game:addlocalizedstring("CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_1", "Dear User,") game:addlocalizedstring("CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_2", "By using this feature, you acknowledge that you are over 18 years old, and that any sort of chance games / gambling are allowed in your country (even if they do not involve real money).") game:addlocalizedstring("CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_3", "The H1-Mod team is not responsible if you break the law within your country, and the sole responsibility will be upon you to respect the same.") game:addlocalizedstring("CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_4", "The H1-Mod team will never include real money transactions within the modified systems. The only way to get currency, should you wish to, is by playing the game.") game:addlocalizedstring("CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_5", "Best Regards,") game:addlocalizedstring("CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_6", "The H1-Mod Team.") local mod_eula = function(unk1, unk2) return, 0, 0, 0, CoD.AnchorTypes.All), { textStrings = LUI.EULABase.CreateTextStrings("@CUSTOM_DEPOT_EULA_", 6), declineCallback = function(unk3) unk2.declineCallback(unk3) end, acceptCallback = function(unk4) unk2.acceptCallback(unk4) end }) end LUI.MenuBuilder.registerPopupType("mod_eula", mod_eula)