filesystem::path& path);
void unregister_path(const std::filesystem::path& path);
@ -57,6 +57,17 @@ namespace mods
}, scheduler::pipeline::main);
void full_restart(const std::string& arg)
utils::nt::relaunch_self(" -singleplayer "s.append(arg), true);
bool mod_requires_restart(const std::string& path)
return utils::io::file_exists(path + "/mod.ff") || utils::io::file_exists(path + "/zone/mod.ff");
class component final : public component_interface
@ -94,10 +105,20 @@ namespace mods
console::info("Loading mod %s\n", path);
mod_path = path;
if (mod_requires_restart(mod_path) || mod_requires_restart(path))
// vid_restart is still broken :(
full_restart("-mod "s + path);
mod_path = path;
command::add("unloadmod", [](const command::params& params)
@ -116,9 +137,18 @@ namespace mods
console::info("Unloading mod %s\n",;
if (mod_requires_restart(mod_path))
command::add("com_restart", []()
@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
namespace mods
extern std::string mod_path;
bool mod_requires_restart(const std::string& path);
@ -3355,6 +3355,42 @@ namespace dvars
"Fontsize of the popup friendly names, in splitscreen.",
"Base game name",
"Base game path",
"Base game path",
"CD path",
"Copy all used files to another location",
"Enable file system debugging information",
"Game data directory. Must be \"\" or a sub directory of 'mods/'.",
"Game home path",
"Ignore localized assets",
"Don't draw billboard sprites, oriented sprites or tails with alpha below this threshold (0-256).",
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ namespace game
WEAK symbol<int(const RawFile* rawfile, char* buf, int size)> DB_GetRawBuffer{0x140413C40};
WEAK symbol<XAssetEntry*(XAssetType type, XAssetHeader* header)> DB_LinkXAssetEntry1{0x140414900};
WEAK symbol<bool(const char* zoneName)> DB_IsLocalized{0x1404141E0};
WEAK symbol<size_t(XAssetType type)> DB_GetXAssetTypeSize{0x1403E40D0};
WEAK symbol<void(void* levelLoad, const char* name,
const unsigned int allocFlags, const unsigned __int64 sizeEst)> DB_LevelLoadAddZone{0x1404145D0};
WEAK symbol<dvar_t*(const char* name)> Dvar_FindVar{0x140618F90};
WEAK symbol<dvar_t*(int hash)> Dvar_FindMalleableVar{0x140618F00};
@ -121,6 +124,7 @@ namespace game
WEAK symbol<int(unsigned int index)> Scr_GetInt{0x1405C7890};
WEAK symbol<void(int value)> Scr_AddInt{0x1405C69A0};
WEAK symbol<void(const char* value)> Scr_AddString{0x1405C6A80};
WEAK symbol<void(const char* name)> Scr_LoadScript{0x1405BCEC0};
WEAK symbol<unsigned int(unsigned int localId, const char* pos, unsigned int paramcount)> VM_Execute{0x1405C8DB0};
@ -191,7 +195,12 @@ namespace game
WEAK symbol<HWND> hWnd{0x14CCF81C0};
WEAK symbol<const char*> g_assetNames{0x140BEF280};
WEAK game::symbol<const char*> g_assetNames{0x140BEF280};
WEAK game::symbol<void*> g_assetPool{0x140BF3620};
WEAK game::symbol<unsigned int> g_zoneCount{0x1422F45F4};
WEAK game::symbol<unsigned short> g_zoneIndex{0x1422F8DC8};
WEAK symbol<int> g_compressor{0x142065E80};
WEAK symbol<int> g_poolSize{0x140BF2E40};
@ -6,42 +6,69 @@
namespace utils::flags
void parse_flags(std::vector<std::string>& flags)
int num_args;
auto* const argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &num_args);
bool parsed = false;
using flag_map_t = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::optional<std::string>>;
if (argv)
flag_map_t& get_flags()
for (auto i = 0; i < num_args; ++i)
std::wstring wide_flag(argv[i]);
if (wide_flag[0] == L'-')
static flag_map_t map = {};
return map;
void parse_flags(flag_map_t& flags)
int num_args;
auto* const argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &num_args);
if (argv)
std::optional<std::string> last_flag{};
for (auto i = 0; i < num_args; ++i)
std::wstring wide_flag(argv[i]);
if (wide_flag[0] == L'-')
const auto flag = string::convert(wide_flag);
last_flag = flag;
flags[flag] = {};
else if (last_flag.has_value())
const auto& flag = last_flag.value();
flags[flag] = string::convert(wide_flag);
last_flag = {};
void check_parse_flags()
if (!parsed)
parsed = true;
bool has_flag(const std::string& flag)
static auto parsed = false;
static std::vector<std::string> enabled_flags;
if (!parsed)
for (const auto& [name, value] : get_flags())
for (const auto& entry : enabled_flags)
if (string::to_lower(entry) == string::to_lower(flag))
if (string::to_lower(name) == string::to_lower(flag))
return true;
@ -49,4 +76,40 @@ namespace utils::flags
return false;
std::optional<std::string> get_flag(const std::string& flag)
for (const auto& [name, value] : get_flags())
if (string::to_lower(name) == string::to_lower(flag))
return value;
return {};
std::optional<std::string> get_flag(const std::string& flag, const std::string& shortname)
auto value = get_flag(flag);
if (!value.has_value())
value = get_flag(shortname);
return value;
std::string get_flag(const std::string& flag, const std::string& shortname,
const std::string& default_)
const auto value = get_flag(flag, shortname);
if (!value.has_value())
return default_;
return value.value();
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <optional>
namespace utils::flags
bool has_flag(const std::string& flag);
std::optional<std::string> get_flag(const std::string& flag);
std::optional<std::string> get_flag(const std::string& flag, const std::string& shortname);
std::string get_flag(const std::string& flag, const std::string& shortname,
const std::string& default_);
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ namespace utils::nt
return std::string(LPSTR(LockResource(handle)), SizeofResource(nullptr, res));
void relaunch_self(const std::string& extra_command_line)
void relaunch_self(const std::string& extra_command_line, bool override_command_line)
const utils::nt::library self;
@ -243,7 +243,14 @@ namespace utils::nt
std::string command_line = GetCommandLineA();
if (!extra_command_line.empty())
command_line += " " + extra_command_line;
if (override_command_line)
command_line = extra_command_line;
command_line += " " + extra_command_line;
CreateProcessA(self.get_path().data(),, nullptr, nullptr, false, NULL, nullptr, current_dir,
@ -105,6 +105,6 @@ namespace utils::nt
__declspec(noreturn) void raise_hard_exception();
std::string load_resource(int id);
void relaunch_self(const std::string& extra_command_line = "");
void relaunch_self(const std::string& extra_command_line = "", bool override_command_line = false);
__declspec(noreturn) void terminate(uint32_t code = 0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user