#include #include "execution.hpp" #include "safe_execution.hpp" #include "stack_isolation.hpp" #include "component/scripting.hpp" namespace scripting { namespace { game::VariableValue* allocate_argument() { game::VariableValue* value_ptr = ++game::scr_VmPub->top; ++game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount; return value_ptr; } void push_value(const script_value& value) { auto* value_ptr = allocate_argument(); *value_ptr = value.get_raw(); game::AddRefToValue(value_ptr->type, value_ptr->u); } int get_field_id(const int classnum, const std::string& field) { if (scripting::fields_table[classnum].find(field) != scripting::fields_table[classnum].end()) { return scripting::fields_table[classnum][field]; } return -1; } script_value get_return_value() { if (game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount == 0) { return {}; } game::Scr_ClearOutParams(); game::scr_VmPub->outparamcount = game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount; game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount = 0; return script_value(game::scr_VmPub->top[1 - game::scr_VmPub->outparamcount]); } } void notify(const entity& entity, const std::string& event, const std::vector& arguments) { stack_isolation _; for (auto i = arguments.rbegin(); i != arguments.rend(); ++i) { push_value(*i); } const auto event_id = game::SL_GetString(event.data(), 0); game::Scr_NotifyId(entity.get_entity_id(), event_id, game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount); } script_value call_function(const std::string& name, const entity& entity, const std::vector& arguments) { const auto entref = entity.get_entity_reference(); const auto is_method_call = *reinterpret_cast(&entref) != -1; const auto function = find_function(name, !is_method_call); if (function == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown "s + (is_method_call ? "method" : "function") + " '" + name + "'"); } stack_isolation _; for (auto i = arguments.rbegin(); i != arguments.rend(); ++i) { push_value(*i); } game::scr_VmPub->outparamcount = game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount; game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount = 0; if (!safe_execution::call(function, entref)) { throw std::runtime_error( "Error executing "s + (is_method_call ? "method" : "function") + " '" + name + "'"); } return get_return_value(); } script_value call_function(const std::string& name, const std::vector& arguments) { return call_function(name, entity(), arguments); } template <> script_value call(const std::string& name, const std::vector& arguments) { return call_function(name, arguments); } script_value exec_ent_thread(const entity& entity, const char* pos, const std::vector& arguments) { const auto id = entity.get_entity_id(); stack_isolation _; for (auto i = arguments.rbegin(); i != arguments.rend(); ++i) { scripting::push_value(*i); } game::AddRefToObject(id); const auto local_id = game::AllocThread(id); const auto result = game::VM_Execute(local_id, pos, (unsigned int)arguments.size()); game::RemoveRefToObject(result); return get_return_value(); } const char* get_function_pos(const std::string& filename, const std::string& function) { if (scripting::script_function_table.find(filename) == scripting::script_function_table.end()) { throw std::runtime_error("File '" + filename + "' not found"); }; const auto functions = scripting::script_function_table[filename]; if (functions.find(function) == functions.end()) { throw std::runtime_error("Function '" + function + "' in file '" + filename + "' not found"); } return functions.at(function); } script_value call_script_function(const entity& entity, const std::string& filename, const std::string& function, const std::vector& arguments) { const auto pos = get_function_pos(filename, function); return exec_ent_thread(entity, pos, arguments); } static std::unordered_map> custom_fields; script_value get_custom_field(const entity& entity, const std::string& field) { auto& fields = custom_fields[entity.get_entity_id()]; const auto _field = fields.find(field); if (_field != fields.end()) { return _field->second; } return {}; } void set_custom_field(const entity& entity, const std::string& field, const script_value& value) { const auto id = entity.get_entity_id(); if (custom_fields[id].find(field) != custom_fields[id].end()) { custom_fields[id][field] = value; return; } custom_fields[id].insert(std::make_pair(field, value)); } void clear_entity_fields(const entity& entity) { const auto id = entity.get_entity_id(); if (custom_fields.find(id) != custom_fields.end()) { custom_fields[id].clear(); } } void clear_custom_fields() { custom_fields.clear(); } void set_entity_field(const entity& entity, const std::string& field, const script_value& value) { const auto entref = entity.get_entity_reference(); const int id = get_field_id(entref.classnum, field); if (id != -1) { stack_isolation _; push_value(value); game::scr_VmPub->outparamcount = game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount; game::scr_VmPub->inparamcount = 0; if (!safe_execution::set_entity_field(entref, id)) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to set value for field '" + field + "'"); } } else { // Read custom fields set_custom_field(entity, field, value); } } script_value get_entity_field(const entity& entity, const std::string& field) { const auto entref = entity.get_entity_reference(); const auto id = get_field_id(entref.classnum, field); if (id != -1) { stack_isolation _; game::VariableValue value{}; if (!safe_execution::get_entity_field(entref, id, &value)) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get value for field '" + field + "'"); } const auto __ = gsl::finally([value]() { game::RemoveRefToValue(value.type, value.u); }); return value; } // Add custom fields return get_custom_field(entity, field); } unsigned int make_array() { unsigned int index = 0; const auto variable = game::AllocVariable(&index); variable->w.type = game::SCRIPT_ARRAY; variable->u.f.prev = 0; variable->u.f.next = 0; return index; } }