game:addlocalizedstring("MOD_EULA_1", "SOMETHING TO WRITE HERE, HELLO WORLD, I GUESS I WILL NEED SOMEONE TO WRITE THIS TEXT BECAUSE MY ENGLISH IS SHITTY AS FUCK.") game:addlocalizedstring("MOD_EULA_2", "YEAH, WE HAVE NOW THIS \"EULA\" TO ACCEPT FOR SOME COUNTRIES, AND H1-MOD STAFF IS NOT RESPONSIBLE, OK? BYE NOW.") local mod_eula = function(unk1, unk2) return, 0, 0, 0, CoD.AnchorTypes.All), { textStrings = LUI.EULABase.CreateTextStrings("@MOD_EULA_", 2), declineCallback = function(unk3) unk2.declineCallback(unk3) end, acceptCallback = function(unk4) unk2.acceptCallback(unk4) end }) end LUI.MenuBuilder.registerPopupType("mod_eula", mod_eula)