local Lobby = luiglobals.Lobby local SystemLinkJoinMenu = LUI.mp_menus.SystemLinkJoinMenu if (not SystemLinkJoinMenu) then return end game:addlocalizedstring("MENU_NUMPLAYERS", "Players") game:addlocalizedstring("MENU_PING", "Ping") local columns = { { offset = 40, text = "@MENU_HOST_NAME", dataindex = 0 }, { offset = 500, text = "@MENU_MAP", dataindex = 1 }, { offset = 700, text = "@MENU_TYPE1", dataindex = 3 }, { offset = 950, text = "@MENU_NUMPLAYERS", dataindex = 2 }, { offset = 1100, text = "@MENU_PING", dataindex = 4 }, { offset = 10, image = "s1_icon_locked", customelement = function(value, offset) return LUI.UIImage.new({ leftAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, height = 20, width = 20, left = offset, top = 2, material = RegisterMaterial(CoD.Material.RestrictedIcon), alpha = value == "1" and 1 or 0, color = { r = 1, b = 1, g = 1 } }) end, dataindex = 5 } } function textlength(text, font, height) local _, _, width = luiglobals.GetTextDimensions(text, font, height) return width end function trimtext(text, font, height, maxwidth) if (maxwidth < 0) then return text end while (textlength(text, font, height) > maxwidth) do text = text:sub(1, #text - 1) end return text end SystemLinkJoinMenu.AddHeaderButton = function(menu, f12_arg1, width) local state = CoD.CreateState(0, f12_arg1, nil, nil, CoD.AnchorTypes.TopLeft) state.width = width local element = LUI.UIElement.new(state) local button = SystemLinkJoinMenu.CreateButton("header", 24) button:addElement(LUI.Divider.new(CoD.CreateState(nil, 0, nil, nil, CoD.AnchorTypes.TopLeftRight), 40, LUI.Divider.Grey)) button:makeNotFocusable() button:addElement(LUI.Divider.new(CoD.CreateState(nil, 0, nil, nil, CoD.AnchorTypes.BottomLeftRight), 40, LUI.Divider.Grey)) button.m_eventHandlers = {} for i = 1, #columns do if (columns[i].text) then SystemLinkJoinMenu.MakeText(button.textHolder, columns[i].offset, Engine.Localize(columns[i].text), nil) elseif (columns[i].image) then local image = LUI.UIImage.new({ leftAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, height = 20, width = 20, top = 2, left = columns[i].offset, material = RegisterMaterial(columns[i].image) }) button.textHolder:addElement(image) end end element:addElement(button) menu:addElement(element) end SystemLinkJoinMenu.AddServerButton = function(menu, controller, index) local button = SystemLinkJoinMenu.CreateButton(index or "header", 24) button:makeFocusable() button.index = index button:addEventHandler("button_action", SystemLinkJoinMenu.OnJoinGame) local gettext = function(i) local text = Lobby.GetServerData(controller, index, columns[i].dataindex) if (columns[i].customelement) then text = columns[i].customelement(text) end local islast = not columns[i + 1] local end_ = islast and 1130 or columns[i + 1].offset local maxlength = end_ - columns[i].offset if (maxlength < 0) then maxlength = columns[i].offset - end_ end if (not islast) then maxlength = maxlength - 50 end return trimtext(text, CoD.TextSettings.TitleFontSmall.Font, 14, maxlength) end for i = 1, #columns do if (columns[i].customelement) then local value = Lobby.GetServerData(controller, index, columns[i].dataindex) local element = columns[i].customelement(value, columns[i].offset) button.textHolder:addElement(element) else SystemLinkJoinMenu.MakeText(button.textHolder, columns[i].offset, gettext(i), luiglobals.Colors.h1.medium_grey) end end menu.list:addElement(button) return button end SystemLinkJoinMenu.MakeText = function(menu, f5_arg1, text, color) local state = CoD.CreateState(f5_arg1, nil, f5_arg1 + 200, nil, CoD.AnchorTypes.Left) state.font = CoD.TextSettings.TitleFontSmall.Font state.top = -6 state.height = 14 state.alignment = nil state.glow = LUI.GlowState.None state.color = color local el = LUI.UIText.new(state) el:registerAnimationState("focused", { color = luiglobals.Colors.white }) el:registerEventHandler("focused", function(element, event) element:animateToState("focused", 0) end) el:registerEventHandler("unfocused", function(element, event) element:animateToState("default", 0) end) el:setText(text) menu:addElement(el) return el end function menu_systemlink_join(f19_arg0, f19_arg1) local width = 1145 local menu = LUI.MenuTemplate.new(f19_arg0, { menu_title = "@PLATFORM_SYSTEM_LINK_TITLE", menu_width = width, menu_top_indent = 20, disableDeco = true, spacing = 1 }) SystemLinkJoinMenu.AddHeaderButton(menu, 80, width) SystemLinkJoinMenu.AddLowerCounter(menu, width) SystemLinkJoinMenu.UpdateCounterText(menu, nil) Lobby.BuildServerList(Engine.GetFirstActiveController()) menu.list:registerEventHandler(LUI.UIScrollIndicator.UpdateEvent, function(element, event) SystemLinkJoinMenu.UpdateCounterText(menu, event) end) SystemLinkJoinMenu.UpdateGameList(menu) menu:registerEventHandler("updateGameList", SystemLinkJoinMenu.UpdateGameList) LUI.ButtonHelperText.ClearHelperTextObjects(menu.help, { side = "all" }) LUI.Options.InitScrollingList(menu.list, nil, { rows = 18, }) menu:AddHelp({ name = "add_button_helper_text", button_ref = "button_alt1", helper_text = Engine.Localize("@MENU_SB_TOOLTIP_BTN_REFRESH"), side = "right", clickable = true, priority = -1000 }, function(f21_arg0, f21_arg1) SystemLinkJoinMenu.RefreshServers(f21_arg0, f21_arg1, menu) end) menu:AddHelp({ name = "add_button_helper_text", button_ref = "button_action", helper_text = Engine.Localize("@MENU_JOIN_GAME1"), side = "left", clickable = false, priority = -1000 }, nil, nil, true) menu:AddBackButton() Lobby.RefreshServerList(Engine.GetFirstActiveController()) return menu end LUI.MenuBuilder.m_types_build["menu_systemlink_join"] = menu_systemlink_join