737 lines
20 KiB
737 lines
20 KiB
// Copyright 2022 xensik. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "stdafx.hpp"
#include "utils/xsk/utils.hpp"
#include "iw5/xsk/iw5.hpp"
#include "iw6/xsk/iw6.hpp"
#include "iw7/xsk/iw7.hpp"
#include "iw8/xsk/iw8.hpp"
#include "s1/xsk/s1.hpp"
#include "s2/xsk/s2.hpp"
#include "s4/xsk/s4.hpp"
#include "h1/xsk/h1.hpp"
#include "h2/xsk/h2.hpp"
#include "t6/xsk/t6.hpp"
namespace xsk
enum class encd { __, SOURCE, ASSEMBLY, BINARY };
enum class mode { __, ASM, DISASM, COMP, DECOMP };
enum class game { __, IW5, IW6, IW7, IW8, S1, S2, S4, H1, H2, T6 };
const std::map<std::string, encd> exts =
{ ".gsc", encd::SOURCE },
{ ".cgsc", encd::BINARY },
{ ".gscbin", encd::BINARY },
{ ".gscasm", encd::ASSEMBLY },
const std::map<std::string, mode> modes =
{ "asm", mode::ASM },
{ "disasm", mode::DISASM },
{ "comp", mode::COMP },
{ "decomp", mode::DECOMP },
const std::map<std::string, game> games =
{ "iw5", game::IW5 },
{ "iw6", game::IW6 },
{ "iw7", game::IW7 },
{ "iw8", game::IW8 },
{ "s1", game::S1 },
{ "s2", game::S2 },
{ "s4", game::S4 },
{ "h1", game::H1 },
{ "h2", game::H2 },
{ "t6", game::T6 },
const std::map<mode, encd> encds =
{ mode::ASM , encd::ASSEMBLY },
{ mode::DISASM, encd::BINARY },
{ mode::COMP, encd::SOURCE },
{ mode::DECOMP, encd::BINARY },
auto overwrite_prompt(const std::string& file) -> bool
auto overwrite = true;
if (utils::file::exists(file))
std::cout << "File \"" << file << "\" already exists, overwrite? [Y/n]: ";
auto result = std::getchar();
if (result == '\n' || result == 'Y' || result == 'y')
else if (result == 'N' || result == 'n')
overwrite = false;
} while (true);
return overwrite;
namespace gsc
std::map<game, context::ptr> contexts;
std::map<mode, std::function<void(game game, std::string file)>> funcs;
bool zonetool = false;
auto choose_resolver_file_name(uint32_t id, game& game) -> std::string
switch (game)
case game::IW5:
return iw5::resolver::token_name(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(id));
case game::IW6:
return iw6::resolver::file_name(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(id));
case game::IW7:
return iw7::resolver::file_name(id);
case game::IW8:
return iw8::resolver::file_name(id);
case game::S1:
return s1::resolver::file_name(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(id));
case game::S2:
return s2::resolver::file_name(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(id));
case game::S4:
return s4::resolver::file_name(id);
case game::H1:
return h1::resolver::token_name(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(id));
case game::H2:
return h2::resolver::token_name(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(id));
return "";
void assemble_file(game game, std::string file)
auto& assembler = contexts[game]->assembler();
const auto ext = std::string(".gscasm");
const auto extpos = file.find(ext);
if (extpos != std::string::npos)
file.replace(extpos, ext.length(), "");
auto data = utils::file::read(file + ext);
assembler.assemble(file, data);
if (overwrite_prompt(file + (zonetool ? ".cgsc" : ".gscbin")))
if (zonetool)
utils::file::save("assembled/" + file + ".cgsc", assembler.output_script());
utils::file::save("assembled/" + file + ".cgsc.stack", assembler.output_stack());
std::cout << "assembled " << file << ".cgsc\n";
asset script;
auto uncompressed = assembler.output_stack();
auto compressed = utils::zlib::compress(uncompressed);
script.name = file;
script.bytecode = assembler.output_script();
script.buffer = std::move(compressed);
script.len = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(uncompressed.size());
script.compressedLen = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(script.buffer.size());
script.bytecodeLen = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(script.bytecode.size());
auto output = script.serialize();
utils::file::save("assembled/" + file + ".gscbin", output);
std::cout << "assembled " << file << ".gscbin\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
void disassemble_file(game game, std::string file)
auto& disassembler = contexts[game]->disassembler();
if (zonetool)
if (file.find(".gscbin") != std::string::npos) return;
if (file.find(".stack") != std::string::npos)
std::cerr << "Cannot disassemble stack files\n";
const auto ext = std::string(".cgsc");
const auto extpos = file.find(ext);
if (extpos != std::string::npos)
file.replace(extpos, ext.length(), "");
auto script = utils::file::read(file + ".cgsc");
auto stack = utils::file::read(file + ".cgsc.stack");
disassembler.disassemble(file, script, stack);
if (file.find(".cgsc") != std::string::npos) return;
const auto ext = std::string(".gscbin");
const auto extpos = file.find(ext);
if (extpos != std::string::npos)
file.replace(extpos, ext.length(), "");
auto data = utils::file::read(file + ext);
asset script;
auto stack = utils::zlib::decompress(script.buffer, script.len);
disassembler.disassemble(file, script.bytecode, stack);
auto scriptid = std::filesystem::path(file).filename().string();
if (!isdigit(scriptid.data()[0]))
utils::file::save("disassembled/" + file + ".gscasm", disassembler.output_data());
std::cout << "disassembled " << file << ".gscasm\n";
auto filename = choose_resolver_file_name(std::atoi(scriptid.data()), game);
auto count = file.find(scriptid);
if (count != std::string::npos)
if (!filename.empty())
file.erase(count, scriptid.length());
utils::file::save("disassembled/" + file + filename + ".gscasm", disassembler.output_data());
std::cout << "disassembled " << file << filename << ".gscasm\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << " at " << file << '\n';
void compile_file(game game, std::string file)
auto& assembler = contexts[game]->assembler();
auto& compiler = contexts[game]->compiler();
const auto ext = std::string(".gsc");
const auto extpos = file.find(ext);
if (extpos != std::string::npos)
file.replace(extpos, ext.length(), "");
auto data = utils::file::read(file + ext);
compiler.compile(file, data);
auto assembly = compiler.output();
assembler.assemble(file, assembly);
if (overwrite_prompt(file + (zonetool ? ".cgsc" : ".gscbin")))
if (zonetool)
utils::file::save("compiled/" + file + ".cgsc", assembler.output_script());
utils::file::save("compiled/" + file + ".cgsc.stack", assembler.output_stack());
std::cout << "compiled " << file << ".cgsc\n";
asset script;
auto uncompressed = assembler.output_stack();
auto compressed = utils::zlib::compress(uncompressed);
script.name = file;
script.bytecode = assembler.output_script();
script.buffer = std::move(compressed);
script.len = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(uncompressed.size());
script.compressedLen = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(script.buffer.size());
script.bytecodeLen = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(script.bytecode.size());
auto output = script.serialize();
utils::file::save("compiled/" + file + ".gscbin", output);
std::cout << "compiled " << file << ".gscbin\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
void decompile_file(game game, std::string file)
auto& disassembler = contexts[game]->disassembler();
if (zonetool)
if (file.find(".gscbin") != std::string::npos) return;
if (file.find(".stack") != std::string::npos)
std::cerr << "Cannot disassemble stack files\n";
const auto ext = std::string(".cgsc");
const auto extpos = file.find(ext);
if (extpos != std::string::npos)
file.replace(extpos, ext.length(), "");
auto script = utils::file::read(file + ".cgsc");
auto stack = utils::file::read(file + ".cgsc.stack");
disassembler.disassemble(file, script, stack);
if (file.find(".cgsc") != std::string::npos) return;
const auto ext = std::string(".gscbin");
const auto extpos = file.find(ext);
if (extpos != std::string::npos)
file.replace(extpos, ext.length(), "");
auto data = utils::file::read(file + ext);
asset script;
auto stack = utils::zlib::decompress(script.buffer, script.len);
disassembler.disassemble(file, script.bytecode, stack);
auto& decompiler = contexts[game]->decompiler();
auto output = disassembler.output();
decompiler.decompile(file, output);
auto scriptid = std::filesystem::path(file).filename().string();
if (!isdigit(scriptid.data()[0]))
utils::file::save("decompiled/" + file + ".gsc", decompiler.output());
std::cout << "decompiled " << file << ".gsc\n";
auto filename = choose_resolver_file_name(std::atoi(scriptid.data()), game);
auto count = file.find(scriptid);
if (count != std::string::npos)
if (!filename.empty())
file.erase(count, scriptid.length());
utils::file::save("decompiled/" + file + filename + ".gsc", decompiler.output());
std::cout << "decompiled " << file << filename << ".gsc\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << " at " << file << '\n';
void init()
contexts[game::IW5] = std::make_unique<iw5::context>();
contexts[game::IW5]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
contexts[game::IW6] = std::make_unique<iw6::context>();
contexts[game::IW6]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
contexts[game::IW7] = std::make_unique<iw7::context>();
contexts[game::IW7]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
contexts[game::IW8] = std::make_unique<iw8::context>();
contexts[game::IW8]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
contexts[game::S1] = std::make_unique<s1::context>();
contexts[game::S1]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
contexts[game::S2] = std::make_unique<s2::context>();
contexts[game::S2]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
contexts[game::S4] = std::make_unique<s4::context>();
contexts[game::S4]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
contexts[game::H1] = std::make_unique<h1::context>();
contexts[game::H1]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
contexts[game::H2] = std::make_unique<h2::context>();
contexts[game::H2]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
funcs[mode::ASM] = assemble_file;
funcs[mode::DISASM] = disassemble_file;
funcs[mode::COMP] = compile_file;
funcs[mode::DECOMP] = decompile_file;
} // namespace xsk::gsc
namespace arc
std::map<game, context::ptr> contexts;
std::map<mode, std::function<void(game game, const std::filesystem::path& file)>> funcs;
void assemble_file(game game, const std::filesystem::path& file)
auto& assembler = contexts[game]->assembler();
auto data = utils::file::read(file.string());
auto path = t6::resolver::fs_to_game_path(file);
auto next = path.extension() == ".gscasm" ? path.replace_extension(".gsc") : path.replace_extension(".csc");
assembler.assemble(next.string(), data);
utils::file::save((std::filesystem::path("assembled/t6") / next).generic_string(), assembler.output());
std::cout << "assembled " << path.replace_extension() << "\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
void disassemble_file(game game, const std::filesystem::path& file)
auto& disassembler = contexts[game]->disassembler();
auto data = utils::file::read(file.string());
auto path = t6::resolver::fs_to_game_path(file);
auto next = path.extension() == ".gsc" ? path.replace_extension(".gscasm") : path.replace_extension(".cscasm");
disassembler.disassemble(file.string(), data);
utils::file::save((std::filesystem::path("disassembled/t6") / next).generic_string(), disassembler.output_raw());
std::cout << "disassembled " << path.replace_extension() << "\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << " at " << file.string() << '\n';
void compile_file(game game, const std::filesystem::path& file)
auto& assembler = contexts[game]->assembler();
auto& compiler = contexts[game]->compiler();
auto data = utils::file::read(file.string());
auto path = t6::resolver::fs_to_game_path(file);
compiler.compile(file.string(), data);
auto assembly = compiler.output();
assembler.assemble(path.string(), assembly);
utils::file::save((std::filesystem::path("compiled/t6") / path).generic_string(), assembler.output());
std::cout << "compiled " << path.replace_extension() << "\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
void decompile_file(game game, const std::filesystem::path& file)
auto& disassembler = contexts[game]->disassembler();
auto& decompiler = contexts[game]->decompiler();
auto data = utils::file::read(file.string());
auto path = t6::resolver::fs_to_game_path(file);
disassembler.disassemble(file.string(), data);
auto output = disassembler.output();
decompiler.decompile(file.string(), output);
utils::file::save((std::filesystem::path("decompiled/t6") / path).generic_string(), decompiler.output());
std::cout << "decompiled " << path.replace_extension() << "\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << " at " << file.string() << '\n';
void init()
contexts[game::T6] = std::make_unique<t6::context>();
contexts[game::T6]->init(build::prod, utils::file::read);
funcs[mode::ASM] = assemble_file;
funcs[mode::DISASM] = disassemble_file;
funcs[mode::COMP] = compile_file;
funcs[mode::DECOMP] = decompile_file;
} // namespace xsk::arc
void execute(mode mode, game game, const std::string& path)
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(path))
for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path))
if (entry.is_regular_file())
if (game < game::T6)
gsc::funcs[mode](game, entry.path().generic_string());
arc::funcs[mode](game, std::filesystem::path(entry.path().generic_string(), std::filesystem::path::format::generic_format));
else if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path))
if (game < game::T6)
gsc::funcs[mode](game, path);
arc::funcs[mode](game, std::filesystem::path(path, std::filesystem::path::format::generic_format));
auto parse_flags(int argc, char** argv, game& game, mode& mode, std::string& path) -> bool
if (argc != 4) return false;
auto arg = utils::string::to_lower(argv[1]);
if (arg.at(0) == 'z')
gsc::zonetool = true;
const auto& it = modes.find(arg);
if (it != modes.end())
mode = it->second;
std::cout << "[ERROR] unknown mode '" << argv[1] << "'.\n\n";
return false;
arg = utils::string::to_lower(argv[2]);
const auto& itr = games.find(arg);
if (itr != games.end())
game = itr->second;
std::cout << "[ERROR] unknown game '" << argv[2] << "'.\n\n";
return false;
path = utils::string::fordslash(argv[3]);
return true;
void print_usage()
std::cout << "usage: gsc-tool.exe <mode> <game> <path>\n";
std::cout << "\t* modes: asm, disasm, comp, decomp\n";
std::cout << "\t* games: iw5, iw6, iw7, iw8, s1, s2, s4, h1, h2, t6\n";
std::cout << "\t* paths: file or directory (recursive)\n";
auto shell_parse(const std::vector<std::string>& data, game& game, mode& mode, std::string& path) -> bool
if (data.size() != 3) return false;
auto arg = utils::string::to_lower(data[0]);
if (arg.at(0) == 'z')
gsc::zonetool = true;
const auto& it = modes.find(arg);
if (it != modes.end())
mode = it->second;
std::cout << "[ERROR] unknown mode '" << data[0] << "'.\n";
return false;
arg = utils::string::to_lower(data[1]);
const auto& itr = games.find(arg);
if (itr != games.end())
game = itr->second;
std::cout << "[ERROR] unknown game '" << data[1] << "'.\n";
return false;
path = utils::string::fordslash(data[2]);
return true;
void shell_usage()
std::cout << "\nusage: <mode> <game> <path>\n";
std::cout << "\t* modes: asm, disasm, comp, decomp\n";
std::cout << "\t* games: iw5, iw6, iw7, iw8, s1, s2, s4, h1, h2, t6\n";
std::cout << "\t* paths: file or directory (recursive)\n";
std::cout << "type 'exit' to close\n";
std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------\n";
void shell()
std::string cmd;
std::vector<std::string> data;
std::regex exp(R"(([A-Za-z0-9.\/\\]+|\"(?:\\.|[^\"])*?\"|\'(?:\\.|[^\'])*?\'))");
std::cout << "GSC Tool - https://github.com/xensik/gsc-tool\n";
while (true)
std::cout << "> ";
std::memset(cmd.data(), 0, 1024);
std::cin.getline(cmd.data(), 1024, '\n');
for (auto i = std::sregex_iterator(cmd.begin(), cmd.end(), exp); i != std::sregex_iterator(); ++i)
if (data.size() == 0)
if (data.size() == 1 && data[0] == "exit")
auto path = ""s;
mode mode = mode::__;
game game = game::__;
if (shell_parse(data, game, mode, path))
execute(mode, game, path);
void main(std::uint32_t argc, char** argv)
auto path = ""s;
mode mode = mode::__;
game game = game::__;
if (argc <= 1)
return shell();
if (!parse_flags(argc, argv, game, mode, path))
return print_usage();
execute(mode, game, path);
} // namespace xsk
int main(int argc, char** argv)
xsk::main(argc, argv);
return 0;