#include #include "loader/component_loader.hpp" #include "scheduler.hpp" #include "dvars.hpp" #include "updater.hpp" #include "game/ui_scripting/execution.hpp" #include "version.h" #include "game/game.hpp" #include "game/dvars.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MASTER "https://master.fed0001.xyz/h1-mod/" #define FILES_PATH "files.json" #define FILES_PATH_DEV "files-dev.json" #define DATA_PATH "data/" #define DATA_PATH_DEV "data-dev/" #define ERR_UPDATE_CHECK_FAIL "Failed to check for updates" #define ERR_UPDATE_CHECK_FAIL_BAD_RESPONSE "Bad response" #define ERR_DOWNLOAD_FAIL "Failed to download file " #define ERR_WRITE_FAIL "Failed to write file " #define BINARY_NAME "h1-mod.exe" namespace updater { namespace { game::dvar_t* cl_auto_update; bool has_tried_update = false; struct status { bool done; bool success; }; struct file_data { std::string name; std::string data; }; struct update_data_t { bool restart_required{}; bool cancelled{}; status check{}; status download{}; std::string error{}; std::string current_file{}; std::vector required_files{}; }; utils::concurrency::container update_data; std::string select(const std::string& main, const std::string& develop) { if (GIT_BRANCH == "develop"s) { return develop; } return main; } void notify(const std::string& name) { scheduler::once([=]() { ui_scripting::notify(name, {}); }, scheduler::pipeline::lui); } void set_update_check_status(bool done, bool success, const std::string& error = {}) { update_data.access([done, success, error](update_data_t& data_) { data_.check.done = done; data_.check.success = success; data_.error = error; notify("update_check_done"); }); } void set_update_download_status(bool done, bool success, const std::string& error = {}) { update_data.access([done, success, error](update_data_t& data_) { data_.download.done = done; data_.download.success = success; data_.error = error; notify("update_done"); }); } bool check_file(const std::string& name, const std::string& sha) { std::string data; if (!utils::io::read_file(name, &data)) { return false; } if (utils::cryptography::sha1::compute(data, true) != sha) { return false; } return true; } std::string load_binary_name() { utils::nt::library self; return self.get_name(); } std::string get_binary_name() { static const auto name = load_binary_name(); return name; } std::string get_time_str() { return utils::string::va("%i", uint32_t(time(nullptr))); } std::optional download_file(const std::string& name) { return utils::http::get_data(MASTER + select(DATA_PATH, DATA_PATH_DEV) + name + "?" + get_time_str()); } bool is_update_cancelled() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.cancelled; }); } bool write_file(const std::string& name, const std::string& data) { if (get_binary_name() == name && utils::io::file_exists(name) && !utils::io::move_file(name, name + ".old")) { return false; } return utils::io::write_file(name, data); } void delete_old_file() { utils::io::remove_file(get_binary_name() + ".old"); } void reset_data() { update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { data_ = {}; }); } std::string get_mode_flag() { if (game::environment::is_mp()) { return "-multiplayer"; } if (game::environment::is_sp()) { return "-singleplayer"; } return {}; } } // workaround void relaunch() { if (!utils::io::file_exists(BINARY_NAME)) { utils::nt::terminate(0); return; } STARTUPINFOA startup_info; PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info; ZeroMemory(&startup_info, sizeof(startup_info)); ZeroMemory(&process_info, sizeof(process_info)); startup_info.cb = sizeof(startup_info); char current_dir[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectoryA(sizeof(current_dir), current_dir); char buf[1024] = {0}; const auto command_line = utils::string::va("%s %s", GetCommandLineA(), get_mode_flag().data()); strcpy_s(buf, 1024, command_line); CreateProcess(BINARY_NAME, buf, nullptr, nullptr, false, NULL, nullptr, current_dir, &startup_info, &process_info); if (process_info.hThread && process_info.hThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(process_info.hThread); if (process_info.hProcess && process_info.hProcess != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(process_info.hProcess); utils::nt::terminate(0); } void set_has_tried_update(bool tried) { has_tried_update = tried; } bool get_has_tried_update() { return has_tried_update; } bool auto_updates_enabled() { return cl_auto_update->current.enabled; } bool is_update_check_done() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.check.done; }); } bool is_update_download_done() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.download.done; }); } bool get_update_check_status() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.check.success; }); } bool get_update_download_status() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.download.success; }); } bool is_update_available() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.required_files.size() > 0; }); } bool is_restart_required() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.restart_required; }); } std::string get_last_error() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.error; }); } std::string get_current_file() { return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.current_file; }); } void cancel_update() { #ifdef DEBUG printf("[Updater] Cancelling update\n"); #endif return update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { data_.cancelled = true; }); } void start_update_check() { cancel_update(); reset_data(); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[Updater] starting update check\n"); #endif scheduler::once([]() { const auto files_data = utils::http::get_data(MASTER + select(FILES_PATH, FILES_PATH_DEV) + "?" + get_time_str()); if (is_update_cancelled()) { reset_data(); return; } if (!files_data.has_value()) { set_update_check_status(true, false, ERR_UPDATE_CHECK_FAIL); return; } rapidjson::Document j; j.Parse(files_data.value().data()); if (!j.IsArray()) { set_update_check_status(true, false, ERR_UPDATE_CHECK_FAIL_BAD_RESPONSE); return; } std::vector required_files; const auto files = j.GetArray(); for (const auto& file : files) { if (!file.IsArray() || file.Size() != 3 || !file[0].IsString() || !file[2].IsString()) { continue; } const auto name = file[0].GetString(); const auto sha = file[2].GetString(); if (!check_file(name, sha)) { if (get_binary_name() == name) { update_data.access([](update_data_t& data_) { data_.restart_required = true; }); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("[Updater] need file %s\n", name); #endif required_files.push_back(name); } } update_data.access([&required_files](update_data_t& data_) { data_.check.done = true; data_.check.success = true; data_.required_files = required_files; }); notify("update_check_done"); }, scheduler::pipeline::async); } void start_update_download() { #ifdef DEBUG printf("[Updater] starting update download\n"); #endif if (!is_update_check_done() || !get_update_check_status() || is_update_cancelled()) { return; } scheduler::once([]() { const auto required_files = update_data.access>([](update_data_t& data_) { return data_.required_files; }); std::vector downloads; for (const auto& file : required_files) { update_data.access([file](update_data_t& data_) { data_.current_file = file; }); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[Updater] downloading file %s\n", file.data()); #endif const auto data = download_file(file); if (is_update_cancelled()) { reset_data(); return; } if (!data.has_value()) { set_update_download_status(true, false, ERR_DOWNLOAD_FAIL + file); return; } downloads.push_back({file, data.value()}); } for (const auto& download : downloads) { if (!write_file(download.name, download.data)) { set_update_download_status(true, false, ERR_WRITE_FAIL + download.name); return; } } set_update_download_status(true, true); }, scheduler::pipeline::async); } class component final : public component_interface { public: void post_unpack() override { delete_old_file(); cl_auto_update = dvars::register_bool("cg_auto_update", true, game::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "Automatically check for updates"); } }; } REGISTER_COMPONENT(updater::component)