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2024-03-07 03:33:59 -05:00
-- $Id: testes/tpack.lua $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
local pack = string.pack
local packsize = string.packsize
local unpack = string.unpack
print "testing pack/unpack"
-- maximum size for integers
local NB = 16
local sizeshort = packsize("h")
local sizeint = packsize("i")
local sizelong = packsize("l")
local sizesize_t = packsize("T")
local sizeLI = packsize("j")
local sizefloat = packsize("f")
local sizedouble = packsize("d")
local sizenumber = packsize("n")
local little = (pack("i2", 1) == "\1\0")
local align = packsize("!xXi16")
assert(1 <= sizeshort and sizeshort <= sizeint and sizeint <= sizelong and
sizefloat <= sizedouble)
"\tshort %d, int %d, long %d, size_t %d, float %d, double %d,\n\z
\tlua Integer %d, lua Number %d",
sizeshort, sizeint, sizelong, sizesize_t, sizefloat, sizedouble,
sizeLI, sizenumber))
print("\t" .. (little and "little" or "big") .. " endian")
print("\talignment: " .. align)
-- check errors in arguments
local function checkerror (msg, f, ...)
local status, err = pcall(f, ...)
-- print(status, err, msg)
assert(not status and string.find(err, msg))
-- minimum behavior for integer formats
assert(unpack("B", pack("B", 0xff)) == 0xff)
assert(unpack("b", pack("b", 0x7f)) == 0x7f)
assert(unpack("b", pack("b", -0x80)) == -0x80)
assert(unpack("H", pack("H", 0xffff)) == 0xffff)
assert(unpack("h", pack("h", 0x7fff)) == 0x7fff)
assert(unpack("h", pack("h", -0x8000)) == -0x8000)
assert(unpack("L", pack("L", 0xffffffff)) == 0xffffffff)
assert(unpack("l", pack("l", 0x7fffffff)) == 0x7fffffff)
assert(unpack("l", pack("l", -0x80000000)) == -0x80000000)
for i = 1, NB do
-- small numbers with signal extension ("\xFF...")
local s = string.rep("\xff", i)
assert(pack("i" .. i, -1) == s)
assert(packsize("i" .. i) == #s)
assert(unpack("i" .. i, s) == -1)
-- small unsigned number ("\0...\xAA")
s = "\xAA" .. string.rep("\0", i - 1)
assert(pack("<I" .. i, 0xAA) == s)
assert(unpack("<I" .. i, s) == 0xAA)
assert(pack(">I" .. i, 0xAA) == s:reverse())
assert(unpack(">I" .. i, s:reverse()) == 0xAA)
local lnum = 0x13121110090807060504030201
local s = pack("<j", lnum)
assert(unpack("<j", s) == lnum)
assert(unpack("<i" .. sizeLI + 1, s .. "\0") == lnum)
assert(unpack("<i" .. sizeLI + 1, s .. "\0") == lnum)
for i = sizeLI + 1, NB do
local s = pack("<j", -lnum)
assert(unpack("<j", s) == -lnum)
-- strings with (correct) extra bytes
assert(unpack("<i" .. i, s .. ("\xFF"):rep(i - sizeLI)) == -lnum)
assert(unpack(">i" .. i, ("\xFF"):rep(i - sizeLI) .. s:reverse()) == -lnum)
assert(unpack("<I" .. i, s .. ("\0"):rep(i - sizeLI)) == -lnum)
-- overflows
checkerror("does not fit", unpack, "<I" .. i, ("\x00"):rep(i - 1) .. "\1")
checkerror("does not fit", unpack, ">i" .. i, "\1" .. ("\x00"):rep(i - 1))
for i = 1, sizeLI do
local lstr = "\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9\10\11\12\13"
local lnum = 0x13121110090807060504030201
local n = lnum & (~(-1 << (i * 8)))
local s = string.sub(lstr, 1, i)
assert(pack("<i" .. i, n) == s)
assert(pack(">i" .. i, n) == s:reverse())
assert(unpack(">i" .. i, s:reverse()) == n)
-- sign extension
local u = 0xf0
for i = 1, sizeLI - 1 do
assert(unpack("<i"..i, "\xf0"..("\xff"):rep(i - 1)) == -16)
assert(unpack(">I"..i, "\xf0"..("\xff"):rep(i - 1)) == u)
u = u * 256 + 0xff
-- mixed endianness
assert(pack(">i2 <i2", 10, 20) == "\0\10\20\0")
local a, b = unpack("<i2 >i2", "\10\0\0\20")
assert(a == 10 and b == 20)
assert(pack("=i4", 2001) == pack("i4", 2001))
print("testing invalid formats")
checkerror("out of limits", pack, "i0", 0)
checkerror("out of limits", pack, "i" .. NB + 1, 0)
checkerror("out of limits", pack, "!" .. NB + 1, 0)
checkerror("%(17%) out of limits %[1,16%]", pack, "Xi" .. NB + 1)
checkerror("invalid format option 'r'", pack, "i3r", 0)
checkerror("16%-byte integer", unpack, "i16", string.rep('\3', 16))
checkerror("not power of 2", pack, "!4i3", 0);
checkerror("missing size", pack, "c", "")
checkerror("variable%-length format", packsize, "s")
checkerror("variable%-length format", packsize, "z")
-- overflow in option size (error will be in digit after limit)
checkerror("invalid format", packsize, "c1" .. string.rep("0", 40))
if packsize("i") == 4 then
-- result would be 2^31 (2^3 repetitions of 2^28 strings)
local s = string.rep("c268435456", 2^3)
checkerror("too large", packsize, s)
-- one less is OK
s = string.rep("c268435456", 2^3 - 1) .. "c268435455"
assert(packsize(s) == 0x7fffffff)
-- overflow in packing
for i = 1, sizeLI - 1 do
local umax = (1 << (i * 8)) - 1
local max = umax >> 1
local min = ~max
checkerror("overflow", pack, "<I" .. i, -1)
checkerror("overflow", pack, "<I" .. i, min)
checkerror("overflow", pack, ">I" .. i, umax + 1)
checkerror("overflow", pack, ">i" .. i, umax)
checkerror("overflow", pack, ">i" .. i, max + 1)
checkerror("overflow", pack, "<i" .. i, min - 1)
assert(unpack(">i" .. i, pack(">i" .. i, max)) == max)
assert(unpack("<i" .. i, pack("<i" .. i, min)) == min)
assert(unpack(">I" .. i, pack(">I" .. i, umax)) == umax)
-- Lua integer size
assert(unpack(">j", pack(">j", math.maxinteger)) == math.maxinteger)
assert(unpack("<j", pack("<j", math.mininteger)) == math.mininteger)
assert(unpack("<J", pack("<j", -1)) == -1) -- maximum unsigned integer
if little then
assert(pack("f", 24) == pack("<f", 24))
assert(pack("f", 24) == pack(">f", 24))
print "testing pack/unpack of floating-point numbers"
for _, n in ipairs{0, -1.1, 1.9, 1/0, -1/0, 1e20, -1e20, 0.1, 2000.7} do
assert(unpack("n", pack("n", n)) == n)
assert(unpack("<n", pack("<n", n)) == n)
assert(unpack(">n", pack(">n", n)) == n)
assert(pack("<f", n) == pack(">f", n):reverse())
assert(pack(">d", n) == pack("<d", n):reverse())
-- for non-native precisions, test only with "round" numbers
for _, n in ipairs{0, -1.5, 1/0, -1/0, 1e10, -1e9, 0.5, 2000.25} do
assert(unpack("<f", pack("<f", n)) == n)
assert(unpack(">f", pack(">f", n)) == n)
assert(unpack("<d", pack("<d", n)) == n)
assert(unpack(">d", pack(">d", n)) == n)
print "testing pack/unpack of strings"
local s = string.rep("abc", 1000)
assert(pack("zB", s, 247) == s .. "\0\xF7")
local s1, b = unpack("zB", s .. "\0\xF9")
assert(b == 249 and s1 == s)
s1 = pack("s", s)
assert(unpack("s", s1) == s)
checkerror("does not fit", pack, "s1", s)
checkerror("contains zeros", pack, "z", "alo\0");
checkerror("unfinished string", unpack, "zc10000000", "alo")
for i = 2, NB do
local s1 = pack("s" .. i, s)
assert(unpack("s" .. i, s1) == s and #s1 == #s + i)
local x = pack("s", "alo")
checkerror("too short", unpack, "s", x:sub(1, -2))
checkerror("too short", unpack, "c5", "abcd")
checkerror("out of limits", pack, "s100", "alo")
assert(pack("c0", "") == "")
assert(packsize("c0") == 0)
assert(unpack("c0", "") == "")
assert(pack("<! c3", "abc") == "abc")
assert(packsize("<! c3") == 3)
assert(pack(">!4 c6", "abcdef") == "abcdef")
assert(pack("c3", "123") == "123")
assert(pack("c0", "") == "")
assert(pack("c8", "123456") == "123456\0\0")
assert(pack("c88", "") == string.rep("\0", 88))
assert(pack("c188", "ab") == "ab" .. string.rep("\0", 188 - 2))
local a, b, c = unpack("!4 z c3", "abcdefghi\0xyz")
assert(a == "abcdefghi" and b == "xyz" and c == 14)
checkerror("longer than", pack, "c3", "1234")
-- testing multiple types and sequence
local x = pack("<b h b f d f n i", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
assert(#x == packsize("<b h b f d f n i"))
local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = unpack("<b h b f d f n i", x)
assert(a == 1 and b == 2 and c == 3 and d == 4 and e == 5 and f == 6 and
g == 7 and h == 8)
print "testing alignment"
assert(pack(" < i1 i2 ", 2, 3) == "\2\3\0") -- no alignment by default
local x = pack(">!8 b Xh i4 i8 c1 Xi8", -12, 100, 200, "\xEC")
assert(#x == packsize(">!8 b Xh i4 i8 c1 Xi8"))
assert(x == "\xf4" .. "\0\0\0" ..
"\0\0\0\100" ..
"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xC8" ..
"\xEC" .. "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")
local a, b, c, d, pos = unpack(">!8 c1 Xh i4 i8 b Xi8 XI XH", x)
assert(a == "\xF4" and b == 100 and c == 200 and d == -20 and (pos - 1) == #x)
x = pack(">!4 c3 c4 c2 z i4 c5 c2 Xi4",
"abc", "abcd", "xz", "hello", 5, "world", "xy")
assert(x == "abcabcdxzhello\0\0\0\0\0\5worldxy\0")
local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, pos = unpack(">!4 c3 c4 c2 z i4 c5 c2 Xh Xi4", x)
assert(a == "abc" and b == "abcd" and c == "xz" and d == "hello" and
e == 5 and f == "world" and g == "xy" and (pos - 1) % 4 == 0)
x = pack(" b b Xd b Xb x", 1, 2, 3)
assert(packsize(" b b Xd b Xb x") == 4)
assert(x == "\1\2\3\0")
a, b, c, pos = unpack("bbXdb", x)
assert(a == 1 and b == 2 and c == 3 and pos == #x)
-- only alignment
assert(packsize("!8 xXi8") == 8)
local pos = unpack("!8 xXi8", "0123456701234567"); assert(pos == 9)
assert(packsize("!8 xXi2") == 2)
local pos = unpack("!8 xXi2", "0123456701234567"); assert(pos == 3)
assert(packsize("!2 xXi2") == 2)
local pos = unpack("!2 xXi2", "0123456701234567"); assert(pos == 3)
assert(packsize("!2 xXi8") == 2)
local pos = unpack("!2 xXi8", "0123456701234567"); assert(pos == 3)
assert(packsize("!16 xXi16") == 16)
local pos = unpack("!16 xXi16", "0123456701234567"); assert(pos == 17)
checkerror("invalid next option", pack, "X")
checkerror("invalid next option", unpack, "XXi", "")
checkerror("invalid next option", unpack, "X i", "")
checkerror("invalid next option", pack, "Xc1")
do -- testing initial position
local x = pack("i4i4i4i4", 1, 2, 3, 4)
for pos = 1, 16, 4 do
local i, p = unpack("i4", x, pos)
assert(i == pos//4 + 1 and p == pos + 4)
-- with alignment
for pos = 0, 12 do -- will always round position to power of 2
local i, p = unpack("!4 i4", x, pos + 1)
assert(i == (pos + 3)//4 + 1 and p == i*4 + 1)
-- negative indices
local i, p = unpack("!4 i4", x, -4)
assert(i == 4 and p == 17)
local i, p = unpack("!4 i4", x, -7)
assert(i == 4 and p == 17)
local i, p = unpack("!4 i4", x, -#x)
assert(i == 1 and p == 5)
-- limits
for i = 1, #x + 1 do
assert(unpack("c0", x, i) == "")
checkerror("out of string", unpack, "c0", x, #x + 2)
print "OK"