    "CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_1": "Dear User,",
    "CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_2": "By using this feature, you acknowledge that you are over the age of 18 years old, and that any sort of gambling is allowed in your country. (even if they do not involve real money)",
    "CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_3": "The H1-mod team is not responsible if you break any law within your country, and the sole responsibility will be upon you to respect the same.",
    "CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_4": "The H1-mod team will never include real money transactions within the modified systems. The only way to get currency, should you wish to, is by playing the game.",
    "CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_5": "Best regards,",
    "CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_6": "The H1-mod team.",

    "LUA_MENU_FPS": "FPS Counter",
    "LUA_MENU_FPS_DESC": "Show FPS counter.",
    "LUA_MENU_LATENCY": "Server Latency",
    "LUA_MENU_LATENCY_DESC": "Show server latency.",
    "LUA_MENU_RED_DOT_BRIGHTNESS": "Red Dot Brightness",
    "LUA_MENU_RED_DOT_BRIGHTNESS_DESC": "Adjust the brightness of red dot reticles.",

    "MENU_SYSINFO_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_URL": "https://h1.gg/",

    "MENU_MODS": "MODS",
    "MENU_MODS_DESC": "Load installed mods.",
    "LUA_MENU_MOD_DESC_DEFAULT": "Load &&1.",
    "LUA_MENU_MOD_DESC": "&&1\nAuthor: &&2\nVersion: &&3",
    "LUA_MENU_LOADED_MOD": "Loaded mod: ^2&&1",
    "LUA_MENU_AVAILABLE_MODS": "Available mods",
    "LUA_MENU_UNLOAD": "Unload",
    "LUA_MENU_UNLOAD_DESC": "Unload the currently loaded mod.",

    "PLATFORM_SHADER_PRECACHE_ASK": "Would you like to populate the shader cache? It may cause crashes with certain GPUs (e.g. RTX cards) but will improve performance if successful.",
    "MENU_NO_DONT_ASK": "No, don't ask me again",

    "LUA_MENU_SERVERLIST": "Server list",
    "MENU_NUMPLAYERS": "Players",
    "MENU_PING": "Ping",
    "SERVERLIST_PLAYER_COUNT": "&&1 Players",
    "SERVERLIST_SERVER_COUNT": "&&1 Servers",
    "EXE_SAY": "^3Match^7",
    "EXE_SAYTEAM": "^5Team^7",

    "LUA_MENU_STATS": "Stats",
    "LUA_MENU_STATS_DESC": "Edit player stats settings.",
    "LUA_MENU_UNLOCKALL_ITEMS": "Unlock all items",
    "LUA_MENU_UNLOCKALL_ITEMS_DESC": "Whether items should be locked based on the player's stats or always unlocked.",
    "LUA_MENU_UNLOCKALL_LOOT": "Unlock all loot",
    "LUA_MENU_UNLOCKALL_LOOT_DESC": "Whether loot should be locked based on the player's stats or always unlocked.",
    "LUA_MENU_UNLOCKALL_CLASSES": "Unlock all classes",
    "LUA_MENU_UNLOCKALL_CLASSES_DESC": "Whether classes should be locked based on the player's stats or always unlocked.",
    "LUA_MENU_PRESTIGE": "Prestige",
    "LUA_MENU_PRESTIGE_DESC": "Edit prestige level.",
    "LUA_MENU_RANK": "Rank",
    "LUA_MENU_RANK_DESC": "Edit rank.",
    "LUA_MENU_UNSAVED_CHANGES": "You have unsaved changes: are you sure you want to exit?",
    "LUA_MENU_SAVE": "Save changes",
    "LUA_MENU_SAVE_DESC": "Save changes.",
    "LUA_MENU_SETTINGS": "Settings",
    "LUA_MENU_EDIT_STATS": "Edit Stats",

    "UPDATER_POPUP_NO_UPDATES_AVAILABLE": "No updates available",
    "UPDATER_POPUP_AVAILABLE_UPDATE_TEXT": "An update is available, proceed with installation?",
    "UPDATER_POPUP_SUCCESSFUL": "Update successful",
    "UPDATER_POPUP_RESTART_POPUP_TEXT": "Update requires restart",
    "UPDATER_POPUP_CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES": "Checking for updates...",

    "MPHUD_FPS": "FPS: ",
    "MPHUD_LATENCY": "Latency: ",
    "MPHUD_LATENCY_MS": " ms",

    "LUA_MENU_3RD_PARTY_CONTENT_DESC": "Would you like to install required 3rd-party content for this server? (from &&1)",

    "MENU_ENGLISH": "English",
    "MENU_ENGLISH_SAFE": "English (Safe)",
    "MENU_FRENCH": "Français",
    "MENU_GERMAN": "Deutsch",
    "MENU_ITALIAN": "Italiano",
    "MENU_JAPANESE_PARTIAL": "日本語(一部)",
    "MENU_KOREAN": "한국어",
    "MENU_POLISH": "Polski",
    "MENU_PORTUGUESE": "Português",
    "MENU_RUSSIAN": "Русский",
    "MENU_SPANISH": "Español",

    "LOCALE_ENGLISH": "English",
    "LOCALE_ENGLISH_SAFE": "English (Safe)",
    "LOCALE_FRENCH": "French",
    "LOCALE_GERMAN": "German",
    "LOCALE_ITALIAN": "Italian",
    "LOCALE_JAPANESE_PARTIAL": "Japanese (Partial)",
    "LOCALE_KOREAN": "Korean",
    "LOCALE_POLISH": "Polish",
    "LOCALE_PORTUGUESE": "Portuguese",
    "LOCALE_RUSSIAN": "Russian",
    "LOCALE_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE": "Simplified Chinese",
    "LOCALE_SPANISH": "Spanish",
    "LOCALE_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE": "Traditional Chinese"