local mphud = luiglobals.require("LUI.mp_hud.MPHud") function createinfobar() local infobar = LUI.UIElement.new({ left = luiglobals.GameX.IsHardcoreMode() and 160 or 228, top = luiglobals.GameX.IsHardcoreMode() and 5 or 9, height = 15, width = 70, leftAnchor = true, topAnchor = true }) infobar:registerAnimationState("hud_on", { alpha = 1 }) infobar:registerAnimationState("hud_off", { alpha = 0 }) return infobar end function populateinfobar(infobar) elementoffset = 0 if (Engine.GetDvarBool("cg_infobar_fps")) then infobar:addElement(infoelement({ label = "FPS: ", getvalue = function() return game:getfps() end, width = 70, interval = 100 })) end if (Engine.GetDvarBool("cg_infobar_ping")) then infobar:addElement(infoelement({ label = "Latency: ", getvalue = function() return game:getping() .. " ms" end, width = 115, interval = 100 })) end end function infoelement(data) local container = LUI.UIElement.new({ bottomAnchor = true, leftAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, width = data.width, left = elementoffset }) elementoffset = elementoffset + data.width + 10 local background = LUI.UIImage.new({ bottomAnchor = true, leftAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, rightAnchor = true, material = luiglobals.RegisterMaterial("white"), color = luiglobals.Colors.black, alpha = 0.5 }) local labelfont = CoD.TextSettings.FontBold110 local textheight = 13 local label = LUI.UIText.new({ left = 5, top = 1, font = labelfont.Font, height = textheight, leftAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, color = { r = 0.8, g = 0.8, b = 0.8, } }) label:setText(data.label) local _, _, left = luiglobals.GetTextDimensions(data.label, labelfont.Font, textheight) local value = LUI.UIText.new({ left = left + 5, top = 1, height = textheight, leftAnchor = true, topAnchor = true, color = { r = 0.6, g = 0.6, b = 0.6, } }) value:addElement(LUI.UITimer.new(data.interval, "update")) value:setText(data.getvalue()) value:addEventHandler("update", function() value:setText(data.getvalue()) end) container:addElement(background) container:addElement(label) container:addElement(value) return container end local updatehudvisibility = mphud.updateHudVisibility mphud.updateHudVisibility = function(a1, a2) updatehudvisibility(a1, a2) local root = Engine.GetLuiRoot() local menus = root:AnyActiveMenusInStack() local infobar = root.infobar if (not infobar) then return end if (menus) then infobar:animateToState("hud_off") else infobar:animateToState("hud_on") end end LUI.onmenuopen("mp_hud", function(hud) if (Engine.InFrontend()) then return end local infobar = createinfobar() local root = Engine.GetLuiRoot() root.infobar = infobar populateinfobar(infobar) root:registerEventHandler("update_hud_infobar_settings", function() infobar:removeAllChildren() populateinfobar(infobar) end) root:processEvent({ name = "update_hud_infobar_settings" }) hud.static:addElement(infobar) end)