static model experiments [skip ci]

This commit is contained in:
m 2023-01-28 16:47:25 -06:00
parent 26c0243ba9
commit ed6e71ff11
2 changed files with 340 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#include <std_include.hpp>
#include "loader/component_loader.hpp"
#include "dvars.hpp"
#include "scheduler.hpp"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include "game/dvars.hpp"
#include <utils/hook.hpp>
namespace experimental
const game::dvar_t* map_experiments = nullptr;
utils::hook::detour load_gfx_world_asset_hook;
void load_gfx_world_asset_stub(game::GfxWorld** gfx_world_ptr)
if (!map_experiments || !map_experiments->current.enabled)
auto gfx_world = *gfx_world_ptr;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gfx_world->dpvs.smodelCount; ++i)
if ((gfx_world->dpvs.smodelDrawInsts[i].flags & 64) != 0) // STATIC_MODEL_FLAG_LIGHTGRID_LIGHTING
gfx_world->dpvs.smodelLighting[i].modelLightGridLightingInfo.colorFloat16[0] = 14340; // r: 0.4
gfx_world->dpvs.smodelLighting[i].modelLightGridLightingInfo.colorFloat16[1] = 14340; // g: 0.4
gfx_world->dpvs.smodelLighting[i].modelLightGridLightingInfo.colorFloat16[2] = 14340; // b: 0.4
gfx_world->dpvs.smodelLighting[i].modelLightGridLightingInfo.colorFloat16[3] = 14340; // a: 0.4
gfx_world->dpvs.smodelLighting[i].modelLightGridLightingInfo.a = 47280;
gfx_world->dpvs.smodelLighting[i].modelLightGridLightingInfo.b = 1.0f;
class component final : public component_interface
void post_unpack() override
// modify GfxWorld to use static model lighting
load_gfx_world_asset_hook.create(0x39C460_b, load_gfx_world_asset_stub);
map_experiments = dvars::register_bool("map_experiments", 0, 0x0, "Toggle experimental map settings");
}, scheduler::main);
#ifdef DEBUG

View File

@ -3,6 +3,14 @@
#define PROTOCOL 1
#ifdef DEBUG
#define assert_sizeof(__ASSET__, __SIZE__) static_assert(sizeof(__ASSET__) == __SIZE__)
#define assert_offsetof(__ASSET__, __VARIABLE__, __OFFSET__) static_assert(offsetof(__ASSET__, __VARIABLE__) == __OFFSET__)
#define assert_sizeof(__ASSET__, __SIZE__)
#define assert_offsetof(__ASSET__, __VARIABLE__, __OFFSET__)
namespace game
typedef float vec_t;
@ -2036,6 +2044,274 @@ namespace game
mp::playerState_s* mp;
struct GfxWorldDpvsPlanes
int cellCount;
void* planes;
unsigned short* nodes;
unsigned int* sceneEntCellBits;
}; assert_sizeof(GfxWorldDpvsPlanes, 32);
struct sunflare_t
bool hasValidData;
Material* spriteMaterial;
Material* flareMaterial;
float spriteSize;
float flareMinSize;
float flareMinDot;
float flareMaxSize;
float flareMaxDot;
float flareMaxAlpha;
int flareFadeInTime;
int flareFadeOutTime;
float blindMinDot;
float blindMaxDot;
float blindMaxDarken;
int blindFadeInTime;
int blindFadeOutTime;
float glareMinDot;
float glareMaxDot;
float glareMaxLighten;
int glareFadeInTime;
int glareFadeOutTime;
float sunFxPosition[3];
}; assert_sizeof(sunflare_t, 112);
typedef void* umbraTomePtr_t;
struct GfxBuildInfo
const char* args0;
const char* args1;
const char* buildStartTime;
const char* buildEndTime;
}; assert_sizeof(GfxBuildInfo, 32);
struct GfxStaticModelDrawInst
char __pad0[56];
XModel* __ptr64 model;
unsigned short cullDist;
unsigned short flags;
unsigned short lightingHandle;
unsigned short staticModelId;
unsigned short primaryLightEnvIndex;
short unk0;
char unk1; // lod related
unsigned char reflectionProbeIndex;
unsigned char firstMtlSkinIndex;
unsigned char sunShadowFlags;
}; assert_sizeof(GfxStaticModelDrawInst, 80);
assert_offsetof(GfxStaticModelDrawInst, model, 56);
assert_offsetof(GfxStaticModelDrawInst, cullDist, 64);
assert_offsetof(GfxStaticModelDrawInst, flags, 66);
assert_offsetof(GfxStaticModelDrawInst, lightingHandle, 68);
assert_offsetof(GfxStaticModelDrawInst, primaryLightEnvIndex, 72);
assert_offsetof(GfxStaticModelDrawInst, reflectionProbeIndex, 77); // maybe wrong
assert_offsetof(GfxStaticModelDrawInst, firstMtlSkinIndex, 78);
struct GfxStaticModelVertexLighting
unsigned char visibility[4];
unsigned short ambientColorFloat16[4];
unsigned short highlightColorFloat16[4];
}; assert_sizeof(GfxStaticModelVertexLighting, 20);
struct GfxStaticModelVertexLightingInfo
GfxStaticModelVertexLighting* lightingValues;
ID3D11Buffer* lightingValuesVb;
int numLightingValues;
struct GfxStaticModelLightmapInfo
float offset[2];
float scale[2];
unsigned int lightmapIndex;
struct GfxStaticModelGroundLightingInfo
unsigned short groundLighting[4]; // float16
struct GfxStaticModelLightGridLightingInfo
unsigned short colorFloat16[4];
int a;
float b;
char __pad1[8];
union GfxStaticModelLighting
GfxStaticModelVertexLightingInfo vertexLightingInfo;
GfxStaticModelLightmapInfo modelLightmapInfo;
GfxStaticModelGroundLightingInfo modelGroundLightingInfo;
GfxStaticModelLightGridLightingInfo modelLightGridLightingInfo;
}; assert_sizeof(GfxStaticModelLighting, 24);
struct GfxWorldDpvsStatic
unsigned int smodelCount; // 0
unsigned int subdivVertexLightingInfoCount; // 4
unsigned int staticSurfaceCount; // 8
unsigned int litOpaqueSurfsBegin; // 12
unsigned int litOpaqueSurfsEnd; // 16
unsigned int unkSurfsBegin;
unsigned int unkSurfsEnd;
unsigned int litDecalSurfsBegin; // 28
unsigned int litDecalSurfsEnd; // 32
unsigned int litTransSurfsBegin; // 36
unsigned int litTransSurfsEnd; // 40
unsigned int shadowCasterSurfsBegin; // 44
unsigned int shadowCasterSurfsEnd; // 48
unsigned int emissiveSurfsBegin; // 52
unsigned int emissiveSurfsEnd; // 56
unsigned int smodelVisDataCount; // 60
unsigned int surfaceVisDataCount; // 64
unsigned int* smodelVisData[4]; // 72 80 88 96
unsigned int* smodelUnknownVisData[27];
unsigned int* surfaceVisData[4]; // 320 328 336 344
unsigned int* surfaceUnknownVisData[27];
unsigned int* smodelUmbraVisData[4]; // 568 576 584 592
unsigned int* surfaceUmbraVisData[4]; // 600 608 616 624
unsigned int* lodData; // 632
unsigned int* tessellationCutoffVisData; // 640
unsigned int* sortedSurfIndex; // 648
void* smodelInsts; // 656
void* surfaces; // 664
void* surfacesBounds; // 672
GfxStaticModelDrawInst* smodelDrawInsts; // 680
unsigned int* unknownSModelVisData1; // 688
unsigned int* unknownSModelVisData2; // 696
GfxStaticModelLighting* smodelLighting; // 704 (array)
void* subdivVertexLighting; // 712 (array)
GfxDrawSurf* surfaceMaterials; // 720
unsigned int* surfaceCastsSunShadow; // 728
unsigned int sunShadowOptCount; // 736
unsigned int sunSurfVisDataCount; // 740
unsigned int* surfaceCastsSunShadowOpt; // 744
void* surfaceDeptAndSurf; // 752
void* constantBuffersLit; // 760
void* constantBuffersAmbient; // 768
int usageCount; // 776
}; assert_sizeof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, 784);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, smodelVisData[0], 72);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, surfaceVisData[0], 320);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, smodelUmbraVisData[0], 568);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, tessellationCutoffVisData, 640);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, smodelDrawInsts, 680);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, smodelLighting, 704);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, sunSurfVisDataCount, 740);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorldDpvsStatic, constantBuffersAmbient, 768);
struct GfxWorld
const char* name; // 0
const char* baseName; // 8
unsigned int bspVersion; // 16
int planeCount; // 20
int nodeCount; // 24
unsigned int surfaceCount; // 28
int skyCount; // 32
void* skies; // 40
unsigned int portalGroupCount; // 48
unsigned int lastSunPrimaryLightIndex; // 52
unsigned int primaryLightCount; // 56
unsigned int primaryLightEnvCount; // 60
unsigned int sortKeyLitDecal; // 64
unsigned int sortKeyEffectDecal; // 68
unsigned int sortKeyTopDecal; // 72
unsigned int sortKeyEffectAuto; // 76
unsigned int sortKeyDistortion; // 80
unsigned int sortKeyUnknown; // 84
unsigned int sortKeyUnknown2; // 88
char __pad0[4]; // 92
GfxWorldDpvsPlanes dpvsPlanes; // 96
void* aabbTreeCounts; // 128
void* aabbTrees; // 136
void* cells; // 144
void* portalGroup; // 152
int unk_vec4_count_0; // 160
char __pad1[4];
vec4_t* unk_vec4_0; // 168
//GfxWorldDraw draw; // 176
//GfxLightGrid lightGrid; // 432
char __pad2[1336]; // 176
int modelCount; // 1512
void* models; // 1520
vec3_t mins1;
vec3_t maxs1;
vec3_t mins2;
vec3_t maxs2;
unsigned int checksum;
int materialMemoryCount; // 1580
void* materialMemory; // 1584
sunflare_t sun; // 1592
float outdoorLookupMatrix[4][4];
GfxImage* outdoorImage; // 1768
unsigned int* cellCasterBits; // 1776
unsigned int* cellHasSunLitSurfsBits; // 1784
void* sceneDynModel; // 1792
void* sceneDynBrush; // 1800
unsigned int* primaryLightEntityShadowVis; // 1808
unsigned int* primaryLightDynEntShadowVis[2]; // 1816 1824
unsigned short* nonSunPrimaryLightForModelDynEnt; // 1832
void* shadowGeom; // 1840
void* shadowGeomOptimized; // 1848
void* lightRegion; // 1856
GfxWorldDpvsStatic dpvs; // 1864
//GfxWorldDpvsDynamic dpvsDyn; // 2648
char __pad3[96]; // 2648
unsigned int mapVtxChecksum; // 2744
unsigned int heroOnlyLightCount; // 2748
void* heroOnlyLights; // 2752
unsigned char fogTypesAllowed; // 2760
unsigned int umbraTomeSize; // 2764
char* umbraTomeData; // 2768
umbraTomePtr_t umbraTomePtr; // 2776
unsigned int mdaoVolumesCount; // 2784
void* mdaoVolumes; // 2792
char __pad4[32];
GfxBuildInfo buildInfo; // 2832
}; assert_sizeof(GfxWorld, 0xB30);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, skyCount, 32);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, skies, 40);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, dpvsPlanes, 96);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, aabbTreeCounts, 128);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, cells, 144);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, portalGroup, 152);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, unk_vec4_count_0, 160);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, unk_vec4_0, 168);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, __pad2, 176);
//assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, lightGrid, 432);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, modelCount, 1512);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, models, 1520);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, materialMemoryCount, 1580);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, materialMemory, 1584);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, sun, 1592);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, outdoorImage, 1768);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, cellCasterBits, 1776);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, cellHasSunLitSurfsBits, 1784);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, dpvs, 1864);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, __pad3, 2648);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, heroOnlyLightCount, 2748);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, heroOnlyLights, 2752);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, umbraTomeSize, 2764);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, umbraTomeData, 2768);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, umbraTomePtr, 2776);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, mdaoVolumesCount, 2784);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, mdaoVolumes, 2792);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, mdaoVolumes, 2792);
assert_offsetof(GfxWorld, buildInfo, 2832);
namespace hks
struct lua_State;