#include <iostream> #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> using json = nlohmann::json; namespace ns { enum TaskState { TS_STOPPED, TS_RUNNING, TS_COMPLETED, TS_INVALID = -1 }; NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM(TaskState, { { TS_INVALID, nullptr }, { TS_STOPPED, "stopped" }, { TS_RUNNING, "running" }, { TS_COMPLETED, "completed" } }) enum class Color { red, green, blue, unknown }; NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM(Color, { { Color::unknown, "unknown" }, { Color::red, "red" }, { Color::green, "green" }, { Color::blue, "blue" } }) } // namespace ns int main() { // serialization json j_stopped = ns::TS_STOPPED; json j_red = ns::Color::red; std::cout << "ns::TS_STOPPED -> " << j_stopped << ", ns::Color::red -> " << j_red << std::endl; // deserialization json j_running = "running"; json j_blue = "blue"; auto running = j_running.template get<ns::TaskState>(); auto blue = j_blue.template get<ns::Color>(); std::cout << j_running << " -> " << running << ", " << j_blue << " -> " << static_cast<int>(blue) << std::endl; // deserializing undefined JSON value to enum // (where the first map entry above is the default) json j_pi = 3.14; auto invalid = j_pi.template get<ns::TaskState>(); auto unknown = j_pi.template get<ns::Color>(); std::cout << j_pi << " -> " << invalid << ", " << j_pi << " -> " << static_cast<int>(unknown) << std::endl; }