2024-03-07 00:54:32 -05:00

97 lines
2.3 KiB

#include <sol/sol.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
struct my_thing {
std::map<std::string, int> m {
{ "bark", 20 },
{ "woof", 60 },
{ "borf", 30 },
{ "awoo", 5 },
my_thing() {
struct lua_iterator_state {
typedef std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it_t;
it_t it;
it_t last;
lua_iterator_state(my_thing& mt)
: it(mt.m.begin()), last(mt.m.end()) {
std::tuple<sol::object, sol::object> my_next(
sol::user<lua_iterator_state&> user_it_state,
sol::this_state l) {
// this gets called
// to start the first iteration, and every
// iteration there after
// the state you passed in my_pairs is argument 1
// the key value is argument 2, but we do not
// care about the key value here
lua_iterator_state& it_state = user_it_state;
auto& it = it_state.it;
if (it == it_state.last) {
// return nil to signify that
// there's nothing more to work with.
return std::make_tuple(sol::object(sol::lua_nil),
auto itderef = *it;
// 2 values are returned (pushed onto the stack):
// the key and the value
// the state is left alone
auto r = std::make_tuple(
sol::object(l, sol::in_place, it->first),
sol::object(l, sol::in_place, it->second));
// the iterator must be moved forward one before we return
std::advance(it, 1);
return r;
auto my_pairs(my_thing& mt) {
// pairs expects 3 returns:
// the "next" function on how to advance,
// the "table" itself or some state,
// and an initial key value (can be nil)
// prepare our state
lua_iterator_state it_state(mt);
// sol::user is a space/time optimization over regular
// usertypes, it's incompatible with regular usertypes and
// stores the type T directly in lua without any pretty
// setup saves space allocation and a single dereference
return std::make_tuple(&my_next,
int main(int, char*[]) {
std::cout << "===== pairs (advanced) =====" << std::endl;
sol::state lua;
"my_thing", sol::meta_function::pairs, my_pairs);
#if SOL_LUA_VERSION_I_ > 501
local mt = my_thing.new()
for k, v in pairs(mt) do
print(k, v)
#endif // Does not work on Lua 5.1
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;