810 lines
21 KiB
810 lines
21 KiB
#include <std_include.hpp>
#include "loader/component_loader.hpp"
#include "game_console.hpp"
#include "command.hpp"
#include "console.hpp"
#include "scheduler.hpp"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include "game/dvars.hpp"
#include <utils/string.hpp>
#include <utils/hook.hpp>
#include <utils/concurrency.hpp>
#include "version.hpp"
#define console_font game::R_RegisterFont("fonts/fira_mono_regular.ttf", 18)
#define material_white game::Material_RegisterHandle("white")
namespace game_console
struct console_globals
float x{};
float y{};
float left_x{};
float font_height{};
bool may_auto_complete{};
char auto_complete_choice[64]{};
int info_line_count{};
using output_queue = std::deque<std::string>;
struct ingame_console
char buffer[256]{};
int cursor{};
int font_height{};
int visible_line_count{};
int visible_pixel_width{};
float screen_min[2]{}; //left & top
float screen_max[2]{}; //right & bottom
console_globals globals{};
bool output_visible{};
int display_line_offset{};
int line_count{};
utils::concurrency::container<output_queue, std::recursive_mutex> output{};
ingame_console con{};
std::int32_t history_index = -1;
std::deque<std::string> history{};
std::string fixed_input{};
std::vector<dvars::dvar_info> matches{};
float color_white[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
float color_title[4] = {0.3f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 1.0f};
void clear()
strncpy_s(con.buffer, "", sizeof(con.buffer));
con.cursor = 0;
fixed_input = "";
void print_internal(const std::string& data)
con.output.access([&](output_queue& output)
if (con.visible_line_count > 0
&& con.display_line_offset == (output.size() - con.visible_line_count))
if (output.size() > 512)
void toggle_console()
con.output_visible = false;
*game::keyCatchers ^= 1;
void toggle_console_output()
con.output_visible = con.output_visible == 0;
void check_resize()
con.screen_min[0] = 6.0f;
con.screen_min[1] = 6.0f;
con.screen_max[0] = game::ScrPlace_GetViewPlacement()->realViewportSize[0] - 6.0f;
con.screen_max[1] = game::ScrPlace_GetViewPlacement()->realViewportSize[1] - 6.0f;
if (console_font)
con.font_height = console_font->pixelHeight;
con.visible_line_count = static_cast<int>((con.screen_max[1] - con.screen_min[1] - (con.font_height * 2)
) -
24.0f) / con.font_height;
con.visible_pixel_width = static_cast<int>(((con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0]) - 10.0f) - 18.0f);
con.font_height = 0;
con.visible_line_count = 0;
con.visible_pixel_width = 0;
void draw_box(const float x, const float y, const float w, const float h, float* color)
game::vec4_t dark_color;
dark_color[0] = color[0] * 0.5f;
dark_color[1] = color[1] * 0.5f;
dark_color[2] = color[2] * 0.5f;
dark_color[3] = color[3];
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(x, y, w, h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, material_white);
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(x, y, 2.0f, h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, dark_color, material_white);
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic((x + w) - 2.0f, y, 2.0f, h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, dark_color,
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(x, y, w, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, dark_color, material_white);
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(x, (y + h) - 2.0f, w, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, dark_color,
void draw_input_box(const int lines, float* color)
con.globals.x - 6.0f,
con.globals.y - 6.0f,
(con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0]) - ((con.globals.x - 6.0f) - con.screen_min[0]),
(lines * con.globals.font_height) + 12.0f,
void draw_input_text_and_over(const char* str, float* color)
game::R_AddCmdDrawText(str, 0x7FFFFFFF, console_font, con.globals.x,
con.globals.y + con.globals.font_height, 1.0f,
1.0f, 0.0f, color, 0);
con.globals.x = game::R_TextWidth(str, 0, console_font) + con.globals.x + 6.0f;
float draw_hint_box(const int lines, float* color, [[maybe_unused]] float offset_x = 0.0f,
[[maybe_unused]] float offset_y = 0.0f)
const auto _h = lines * con.globals.font_height + 12.0f;
const auto _y = con.globals.y - 3.0f + con.globals.font_height + 12.0f + offset_y;
const auto _w = (con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0]) - ((con.globals.x - 6.0f) - con.screen_min[0]);
draw_box(con.globals.x - 6.0f, _y, _w, _h, color);
return _h;
void draw_hint_text(const int line, const char* text, float* color, const float offset_x = 0.0f, const float offset_y = 0.0f)
const auto _y = con.globals.font_height + con.globals.y + (con.globals.font_height * (line + 1)) + 15.0f + offset_y;
game::R_AddCmdDrawText(text, 0x7FFFFFFF, console_font, con.globals.x + offset_x, _y, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, color, 0);
void find_matches(std::string input, std::vector<dvars::dvar_info>& suggestions, const bool exact)
input = utils::string::to_lower(input);
for (const auto& dvar : dvars::dvar_list)
auto name = utils::string::to_lower(dvar.name);
if (game::Dvar_FindVar(name.data()) && utils::string::match_compare(input, name, exact))
if (exact && suggestions.size() > 1)
if (suggestions.size() == 0 && game::Dvar_FindVar(input.data()))
suggestions.push_back({input, ""});
game::cmd_function_s* cmd = (*game::cmd_functions);
while (cmd)
if (cmd->name)
std::string name = utils::string::to_lower(cmd->name);
if (utils::string::match_compare(input, name, exact))
suggestions.push_back({cmd->name, ""});
if (exact && suggestions.size() > 1)
cmd = cmd->next;
void draw_input()
con.globals.font_height = static_cast<float>(console_font->pixelHeight);
con.globals.x = con.screen_min[0] + 6.0f;
con.globals.y = con.screen_min[1] + 6.0f;
con.globals.left_x = con.screen_min[0] + 6.0f;
draw_input_box(1, dvars::con_inputBoxColor->current.vector);
draw_input_text_and_over("H1-Mod: " ">", color_title);
con.globals.left_x = con.globals.x;
con.globals.auto_complete_choice[0] = 0;
game::R_AddCmdDrawTextWithCursor(con.buffer, 0x7FFFFFFF, console_font, 18, con.globals.x,
con.globals.y + con.globals.font_height, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, color_white, 0,
con.cursor, '|');
// check if using a prefixed '/' or not
const auto input = con.buffer[1] && (con.buffer[0] == '/' || con.buffer[0] == '\\')
? std::string(con.buffer).substr(1)
: std::string(con.buffer);
if (!input.length())
if (input != fixed_input)
if (input.find(" ") != std::string::npos)
find_matches(input.substr(0, input.find(" ")), matches, true);
find_matches(input, matches, false);
fixed_input = input;
con.globals.may_auto_complete = false;
if (matches.size() > 24)
draw_hint_box(1, dvars::con_inputHintBoxColor->current.vector);
draw_hint_text(0, utils::string::va("%i matches (too many to show here). Press SHIFT + TAB to show more", matches.size()),
if (game::playerKeys[0].keys[game::keyNum_t::K_SHIFT].down && game::playerKeys[0].keys[game::keyNum_t::K_TAB].down)
console::info("]%s\n", con.buffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++)
console::info("\t%s\n", matches[i].name.data());
else if (matches.size() == 1)
auto* const dvar = game::Dvar_FindVar(matches[0].name.data());
const auto line_count = dvar ? 3 : 1;
const auto height = draw_hint_box(line_count, dvars::con_inputHintBoxColor->current.vector);
draw_hint_text(0, matches[0].name.data(), dvar
? dvars::con_inputDvarMatchColor->current.vector
: dvars::con_inputCmdMatchColor->current.vector);
if (dvar)
const auto offset = (con.screen_max[0] - con.globals.x) / 4.f;
draw_hint_text(0, game::Dvar_ValueToString(dvar, true, dvar->current),
dvars::con_inputDvarValueColor->current.vector, offset);
draw_hint_text(1, " default", dvars::con_inputDvarInactiveValueColor->current.vector);
draw_hint_text(1, game::Dvar_ValueToString(dvar, true, dvar->reset),
dvars::con_inputDvarInactiveValueColor->current.vector, offset);
draw_hint_text(2, matches[0].description.data(),
color_white, 0);
const auto offset_y = height + 3.f;
const auto line_count_ = dvar->type == game::dvar_type::enumeration
? dvar->domain.enumeration.stringCount + 1
: 1;
draw_hint_box(line_count_, dvars::con_inputHintBoxColor->current.vector, 0, offset_y);
draw_hint_text(0, dvars::dvar_get_domain(dvar->type, dvar->domain).data(),
dvars::con_inputCmdMatchColor->current.vector, 0, offset_y);
strncpy_s(con.globals.auto_complete_choice, matches[0].name.data(), 64);
con.globals.may_auto_complete = true;
else if (matches.size() > 1)
draw_hint_box(static_cast<int>(matches.size()), dvars::con_inputHintBoxColor->current.vector);
const auto offset = (con.screen_max[0] - con.globals.x) / 4.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++)
auto* const dvar = game::Dvar_FindVar(matches[i].name.data());
draw_hint_text(static_cast<int>(i), matches[i].name.data(),
? dvars::con_inputDvarMatchColor->current.vector
: dvars::con_inputCmdMatchColor->current.vector);
if (dvar)
draw_hint_text(static_cast<int>(i), game::Dvar_ValueToString(dvar, true, dvar->current),
dvars::con_inputDvarValueColor->current.vector, offset);
draw_hint_text(static_cast<int>(i), matches[i].description.data(),
dvars::con_inputDvarValueColor->current.vector, offset * 1.5f);
strncpy_s(con.globals.auto_complete_choice, matches[0].name.data(), 64);
con.globals.may_auto_complete = true;
void draw_output_scrollbar(const float x, float y, const float width, const float height, output_queue& output)
const auto _x = (x + width) - 10.0f;
draw_box(_x, y, 10.0f, height, dvars::con_outputBarColor->current.vector);
auto _height = height;
if (output.size() > con.visible_line_count)
const auto percentage = static_cast<float>(con.visible_line_count) / output.size();
_height *= percentage;
const auto remainingSpace = height - _height;
const auto percentageAbove = static_cast<float>(con.display_line_offset) / (output.size() - con.
y = y + (remainingSpace * percentageAbove);
draw_box(_x, y, 10.0f, _height, dvars::con_outputSliderColor->current.vector);
void draw_output_text(const float x, float y, output_queue& output)
const auto offset = output.size() >= con.visible_line_count
? 0.0f
: (con.font_height * (con.visible_line_count - output.size()));
for (auto i = 0; i < con.visible_line_count; i++)
y = console_font->pixelHeight + y;
const auto index = i + con.display_line_offset;
if (index >= output.size())
game::R_AddCmdDrawText(output.at(index).data(), 0x7FFF, console_font, x, y + offset, 1.0f, 1.0f,
0.0f, color_white, 0);
void draw_output_window()
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
draw_box(con.screen_min[0], con.screen_min[1] + 32.0f, con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0],
(con.screen_max[1] - con.screen_min[1]) - 32.0f, dvars::con_outputWindowColor->current.vector);
const auto x = con.screen_min[0] + 6.0f;
const auto y = (con.screen_min[1] + 32.0f) + 6.0f;
const auto width = (con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0]) - 12.0f;
const auto height = ((con.screen_max[1] - con.screen_min[1]) - 32.0f) - 12.0f;
game::R_AddCmdDrawText("H1-Mod 1.15", 0x7FFFFFFF, console_font, x,
((height - 16.0f) + y) + console_font->pixelHeight, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, color_title, 0);
draw_output_scrollbar(x, y, width, height, output);
draw_output_text(x, y, output);
void draw_console()
if (*game::keyCatchers & 1)
if (!(*game::keyCatchers & 1))
con.output_visible = false;
if (con.output_visible)
void print_internal(const char* fmt, ...)
char va_buffer[0x200] = {0};
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsprintf_s(va_buffer, fmt, ap);
const auto formatted = std::string(va_buffer);
const auto lines = utils::string::split(formatted, '\n');
for (const auto& line : lines)
void print(const int type, const std::string& data)
if (game::environment::is_dedi())
catch (std::exception&)
const auto lines = utils::string::split(data, '\n');
for (const auto& line : lines)
print_internal(type == console::con_type_info ? line : "^"s.append(std::to_string(type)).append(line));
bool console_char_event(const int local_client_num, const int key)
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_GRAVE ||
key == game::keyNum_t::K_TILDE ||
key == '|' ||
key == '\\')
return false;
if (key > 127)
return true;
if (*game::keyCatchers & 1)
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_TAB) // tab (auto complete)
if (con.globals.may_auto_complete)
const auto first_char = con.buffer[0];
if (first_char == '\\' || first_char == '/')
con.buffer[0] = first_char;
con.buffer[1] = '\0';
strncat_s(con.buffer, con.globals.auto_complete_choice, 64);
con.cursor = static_cast<int>(std::string(con.buffer).length());
if (con.cursor != 254)
con.buffer[con.cursor++] = ' ';
con.buffer[con.cursor] = '\0';
if (key == 'v' - 'a' + 1) // paste
const auto clipboard = utils::string::get_clipboard_data();
if (clipboard.empty())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < clipboard.length(); i++)
console_char_event(local_client_num, clipboard[i]);
return false;
if (key == 'c' - 'a' + 1) // clear
con.line_count = 0;
con.display_line_offset = 0;
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
history_index = -1;
return false;
if (key == 'h' - 'a' + 1) // backspace
if (con.cursor > 0)
memmove(con.buffer + con.cursor - 1, con.buffer + con.cursor,
strlen(con.buffer) + 1 - con.cursor);
return false;
if (key < 32)
return false;
if (con.cursor == 256 - 1)
return false;
memmove(con.buffer + con.cursor + 1, con.buffer + con.cursor, strlen(con.buffer) + 1 - con.cursor);
con.buffer[con.cursor] = static_cast<char>(key);
if (con.cursor == strlen(con.buffer) + 1)
con.buffer[con.cursor] = 0;
return true;
bool console_key_event(const int local_client_num, const int key, const int down)
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_F10)
if (!game::Com_InFrontend())
return false;
game::Cmd_ExecuteSingleCommand(local_client_num, 0, "lui_open menu_systemlink_join\n");
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_GRAVE || key == game::keyNum_t::K_TILDE)
if (!down)
return false;
const auto shift_down = game::playerKeys[local_client_num].keys[game::keyNum_t::K_SHIFT].down;
if (shift_down)
if (!(*game::keyCatchers & 1))
return false;
return false;
if (*game::keyCatchers & 1)
if (down)
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_UPARROW)
if (++history_index >= history.size())
history_index = static_cast<int>(history.size()) - 1;
if (history_index != -1)
strncpy_s(con.buffer, history.at(history_index).c_str(), 0x100);
con.cursor = static_cast<int>(strlen(con.buffer));
else if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_DOWNARROW)
if (--history_index < -1)
history_index = -1;
if (history_index != -1)
strncpy_s(con.buffer, history.at(history_index).c_str(), 0x100);
con.cursor = static_cast<int>(strlen(con.buffer));
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_RIGHTARROW)
if (con.cursor < strlen(con.buffer))
return false;
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_LEFTARROW)
if (con.cursor > 0)
return false;
//scroll through output
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_MWHEELUP || key == game::keyNum_t::K_PGUP)
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
if (output.size() > con.visible_line_count && con.display_line_offset > 0)
else if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_MWHEELDOWN || key == game::keyNum_t::K_PGDN)
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
if (output.size() > con.visible_line_count
&& con.display_line_offset < (output.size() - con.visible_line_count))
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_ENTER)
game::Cbuf_AddText(0, 0, utils::string::va("%s \n", fixed_input.data()));
if (history_index != -1)
const auto itr = history.begin() + history_index;
if (*itr == con.buffer)
history.erase(history.begin() + history_index);
console::info("]%s\n", con.buffer);
if (history.size() > 10)
history.erase(history.begin() + 10);
history_index = -1;
return true;
class component final : public component_interface
void post_load() override
if (game::environment::is_dedi())
void post_unpack() override
if (game::environment::is_dedi())
scheduler::loop(draw_console, scheduler::pipeline::renderer);
// initialize our structs
con.cursor = 0;
con.visible_line_count = 0;
con.output_visible = false;
con.display_line_offset = 0;
con.line_count = 0;
strncpy_s(con.buffer, "", 256);
con.globals.x = 0.0f;
con.globals.y = 0.0f;
con.globals.left_x = 0.0f;
con.globals.font_height = 0.0f;
con.globals.may_auto_complete = false;
con.globals.info_line_count = 0;
strncpy_s(con.globals.auto_complete_choice, "", 64);
// add clear command
command::add("clear", [&]()
con.line_count = 0;
con.display_line_offset = 0;
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
history_index = -1;
// add our dvars
dvars::con_inputBoxColor = dvars::register_vec4("con_inputBoxColor", 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.9f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
"color of console input box");
dvars::con_inputHintBoxColor = dvars::register_vec4("con_inputHintBoxColor", 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f,
game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "color of console input hint box");
dvars::con_outputBarColor = dvars::register_vec4("con_outputBarColor", 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.0f,
1.0f, game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED,
"color of console output bar");
dvars::con_outputSliderColor = dvars::register_vec4("con_outputSliderColor", 0.3f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 1.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f,
game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "color of console output slider");
dvars::con_outputWindowColor = dvars::register_vec4("con_outputWindowColor", 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.85f,
1.0f, game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "color of console output window");
dvars::con_inputDvarMatchColor = dvars::register_vec4("con_inputDvarMatchColor", 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f,
1.0f, game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "color of console matched dvar");
dvars::con_inputDvarValueColor = dvars::register_vec4("con_inputDvarValueColor", 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f,
1.0f, game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "color of console matched dvar value");
dvars::con_inputDvarInactiveValueColor = dvars::register_vec4(
"con_inputDvarInactiveValueColor", 0.8f, 0.8f,
0.8f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED,
"color of console inactive dvar value");
dvars::con_inputCmdMatchColor = dvars::register_vec4("con_inputCmdMatchColor", 0.80f, 0.80f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
1.0f, game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "color of console matched command");