206 lines
8.5 KiB
206 lines
8.5 KiB
// Copyright 2023 xensik. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "s4.hpp"
namespace xsk::gsc::s4
extern std::array<std::pair<u8, opcode>, code_count> const code_list
{ 0x00, opcode::OP_CastFieldObject },
{ 0x01, opcode::OP_SetLocalVariableFieldCached },
{ 0x02, opcode::OP_plus },
{ 0x03, opcode::OP_RemoveLocalVariables },
{ 0x04, opcode::OP_EvalSelfFieldVariableRef },
{ 0x05, opcode::OP_ScriptFarMethodChildThreadCall },
{ 0x06, opcode::OP_GetGameRef },
{ 0x07, opcode::OP_EvalAnimFieldVariable },
{ 0x08, opcode::OP_EvalLevelFieldVariableRef },
{ 0x09, opcode::OP_GetThisthread },
{ 0x0A, opcode::OP_greater },
{ 0x0B, opcode::OP_waittillmatch },
{ 0x0C, opcode::OP_shift_right },
{ 0x0D, opcode::OP_dec },
{ 0x0E, opcode::OP_JumpOnTrue },
{ 0x0F, opcode::OP_bit_or },
{ 0x10, opcode::OP_equality },
{ 0x11, opcode::OP_ClearLocalVariableFieldCached0 },
{ 0x12, opcode::OP_notify },
{ 0x13, opcode::OP_GetVector },
{ 0x14, opcode::OP_ScriptMethodChildThreadCallPointer },
{ 0x15, opcode::OP_PreScriptCall },
{ 0x16, opcode::OP_GetByte },
{ 0x17, opcode::OP_ScriptFarThreadCall },
{ 0x18, opcode::OP_SetSelfFieldVariableField },
{ 0x19, opcode::OP_JumpOnFalseExpr },
{ 0x1A, opcode::OP_GetUndefined },
{ 0x1B, opcode::OP_jumpback },
{ 0x1C, opcode::OP_JumpOnTrueExpr },
{ 0x1D, opcode::OP_CallBuiltin0 },
{ 0x1E, opcode::OP_CallBuiltin1 },
{ 0x1F, opcode::OP_CallBuiltin2 },
{ 0x20, opcode::OP_CallBuiltin3 },
{ 0x21, opcode::OP_CallBuiltin4 },
{ 0x22, opcode::OP_CallBuiltin5 },
{ 0x23, opcode::OP_CallBuiltin },
{ 0x24, opcode::OP_SetLocalVariableFieldCached0 },
{ 0x25, opcode::OP_ClearFieldVariable },
{ 0x26, opcode::OP_GetLevel },
{ 0x27, opcode::OP_size },
{ 0x28, opcode::OP_SafeSetWaittillVariableFieldCached },
{ 0x29, opcode::OP_ScriptLocalMethodThreadCall },
{ 0x2A, opcode::OP_AddArray },
{ 0x2B, opcode::OP_endon },
{ 0x2C, opcode::OP_EvalFieldVariable },
{ 0x2D, opcode::OP_shift_left },
{ 0x2E, opcode::OP_EvalLocalArrayRefCached0 },
{ 0x2F, opcode::OP_Return },
{ 0x30, opcode::OP_CreateLocalVariable },
{ 0x31, opcode::OP_SafeSetVariableFieldCached0 },
{ 0x32, opcode::OP_GetBuiltinFunction },
{ 0x33, opcode::OP_ScriptLocalMethodCall },
{ 0x34, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethodPointer },
{ 0x35, opcode::OP_ScriptLocalChildThreadCall },
{ 0x36, opcode::OP_GetSelfObject },
{ 0x37, opcode::OP_GetGame },
{ 0x38, opcode::OP_SetLevelFieldVariableField },
{ 0x39, opcode::OP_EvalArray },
{ 0x3A, opcode::OP_GetSelf },
{ 0x3B, opcode::OP_End },
{ 0x3C, opcode::OP_EvalSelfFieldVariable },
{ 0x3D, opcode::OP_less_equal },
{ 0x3E, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached0 },
{ 0x3F, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached1 },
{ 0x40, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached2 },
{ 0x41, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached3 },
{ 0x42, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached4 },
{ 0x43, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached5 },
{ 0x44, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached },
{ 0x45, opcode::OP_EvalNewLocalArrayRefCached0 },
{ 0x46, opcode::OP_ScriptChildThreadCallPointer },
{ 0x47, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableObjectCached },
{ 0x48, opcode::OP_ScriptLocalThreadCall },
{ 0x49, opcode::OP_GetInteger },
{ 0x4A, opcode::OP_ScriptMethodCallPointer },
{ 0x4B, opcode::OP_checkclearparams },
{ 0x4C, opcode::OP_SetAnimFieldVariableField },
{ 0x4D, opcode::OP_waittillmatch2 },
{ 0x4E, opcode::OP_minus },
{ 0x4F, opcode::OP_ScriptLocalFunctionCall2 },
{ 0x50, opcode::OP_GetNegUnsignedShort },
{ 0x51, opcode::OP_GetNegByte },
{ 0x52, opcode::OP_SafeCreateVariableFieldCached },
{ 0x53, opcode::OP_greater_equal },
{ 0x54, opcode::OP_vector },
{ 0x55, opcode::OP_GetBuiltinMethod },
{ 0x56, opcode::OP_endswitch },
{ 0x57, opcode::OP_ClearArray },
{ 0x58, opcode::OP_DecTop },
{ 0x59, opcode::OP_CastBool },
{ 0x5A, opcode::OP_EvalArrayRef },
{ 0x5B, opcode::OP_SetNewLocalVariableFieldCached0 },
{ 0x5C, opcode::OP_GetZero },
{ 0x5D, opcode::OP_wait },
{ 0x5E, opcode::OP_waittill },
{ 0x5F, opcode::OP_GetIString },
{ 0x60, opcode::OP_ScriptFarFunctionCall },
{ 0x61, opcode::OP_GetAnimObject },
{ 0x62, opcode::OP_GetAnimTree },
{ 0x63, opcode::OP_EvalLocalArrayCached },
{ 0x64, opcode::OP_mod },
{ 0x65, opcode::OP_ScriptFarMethodThreadCall },
{ 0x66, opcode::OP_GetUnsignedShort },
{ 0x67, opcode::OP_clearparams },
{ 0x68, opcode::OP_ScriptMethodThreadCallPointer },
{ 0x69, opcode::OP_ScriptFunctionCallPointer },
{ 0x6A, opcode::OP_EmptyArray },
{ 0x6B, opcode::OP_SafeSetVariableFieldCached },
{ 0x6C, opcode::OP_ClearVariableField },
{ 0x6D, opcode::OP_EvalFieldVariableRef },
{ 0x6E, opcode::OP_ScriptLocalMethodChildThreadCall },
{ 0x6F, opcode::OP_EvalNewLocalVariableRefCached0 },
{ 0x70, opcode::OP_GetFloat },
{ 0x71, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCached },
{ 0x72, opcode::OP_JumpOnFalse },
{ 0x73, opcode::OP_BoolComplement },
{ 0x74, opcode::OP_ScriptThreadCallPointer },
{ 0x75, opcode::OP_ScriptFarFunctionCall2 },
{ 0x76, opcode::OP_less },
{ 0x77, opcode::OP_BoolNot },
{ 0x78, opcode::OP_waittillFrameEnd },
{ 0x79, opcode::OP_waitframe },
{ 0x7A, opcode::OP_GetString },
{ 0x7B, opcode::OP_EvalLevelFieldVariable },
{ 0x7C, opcode::OP_GetLevelObject },
{ 0x7D, opcode::OP_inc },
{ 0x7E, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod0 },
{ 0x7F, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod1 },
{ 0x80, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod2 },
{ 0x81, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod3 },
{ 0x82, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod4 },
{ 0x83, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod5 },
{ 0x84, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod },
{ 0x85, opcode::OP_GetAnim },
{ 0x86, opcode::OP_switch },
{ 0x87, opcode::OP_SetVariableField },
{ 0x88, opcode::OP_divide },
{ 0x89, opcode::OP_GetLocalFunction },
{ 0x8A, opcode::OP_ScriptFarChildThreadCall },
{ 0x8B, opcode::OP_multiply },
{ 0x8C, opcode::OP_ClearLocalVariableFieldCached },
{ 0x8D, opcode::OP_EvalAnimFieldVariableRef },
{ 0x8E, opcode::OP_EvalLocalArrayRefCached },
{ 0x8F, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCached0 },
{ 0x90, opcode::OP_bit_and },
{ 0x91, opcode::OP_GetAnimation },
{ 0x92, opcode::OP_GetFarFunction },
{ 0x93, opcode::OP_CallBuiltinPointer },
{ 0x94, opcode::OP_jump },
{ 0x95, opcode::OP_voidCodepos },
{ 0x96, opcode::OP_ScriptFarMethodCall },
{ 0x97, opcode::OP_inequality },
{ 0x98, opcode::OP_ScriptLocalFunctionCall },
{ 0x99, opcode::OP_bit_ex_or },
{ 0x9A, opcode::OP_NOP },
{ 0x9B, opcode::OP_abort },
{ 0x9C, opcode::OP_object },
{ 0x9D, opcode::OP_thread_object },
{ 0x9E, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariable },
{ 0x9F, opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRef },
{ 0xA0, opcode::OP_prof_begin },
{ 0xA1, opcode::OP_prof_end },
{ 0xA2, opcode::OP_breakpoint },
{ 0xA3, opcode::OP_assignmentBreakpoint },
{ 0xA4, opcode::OP_manualAndAssignmentBreakpoint },
{ 0xA5, opcode::OP_BoolNotAfterAnd },
{ 0xA6, opcode::OP_FormalParams },
{ 0xA7, opcode::OP_IsDefined },
{ 0xA8, opcode::OP_IsTrue },
{ 0xA9, opcode::OP_NativeGetLocalFunction },
{ 0xAA, opcode::OP_NativeLocalFunctionCall },
{ 0xAB, opcode::OP_NativeLocalFunctionCall2 },
{ 0xAC, opcode::OP_NativeLocalMethodCall },
{ 0xAD, opcode::OP_NativeLocalFunctionThreadCall },
{ 0xAE, opcode::OP_NativeLocalMethodThreadCall },
{ 0xAF, opcode::OP_NativeLocalFunctionChildThreadCall },
{ 0xB0, opcode::OP_NativeLocalMethodChildThreadCall },
{ 0xB1, opcode::OP_NativeGetFarFunction },
{ 0xB2, opcode::OP_NativeFarFunctionCall },
{ 0xB3, opcode::OP_NativeFarFunctionCall2 },
{ 0xB4, opcode::OP_NativeFarMethodCall },
{ 0xB5, opcode::OP_NativeFarFunctionThreadCall },
{ 0xB6, opcode::OP_NativeFarMethodThreadCall },
{ 0xB7, opcode::OP_NativeFarFunctionChildThreadCall },
{ 0xB8, opcode::OP_NativeFarMethodChildThreadCall },
{ 0xB9, opcode::OP_EvalNewLocalArrayRefCached0_Precompiled },
{ 0xBA, opcode::OP_SetNewLocalVariableFieldCached0_Precompiled },
{ 0xBB, opcode::OP_CreateLocalVariable_Precompiled },
{ 0xBC, opcode::OP_SafeCreateVariableFieldCached_Precompiled },
{ 0xBD, opcode::OP_FormalParams_Precompiled },
} // namespace xsk::gsc::s4