8266 lines
289 KiB
8266 lines
289 KiB
// Copyright 2021 xensik. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "stdafx.hpp"
#include "iw5.hpp"
namespace xsk::gsc::iw5
std::unordered_map<std::uint8_t, std::string> opcode_map;
std::unordered_map<std::uint16_t, std::string> function_map;
std::unordered_map<std::uint16_t, std::string> method_map;
std::unordered_map<std::uint16_t, std::string> file_map;
std::unordered_map<std::uint16_t, std::string> token_map;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::uint8_t> opcode_map_rev;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::uint16_t> function_map_rev;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::uint16_t> method_map_rev;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::uint16_t> file_map_rev;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::uint16_t> token_map_rev;
auto resolver::opcode_id(const std::string& name) -> std::uint8_t
const auto itr = opcode_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != opcode_map_rev.end())
return itr->second;
throw gsc::error(utils::string::va("Couldn't resolve opcode id for name '%s'!", name.data()));
auto resolver::opcode_name(std::uint8_t id) -> std::string
const auto itr = opcode_map.find(id);
if (itr != opcode_map.end())
return itr->second;
throw gsc::error(utils::string::va("Couldn't resolve opcode name for id '0x%hhX'!", id));
auto resolver::function_id(const std::string& name) -> std::uint16_t
const auto itr = function_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != function_map_rev.end())
return itr->second;
throw gsc::error(utils::string::va("Couldn't resolve builtin function id for name '%s'!", name.data()));
auto resolver::function_name(std::uint16_t id) -> std::string
const auto itr = function_map.find(id);
if (itr != function_map.end())
return itr->second;
throw gsc::error(utils::string::va("Couldn't resolve builtin function name for id '%i'!", id));
auto resolver::method_id(const std::string& name) -> std::uint16_t
const auto itr = method_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != method_map_rev.end())
return itr->second;
throw gsc::error(utils::string::va("Couldn't resolve builtin method id for name '%s'!", name.data()));
auto resolver::method_name(std::uint16_t id) -> std::string
const auto itr = method_map.find(id);
if (itr != method_map.end())
return itr->second;
throw gsc::error(utils::string::va("Couldn't resolve builtin method name for id '%i'!", id));
auto resolver::file_id(const std::string& name) -> std::uint16_t
const auto itr = file_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != file_map_rev.end())
return itr->second;
return 0;
auto resolver::file_name(std::uint16_t id) -> std::string
const auto itr = file_map.find(id);
if (itr != file_map.end())
return itr->second;
return utils::string::va("_ID%i", id);
auto resolver::token_id(const std::string& name) -> std::uint16_t
const auto itr = token_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != token_map_rev.end())
return itr->second;
return 0;
auto resolver::token_name(std::uint16_t id) -> std::string
const auto itr = token_map.find(id);
if (itr != token_map.end())
return itr->second;
return utils::string::va("_ID%i", id);
auto resolver::find_function(const std::string& name) -> bool
const auto itr = function_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != function_map_rev.end())
return true;
return false;
auto resolver::find_method(const std::string& name) -> bool
const auto itr = method_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != method_map_rev.end())
return true;
return false;
void resolver::add_function(const std::string& name, std::uint16_t id)
const auto itr = function_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != function_map_rev.end())
throw gsc::error("builtin function '" + name + "' already defined.");
function_map.insert({ id, name });
function_map_rev.insert({ name, id });
void resolver::add_method(const std::string& name, std::uint16_t id)
const auto itr = method_map_rev.find(name);
if (itr != method_map_rev.end())
throw gsc::error("builtin method '" + name + "' already defined.");
method_map.insert({ id, name });
method_map_rev.insert({ name, id });
const std::array<gsc::pair_8C, 153> opcode_list
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_End),"END" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_Return),"RETN" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetByte),"GET_BYTE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetNegByte),"GET_NBYTE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetUnsignedShort),"GET_USHORT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetNegUnsignedShort),"GET_NUSHORT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetInteger),"GET_INT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetBuiltinFunction),"GET_BUILTIN_FUNC" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetBuiltinMethod),"GET_BUILTIN_METHOD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetFloat),"GET_FLOAT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetString),"GET_STRING" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetUndefined),"GET_UNDEFINED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetZero),"GET_ZERO" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_waittillFrameEnd),"WAITTILLFRAMEEND" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CreateLocalVariable),"CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_RemoveLocalVariables),"REMOVE_LOCAL_VARIABLES" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached0),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached1),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_CACHED1" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached2),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_CACHED2" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached3),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_CACHED3" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached4),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_CACHED4" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached5),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_CACHED5" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalArrayCached),"EVAL_LOCAL_ARRAY_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalArray),"EVAL_ARRAY" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalNewLocalArrayRefCached0),"EVAL_NEW_LOCAL_ARRAY_REF_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalArrayRefCached0),"EVAL_LOCAL_ARRAY_REF_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalArrayRefCached),"EVAL_LOCAL_ARRAY_REF_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalArrayRef),"EVAL_ARRAY_REF" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ClearArray),"CLEAR_ARRAY" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EmptyArray),"EMPTY_ARRAY" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_AddArray),"ADD_ARRAY" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_PreScriptCall),"PRE_CALL" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptLocalFunctionCall2),"CALL_LOCAL_FUNC2" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptLocalFunctionCall),"CALL_LOCAL_FUNC" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptLocalMethodCall),"CALL_LOCAL_METHOD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptLocalThreadCall),"CALL_LOCAL_FUNC_THREAD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptLocalChildThreadCall),"CALL_LOCAL_FUNC_CHILD_THREAD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptLocalMethodThreadCall),"CALL_LOCAL_METHOD_THREAD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptLocalMethodChildThreadCall),"CALL_LOCAL_METHOD_CHILD_THREAD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptFarFunctionCall2),"CALL_FAR_FUNC2" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptFarFunctionCall),"CALL_FAR_FUNC" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptFarMethodCall),"CALL_FAR_METHOD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptFarThreadCall),"CALL_FAR_FUNC_THREAD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptFarChildThreadCall),"CALL_FAR_FUNC_CHILD_THREAD"},
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptFarMethodThreadCall),"CALL_FAR_METHOD_THEAD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptFarMethodChildThreadCall),"CALL_FAR_METHOD_CHILD_THEAD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptFunctionCallPointer),"CALL_FUNC_POINTER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptMethodCallPointer),"CALL_METHOD_POINTER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptThreadCallPointer),"CALL_FUNC_THREAD_POINTER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptChildThreadCallPointer),"CALL_FUNC_CHILD_THREAD_POINTER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptMethodThreadCallPointer),"CALL_METHOD_THREAD_POINTER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ScriptMethodChildThreadCallPointer),"CALL_METHOD_CHILD_THREAD_POINTER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinPointer),"CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC_POINTER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethodPointer),"CALL_BUILTIN_METHOD_POINTER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetIString),"GET_ISTRING" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetVector),"GET_VECTOR" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetLevelObject),"GET_LEVEL_OBJ" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetAnimObject),"GET_ANIM_OBJ" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetSelf),"GET_SELF" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetThisthread),"GET_THISTHREAD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetLevel),"GET_LEVEL" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetGame),"GET_GAME" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetAnim),"GET_ANIM" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetAnimation),"GET_ANIMATION" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetGameRef),"GET_GAME_REF" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_inc),"INC" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_dec),"DEC" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_bit_or),"BIT_OR" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_JumpOnFalseExpr),"JMP_EXPR_FALSE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_bit_ex_or),"BIT_EXOR" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_bit_and),"BIT_AND" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_equality),"EQUALITY" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_inequality),"INEQUALITY" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_less),"LESS" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_greater),"GREATER" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_JumpOnTrueExpr),"JMP_EXPR_TRUE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_less_equal),"LESSEQUAL" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_jumpback),"JMP_BACK" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_waittillmatch2),"WAITTILLMATCH2" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_waittill),"WAITTILL" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_notify),"NOTIFY" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_endon),"ENDON" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_voidCodepos),"VOIDCODEPOS" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_switch),"SWITCH" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_endswitch),"ENDSWITCH" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_vector),"VECTOR" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_JumpOnFalse),"JMP_FALSE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_greater_equal),"GREATEREQUAL" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_shift_left),"SHIFT_LEFT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_shift_right),"SHIFT_RIGHT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_plus),"PLUS" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_jump),"JMP" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_minus),"MINUS" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_multiply),"MULT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_divide),"DIV" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_mod),"MOD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_JumpOnTrue),"JMP_TRUE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_size),"SIZE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_waittillmatch),"WAITTILLMATCH" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetLocalFunction),"GET_LOCAL_FUNC" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetFarFunction),"GET_FAR_FUNC" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetSelfObject),"GET_SELF_OBJ" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLevelFieldVariable),"EVAL_LEVEL_FIELD_VARIABLE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalAnimFieldVariable),"EVAL_ANIM_FIELD_VARIABLE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalSelfFieldVariable),"EVAL_SELF_FIELD_VARIABLE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalFieldVariable),"EVAL_FIELD_VARIABLE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLevelFieldVariableRef),"EVAL_LEVEL_FIELD_VARIABLE_REF" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalAnimFieldVariableRef),"EVAL_ANIM_FIELD_VARIABLE_REF" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalSelfFieldVariableRef),"EVAL_SELF_FIELD_VARIABLE_REF" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalFieldVariableRef),"EVAL_FIELD_VARIABLE_REF" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ClearFieldVariable),"CLEAR_FIELD_VARIABLE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SafeCreateVariableFieldCached),"SAFE_CREATE_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SafeSetVariableFieldCached0),"SAFE_SET_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SafeSetVariableFieldCached),"SAFE_SET_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SafeSetWaittillVariableFieldCached),"SAFE_SET_WAITTILL_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_GetAnimTree),"GET_ANIMTREE" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_clearparams),"CLEAR_PARAMS" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_checkclearparams),"CHECK_CLEAR_PARAMS" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCached0),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalNewLocalVariableRefCached0),"EVAL_NEW_LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCached),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SetLevelFieldVariableField),"SET_LEVEL_FIELD_VARIABLE_FIELD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SetVariableField),"SET_VARIABLE_FIELD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ClearVariableField),"CLEAR_VARIABLE_FIELD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SetAnimFieldVariableField),"SET_ANIM_FIELD_VARIABLE_FIELD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SetSelfFieldVariableField),"SET_SELF_FIELD_VARIABLE_FIELD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SetLocalVariableFieldCached0),"SET_LOCAL_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SetNewLocalVariableFieldCached0),"SET_NEW_LOCAL_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_SetLocalVariableFieldCached),"SET_LOCAL_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ClearLocalVariableFieldCached),"CLEAR_LOCAL_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_ClearLocalVariableFieldCached0),"CLEAR_LOCAL_VARIABLE_FIELD_CACHED0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltin0),"CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC_0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltin1),"CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC_1" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltin2),"CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC_2" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltin3),"CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC_3" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltin4),"CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC_4" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltin5),"CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC_5" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltin),"CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod0),"CALL_BUILTIN_METHOD_0" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod1),"CALL_BUILTIN_METHOD_1" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod2),"CALL_BUILTIN_METHOD_2" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod3),"CALL_BUILTIN_METHOD_3" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod4),"CALL_BUILTIN_METHOD_4" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod5),"CALL_BUILTIN_METHOD_5" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod),"CALL_BUILTIN_METHOD" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_wait),"WAIT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_DecTop),"DEC_TOP" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CastFieldObject),"CAST_FIELD_OBJ" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableObjectCached),"EVAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_OBJECT_CACHED" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_CastBool),"CAST_BOOL" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_BoolNot),"BOOL_NOT" },
{ std::uint8_t(opcode::OP_BoolComplement),"BOOL_COMPLEMENT" },
const std::array<gsc::pair_16C, 455> function_list
{ 0x001, "precacheturret" },
{ 0x002, "getweaponarray" },
{ 0x003, "createprintchannel" },
{ 0x004, "updategamerprofileall" },
{ 0x005, "clearlocalizedstrings" },
{ 0x006, "setphysicsgravitydir" },
{ 0x007, "gettimescale" },
{ 0x008, "settimescale" },
{ 0x009, "setslowmotionview" },
{ 0x00A, "forcesharedammo" },
{ 0x00B, "refreshhudcompass" },
{ 0x00C, "refreshhudammocounter" },
{ 0x00D, "notifyoncommand" },
{ 0x00E, "setprintchannel" },
{ 0x00F, "print" },
{ 0x010, "println" },
{ 0x011, "print3d" },
{ 0x012, "line" },
{ 0x013, "spawnturret" },
{ 0x014, "canspawnturret" },
{ 0x015, "assert" },
{ 0x016, "pausecinematicingame" },
{ 0x017, "drawcompassfriendlies" },
{ 0x018, "bulletspread" },
{ 0x019, "bullettracer" },
{ 0x01A, "badplace_delete" },
{ 0x01B, "badplace_cylinder" },
{ 0x01C, "badplace_arc" },
{ 0x01D, "badplace_brush" },
{ 0x01E, "clearallcorpses" },
{ 0x01F, "setturretnode" },
{ 0x020, "unsetturretnode" },
{ 0x021, "setnodepriority" },
{ 0x022, "isnodeoccupied" },
{ 0x023, "setdebugorigin" },
{ 0x024, "setdebugangles" },
{ 0x025, "updategamerprofile" },
{ 0x026, "assertex" },
{ 0x027, "assertmsg" },
{ 0x028, "isdefined" },
{ 0x029, "isstring" },
{ 0x02A, "setdvar" },
{ 0x02B, "setdynamicdvar" },
{ 0x02C, "setdvarifuninitialized" },
{ 0x02D, "setdevdvar" },
{ 0x02E, "setdevdvarifuninitialized" },
{ 0x02F, "getdvar" },
{ 0x030, "getdvarint" },
{ 0x031, "getdvarfloat" },
{ 0x032, "getdvarvector" },
{ 0x033, "gettime" },
{ 0x034, "getentbynum" },
{ 0x035, "getweaponmodel" },
{ 0x036, "getculldist" },
{ 0x037, "sethalfresparticles" },
{ 0x038, "getmapsunlight" },
{ 0x039, "setsunlight" },
{ 0x03A, "resetsunlight" },
{ 0x03B, "getmapsundirection" },
{ 0x03C, "getmapsunangles" },
{ 0x03D, "setsundirection" },
{ 0x03E, "lerpsundirection" },
{ 0x03F, "lerpsunangles" },
{ 0x040, "resetsundirection" },
{ 0x041, "enableforcedsunshadows" },
{ 0x042, "enableforcednosunshadows" },
{ 0x043, "disableforcedsunshadows" },
{ 0x044, "enableouterspacemodellighting" },
{ 0x045, "disableouterspacemodellighting" },
{ 0x046, "remapstage" },
{ 0x047, "changelevel" },
{ 0x048, "missionsuccess" },
{ 0x049, "missionfailed" },
{ 0x04A, "cinematic" },
{ 0x04B, "cinematicingame" },
{ 0x04C, "cinematicingamesync" },
{ 0x04D, "cinematicingameloop" },
{ 0x04E, "cinematicingameloopresident" },
{ 0x04F, "iscinematicplaying" },
{ 0x050, "stopcinematicingame" },
{ 0x051, "getweaponhidetags" },
{ 0x052, "getanimlength" },
{ 0x053, "animhasnotetrack" },
{ 0x054, "getnotetracktimes" },
{ 0x055, "spawn" },
{ 0x056, "spawnloopsound" },
{ 0x057, "spawnloopingsound" },
{ 0x058, "bullettrace" },
{ 0x059, "target_setmaxsize" },
{ 0x05A, "target_setcolor" },
{ 0x05B, "target_setdelay" },
{ 0x05C, "getstartorigin" },
{ 0x05D, "getstartangles" },
{ 0x05E, "getcycleoriginoffset" },
{ 0x05F, "magicgrenade" },
{ 0x060, "magicgrenademanual" },
{ 0x061, "setblur" },
{ 0x062, "musicplay" },
{ 0x063, "musicstop" },
{ 0x064, "soundfade" },
{ 0x065, "soundsettimescalefactor" },
{ 0x066, "soundresettimescale" },
{ 0x067, "setocclusionpreset" },
{ 0x068, "levelsoundfade" },
{ 0x069, "precachenightvisioncodeassets" },
{ 0x06A, "precachedigitaldistortcodeassets" },
{ 0x06B, "precacheminimapsentrycodeassets" },
{ 0x06C, "savegame" },
{ 0x06D, "issavesuccessful" },
{ 0x06E, "issaverecentlyloaded" },
{ 0x06F, "savegamenocommit" },
{ 0x070, "commitsave" },
{ 0x071, "commitwouldbevalid" },
{ 0x072, "getfxvisibility" },
{ 0x073, "setculldist" },
{ 0x074, "bullettracepassed" },
{ 0x075, "sighttracepassed" },
{ 0x076, "physicstrace" },
{ 0x077, "playerphysicstrace" },
{ 0x078, "getgroundposition" },
{ 0x079, "getmovedelta" },
{ 0x07A, "getangledelta" },
{ 0x07B, "getnorthyaw" },
{ 0x07C, "getcommandfromkey" },
{ 0x07D, "getsticksconfig" },
{ 0x07E, "weaponfightdist" },
{ 0x07F, "weaponmaxdist" },
{ 0x080, "isturretactive" },
{ 0x081, "target_alloc" },
{ 0x082, "target_flush" },
{ 0x083, "target_set" },
{ 0x084, "target_remove" },
{ 0x085, "target_setshader" },
{ 0x086, "target_setoffscreenshader" },
{ 0x087, "target_isinrect" },
{ 0x088, "target_isincircle" },
{ 0x089, "target_startreticlelockon" },
{ 0x08A, "target_clearreticlelockon" },
{ 0x08B, "target_getarray" },
{ 0x08C, "target_istarget" },
{ 0x08D, "target_setattackmode" },
{ 0x08E, "target_setjavelinonly" },
{ 0x08F, "target_hidefromplayer" },
{ 0x090, "target_showtoplayer" },
{ 0x091, "target_setscaledrendermode" },
{ 0x092, "target_drawcornersonly" },
{ 0x093, "target_drawsquare" },
{ 0x094, "target_drawsingle" },
{ 0x095, "target_setminsize" },
{ 0x096, "setnorthyaw" },
{ 0x097, "setslowmotion" },
{ 0x098, "randomint" },
{ 0x099, "randomfloat" },
{ 0x09A, "randomintrange" },
{ 0x09B, "randomfloatrange" },
{ 0x09C, "sin" },
{ 0x09D, "cos" },
{ 0x09E, "tan" },
{ 0x09F, "asin" },
{ 0x0A0, "acos" },
{ 0x0A1, "atan" },
{ 0x0A2, "int" },
{ 0x0A3, "float" },
{ 0x0A4, "abs" },
{ 0x0A5, "min" },
{ 0x0A6, "objective_additionalcurrent" },
{ 0x0A7, "objective_ring" },
{ 0x0A8, "objective_setpointertextoverride" },
{ 0x0A9, "getnode" },
{ 0x0AA, "getnodearray" },
{ 0x0AB, "getallnodes" },
{ 0x0AC, "getnodesinradius" },
{ 0x0AD, "getnodesinradiussorted" },
{ 0x0AE, "getclosestnodeinsight" },
{ 0x0AF, "getreflectionlocs" },
{ 0x0B0, "getreflectionreferencelocs" },
{ 0x0B1, "getvehicletracksegment" },
{ 0x0B2, "getvehicletracksegmentarray" },
{ 0x0B3, "getallvehicletracksegments" },
{ 0x0B4, "isarray" },
{ 0x0B5, "isai" },
{ 0x0B6, "issentient" },
{ 0x0B7, "isgodmode" },
{ 0x0B8, "getdebugdvar" },
{ 0x0B9, "getdebugdvarint" },
{ 0x0BA, "getdebugdvarfloat" },
{ 0x0BB, "setsaveddvar" },
{ 0x0BC, "getfreeaicount" },
{ 0x0BD, "getaicount" },
{ 0x0BE, "getaiarray" },
{ 0x0BF, "getaispeciesarray" },
{ 0x0C0, "getspawnerarray" },
{ 0x0C1, "getcorpsearray" },
{ 0x0C2, "getspawnerteamarray" },
{ 0x0C3, "getweaponclipmodel" },
{ 0x0C4, "getbrushmodelcenter" },
{ 0x0C5, "getkeybinding" },
{ 0x0C6, "max" },
{ 0x0C7, "floor" },
{ 0x0C8, "ceil" },
{ 0x0C9, "exp" },
{ 0x0CA, "log" },
{ 0x0CB, "sqrt" },
{ 0x0CC, "squared" },
{ 0x0CD, "clamp" },
{ 0x0CE, "angleclamp" },
{ 0x0CF, "angleclamp180" },
{ 0x0D0, "vectorfromlinetopoint" },
{ 0x0D1, "pointonsegmentnearesttopoint" },
{ 0x0D2, "distance" },
{ 0x0D3, "distance2d" },
{ 0x0D4, "distancesquared" },
{ 0x0D5, "length" },
{ 0x0D6, "lengthsquared" },
{ 0x0D7, "closer" },
{ 0x0D8, "vectordot" },
{ 0x0D9, "visionsetthermal" },
{ 0x0DA, "visionsetpain" },
{ 0x0DB, "endlobby" },
{ 0x0DC, "setac130ambience" },
{ 0x0DD, "getmapcustom" },
{ 0x0DE, "updateskill" },
{ 0x0DF, "spawnsighttrace" },
{ 0x0E0, "incrementcounter" },
{ 0x0E1, "getcountertotal" },
{ 0x0E2, "getlevelticks" },
{ 0x0E3, "perlinnoise2d" },
{ 0x0E4, "calcrockingangles" },
{ 0x0E5, "sethudlighting" },
{ 0x0E6, "reconevent" },
{ 0x0E7, "reconspatialevent" },
{ 0x0E8, "setsunflareposition" },
{ 0x0E9, "createthreatbiasgroup" },
{ 0x0EA, "threatbiasgroupexists" },
{ 0x0EB, "getthreatbias" },
{ 0x0EC, "setthreatbias" },
{ 0x0ED, "setthreatbiasagainstall" },
{ 0x0EE, "setignoremegroup" },
{ 0x0EF, "isenemyteam" },
{ 0x0F0, "objective_additionalentity" },
{ 0x0F1, "objective_state_nomessage" },
{ 0x0F2, "objective_string" },
{ 0x0F3, "objective_string_nomessage" },
{ 0x0F4, "objective_additionalposition" },
{ 0x0F5, "objective_current_nomessage" },
{ 0x0F6, "vectornormalize" },
{ 0x0F7, "vectortoangles" },
{ 0x0F8, "vectortoyaw" },
{ 0x0F9, "vectorlerp" },
{ 0x0FA, "anglestoup" },
{ 0x0FB, "anglestoright" },
{ 0x0FC, "anglestoforward" },
{ 0x0FD, "combineangles" },
{ 0x0FE, "transformmove" },
{ 0x0FF, "issubstr" },
{ 0x100, "isendstr" },
{ 0x101, "getsubstr" },
{ 0x102, "tolower" },
{ 0x103, "strtok" },
{ 0x104, "stricmp" },
{ 0x105, "ambientplay" },
{ 0x106, "getuavstrengthmax" },
{ 0x107, "getuavstrengthlevelneutral" },
{ 0x108, "getuavstrengthlevelshowenemyfastsweep" },
{ 0x109, "getuavstrengthlevelshowenemydirectional" },
{ 0x10A, "blockteamradar" },
{ 0x10B, "unblockteamradar" },
{ 0x10C, "isteamradarblocked" },
{ 0x10D, "getassignedteam" },
{ 0x10E, "setmatchdata" },
{ 0x10F, "getmatchdata" },
{ 0x110, "sendmatchdata" },
{ 0x111, "clearmatchdata" },
{ 0x112, "setmatchdatadef" },
{ 0x113, "setmatchclientip" },
{ 0x114, "setmatchdataid" },
{ 0x115, "setclientmatchdata" },
{ 0x116, "getclientmatchdata" },
{ 0x117, "setclientmatchdatadef" },
{ 0x118, "sendclientmatchdata" },
{ 0x119, "getbuildversion" },
{ 0x11A, "getbuildnumber" },
{ 0x11B, "getsystemtime" },
{ 0x11C, "getmatchrulesdata" },
{ 0x11D, "isusingmatchrulesdata" },
{ 0x11E, "kick" },
{ 0x11F, "issplitscreen" },
{ 0x120, "setmapcenter" },
{ 0x121, "setgameendtime" },
{ 0x122, "visionsetnaked" },
{ 0x123, "visionsetnight" },
{ 0x124, "visionsetmissilecam" },
{ 0x125, "ambientstop" },
{ 0x126, "precachemodel" },
{ 0x127, "precacheshellshock" },
{ 0x128, "precacheitem" },
{ 0x129, "precacheshader" },
{ 0x12A, "precachestring" },
{ 0x12B, "precachemenu" },
{ 0x12C, "precacherumble" },
{ 0x12D, "precachelocationselector" },
{ 0x12E, "precacheleaderboards" },
{ 0x12F, "loadfx" },
{ 0x130, "playfx" },
{ 0x131, "playfxontag" },
{ 0x132, "stopfxontag" },
{ 0x133, "playloopedfx" },
{ 0x134, "spawnfx" },
{ 0x135, "triggerfx" },
{ 0x136, "playfxontagforclients" },
{ 0x137, "setwinningteam" },
{ 0x138, "announcement" },
{ 0x139, "clientannouncement" },
{ 0x13A, "getteamscore" },
{ 0x13B, "setteamscore" },
{ 0x13C, "setclientnamemode" },
{ 0x13D, "updateclientnames" },
{ 0x13E, "getteamplayersalive" },
{ 0x13F, "logprint" },
{ 0x140, "worldentnumber" },
{ 0x141, "obituary" },
{ 0x142, "positionwouldtelefrag" },
{ 0x143, "canspawn" },
{ 0x144, "getstarttime" },
{ 0x145, "precachestatusicon" },
{ 0x146, "precacheheadicon" },
{ 0x147, "precacheminimapicon" },
{ 0x148, "precachempanim" },
{ 0x149, "map_restart" },
{ 0x14A, "exitlevel" },
{ 0x14B, "addtestclient" },
{ 0x14C, "makedvarserverinfo" },
{ 0x14D, "setarchive" },
{ 0x14E, "allclientsprint" },
{ 0x14F, "clientprint" },
{ 0x150, "mapexists" },
{ 0x151, "isvalidgametype" },
{ 0x152, "matchend" },
{ 0x153, "setplayerteamrank" },
{ 0x154, "endparty" },
{ 0x155, "setteamradar" },
{ 0x156, "getteamradar" },
{ 0x157, "setteamradarstrength" },
{ 0x158, "getteamradarstrength" },
{ 0x159, "getuavstrengthmin" },
{ 0x15A, "physicsexplosionsphere" },
{ 0x15B, "physicsexplosioncylinder" },
{ 0x15C, "physicsjolt" },
{ 0x15D, "physicsjitter" },
{ 0x15E, "setexpfog" },
{ 0x15F, "isexplosivedamagemod" },
{ 0x160, "radiusdamage" },
{ 0x161, "setplayerignoreradiusdamage" },
{ 0x162, "glassradiusdamage" },
{ 0x163, "earthquake" },
{ 0x164, "getnumparts" },
{ 0x165, "objective_onentity" },
{ 0x166, "objective_team" },
{ 0x167, "objective_player" },
{ 0x168, "objective_playerteam" },
{ 0x169, "objective_playerenemyteam" },
{ 0x16A, "iprintln" },
{ 0x16B, "iprintlnbold" },
{ 0x16C, "logstring" },
{ 0x16D, "getent" },
{ 0x16E, "getentarray" },
{ 0x16F, "spawnplane" },
{ 0x170, "spawnstruct" },
{ 0x171, "spawnhelicopter" },
{ 0x172, "isalive" },
{ 0x173, "isspawner" },
{ 0x174, "missile_createattractorent" },
{ 0x175, "missile_createattractororigin" },
{ 0x176, "missile_createrepulsorent" },
{ 0x177, "missile_createrepulsororigin" },
{ 0x178, "missile_deleteattractor" },
{ 0x179, "playsoundatpos" },
{ 0x17A, "newhudelem" },
{ 0x17B, "newclienthudelem" },
{ 0x17C, "newteamhudelem" },
{ 0x17D, "resettimeout" },
{ 0x17E, "precachefxteamthermal" },
{ 0x17F, "isplayer" },
{ 0x180, "isplayernumber" },
{ 0x181, "setwinningplayer" },
{ 0x182, "getpartname" },
{ 0x183, "weaponfiretime" },
{ 0x184, "weaponclipsize" },
{ 0x185, "weaponisauto" },
{ 0x186, "weaponissemiauto" },
{ 0x187, "weaponisboltaction" },
{ 0x188, "weaponinheritsperks" },
{ 0x189, "weaponburstcount" },
{ 0x18A, "weapontype" },
{ 0x18B, "weaponclass" },
{ 0x18C, "getnextarraykey" },
{ 0x18D, "sortbydistance" },
{ 0x18E, "tablelookup" },
{ 0x18F, "tablelookupbyrow" },
{ 0x190, "tablelookupistring" },
{ 0x191, "tablelookupistringbyrow" },
{ 0x192, "tablelookuprownum" },
{ 0x193, "getmissileowner" },
{ 0x194, "magicbullet" },
{ 0x195, "getweaponflashtagname" },
{ 0x196, "averagepoint" },
{ 0x197, "averagenormal" },
{ 0x198, "vehicle_getspawnerarray" },
{ 0x199, "playrumbleonposition" },
{ 0x19A, "playrumblelooponposition" },
{ 0x19B, "stopallrumbles" },
{ 0x19C, "soundexists" },
{ 0x19D, "openfile" },
{ 0x19E, "closefile" },
{ 0x19F, "fprintln" },
{ 0x1A0, "fprintfields" },
{ 0x1A1, "freadln" },
{ 0x1A2, "fgetarg" },
{ 0x1A3, "setminimap" },
{ 0x1A4, "setthermalbodymaterial" },
{ 0x1A5, "getarraykeys" },
{ 0x1A6, "getfirstarraykey" },
{ 0x1A7, "getglass" },
{ 0x1A8, "getglassarray" },
{ 0x1A9, "getglassorigin" },
{ 0x1AA, "isglassdestroyed" },
{ 0x1AB, "destroyglass" },
{ 0x1AC, "deleteglass" },
{ 0x1AD, "getentchannelscount" },
{ 0x1AE, "getentchannelname" },
{ 0x1AF, "objective_add" },
{ 0x1B0, "objective_delete" },
{ 0x1B1, "objective_state" },
{ 0x1B2, "objective_icon" },
{ 0x1B3, "objective_position" },
{ 0x1B4, "objective_current" },
{ 0x1B5, "weaponinventorytype" },
{ 0x1B6, "weaponstartammo" },
{ 0x1B7, "weaponmaxammo" },
{ 0x1B8, "weaponaltweaponname" },
{ 0x1B9, "isweaponcliponly" },
{ 0x1BA, "isweapondetonationtimed" },
{ 0x1BB, "weaponhasthermalscope" },
{ 0x1BC, "getvehiclenode" },
{ 0x1BD, "getvehiclenodearray" },
{ 0x1BE, "getallvehiclenodes" },
{ 0x1BF, "getnumvehicles" },
{ 0x1C0, "precachevehicle" },
{ 0x1C1, "spawnvehicle" },
{ 0x1C2, "vehicle_getarray" },
{ 0x1C3, "gettimesincelastpaused" },
{ 0x1C4, "setlasermaterial" },
{ 0x1C5, "precachefxontag" },
{ 0x1C6, "precachetag" },
{ 0x1C7, "precachesound" },
const std::array<gsc::pair_16C, 780> method_list
{ 0x8000, "thermaldrawdisable" },
{ 0x8001, "setturretdismountorg" },
{ 0x8002, "setdamagestate" },
{ 0x8003, "playsoundtoteam" },
{ 0x8004, "playsoundtoplayer" },
{ 0x8005, "playerhide" },
{ 0x8006, "showtoplayer" },
{ 0x8007, "enableplayeruse" },
{ 0x8008, "disableplayeruse" },
{ 0x8009, "makescrambler" },
{ 0x800A, "makeportableradar" },
{ 0x800B, "maketrophysystem" },
{ 0x800C, "placespawnpoint" },
{ 0x800D, "setteamfortrigger" },
{ 0x800E, "clientclaimtrigger" },
{ 0x800F, "clientreleasetrigger" },
{ 0x8010, "releaseclaimedtrigger" },
{ 0x8011, "isusingonlinedataoffline" },
{ 0x8012, "getrestedtime" },
{ 0x8013, "sendleaderboards" },
{ 0x8014, "isonladder" },
{ 0x8015, "getcorpseanim" },
{ 0x8016, "playerforcedeathanim" },
{ 0x8017, "attach" },
{ 0x8018, "attachshieldmodel" },
{ 0x8019, "getlightfovinner" },
{ 0x801A, "getlightfovouter" },
{ 0x801B, "setlightfovrange" },
{ 0x801C, "getlightexponent" },
{ 0x801D, "setlightexponent" },
{ 0x801E, "startragdoll" },
{ 0x801F, "startragdollfromimpact" },
{ 0x8020, "logstring" },
{ 0x8021, "laserhidefromclient" },
{ 0x8022, "stopsoundchannel" },
{ 0x8023, "thermaldrawenable" },
{ 0x8024, "detach" },
{ 0x8025, "detachshieldmodel" },
{ 0x8026, "moveshieldmodel" },
{ 0x8027, "detachall" },
{ 0x8028, "getattachsize" },
{ 0x8029, "getattachmodelname" },
{ 0x802A, "getattachtagname" },
{ 0x802B, "setturretcanaidetach" },
{ 0x802C, "setturretfov" },
{ 0x802D, "lerpfov" },
{ 0x802E, "getvalidcoverpeekouts" },
{ 0x802F, "gethighestnodestance" },
{ 0x8030, "doesnodeallowstance" },
{ 0x8031, "getgunangles" },
{ 0x8032, "magicgrenade" },
{ 0x8033, "magicgrenademanual" },
{ 0x8034, "setfriendlychain" },
{ 0x8035, "getentnum" },
{ 0x8036, "launch" },
{ 0x8037, "setsoundblend" },
{ 0x8038, "makefakeai" },
{ 0x8039, "spawndrone" },
{ 0x803A, "setcorpseremovetimer" },
{ 0x803B, "setlookattext" },
{ 0x803C, "setspawnerteam" },
{ 0x803D, "addaieventlistener" },
{ 0x803E, "removeaieventlistener" },
{ 0x803F, "getlightcolor" },
{ 0x8040, "setlightcolor" },
{ 0x8041, "getlightradius" },
{ 0x8042, "setlightradius" },
{ 0x8043, "getattachignorecollision" },
{ 0x8044, "hidepart" },
{ 0x8045, "hidepart_allinstances" },
{ 0x8046, "hideallparts" },
{ 0x8047, "showpart" },
{ 0x8048, "showallparts" },
{ 0x8049, "linkto" },
{ 0x804A, "linktoblendtotag" },
{ 0x804B, "unlink" },
{ 0x804C, "setnormalhealth" },
{ 0x804D, "dodamage" },
{ 0x804E, "kill" },
{ 0x804F, "show" },
{ 0x8050, "hide" },
{ 0x8051, "showonclient" },
{ 0x8052, "hideonclient" },
{ 0x8053, "laserforceon" },
{ 0x8054, "laserforceoff" },
{ 0x8055, "disconnectpaths" },
{ 0x8056, "connectpaths" },
{ 0x8057, "startusingheroonlylighting" },
{ 0x8058, "stopusingheroonlylighting" },
{ 0x8059, "startusinglessfrequentlighting" },
{ 0x805A, "stopusinglessfrequentlighting" },
{ 0x805B, "setthermalfog" },
{ 0x805C, "setnightvisionfog" },
{ 0x805D, "clearthermalfog" },
{ 0x805E, "clearnightvisionfog" },
{ 0x805F, "digitaldistortsetparams" },
{ 0x8060, "setmode" },
{ 0x8061, "getmode" },
{ 0x8062, "setturretignoregoals" },
{ 0x8063, "islinked" },
{ 0x8064, "enablelinkto" },
{ 0x8065, "playsoundatviewheight" },
{ 0x8066, "prefetchsound" },
{ 0x8067, "setpitch" },
{ 0x8068, "scalepitch" },
{ 0x8069, "setvolume" },
{ 0x806A, "scalevolume" },
{ 0x806B, "setspeakermapmonotostereo" },
{ 0x806C, "setspeakermapmonoto51" },
{ 0x806D, "setdistributed2dsound" },
{ 0x806E, "playsoundasmaster" },
{ 0x806F, "playloopsound" },
{ 0x8070, "eqon" },
{ 0x8071, "eqoff" },
{ 0x8072, "haseq" },
{ 0x8073, "iswaitingonsound" },
{ 0x8074, "getnormalhealth" },
{ 0x8075, "playerlinkto" },
{ 0x8076, "playerlinktodelta" },
{ 0x8077, "playerlinkweaponviewtodelta" },
{ 0x8078, "playerlinktoabsolute" },
{ 0x8079, "playerlinktoblend" },
{ 0x807A, "playerlinkedoffsetenable" },
{ 0x807B, "setwaypointedgestyle_secondaryarrow" },
{ 0x807C, "setwaypointiconoffscreenonly" },
{ 0x807D, "fadeovertime" },
{ 0x807E, "scaleovertime" },
{ 0x807F, "moveovertime" },
{ 0x8080, "reset" },
{ 0x8081, "destroy" },
{ 0x8082, "setpulsefx" },
{ 0x8083, "setplayernamestring" },
{ 0x8084, "changefontscaleovertime" },
{ 0x8085, "startignoringspotlight" },
{ 0x8086, "stopignoringspotlight" },
{ 0x8087, "dontcastshadows" },
{ 0x8088, "castshadows" },
{ 0x8089, "setstablemissile" },
{ 0x808A, "playersetgroundreferenceent" },
{ 0x808B, "dontinterpolate" },
{ 0x808C, "dospawn" },
{ 0x808D, "stalingradspawn" },
{ 0x808E, "getorigin" },
{ 0x808F, "getcentroid" },
{ 0x8090, "getshootatpos" },
{ 0x8091, "getdebugeye" },
{ 0x8092, "useby" },
{ 0x8093, "playsound" },
{ 0x8094, "playerlinkedoffsetdisable" },
{ 0x8095, "playerlinkedsetviewznear" },
{ 0x8096, "playerlinkedsetusebaseangleforviewclamp" },
{ 0x8097, "lerpviewangleclamp" },
{ 0x8098, "setviewangleresistance" },
{ 0x8099, "geteye" },
{ 0x809A, "istouching" },
{ 0x809B, "stoploopsound" },
{ 0x809C, "stopsounds" },
{ 0x809D, "playrumbleonentity" },
{ 0x809E, "playrumblelooponentity" },
{ 0x809F, "stoprumble" },
{ 0x80A0, "delete" },
{ 0x80A1, "setmodel" },
{ 0x80A2, "laseron" },
{ 0x80A3, "laseroff" },
{ 0x80A4, "laseraltviewon" },
{ 0x80A5, "laseraltviewoff" },
{ 0x80A6, "thermalvisionon" },
{ 0x80A7, "thermalvisionoff" },
{ 0x80A8, "thermalvisionfofoverlayon" },
{ 0x80A9, "thermalvisionfofoverlayoff" },
{ 0x80AA, "autospotoverlayon" },
{ 0x80AB, "autospotoverlayoff" },
{ 0x80AC, "setcontents" },
{ 0x80AD, "makeusable" },
{ 0x80AE, "makeunusable" },
{ 0x80AF, "setwhizbyprobabilities" },
{ 0x80B0, "visionsetnakedforplayer_lerp" },
{ 0x80B1, "setwaitnode" },
{ 0x80B2, "returnplayercontrol" },
{ 0x80B3, "vehphys_starttrack" },
{ 0x80B4, "vehphys_clearautodisable" },
{ 0x80B5, "vehicleusealtblendedaudio" },
{ 0x80B6, "settext" },
{ 0x80B7, "clearalltextafterhudelem" },
{ 0x80B8, "setshader" },
{ 0x80B9, "settargetent" },
{ 0x80BA, "cleartargetent" },
{ 0x80BB, "settimer" },
{ 0x80BC, "settimerup" },
{ 0x80BD, "settimerstatic" },
{ 0x80BE, "settenthstimer" },
{ 0x80BF, "settenthstimerup" },
{ 0x80C0, "settenthstimerstatic" },
{ 0x80C1, "setclock" },
{ 0x80C2, "setclockup" },
{ 0x80C3, "setvalue" },
{ 0x80C4, "setwaypoint" },
{ 0x80C5, "setwaypointedgestyle_rotatingicon" },
{ 0x80C6, "setcursorhint" },
{ 0x80C7, "sethintstring" },
{ 0x80C8, "forceusehinton" },
{ 0x80C9, "forceusehintoff" },
{ 0x80CA, "makesoft" },
{ 0x80CB, "makehard" },
{ 0x80CC, "willneverchange" },
{ 0x80CD, "startfiring" },
{ 0x80CE, "stopfiring" },
{ 0x80CF, "isfiringturret" },
{ 0x80D0, "startbarrelspin" },
{ 0x80D1, "stopbarrelspin" },
{ 0x80D2, "getbarrelspinrate" },
{ 0x80D3, "remotecontrolturret" },
{ 0x80D4, "remotecontrolturretoff" },
{ 0x80D5, "shootturret" },
{ 0x80D6, "getturretowner" },
{ 0x80D7, "enabledeathshield" },
{ 0x80D8, "nightvisiongogglesforceon" },
{ 0x80D9, "nightvisiongogglesforceoff" },
{ 0x80DA, "enableinvulnerability" },
{ 0x80DB, "disableinvulnerability" },
{ 0x80DC, "enablebreaching" },
{ 0x80DD, "disablebreaching" },
{ 0x80DE, "forceviewmodelanimation" },
{ 0x80DF, "disableturretdismount" },
{ 0x80E0, "enableturretdismount" },
{ 0x80E1, "uploadscore" },
{ 0x80E2, "uploadtime" },
{ 0x80E3, "uploadleaderboards" },
{ 0x80E4, "giveachievement" },
{ 0x80E5, "hidehud" },
{ 0x80E6, "showhud" },
{ 0x80E7, "mountvehicle" },
{ 0x80E8, "dismountvehicle" },
{ 0x80E9, "enableslowaim" },
{ 0x80EA, "disableslowaim" },
{ 0x80EB, "usehintsinvehicle" },
{ 0x80EC, "vehicleattackbuttonpressed" },
{ 0x80ED, "setwhizbyoffset" },
{ 0x80EE, "setsentryowner" },
{ 0x80EF, "setsentrycarrier" },
{ 0x80F0, "setturretminimapvisible" },
{ 0x80F1, "settargetentity" },
{ 0x80F2, "snaptotargetentity" },
{ 0x80F3, "cleartargetentity" },
{ 0x80F4, "getturrettarget" },
{ 0x80F5, "setplayerspread" },
{ 0x80F6, "setaispread" },
{ 0x80F7, "setsuppressiontime" },
{ 0x80F8, "setflaggedanimknobrestart" },
{ 0x80F9, "setflaggedanimknoblimitedrestart" },
{ 0x80FA, "setflaggedanimknoball" },
{ 0x80FB, "setflaggedanimknoballrestart" },
{ 0x80FC, "setflaggedanim" },
{ 0x80FD, "setflaggedanimlimited" },
{ 0x80FE, "setflaggedanimrestart" },
{ 0x80FF, "setflaggedanimlimitedrestart" },
{ 0x8100, "useanimtree" },
{ 0x8101, "stopuseanimtree" },
{ 0x8102, "setanimtime" },
{ 0x8103, "showviewmodel" },
{ 0x8104, "hideviewmodel" },
{ 0x8105, "allowstand" },
{ 0x8106, "allowcrouch" },
{ 0x8107, "allowprone" },
{ 0x8108, "allowlean" },
{ 0x8109, "setocclusion" },
{ 0x810A, "deactivateocclusion" },
{ 0x810B, "isocclusionenabled" },
{ 0x810C, "iseqenabled" },
{ 0x810D, "seteq" },
{ 0x810E, "seteqbands" },
{ 0x810F, "deactivateeq" },
{ 0x8110, "seteqlerp" },
{ 0x8111, "islookingat" },
{ 0x8112, "isthrowinggrenade" },
{ 0x8113, "isfiring" },
{ 0x8114, "ismeleeing" },
{ 0x8115, "setautopickup" },
{ 0x8116, "allowmelee" },
{ 0x8117, "allowfire" },
{ 0x8118, "enablehealthshield" },
{ 0x8119, "setconvergencetime" },
{ 0x811A, "setconvergenceheightpercent" },
{ 0x811B, "setturretteam" },
{ 0x811C, "maketurretsolid" },
{ 0x811D, "maketurretoperable" },
{ 0x811E, "maketurretinoperable" },
{ 0x811F, "makeentitysentient" },
{ 0x8120, "freeentitysentient" },
{ 0x8121, "isindoor" },
{ 0x8122, "getdroptofloorposition" },
{ 0x8123, "isbadguy" },
{ 0x8124, "animscripted" },
{ 0x8125, "animscriptedthirdperson" },
{ 0x8126, "animrelative" },
{ 0x8127, "stopanimscripted" },
{ 0x8128, "clearanim" },
{ 0x8129, "setanimknob" },
{ 0x812A, "setanimknoblimited" },
{ 0x812B, "setanimknobrestart" },
{ 0x812C, "setanimknoblimitedrestart" },
{ 0x812D, "setanimknoball" },
{ 0x812E, "setanimknoballlimited" },
{ 0x812F, "setanimknoballrestart" },
{ 0x8130, "setanimknoballlimitedrestart" },
{ 0x8131, "setanim" },
{ 0x8132, "setanimlimited" },
{ 0x8133, "setanimrestart" },
{ 0x8134, "setanimlimitedrestart" },
{ 0x8135, "getanimtime" },
{ 0x8136, "getanimweight" },
{ 0x8137, "getanimassettype" },
{ 0x8138, "setflaggedanimknob" },
{ 0x8139, "setflaggedanimknoblimited" },
{ 0x813A, "setturretaccuracy" },
{ 0x813B, "setrightarc" },
{ 0x813C, "setleftarc" },
{ 0x813D, "settoparc" },
{ 0x813E, "setbottomarc" },
{ 0x813F, "setautorotationdelay" },
{ 0x8140, "setdefaultdroppitch" },
{ 0x8141, "restoredefaultdroppitch" },
{ 0x8142, "turretfiredisable" },
{ 0x8143, "getfixednodesafevolume" },
{ 0x8144, "clearfixednodesafevolume" },
{ 0x8145, "isingoal" },
{ 0x8146, "setruntopos" },
{ 0x8147, "nearnode" },
{ 0x8148, "nearclaimnode" },
{ 0x8149, "nearclaimnodeandangle" },
{ 0x814A, "atdangerousnode" },
{ 0x814B, "getenemyinfo" },
{ 0x814C, "clearenemy" },
{ 0x814D, "setentitytarget" },
{ 0x814E, "clearentitytarget" },
{ 0x814F, "setpotentialthreat" },
{ 0x8150, "clearpotentialthreat" },
{ 0x8151, "setflashbanged" },
{ 0x8152, "setengagementmindist" },
{ 0x8153, "setengagementmaxdist" },
{ 0x8154, "isknownenemyinradius" },
{ 0x8155, "isknownenemyinvolume" },
{ 0x8156, "settalktospecies" },
{ 0x8157, "laseralton" },
{ 0x8158, "laseraltoff" },
{ 0x8159, "invisiblenotsolid" },
{ 0x815A, "visiblesolid" },
{ 0x815B, "setdefaultaimlimits" },
{ 0x815C, "initriotshieldhealth" },
{ 0x815D, "getenemysqdist" },
{ 0x815E, "getclosestenemysqdist" },
{ 0x815F, "setthreatbiasgroup" },
{ 0x8160, "getthreatbiasgroup" },
{ 0x8161, "turretfireenable" },
{ 0x8162, "setturretmodechangewait" },
{ 0x8163, "usetriggerrequirelookat" },
{ 0x8164, "getstance" },
{ 0x8165, "setstance" },
{ 0x8166, "itemweaponsetammo" },
{ 0x8167, "getammocount" },
{ 0x8168, "gettagorigin" },
{ 0x8169, "gettagangles" },
{ 0x816A, "shellshock" },
{ 0x816B, "stunplayer" },
{ 0x816C, "stopshellshock" },
{ 0x816D, "fadeoutshellshock" },
{ 0x816E, "setdepthoffield" },
{ 0x816F, "setviewmodeldepthoffield" },
{ 0x8170, "setmotionblurmovescale" },
{ 0x8171, "pickupgrenade" },
{ 0x8172, "useturret" },
{ 0x8173, "stopuseturret" },
{ 0x8174, "canuseturret" },
{ 0x8175, "traversemode" },
{ 0x8176, "animmode" },
{ 0x8177, "orientmode" },
{ 0x8178, "getmotionangle" },
{ 0x8179, "shouldfacemotion" },
{ 0x817A, "getanglestolikelyenemypath" },
{ 0x817B, "setturretanim" },
{ 0x817C, "getturret" },
{ 0x817D, "getgroundenttype" },
{ 0x817E, "animcustom" },
{ 0x817F, "isinscriptedstate" },
{ 0x8180, "canattackenemynode" },
{ 0x8181, "getnegotiationstartnode" },
{ 0x8182, "getnegotiationendnode" },
{ 0x8183, "getdoorpathnode" },
{ 0x8184, "comparenodedirtopathdir" },
{ 0x8185, "checkprone" },
{ 0x8186, "pushplayer" },
{ 0x8187, "checkgrenadethrowpos" },
{ 0x8188, "setgoalnode" },
{ 0x8189, "setgoalpos" },
{ 0x818A, "setgoalentity" },
{ 0x818B, "setgoalvolume" },
{ 0x818C, "setgoalvolumeauto" },
{ 0x818D, "getgoalvolume" },
{ 0x818E, "cleargoalvolume" },
{ 0x818F, "setfixednodesafevolume" },
{ 0x8190, "setmotionblurturnscale" },
{ 0x8191, "setmotionblurzoomscale" },
{ 0x8192, "viewkick" },
{ 0x8193, "localtoworldcoords" },
{ 0x8194, "getentitynumber" },
{ 0x8195, "getentityvelocity" },
{ 0x8196, "enablegrenadetouchdamage" },
{ 0x8197, "disablegrenadetouchdamage" },
{ 0x8198, "enableaimassist" },
{ 0x8199, "setlookatyawlimits" },
{ 0x819A, "stoplookat" },
{ 0x819B, "getmuzzlepos" },
{ 0x819C, "getmuzzleangle" },
{ 0x819D, "getmuzzlesideoffsetpos" },
{ 0x819E, "getaimangle" },
{ 0x819F, "canshoot" },
{ 0x81A0, "canshootenemy" },
{ 0x81A1, "cansee" },
{ 0x81A2, "seerecently" },
{ 0x81A3, "lastknowntime" },
{ 0x81A4, "lastknownpos" },
{ 0x81A5, "dropweapon" },
{ 0x81A6, "maymovetopoint" },
{ 0x81A7, "maymovefrompointtopoint" },
{ 0x81A8, "teleport" },
{ 0x81A9, "forceteleport" },
{ 0x81AA, "safeteleport" },
{ 0x81AB, "withinapproxpathdist" },
{ 0x81AC, "ispathdirect" },
{ 0x81AD, "allowedstances" },
{ 0x81AE, "isstanceallowed" },
{ 0x81AF, "issuppressionwaiting" },
{ 0x81B0, "issuppressed" },
{ 0x81B1, "ismovesuppressed" },
{ 0x81B2, "isgrenadepossafe" },
{ 0x81B3, "checkgrenadethrow" },
{ 0x81B4, "checkgrenadelaunch" },
{ 0x81B5, "checkgrenadelaunchpos" },
{ 0x81B6, "throwgrenade" },
{ 0x81B7, "disableaimassist" },
{ 0x81B8, "radiusdamage" },
{ 0x81B9, "detonate" },
{ 0x81BA, "damageconetrace" },
{ 0x81BB, "sightconetrace" },
{ 0x81BC, "missile_settargetent" },
{ 0x81BD, "missile_settargetpos" },
{ 0x81BE, "missile_cleartarget" },
{ 0x81BF, "missile_setflightmodedirect" },
{ 0x81C0, "missile_setflightmodetop" },
{ 0x81C1, "getlightintensity" },
{ 0x81C2, "setlightintensity" },
{ 0x81C3, "isragdoll" },
{ 0x81C4, "setmovespeedscale" },
{ 0x81C5, "cameralinkto" },
{ 0x81C6, "cameraunlink" },
{ 0x81C7, "startcoverarrival" },
{ 0x81C8, "starttraversearrival" },
{ 0x81C9, "checkcoverexitposwithpath" },
{ 0x81CA, "shoot" },
{ 0x81CB, "shootblank" },
{ 0x81CC, "melee" },
{ 0x81CD, "updateplayersightaccuracy" },
{ 0x81CE, "findshufflecovernode" },
{ 0x81CF, "findnearbycovernode" },
{ 0x81D0, "findcovernode" },
{ 0x81D1, "findbestcovernode" },
{ 0x81D2, "getcovernode" },
{ 0x81D3, "usecovernode" },
{ 0x81D4, "iscovervalidagainstenemy" },
{ 0x81D5, "reacquirestep" },
{ 0x81D6, "findreacquiredirectpath" },
{ 0x81D7, "trimpathtoattack" },
{ 0x81D8, "reacquiremove" },
{ 0x81D9, "findreacquireproximatepath" },
{ 0x81DA, "flagenemyunattackable" },
{ 0x81DB, "enterprone" },
{ 0x81DC, "exitprone" },
{ 0x81DD, "setproneanimnodes" },
{ 0x81DE, "updateprone" },
{ 0x81DF, "clearpitchorient" },
{ 0x81E0, "setlookatanimnodes" },
{ 0x81E1, "setlookat" },
{ 0x81E2, "setlookatentity" },
{ 0x81E3, "controlslinkto" },
{ 0x81E4, "controlsunlink" },
{ 0x81E5, "makevehiclesolidcapsule" },
{ 0x81E6, "makevehiclesolidsphere" },
{ 0x81E7, "makevehiclesolid" },
{ 0x81E8, "remotecontrolvehicle" },
{ 0x81E9, "remotecontrolvehicleoff" },
{ 0x81EA, "isfiringvehicleturret" },
{ 0x81EB, "drivevehicleandcontrolturret" },
{ 0x81EC, "drivevehicleandcontrolturretoff" },
{ 0x81ED, "getplayersetting" },
{ 0x81EE, "getlocalplayerprofiledata" },
{ 0x81EF, "setlocalplayerprofiledata" },
{ 0x81F0, "remotecamerasoundscapeon" },
{ 0x81F1, "remotecamerasoundscapeoff" },
{ 0x81F2, "radarjamon" },
{ 0x81F3, "radarjamoff" },
{ 0x81F4, "setmotiontrackervisible" },
{ 0x81F5, "getmotiontrackervisible" },
{ 0x81F6, "worldpointinreticle_circle" },
{ 0x81F7, "getpointinbounds" },
{ 0x81F8, "transfermarkstonewscriptmodel" },
{ 0x81F9, "setwatersheeting" },
{ 0x81FA, "setweaponhudiconoverride" },
{ 0x81FB, "getweaponhudiconoverride" },
{ 0x81FC, "setempjammed" },
{ 0x81FD, "playersetexpfog" },
{ 0x81FE, "isitemunlocked" },
{ 0x81FF, "getplayerdata" },
{ 0x8200, "vehicleturretcontroloff" },
{ 0x8201, "isturretready" },
{ 0x8202, "vehicledriveto" },
{ 0x8203, "dospawn" },
{ 0x8204, "isphysveh" },
{ 0x8205, "phys_crash" },
{ 0x8206, "phys_launch" },
{ 0x8207, "phys_disablecrashing" },
{ 0x8208, "phys_enablecrashing" },
{ 0x8209, "phys_setspeed" },
{ 0x820A, "phys_setconveyerbelt" },
{ 0x820B, "freehelicopter" },
{ 0x820C, "playerlinkedturretanglesenable" },
{ 0x820D, "playerlinkedturretanglesdisable" },
{ 0x820E, "playersetstreamorigin" },
{ 0x820F, "playerclearstreamorigin" },
{ 0x8210, "nightvisionviewon" },
{ 0x8211, "nightvisionviewoff" },
{ 0x8212, "painvisionon" },
{ 0x8213, "painvisionoff" },
{ 0x8214, "getplayerintelisfound" },
{ 0x8215, "setplayerintelfound" },
{ 0x8216, "newpip" },
{ 0x8217, "sethuddynlight" },
{ 0x8218, "startscriptedanim" },
{ 0x8219, "startcoverbehavior" },
{ 0x821A, "setplayerdata" },
{ 0x821B, "trackerupdate" },
{ 0x821C, "pingplayer" },
{ 0x821D, "buttonpressed" },
{ 0x821E, "sayall" },
{ 0x821F, "sayteam" },
{ 0x8220, "showscoreboard" },
{ 0x8221, "setspawnweapon" },
{ 0x8222, "dropitem" },
{ 0x8223, "dropscavengerbag" },
{ 0x8224, "setjitterparams" },
{ 0x8225, "sethoverparams" },
{ 0x8226, "joltbody" },
{ 0x8227, "freevehicle" },
{ 0x8228, "getwheelsurface" },
{ 0x8229, "getvehicleowner" },
{ 0x822A, "setvehiclelookattext" },
{ 0x822B, "setvehicleteam" },
{ 0x822C, "setneargoalnotifydist" },
{ 0x822D, "setvehgoalpos" },
{ 0x822E, "setgoalyaw" },
{ 0x822F, "cleargoalyaw" },
{ 0x8230, "settargetyaw" },
{ 0x8231, "cleartargetyaw" },
{ 0x8232, "vehicle_helisetai" },
{ 0x8233, "setturrettargetvec" },
{ 0x8234, "setturrettargetent" },
{ 0x8235, "clearturrettarget" },
{ 0x8236, "vehicle_canturrettargetpoint" },
{ 0x8237, "setlookatent" },
{ 0x8238, "clearlookatent" },
{ 0x8239, "setvehweapon" },
{ 0x823A, "fireweapon" },
{ 0x823B, "vehicleturretcontrolon" },
{ 0x823C, "finishplayerdamage" },
{ 0x823D, "suicide" },
{ 0x823E, "closeingamemenu" },
{ 0x823F, "iprintln" },
{ 0x8240, "iprintlnbold" },
{ 0x8241, "spawn" },
{ 0x8242, "setentertime" },
{ 0x8243, "cloneplayer" },
{ 0x8244, "istalking" },
{ 0x8245, "allowspectateteam" },
{ 0x8246, "getguid" },
{ 0x8247, "physicslaunchserver" },
{ 0x8248, "physicslaunchserveritem" },
{ 0x8249, "clonebrushmodeltoscriptmodel" },
{ 0x824A, "scriptmodelplayanim" },
{ 0x824B, "scriptmodelclearanim" },
{ 0x824C, "vehicle_teleport" },
{ 0x824D, "attachpath" },
{ 0x824E, "getattachpos" },
{ 0x824F, "startpath" },
{ 0x8250, "setswitchnode" },
{ 0x8251, "setwaitspeed" },
{ 0x8252, "vehicle_finishdamage" },
{ 0x8253, "vehicle_setspeed" },
{ 0x8254, "vehicle_setspeedimmediate" },
{ 0x8255, "vehicle_rotateyaw" },
{ 0x8256, "vehicle_getspeed" },
{ 0x8257, "vehicle_getvelocity" },
{ 0x8258, "vehicle_getbodyvelocity" },
{ 0x8259, "vehicle_getsteering" },
{ 0x825A, "vehicle_getthrottle" },
{ 0x825B, "vehicle_turnengineoff" },
{ 0x825C, "vehicle_turnengineon" },
{ 0x825D, "getgoalspeedmph" },
{ 0x825E, "setacceleration" },
{ 0x825F, "setdeceleration" },
{ 0x8260, "resumespeed" },
{ 0x8261, "setyawspeed" },
{ 0x8262, "setyawspeedbyname" },
{ 0x8263, "setmaxpitchroll" },
{ 0x8264, "setairresistance" },
{ 0x8265, "setturningability" },
{ 0x8266, "getxuid" },
{ 0x8267, "ishost" },
{ 0x8268, "getspectatingplayer" },
{ 0x8269, "predictstreampos" },
{ 0x826A, "updatescores" },
{ 0x826B, "updatedmscores" },
{ 0x826C, "setrank" },
{ 0x826D, "setcardtitle" },
{ 0x826E, "weaponlocknoclearance" },
{ 0x826F, "visionsyncwithplayer" },
{ 0x8270, "showhudsplash" },
{ 0x8271, "setperk" },
{ 0x8272, "hasperk" },
{ 0x8273, "clearperks" },
{ 0x8274, "unsetperk" },
{ 0x8275, "noclip" },
{ 0x8276, "ufo" },
{ 0x8277, "moveto" },
{ 0x8278, "movex" },
{ 0x8279, "movey" },
{ 0x827A, "movez" },
{ 0x827B, "movegravity" },
{ 0x827C, "moveslide" },
{ 0x827D, "stopmoveslide" },
{ 0x827E, "rotateto" },
{ 0x827F, "rotatepitch" },
{ 0x8280, "rotateyaw" },
{ 0x8281, "rotateroll" },
{ 0x8282, "addpitch" },
{ 0x8283, "addyaw" },
{ 0x8284, "addroll" },
{ 0x8285, "vibrate" },
{ 0x8286, "rotatevelocity" },
{ 0x8287, "solid" },
{ 0x8288, "notsolid" },
{ 0x8289, "setcandamage" },
{ 0x828A, "setcanradiusdamage" },
{ 0x828B, "physicslaunchclient" },
{ 0x828C, "setcardicon" },
{ 0x828D, "setcardnameplate" },
{ 0x828E, "setcarddisplayslot" },
{ 0x828F, "kc_regweaponforfxremoval" },
{ 0x8290, "laststandrevive" },
{ 0x8291, "setspectatedefaults" },
{ 0x8292, "getthirdpersoncrosshairoffset" },
{ 0x8293, "disableweaponpickup" },
{ 0x8294, "enableweaponpickup" },
{ 0x8295, "issplitscreenplayer" },
{ 0x8296, "getweaponslistoffhands" },
{ 0x8297, "getweaponslistitems" },
{ 0x8298, "getweaponslistexclusives" },
{ 0x8299, "getweaponslist" },
{ 0x829A, "canplayerplacesentry" },
{ 0x829B, "canplayerplacetank" },
{ 0x829C, "visionsetnakedforplayer" },
{ 0x829D, "visionsetnightforplayer" },
{ 0x829E, "visionsetmissilecamforplayer" },
{ 0x829F, "visionsetthermalforplayer" },
{ 0x82A0, "visionsetpainforplayer" },
{ 0x82A1, "setblurforplayer" },
{ 0x82A2, "getplayerweaponmodel" },
{ 0x82A3, "getplayerknifemodel" },
{ 0x82A4, "updateplayermodelwithweapons" },
{ 0x82A5, "notifyonplayercommand" },
{ 0x82A6, "canmantle" },
{ 0x82A7, "forcemantle" },
{ 0x82A8, "ismantling" },
{ 0x82A9, "playfx" },
{ 0x82AA, "player_recoilscaleon" },
{ 0x82AB, "player_recoilscaleoff" },
{ 0x82AC, "weaponlockstart" },
{ 0x82AD, "weaponlockfinalize" },
{ 0x82AE, "weaponlockfree" },
{ 0x82AF, "weaponlocktargettooclose" },
{ 0x82B0, "issplitscreenplayerprimary" },
{ 0x82B1, "getviewmodel" },
{ 0x82B2, "fragbuttonpressed" },
{ 0x82B3, "secondaryoffhandbuttonpressed" },
{ 0x82B4, "getcurrentweaponclipammo" },
{ 0x82B5, "setvelocity" },
{ 0x82B6, "getplayerviewheight" },
{ 0x82B7, "getnormalizedmovement" },
{ 0x82B8, "setchannelvolumes" },
{ 0x82B9, "deactivatechannelvolumes" },
{ 0x82BA, "playlocalsound" },
{ 0x82BB, "stoplocalsound" },
{ 0x82BC, "setweaponammoclip" },
{ 0x82BD, "setweaponammostock" },
{ 0x82BE, "getweaponammoclip" },
{ 0x82BF, "getweaponammostock" },
{ 0x82C0, "anyammoforweaponmodes" },
{ 0x82C1, "setclientdvar" },
{ 0x82C2, "setclientdvars" },
{ 0x82C3, "allowads" },
{ 0x82C4, "allowjump" },
{ 0x82C5, "allowsprint" },
{ 0x82C6, "setspreadoverride" },
{ 0x82C7, "resetspreadoverride" },
{ 0x82C8, "setaimspreadmovementscale" },
{ 0x82C9, "setactionslot" },
{ 0x82CA, "setviewkickscale" },
{ 0x82CB, "getviewkickscale" },
{ 0x82CC, "getweaponslistall" },
{ 0x82CD, "getweaponslistprimaries" },
{ 0x82CE, "getnormalizedcameramovement" },
{ 0x82CF, "giveweapon" },
{ 0x82D0, "takeweapon" },
{ 0x82D1, "takeallweapons" },
{ 0x82D2, "getcurrentweapon" },
{ 0x82D3, "getcurrentprimaryweapon" },
{ 0x82D4, "getcurrentoffhand" },
{ 0x82D5, "hasweapon" },
{ 0x82D6, "switchtoweapon" },
{ 0x82D7, "switchtoweaponimmediate" },
{ 0x82D8, "switchtooffhand" },
{ 0x82D9, "setoffhandsecondaryclass" },
{ 0x82DA, "getoffhandsecondaryclass" },
{ 0x82DB, "beginlocationselection" },
{ 0x82DC, "endlocationselection" },
{ 0x82DD, "disableweapons" },
{ 0x82DE, "enableweapons" },
{ 0x82DF, "disableoffhandweapons" },
{ 0x82E0, "enableoffhandweapons" },
{ 0x82E1, "disableweaponswitch" },
{ 0x82E2, "enableweaponswitch" },
{ 0x82E3, "openpopupmenu" },
{ 0x82E4, "openpopupmenunomouse" },
{ 0x82E5, "closepopupmenu" },
{ 0x82E6, "openmenu" },
{ 0x82E7, "closemenu" },
// { 0x82E8, "__builtin_func_82E8" },
{ 0x82E9, "freezecontrols" },
{ 0x82EA, "disableusability" },
{ 0x82EB, "enableusability" },
{ 0x82EC, "setwhizbyspreads" },
{ 0x82ED, "setwhizbyradii" },
{ 0x82EE, "setreverb" },
{ 0x82EF, "deactivatereverb" },
{ 0x82F0, "setvolmod" },
{ 0x82F1, "setchannelvolume" },
{ 0x82F2, "givestartammo" },
{ 0x82F3, "givemaxammo" },
{ 0x82F4, "getfractionstartammo" },
{ 0x82F5, "getfractionmaxammo" },
{ 0x82F6, "isdualwielding" },
{ 0x82F7, "isreloading" },
{ 0x82F8, "isswitchingweapon" },
{ 0x82F9, "setorigin" },
{ 0x82FA, "getvelocity" },
{ 0x82FB, "setplayerangles" },
{ 0x82FC, "getplayerangles" },
{ 0x82FD, "usebuttonpressed" },
{ 0x82FE, "attackbuttonpressed" },
{ 0x82FF, "adsbuttonpressed" },
{ 0x8300, "meleebuttonpressed" },
{ 0x8301, "playerads" },
{ 0x8302, "isonground" },
{ 0x8303, "isusingturret" },
{ 0x8304, "setviewmodel" },
{ 0x8305, "setoffhandprimaryclass" },
{ 0x8306, "getoffhandprimaryclass" },
{ 0x8307, "startac130" },
{ 0x8308, "stopac130" },
{ 0x8309, "enablemousesteer" },
{ 0x830A, "setscriptmoverkillcam" },
{ 0x830B, "setmapnamestring" },
{ 0x830C, "setgametypestring" },
const std::array<gsc::pair_16C, 592> file_list
{ 29, "maps/mp/gametypes/_tweakables" },
{ 30, "common_scripts/utility" },
{ 31, "common_scripts/_createfxmenu" },
{ 32, "common_scripts/_fx" },
{ 65, "maps/_utility" },
{ 66, "maps/_mgturret" },
{ 67, "maps/_bcs_location_trigs" },
{ 68, "maps/_anim" },
{ 69, "maps/_gameskill" },
{ 70, "common_scripts/_destructible" },
{ 94, "common_scripts/_destructible_types" },
{ 95, "maps/_vehicle" },
{ 96, "maps/_mg_penetration" },
{ 97, "maps/_rank" },
{ 98, "maps/_hud_util" },
{ 99, "maps/_hud" },
{ 100, "maps/_missions" },
{ 101, "maps/_colors" },
{ 102, "maps/_spawner" },
{ 103, "maps/_audio" },
{ 104, "maps/_audio_stream_manager" },
{ 133, "maps/_audio_dynamic_ambi" },
{ 134, "maps/_audio_reverb" },
{ 135, "maps/_audio_mix_manager" },
{ 136, "maps/_audio_presets_vehicles" },
{ 137, "maps/_specialops" },
{ 138, "maps/_lights" },
{ 139, "maps/_audio_zone_manager" },
{ 176, "maps/_audio_music" },
{ 177, "maps/_audio_whizby" },
{ 178, "maps/_audio_vehicles" },
{ 179, "maps/_specialops_code" },
{ 180, "maps/_specialops_battlechatter" },
{ 181, "maps/_endmission" },
{ 182, "maps/_utility_code" },
{ 183, "maps/_load" },
{ 184, "maps/_quotes" },
{ 185, "maps/_ambient" },
{ 196, "character/character_hero_europe_price_cc" },
{ 224, "maps/_coop" },
{ 225, "common_scripts/_artcommon" },
{ 226, "maps/_arcademode" },
{ 227, "maps/_damagefeedback" },
{ 228, "maps/_laststand" },
{ 229, "maps/_player_stats" },
{ 230, "maps/_art" },
{ 234, "character/character_tank_crew_a" },
{ 235, "character/character_tank_crew_b" },
{ 264, "maps/_noder" },
{ 265, "common_scripts/_painter" },
{ 266, "maps/_createfx" },
{ 267, "maps/_global_fx" },
{ 268, "maps/_detonategrenades" },
{ 269, "maps/_names" },
{ 270, "maps/_autosave" },
{ 271, "maps/_debug" },
{ 272, "maps/_loadout" },
{ 273, "common_scripts/_elevator" },
{ 314, "common_scripts/_pipes" },
{ 315, "common_scripts/_dynamic_world" },
{ 316, "maps/_introscreen" },
{ 317, "maps/_shutter" },
{ 318, "maps/_escalator" },
{ 319, "maps/_friendlyfire" },
{ 320, "maps/_interactive_objects" },
{ 321, "maps/_intelligence" },
{ 322, "maps/_animatedmodels" },
{ 323, "maps/_fx" },
{ 324, "codescripts/character" },
{ 325, "maps/_compass" },
{ 326, "maps/_hiding_door" },
{ 330, "character/character_opforce_henchmen_lmg_a" },
{ 331, "character/character_opforce_henchmen_lmg_b" },
{ 332, "character/character_hero_europe_price_a" },
{ 358, "maps/_drone" },
{ 359, "maps/_patrol" },
{ 360, "maps/_vehicle_aianim" },
{ 361, "maps/_helicopter_ai" },
{ 362, "maps/_helicopter_globals" },
{ 363, "vehicle_scripts/_attack_heli" },
// maps/vehiclenames??
{ 365, "maps/_treadfx" },
{ 366, "maps/mp/_utility" },
{ 367, "maps/mp/gametypes/_rank" },
{ 368, "maps/mp/gametypes/_persistence" },
{ 375, "character/character_hero_europe_price_aa" },
{ 396, "maps/_dshk_player_rescue" },
{ 400, "maps/mp/gametypes/_gamelogic" },
{ 401, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_killstreaks" },
{ 402, "maps/mp/gametypes/_missions" },
{ 403, "maps/mp/gametypes/_hud_message" },
{ 404, "characters/mp_character_ally_ghillie_desert" },
{ 405, "characters/mp_character_op_ghillie_desert" },
{ 406, "character/mp_character_ally_ghillie_arctic" },
{ 407, "character/mp_character_op_ghillie_arctic" },
{ 408, "character/mp_character_ally_ghillie_urban" },
{ 409, "character/mp_character_op_ghillie_urban" },
{ 410, "character/mp_character_ally_ghillie_forest" },
{ 411, "character/mp_character_op_ghillie_forest" },
{ 412, "character/mp_character_op_ghillie_militia" },
{ 413, "xmodelalias/alias_delta_elite_heads" },
{ 450, "xmodelalias/alias_delta_elite_heads_longsleeves" },
{ 451, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_assault_aa" },
{ 452, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_assault_ab" },
{ 453, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_assault_ba" },
{ 454, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_assault_bb" },
{ 455, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_lmg_a" },
{ 456, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_lmg_b" },
{ 457, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_smg_a" },
{ 458, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_smg_b" },
{ 488, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_shotgun_a" },
{ 489, "character/mp_character_delta_elite_sniper" },
{ 490, "xmodelalias/alias_sas_heads" },
{ 491, "character/mp_character_sas_urban_assault" },
{ 501, "character/character_hero_europe_soap_injured" },
{ 512, "common_scripts/_createfx" },
// ...
{ 528, "maps/so_survival_mp_paris_precache" },
// ...
{ 532, "character/mp_character_sas_urban_lmg" },
{ 533, "character/mp_character_sas_urban_shotgun" },
{ 534, "character/mp_character_sas_urban_smg" },
{ 535, "character/mp_character_sas_urban_sniper" },
{ 536, "character/mp_character_gign_paris_assault" },
{ 537, "character/mp_character_gign_paris_lmg" },
{ 538, "character/mp_character_gign_paris_shotgun" },
{ 539, "character/mp_character_gign_paris_smg" },
{ 540, "character/mp_character_gign_paris_riot" },
{ 541, "xmodelalias/alias_pmc_africa_heads" },
{ 542, "character/mp_character_pmc_africa_assault_a" },
{ 543, "character/mp_character_pmc_africa_assault_aa" },
{ 544, "character/character_mp_ally_juggernaut" },
// ...
{ 545, "character/mp_character_pmc_africa_lmg_a" },
{ 546, "character/mp_character_pmc_africa_lmg_aa" },
{ 547, "character/mp_character_pmc_africa_smg_aa" },
{ 548, "character/mp_character_pmc_africa_shotgun_a" },
// ...
{ 566, "maps/castle_fx" },
{ 567, "maps/castle_precache" },
// ...
{ 591, "character/mp_character_pmc_africa_sniper" },
{ 592, "character/mp_character_opforce_air_assault" },
{ 593, "character/mp_character_opforce_air_lmg" },
{ 594, "character/mp_character_opforce_air_shotgun" },
{ 595, "character/mp_character_opforce_air_smg" },
{ 596, "character/mp_character_opforce_air_sniper" },
{ 597, "character/character_mp_opforce_juggernaut" },
{ 598, "xmodelalias/alias_russian_military_arctic_heads" },
{ 599, "character/mp_character_opforce_snow_assault" },
{ 600, "character/mp_character_opforce_snow_lmg" },
// ...
{ 610, "maps/so_survival_mp_plaza2_precache" },
{ 611, "maps/so_survival_mp_hardhat_precache" },
// ...
{ 621, "character/mp_character_opforce_snow_shotgun" },
{ 622, "character/mp_character_opforce_snow_smg" },
{ 623, "character/mp_character_opforce_snow_sniper" },
{ 624, "character/mp_character_opforce_urban_assault" },
{ 625, "character/mp_character_opforce_urban_lmg" },
{ 626, "character/mp_character_opforce_urban_shotgun" },
{ 627, "character/mp_character_opforce_urban_smg" },
{ 628, "character/mp_character_opforce_urban_sniper" },
{ 629, "character/mp_character_opforce_woods_assault" },
// ...
{ 651, "character/mp_character_opforce_woods_lmg" },
{ 652, "character/mp_character_opforce_woods_shotgun" },
{ 653, "character/mp_character_opforce_woods_smg" },
{ 654, "character/mp_character_opforce_woods_sniper" },
{ 655, "xmodelalias/alias_africa_militia_heads_mp" },
{ 656, "character/mp_character_africa_militia_assault_a" },
// {
{ 660, "character/mp_character_africa_militia_lmg_b" },
// {
{ 662, "character/mp_character_africa_militia_shotgun_b" },
// {
{ 664, "character/mp_character_africa_militia_smg_b" },
// {
{ 666, "character/mp_character_africa_militia_sniper" },
{ 667, "xmodelalias/alias_henchmen_heads_mp" },
{ 668, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_assault_a" },
{ 669, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_assault_b" },
{ 670, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_assault_c" },
{ 671, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_assault_d" },
{ 672, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_lmg_a" },
{ 673, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_lmg_b" },
{ 674, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_shgn_a" },
{ 675, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_shgn_b" },
// ...
{ 690, "character/mp_character_pmc_africa_smg_a" },
// ...
{ 709, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_smg_a" },
{ 710, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_smg_b" },
{ 711, "character/mp_character_opforce_hench_sniper" },
{ 712, "maps/mp/gametypes/_hostmigration" },
{ 713, "mptype/mptype_ally_ghillie_desert" },
{ 714, "mptype/mptype_opforce_ghillie_desert" },
{ 715, "mptype/mptype_ally_ghillie_arctic" },
{ 716, "mptype/mptype_opforce_ghillie_arctic" },
{ 717, "mptype/mptype_ally_ghillie_urban" },
{ 718, "mptype/mptype_opforce_ghillie_urban" },
{ 719, "mptype/mptype_ally_ghillie_forest" },
{ 720, "mptype/mptype_opforce_ghillie_forest" },
{ 721, "mptype/mptype_opforce_ghillie_militia" },
{ 722, "mptype/mptype_delta_multicam_assault" },
{ 723, "mptype/mptype_delta_multicam_lmg" },
{ 724, "mptype/mptype_delta_multicam_smg" },
{ 725, "mptype/mptype_delta_multicam_shotgun" },
{ 726, "mptype/mptype_delta_multicam_riot" },
{ 727, "mptype/mptype_ally_juggernaut" },
{ 728, "mptype/mptype_sas_urban_assault" },
{ 729, "mptype/mptype_sas_urban_lmg" },
{ 730, "mptype/mptype_sas_urban_shotgun" },
{ 731, "mptype/mptype_sas_urban_smg" },
{ 732, "mptype/mptype_sas_urban_sniper" },
{ 733, "mptype/mptype_gign_paris_assault" },
{ 734, "mptype/mptype_gign_paris_lmg" },
{ 735, "mptype/mptype_gign_paris_shotgun" },
{ 736, "mptype/mptype_gign_paris_smg" },
{ 737, "maps/so_survival_mp_alpha_precache" },
{ 738, "maps/so_survival_mp_carbon_precache" },
{ 739, "maps/so_survival_mp_village_precache" },
{ 740, "maps/so_survival_mp_seatown_precache" },
{ 741, "maps/so_survival_mp_lambeth_precache" },
{ 742, "maps/so_survival_mp_bootleg_precache" },
{ 743, "maps/so_survival_mp_exchange_precache" },
{ 744, "maps/so_survival_mp_mogadishu_precache" },
// ...
{ 750, "maps/so_survival_mp_underground_precache" },
{ 751, "maps/so_survival_mp_interchange_precache" },
// ...
{ 767, "mptype/mptype_gign_paris_sniper" },
{ 768, "mptype/mptype_gign_paris_riot" },
{ 769, "mptype/mptype_pmc_africa_assault" },
{ 770, "mptype/mptype_pmc_africa_lmg" },
{ 771, "mptype/mptype_pmc_africa_smg" },
{ 772, "mptype/mptype_pmc_africa_shotgun" },
{ 773, "mptype/mptype_pmc_africa_sniper" },
{ 774, "mptype/mptype_pmc_africa_riot" },
{ 775, "mptype/mptype_opforce_air_assault" },
{ 776, "mptype/mptype_opforce_air_lmg" },
{ 777, "mptype/mptype_opforce_air_shotgun" },
{ 778, "mptype/mptype_opforce_air_smg" },
{ 779, "mptype/mptype_opforce_air_sniper" },
{ 780, "mptype/mptype_opforce_air_riot" },
{ 781, "mptype/mptype_opforce_juggernaut" },
{ 782, "mptype/mptype_opforce_snow_assault" },
{ 783, "mptype/mptype_opforce_snow_lmg" },
{ 784, "mptype/mptype_opforce_snow_shotgun" },
{ 785, "mptype/mptype_opforce_snow_smg" },
{ 786, "mptype/mptype_opforce_snow_sniper" },
{ 787, "mptype/mptype_opforce_snow_riot" },
{ 788, "mptype/mptype_opforce_urban_assault" },
{ 789, "mptype/mptype_opforce_urban_lmg" },
{ 790, "mptype/mptype_opforce_urban_shotgun" },
{ 791, "mptype/mptype_opforce_urban_smg" },
{ 792, "mptype/mptype_opforce_urban_sniper" },
{ 793, "mptype/mptype_opforce_urban_riot" },
{ 794, "mptype/mptype_opforce_woodland_assault" },
{ 795, "mptype/mptype_opforce_woodland_lmg" },
{ 796, "mptype/mptype_opforce_woodland_shotgun" },
// ...
{ 816, "maps/so_survival_mp_dome_precache" },
{ 817, "maps/so_survival_mp_radar_precache" },
{ 818, "maps/so_survival_mp_bravo_precache" },
{ 819, "mptype/mptype_opforce_woodland_smg" },
{ 820, "mptype/mptype_opforce_woodland_sniper" },
{ 821, "mptype/mptype_opforce_woodland_riot" },
{ 822, "mptype/mptype_opforce_africa_assault" },
{ 823, "mptype/mptype_opforce_africa_lmg" },
{ 824, "mptype/mptype_opforce_africa_shotgun" },
{ 825, "mptype/mptype_opforce_africa_smg" },
{ 826, "mptype/mptype_opforce_africa_sniper" },
{ 827, "mptype/mptype_opforce_africa_riot" },
{ 828, "mptype/mptype_opforce_henchmen_assault" },
{ 829, "mptype/mptype_delta_multicam_sniper" },
{ 830, "mptype/mptype_opforce_henchmen_lmg" },
{ 831, "mptype/mptype_opforce_henchmen_shotgun" },
{ 832, "mptype/mptype_opforce_henchmen_smg" },
{ 833, "mptype/mptype_opforce_henchmen_sniper" },
{ 834, "mptype/mptype_opforce_henchmen_riot" },
{ 835, "maps/mp/gametypes/_weapons" },
{ 836, "maps/mp/_entityheadicons" },
{ 837, "maps/mp/gametypes/_damagefeedback" },
{ 838, "maps/mp/_stinger" },
{ 839, "maps/mp/_flashgrenades" },
{ 840, "maps/mp/_empgrenade" },
{ 841, "maps/mp/gametypes/_class" },
{ 842, "maps/mp/_equipment" },
{ 843, "maps/mp/_javelin" },
{ 844, "maps/mp/gametypes/_shellshock" },
{ 845, "maps/mp/_matchdata" },
{ 846, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_perkstreaks" },
{ 847, "maps/mp/perks/_perkfunctions" },
{ 848, "maps/mp/gametypes/_scrambler" },
{ 849, "maps/mp/gametypes/_portable_radar" },
{ 850, "maps/mp/gametypes/_objpoints" },
{ 851, "maps/mp/gametypes/_hud_util" },
{ 852, "maps/mp/gametypes/_gameobjects" },
// ...
{ 873, "maps/mp/gametypes/_quickmessages" },
{ 874, "maps/mp/gametypes/_playerlogic" },
{ 875, "maps/mp/gametypes/_spectating" },
{ 876, "maps/mp/gametypes/_spawnlogic" },
{ 877, "maps/mp/_events" },
{ 878, "maps/mp/gametypes/_gamescore" },
{ 879, "maps/mp/gametypes/_menus" },
{ 880, "maps/mp/_minefields" },
{ 881, "maps/mp/_radiation" },
{ 882, "maps/mp/_shutter" },
{ 883, "maps/mp/_destructables" },
{ 884, "maps/mp/_audio" },
{ 885, "maps/mp/_art" },
{ 886, "maps/mp/_createfx" },
{ 887, "maps/mp/_global_fx" },
{ 888, "maps/mp/_animatedmodels" },
{ 889, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_helicopter" },
{ 890, "maps/mp/_skill" },
{ 891, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_remoteuav" },
{ 892, "maps/mp/gametypes/_battlechatter_mp" },
{ 893, "maps/mp/gametypes/_deathicons" },
{ 894, "maps/mp/gametypes/_killcam" },
{ 895, "maps/mp/perks/_perks" },
{ 896, "maps/mp/gametypes/_damage" },
{ 897, "maps/mp/_highlights" },
{ 898, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_escortairdrop" },
{ 899, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_juggernaut" },
{ 900, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_autosentry" },
{ 901, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_airdrop" },
{ 902, "maps/mp/gametypes/_hud" },
{ 903, "maps/mp/_load" },
{ 904, "maps/mp/gametypes/_serversettings" },
// { 905, "905" },
{ 906, "maps/mp/mp_plaza2_precache" },
{ 907, "maps/mp/mp_plaza2_fx" },
{ 908, "maps/mp/mp_carbon_precache" },
{ 909, "maps/mp/mp_carbon_fx" },
// { 910, "910" },
// { 911, "911" },
{ 912, "maps/mp/mp_village_precache" },
{ 913, "maps/mp/mp_village_fx" },
{ 914, "maps/mp/mp_seatown_precache" },
{ 915, "maps/mp/mp_seatown_fx" },
{ 916, "maps/mp/mp_lambeth_precache" },
{ 917, "maps/mp/mp_lambeth_fx" },
{ 918, "maps/mp/mp_hardhat_precache" },
{ 919, "maps/mp/mp_hardhat_fx" },
{ 920, "maps/mp/mp_bootleg_precache" },
{ 921, "maps/mp/mp_bootleg_fx" },
{ 922, "maps/mp/mp_exchange_precache" },
{ 923, "maps/mp/mp_exchange_fx" },
{ 924, "maps/mp/mp_mogadishu_precache" },
{ 925, "maps/mp/mp_mogadishu_fx" },
{ 926, "maps/mp/mp_underground_precache" },
{ 927, "maps/mp/mp_underground_fx" },
{ 928, "maps/mp/mp_interchange_precache" },
{ 929, "maps/mp/mp_interchange_fx" },
// { 930, "930" },
// { 931, "931" },
// { 932, "932" },
// { 933, "933" },
{ 934, "maps/mp/gametypes/_healthoverlay" },
{ 935, "maps/mp/gametypes/_music_and_dialog" },
{ 936, "maps/mp/_awards" },
{ 937, "maps/mp/_areas" },
{ 938, "maps/mp/_defcon" },
{ 939, "maps/mp/_matchevents" },
{ 940, "maps/mp/gametypes/_friendicons" },
{ 941, "maps/mp/gametypes/_scoreboard" },
{ 942, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_harrier" },
{ 943, "maps/mp/gametypes/_callbacksetup" },
{ 944, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_airstrike" },
{ 945, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_emp" },
{ 946, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_uav" },
{ 947, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_ac130" },
{ 948, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_remotemissile" },
{ 949, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_helicopter_flock" },
// ...
{ 967, "maps/mp/mp_dome_precache" },
{ 968, "maps/mp/mp_dome_fx" },
// { 969, "969" },
// { 970, "970" },
{ 971, "maps/mp/mp_radar_precache" },
{ 972, "maps/mp/mp_radar_fx" },
{ 973, "maps/mp/mp_paris_precache" },
{ 974, "maps/mp/mp_paris_fx" },
{ 975, "maps/mp/mp_bravo_precache" },
{ 976, "maps/mp/mp_bravo_fx" },
{ 977, "maps/mp/mp_alpha_precache" },
{ 978, "maps/mp/mp_alpha_fx" },
{ 979, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_helicopter_guard" },
{ 980, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_nuke" },
{ 981, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_remotemortar" },
{ 982, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_deployablebox" },
{ 983, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_ims" },
{ 984, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_remoteturret" },
{ 985, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_remotetank" },
{ 986, "maps/mp/gametypes/_playercards" },
{ 987, "maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic" },
// ...
{ 998, "maps/mp/gametypes/_teams" },
// ...
{ 1216, "vehicle_scripts/_pavelow_noai" },
{ 1217, "maps/mp/_fx" },
{ 1218, "maps/mp/_compass" },
{ 1219, "maps/mp/_menus" },
{ 1220, "maps/mp/_crib" },
{ 1221, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_autoshotgun" },
{ 1222, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_tank" },
{ 1223, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_mobilemortar" },
{ 1224, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_a10" },
{ 1225, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_teamammorefill" },
// { 1226, "1226" }, // maps/mp/gametypes/_clientids maybe
{ 1227, "maps/mp/gametypes/_dev" },
// { 1228, "1228" },// maps/mp/gametypes/_globalentities maybe
// { 1229, "1229" },// maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints maybe
{ 1230, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_aamissile" },
{ 1231, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_aastrike" },
// { 1232, "maps/mp/killstreaks/_ac130" }, // bad name!
// ...
{ 1343, "xmodelalias/alias_gign_heads" },
{ 1344, "codescripts/delete" },
{ 1345, "codescripts/struct" },
// ...
{ 1443, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_airconditioner" },
{ 1444, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_107x56_med_01" },
{ 1445, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_130x56_med_01" },
{ 1446, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_134x56_med_01" },
{ 1447, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_134x76_med_01" },
{ 1448, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_134x76_med_02" },
{ 1449, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_140x56_med_01" },
{ 1450, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_151x56_med_01" },
{ 1451, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_167x56_med_01" },
{ 1452, "maps/animated_models/foliage_desertbrush_1_sway" },
{ 1453, "maps/animated_models/foliage_pacific_bushtree01" },
{ 1454, "maps/animated_models/foliage_pacific_flowers06_sway" },
{ 1455, "maps/animated_models/oil_pump_jack01" },
{ 1456, "maps/animated_models/oil_pump_jack02" },
{ 1457, "maps/animated_models/windmill_spin_med" },
{ 1458, "maps/animated_models/windsock_large_wind_medium" },
{ 1459, "maps/createart/mp_dome_art" },
{ 1460, "maps/mp/_explosive_barrels" },
{ 1461, "maps/createfx/mp_dome_fx" },
{ 1462, "maps/createart/mp_dome_fog" },
// ...
{ 1568, "vehicle_scripts/_mi17" },
// { 1636, "" },
// { 1637, "" },
// { 1638, "" },
{ 1639, "vehicle_scripts/_gaz_dshk" },
{ 1640, "vehicle_scripts/_hind" },
// { 1641, "" },
{ 1642, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_108x76_med_01" },
// { 1643, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_132x82_med_01" },
{ 1644, "maps/_predator2" },
// { 1645, "maps/_xm25" },
{ 1646, "vehicle_scripts/_blackhawk_minigun" },
// { 1647, "vehicle_scripts/_stryker50cal" },
// ------- files chunck end ---------
// { 1721,
// ...
{ 6358, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_plaza2_art" },
{ 6359, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_seatown_fog" },
{ 6360, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_seatown_art" },
{ 6361, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_underground_fog" },
{ 6362, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_underground_art" },
{ 6363, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_village_fog" },
{ 6364, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_village_art" },
// ...
// { 8217,
// { 8218,
// { 8219,
// ...
{ 8224, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_hardhat_fog" },
{ 8225, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_hardhat_art" },
{ 8226, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_alpha_fog" },
{ 8227, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_alpha_art" },
{ 8228, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_bootleg_fog" },
{ 8229, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_bootleg_art" },
{ 8230, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_bravo_fog" },
{ 8231, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_bravo_art" },
{ 8232, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_carbon_fog" },
{ 8233, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_carbon_art" },
{ 8234, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_exchange_fog" },
{ 8235, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_exchange_art" },
{ 8236, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_interchange_fog" },
{ 8237, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_interchange_art" },
{ 8238, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_lambeth_fog" },
{ 8239, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_lambeth_art" },
{ 8240, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_mogadishu_fog" },
{ 8241, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_mogadishu_art" },
{ 8242, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_paris_fog" },
{ 8243, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_paris_art" },
{ 8244, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_plaza2_fog" },
// ...
{ 18378, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_dome_fog" },
{ 18379, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_dome_art" },
{ 18380, "character/character_so_juggernaut_lite" },
// ...
{ 18649, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_generator" },
{ 18650, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_lockers" },
{ 18651, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_124x52_a_med_01" },
{ 18652, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_124x52_b_med_01" },
{ 18653, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_126x76_a_med_01" },
{ 18654, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_126x76_med_01" },
{ 18655, "maps/animated_models/radar_spinning" },
{ 18656, "maps/createart/mp_radar_art" },
{ 18657, "maps/createfx/mp_radar_fx" },
{ 18658, "maps/createart/mp_radar_fog" },
{ 18659, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_radar_fog" },
{ 18660, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_radar_art" },
{ 18661, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_chicken" },
{ 18662, "maps/animated_models/hanging_sheet_wind_medium" },
{ 18663, "maps/createart/mp_village_art" },
{ 18664, "maps/createfx/mp_village_fx" },
{ 18665, "maps/createart/mp_village_fog" },
{ 18666, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_security_camera" },
{ 18667, "maps/createart/mp_underground_art" },
// { 18668, "" },
// { 18669, "" },
{ 18670, "maps/createfx/mp_underground_fx" },
{ 18671, "maps/createart/mp_underground_fog" },
{ 18672, "vehicle_scripts/_80s_hatch1" },
{ 18673, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_me_fanceil1_spin" },
{ 18674, "maps/animated_models/hanging_apron_wind_medium" },
{ 18675, "maps/animated_models/hanging_longsleeve_wind_medium" },
{ 18676, "maps/animated_models/hanging_shortsleeve_wind_medium" },
{ 18677, "maps/animated_models/seatown_canopy_1section_01_sway" },
{ 18678, "maps/animated_models/seatown_canopy_1section_02_sway" },
{ 18679, "maps/animated_models/seatown_canopy_3section_01_sway" },
{ 18680, "maps/animated_models/seatown_canopy_stand_01_sway" },
{ 18681, "maps/animated_models/seatown_canopy_stand_02_sway" },
{ 18682, "maps/animated_models/seatown_lrg_wiregrp_sway" },
{ 18683, "maps/animated_models/seatown_mid01_wiregrp_sway" },
{ 18684, "maps/animated_models/seatown_wire_flags1_sway" },
{ 18685, "maps/animated_models/seatown_wire_flags2_sway" },
{ 18686, "maps/createart/mp_seatown_art" },
{ 18687, "maps/createfx/mp_seatown_fx" },
{ 18688, "maps/createart/mp_seatown_fog" },
{ 18689, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_wallfan" },
{ 18690, "maps/animated_models/mi24p_hind_plaza_destroy_animated" },
{ 18691, "maps/createart/mp_plaza2_art" },
{ 18692, "maps/createfx/mp_plaza2_fx" },
{ 18693, "maps/createart/mp_plaza2_fog" },
{ 18694, "maps/createart/mp_paris_art" },
{ 18695, "maps/createfx/mp_paris_fx" },
{ 18696, "maps/createart/mp_paris_fog" },
{ 18697, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_motorcycle_01" },
{ 18698, "maps/createart/mp_mogadishu_art" },
{ 18699, "maps/createfx/mp_mogadishu_fx" },
{ 18700, "maps/createart/mp_mogadishu_fog" },
{ 18701, "maps/animated_models/com_roofvent2" },
{ 18702, "maps/animated_models/foliage_tree_river_birch_lg_a" },
{ 18703, "maps/animated_models/foliage_tree_river_birch_xl_a" },
{ 18704, "maps/createart/mp_lambeth_art" },
{ 18705, "maps/createfx/mp_lambeth_fx" },
{ 18706, "maps/createart/mp_lambeth_fog" },
{ 18707, "maps/createart/mp_interchange_art" },
{ 18708, "maps/createfx/mp_interchange_fx" },
{ 18709, "maps/createart/mp_interchange_fog" },
{ 18710, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_128x84_med_01" },
{ 18711, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_192x50_med_01" },
{ 18712, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_192x84_a_med_01" },
{ 18713, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_196x146_med_01" },
{ 18714, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_196x36_med_01" },
{ 18715, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_196x56_med_01" },
{ 18716, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_208x42_med_01" },
{ 18717, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_352x88_med_01" },
{ 18718, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_draping_224x116_01" },
{ 18719, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_draping_98x94_med_01" },
{ 18720, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_draping_98x94_med_02" },
{ 18721, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_rooftop_set_01_med_01" },
{ 18722, "maps/animated_models/hanging_dead_paratrooper01_animated" },
{ 18723, "maps/animated_models/plastic_fence_232x88_med_01" },
{ 18724, "maps/animated_models/plastic_fence_234x88_med_01" },
{ 18725, "maps/animated_models/plastic_fence_256x48_med_01" },
{ 18726, "maps/animated_models/plastic_fence_264x40_med_01" },
{ 18727, "maps/animated_models/plastic_fence_300x88_med_01" },
{ 18728, "maps/animated_models/plastic_fence_400x88_med_01" },
{ 18729, "maps/animated_models/plastic_fence_528x88_med_01" },
{ 18730, "maps/createart/mp_hardhat_art" },
{ 18731, "maps/createfx/mp_hardhat_fx" },
{ 18732, "maps/createart/mp_hardhat_fog" },
{ 18733, "maps/createart/mp_exchange_art" },
{ 18734, "maps/createfx/mp_exchange_fx" },
{ 18735, "maps/createart/mp_exchange_fog" },
{ 18736, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_light_fluo_single" },
{ 18737, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_110x64_med_01" },
{ 18738, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_124x64_med_01" },
{ 18739, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_128x64_med_01" },
{ 18740, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_130x76_med_01" },
{ 18741, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_130x82_a_med_01" },
{ 18742, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_130x82_med_01" },
{ 18743, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_132x62_med_01" },
{ 18744, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_132x82_a_med_01" },
{ 18745, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_140x68_med_01" },
{ 18746, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_160x82_med_01" },
{ 18747, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_162x64_med_01" },
{ 18748, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_40x58_med_01" },
{ 18749, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_68x58_med_01" },
{ 18750, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_70x82_med_01" },
{ 18751, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_80x84_med_01" },
{ 18752, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_90x64_med_01" },
{ 18753, "maps/animated_models/fence_tarp_94x64_med_01" },
{ 18754, "maps/createart/mp_carbon_art" },
// { 18755, "" },
// { 18756, "" },
// { 18757, "" },
{ 18758, "maps/createfx/mp_carbon_fx" },
{ 18759, "maps/createart/mp_carbon_fog" },
{ 18760, "maps/animated_models/foliage_cod5_tree_jungle_03" },
{ 18761, "maps/animated_models/foliage_pacific_bushtree01" },
{ 18762, "maps/animated_models/foliage_pacific_palms08" },
{ 18763, "maps/createart/mp_bravo_art" },
{ 18764, "maps/createfx/mp_bravo_fx" },
{ 18765, "maps/createart/mp_bravo_fog" },
{ 18766, "common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_light_fluo_on" },
{ 18767, "maps/createart/mp_bootleg_art" },
{ 18768, "maps/createfx/mp_bootleg_fx" },
{ 18769, "maps/createart/mp_bootleg_fog" },
{ 18770, "maps/animated_models/alpha_hanging_civs_animated" },
{ 18771, "maps/createart/mp_alpha_art" },
{ 18772, "maps/createfx/mp_alpha_fx" },
{ 18773, "maps/createart/mp_alpha_fog" },
// ...
{ 21505, "vehicle_scripts/_btr80" },
{ 21688, "vehicle_scripts/_uaz_castle" },
// ...
{ 33361, "maps/mp/mp_italy_precache" },
{ 33362, "maps/createart/mp_italy_art" },
{ 33363, "maps/mp/mp_italy_fx" },
{ 33364, "maps/createfx/mp_italy_fx" },
{ 33365, "maps/createart/mp_italy_fog" },
{ 33366, "maps/mp/mp_park_precache" },
{ 33367, "maps/createart/mp_park_art" },
{ 33368, "maps/mp/mp_park_fx" },
{ 33369, "maps/createfx/mp_park_fx" },
{ 33370, "maps/createart/mp_park_fog" },
{ 33371, "maps/mp/mp_overwatch_precache" },
{ 33372, "maps/createart/mp_overwatch_art" },
{ 33373, "maps/mp/mp_overwatch_fx" },
{ 33374, "maps/createfx/mp_overwatch_fx" },
{ 33375, "maps/createart/mp_overwatch_fog" },
{ 33376, "maps/mp/mp_morningwood_precache" },
{ 33377, "maps/createart/mp_morningwood_art" },
{ 33378, "maps/mp/mp_morningwood_fx" },
{ 33379, "maps/createfx/mp_morningwood_fx" },
{ 33380, "maps/createart/mp_morningwood_fog" },
{ 33381, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_italy_fog" },
{ 33382, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_italy_art" },
{ 33383, "maps/so_survival_mp_italy_precache" },
{ 33384, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_park_fog" },
{ 33385, "maps/createart/so_survival_mp_park_art" },
{ 33386, "maps/so_survival_mp_park_precache" },
const std::array<gsc::pair_16C, 5534> token_list
{ 1, "pl#" },
{ 17, "teamHasRemoteUAV" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, made up name
{ 18, "carriedRemoteUAV" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, made up name
{ 19, "imsBombSquadModel" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, made up name
{ 20, "zonesCycling" },
{ 54, "_unk_field_ID54" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, used in _nuke.gsc and _rank.gsc
{ 55, "isBuffEquippedOnWeapon" },
{ 56, "onDisconnect" },
{ 369, "gun_prevGuns" },
{ 370, "gun_curGun" },
{ 371, "getNextGun" },
{ 372, "addAttachments" },
{ 373, "gun_attachments" },
{ 416, "logKillsConfirmed" },
{ 417, "logKillsDenied" },
{ 418, "isPainted" },
{ 419, "lightWeightScalar" },
{ 420, "painted" },
{ 421, "hideCarryIconOnGameEnd" },
{ 422, "empTimeRemaining" },
{ 423, "juggRemoveRadarOnGameEnded" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, made up name, no way of knowing its official name
{ 424, "airstrikessfx" },
{ 425, "airstrikeexplosion" }, // an educated name guess based off of opaque strings
{ 426, "keepEMPTimeRemaining" },
{ 427, "nukeEmpTimeRemaining" },
{ 428, "keepNukeEMPTimeRemaining" },
{ 429, "handleToggleZoom" },
{ 430, "remote_mortar_toggleZoom" },
{ 431, "hintPickUp" },
{ 432, "pickup_message_deleted" },
{ 433, "getCustomClassLoc" },
{ 434, "isInUnlockTable" },
{ 435, "getChallengeFilter" },
{ 436, "getChallengeTable" },
{ 437, "getTierFromTable" },
{ 438, "getWeaponFromChallenge" },
{ 439, "getWeaponAttachmentFromChallenge" },
{ 440, "isKillstreakChallenge" },
{ 441, "getKillstreakFromChallenge" },
{ 442, "cac_getCustomClassLoc" },
{ 443, "reInitializeMatchRulesOnMigration" },
{ 444, "initializeMatchRules" },
{ 445, "matchRules_oneShotKill" },
{ 447, "matchRules_randomize" },
{ 448, "reInitializeScoreLimitOnMigration" },
{ 449, "gun_nextGuns" },
{ 464, "grnd_wasSpectator" },
{ 467, "grnd_previousCrateTypes" },
{ 520, "spawningAfterRemoteDeath" },
{ 521, "hideWorldIconOnGameEnd" },
{ 522, "fauxVehicleCount" },
{ 523, "incrementFauxVehicleCount" },
{ 524, "decrementFauxVehicleCount" },
{ 525, "crateTeamModelUpdater" },
{ 950, "getHighestProgressedPlayers" },
{ 951, "gun_progressDisplay" },
{ 1023, "delay_createfx_seconds" },
{ 1027, "lastVecToTarget" },
{ 1028, "markForDetete" },
// ...
{ 1648, "initFX" },
{ 1649, "func" },
{ 1650, "main" },
{ 1651, "CodeCallback_StartGameType" },
{ 1652, "CodeCallback_PlayerConnect" },
{ 1653, "CodeCallback_PlayerDisconnect" },
{ 1654, "CodeCallback_PlayerDamage" },
{ 1655, "CodeCallback_PlayerKilled" },
{ 1656, "CodeCallback_VehicleDamage" },
{ 1657, "CodeCallback_CodeEndGame" },
{ 1658, "CodeCallback_PlayerLastStand" },
{ 1659, "CodeCallback_PlayerMigrated" },
{ 1660, "CodeCallback_HostMigration" },
{ 1661, "InitStructs" },
{ 1662, "CreateStruct" },
{ 1664, "init" },
{ 1665, "precache" },
{ 1666, "spawner" },
{ 1667, "code_classname" }, // entity fields
{ 1668, "classname" },
{ 1669, "origin" },
{ 1670, "model" },
{ 1671, "spawnflags" },
{ 1672, "target" },
{ 1673, "targetname" },
{ 1674, "count" },
{ 1675, "health" },
{ 1676, "dmg" },
{ 1677, "angles" },
{ 1678, "birthtime" },
{ 1679, "script_linkname" },
{ 1680, "slidevelocity" },
{ 1681, "name" }, // client fields
{ 1682, "sessionteam" },
{ 1683, "sessionstate" },
{ 1684, "maxHealth" },
// ...
{ 1705, "bouncefraction" },
// ...
{ 1725, "score" },
{ 1726, "deaths" },
{ 1727, "statusicon" },
{ 1728, "headicon" },
{ 1729, "headiconteam" },
{ 1730, "canclimbladders" },
{ 1731, "kills" },
{ 1732, "assists" },
{ 1733, "hasradar" },
{ 1734, "isradarblocked" },
{ 1735, "radarstrength" },
{ 1736, "radarshowenemydirection" },
{ 1737, "radarmode" },
{ 1738, "forcespectatorclient" },
{ 1739, "killcamentity" },
{ 1740, "archivetime" },
{ 1741, "psoffsettime" },
{ 1742, "pers" },
{ 1743, "x" },
{ 1744, "y" },
{ 1745, "z" },
{ 1746, "fontScale" },
{ 1747, "font" },
{ 1748, "alignx" },
{ 1749, "aligny" },
{ 1750, "horzalign" },
{ 1751, "vertalign" },
{ 1752, "color" },
{ 1753, "alpha" },
{ 1754, "label" },
{ 1755, "sort" },
{ 1756, "foreground" },
{ 1757, "lowresbackground" },
{ 1758, "hidewhendead" },
{ 1759, "hidewheninmenu" },
{ 1760, "splatter" },
{ 1761, "glowcolor" },
{ 1762, "glowalpha" },
{ 1763, "archived" },
{ 1764, "hidein3rdperson" },
{ 1765, "hidewhenindemo" },
{ 1766, "veh_speed" },
{ 1767, "veh_pathspeed" },
{ 1768, "veh_transmission" },
{ 1769, "veh_pathdir" },
{ 1770, "veh_pathtype" },
{ 1771, "veh_topspeed" },
{ 1772, "veh_brake" },
{ 1773, "veh_throttle" },
{ 1774, "script_noteworthy" },
{ 1775, "speed" },
{ 1776, "lookahead" },
{ 1777, "ambienttrack" },
{ 1778, "ambienttrack_ac130" },
{ 1779, "message" },
{ 1780, "northyaw" },
{ 1781, "wait" },
{ 1782, "radius" },
{ 1783, "height" },
{ 1784, "accumulate" },
{ 1785, "threshold" },
{ 1786, "cursorhint" },
{ 1787, "hintstring" },
{ 1788, "script_delay" },
{ 1789, "script_visionset" },
{ 1790, "script_zone" },
{ 1791, "rightarc" },
{ 1792, "leftarc" },
{ 1793, "toparc" },
{ 1794, "bottomarc" },
{ 1795, "yawconvergencetime" },
{ 1796, "pitchconvergencetime" },
{ 1797, "suppressionTime" },
{ 1798, "maxrange" },
{ 1799, "aiSpread" },
{ 1800, "damage" },
{ 1801, "playerSpread" },
{ 1802, "convergencetime" },
{ 1803, "weaponinfo" },
{ 1804, "vehicletype" },
{ 1805, "type" },
{ 1806, "accuracy" },
{ 1807, "lookforward" },
{ 1808, "lookright" },
{ 1809, "lookup" },
{ 1810, "fovcosine" },
{ 1811, "fovcosinebusy" },
{ 1812, "upaimlimit" },
{ 1813, "downaimlimit" },
{ 1814, "rightaimlimit" },
{ 1815, "leftaimlimit" },
{ 1816, "maxsightdistsqrd" },
{ 1817, "sightlatency" },
{ 1818, "ignoreclosefoliage" },
{ 1819, "followmin" },
{ 1820, "followmax" },
{ 1821, "chainfallback" },
{ 1822, "chainnode" },
{ 1823, "interval" },
{ 1824, "teammovewaittime" },
{ 1825, "damagetaken" },
{ 1826, "damagedir" },
{ 1827, "damageyaw" },
{ 1828, "damagelocation" },
{ 1829, "damageweapon" },
{ 1830, "damagemod" },
{ 1831, "proneok" },
{ 1832, "walkdistfacingmotion" },
{ 1833, "killcamentitylookat" },
{ 1834, "walkdist" },
{ 1835, "desiredangle" },
{ 1836, "pacifist" },
{ 1837, "pacifistwait" },
{ 1838, "footstepdetectdist" },
{ 1839, "footstepdetectdistwalk" },
{ 1840, "footstepdetectdistsprint" },
{ 1841, "reactiontargetpos" },
{ 1842, "newenemyreactiondistsq" },
{ 1843, "ignoreexplosionevents" },
{ 1844, "ignoresuppression" },
{ 1845, "suppressionwait" },
{ 1846, "suppressionduration" },
{ 1847, "suppressionstarttime" },
{ 1848, "suppressionmeter" },
{ 1849, "weapon" },
{ 1850, "dontavoidplayer" },
{ 1851, "grenadeawareness" },
{ 1852, "grenade" },
{ 1853, "grenadeweapon" },
{ 1854, "grenadeammo" },
{ 1855, "favoriteenemy" },
{ 1856, "highlyawareradius" },
{ 1857, "minpaindamage" },
{ 1858, "allowpain" },
{ 1859, "allowdeath" },
{ 1860, "delayeddeath" },
{ 1861, "diequietly" },
{ 1862, "forceragdollimmediate" },
{ 1863, "providecoveringfire" },
{ 1864, "doingambush" },
{ 1865, "combatmode" },
{ 1866, "alertlevel" },
{ 1867, "alertlevelint" },
{ 1868, "useable" },
{ 1869, "ignoretriggers" },
{ 1870, "pushable" },
{ 1871, "script_pushable" },
{ 1872, "dropweapon" },
{ 1873, "drawoncompass" },
{ 1874, "groundtype" },
{ 1875, "anim_pose" },
{ 1876, "goalradius" },
{ 1877, "goalheight" },
{ 1878, "goalpos" },
{ 1879, "nodeoffsetpos" },
{ 1880, "ignoreforfixednodesafecheck" },
{ 1881, "fixednode" },
{ 1882, "fixednodesaferadius" },
{ 1883, "pathgoalpos" },
{ 1884, "pathrandompercent" },
{ 1885, "usechokepoints" },
{ 1886, "stopanimdistsq" },
{ 1887, "lastenemysightpos" },
{ 1888, "pathenemylookahead" },
{ 1889, "pathenemyfightdist" },
{ 1890, "meleeattackdist" },
{ 1891, "movemode" },
{ 1892, "usecombatscriptatcover" },
{ 1893, "safetochangescript" },
{ 1894, "keepclaimednode" },
{ 1895, "keepclaimednodeifvalid" },
{ 1896, "keepnodeduringscriptedanim" },
{ 1897, "dodangerreact" },
{ 1898, "dangerreactduration" },
{ 1899, "nododgemove" },
{ 1900, "leanamount" },
{ 1901, "turnrate" },
{ 1902, "badplaceawareness" },
{ 1903, "damageshield" },
{ 1904, "nogrenadereturnthrow" },
{ 1905, "noattackeraccuracymod" },
{ 1906, "frontshieldanglecos" },
{ 1907, "lookaheaddir" },
{ 1908, "lookaheaddist" },
{ 1909, "lookaheadhitsstairs" },
{ 1910, "velocity" },
{ 1911, "prevanimdelta" },
{ 1912, "exposedduration" },
{ 1913, "requestarrivalnotify" },
{ 1914, "scriptedarrivalent" },
{ 1915, "goingtoruntopos" },
{ 1916, "engagemindist" },
{ 1917, "engageminfalloffdist" },
{ 1918, "engagemaxdist" },
{ 1919, "engagemaxfalloffdist" },
{ 1920, "finalaccuracy" },
{ 1921, "facemotion" },
{ 1921, "gunblockedbywall" },
{ 1923, "relativedir" },
{ 1924, "lockorientation" },
{ 1925, "maxfaceenemydist" },
{ 1926, "stairsstate" },
{ 1927, "script" },
{ 1928, "prevscript" },
{ 1929, "threatbias" },
{ 1930, "syncedmeleetarget" },
{ 1931, "ignoreme" },
{ 1932, "ignoreall" },
{ 1933, "maxvisibledist" },
{ 1934, "surprisedbymedistsq" },
{ 1935, "ignorerandombulletdamage" },
{ 1936, "dodamagetoall" },
{ 1937, "turretinvulnerability" },
{ 1938, "onlygoodnearestnodes" },
{ 1938, "takedamage" },
{ 1940, "playername" },
{ 1941, "deathinvulnerabletime" },
{ 1942, "criticalbulletdamagedist" },
{ 1943, "attackercount" },
{ 1944, "damagemultiplier" },
{ 1945, "laststand" },
{ 1946, "motiontrackerenabled" },
{ 1947, "team" },
{ 1948, "threatbiasgroup" },
{ 1949, "node" },
{ 1950, "prevnode" },
{ 1951, "enemy" },
{ 1952, "lastattacker" },
{ 1953, "attackeraccuracy" },
{ 1954, "width" },
{ 1955, "enable" },
{ 1956, "freecamera" },
{ 1957, "fov" },
{ 1958, "dofnear" },
{ 1959, "doffar" },
{ 1960, "look" },
{ 1961, "up" },
{ 1962, "right" },
{ 1963, "thermalbodymaterial" },
{ 1964, "entity" },
{ 1965, "tag" },
{ 1966, "nearz" },
{ 1967, "blurradius" },
{ 1968, "lod" },
{ 1969, "clipdistance" },
{ 1970, "enableshadows" },
{ 1971, "visionsetnakedduration" },
{ 1972, "visionsetnaked" },
{ 1973, "visionsetnightduration" },
{ 1974, "visionsetnight" },
{ 1975, "visionsetmissilecamduration" },
{ 1976, "visionsetmissilecam" },
{ 1977, "visionsetthermalduration" },
{ 1978, "visionsetthermal" },
{ 1979, "visionsetpainduration" },
{ 1980, "visionsetpain" },
{ 1981, "activevisionset" },
{ 1982, "activevisionsetduration" },
{ 1983, "animscript" },
{ 1984, "anglelerprate" },
{ 1985, "activator" },
{ 1986, "gravity" },
{ 1987, "ambient" },
{ 1988, "diffusefraction" },
{ 1989, "sunlight" },
{ 1990, "suncolor" },
{ 1991, "sundirection" },
{ 1992, "reflection_clear_color" },
{ 1993, "minusedistsq" },
{ 1994, "owner" },
// symbols
{ 1995, "create_lock" },
{ 1996, "exploder_before_load" },
{ 1997, "exploderFunction" },
{ 1998, "exploder_after_load" },
{ 1999, "server_culled_sounds" },
{ 2000, "createFX_enabled" },
{ 2001, "createFXent" },
{ 2002, "set_forward_and_up_vectors" },
{ 2003, "v" },
{ 2004, "print_org" },
{ 2005, "OneShotfx" },
{ 2006, "exploderfx" },
{ 2007, "createExploder" },
{ 2008, "createFXexploders" },
{ 2009, "script_exploder" },
{ 2010, "script_fxid" },
{ 2011, "script_firefx" },
{ 2012, "script_firefxdelay" },
{ 2013, "script_firefxsound" },
{ 2014, "script_sound" },
{ 2015, "script_earthquake" },
{ 2016, "script_damage" },
{ 2017, "script_radius" },
{ 2018, "script_soundalias" },
{ 2019, "script_firefxtimeout" },
{ 2020, "script_repeat" },
{ 2021, "script_delay_min" },
{ 2022, "script_delay_max" },
{ 2023, "script_exploder_group" },
{ 2024, "targetPos" },
{ 2025, "_script_exploders" },
{ 2026, "createfx_showOrigin" },
{ 2027, "loopfx" },
{ 2028, "createLoopEffect" },
{ 2029, "create_looper" },
{ 2030, "_effect" },
{ 2031, "looper" },
{ 2032, "create_loopsound" },
{ 2033, "loop_fx_sound" },
{ 2034, "create_interval_sound" },
{ 2035, "loop_fx_sound_interval" },
{ 2036, "loopfxthread" },
{ 2037, "waitframe" },
{ 2038, "fxStart" },
{ 2039, "timeOut" },
{ 2040, "fxStop" },
{ 2041, "loopfxChangeID" },
{ 2042, "loopfxChangeOrg" },
{ 2043, "loopfxChangeDelay" },
{ 2044, "loopfxDeletion" },
{ 2045, "loopfxStop" },
{ 2046, "loopSound" },
{ 2047, "loopSoundthread" },
{ 2048, "gunfireloopfx" },
{ 2049, "gunfireloopfxthread" },
{ 2050, "gunfireloopfxVec" },
{ 2051, "gunfireloopfxVecthread" },
{ 2052, "fxfireloopmod" },
{ 2053, "setfireloopmod" },
{ 2054, "setup_fx" },
{ 2055, "script_fxcommand" },
{ 2056, "script_fxstart" },
{ 2057, "script_fxstop" },
{ 2058, "burnville_paratrooper_hack" },
{ 2059, "burnville_paratrooper_hack_loop" },
{ 2060, "create_triggerfx" },
{ 2061, "verify_effects_assignment" },
{ 2062, "_missing_FX" },
{ 2063, "verify_effects_assignment_print" },
{ 2064, "OneShotfxthread" },
{ 2065, "menu" },
{ 2066, "create_fx_menu" },
{ 2067, "setmenu" },
{ 2068, "button_is_clicked" },
{ 2069, "createLoopSound" },
{ 2070, "createNewExploder" },
{ 2071, "createIntervalSound" },
{ 2072, "last_displayed_ent" },
{ 2073, "clear_settable_fx" },
{ 2074, "clear_fx_hudElements" },
{ 2075, "_exit_menu" },
{ 2076, "clear_entity_selection" },
{ 2077, "update_selected_entities" },
{ 2078, "get_last_selected_entity" },
{ 2079, "selected_fx_ents" },
{ 2080, "menu_fx_creation" },
{ 2081, "func_get_level_fx" },
{ 2082, "effect_list_offset" },
{ 2083, "effect_list_offset_max" },
{ 2084, "createOneshotEffect" },
{ 2085, "finish_creating_entity" },
{ 2086, "post_entity_creation_function" },
{ 2087, "select_last_entity" },
{ 2088, "move_selection_to_cursor" },
{ 2089, "menu_init" },
{ 2090, "createFX_options" },
{ 2091, "mp_createfx" },
{ 2092, "createfxMasks" },
{ 2093, "get_last_selected_ent" },
{ 2094, "entities_are_selected" },
{ 2095, "menu_change_selected_fx" },
{ 2096, "prepare_option_for_change" },
{ 2097, "createfx_centerprint" },
{ 2098, "createfx_inputlocked" },
{ 2099, "createFxHudElements" },
{ 2100, "menu_fx_option_set" },
{ 2101, "apply_option_to_selected_fx" },
{ 2102, "set_option_index" },
{ 2103, "selected_fx_option_index" },
{ 2104, "get_selected_option" },
{ 2105, "mask" },
{ 2106, "addOption" },
{ 2107, "get_option" },
{ 2108, "display_fx_info" },
{ 2109, "set_fx_hudElement" },
{ 2110, "createFx_hudElements" },
{ 2111, "display_fx_add_options" },
{ 2112, "add_option_to_selected_entities" },
{ 2113, "menuNone" },
{ 2114, "draw_effects_list" },
{ 2115, "increment_list_offset" },
{ 2116, "createEffect" },
{ 2117, "drawn" },
{ 2118, "createFXbyFXID" },
{ 2119, "getLoopEffectDelayDefault" },
{ 2120, "getOneshotEffectDelayDefault" },
{ 2121, "getExploderDelayDefault" },
{ 2122, "getIntervalSoundDelayMinDefault" },
{ 2123, "getIntervalSoundDelayMaxDefault" },
{ 2124, "add_effect" },
{ 2125, "createExploderEx" },
{ 2126, "set_origin_and_angles" },
{ 2127, "createfx_common" },
{ 2128, "flag_init" },
{ 2129, "createFX" },
{ 2130, "createfx_loopcounter" },
{ 2131, "createFxLogic" },
{ 2132, "get_template_level" },
{ 2133, "func_position_player" },
{ 2134, "location" },
{ 2135, "clearTextMarker" },
{ 2136, "selectedMove_up" },
{ 2137, "selectedMove_forward" },
{ 2138, "selectedMove_right" },
{ 2139, "selectedRotate_pitch" },
{ 2140, "selectedRotate_roll" },
{ 2141, "selectedRotate_yaw" },
{ 2142, "selected_fx" },
{ 2143, "createfx_lockedList" },
{ 2144, "createfx_draw_enabled" },
{ 2145, "buttonIsHeld" },
{ 2146, "player" },
{ 2147, "fx_rotating" },
{ 2148, "createfx_selecting" },
{ 2149, "createfxCursor" },
{ 2150, "buttonClick" },
{ 2151, "button_is_kb" },
{ 2152, "fx_highLightedEnt" },
{ 2153, "func_process_fx_rotater" },
{ 2154, "func_position_player_get" },
{ 2155, "copy_angles_of_selected_ents" },
{ 2156, "reset_axis_of_selected_ents" },
{ 2157, "last_selected_entity_has_changed" },
{ 2158, "drop_selection_to_ground" },
{ 2159, "set_off_exploders" },
{ 2160, "exploder" },
{ 2161, "draw_distance" },
{ 2162, "createfx_autosave" },
{ 2163, "flag_waitopen" },
{ 2164, "rotate_over_time" },
{ 2165, "delete_pressed" },
{ 2166, "remove_selected_option" },
{ 2167, "remove_option" },
{ 2168, "delete_selection" },
{ 2169, "insert_effect" },
{ 2170, "show_help" },
{ 2171, "select_all_exploders_of_currently_selected" },
{ 2172, "copy_ents" },
{ 2173, "stored_ents" },
{ 2174, "textAlpha" },
{ 2175, "paste_ents" },
{ 2176, "add_and_select_entity" },
{ 2177, "get_center_of_array" },
{ 2178, "ent_draw_axis" },
{ 2179, "rotation_is_occuring" },
{ 2180, "print_fx_options" },
{ 2181, "createfxDefaults" },
{ 2182, "entity_highlight_disable" },
{ 2183, "entity_highlight_enable" },
{ 2184, "toggle_createfx_drawing" },
{ 2185, "manipulate_createfx_ents" },
{ 2186, "reset_fx_hud_colors" },
{ 2187, "button_is_held" },
{ 2188, "toggle_entity_selection" },
{ 2189, "select_entity" },
{ 2190, "ent_is_highlighted" },
{ 2191, "deselect_entity" },
{ 2192, "index_is_selected" },
{ 2193, "ent_is_selected" },
{ 2194, "draw_axis" },
{ 2195, "fxHudElements" },
{ 2196, "createfx_centerprint_thread" },
{ 2197, "buttonDown" },
{ 2198, "buttonPressed_internal" },
{ 2199, "get_selected_move_vector" },
{ 2200, "process_button_held_and_clicked" },
{ 2201, "locked" },
{ 2202, "kb_locked" },
{ 2203, "add_button" },
{ 2204, "add_kb_button" },
{ 2205, "set_anglemod_move_vector" },
{ 2206, "cfxprintlnStart" },
{ 2207, "fileprint_launcher_start_file" },
{ 2208, "cfxprintln" },
{ 2209, "fileprint_launcher" },
{ 2210, "cfxprintlnEnd" },
{ 2211, "fileprint_launcher_end_file" },
{ 2212, "func_updatefx" },
{ 2213, "hack_start" },
{ 2214, "get_player" },
{ 2215, "createfx_orgranize_array" },
{ 2216, "stop_fx_looper" },
{ 2217, "stop_loopsound" },
{ 2218, "_effect_keys" },
{ 2219, "alphabetize" },
{ 2220, "restart_fx_looper" },
{ 2221, "process_fx_rotater" },
{ 2222, "generate_fx_log" },
{ 2223, "scriptPrintln" },
{ 2224, "debugPrintln" },
{ 2225, "draw_debug_line" },
{ 2226, "waittillend" },
{ 2227, "noself_func" },
{ 2228, "self_func" },
{ 2229, "randomvector" },
{ 2230, "randomvectorrange" },
{ 2231, "angle_dif" },
{ 2232, "sign" },
{ 2233, "track" },
{ 2234, "current_target" },
{ 2235, "get_enemy_team" },
{ 2236, "clear_exception" },
{ 2237, "exception" },
{ 2238, "defaultException" },
{ 2239, "set_exception" },
{ 2240, "set_all_exceptions" },
{ 2241, "cointoss" },
{ 2242, "choose_from_weighted_array" },
{ 2243, "get_cumulative_weights" },
{ 2244, "waittill_string" },
{ 2245, "waittill_multiple" },
{ 2246, "threads" },
{ 2247, "waittill_multiple_ents" },
{ 2248, "waittill_any_return" },
{ 2249, "waittill_any_timeout" },
{ 2250, "_timeout" },
{ 2251, "waittill_any" },
{ 2252, "waittill_any_ents" },
{ 2253, "isFlashed" },
{ 2254, "flashEndTime" },
{ 2255, "flag_exist" },
{ 2256, "flag" },
{ 2257, "init_flags" },
{ 2258, "flags_lock" },
{ 2259, "generic_index" },
{ 2260, "sp_stat_tracking_func" },
{ 2261, "flag_struct" },
{ 2262, "trigger_flags" },
{ 2263, "empty_init_func" },
{ 2264, "issuffix" },
{ 2265, "flag_set" },
{ 2266, "assign_unique_id" },
{ 2267, "unique_id" },
{ 2268, "flag_wait" },
{ 2269, "flag_clear" },
{ 2270, "waittill_either" },
{ 2271, "array_thread" },
{ 2272, "array_call" },
{ 2273, "array_thread4" },
{ 2274, "array_thread5" },
{ 2275, "trigger_on" },
{ 2276, "trigger_on_proc" },
{ 2277, "realOrigin" },
{ 2278, "trigger_off" },
{ 2279, "trigger_off_proc" },
{ 2280, "set_trigger_flag_permissions" },
{ 2281, "update_trigger_based_on_flags" },
{ 2282, "script_flag_true" },
{ 2283, "script_flag_false" },
{ 2284, "trigger_func" },
{ 2285, "create_flags_and_return_tokens" },
{ 2286, "init_trigger_flags" },
{ 2287, "getstruct" },
{ 2288, "struct_class_names" },
{ 2289, "getstructarray" },
{ 2290, "struct_class_init" },
{ 2291, "struct" },
{ 2292, "fileprint_start" },
{ 2293, "fileprint_map_start" },
{ 2294, "fileprint_map_header" },
{ 2295, "fileprint_map_keypairprint" },
{ 2296, "fileprint_map_entity_start" },
{ 2297, "fileprint_map_entity_end" },
{ 2298, "fileprint_radiant_vec" },
{ 2299, "array_remove" },
{ 2300, "array_remove_array" },
{ 2301, "array_removeUndefined" },
{ 2302, "array_levelthread" },
{ 2303, "array_levelcall" },
{ 2304, "add_to_array" },
{ 2305, "flag_assert" },
{ 2306, "flag_wait_either" },
{ 2307, "flag_wait_either_return" },
{ 2308, "flag_wait_any" },
{ 2309, "flag_wait_any_return" },
{ 2310, "flag_wait_all" },
{ 2311, "flag_wait_or_timeout" },
{ 2312, "flag_waitopen_or_timeout" },
{ 2313, "wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses" },
{ 2314, "delayCall" },
{ 2315, "delayCall_proc" },
{ 2316, "noself_delayCall" },
{ 2317, "noself_delayCall_proc" },
{ 2318, "isSP" },
{ 2319, "isSP_TowerDefense" },
{ 2320, "string_starts_with" },
{ 2321, "plot_points" },
{ 2322, "draw_line_for_time" },
{ 2323, "array_combine" },
{ 2324, "flat_angle" },
{ 2325, "flat_origin" },
{ 2326, "draw_arrow_time" },
{ 2327, "get_linked_ents" },
{ 2328, "script_linkto" },
{ 2329, "get_linked_vehicle_nodes" },
{ 2330, "get_linked_ent" },
{ 2331, "get_linked_vehicle_node" },
{ 2332, "get_links" },
{ 2333, "run_thread_on_targetname" },
{ 2334, "getNodeArrayFunction" },
{ 2335, "run_thread_on_noteworthy" },
{ 2336, "draw_arrow" },
{ 2337, "getfx" },
{ 2338, "fxExists" },
{ 2339, "print_csv_asset" },
{ 2340, "csv_lines" },
{ 2341, "fileprint_csv_start" },
{ 2342, "_loadfx" },
{ 2343, "getLastWeapon" },
{ 2344, "saved_lastWeapon" },
{ 2345, "PlayerUnlimitedAmmoThread" },
{ 2346, "isUsabilityEnabled" },
{ 2347, "disabledUsability" },
{ 2348, "_disableUsability" },
{ 2349, "_enableUsability" },
{ 2350, "resetUsability" },
{ 2351, "_disableWeapon" },
{ 2352, "disabledWeapon" },
{ 2353, "_enableWeapon" },
{ 2354, "isWeaponEnabled" },
{ 2355, "_disableWeaponSwitch" },
{ 2356, "disabledWeaponSwitch" },
{ 2357, "_enableWeaponSwitch" },
{ 2358, "isWeaponSwitchEnabled" },
{ 2359, "_disableOffhandWeapons" },
{ 2360, "disabledOffhandWeapons" },
{ 2361, "_enableOffhandWeapons" },
{ 2362, "isOffhandWeaponEnabled" },
{ 2363, "random" },
{ 2364, "spawn_tag_origin" },
{ 2365, "waittill_notify_or_timeout" },
{ 2366, "fileprintlauncher_linecount" },
{ 2367, "launcher_write_clipboard" },
{ 2368, "isDestructible" },
{ 2369, "destructible_type" },
{ 2370, "pauseEffect" },
{ 2371, "activate_individual_exploder" },
{ 2372, "brush_delete" },
{ 2373, "connectPathsFunction" },
{ 2374, "exploded" },
{ 2375, "brush_throw" },
{ 2376, "get_target_ent" },
{ 2377, "getNodeFunction" },
{ 2378, "brush_show" },
{ 2379, "script_modelname" },
{ 2380, "brush_shown" },
{ 2381, "disconnect_paths" },
{ 2382, "disconnectPathsFunction" },
{ 2383, "exploder_earthquake" },
{ 2384, "do_earthquake" },
{ 2385, "earthquake" },
{ 2386, "exploder_rumble" },
{ 2387, "exploder_delay" },
{ 2388, "exploder_damage" },
{ 2389, "effect_loopsound" },
{ 2390, "loopsound_ent" },
{ 2391, "play_loopsound_in_space" },
{ 2392, "sound_effect" },
{ 2393, "effect_soundalias" },
{ 2394, "play_sound_in_space" },
{ 2395, "cannon_effect" },
{ 2396, "exploder_playSound" },
{ 2397, "fire_effect" },
{ 2398, "first_frame" },
{ 2399, "loop_sound_delete" },
{ 2400, "activate_exploder" },
{ 2401, "is_later_in_alphabet" },
{ 2402, "alphabet_compare" },
{ 2403, "play_loop_sound_on_entity" },
{ 2404, "stop_loop_sound_on_entity" },
{ 2405, "delete_on_death" },
{ 2406, "error" },
{ 2407, "create_dvar" },
{ 2408, "void" },
{ 2409, "tag_project" },
{ 2410, "ter_op" },
{ 2411, "lock" },
{ 2412, "max_count" },
{ 2413, "is_locked" },
{ 2414, "unlock_wait" },
{ 2415, "unlock" },
{ 2416, "unlock_thread" },
{ 2417, "template_script" },
{ 2418, "setParent" },
{ 2419, "parent" },
{ 2420, "point" },
{ 2421, "yOffset" },
{ 2422, "xOffset" },
{ 2423, "relativePoint" },
{ 2424, "getParent" },
{ 2425, "addChild" },
{ 2426, "children" },
{ 2427, "index" },
{ 2428, "removeChild" },
{ 2429, "setPoint" },
{ 2430, "uiParent" },
{ 2431, "elemType" },
{ 2432, "setPointBar" },
{ 2433, "bar" },
{ 2434, "padding" },
{ 2435, "frac" },
{ 2436, "updateBar" },
{ 2437, "shader" },
{ 2438, "hidebar" },
{ 2439, "orig_alpha" },
{ 2440, "createFontString" },
{ 2441, "fontHeight" },
{ 2442, "createServerClientFontString" },
{ 2443, "createClientTimer" },
{ 2444, "createServerFontString" },
{ 2445, "createServerTimer" },
{ 2446, "createIcon" },
{ 2447, "createClientIcon" },
{ 2448, "createIcon_Hudelem" },
{ 2449, "createBar" },
{ 2450, "flashFrac" },
{ 2451, "createClientProgressBar" },
{ 2452, "createClientBar" },
{ 2453, "setFlashFrac" },
{ 2454, "fade_over_time" },
{ 2455, "flashThread" },
{ 2456, "destroyElem" },
{ 2457, "setIconShader" },
{ 2458, "setWidth" },
{ 2459, "setHeight" },
{ 2460, "setSize" },
{ 2461, "updateChildren" },
{ 2462, "stance_carry_icon_enamble" },
{ 2463, "stance_carry" },
{ 2464, "console" },
// ...
{ 2556, "delayThread" },
{ 2562, "gameskill" },
{ 2574, "player_damage" },
{ 2577, "players" },
// ...
{ 2609, "stats" },
{ 2623, "isPrimaryWeapon" },
{ 2664, "forward" },
// ...
{ 2700, "attacker" },
{ 2703, "updateOrigin" },
{ 2711, "A" },
{ 2738, "voice" },
{ 2755, "getRank" },
{ 2764, "priority" },
// ...
{ 2810, "sunradiosity" },
{ 2811, "skycolor" },
{ 2812, "skylight" },
{ 2813, "_color" },
{ 2814, "ltOrigin" },
{ 2815, "gndlt" },
{ 2816, "sound_csv_include" },
{ 2817, "csv_include" },
{ 2818, "precache_script" },
// { 2819, "" },
{ 2820, "maxbounces" },
{ 2821, "radiosityscale" },
// { 2822, "" },
{ 2823, "def" },
{ 2824, "exponent" },
{ 2825, "fov_inner" },
{ 2826, "fov_outer" },
{ 2827, "__smorigin" },
{ 2828, "__smangles" },
{ 2829, "__smname" },
{ 2830, "__smid" },
// { 2831, "" },
// { 2832, "" },
// { 2833, "" },
// { 2834, "" },
// { 2835, "" },
{ 2836, "contrastGain" }, // MAYBE
// ...
{ 2944, "isTeamSpeaking" }, // animscripts/battlechater_ai
{ 2961, "string" },
// ...
{ 3075, "getVectorRightAngle" },
{ 3105, "within_fov" },
{ 3226, "primaryWeapon" },
// ...
{ 3297, "isSniper" },
// ...
{ 3360, "lastCarExplosionTime" },
{ 3361, "lastCarExplosionRange" },
{ 3362, "lastCarExplosionDamageLocation" },
{ 3363, "lastCarExplosionLocation" },
{ 3445, "playDeathSound" },
{ 3460, "makeType" },
{ 3461, "getInfoIndex" },
{ 3463, "destructible_create" },
{ 3464, "destructible_state" },
{ 3465, "destructible_anim" },
{ 3466, "destructible_fx" },
{ 3467, "destructible_explode" },
{ 3469, "prop_ac_prs_enm_con_digger_a" },
{ 3470, "prop_ac_prs_enm_con_dump_truck_a" },
{ 3471, "prop_ac_prs_enm_fuel_tank_a" },
{ 3472, "prop_ac_prs_enm_hanger_a" },
{ 3473, "prop_ac_prs_enm_maz_a" },
{ 3474, "prop_ac_prs_enm_mi26_halo_a" },
{ 3475, "prop_ac_prs_enm_mstas_a" },
{ 3476, "prop_ac_prs_enm_radar_maz_a" },
{ 3477, "prop_ac_prs_enm_s300v_a" },
{ 3484, "prop_ac_prs_enm_truck_a" },
{ 3491, "prop_ac_prs_enm_mobile_crane_a" },
{ 3492, "prop_ac_prs_enm_landing_craft_a" },
{ 3493, "prop_ac_prs_enm_speed_boat_a" },
{ 3494, "prop_ac_prs_prp_satellite_dish_a_dish" },
// ...
{ 3509, "prop_ac_prs_enm_missile_boat_a" },
{ 3510, "toy_glass" },
{ 3511, "destructible_splash_damage_scaler" },
{ 3512, "destructible_sound" },
{ 3513, "destructible_part" },
{ 3514, "toy_dt_mirror" },
{ 3515, "toy_icbm_consolemonitor" },
{ 3516, "toy_tubetv_" },
{ 3517, "toy_tvs_flatscreen" },
{ 3518, "toy_tvs_flatscreen_sturdy" },
{ 3519, "toy_transformer_ratnest01" },
{ 3520, "destructible_loopfx" },
{ 3521, "destructible_loopsound" },
{ 3522, "destructible_healthdrain" },
{ 3523, "toy_transformer_small01" },
{ 3524, "toy_generator" },
{ 3525, "toy_generator_on" },
{ 3526, "toy_oxygen_tank" },
{ 3527, "toy_electricbox2" },
{ 3528, "toy_electricbox4" },
{ 3529, "toy_airconditioner" },
{ 3530, "toy_ceiling_fan" },
{ 3531, "toy_wall_fan" },
{ 3532, "toy_propane_tank02" },
{ 3533, "destructible_physics" },
{ 3534, "toy_propane_tank02_small" },
{ 3535, "toy_copier" },
{ 3536, "toy_firehydrant" },
{ 3537, "toy_parkingmeter" },
{ 3538, "damage_not" },
{ 3539, "toy_mailbox" },
{ 3540, "toy_mailbox2" },
{ 3541, "toy_newspaper_stand_red" },
{ 3542, "toy_newspaper_stand_blue" },
{ 3543, "toy_filecabinet" },
{ 3544, "toy_trashbin_01" },
{ 3545, "toy_trashbin_02" },
{ 3546, "toy_trashbag1" },
{ 3547, "toy_recyclebin_01" },
{ 3548, "toy_trashcan_metal_closed" },
{ 3549, "toy_water_collector" },
{ 3550, "toy_foliage_tree_oak_1" },
{ 3551, "toy_paris_tree_plane_large" },
{ 3552, "toy_usa_gas_station_trash_bin_01" },
{ 3553, "toy_usa_gas_station_trash_bin_02" },
{ 3554, "toy_light_ceiling_round" },
{ 3555, "destructible_lights_out" },
{ 3556, "toy_light_ceiling_fluorescent" },
{ 3557, "toy_light_ceiling_fluorescent_spotlight" },
{ 3558, "destructible_spotlight" },
{ 3559, "toy_light_ceiling_fluorescent_single" },
{ 3560, "toy_light_ceiling_fluorescent_single_spotlight" },
{ 3561, "toy_bookstore_bookstand4_books" },
{ 3562, "toy_locker_double" },
{ 3563, "toy_dubai_fish_sculpture" },
{ 3564, "toy_intro_concrete_chipaway" },
{ 3565, "toy_chicken" },
{ 3566, "toy_hide_with_fx" },
{ 3567, "vehicle_ac130_80s_sedan1" },
{ 3568, "vehicle_bus_destructible" },
{ 3569, "vehicle_80s_sedan1" },
{ 3570, "vehicle_80s_hatch1" },
{ 3571, "vehicle_80s_hatch2" },
{ 3572, "vehicle_80s_wagon1" },
{ 3573, "vehicle_civ_car_a" },
{ 3574, "vehicle_small_hatch" },
{ 3575, "vehicle_london_cab_black" },
{ 3576, "vehicle_pickup" },
{ 3577, "vehicle_hummer" },
{ 3578, "vehicle_gaz" },
{ 3579, "vehicle_gaz_harbor" },
{ 3580, "vehicle_bm21" },
{ 3581, "vehicle_moving_truck" },
{ 3582, "vehicle_subway_cart" },
{ 3583, "create_vehicle_subway_cart_window_single" },
{ 3584, "vehicle_subway_cart_windows" },
{ 3585, "vehicle_subway_cart_windows_small" },
{ 3586, "vehicle_luxurysedan" },
{ 3587, "destructible_car_alarm" },
{ 3588, "vehicle_mig29_landed" },
{ 3589, "vehicle_mack_truck_short" },
{ 3590, "vehicle_semi_truck" },
{ 3591, "vehicle_motorcycle" },
{ 3592, "vehicle_scooter" },
{ 3593, "vehicle_subcompact" },
{ 3594, "vehicle_van" },
{ 3595, "vehicle_uaz_van" },
{ 3596, "vehicle_van_iw5" },
{ 3597, "vehicle_delivery_theme_park_truck_destructible" },
{ 3598, "vehicle_suburban" },
{ 3599, "vehicle_snowmobile" },
{ 3600, "destructible_gaspump" },
{ 3601, "destructible_electrical_transformer_large" },
{ 3602, "get_precached_anim" },
{ 3603, "_destructible_preanims" },
{ 3604, "get_precached_animtree" },
{ 3605, "_destructible_preanimtree" },
{ 3606, "vehicle_coupe" },
{ 3607, "vehicle_mini" },
{ 3608, "vehicle_uk_truck" },
{ 3609, "vehicle_uk_police_estate" },
{ 3610, "vehicle_uaz_winter" },
{ 3611, "vehicle_uaz_fabric" },
{ 3612, "vehicle_uaz_hardtop" },
{ 3613, "vehicle_jeep" },
{ 3614, "vehicle_jeep_dusty" },
{ 3615, "vehicle_uaz_open" },
{ 3616, "vehicle_india_compact_destructible" },
{ 3617, "vehicle_india_rickshaw" },
{ 3618, "vehicle_tuk_tuk" },
{ 3619, "vehicle_india_suv" },
{ 3620, "vehicle_policecar" },
{ 3621, "vehicle_policecar_russia" },
{ 3622, "vehicle_taxi" },
{ 3623, "random_dynamic_attachment" },
{ 3624, "vehicle_taxi_dubai" },
{ 3625, "toy_security_camera" },
{ 3626, "toy_building_collapse_paris_ac130" },
{ 3627, "toy_poison_gas_attack" },
{ 3628, "toy_arcade_machine" },
{ 3629, "toy_pinball_machine" },
{ 3630, "toy_fortune_machine" },
{ 3631, "toy_trashcan_clown" },
{ 3632, "toy_afrShanty1" },
{ 3633, "vehicle_slava_ny_harbor_zonea" },
{ 3634, "rooftop_skylight_destructible" },
{ 3635, "satellite_dish_big_destructible" },
{ 3636, "dest_onestate" },
{ 3637, "dest_pb_planter" },
{ 3638, "berlin_hotel_lights_ceiling1" },
{ 3639, "rus_vx_gas_canister" },
{ 3640, "destructibleSpawnedEntsLimit" },
{ 3641, "destructibleSpawnedEnts" },
{ 3642, "currentCarAlarms" },
{ 3643, "commonStartTime" },
{ 3644, "fast_destructible_explode" },
{ 3645, "warn_about_old_destructible" },
{ 3646, "find_destructibles" },
{ 3647, "setup_destructibles" },
{ 3648, "modeldummyon" },
{ 3649, "destructibleInfo" },
{ 3650, "parts" },
{ 3651, "destructible_parts" },
{ 3652, "modeldummy" },
{ 3653, "add_key_to_destructible" },
{ 3654, "add_keypairs_to_destructible" },
{ 3655, "add_array_to_destructible" },
{ 3656, "destructible_info" },
{ 3657, "precache_destructibles" },
{ 3658, "add_destructible_fx" },
{ 3659, "canDamageDestructible" },
{ 3660, "destructibles" },
{ 3661, "destructible_think" },
{ 3662, "damageOwner" },
{ 3663, "gunner" },
{ 3664, "is_shotgun_damage" },
{ 3665, "enable_ai_shotgun_destructible_damage" },
{ 3666, "getPartAndStateIndex" },
{ 3667, "destructible_update_part" },
{ 3668, "non_player_damage" },
{ 3669, "waiting_for_queue" },
{ 3670, "exploding" },
{ 3671, "loopingSoundStopNotifies" },
{ 3672, "damage_type" },
{ 3673, "destructible_splash_rotatation" },
{ 3674, "destructible_splash_damage" },
{ 3675, "getAllActiveParts" },
{ 3676, "setDistanceOnParts" },
{ 3677, "getLowestPartDistance" },
{ 3678, "isValidSoundCause" },
{ 3679, "isAttackerValid" },
{ 3680, "forceExploding" },
{ 3681, "dontAllowExplode" },
{ 3682, "damageIsFromPlayer" },
{ 3683, "isAIfunc" },
{ 3684, "isValidDamageCause" },
{ 3685, "godmode" },
{ 3686, "script_bulletshield" },
{ 3687, "getDamageType" },
{ 3688, "damage_mirror" },
{ 3689, "add_damage_owner_recorder" },
{ 3690, "car_damage_owner_recorder" },
{ 3691, "loopfx_onTag" },
{ 3692, "health_drain" },
{ 3693, "destructible_badplace_radius_multiplier" },
{ 3694, "destructible_health_drain_amount_multiplier" },
{ 3695, "healthDrain" },
{ 3696, "disable_destructible_bad_places" },
{ 3697, "disableBadPlace" },
{ 3698, "badplace_cylinder_func" },
{ 3699, "badplace_remove" },
{ 3700, "badplace_delete_func" },
{ 3701, "physics_launch" },
{ 3702, "physics_object_remove" },
{ 3703, "explode" },
{ 3704, "destructible_explosion_radius_multiplier" },
{ 3705, "destructible_protection_func" },
{ 3706, "cleanupVars" },
{ 3707, "animsapplied" },
{ 3708, "caralarm" },
{ 3709, "destructible_cleans_up_more" },
{ 3710, "script_noflip" },
{ 3711, "car_alarm_org" },
{ 3712, "set_disable_friendlyfire_value_delayed" },
{ 3713, "friendlyFireDisabledForDestructible" },
{ 3714, "connectTraverses" },
{ 3715, "disconnectTraverses" },
{ 3716, "get_traverse_disconnect_brush" },
{ 3717, "script_destruct_collision" },
{ 3718, "hideapart" },
{ 3719, "showapart" },
{ 3720, "disable_explosion" },
{ 3721, "force_explosion" },
{ 3722, "get_dummy" },
{ 3723, "play_loop_sound_on_destructible" },
{ 3724, "force_stop_sound" },
{ 3725, "notifyDamageAfterFrame" },
{ 3726, "play_sound" },
{ 3727, "toString" },
{ 3728, "do_car_alarm" },
{ 3729, "lastCarAlarmTime" },
{ 3730, "car_alarm_timeout" },
{ 3731, "should_do_car_alarm" },
{ 3732, "do_random_dynamic_attachment" },
{ 3733, "get_closest_with_targetname" },
{ 3734, "player_touching_post_clip" },
{ 3735, "get_player_touching" },
{ 3736, "is_so" },
{ 3737, "destructible_handles_collision_brushes" },
{ 3738, "collision_brush_pre_explosion" },
{ 3739, "collision_brush_post_explosion" },
{ 3740, "func_destructible_crush_player" },
{ 3741, "debug_player_in_post_clip" },
{ 3742, "destructible_get_my_breakable_light" },
{ 3743, "breakable_light" },
{ 3744, "break_nearest_light" },
{ 3745, "debug_radiusdamage_circle" },
{ 3746, "debug_circle_drawlines" },
{ 3747, "debug_line" },
{ 3748, "spotlight_tag_origin_cleanup" },
{ 3749, "spotlight_fizzles_out" },
{ 3750, "destructible_spotlight_think" },
{ 3751, "is_valid_damagetype" },
{ 3752, "destructible_sound_think" },
{ 3753, "destructible_fx_think" },
{ 3754, "destructible_animation_think" },
{ 3755, "no_destructible_animation" },
{ 3756, "clear_anims" },
{ 3757, "init_destroyed_count" },
{ 3758, "destroyedCount" },
{ 3759, "destroyedCountTimeout" },
{ 3760, "init_destroyed_count" },
{ 3761, "add_to_destroyed_count" },
{ 3762, "get_destroyed_count" },
{ 3763, "get_max_destroyed_count" },
{ 3764, "init_destructible_frame_queue" },
{ 3765, "destructibleFrameQueue" },
{ 3766, "add_destructible_to_frame_queue" },
{ 3767, "entNum" },
{ 3768, "destructible" },
{ 3769, "totalDamage" },
{ 3770, "nearDistance" },
{ 3771, "fxCost" },
{ 3772, "handle_destructible_frame_queue" },
{ 3773, "sort_destructible_frame_queue" },
{ 3774, "get_better_destructible" },
{ 3775, "get_part_FX_cost_for_action_state" },
// ...
{ 3791, "hatModel" },
{ 3844, "vehicle" },
{ 3974, "rockets" },
{ 4095, "secondaryWeapon" },
{ 4116, "startPos" },
{ 4145, "winner" },
{ 4538, "scr_sound" },
{ 4570, "play_sound_on_entity" },
{ 4595, "play_sound_on_tag" },
{ 4630, "script_bombmode_original" },
{ 4778, "challenge_targetVal" },
{ 4779, "challenge_rewardVal" },
{ 4780, "getChallengeStatus" },
{ 4781, "challengeData" },
{ 4782, "ch_getProgress" },
{ 4783, "ch_getState" },
{ 4784, "ch_setProgress" },
{ 4785, "ch_setState" },
{ 4786, "ch_getTarget" },
{ 4787, "buildChallengeTableInfo" },
{ 4788, "challengeInfo" },
{ 4790, "challengeSplashNotify" },
{ 4791, "optionalNumber" },
{ 4792, "sound" },
{ 4793, "slot" },
{ 4794, "actionNotify" },
{ 4795, "updateChallenges" },
{ 4797, "giveRankXpAfterWait" },
{ 4799, "processChallenge" },
{ 4800, "initNotifyMessage" },
{ 4802, "notifyTitle" },
{ 4803, "notifyText" },
{ 4804, "notifyText2" },
{ 4805, "notifyIcon" },
{ 4808, "doingSplash" },
{ 4809, "splashQueue" },
{ 4810, "maxRank" },
{ 4811, "rankTable" },
{ 4823, "scoreInfo" },
{ 4824, "xpScale" },
{ 4839, "fontPulseInit" },
{ 4840, "baseFontScale" },
{ 4841, "maxFontScale" },
{ 4842, "inFrames" },
{ 4843, "outFrames" },
{ 4844, "fontPulse" },
{ 4845, "updateRank" },
{ 4847, "updateRankAnnounceHUD" },
{ 4848, "titleText" },
{ 4849, "iconName" },
{ 4850, "duration" },
{ 4851, "textLabel" },
{ 4854, "notifyMessage" },
{ 4855, "stringToFloat" },
{ 4856, "actionNotifyMessage" },
{ 4857, "removeTypeFromQueue" },
{ 4858, "showNotifyMessage" },
{ 4859, "titleLabel" },
{ 4860, "titleIsString" },
{ 4861, "text2Label" },
{ 4862, "resetOnCancel" },
{ 4863, "waitRequireVisibility" },
{ 4864, "canReadText" },
{ 4865, "isFlashbanged" },
{ 4866, "dispatchNotify" },
{ 4867, "registerScoreInfo" },
{ 4868, "getScoreInfoValue" },
{ 4869, "getRankInfoMinXP" },
{ 4870, "getRankInfoXPAmt" },
{ 4871, "getRankInfoMaxXp" },
{ 4872, "getRankInfoFull" },
{ 4873, "getRankInfoIcon" },
{ 4874, "getRankForXp" },
{ 4875, "getRankXP" },
{ 5170, "intensity" },
{ 5176, "start" },
{ 5177, "end" },
{ 5179, "time" },
{ 5182, "fx" },
{ 5192, "delayThread_proc" },
{ 5197, "currentNode" },
{ 5243, "prev" },
{ 5329, "mode" },
{ 5614, "offset" },
{ 5711, "_unk_field_ID5711" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, used in _destructible.gsc
{ 5797, "_unk_field_ID5797" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, used in _destructible.gsc
{ 5801, "inUse" },
{ 5972, "pos" },
{ 5980, "delay" },
// ...
{ 6070, "points" },
{ 6296, "icon" },
{ 6415, "ps3" },
{ 6695, "hud_damagefeedback" },
{ 6702, "updateDamageFeedback" },
{ 6797, "hidden" },
{ 6858, "artStartVisionFileExport" },
{ 6859, "artEndVisionFileExport" },
{ 6860, "artStartFogFileExport" },
{ 6861, "artEndFogFileExport" },
{ 6862, "artCommonfxprintln" },
{ 6863, "setfogsliders" },
{ 6864, "translateFogSlidersToScript" },
{ 6865, "fogexphalfplane" },
{ 6866, "fognearplane" },
{ 6867, "fogcolor" },
{ 6868, "fogmaxopacity" },
{ 6869, "sunFogEnabled" },
{ 6870, "sunFogColor" },
{ 6871, "sunFogDir" },
{ 6872, "sunFogBeginFadeAngle" },
{ 6873, "sunFogEndFadeAngle" },
{ 6874, "sunFogScale" },
{ 6875, "limit" },
{ 6876, "updateFogFromScript" },
{ 6877, "artfxprintlnFog" },
{ 6886, "tweakart" },
{ 6890, "startdist" },
{ 6891, "halfwaydist" },
{ 6892, "red" },
{ 6893, "green" },
{ 6894, "blue" },
{ 6895, "maxopacity" },
{ 6923, "fovslidercheck" },
{ 6930, "create_vision_set_fog" },
{ 6931, "transitionTime" },
{ 6932, "dumpsettings" },
{ 6943, "scale" },
{ 6973, "vision_set_fog_changes" },
// ...
{ 7122, "timeLimitOverride" },
{ 7156, "func_loopfxthread" },
{ 7157, "func_oneshotfxthread" },
{ 7158, "func_create_loopsound" },
{ 7159, "global_FX" },
{ 7162, "global_FX_create" },
{ 7163, "watchGrenadeUsage" },
{ 7164, "c4explodethisframe" },
{ 7165, "c4array" },
{ 7166, "throwingGrenade" },
{ 7177, "beginGrenadeTracking" },
{ 7178, "grenade_earthQuake" },
{ 7180, "beginC4Tracking" },
{ 7181, "watchC4" },
{ 7182, "c4Death" },
{ 7183, "array_remove_nokeys" },
{ 7184, "watchClaymores" },
{ 7187, "claymoreDetonation" },
{ 7190, "deleteOnDeath" },
{ 7191, "watchC4Detonation" },
{ 7192, "watchC4AltDetonation" },
{ 7193, "waitAndDetonate" },
{ 7194, "c4Damage" },
{ 7195, "resetC4ExplodeThisFrame" },
{ 7196, "saydamaged" },
{ 7200, "getDamageableEnts" },
{ 7201, "isPlayer" },
{ 7202, "isADestructable" },
{ 7203, "damageCenter" },
{ 7204, "weaponDamageTracePassed" },
{ 7205, "damageEnt" },
{ 7206, "damageOrigin" },
{ 7207, "callbackPlayerDamage" },
{ 7208, "debugline" },
{ 7209, "onWeaponDamage" },
{ 7210, "watchC4AltDetonate" },
{ 7352, "elevators" },
{ 7353, "elevator_callbutton_link_v" },
{ 7354, "elevator_callbutton_link_h" },
{ 7355, "elevator_update_global_dvars" },
{ 7356, "elevator_accel" },
{ 7357, "elevator_decel" },
{ 7358, "elevator_music" },
{ 7359, "elevator_speed" },
{ 7360, "elevator_innerdoorspeed" },
{ 7361, "elevator_outterdoorspeed" },
{ 7362, "elevator_return" },
{ 7363, "elevator_waittime" },
{ 7364, "elevator_aggressive_call" },
{ 7365, "elevator_debug" },
{ 7366, "elevator_motion_detection" },
{ 7367, "elevator_think" },
{ 7368, "elevator_call" },
{ 7369, "elevator_callbuttons" },
{ 7370, "floor_override" },
{ 7371, "overrider" },
{ 7372, "elevator_fsm" },
{ 7373, "eState" },
{ 7374, "moveto_floor" },
{ 7375, "motion_trigger" },
{ 7376, "elevator_interrupted" },
{ 7377, "monitor_callbutton" },
{ 7378, "e" },
{ 7379, "call_elevator" },
{ 7380, "get_floor" },
{ 7381, "elevator_interrupt" },
{ 7382, "elevator_floor_update" },
{ 7383, "elevator_sound_think" },
{ 7384, "listen_for" },
{ 7385, "position_elevators" },
{ 7386, "elevator_move" },
{ 7387, "close_inner_doors" },
{ 7388, "open_inner_doors" },
{ 7389, "close_outer_doors" },
{ 7390, "open_outer_doors" },
{ 7391, "build_elevators" },
{ 7392, "build_call_buttons" },
{ 7393, "setup_hints" },
{ 7394, "make_discrete_trigger" },
{ 7395, "enabled" },
{ 7396, "discrete_waittill" },
{ 7397, "discrete_enable_triggerwaittill" },
{ 7398, "disable_trigger" },
{ 7399, "disable_trigger_helper" },
{ 7400, "get_outer_doorset" },
{ 7401, "get_outer_doorsets" },
{ 7402, "get_outer_closedpos" },
{ 7403, "get_outer_leftdoor" },
{ 7404, "get_outer_rightdoor" },
{ 7405, "get_outer_leftdoor_openedpos" },
{ 7406, "get_outer_rightdoor_openedpos" },
{ 7407, "get_housing_children" },
{ 7408, "get_housing_mainframe" },
{ 7409, "get_housing_models" },
{ 7410, "get_housing_primarylight" },
{ 7411, "get_housing_musak_model" },
{ 7412, "get_housing_door_trigger" },
{ 7413, "get_housing_inside_trigger" },
{ 7414, "get_housing_closedpos" },
{ 7415, "get_housing_leftdoor" },
{ 7416, "get_housing_rightdoor" },
{ 7417, "get_housing_leftdoor_opened_pos" },
{ 7418, "get_housing_rightdoor_opened_pos" },
{ 7419, "get_curFloor" },
{ 7420, "get_initFloor" },
{ 7421, "waittill_finish_moving" },
{ 7422, "isInbound" },
{ 7423, "isInBoundingSpere" },
{ 7424, "waittill_or_timeout" },
{ 7425, "elevator_get_dvar_int" },
{ 7426, "elevator_get_dvar" },
{ 7427, "_pipe_fx_time" },
{ 7428, "_pipes" },
{ 7429, "num_pipe_fx" },
{ 7430, "pipesetup" },
{ 7431, "pipe_fx_array" },
{ 7432, "B" },
{ 7433, "pipe_wait_loop" },
{ 7434, "pipe_logic" },
{ 7435, "_pipe_methods" },
{ 7436, "pipefx" },
{ 7437, "fx_time" },
{ 7438, "_sound" },
{ 7439, "pipe_damage" },
{ 7440, "_dmg" },
{ 7441, "allow_pipe_damage" },
{ 7442, "pipesDamage" },
{ 7443, "methodsInit" },
{ 7444, "pipe_calc_ballistic" },
{ 7445, "pipe_calc_splash" },
{ 7446, "pipe_calc_nofx" },
{ 7447, "precacheFX" },
{ 7448, "onPlayerConnect" },
{ 7449, "player_init" },
{ 7450, "touchTriggers" },
{ 7451, "ai_init" },
{ 7452, "civilian_jet_flyby" },
{ 7453, "jet_init" },
{ 7454, "jet_parts" },
{ 7455, "jet_flyto" },
{ 7456, "engine_fxs" },
{ 7457, "flash_fxs" },
{ 7458, "jet_engine_fx" },
{ 7459, "jet_flash_fx_red" },
{ 7460, "jet_flash_fx_green" },
{ 7461, "jet_flash_fx_blink" },
{ 7462, "civilianJetFlyBy" },
{ 7463, "old_origin" },
{ 7464, "jet_fly_vec" },
{ 7465, "jet_flight_time" },
{ 7466, "jet_reset" },
{ 7467, "jet_timer" },
{ 7468, "civilianJetFlyBy_timer" },
{ 7469, "airstrikeInProgress" },
{ 7470, "ac130player" },
{ 7471, "chopper" },
{ 7472, "remoteMissileInProgress" },
{ 7473, "getTimeInterval" },
{ 7474, "getWatchedDvar" },
{ 7475, "gameType" },
{ 7476, "overrideWatchDvars" },
{ 7477, "watchDvars" },
{ 7478, "value" },
{ 7479, "jet_flyby" },
{ 7480, "mapCenter" },
{ 7481, "jet_planeSound" },
{ 7482, "playsound_float" },
{ 7483, "playsound_loop_on_ent" },
{ 7484, "targetIsInFront" },
{ 7485, "targetIsClose" },
{ 7486, "vending_machine" },
{ 7487, "vm_normal" },
{ 7488, "vm_launch_from" },
{ 7489, "vm_launch_to" },
{ 7490, "vm_fx_loc" },
{ 7491, "vm_normal_model" },
{ 7492, "vm_damaged_model" },
{ 7493, "vm_soda_model" },
{ 7494, "vm_soda_start_pos" },
{ 7495, "vm_soda_start_angle" },
{ 7496, "vm_soda_stop_pos" },
{ 7497, "vm_soda_stop_angle" },
{ 7498, "soda_array" },
{ 7499, "soda_count" },
{ 7500, "soda_slot" },
{ 7501, "hp" },
{ 7502, "vending_machine_damage_monitor" },
{ 7503, "spawn_soda" },
{ 7504, "soda_can_drop" },
{ 7505, "soda_can_eject" },
{ 7506, "ejected" },
{ 7507, "freefall" },
{ 7508, "metal_detector" },
{ 7509, "alarm_interval" },
{ 7510, "alarm_playing" },
{ 7511, "alarm_annoyance" },
{ 7512, "tolerance" },
{ 7513, "playsound_and_light" },
{ 7514, "annoyance_tracker" },
{ 7515, "waittill_any_or_timeout" },
{ 7516, "metal_detector_weapons" },
{ 7517, "waittill_weapon_placed" },
{ 7518, "weapon_notify_loop" },
{ 7519, "isInBound_single" },
{ 7520, "metal_detector_dmg_monitor" },
{ 7521, "metal_detector_touch_monitor" },
{ 7522, "alarm_validate_damage" },
{ 7523, "creaky_board" },
{ 7524, "do_creak" },
{ 7525, "motion_light" },
{ 7526, "moveTracker" },
{ 7527, "lightsOn" },
{ 7528, "lightRigs" },
{ 7529, "touchList" },
{ 7530, "distMoved" },
{ 7531, "motion_light_timeout" },
{ 7532, "outdoor_motion_dlight" },
{ 7533, "outdoor_motion_light" },
{ 7534, "lightEnt" },
{ 7535, "outdoor_motion_dlight_timeout" },
{ 7536, "dog_bark" },
{ 7537, "trigger_door" },
{ 7538, "doorEnt" },
{ 7539, "doorAngle" },
{ 7540, "baseYaw" },
{ 7541, "doorOpen" },
{ 7542, "doorClose" },
{ 7543, "getDoorSide" },
{ 7544, "use_toggle" },
{ 7545, "bird_startle" },
{ 7546, "photo_copier_init" },
{ 7547, "copier" },
{ 7548, "copy_bar" },
{ 7549, "start_pos" },
{ 7550, "light" },
{ 7551, "end_pos" },
{ 7552, "get_photo_copier" },
{ 7553, "waittill_copier_copies" },
{ 7554, "photo_copier" },
{ 7555, "photo_copier_no_light" },
{ 7556, "reset_copier" },
{ 7557, "photo_copier_copy_bar_goes" },
{ 7558, "photo_copier_light_on" },
{ 7559, "photo_copier_stop" },
{ 7560, "photo_light_flicker" },
{ 7561, "fan_blade_rotate" },
{ 7562, "triggerTouchThink" },
{ 7563, "finished_spawning" },
{ 7564, "playerTouchTriggerThink" },
{ 7565, "guid" },
{ 7566, "moveTrackers" },
{ 7567, "gameEnded" },
{ 7568, "movementTracker" },
{ 7569, "DisablemovementTracker" },
{ 7570, "anythingTouchingTrigger" },
{ 7571, "playerTouchingTrigger" },
{ 7621, "inc" },
{ 7622, "startYaw" },
{ 7623, "windController" },
{ 7629, "shutterWanderLeft" },
{ 7630, "shutterWanderRight" },
{ 7632, "wireWander" },
{ 7644, "breakables_fx" },
{ 7647, "barrelExpSound" },
{ 7649, "barrelHealth" },
{ 7650, "precachemodeltype" },
{ 7651, "barrelExplodingThisFrame" },
{ 7652, "breakables_clip" },
{ 7656, "_breakable_utility_modelarray" },
{ 7657, "_breakable_utility_modelindex" },
{ 7658, "_breakable_utility_maxnum" },
{ 7674, "oil_spill_think" },
{ 7675, "barrel" },
{ 7676, "oilspill" },
{ 7677, "extra" },
{ 7678, "oil_spill_burn_after" },
{ 7679, "oil_spill_burn" },
{ 7680, "oil_spill_burn_section" },
{ 7681, "explodable_barrel_think" },
{ 7682, "explodable_barrel_burn" },
{ 7683, "explodable_barrel_explode" },
{ 7684, "remove" },
{ 7697, "flags" },
{ 7706, "breakable_clip" },
{ 7712, "modelscale" },
{ 7714, "getClosestEnt" },
{ 7724, "item" },
{ 7743, "anim_prop_models" },
{ 7748, "weight" },
{ 7752, "animateModel" },
{ 7755, "script_print_fx" },
{ 7756, "script_playfx" },
{ 7757, "script_playfxontag" },
{ 7758, "GrenadeExplosionfx" },
{ 7759, "soundfx" },
{ 7760, "soundfxDelete" },
{ 7763, "blendDelete" },
{ 7765, "setModelFromArray" },
{ 7766, "precacheModelArray" },
{ 7767, "attachHead" },
{ 7768, "character_head_index" },
{ 7769, "script_char_index" },
{ 7770, "headModel" },
{ 7771, "attachHat" },
{ 7772, "character_hat_index" },
{ 7773, "new" },
{ 7774, "anim_gunHand" },
{ 7775, "PutGunInHand" },
{ 7776, "save" },
{ 7777, "anim_gunInHand" },
{ 7778, "load" },
{ 7779, "get_random_character" },
{ 7780, "script_char_group" },
{ 7781, "character_index_cache" },
{ 7782, "get_least_used_index" },
{ 7783, "initialize_character_group" },
{ 7784, "get_random_weapon" },
{ 7785, "setupMiniMap" },
{ 7787, "_loadStarted" },
{ 7791, "mapSize" },
{ 7809, "createClientFontString_func" },
{ 7810, "HUDsetPoint_func" },
{ 7813, "laserOn_func" },
{ 7814, "laserOff_func" },
{ 7829, "playerHealthRegen" },
{ 7864, "script_prefab_exploder" },
{ 7876, "script_accel" },
{ 7889, "exploder_load" },
{ 7890, "script_chance" },
{ 7900, "script_disconnectpaths" },
{ 7902, "setupExploders" },
{ 7907, "script_ender" },
// ...
{ 8106, "watchWeaponChange" },
{ 8160, "friendlyfire" },
{ 8366, "stance" },
{ 8377, "monitorFlash" },
{ 8440, "onDeath" },
{ 8677, "oldRadius" },
{ 8745, "debugprint" },
{ 8809, "export" },
{ 8813, "deathtime" },
{ 8908, "is_in_array" },
{ 8951, "playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay" },
{ 8954, "healthOverlayCutoff" },
{ 9005, "text" },
{ 9469, "mgTurret" },
{ 9482, "script_team" },
{ 9808, "draw_line" },
{ 9844, "array_remove_index" },
{ 9870, "flashRumbleLoop" },
// ...
{ 10039, "xenon" },
{ 10226, "endOnDeath" },
{ 10234, "dirtEffect" },
{ 10302, "entityHeadIconOffset" },
{ 10304, "entityHeadIcon" },
{ 10338, "script_targetoffset_z" },
{ 10346, "currentWeapon" },
{ 10351, "cobra_missile_models" },
{ 10352, "fire_missile" },
{ 10359, "cosine" },
{ 10372, "attractor" },
{ 10381, "turretType" },
{ 10389, "turrets" },
{ 10396, "script_airspeed" },
{ 10437, "heli_damage_monitor" },
{ 10635, "_unk_field_ID10635" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, used in _destructible.gsc
{ 10637, "_unk_field_ID10637" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, used in _destructible.gsc
{ 10732, "notifyString" },
{ 11038, "init_animatedmodels" },
{ 11039, "animation" },
{ 11082, "strip_suffix" },
{ 11083, "updateBarScale" },
{ 11084, "rateOfChange" },
{ 11085, "lastUpdateTime" },
{ 11086, "createTimer" },
{ 11087, "baseWidth" },
{ 11088, "baseHeight" },
{ 11089, "createServerIcon" },
{ 11090, "createServerBar" },
{ 11091, "getCurrentFraction" },
{ 11092, "createPrimaryProgressBar" },
{ 11093, "primaryProgressBarHeight" },
{ 11094, "primaryProgressBarWidth" },
{ 11095, "primaryProgressBarY" },
{ 11096, "primaryProgressBarX" },
{ 11097, "createPrimaryProgressBarText" },
{ 11098, "primaryProgressBarFontSize" },
{ 11099, "primaryProgressBarTextY" },
{ 11100, "primaryProgressBarTextX" },
{ 11101, "createTeamProgressBar" },
{ 11102, "teamProgressBarHeight" },
{ 11103, "teamProgressBarWidth" },
{ 11104, "teamProgressBarY" },
{ 11105, "createTeamProgressBarText" },
{ 11106, "teamProgressBarFontSize" },
{ 11107, "teamProgressBarTextY" },
{ 11108, "hideElem" },
{ 11109, "showElem" },
{ 11110, "getIconShader" },
{ 11111, "setIconSize" },
{ 11112, "transitionReset" },
{ 11113, "transitionZoomIn" },
{ 11114, "transitionPulseFXIn" },
{ 11115, "transitionSlideIn" },
{ 11116, "transitionSlideOut" },
{ 11117, "transitionZoomOut" },
{ 11118, "transitionFadeIn" },
{ 11119, "maxAlpha" },
{ 11120, "transitionFadeOut" },
{ 11121, "getWeeklyRef" },
{ 11122, "getDailyRef" },
{ 11123, "hud" },
{ 11124, "splitscreen" },
{ 11125, "lowerTextYAlign" },
{ 11126, "lowerTextY" },
{ 11127, "lowerTextFontSize" },
{ 11128, "getHighestScoringPlayer" },
{ 11129, "placement" },
{ 11130, "getLosingPlayers" },
{ 11131, "givePlayerScore" },
{ 11132, "rankingEnabled" },
{ 11133, "hardcoreMode" },
{ 11134, "xpPointsPopup" },
{ 11135, "statAdd" },
{ 11136, "statSetChild" },
{ 11137, "teamBased" },
{ 11138, "checkPlayerScoreLimitSoon" },
{ 11139, "checkScoreLimit" },
{ 11140, "onPlayerScore" },
{ 11141, "objectivePointsMod" },
{ 11142, "_getPlayerScore" },
{ 11143, "_setPlayerScore" },
{ 11144, "giveTeamScoreForObjective" },
{ 11145, "otherTeam" },
{ 11146, "wasWinning" },
{ 11147, "lastStatusTime" },
{ 11148, "getScoreLimit" },
{ 11149, "leaderDialog" },
{ 11150, "getWinningTeam" },
{ 11151, "_setTeamScore" },
{ 11152, "overtimeScoreWinOverride" },
{ 11153, "onScoreLimit" },
{ 11154, "checkTeamScoreLimitSoon" },
{ 11155, "updateTeamScore" },
{ 11156, "isRoundBased" },
{ 11157, "isObjectiveBased" },
{ 11158, "_getTeamScore" },
{ 11159, "sendUpdatedTeamScores" },
{ 11160, "WaitTillSlowProcessAllowed" },
{ 11161, "sendUpdatedDMScores" },
{ 11162, "updatedDMScores" },
{ 11163, "removeDisconnectedPlayerFromPlacement" },
{ 11164, "updatePlacement" },
{ 11165, "connectedPostGame" },
{ 11166, "getBetterPlayer" },
{ 11167, "updateTeamPlacement" },
{ 11168, "initialDMScoreUpdate" },
{ 11169, "processAssist" },
{ 11170, "onXPEvent" },
{ 11171, "incPersStat" },
{ 11172, "getPersStat" },
{ 11173, "incPlayerStat" },
{ 11174, "giveAdrenaline" },
{ 11175, "playerAssist" },
{ 11176, "processShieldAssist" },
{ 11177, "splashNotifyDelayed" },
{ 11178, "getTweakableDVarValue" },
{ 11179, "rules" },
{ 11180, "dVar" },
{ 11181, "gameTweaks" },
{ 11182, "teamTweaks" },
{ 11183, "playerTweaks" },
{ 11184, "classTweaks" },
{ 11185, "weaponTweaks" },
{ 11186, "hardpointTweaks" },
{ 11187, "hudTweaks" },
{ 11188, "getTweakableDVar" },
{ 11189, "getTweakableValue" },
{ 11190, "getTweakableLastValue" },
{ 11191, "lastValue" },
{ 11192, "setTweakableValue" },
{ 11193, "setTweakableLastValue" },
{ 11194, "registerTweakable" },
{ 11195, "clientTweakables" },
{ 11196, "tweakablesInitialized" },
{ 11197, "minefields" },
{ 11198, "minefield_think" },
{ 11199, "minefield_kill" },
{ 11200, "minefield" },
{ 11201, "radiation" },
{ 11202, "numAreas" },
{ 11203, "playerEnterArea" },
{ 11204, "playerLeaveArea" },
{ 11205, "poison" },
{ 11206, "radiationOverlay" },
{ 11207, "soundWatcher" },
{ 11208, "radiationEffect" },
{ 11209, "radiationSound" },
{ 11210, "blackout" },
{ 11211, "doRadiationDamage" },
{ 11212, "fadeinBlackOut" },
{ 11213, "fadeoutBlackOut" },
{ 11214, "destructable_think" },
{ 11215, "script_accumulate" },
{ 11216, "script_threshold" },
{ 11217, "script_destructable_area" },
{ 11218, "destructable_destruct" },
{ 11219, "blockArea" },
{ 11220, "blockEntsInArea" },
{ 11221, "blockedoff" },
{ 11222, "unblockArea" },
{ 11223, "unblockEntsInArea" },
{ 11224, "Callback_HostMigration" },
{ 11225, "hostMigrationReturnedPlayerCount" },
{ 11226, "hostMigrationTimer" },
{ 11227, "UpdateTimerPausedness" },
{ 11228, "updateGameEvents" },
{ 11229, "hostMigrationWait" },
{ 11230, "inGracePeriod" },
{ 11231, "matchStartTimer" },
{ 11232, "hostMigrationWaitForPlayers" },
{ 11233, "hostMigrationTimerThink_Internal" },
{ 11234, "hostMigrationControlsFrozen" },
{ 11235, "isReallyAlive" },
{ 11236, "freezeControlsWrapper" },
{ 11237, "hostMigrationTimerThink" },
{ 11238, "waitTillHostMigrationDone" },
{ 11239, "waitTillHostMigrationDone" },
{ 11240, "waitLongDurationWithHostMigrationPause" },
{ 11241, "waitLongDurationWithGameEndTimeUpdate" },
{ 11242, "teamBalance" },
{ 11243, "maxClients" },
{ 11244, "freeplayers" },
{ 11245, "initScoreBoard" },
{ 11246, "onFreePlayerConnect" },
{ 11247, "onJoinedTeam" },
{ 11248, "onJoinedSpectators" },
{ 11249, "trackPlayedTime" },
{ 11250, "timePlayed" },
{ 11251, "gameFlagWait" },
{ 11252, "updatePlayerTimes" },
{ 11253, "rankedmatch" },
{ 11254, "updatePlayedTime" },
{ 11255, "statAddBuffered" },
{ 11256, "statAddChildBuffered" },
{ 11257, "bufferedChildStatsMax" },
{ 11258, "statAddChildBufferedWithMax" },
{ 11259, "bufferedStatsMax" },
{ 11260, "statAddBufferedWithMax" },
{ 11261, "updateTeamTime" },
{ 11262, "updateTeamBalanceDvar" },
{ 11263, "updateTeamBalance" },
{ 11264, "teamLimit" },
{ 11265, "getTeamBalance" },
{ 11266, "balanceTeams" },
{ 11267, "dont_auto_balance" },
{ 11268, "axis" },
{ 11269, "allies" },
{ 11270, "setGhillieModels" },
{ 11271, "environment" },
{ 11272, "setTeamModels" },
{ 11273, "setPlayerModels" },
{ 11274, "playerModelForWeapon" },
{ 11275, "isJuggernaut" },
{ 11276, "CountPlayers" },
{ 11277, "trackFreePlayedTime" },
{ 11278, "updateFreePlayerTimes" },
{ 11279, "updateFreePlayedTime" },
{ 11280, "getJoinTeamPermissions" },
{ 11281, "onPlayerSpawned" },
{ 11282, "getTeamName" },
{ 11283, "getTeamShortName" },
{ 11284, "getTeamForfeitedString" },
{ 11285, "getTeamEliminatedString" },
{ 11286, "getTeamIcon" },
{ 11287, "getTeamHudIcon" },
{ 11288, "getTeamHeadIcon" },
{ 11289, "getTeamVoicePrefix" },
{ 11290, "getTeamSpawnMusic" },
{ 11291, "getTeamWinMusic" },
{ 11292, "getTeamFlagModel" },
{ 11293, "getTeamFlagCarryModel" },
{ 11294, "getTeamFlagIcon" },
{ 11295, "getTeamFlagFX" },
{ 11296, "getTeamColor" },
{ 11297, "getTeamCrateModel" },
{ 11298, "getTeamDeployModel" },
{ 11299, "initedEntityHeadIcons" },
{ 11300, "setHeadIcon" },
{ 11301, "entityHeadIcons" },
{ 11302, "getPlayerForGuid" },
{ 11303, "destroyOnOwnerDisconnect" },
{ 11304, "destroyIconsOnDeath" },
{ 11305, "keepPositioned" },
{ 11306, "setTeamHeadIcon" },
{ 11307, "entityHeadIconTeam" },
{ 11308, "setPlayerHeadIcon" },
{ 11309, "keepIconPositioned" },
{ 11310, "destroyHeadIconsOnDeath" },
{ 11311, "updateHeadIconOrigin" },
{ 11312, "watchTrophyUsage" },
{ 11313, "trophyArray" },
{ 11314, "maxPerPlayerExplosives" },
{ 11315, "createBombSquadModel" },
{ 11316, "weaponName" },
{ 11317, "trophyRemainingAmmo" },
{ 11318, "ammo" },
{ 11319, "trigger" },
{ 11320, "c4EMPKillstreakWait" },
{ 11321, "trophyUseListener" },
{ 11322, "setSelfUsable" },
{ 11323, "notUsableForJoiningPlayers" },
{ 11324, "givePerk" },
{ 11325, "trophyPlayerSpawnWaiter" },
{ 11326, "trophyDisconnectWaiter" },
{ 11327, "trophyActive" },
{ 11328, "grenades" },
{ 11329, "missiles" },
{ 11330, "disabled" },
{ 11331, "combineArrays" },
{ 11332, "sentry_fire" },
{ 11333, "projectileExplode" },
{ 11334, "empGrenadeExplode" },
{ 11335, "mine_explode" },
{ 11336, "trophyDamage" },
{ 11337, "friendlyFireCheck" },
{ 11339, "wasDamagedFromBulletPenetration" },
{ 11340, "wasDamaged" },
{ 11341, "trophyBreak" },
{ 11342, "startMonitoringFlash" },
{ 11343, "stopMonitoringFlash" },
{ 11344, "usingRemote" },
{ 11345, "stunScaler" },
{ 11346, "applyFlash" },
{ 11347, "flashDuration" },
{ 11348, "flashRumbleDuration" },
{ 11349, "monitorEMPGrenade" },
{ 11350, "empEndTime" },
{ 11351, "_hasPerk" },
{ 11352, "applyEMP" },
{ 11353, "empDuration" },
{ 11354, "empGrenaded" },
{ 11355, "empGrenadeDeathWaiter" },
{ 11356, "checkToTurnOffEmp" },
{ 11357, "teamEMPed" },
{ 11358, "EMPPlayer" },
{ 11359, "empRumbleLoop" },
{ 11360, "isEMPGrenaded" },
{ 11361, "InitStingerUsage" },
{ 11362, "stingerStage" },
{ 11363, "stingerTarget" },
{ 11364, "stingerLockStartTime" },
{ 11365, "stingerLostSightlineTime" },
{ 11366, "stingerTargets" },
{ 11367, "ResetStingerLocking" },
{ 11368, "stingerUseEntered" },
{ 11369, "ResetStingerLockingOnDeath" },
{ 11370, "StillValidStingerLock" },
{ 11371, "ac130" },
{ 11372, "planemodel" },
{ 11373, "LoopStingerLockingFeedback" },
{ 11374, "LoopStingerLockedFeedback" },
{ 11375, "LockSightTest" },
{ 11376, "StingerDebugDraw" },
{ 11377, "SoftSightTest" },
{ 11378, "GetTargetList" },
{ 11379, "harriers" },
{ 11380, "uavmodels" },
{ 11381, "littleBirds" },
{ 11382, "ugvs" },
{ 11383, "StingerUsageLoop" },
{ 11384, "InitJavelinUsage" },
{ 11385, "javelinStage" },
{ 11386, "javelinPoints" },
{ 11387, "javelinNormals" },
{ 11388, "javelinLockMisses" },
{ 11389, "javelinTargetPoint" },
{ 11390, "javelinTargetNormal" },
{ 11391, "javelinLockStartTime" },
{ 11392, "ResetJavelinLocking" },
{ 11393, "javelinUseEntered" },
{ 11394, "currentlyLocking" },
{ 11395, "currentlyLocked" },
{ 11396, "javelinTarget" },
{ 11397, "EyeTraceForward" },
{ 11398, "LockMissesReset" },
{ 11399, "LockMissesIncr" },
{ 11400, "LockMissesPassedThreshold" },
{ 11401, "TargetPointTooClose" },
{ 11402, "LoopLocalSeekSound" },
{ 11403, "TopAttackPasses" },
{ 11404, "JavelinUsageLoop" },
{ 11405, "isEMPed" },
{ 11406, "javelinLostSightlineTime" },
{ 11407, "DebugSightLine" },
{ 11408, "VehicleLockSightTest" },
{ 11409, "javelinLockVehicle" },
{ 11410, "StillValidJavelinLock" },
{ 11411, "shellshockOnDamage" },
{ 11412, "shellShockReduction" },
{ 11413, "isUsingRemote" },
{ 11414, "bloodEffect" },
{ 11415, "c4_earthQuake" },
{ 11416, "barrel_earthQuake" },
{ 11417, "artillery_earthQuake" },
{ 11418, "attachmentGroup" },
{ 11419, "getAttachmentList" },
{ 11420, "scavenger_altmode" },
{ 11421, "scavenger_secondary" },
{ 11422, "getIntProperty" },
{ 11423, "riotShieldXPBullets" },
{ 11424, "weaponList" },
{ 11425, "claymoreDetectionDot" },
{ 11426, "claymoreDetectionMinDist" },
{ 11427, "claymoreDetectionGracePeriod" },
{ 11428, "claymoreDetonateRadius" },
{ 11429, "mineDetectionGracePeriod" },
{ 11430, "mineDetectionRadius" },
{ 11431, "mineDetectionHeight" },
{ 11432, "mineDamageRadius" },
{ 11433, "mineDamageMin" },
{ 11434, "mineDamageMax" },
{ 11435, "mineDamageHalfHeight" },
{ 11436, "mineSelfDestructTime" },
{ 11437, "mine_launch" },
{ 11438, "mine_spin" },
{ 11439, "mine_beacon" },
{ 11440, "delayMineTime" },
{ 11441, "stingerFXid" },
{ 11442, "primary_weapon_array" },
{ 11443, "side_arm_array" },
{ 11444, "grenade_array" },
{ 11445, "missile_array" },
{ 11446, "inventory_array" },
{ 11447, "mines" },
{ 11448, "dumpIt" },
{ 11449, "bombSquadWaiter" },
{ 11450, "bombSquadVisibilityUpdater" },
{ 11451, "hits" },
{ 11452, "hasDoneCombat" },
{ 11453, "currentWeaponAtSpawn" },
{ 11454, "concussionEndTime" },
{ 11455, "trackingWeaponName" },
{ 11456, "trackingWeaponShots" },
{ 11457, "trackingWeaponKills" },
{ 11458, "trackingWeaponHits" },
{ 11459, "trackingWeaponHeadShots" },
{ 11460, "trackingWeaponDeaths" },
{ 11461, "trackRiotShield" },
{ 11462, "lastHitTime" },
{ 11463, "droppedDeathWeapon" },
{ 11464, "tookWeaponFrom" },
{ 11465, "sniperDustWatcher" },
{ 11466, "getWeaponClass" },
{ 11467, "WatchStingerUsage" },
{ 11468, "WatchJavelinUsage" },
{ 11469, "lastDroppableWeapon" },
{ 11470, "hitsThisMag" },
{ 11471, "isCACPrimaryWeapon" },
{ 11472, "bothBarrels" },
{ 11473, "isKillstreakWeapon" },
{ 11474, "changingWeapon" },
{ 11475, "class_num" },
{ 11476, "loadoutPrimaryBuff" },
{ 11477, "cac_getWeapon" },
{ 11478, "_unsetPerk" },
{ 11479, "loadoutSecondaryBuff" },
{ 11480, "watchStartWeaponChange" },
{ 11481, "watchWeaponReload" },
{ 11482, "watchRangerUsage" },
{ 11483, "isHackWeapon" },
{ 11484, "mayDropWeapon" },
{ 11485, "dropWeaponForDeath" },
{ 11486, "blockWeaponDrops" },
{ 11487, "ownersattacker" },
{ 11488, "detachIfAttached" },
{ 11489, "deletePickupAfterAWhile" },
{ 11490, "getItemWeaponName" },
{ 11491, "watchPickup" },
{ 11492, "itemRemoveAmmoFromAltModes" },
{ 11493, "handleScavengerBagPickup" },
{ 11494, "dropScavengerForDeath" },
{ 11495, "getWeaponBasedGrenadeCount" },
{ 11496, "getWeaponBasedSmokeGrenadeCount" },
{ 11497, "getFragGrenadeCount" },
{ 11498, "getSmokeGrenadeCount" },
{ 11499, "setWeaponStat" },
{ 11500, "watchWeaponUsage" },
{ 11501, "statGetBuffered" },
{ 11502, "statSetBuffered" },
{ 11503, "lastStandParams" },
{ 11504, "lastStandStartTime" },
{ 11505, "updateMagShots" },
{ 11506, "checkHitsThisMag" },
{ 11507, "genericChallenge" },
{ 11508, "checkHit" },
{ 11509, "attackerCanDamageItem" },
{ 11510, "gotPullbackNotify" },
{ 11511, "claymorearray" },
{ 11512, "bouncingbettyArray" },
{ 11513, "isCooked" },
{ 11514, "originalOwner" },
{ 11515, "watchSmokeExplode" },
{ 11516, "inPlayerSmokeScreen" },
{ 11517, "waitSmokeTime" },
{ 11518, "AddMissileToSightTraces" },
{ 11519, "missilesForSightTraces" },
{ 11520, "watchMissileUsage" },
{ 11521, "setAltSceneObj" },
{ 11522, "watchSentryUsage" },
{ 11523, "empExplodeWaiter" },
{ 11524, "watchForThrowbacks" },
{ 11525, "threwBack" },
{ 11526, "activated" },
{ 11527, "c4EMPDamage" },
{ 11528, "setClaymoreTeamHeadIcon" },
{ 11529, "equipmentWatchUse" },
{ 11530, "shouldAffectClaymore" },
{ 11531, "c4Activate" },
{ 11532, "deleteC4AndClaymoresOnDisconnect" },
{ 11533, "wasChained" },
{ 11534, "waitTillEnabled" },
{ 11535, "c4DetectionTrigger" },
{ 11536, "detectId" },
{ 11537, "bombSquadIcon" },
{ 11538, "claymoreDetectionTrigger" },
{ 11539, "detectIconWaiter" },
{ 11540, "detectExplosives" },
{ 11541, "bombSquadIds" },
{ 11542, "setupBombSquad" },
{ 11543, "bombSquadIcons" },
{ 11544, "showHeadIcon" },
{ 11545, "get_damageable_player_pos" },
{ 11546, "get_damageable_player" },
{ 11547, "get_damageable_grenade_pos" },
{ 11548, "get_damageable_grenade" },
{ 11549, "get_damageable_sentry" },
{ 11550, "get_damageable_mine" },
{ 11551, "getEMPDamageEnts" },
{ 11552, "debugcircle" },
{ 11553, "isAltModeWeapon" },
{ 11554, "isInventoryWeapon" },
{ 11555, "isRiotShield" },
{ 11556, "isOffhandWeapon" },
{ 11557, "isSideArm" },
{ 11558, "isGrenade" },
{ 11559, "updateSavedLastWeapon" },
{ 11560, "updateWeaponRank" },
{ 11561, "getWeaponRank" },
{ 11562, "isDeathStreakWeapon" },
{ 11563, "clearEMPOnDeath" },
{ 11564, "updateMoveSpeedScale" },
{ 11565, "getBaseWeaponName" },
{ 11566, "weaponSpeed" },
{ 11567, "moveSpeedScaler" },
{ 11568, "stanceRecoilAdjuster" },
{ 11569, "setRecoilScale" },
{ 11570, "buildWeaponData" },
{ 11571, "baseName" },
{ 11572, "assetName" },
{ 11573, "variants" },
{ 11574, "monitorSemtex" },
{ 11575, "isStuck" },
{ 11576, "stuckEnemyEntity" },
{ 11577, "playerCardSplashNotify" },
{ 11578, "splashNotify" },
{ 11579, "turret_monitorUse" },
{ 11580, "turret_playerThread" },
{ 11581, "spawnMine" },
{ 11582, "killCamOffset" },
{ 11583, "killCamEnt" },
{ 11584, "equipmentMines" },
{ 11585, "killstreakMines" },
{ 11586, "mineDamageMonitor" },
{ 11587, "mineProximityTrigger" },
{ 11588, "mineDeleteTrigger" },
{ 11589, "mineSelfDestruct" },
{ 11590, "mineBounce" },
{ 11591, "mineExplode" },
{ 11592, "playSpinnerFX" },
{ 11593, "mineDamageDebug" },
{ 11594, "mineDamageHeightPassed" },
{ 11595, "getStanceCenter" },
{ 11596, "watchMineUsage" },
{ 11598, "mineThrown" },
{ 11599, "mineBeacon" },
{ 11600, "mineBeaconTeamUpdater" },
{ 11601, "MaxLives" },
{ 11602, "MaxNameLength" },
{ 11603, "MaxEvents" },
{ 11604, "MaxKillstreaks" },
{ 11605, "MaxLogClients" },
{ 11606, "MaxNumChallengesPerPlayer" },
{ 11607, "MaxNumAwardsPerPlayer" },
{ 11608, "getMatchDateTime" },
{ 11609, "logKillstreakEvent" },
{ 11610, "clientid" },
{ 11611, "logGameEvent" },
{ 11612, "logKillEvent" },
{ 11613, "logMultiKill" },
{ 11614, "logPlayerLife" },
{ 11615, "spawnPos" },
{ 11616, "wasTI" },
{ 11617, "spawnTime" },
{ 11618, "logPlayerXP" },
{ 11619, "logLoadout" },
{ 11620, "curClass" },
{ 11621, "getClassIndex" },
{ 11622, "cac_getWeaponAttachment" },
{ 11623, "cac_getWeaponAttachmentTwo" },
{ 11624, "cac_getOffhand" },
{ 11625, "cac_getPerk" },
{ 11626, "cac_getDeathstreak" },
{ 11627, "cac_getWeaponBuff" },
{ 11628, "cac_getKillstreak" },
{ 11629, "classTableName" },
{ 11630, "table_getWeapon" },
{ 11631, "table_getWeaponAttachment" },
{ 11632, "table_getOffhand" },
{ 11633, "table_getEquipment" },
{ 11634, "table_getPerk" },
{ 11635, "table_getDeathstreak" },
{ 11636, "table_getWeaponBuff" },
{ 11637, "table_getKillstreak" },
{ 11638, "validateAttachment" },
{ 11639, "logPlayerDeath" },
{ 11640, "isAttachment" },
{ 11641, "logPlayerData" },
{ 11642, "endOfGameSummaryLogger" },
{ 11643, "weaponsUsed" },
{ 11644, "weaponXpEarned" },
{ 11645, "challengesCompleted" },
{ 11646, "doubleBubbleSort" },
{ 11647, "gameEndListener" },
{ 11648, "getNextLifeId" },
{ 11649, "canLogClient" },
{ 11650, "canLogEvent" },
{ 11651, "canLogKillstreak" },
{ 11652, "canLogLife" },
{ 11653, "logWeaponStat" },
{ 11654, "logAttachmentStat" },
{ 11655, "buildBaseWeaponList" },
{ 11656, "logChallenge" },
{ 11657, "logAward" },
{ 11658, "killstreakFuncs" },
{ 11659, "tryUseAllPerks" },
{ 11660, "tryUseBlindEye" },
{ 11661, "tryUsePaint" },
{ 11662, "tryUseAssists" },
{ 11663, "tryUseSteadyAim" },
{ 11664, "tryUseStalker" },
{ 11665, "tryUseExtremeConditioning" },
{ 11666, "tryUseSleightOfHand" },
{ 11667, "tryUseScavenger" },
{ 11668, "tryUseHardline" },
{ 11669, "setStreakCountToNext" },
{ 11670, "tryUseColdBlooded" },
{ 11671, "tryUseQuickdraw" },
{ 11672, "tryUseBlastshield" },
{ 11673, "tryUseSitRep" },
{ 11674, "tryUseIronLungs" },
{ 11675, "tryUseAssassin" },
{ 11676, "tryUseDeadSilence" },
{ 11677, "doPerkFunctions" },
{ 11678, "watchDeath" },
{ 11679, "_unsetExtraPerks" },
{ 11680, "checkForPerkUpgrade" },
{ 11681, "getPerkUpgrade" },
{ 11682, "isPerkStreakOn" },
{ 11683, "streakName" },
{ 11684, "available" },
{ 11685, "setScrambler" },
{ 11686, "_giveWeapon" },
{ 11687, "unsetScrambler" },
{ 11688, "deleteScrambler" },
{ 11689, "inPlayerScrambler" },
{ 11690, "deployedScrambler" },
{ 11691, "scramblers" },
{ 11692, "cleanArray" },
{ 11693, "monitorScramblerUse" },
{ 11694, "scramblerSetup" },
{ 11695, "scramblerWatchOwner" },
{ 11696, "scramblerBeepSounds" },
{ 11697, "scramblerDamageListener" },
{ 11698, "deathEffect" },
{ 11699, "scramblerUseListener" },
{ 11700, "scramblerProximityTracker" },
{ 11701, "scramProxyActive" },
{ 11702, "scramProxyPerk" },
{ 11703, "setPortableRadar" },
{ 11704, "unsetPortableRadar" },
{ 11705, "deletePortableRadar" },
{ 11706, "inPlayerPortableRadar" },
{ 11707, "deployedPortableRadar" },
{ 11708, "monitorPortableRadarUse" },
{ 11709, "portableRadarSetup" },
{ 11710, "portableRadarWatchOwner" },
{ 11711, "portableRadarBeepSounds" },
{ 11712, "portableRadarDamageListener" },
{ 11713, "portableRadarUseListener" },
{ 11714, "portableRadarProximityTracker" },
{ 11715, "perkFuncs" },
{ 11716, "precacheModel" },
{ 11717, "spawnGlow" },
{ 11718, "spawnFire" },
{ 11719, "scriptPerks" },
{ 11720, "perkSetFuncs" },
{ 11721, "perkUnsetFuncs" },
{ 11722, "fauxPerks" },
{ 11723, "setBlastShield" },
{ 11724, "unsetBlastShield" },
{ 11725, "setSiege" },
{ 11726, "unsetSiege" },
{ 11727, "setFreefall" },
{ 11728, "unsetFreefall" },
{ 11729, "setLocalJammer" },
{ 11730, "unsetLocalJammer" },
{ 11731, "setThermal" },
{ 11732, "unsetThermal" },
{ 11733, "setBlackBox" },
{ 11734, "unsetBlackBox" },
{ 11735, "setLightWeight" },
{ 11736, "unsetLightWeight" },
{ 11737, "setSteelNerves" },
{ 11738, "unsetSteelNerves" },
{ 11739, "setDelayMine" },
{ 11740, "unsetDelayMine" },
{ 11741, "setChallenger" },
{ 11742, "unsetChallenger" },
{ 11743, "setSaboteur" },
{ 11744, "unsetSaboteur" },
{ 11745, "setEndGame" },
{ 11746, "unsetEndGame" },
{ 11747, "setRearView" },
{ 11748, "unsetRearView" },
{ 11749, "setAC130" },
{ 11750, "unsetAC130" },
{ 11751, "setSentryMinigun" },
{ 11752, "unsetSentryMinigun" },
{ 11753, "setPredatorMissile" },
{ 11754, "unsetPredatorMissile" },
{ 11755, "setTank" },
{ 11756, "unsetTank" },
{ 11757, "setPrecision_airstrike" },
{ 11758, "unsetPrecision_airstrike" },
{ 11759, "setHelicopterMinigun" },
{ 11760, "unsetHelicopterMinigun" },
{ 11761, "setOneManArmy" },
{ 11762, "unsetOneManArmy" },
{ 11763, "setLittlebirdSupport" },
{ 11764, "unsetLittlebirdSupport" },
{ 11765, "setTacticalInsertion" },
{ 11766, "unsetTacticalInsertion" },
{ 11767, "setSteadyAimPro" },
{ 11768, "unsetSteadyAimPro" },
{ 11769, "setStunResistance" },
{ 11770, "unsetStunResistance" },
{ 11771, "setMarksman" },
{ 11772, "unsetMarksman" },
{ 11773, "setDoubleLoad" },
{ 11774, "unsetDoubleLoad" },
{ 11775, "setSharpFocus" },
{ 11776, "unsetSharpFocus" },
{ 11777, "setHardShell" },
{ 11778, "unsetHardShell" },
{ 11779, "setRegenSpeed" },
{ 11780, "unsetRegenSpeed" },
{ 11781, "setAutoSpot" },
{ 11782, "unsetAutoSpot" },
{ 11783, "setEmpImmune" },
{ 11784, "unsetEmpImmune" },
{ 11785, "setOverkillPro" },
{ 11786, "unsetOverkillPro" },
{ 11787, "setCombatHigh" },
{ 11788, "unsetCombatHigh" },
{ 11789, "setLightArmor" },
{ 11790, "unsetLightArmor" },
{ 11791, "setRevenge" },
{ 11792, "unsetRevenge" },
{ 11793, "setC4Death" },
{ 11794, "unsetC4Death" },
{ 11795, "setFinalStand" },
{ 11796, "unsetFinalStand" },
{ 11797, "setJuiced" },
{ 11798, "unsetJuiced" },
{ 11799, "setCarePackage" },
{ 11800, "unsetCarePackage" },
{ 11801, "setStoppingPower" },
{ 11802, "unsetStoppingPower" },
{ 11803, "setUAV" },
{ 11804, "unsetUAV" },
{ 11805, "precacheShaders" },
{ 11806, "validatePerk" },
{ 11807, "perks" },
{ 11808, "omaClassChanged" },
{ 11809, "playerProximityTracker" },
{ 11810, "proximityActive" },
{ 11811, "drawLine" },
{ 11812, "cac_modified_damage" },
{ 11813, "xpScaler" },
{ 11814, "isBulletDamage" },
{ 11816, "setPainted" },
{ 11817, "bulletDamageMod" },
{ 11818, "armorVestMod" },
{ 11819, "explosiveDamageMod" },
{ 11820, "blastShieldMod" },
{ 11821, "dangerCloseMod" },
{ 11822, "hasLightArmor" },
{ 11823, "damageBlockedTotal" },
{ 11824, "initPerkDvars" },
{ 11825, "armorVestDefMod" },
{ 11826, "armorPiercingMod" },
{ 11827, "riotShieldMod" },
{ 11828, "cac_selector" },
{ 11829, "specialty" },
{ 11830, "gambitUseTracker" },
{ 11831, "giveBlindEyeAfterSpawn" },
{ 11832, "avoidKillstreakOnSpawnTimer" },
{ 11833, "objPointNames" },
{ 11834, "objPoints" },
{ 11835, "objPointSize" },
{ 11836, "objpoint_alpha_default" },
{ 11837, "objPointScale" },
{ 11838, "createTeamObjpoint" },
{ 11839, "isFlashing" },
{ 11840, "isShown" },
{ 11841, "baseAlpha" },
{ 11842, "deleteObjPoint" },
{ 11843, "setOriginByName" },
{ 11844, "getObjPointByName" },
{ 11845, "getObjPointByIndex" },
{ 11846, "startFlashing" },
{ 11847, "stopFlashing" },
{ 11848, "script_gameobjectname" },
{ 11849, "numGametypeReservedObjectives" },
{ 11850, "objIDStart" },
{ 11851, "carryObject" },
{ 11852, "claimTrigger" },
{ 11853, "canPickupObject" },
{ 11854, "killedInUse" },
{ 11855, "onPlayerDisconnect" },
{ 11856, "createCarryObject" },
{ 11857, "curOrigin" },
{ 11858, "ownerTeam" },
{ 11859, "triggerType" },
{ 11860, "baseOrigin" },
{ 11861, "useWeapon" },
{ 11862, "offset3d" },
{ 11863, "baseAngles" },
{ 11864, "visuals" },
{ 11865, "compassIcons" },
{ 11866, "objIDAllies" },
{ 11867, "objIDAxis" },
{ 11868, "objIDPingFriendly" },
{ 11869, "objIDPingEnemy" },
{ 11870, "carrier" },
{ 11871, "isResetting" },
{ 11872, "interactTeam" },
{ 11873, "allowWeapons" },
{ 11874, "worldIcons" },
{ 11875, "carrierVisible" },
{ 11876, "visibleTeam" },
{ 11877, "carryIcon" },
{ 11878, "onDrop" },
{ 11879, "onPickup" },
{ 11880, "onReset" },
{ 11881, "curProgress" },
{ 11882, "useTime" },
{ 11883, "useRate" },
{ 11884, "teamUseTimes" },
{ 11885, "teamUseTexts" },
{ 11886, "numTouching" },
{ 11887, "claimTeam" },
{ 11888, "claimPlayer" },
{ 11889, "lastClaimTeam" },
{ 11890, "lastClaimTime" },
{ 11891, "carryObjectUseThink" },
{ 11892, "carryObjectProxThink" },
{ 11893, "carryObjectProxThinkInstant" },
{ 11894, "carryObjectProxThinkDelayed" },
{ 11895, "onEndUse" },
{ 11896, "onUseUpdate" },
{ 11897, "pickupObjectDelay" },
{ 11898, "setPickedUp" },
{ 11899, "onPickupFailed" },
{ 11900, "updateCarryObjectOrigin" },
{ 11901, "wait_endon" },
{ 11902, "giveObject" },
{ 11903, "returnHome" },
{ 11904, "isHome" },
{ 11905, "setPosition" },
{ 11906, "onPlayerLastStand" },
{ 11907, "setDropped" },
{ 11908, "body" },
{ 11909, "safeOrigin" },
{ 11910, "setCarrier" },
{ 11911, "clearCarrier" },
{ 11912, "pickupTimeout" },
{ 11913, "autoResetTime" },
{ 11914, "takeObject" },
{ 11915, "trackCarrier" },
{ 11916, "manualDropThink" },
{ 11917, "deleteUseObject" },
{ 11918, "_objective_delete" },
{ 11919, "createUseObject" },
{ 11920, "keyObject" },
{ 11921, "onUse" },
{ 11922, "onCantUse" },
{ 11923, "useText" },
{ 11924, "setKeyObject" },
{ 11925, "useObjectUseThink" },
{ 11926, "onBeginUse" },
{ 11927, "cantUseHintThink" },
{ 11928, "getEarliestClaimPlayer" },
{ 11929, "startTime" },
{ 11930, "useObjectProxThink" },
{ 11931, "proxTriggerThink" },
{ 11932, "carryFlag" },
{ 11933, "proxTriggerLOS" },
{ 11934, "requiresLOS" },
{ 11935, "setClaimTeam" },
{ 11936, "getClaimTeam" },
{ 11937, "noUseBar" },
{ 11938, "updateProxBar" },
{ 11939, "proxBar" },
{ 11940, "proxBarText" },
{ 11941, "lastUseRate" },
{ 11942, "lastHostMigrationState" },
{ 11943, "updateUseRate" },
{ 11944, "objectiveScaler" },
{ 11945, "isArena" },
{ 11946, "attachUseModel" },
{ 11947, "attachedUseModel" },
{ 11948, "useHoldThink" },
{ 11949, "lastNonUseWeapon" },
{ 11950, "detachUseModels" },
{ 11951, "takeUseWeapon" },
{ 11952, "useHoldThinkLoop" },
{ 11953, "personalUseBar" },
{ 11954, "updateTrigger" },
{ 11955, "updateWorldIcons" },
{ 11956, "updateWorldIcon" },
{ 11957, "updateTimer" },
{ 11958, "updateCompassIcons" },
{ 11959, "updateCompassIcon" },
{ 11960, "shouldPingObject" },
{ 11961, "getUpdateTeams" },
{ 11962, "shouldShowCompassDueToRadar" },
{ 11963, "updateVisibilityAccordingToRadar" },
{ 11964, "setOwnerTeam" },
{ 11965, "getOwnerTeam" },
{ 11966, "setUseTime" },
{ 11967, "setUseText" },
{ 11968, "setTeamUseTime" },
{ 11969, "setTeamUseText" },
{ 11970, "setUseHintText" },
{ 11971, "allowCarry" },
{ 11972, "allowUse" },
{ 11973, "setVisibleTeam" },
{ 11974, "setModelVisibility" },
{ 11975, "_suicide" },
{ 11976, "makeSolid" },
{ 11977, "setCarrierVisible" },
{ 11978, "setCanUse" },
{ 11979, "useTeam" },
{ 11980, "set2DIcon" },
{ 11981, "set3DIcon" },
{ 11982, "set3DUseIcon" },
{ 11983, "worldUseIcons" },
{ 11984, "setCarryIcon" },
{ 11985, "disableObject" },
{ 11986, "enableObject" },
{ 11987, "getRelativeTeam" },
{ 11988, "isFriendlyTeam" },
{ 11989, "canInteractWith" },
{ 11990, "isTeam" },
{ 11991, "isRelativeTeam" },
{ 11992, "getEnemyTeam" },
{ 11993, "getNextObjID" },
{ 11994, "reclaimedReservedObjectives" },
{ 11995, "getLabel" },
{ 11996, "script_label" },
{ 11997, "autoSpotDeathWatcher" },
{ 11998, "autoSpotAdsWatcher" },
{ 11999, "recoilScale" },
{ 12000, "blastshieldUseTracker" },
{ 12001, "perkUseDeathTracker" },
{ 12002, "_usePerkEnabled" },
{ 12003, "endGame" },
{ 12004, "attackerTable" },
{ 12005, "endGameTimer" },
{ 12006, "endGameIcon" },
{ 12007, "revertVisionSet" },
{ 12008, "nukeDetonated" },
{ 12009, "nukeVisionSet" },
{ 12010, "endGameDeath" },
{ 12011, "trackSiegeEnable" },
{ 12012, "trackSiegeDissable" },
{ 12013, "stanceStateListener" },
{ 12014, "jumpStateListener" },
{ 12015, "killStreakScaler" },
{ 12016, "setBackShield" },
{ 12017, "unsetBackShield" },
{ 12018, "killstreakThink" },
{ 12019, "giveKillstreak" },
{ 12020, "killstreakSplashNotify" },
{ 12021, "oneManArmyWeaponChangeTracker" },
{ 12022, "isOneManArmyMenu" },
{ 12023, "selectOneManArmyClass" },
{ 12024, "closeOMAMenuOnDeath" },
{ 12025, "giveOneManArmyClass" },
{ 12026, "giveLoadout" },
{ 12027, "omaUseBar" },
{ 12028, "clearPreviousTISpawnpoint" },
{ 12029, "setSpawnpoint" },
{ 12030, "updateTISpawnPosition" },
{ 12031, "TISpawnPosition" },
{ 12032, "isValidTISpawnPosition" },
{ 12033, "monitorTIUse" },
{ 12034, "touchingBadTrigger" },
{ 12035, "enemyTrigger" },
{ 12036, "playerSpawnPos" },
{ 12037, "GlowStickSetupAndWaitForDeath" },
{ 12038, "GlowStickTeamUpdater" },
{ 12039, "GlowStickDamageListener" },
{ 12040, "leaderDialogOnPlayer" },
{ 12041, "GlowStickUseListener" },
{ 12042, "updateEnemyUse" },
{ 12043, "deleteTI" },
{ 12044, "dummyGlowStickDelete" },
{ 12045, "GlowStickEnemyUseListener" },
{ 12046, "makeEnemyUsable" },
{ 12047, "getOtherTeam" },
{ 12048, "watchPaintedDeath" },
{ 12049, "unsetPainted" },
{ 12050, "watchStoppingPowerKill" },
{ 12052, "juicedTimer" },
{ 12053, "juicedIcon" },
{ 12054, "unsetJuicedOnRide" },
{ 12055, "unsetJuicedOnDeath" },
{ 12056, "combatHighOverlay" },
{ 12057, "combatHighTimer" },
{ 12058, "combatHighIcon" },
{ 12059, "unsetCombatHighOnDeath" },
{ 12060, "unsetCombatHighOnRide" },
{ 12061, "giveLightArmor" },
{ 12062, "previousMaxHealth" },
{ 12063, "removeLightArmorOnDeath" },
{ 12064, "removeLightArmor" },
{ 12065, "lastKilledBy" },
{ 12066, "showTo" },
{ 12067, "constantSize" },
{ 12068, "pinToScreenEdge" },
{ 12069, "fadeOutPinnedIcon" },
{ 12070, "is3D" },
{ 12071, "revengeParams" },
{ 12072, "watchRevengeDeath" },
{ 12073, "watchRevengeKill" },
{ 12074, "watchRevengeDisconnected" },
{ 12075, "watchStopRevenge" },
{ 12076, "watchRevengeVictimDisconnected" },
{ 12077, "objIdFriendly" },
{ 12078, "spectateOverride" },
{ 12079, "onSpectatingClient" },
{ 12080, "updateSpectateSettings" },
{ 12081, "setSpectatePermissions" },
{ 12082, "gameEndTime" },
{ 12083, "allowFreeSpectate" },
{ 12084, "allowEnemySpectate" },
{ 12085, "registerAdrenalineInfo" },
{ 12086, "numKills" },
{ 12087, "killedPlayers" },
{ 12088, "killedPlayersCurrent" },
{ 12089, "killedBy" },
{ 12090, "greatestUniquePlayerKills" },
{ 12091, "recentKillCount" },
{ 12092, "lastKillTime" },
{ 12093, "damagedPlayers" },
{ 12094, "damagedPlayer" },
{ 12095, "killedPlayer" },
{ 12096, "lastKilledPlayer" },
{ 12097, "modifiers" },
{ 12098, "attackers" },
{ 12099, "attackerData" },
{ 12100, "firstTimeDamaged" },
{ 12101, "xpEventPopup" },
{ 12102, "assistedSuicide" },
{ 12103, "attackerPosition" },
{ 12104, "killstreaks" },
{ 12105, "setPlayerStat" },
{ 12106, "isLongShot" },
{ 12107, "checkMatchDataKills" },
{ 12108, "iDFlags" },
{ 12109, "inFinalStand" },
{ 12110, "loadoutPrimary" },
{ 12111, "loadoutSecondary" },
{ 12112, "matchMakingGame" },
{ 12113, "setPlayerStatIfLower" },
{ 12114, "setPlayerStatIfGreater" },
{ 12115, "checkMatchDataWeaponKills" },
{ 12116, "checkMatchDataEquipmentKills" },
{ 12117, "camperCheck" },
{ 12118, "lastKillWasCamping" },
{ 12119, "lastKillLocation" },
{ 12120, "lastCampKillTime" },
{ 12121, "consolation" },
{ 12122, "proximityAssist" },
{ 12123, "giveRankXP" },
{ 12124, "proximityKill" },
{ 12125, "longshot" },
{ 12126, "execution" },
{ 12127, "headShot" },
{ 12128, "avengedPlayer" },
{ 12129, "defendedPlayer" },
{ 12130, "postDeathKill" },
{ 12131, "backStab" },
{ 12132, "revenge" },
{ 12133, "multiKill" },
{ 12134, "teamPlayerCardSplash" },
{ 12135, "firstBlood" },
{ 12136, "winningShot" },
{ 12137, "buzzKill" },
{ 12138, "comeBack" },
{ 12139, "disconnected" },
{ 12140, "monitorHealed" },
{ 12141, "updateRecentKills" },
{ 12142, "monitorCrateJacking" },
{ 12143, "monitorObjectives" },
{ 12144, "quickcommands" },
{ 12145, "spamdelay" },
{ 12146, "quickstatements" },
{ 12147, "quickresponses" },
{ 12148, "doQuickMessage" },
{ 12149, "QuickMessageToAll" },
{ 12150, "saveHeadIcon" },
{ 12151, "oldheadicon" },
{ 12152, "oldheadiconteam" },
{ 12153, "restoreHeadIcon" },
{ 12154, "isOptionsMenu" },
{ 12155, "onMenuResponse" },
{ 12156, "forceEnd" },
{ 12157, "autoassign" },
{ 12158, "spectator" },
{ 12159, "selectedClass" },
{ 12160, "class" },
{ 12161, "getTeamAssignment" },
{ 12162, "menuAutoAssign" },
{ 12163, "closeMenus" },
{ 12164, "switching_teams" },
{ 12165, "joining_team" },
{ 12166, "leaving_team" },
{ 12167, "beginClassChoice" },
{ 12168, "allowClassChoice" },
{ 12169, "predictAboutToSpawnPlayerOverTime" },
{ 12170, "bypassClassChoice" },
{ 12171, "beginTeamChoice" },
{ 12172, "showMainMenuForTeam" },
{ 12173, "menuAllies" },
{ 12174, "hasSpawned" },
{ 12175, "menuAxis" },
{ 12176, "menuSpectator" },
{ 12177, "spawnSpectator" },
{ 12178, "menuClass" },
{ 12179, "getClassChoice" },
{ 12180, "getWeaponChoice" },
{ 12181, "lastClass" },
{ 12182, "setClass" },
{ 12183, "tag_stowed_back" },
{ 12184, "tag_stowed_hip" },
{ 12185, "isInKillcam" },
{ 12186, "spawnClient" },
{ 12187, "addToTeam" },
{ 12188, "removeFromTeamCount" },
{ 12189, "allowTeamChoice" },
{ 12190, "addToTeamCount" },
{ 12191, "updateObjectiveText" },
{ 12192, "updateMainMenu" },
{ 12193, "TimeUntilWaveSpawn" },
{ 12194, "lastWave" },
{ 12195, "waveDelay" },
{ 12196, "respawnTimerStartTime" },
{ 12197, "waveSpawnIndex" },
{ 12198, "TeamKillDelay" },
{ 12199, "maxAllowedTeamKills" },
{ 12200, "TimeUntilSpawn" },
{ 12201, "onRespawnDelay" },
{ 12202, "tiSpawnDelay" },
{ 12203, "maySpawn" },
{ 12204, "getGametypeNumLives" },
{ 12205, "disableSpawning" },
{ 12206, "gameHasStarted" },
{ 12207, "setLowerMessage" },
{ 12208, "isLastRound" },
{ 12209, "waitingToSpawn" },
{ 12210, "waitAndSpawnClient" },
{ 12211, "clearLowerMessage" },
{ 12212, "wavePlayerSpawnIndex" },
{ 12213, "waitForTimeOrNotify" },
{ 12214, "wantSafeSpawn" },
{ 12215, "waitRespawnButton" },
{ 12216, "removeSpawnMessageShortly" },
{ 12217, "lastStandRespawnPlayer" },
{ 12218, "dieHardMode" },
{ 12219, "revived" },
{ 12220, "standardmaxHealth" },
{ 12221, "freezePlayerForRoundEnd" },
{ 12222, "getDeathSpawnPoint" },
{ 12223, "showSpawnNotifies" },
{ 12224, "defconSplashNotify" },
{ 12225, "isRested" },
{ 12226, "predictedSpawnPoint" },
{ 12227, "predictedSpawnPointTime" },
{ 12228, "predictAboutToSpawnPlayer" },
{ 12229, "getSpawnpoint_Random" },
{ 12230, "getSpawnPoint" },
{ 12231, "checkPredictedSpawnpointCorrectness" },
{ 12232, "percentage" },
{ 12233, "printPredictedSpawnpointCorrectness" },
{ 12234, "getSpawnOrigin" },
{ 12235, "alternates" },
{ 12236, "tiValidationCheck" },
{ 12237, "spawnPlayer" },
{ 12238, "fauxDead" },
{ 12239, "killsThisLife" },
{ 12240, "ClearKillcamState" },
{ 12241, "cancelKillcam" },
{ 12242, "friendlydamage" },
{ 12243, "afk" },
{ 12244, "inC4Death" },
{ 12245, "inLastStand" },
{ 12246, "clampedHealth" },
{ 12247, "shieldDamage" },
{ 12248, "shieldBulletHits" },
{ 12249, "recentShieldXP" },
{ 12250, "wasAliveAtMatchStart" },
{ 12251, "getTimeLimit" },
{ 12252, "getTimePassed" },
{ 12253, "finalizeSpawnpointChoice" },
{ 12254, "lastspawntime" },
{ 12255, "onSpawnPlayer" },
{ 12256, "playerSpawned" },
{ 12257, "setThirdPersonDOF" },
{ 12258, "gameFlag" },
{ 12259, "getObjectiveHintText" },
{ 12260, "oldNotifyMessage" },
{ 12261, "hidePerksAfterTime" },
{ 12262, "hidePerksOnDeath" },
{ 12263, "hidePerksOnKill" },
{ 12264, "respawn_asSpectator" },
{ 12265, "in_spawnSpectator" },
{ 12266, "getPlayerFromClientNum" },
{ 12267, "onSpawnSpectator" },
{ 12268, "spawnIntermission" },
{ 12269, "clearLowerMessages" },
{ 12270, "postGamePromotion" },
{ 12271, "postGameNotifies" },
{ 12272, "spawnEndOfGame" },
{ 12273, "setSpawnVariables" },
{ 12274, "notifyConnecting" },
{ 12275, "Callback_PlayerDisconnect" },
{ 12276, "connected" },
{ 12277, "removePlayerOnDisconnect" },
{ 12278, "initClientDvars" },
{ 12279, "hitlocInited" },
{ 12280, "getLowestAvailableClientId" },
{ 12281, "Callback_PlayerConnect" },
{ 12282, "usingOnlineDataOffline" },
{ 12283, "resetAdrenaline" },
{ 12284, "leaderDialogQueue" },
{ 12285, "leaderDialogActive" },
{ 12286, "leaderDialogGroups" },
{ 12287, "leaderDialogGroup" },
{ 12288, "statGet" },
{ 12289, "kill_streak" },
{ 12290, "lastGrenadeSuicideTime" },
{ 12291, "teamkillsThisRound" },
{ 12292, "saved_actionSlotData" },
{ 12293, "updateLossStats" },
{ 12294, "OnPlayerConnectAudioInit" },
{ 12295, "isValidClass" },
{ 12296, "Callback_PlayerMigrated" },
{ 12297, "AddLevelsToExperience" },
{ 12298, "GetRestXPCap" },
{ 12299, "setRestXPGoal" },
{ 12300, "forceSpawn" },
{ 12301, "kickIfDontSpawn" },
{ 12302, "kickWait" },
{ 12303, "updateSessionState" },
{ 12304, "initPlayerStats" },
{ 12305, "initBufferedStats" },
{ 12306, "initPersStat" },
{ 12307, "suicides" },
{ 12308, "headshots" },
{ 12309, "captures" },
{ 12310, "returns" },
{ 12311, "defends" },
{ 12312, "plants" },
{ 12313, "defuses" },
{ 12314, "destructions" },
{ 12315, "confirmed" },
{ 12316, "denied" },
{ 12317, "statSetChildBuffered" },
{ 12318, "teamCount" },
{ 12319, "addToAliveCount" },
{ 12320, "aliveCount" },
{ 12321, "maxPlayerCount" },
{ 12322, "removeFromAliveCount" },
{ 12323, "addToLivesCount" },
{ 12324, "livesCount" },
{ 12325, "removeFromLivesCount" },
{ 12326, "removeAllFromLivesCount" },
{ 12327, "callbackStartGameType" },
{ 12328, "callbackPlayerConnect" },
{ 12329, "callbackPlayerDisconnect" },
{ 12330, "callbackPlayerKilled" },
{ 12331, "callbackCodeEndGame" },
{ 12332, "callbackPlayerLastStand" },
{ 12333, "callbackPlayerMigrated" },
{ 12334, "ufo_mode" },
{ 12335, "initGameFlags" },
{ 12336, "initLevelFlags" },
{ 12337, "requiredMapAspectRatio" },
{ 12338, "leaderDialogOnPlayer_func" },
{ 12339, "init_audio" },
{ 12340, "setMapCenterForReflections" },
{ 12341, "lanterns" },
{ 12342, "hurtPlayersThink" },
{ 12343, "setupDestructibleKillCamEnts" },
{ 12344, "deleteDestructibleKillCamEnt" },
{ 12345, "sendMatchData" },
{ 12346, "allowvote" },
{ 12347, "updateServerSettings" },
{ 12348, "constrainGameType" },
{ 12349, "script_gametype_dm" },
{ 12350, "script_gametype_tdm" },
{ 12351, "script_gametype_ctf" },
{ 12352, "script_gametype_hq" },
{ 12353, "script_gametype_sd" },
{ 12354, "script_gametype_koth" },
{ 12355, "killcam" },
{ 12356, "showingFinalKillcam" },
{ 12357, "killcamlength" },
{ 12358, "kc_timer" },
{ 12359, "kc_skiptext" },
{ 12360, "kc_othertext" },
{ 12361, "kc_icon" },
{ 12362, "doFinalKillCamFX" },
{ 12363, "doingFinalKillcamFx" },
{ 12364, "calculateKillCamTime" },
{ 12365, "waittillKillcamOver" },
{ 12366, "setKillCamEntity" },
{ 12367, "waitSkipKillcamButton" },
{ 12368, "waitKCCopyCatButton" },
{ 12369, "waitDeathCopyCatButton" },
{ 12370, "waitCopyCatButton" },
{ 12371, "waitSkipKillcamSafeSpawnButton" },
{ 12372, "endKillcamIfNothingToShow" },
{ 12373, "spawnedKillcamCleanup" },
{ 12374, "endedKillcamCleanup" },
{ 12375, "killcamCleanup" },
{ 12376, "cancelKillCamOnUse" },
{ 12377, "cancelKillCamUseButton" },
{ 12378, "cancelKillCamSafeSpawnButton" },
{ 12379, "cancelKillCamCallback" },
{ 12380, "cancelKillCamSafeSpawnCallback" },
{ 12381, "cancelKillCamOnUse_specificButton" },
{ 12382, "initKCElements" },
{ 12383, "selfDeathIcons" },
{ 12384, "updateDeathIconsEnabled" },
{ 12385, "addDeathIcon" },
{ 12386, "lastDeathIcon" },
{ 12387, "destroySlowly" },
{ 12388, "connectTime" },
{ 12389, "targets" },
{ 12390, "onPlayerDisconnect" },
{ 12391, "onWeaponFired" },
{ 12392, "processKill" },
{ 12393, "heli_types" },
{ 12394, "heli_start_nodes" },
{ 12395, "heli_loop_nodes" },
{ 12396, "heli_leave_nodes" },
{ 12397, "heli_crash_nodes" },
{ 12398, "heli_missile_rof" },
{ 12399, "heli_maxhealth" },
{ 12400, "heli_debug" },
{ 12401, "heli_targeting_delay" },
{ 12402, "heli_turretReloadTime" },
{ 12403, "heli_turretClipSize" },
{ 12404, "heli_visual_range" },
{ 12405, "heli_target_spawnprotection" },
{ 12406, "heli_target_recognition" },
{ 12407, "heli_missile_friendlycare" },
{ 12408, "heli_missile_target_cone" },
{ 12409, "heli_armor_bulletdamage" },
{ 12410, "heli_attract_strength " },
{ 12411, "heli_attract_range" },
{ 12412, "heli_angle_offset" },
{ 12413, "heli_forced_wait" },
{ 12414, "chopper_fx" },
{ 12415, "fx_heli_dust" },
{ 12416, "fx_heli_water" },
{ 12417, "heliDialog" },
{ 12418, "lastHeliDialogTime" },
{ 12419, "queueCreate" },
{ 12420, "makeHeliType" },
{ 12421, "lightFxFunc" },
{ 12422, "addAirExplosion" },
{ 12423, "pavelowLightFx" },
{ 12424, "defaultLightFX" },
{ 12425, "useHelicopter" },
{ 12426, "useHelicopterBlackbox" },
{ 12427, "useHelicopterFlares" },
{ 12428, "useHelicopterMinigun" },
{ 12429, "useHelicopterMK19" },
{ 12430, "tryUseHelicopter" },
{ 12431, "isAirDenied" },
{ 12432, "updateKillstreaks" },
{ 12433, "lifeId" },
{ 12434, "heliType" },
{ 12435, "queueAdd" },
{ 12438, "setUsingRemote" },
{ 12436, "currentActiveVehicleCount" },
{ 12437, "maxVehiclesAllowed" },
{ 12439, "initRideKillstreak" },
{ 12440, "clearUsingRemote" },
{ 12441, "deleteOnEntNotify" },
{ 12442, "startHelicopter" },
{ 12443, "precacheHelicopter" },
{ 12444, "heli_sound" },
{ 12445, "spawn_helicopter" },
{ 12446, "heli_type" },
{ 12447, "zOffset" },
{ 12448, "heliRide" },
{ 12449, "heliRideLifeId" },
{ 12450, "thermalVision" },
{ 12451, "enhanced_vision" },
{ 12452, "thermal_vision" },
{ 12453, "weaponLockThink" },
{ 12454, "heliTargetOrigin" },
{ 12455, "remoteHeliLOS" },
{ 12456, "endRide" },
{ 12457, "getKillstreakWeapon" },
{ 12458, "endRideOnHelicopterDone" },
{ 12459, "getPosNearEnemies" },
{ 12460, "remoteHeliDist" },
{ 12461, "updateAreaNodes" },
{ 12462, "validPlayers" },
{ 12463, "nodeScore" },
{ 12464, "heli_think" },
{ 12465, "targeting_delay" },
{ 12466, "primaryTarget" },
{ 12467, "secondaryTarget" },
{ 12468, "currentstate" },
{ 12469, "makeGunShip" },
{ 12470, "mgTurretLeft" },
{ 12471, "mgTurretRight" },
{ 12472, "deleteTurretsWhenDone" },
{ 12473, "sentry_attackTargets" },
{ 12474, "sentry_burstFireStart" },
{ 12475, "sentry_burstFireStop" },
{ 12476, "heli_existance" },
{ 12477, "queueRemoveFirst" },
{ 12478, "usedKillstreak" },
{ 12479, "heli_targeting" },
{ 12480, "canTarget_turret" },
{ 12481, "getBestPrimaryTarget" },
{ 12482, "threatlevel" },
{ 12483, "update_player_threat" },
{ 12484, "antithreat" },
{ 12485, "heli_reset" },
{ 12486, "addRecentDamage" },
{ 12487, "recentDamageAmount" },
{ 12488, "largeProjectileDamage" },
{ 12489, "vehicleKilled" },
{ 12490, "heli_health" },
{ 12491, "laststate" },
{ 12492, "heli_crash" },
{ 12493, "heli_secondary_explosions" },
{ 12494, "heli_spin" },
{ 12495, "spinSoundShortly" },
{ 12496, "heli_explode" },
{ 12497, "check_owner" },
{ 12498, "heli_leave_on_disconnect" },
{ 12499, "heli_leave_on_changeTeams" },
{ 12500, "heli_leave_on_spawned" },
{ 12501, "heli_leave_on_gameended" },
{ 12502, "heli_leave_on_timeout" },
{ 12503, "attack_targets" },
{ 12504, "attack_secondary" },
{ 12505, "missileTarget" },
{ 12506, "missile_target_sight_check" },
{ 12507, "missile_support" },
{ 12508, "attack_primary" },
{ 12509, "waitOnTargetOrDeath" },
{ 12510, "fireMissile" },
{ 12511, "getOriginOffsets" },
{ 12512, "travelToNode" },
{ 12513, "heli_fly_simple_path" },
{ 12514, "heli_fly_loop_path" },
{ 12515, "desired_speed" },
{ 12516, "desired_accel" },
{ 12517, "heli_loop_speed_control" },
{ 12518, "heli_is_threatened" },
{ 12519, "heli_fly_well" },
{ 12520, "get_best_area_attack_node" },
{ 12521, "heli_leave" },
{ 12522, "pathGoal" },
{ 12523, "wait_and_delete" },
{ 12524, "debug_print3d" },
{ 12525, "debug_print3d_simple" },
{ 12526, "draw_text" },
{ 12527, "addToHeliList" },
{ 12528, "helis" },
{ 12529, "removeFromHeliList" },
{ 12530, "addToLittleBirdList" },
{ 12531, "removeFromLittleBirdListOnDeath" },
{ 12532, "exceededMaxLittlebirds" },
{ 12533, "playFlareFx" },
{ 12534, "deployFlares" },
{ 12535, "heli_flares_monitor" },
{ 12536, "numFlares" },
{ 12537, "handleIncomingStinger" },
{ 12538, "watchStingerProximity" },
{ 12539, "handleIncomingSAM" },
{ 12540, "watchSAMProximity" },
{ 12541, "deleteAfterTime" },
{ 12542, "pavelowMadeSelectionVO" },
{ 12543, "RemoteUAV_fx" },
{ 12544, "RemoteUAV_dialog" },
{ 12545, "RemoteUAV_lastDialogTime" },
{ 12546, "RemoteUAV_noDeployZones" },
{ 12547, "remote_uav" },
{ 12548, "useRemoteUAV" },
{ 12549, "tryUseRemoteUAV" },
{ 12550, "nukeIncoming" },
{ 12551, "isCarrying" },
{ 12552, "giveCarryRemoteUAV" },
{ 12553, "createCarryRemoteUAV" },
{ 12554, "sentryType" },
{ 12555, "canBePlaced" },
{ 12556, "inHeliProximity" },
{ 12557, "rangeTrigger" },
{ 12558, "maxHeight" },
{ 12559, "maxDistance" },
{ 12560, "setCarryingRemoteUAV" },
{ 12561, "carriedBy" },
{ 12562, "carryRemoteUAV_setCarried" },
{ 12563, "isInRemoteNoDeploy" },
{ 12564, "updateCarryRemoteUAVPlacement" },
{ 12565, "carryRemoteUAV_handleExistence" },
{ 12566, "removeRemoteWeapon" },
{ 12567, "startRemoteUAV" },
{ 12568, "remoteUAV_clearRideIntro" },
{ 12569, "lockPlayerForRemoteUAVLaunch" },
{ 12570, "clearPlayerLockFromRemoteUAVLaunch" },
{ 12571, "createRemoteUAV" },
{ 12572, "destroyed" },
{ 12573, "specialDamageCallback" },
{ 12574, "scrambler" },
{ 12575, "smoking" },
{ 12576, "markedPlayers" },
{ 12577, "hasIncoming" },
{ 12578, "incomingMissiles" },
{ 12579, "remoteUAV_Ride" },
{ 12580, "playerLinked" },
{ 12581, "restoreAngles" },
{ 12582, "juggernautOverlay" },
{ 12583, "remote_uav_rideLifeId" },
{ 12584, "remoteUAV" },
{ 12585, "remoteUAV_delayLaunchDialog" },
{ 12586, "remoteUAV_endride" },
{ 12587, "remoteUAV_freezeBuffer" },
{ 12588, "remoteUAV_playerExit" },
{ 12589, "remoteUAV_Track" },
{ 12590, "lastTrackingDialogTime" },
{ 12591, "lockedTarget" },
{ 12592, "trace" },
{ 12593, "remoteUAV_trackEntities" },
{ 12594, "uavType" },
{ 12595, "UAVRemoteMarkedBy" },
{ 12596, "isLeaving" },
{ 12597, "remoteUAV_canTargetUAV" },
{ 12598, "remoteUAV_Fire" },
{ 12599, "remoteUAV_Rumble" },
{ 12600, "remoteUAV_markPlayer" },
{ 12601, "birth_time" },
{ 12602, "remoteUAVMarkedObjID01" },
{ 12603, "remoteUAVMarkedObjID02" },
{ 12604, "remoteUAVMarkedObjID03" },
{ 12605, "remoteUAV_processTaggedAssist" },
{ 12606, "remoteUAV_unmarkRemovedPlayer" },
{ 12607, "remoteUAV_clearMarkedForOwner" },
{ 12608, "remoteUAV_operationRumble" },
{ 12609, "remoteUAV_watch_distance" },
{ 12610, "centerRef" },
{ 12611, "rangeCountdownActive" },
{ 12612, "heliInProximity" },
{ 12613, "remoteUAV_in_range" },
{ 12614, "remoteUAV_staticFade" },
{ 12615, "remoteUAV_rangeCountdown" },
{ 12616, "remoteUAV_explode_on_disconnect" },
{ 12617, "remoteUAV_explode_on_changeTeams" },
{ 12618, "remoteUAV_clear_marked_on_gameEnded" },
{ 12619, "remoteUAV_leave_on_timeout" },
{ 12620, "remoteUAV_leave" },
{ 12621, "remoteUAV_explode_on_death" },
{ 12622, "remoteUAV_cleanup" },
{ 12623, "remoteUAV_light_fx" },
{ 12624, "remoteUAV_handleIncomingStinger" },
{ 12625, "remoteUAV_handleIncomingSAM" },
{ 12626, "remoteUAV_clearIncomingWarning" },
{ 12627, "missile_isIncoming" },
{ 12628, "remoteUAV_watchHeliProximity" },
{ 12629, "remoteUAV_handleDamage" },
{ 12630, "Callback_VehicleDamage" },
{ 12631, "speakers" },
{ 12632, "bcSounds" },
{ 12633, "grenadeProximityTracking" },
{ 12634, "suppressingFireTracking" },
{ 12635, "suppressWaiter" },
{ 12636, "claymoreTracking" },
{ 12637, "reloadTracking" },
{ 12638, "grenadeTracking" },
{ 12639, "sayLocalSoundDelayed" },
{ 12640, "sayLocalSound" },
{ 12641, "doSound" },
{ 12642, "timeHack" },
{ 12643, "isSpeakerInRange" },
{ 12644, "addSpeaker" },
{ 12645, "removeSpeaker" },
{ 12646, "isSwitchingTeams" },
{ 12647, "isTeamSwitchBalanced" },
{ 12648, "isFriendlyFire" },
{ 12649, "killedSelf" },
{ 12650, "isHeadShot" },
{ 12651, "isEnvironmentWeapon" },
{ 12652, "handleTeamChangeDeath" },
{ 12653, "handleWorldDeath" },
{ 12654, "onNormalDeath" },
{ 12655, "handleSuicideDeath" },
{ 12656, "handleFriendlyFireDeath" },
{ 12657, "gracePeriod" },
{ 12658, "handleNormalDeath" },
{ 12659, "updatePersRatio" },
{ 12660, "cloneLoadout" },
{ 12661, "streakType" },
{ 12662, "killShouldAddToKillstreak" },
{ 12663, "setPersStat" },
{ 12664, "statGetChild" },
{ 12665, "statSet" },
{ 12666, "lastAttackedShieldPlayer" },
{ 12667, "lastAttackedShieldTime" },
{ 12668, "isPlayerWeapon" },
{ 12669, "Callback_PlayerKilled" },
{ 12670, "QueueShieldForRemoval" },
{ 12671, "shieldTrashArray" },
{ 12672, "LaunchShield" },
{ 12673, "hasRiotShield" },
{ 12674, "hasRiotShieldEquipped" },
{ 12675, "PlayerKilled_internal" },
{ 12676, "useLastStandParams" },
{ 12677, "eInflictor" },
{ 12678, "iDamage" },
{ 12679, "sMeansOfDeath" },
{ 12680, "sWeapon" },
{ 12681, "sPrimaryWeapon" },
{ 12682, "vDir" },
{ 12683, "sHitLoc" },
{ 12684, "lasttimedamaged" },
{ 12685, "nuked" },
{ 12686, "playerKilled" },
{ 12687, "previousPrimary" },
{ 12688, "trackLeaderBoardDeathStats" },
{ 12689, "trackAttackerLeaderBoardDeathStats" },
{ 12690, "lastDeathPos" },
{ 12691, "sameShotDamage" },
{ 12692, "streakTypeResetsOnDeath" },
{ 12693, "onPlayerKilled" },
{ 12694, "timeUntilRoundEnd" },
{ 12695, "checkForceBleedout" },
{ 12696, "checkKillSteal" },
{ 12697, "attackerEnt" },
{ 12698, "initFinalKillCam" },
{ 12699, "finalKillCam_delay" },
{ 12700, "finalKillCam_victim" },
{ 12701, "finalKillCam_attacker" },
{ 12702, "finalKillCam_attackerNum" },
{ 12703, "finalKillCam_killCamEntityIndex" },
{ 12704, "finalKillCam_killCamEntityStartTime" },
{ 12705, "finalKillCam_sWeapon" },
{ 12706, "finalKillCam_deathTimeOffset" },
{ 12707, "finalKillCam_psOffsetTime" },
{ 12708, "finalKillCam_timeRecorded" },
{ 12709, "finalKillCam_timeGameEnded" },
{ 12710, "finalKillCam_winner" },
{ 12711, "recordFinalKillCam" },
{ 12712, "getSecondsPassed" },
{ 12713, "eraseFinalKillCam" },
{ 12714, "doFinalKillcam" },
{ 12715, "finalKill" },
{ 12716, "anyPlayersInKillcam" },
{ 12717, "resetPlayerVariables" },
{ 12718, "getKillcamEntity" },
{ 12719, "samTurret" },
{ 12720, "imsKillCamEnt" },
{ 12721, "attackerInRemoteKillstreak" },
{ 12722, "remote_mortar" },
{ 12723, "using_remote_turret" },
{ 12724, "using_remote_tank" },
{ 12725, "HitlocDebug" },
{ 12726, "damageInfo" },
{ 12727, "hitloc" },
{ 12728, "bp" },
{ 12729, "jugg" },
{ 12730, "colorIndex" },
{ 12731, "damageInfoColorIndex" },
{ 12732, "damageInfoVictim" },
{ 12733, "giveRecentShieldXP" },
{ 12734, "Callback_PlayerDamage_internal" },
{ 12735, "iDFLAGS_STUN" },
{ 12739, "modifyPlayerDamage" },
{ 12740, "iDFlagsTime" },
{ 12741, "canDoCombat" },
{ 12742, "iDFLAGS_NO_KNOCKBACK" },
{ 12743, "killstreakSpawnShield" },
{ 12745, "lastspawnpoint" },
{ 12746, "explosiveInfo" },
{ 12747, "setInflictorStat" },
{ 12748, "lastDamageWasFromEnemy" },
{ 12749, "lastLegitimateAttacker" },
{ 12750, "wasCooked" },
{ 12751, "playerDamaged" },
{ 12752, "useStartSpawn" },
{ 12753, "shouldWeaponFeedback" },
{ 12754, "checkVictimStutter" },
{ 12755, "findIsFacing" },
{ 12756, "stutterStep" },
{ 12757, "inStutter" },
{ 12758, "addAttacker" },
{ 12759, "isPrimary" },
{ 12760, "vPoint" },
{ 12761, "resetAttackerList" },
{ 12762, "Callback_PlayerDamage" },
{ 12763, "finishPlayerDamageWrapper" },
{ 12764, "Callback_PlayerLastStand" },
{ 12765, "dieAfterTime" },
{ 12766, "detonateOnUse" },
{ 12767, "detonateOnDeath" },
{ 12768, "c4DeathDetonate" },
{ 12769, "c4DeathEffect" },
{ 12770, "enableLastStandWeapons" },
{ 12771, "lastStandTimer" },
{ 12772, "maxHealthOverlay" },
{ 12773, "lastStandBleedOut" },
{ 12774, "beingRevived" },
{ 12775, "lastStandAllowSuicide" },
{ 12776, "lastStandKeepOverlay" },
{ 12777, "lastStandWaittillDeath" },
{ 12778, "mayDoLastStand" },
{ 12779, "ensureLastStandParamsValidity" },
{ 12780, "getHitLocHeight" },
{ 12781, "delayStartRagdoll" },
{ 12782, "noRagdollEnts" },
{ 12783, "getMostKilledBy" },
{ 12784, "getMostKilled" },
{ 12785, "damageShellshockAndRumble" },
{ 12786, "reviveSetup" },
{ 12787, "deleteOnReviveOrDeathOrDisconnect" },
{ 12788, "updateUsableByTeam" },
{ 12789, "trackTeamChanges" },
{ 12790, "trackLastStandChanges" },
{ 12791, "reviveTriggerThink" },
{ 12792, "Callback_KillingBlow" },
{ 12793, "combatHigh" },
{ 12794, "emitFallDamage" },
{ 12795, "isFlankKill" },
{ 12796, "_obituary" },
{ 12797, "logPrintPlayerDeath" },
{ 12798, "destroyOnReviveEntDeath" },
{ 12799, "gamemodeModifyPlayerDamage" },
{ 12800, "matchRules_damageMultiplier" },
{ 12801, "matchRules_vampirism" },
{ 12802, "healthRegenDisabled" },
{ 12803, "healthRegenLevel" },
{ 12804, "regenSpeed" },
{ 12805, "atBrinkOfDeath" },
{ 12806, "breathingManager" },
{ 12807, "breathingStopTime" },
{ 12808, "healthRegeneration" },
{ 12809, "healthRegenerated" },
{ 12810, "wait_for_not_using_remote" },
{ 12811, "playerPainBreathingSound" },
{ 12812, "playedStartingMusic" },
{ 12813, "onLastAlive" },
{ 12814, "onRoundSwitch" },
{ 12815, "onGameEnded" },
{ 12816, "playSoundOnPlayers" },
{ 12817, "roundWinnerDialog" },
{ 12818, "roundEndDelay" },
{ 12819, "gameWinnerDialog" },
{ 12820, "postRoundTime" },
{ 12821, "musicController" },
{ 12822, "leaderDialogOnPlayers" },
{ 12823, "suspenseMusic" },
{ 12824, "finalKillcamMusic" },
{ 12825, "giveHighlight" },
{ 12826, "clientMatchDataId" },
{ 12827, "awards" },
{ 12828, "defaultvalue" },
{ 12829, "initPlayerStat" },
{ 12830, "prevPos" },
{ 12831, "previousDeaths" },
{ 12832, "altitudePolls" },
{ 12833, "totalAltitudeSum" },
{ 12834, "usedWeapons" },
{ 12835, "initAwards" },
{ 12836, "initGametypeAwards" },
{ 12837, "initBaseAward" },
{ 12838, "winners" },
{ 12839, "exclusive" },
{ 12840, "initAwardProcess" },
{ 12841, "process" },
{ 12842, "var1" },
{ 12843, "var2" },
{ 12844, "initStat" },
{ 12845, "initStatAward" },
{ 12846, "initDerivedAward" },
{ 12847, "initAwardFlag" },
{ 12848, "initMultiAward" },
{ 12849, "award1_ref" },
{ 12850, "award2_ref" },
{ 12851, "initThresholdAward" },
{ 12852, "setMatchRecordIfGreater" },
{ 12853, "getPlayerStat" },
{ 12854, "getPlayerStatTime" },
{ 12855, "setMatchRecordIfLower" },
{ 12856, "getDecodedRatio" },
{ 12857, "setPersonalBestIfGreater" },
{ 12858, "setPersonalBestIfLower" },
{ 12859, "incPlayerRecord" },
{ 12860, "addAwardWinner" },
{ 12861, "getAwardWinners" },
{ 12862, "clearAwardWinners" },
{ 12863, "setAwardRecord" },
{ 12864, "getAwardRecord" },
{ 12865, "getAwardRecordTime" },
{ 12866, "assignAwards" },
{ 12867, "playerForClientId" },
{ 12868, "assignAward" },
{ 12869, "getAwardType" },
{ 12870, "isMultiAward" },
{ 12871, "isStatAward" },
{ 12872, "isThresholdAward" },
{ 12873, "isAwardFlag" },
{ 12874, "isAwardExclusive" },
{ 12875, "hasDisplayValue" },
{ 12876, "giveAward" },
{ 12877, "getFormattedValue" },
{ 12878, "limitDecimalPlaces" },
{ 12879, "highestWins" },
{ 12880, "lowestWins" },
{ 12881, "lowestWithHalfPlayedTime" },
{ 12882, "statValueChanged" },
{ 12883, "isAtleast" },
{ 12884, "isAtMost" },
{ 12885, "isAtMostWithHalfPlayedTime" },
{ 12886, "setRatio" },
{ 12887, "getKillstreakAwardRef" },
{ 12888, "monitorReloads" },
{ 12889, "monitorShotsFired" },
{ 12890, "monitorSwaps" },
{ 12891, "monitorMovementDistance" },
{ 12892, "monitorPositionCamping" },
{ 12893, "lastCampChecked" },
{ 12894, "positionArray" },
{ 12895, "encodeRatio" },
{ 12896, "getRatioHiVal" },
{ 12897, "getRatioLoVal" },
{ 12898, "monitorEnemyDistance" },
{ 12900, "monitorExplosionsSurvived" },
{ 12901, "monitorShieldBlocks" },
{ 12902, "monitorFlashHits" },
{ 12903, "monitorStunHits" },
{ 12904, "monitorStanceTime" },
{ 12905, "softLandingTriggers" },
{ 12906, "script_type" },
{ 12907, "softLanding" },
{ 12908, "playerEnterSoftLanding" },
{ 12909, "playerLeaveSoftLanding" },
{ 12910, "softLandingWaiter" },
{ 12911, "defconMode" },
{ 12912, "defconStreakAdd" },
{ 12913, "defconPointMod" },
{ 12914, "defconKillstreakWait" },
{ 12915, "defconKillstreakThread" },
{ 12916, "updateDefcon" },
{ 12917, "juggSettings" },
{ 12918, "splashUsedName" },
{ 12920, "overlay" },
{ 12921, "giveJuggernaut" },
{ 12922, "isJuggernautRecon" },
{ 12923, "personalRadar" },
{ 12924, "matchRules_showJuggRadarIcon" },
{ 12925, "objIdEnemy" },
{ 12926, "clearKillstreaks" },
{ 12927, "juggernautSounds" },
{ 12928, "radarMover" },
{ 12929, "juggRemover" },
{ 12930, "isJuggernautDef" },
{ 12931, "isJuggernautGL" },
{ 12932, "juggRemoveOnGameEnded" },
{ 12933, "sentrySettings" },
{ 12934, "burstMin" },
{ 12935, "burstMax" },
{ 12936, "pauseMin" },
{ 12937, "pauseMax" },
{ 12938, "sentryModeOn" },
{ 12939, "sentryModeOff" },
{ 12940, "spinupTime" },
{ 12941, "overheatTime" },
{ 12942, "cooldownTime" },
{ 12943, "fxTime" },
{ 12944, "modelBase" },
{ 12945, "modelPlacement" },
{ 12946, "modelPlacementFailed" },
{ 12947, "modelDestroyed" },
{ 12948, "teamSplash" },
{ 12949, "shouldSplash" },
{ 12950, "voDestroyed" },
{ 12951, "ownerHintString" },
{ 12952, "tryUseAutoSentry" },
{ 12953, "tryUseSAM" },
{ 12954, "giveSentry" },
{ 12955, "validateUseStreak" },
{ 12956, "last_sentry" },
{ 12957, "setCarryingSentry" },
{ 12958, "removeWeapons" },
{ 12959, "restoreWeapon" },
{ 12960, "removePerks" },
{ 12961, "restorePerk" },
{ 12962, "restoreWeapons" },
{ 12963, "restorePerks" },
{ 12964, "waitRestorePerks" },
{ 12965, "createSentryForPlayer" },
{ 12966, "sentry_initSentry" },
{ 12967, "laser_on" },
{ 12968, "momentum" },
{ 12969, "heatLevel" },
{ 12970, "overheated" },
{ 12971, "cooldownWaitTime" },
{ 12972, "sentry_handleDamage" },
{ 12973, "sentry_watchDisabled" },
{ 12974, "sentry_handleDeath" },
{ 12975, "ownerTrigger" },
{ 12976, "forceDisable" },
{ 12977, "inUseBy" },
{ 12978, "turret_overheat_bar" },
{ 12979, "sentry_handleUse" },
{ 12980, "turret_handlePickup" },
{ 12981, "turret_handleUse" },
{ 12982, "sentry_handleOwnerDisconnect" },
{ 12983, "sentry_setOwner" },
{ 12984, "sentry_setPlaced" },
{ 12985, "sentry_setCancelled" },
{ 12986, "sentry_setCarried" },
{ 12987, "updateSentryPlacement" },
{ 12988, "sentry_onCarrierDeath" },
{ 12989, "sentry_onCarrierDisconnect" },
{ 12990, "sentry_onCarrierChangedTeam" },
{ 12991, "sentry_onGameEnded" },
{ 12992, "sentry_setActive" },
{ 12993, "sentry_setInactive" },
{ 12994, "sentry_makeSolid" },
{ 12995, "sentry_makeNotSolid" },
{ 12996, "isFriendlyToSentry" },
{ 12997, "addToTurretList" },
{ 12998, "removeFromTurretList" },
{ 12999, "sentry_timeOut" },
{ 13000, "sentry_targetLockSound" },
{ 13001, "sentry_spinUp" },
{ 13002, "sentry_spinDown" },
{ 13003, "turret_shotMonitor" },
{ 13004, "sentry_heatMonitor" },
{ 13005, "turret_heatMonitor" },
{ 13006, "turret_coolMonitor" },
{ 13007, "PlayHeatFX" },
{ 13008, "playSmokeFX" },
{ 13009, "sentry_beepSounds" },
{ 13010, "sam_attackTargets" },
{ 13011, "samTargetEnt" },
{ 13012, "samMissileGroups" },
{ 13013, "sam_acquireTarget" },
{ 13014, "ac130InUse" },
{ 13015, "sam_fireOnTarget" },
{ 13016, "samMissileGroup" },
{ 13017, "sam_watchLineOfSight" },
{ 13018, "sam_watchLaser" },
{ 13019, "sam_watchCrashing" },
{ 13020, "sam_watchLeaving" },
{ 13021, "airDropCrates" },
{ 13022, "oldAirDropCrates" },
{ 13023, "airDropCrateCollision" },
{ 13024, "numDropCrates" },
{ 13025, "crateTypes" },
{ 13026, "crateMaxVal" },
{ 13027, "lowSpawn" },
{ 13028, "addCrateType" },
{ 13029, "crateFuncs" },
{ 13030, "getRandomCrateType" },
{ 13031, "getCrateTypeForDropType" },
{ 13032, "tryUseAssaultAirdrop" },
{ 13033, "tryUseSupportAirdrop" },
{ 13034, "tryUseAirdropPredatorMissile" },
{ 13035, "tryUseAirdropSentryMinigun" },
{ 13036, "tryUseJuggernautAirdrop" },
{ 13037, "tryUseJuggernautGLAirdrop" },
{ 13038, "tryUseJuggernautReconAirdrop" },
{ 13039, "tryUseJuggernautDefAirdrop" },
{ 13040, "tryUseTrophyAirdrop" },
{ 13041, "tryUseMegaAirdrop" },
{ 13042, "tryUseAirdropTrap" },
{ 13043, "tryUseAirdropRemoteTank" },
{ 13044, "tryUseAmmo" },
{ 13045, "tryUseExplosiveAmmo" },
{ 13046, "tryUseLightArmor" },
{ 13047, "tryUseAirdrop" },
{ 13048, "watchDisconnect" },
{ 13049, "beginAirdropViaMarker" },
{ 13050, "threwAirDropMarker" },
{ 13051, "watchAirDropWeaponChange" },
{ 13052, "isChangingWeapon" },
{ 13053, "watchAirDropMarkerUsage" },
{ 13054, "watchAirDropMarker" },
{ 13055, "beginAirDropMarkerTracking" },
{ 13056, "airDropMarkerActivate" },
{ 13057, "finishSupportEscortUsage" },
{ 13058, "initAirDropCrate" },
{ 13059, "collision" },
{ 13060, "deleteOnOwnerDeath" },
{ 13061, "crateModelTeamUpdater" },
{ 13062, "crateModelPlayerUpdater" },
{ 13063, "crateUseTeamUpdater" },
{ 13064, "crateUseJuggernautUpdater" },
{ 13065, "crateType" },
{ 13066, "crateUsePostJuggernautUpdater" },
{ 13067, "createAirDropCrate" },
{ 13068, "dropType" },
{ 13069, "friendlyModel" },
{ 13070, "enemyModel" },
{ 13071, "dropCrateExistence" },
{ 13072, "trap_createBombSquadModel" },
{ 13073, "crateSetupForUse" },
{ 13074, "setUsableByTeam" },
{ 13075, "dropTheCrate" },
{ 13076, "waitForDropCrateMsg" },
{ 13077, "physicsWaiter" },
{ 13078, "dropTimeOut" },
{ 13079, "getPathStart" },
{ 13080, "getPathEnd" },
{ 13081, "getFlyHeightOffset" },
{ 13082, "airstrikeHeightScale" },
{ 13083, "doFlyBy" },
{ 13084, "leaving" },
{ 13085, "doMegaFlyBy" },
{ 13086, "doC130FlyBy" },
{ 13087, "doMegaC130FlyBy" },
{ 13088, "dropNuke" },
{ 13089, "stopLoopAfter" },
{ 13090, "playloopOnEnt" },
{ 13091, "c130Setup" },
{ 13092, "c130" },
{ 13093, "heliSetup" },
{ 13094, "isAirdrop" },
{ 13095, "watchTimeOut" },
{ 13096, "heli_existence" },
{ 13097, "heli_handleDamage" },
{ 13098, "alreadyDead" },
{ 13099, "heliDestroyed" },
{ 13100, "lbExplode" },
{ 13101, "lbSpin" },
{ 13102, "nukeCaptureThink" },
{ 13103, "crateOtherCaptureThink" },
{ 13104, "isCapturingCrate" },
{ 13105, "crateOwnerCaptureThink" },
{ 13106, "validateOpenConditions" },
{ 13107, "killstreakCrateThink" },
{ 13108, "getKillstreakCrateIcon" },
{ 13109, "getStreakCost" },
{ 13110, "nukeCrateThink" },
{ 13111, "gtnw" },
{ 13112, "capturedNuke" },
{ 13113, "trophyCrateThink" },
{ 13114, "juggernautCrateThink" },
{ 13115, "sentryCrateThink" },
{ 13116, "trapNullFunc" },
{ 13117, "trapCrateThink" },
{ 13118, "bomb" },
{ 13119, "detonateTrap" },
{ 13120, "deleteCrate" },
{ 13121, "sentryUseTracker" },
{ 13122, "giveLocalTrophy" },
{ 13123, "activeTrophy" },
{ 13124, "trophyAmmo" },
{ 13125, "hijackNotify" },
{ 13126, "refillAmmo" },
{ 13127, "isAirdropMarker" },
{ 13128, "createUseEnt" },
{ 13129, "deleteUseEnt" },
{ 13130, "airdropDetonateOnStuck" },
{ 13131, "personalTrophyActive" },
{ 13132, "ospreySettings" },
{ 13133, "modelBlades" },
{ 13134, "tagHatchL" },
{ 13135, "tagHatchR" },
{ 13136, "tagDropCrates" },
{ 13137, "prompt" },
{ 13138, "air_support_locs" },
{ 13139, "tryUseEscortAirdrop" },
{ 13140, "tryUseOspreyGunner" },
{ 13141, "finishOspreyGunnerUsage" },
{ 13142, "stopSelectionWatcher" },
{ 13143, "selectDropLocation" },
{ 13144, "_beginLocationSelection" },
{ 13145, "stopLocationSelection" },
{ 13146, "showIcons" },
{ 13147, "locationObjectives" },
{ 13148, "createAirship" },
{ 13149, "ospreyType" },
{ 13150, "airshipFX" },
{ 13151, "useSupportEscortAirdrop" },
{ 13152, "useOspreyGunner" },
{ 13153, "rideGunner" },
{ 13154, "waitSetThermal" },
{ 13155, "showDefendPrompt" },
{ 13156, "escort_prompt" },
{ 13157, "airShipPitchPropsUp" },
{ 13158, "airShipPitchPropsDown" },
{ 13159, "airShipPitchHatchUp" },
{ 13160, "airShipPitchHatchDown" },
{ 13161, "getBestHeight" },
{ 13162, "bestHeight" },
{ 13163, "airshipFlyDefense" },
{ 13164, "killGuysNearCrates" },
{ 13165, "aiShootPlayer" },
{ 13166, "targetDeathWaiter" },
{ 13167, "waitForConfirmation" },
{ 13168, "airshipFlyGunner" },
{ 13169, "ospreyDropCratesLowImpulse" },
{ 13170, "ospreyDropCrates" },
{ 13171, "endRideOnAirshipDone" },
{ 13172, "match_events_fx" },
{ 13173, "matchEvents" },
{ 13174, "matchEventStarted" },
{ 13175, "getMapCenter" },
{ 13176, "getStartSpawns" },
{ 13177, "doMortar" },
{ 13178, "playSoundinSpace" },
{ 13179, "doSmoke" },
{ 13180, "doAirstrike" },
{ 13181, "doAirstrikeFlyBy" },
{ 13182, "spawnpoints" },
{ 13183, "playPlaneFx" },
{ 13184, "fx_airstrike_afterburner" },
{ 13185, "fx_airstrike_contrail" },
{ 13186, "doPavelow" },
{ 13187, "doHeliInsertion" },
{ 13188, "doOspreyInsertion" },
{ 13189, "drawfriend" },
{ 13190, "showFriendIcon" },
{ 13191, "updateFriendIconSettings" },
{ 13192, "updateFriendIcons" },
{ 13193, "processLobbyScoreboards" },
{ 13194, "setPlayerScoreboardInfo" },
{ 13195, "buildScoreboardType" },
{ 13196, "onForfeit" },
{ 13197, "forfeitInProgress" },
{ 13198, "forfeit_aborted" },
{ 13199, "forcedEnd" },
{ 13200, "forfeitWaitforAbort" },
{ 13201, "matchForfeitTimer" },
{ 13202, "matchForfeitText" },
{ 13203, "matchForfeitTimer_Internal" },
{ 13204, "default_onDeadEvent" },
{ 13205, "default_onOneLeftEvent" },
{ 13206, "getLastLivingPlayer" },
{ 13207, "default_onTimeLimit" },
{ 13208, "default_onHalfTime" },
{ 13209, "hostForcedEnd" },
{ 13210, "onDeadEvent" },
{ 13211, "oneLeftTime" },
{ 13212, "onOneLeftEvent" },
{ 13213, "getPotentialLivingPlayers" },
{ 13214, "waittillFinalKillcamDone" },
{ 13215, "timeLimitClock_Intermission" },
{ 13216, "waitForPlayers" },
{ 13217, "prematchPeriod" },
{ 13218, "hintMessage" },
{ 13219, "gameFlagSet" },
{ 13220, "updateWinStats" },
{ 13221, "updateTieStats" },
{ 13222, "updateWinLossStats" },
{ 13223, "privateMatch" },
{ 13224, "wasLastRound" },
{ 13225, "updateMatchBonusScores" },
{ 13226, "endGameUpdate" },
{ 13227, "getSPM" },
{ 13228, "matchBonus" },
{ 13229, "giveMatchBonus" },
{ 13230, "setXenonRanks" },
{ 13231, "checkTimeLimit" },
{ 13232, "getHalfTime" },
{ 13233, "onHalfTime" },
{ 13234, "onTimeLimit" },
{ 13235, "checkHalfTime" },
{ 13236, "getTimeRemaining" },
{ 13237, "scoreLimitOverride" },
{ 13238, "updateGametypeDvars" },
{ 13239, "matchStartTimerPC" },
{ 13240, "prematchPeriodEnd" },
{ 13241, "matchStartTimer_Internal" },
{ 13242, "matchStartTimerSkip" },
{ 13243, "halftimeSubCaption" },
{ 13244, "halftimeType" },
{ 13245, "checkRoundSwitch" },
{ 13246, "roundSwitch" },
{ 13247, "timePaused" },
{ 13248, "freeGameplayHudElems" },
{ 13249, "perkicon" },
{ 13250, "perkname" },
{ 13251, "lowerMessage" },
{ 13252, "lowerTimer" },
{ 13253, "getHostPlayer" },
{ 13254, "hostIdledOut" },
{ 13255, "roundEndWait" },
{ 13256, "isDoingSplash" },
{ 13257, "roundEndDoF" },
{ 13258, "Callback_StartGameType" },
{ 13259, "levelFlagInit" },
{ 13260, "intermission" },
{ 13261, "onPrecacheGameType" },
{ 13262, "killstreakRewards" },
{ 13263, "alivePlayers" },
{ 13264, "activePlayers" },
{ 13265, "gameFlagInit" },
{ 13266, "halftimeRoundEndDelay" },
{ 13267, "onStartGameType" },
{ 13268, "updateWatchedDvars" },
{ 13269, "Callback_CodeEndGame" },
{ 13270, "timeLimitThread" },
{ 13271, "updateUIScoreLimit" },
{ 13272, "playTickingSound" },
{ 13273, "bombTimer" },
{ 13274, "stopTickingSound" },
{ 13275, "timeLimitClock" },
{ 13276, "timerStopped" },
{ 13277, "gameTimer" },
{ 13278, "discardTime" },
{ 13279, "timerStoppedForGameMode" },
{ 13280, "timerPauseTime" },
{ 13281, "pauseTimer" },
{ 13282, "resumeTimer" },
{ 13283, "startGame" },
{ 13284, "spawnPerFrameUpdate" },
{ 13285, "roundBegin" },
{ 13286, "waveSpawnTimer" },
{ 13287, "getBetterTeam" },
{ 13288, "rankedMatchUpdates" },
{ 13289, "displayRoundEnd" },
{ 13290, "teamOutcomeNotify" },
{ 13291, "outcomeNotify" },
{ 13292, "displayGameEnd" },
{ 13293, "displayRoundSwitch" },
{ 13294, "endGameOvertime" },
{ 13295, "endGameHalfTime" },
{ 13296, "levelFlagSet" },
{ 13297, "wasOnlyRound" },
{ 13298, "levelFlagClear" },
{ 13299, "roundEnd" },
{ 13300, "updateEndReasonText" },
{ 13301, "hitRoundLimit" },
{ 13302, "hitWinLimit" },
{ 13303, "estimatedTimeTillScoreLimit" },
{ 13304, "getScorePerMinute" },
{ 13305, "getScorePerRemaining" },
{ 13306, "giveLastOnTeamWarning" },
{ 13307, "waitTillRecoveredHealth" },
{ 13308, "processLobbyData" },
{ 13309, "incrementWeaponStat" },
{ 13310, "updateWeaponBufferedStats" },
{ 13311, "incrementAttachmentStat" },
{ 13312, "playerAffectedArray" },
{ 13313, "threadedSetWeaponStatByName" },
{ 13314, "checkForPersonalBests" },
{ 13315, "xpGains" },
{ 13316, "checkForBestWeapon" },
{ 13317, "gametypestarted" },
{ 13318, "damageCallback" },
{ 13319, "callbackHostMigration" },
{ 13320, "SetupDamageFlags" },
{ 13321, "iDFLAGS_RADIUS" },
{ 13322, "iDFLAGS_NO_ARMOR" },
{ 13324, "iDFLAGS_PASSTHRU" },
{ 13325, "SetupCallbacks" },
{ 13326, "SetDefaultCallbacks" },
{ 13327, "AbortLevel" },
{ 13328, "callbackVoid" },
{ 13329, "beginHarrier" },
{ 13330, "getCorrectHeight" },
{ 13331, "spawnDefensiveHarrier" },
{ 13332, "accel" },
{ 13333, "defendLoc" },
{ 13334, "defendLocation" },
{ 13335, "closeToGoalCheck" },
{ 13336, "engageGround" },
{ 13337, "harrierLeave" },
{ 13338, "airPlane" },
{ 13339, "harrierDelete" },
{ 13340, "harrierTimer" },
{ 13341, "randomHarrierMovement" },
{ 13342, "getNewPoint" },
{ 13343, "bestTarget" },
{ 13344, "traceNewPoint" },
{ 13345, "traceGroundPoint" },
{ 13346, "playHarrierFx" },
{ 13347, "harrier_afterburnerfx" },
{ 13348, "stopHarrierWingFx" },
{ 13349, "startHarrierWingFx" },
{ 13350, "fireOnTarget" },
{ 13351, "isReadyToFire" },
{ 13352, "acquireGroundTarget" },
{ 13353, "backToDefendLocation" },
{ 13354, "wouldCollide" },
{ 13355, "watchTargetDeath" },
{ 13356, "watchTargetLOS" },
{ 13357, "breakTarget" },
{ 13358, "harrierGetTargets" },
{ 13359, "nonTarget" },
{ 13360, "isTarget" },
{ 13361, "getBestTarget" },
{ 13362, "targetEnt" },
{ 13363, "checkForFriendlies" },
{ 13364, "playDamageEfx" },
{ 13365, "harrier_smoke" },
{ 13366, "harrierDestroyed" },
{ 13367, "harrierExplode" },
{ 13368, "harrier_deathfx" },
{ 13369, "harrierSpin" },
{ 13370, "engageVehicle" },
{ 13371, "fireOnVehicleTarget" },
{ 13372, "acquireVehicleTarget" },
{ 13373, "watchVehTargetCrash" },
{ 13374, "watchVehTargetDeath" },
{ 13375, "breakVehTarget" },
{ 13376, "evasiveManuverOne" },
{ 13377, "removeFromHeliListOnDeath" },
{ 13378, "onfirefx" },
{ 13379, "airstrikefx" },
{ 13380, "mortareffect" },
{ 13381, "bombstrike" },
{ 13382, "stealthbombfx" },
{ 13383, "planes" },
{ 13384, "dangerMaxRadius" },
{ 13385, "dangerMinRadius" },
{ 13386, "dangerForwardPush" },
{ 13387, "dangerOvalScale" },
{ 13388, "artilleryDangerCenters" },
{ 13389, "tryUseDefaultAirstrike" },
{ 13390, "tryUsePrecisionAirstrike" },
{ 13391, "tryUseSuperAirstrike" },
{ 13392, "tryUseHarrierAirstrike" },
{ 13393, "tryUseStealthAirstrike" },
{ 13394, "tryUseAirstrike" },
{ 13395, "clearProgress" },
{ 13396, "getAirstrikeDanger" },
{ 13397, "getSingleAirstrikeDanger" },
{ 13398, "pointIsInAirstrikeArea" },
{ 13399, "losRadiusDamage" },
{ 13400, "isSentry" },
{ 13401, "airStrikeDamagedEntsCount" },
{ 13402, "airStrikeDamagedEnts" },
{ 13403, "airstrikeDamageEntsThread" },
{ 13404, "airstrikeDamagedEntsIndex" },
{ 13405, "radiusArtilleryShellshock" },
{ 13406, "artilleryShellshock" },
{ 13407, "beingArtilleryShellshocked" },
{ 13408, "doBomberStrike" },
{ 13409, "bomberDropBombs" },
{ 13410, "playBombFx" },
{ 13411, "stealthBomber_killCam" },
{ 13412, "airstrikeType" },
{ 13413, "callStrike_bomb" },
{ 13414, "doPlaneStrike" },
{ 13415, "handleDeath" },
{ 13416, "addPlaneToList" },
{ 13417, "removePlaneFromList" },
{ 13418, "callStrike_bombEffect" },
{ 13419, "spawnbomb" },
{ 13420, "callStrike" },
{ 13421, "getExplodeDistance" },
{ 13422, "targetGetDist" },
{ 13423, "waitForAirstrikeCancel" },
{ 13424, "selectAirstrikeLocation" },
{ 13425, "finishAirstrikeUsage" },
{ 13426, "useAirstrike" },
{ 13427, "handleEMP" },
{ 13428, "airstrikeMadeSelectionVO" },
{ 13429, "findBoxCenter" },
{ 13430, "expandMins" },
{ 13431, "expandMaxs" },
{ 13432, "addSpawnPoints" },
{ 13433, "teamSpawnPoints" },
{ 13434, "inited" },
{ 13435, "spawnMins" },
{ 13436, "spawnMaxs" },
{ 13437, "placeSpawnPoints" },
{ 13438, "startSpawnPoints" },
{ 13439, "getSpawnpointArray" },
{ 13440, "extraspawnpoints" },
{ 13441, "expandSpawnpointBounds" },
{ 13442, "spawnPointInit" },
{ 13443, "sightTracePoint" },
{ 13444, "lastspawnedplayer" },
{ 13445, "outside" },
{ 13446, "AddAlternateSpawnpoint" },
{ 13447, "getTeamSpawnPoints" },
{ 13448, "getSpawnpoint_Final" },
{ 13449, "getBestWeightedSpawnpoint" },
{ 13450, "sights" },
{ 13451, "lastSightTraceTime" },
{ 13452, "getAllOtherPlayers" },
{ 13453, "initWeights" },
{ 13454, "getSpawnpoint_NearTeam" },
{ 13455, "numPlayersAtLastUpdate" },
{ 13456, "weightedDistSum" },
{ 13457, "distSum" },
{ 13458, "favorCloseSpawnEnt" },
{ 13459, "favorCloseSpawnScalar" },
{ 13460, "getSpawnpoint_SafeSpawn" },
{ 13461, "minDist" },
{ 13462, "safeSpawnDangerDist" },
{ 13463, "getSpawnpoint_DM" },
{ 13464, "Spawnlogic_Begin" },
{ 13465, "spawnlogic_deaths" },
{ 13466, "spawnlogic_spawnkills" },
{ 13467, "pipebombs" },
{ 13468, "tanks" },
{ 13469, "ims" },
{ 13470, "safespawns" },
{ 13471, "sightCheckCost" },
{ 13472, "watchSpawnProfile" },
{ 13473, "spawnProfile" },
{ 13474, "spawnGraphCheck" },
{ 13475, "spawnGraph" },
{ 13476, "secondfloor" },
{ 13477, "fake" },
{ 13478, "drawSpawnGraph" },
{ 13479, "setupSpawnGraphPoint" },
{ 13480, "visible" },
{ 13481, "spawnGraphLine" },
{ 13482, "loopbotspawns" },
{ 13483, "trackGrenades" },
{ 13484, "trackMissiles" },
{ 13485, "isPointVulnerable" },
{ 13486, "claymoremodelcenteroffset" },
{ 13487, "claymoreDetectionRadius" },
{ 13488, "claymoreDetectionConeAngle" },
{ 13489, "avoidWeaponDamage" },
{ 13490, "adjustSightValue" },
{ 13491, "spawnPointUpdate" },
{ 13492, "getFloatProperty" },
{ 13493, "nearbyPenalty" },
{ 13494, "attackHeightPos" },
{ 13495, "getLosPenalty" },
{ 13496, "lastMinuteSightTraces" },
{ 13497, "getRevengeSpawnPenalty" },
{ 13498, "getRevengeSpawnDistanceSq" },
{ 13499, "avoidRevengeSpawn" },
{ 13500, "avoidRevengeSpawnStage2" },
{ 13501, "avoidVisibleEnemies" },
{ 13502, "forceSpawnNearTeammates" },
{ 13503, "avoidSpawnReuse" },
{ 13504, "avoidSameSpawn" },
{ 13505, "SetupKillstreakSpawnShield" },
{ 13506, "ac130_use_duration" },
{ 13507, "ac130_num_flares" },
{ 13508, "radioForcedTransmissionQueue" },
{ 13509, "enemiesKilledInTimeWindow" },
{ 13510, "lastRadioTransmission" },
{ 13511, "HUDItem" },
{ 13512, "physicsSphereRadius" },
{ 13513, "physicsSphereForce" },
{ 13514, "weaponReloadTime" },
{ 13515, "ac130_Speed" },
{ 13516, "ac130Queue" },
{ 13517, "tryUseAC130" },
{ 13564, "crashed" },
{ 13565, "init_sounds" },
{ 13566, "add_context_sensative_dialog" },
{ 13567, "played" },
{ 13568, "sounds" },
{ 13569, "add_context_sensative_timeout" },
{ 13570, "context_sensative_dialog_timeouts" },
{ 13571, "groups" },
{ 13572, "deleteOnAC130PlayerRemoved" },
{ 13573, "setAC130Player" },
{ 13574, "incomingMissile" },
{ 13575, "playAC130Effects" },
{ 13576, "AC130_AltScene" },
{ 13577, "cameraModel" },
{ 13578, "removeAC130PlayerOnGameEnd" },
{ 13579, "removeAC130PlayerOnGameCleanup" },
{ 13580, "removeAC130PlayerOnDeath" },
{ 13581, "removeAC130PlayerOnCrash" },
{ 13582, "removeAC130PlayerOnDisconnect" },
{ 13583, "removeAC130PlayerOnChangeTeams" },
{ 13584, "removeAC130PlayerOnSpectate" },
{ 13585, "removeAC130PlayerAfterTime" },
{ 13586, "removeAC130Player" },
{ 13587, "darkScreenOverlay" },
{ 13588, "damageTracker" },
{ 13589, "ac130_spawn" },
{ 13590, "overlay_coords" },
{ 13591, "updateAimingCoords" },
{ 13592, "ac130ShellShock" },
{ 13593, "rotatePlane" },
{ 13594, "attachPlayer" },
{ 13595, "changeWeapons" },
{ 13596, "weaponFiredThread" },
{ 13597, "weaponReload" },
{ 13598, "clouds" },
{ 13599, "clouds_create" },
{ 13600, "playerWeapon" },
{ 13601, "gun_fired_and_ready_105mm" },
{ 13602, "shotFired" },
{ 13603, "shotFiredPhysicsSphere" },
{ 13604, "shotFiredDarkScreenOverlay" },
{ 13605, "add_beacon_effect" },
{ 13606, "context_Sensative_Dialog" },
{ 13607, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Guy_In_Sight" },
{ 13608, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Guy_In_Sight_Check" },
{ 13609, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Guy_Crawling" },
{ 13610, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Guy_Pain" },
{ 13611, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Secondary_Explosion_Vehicle" },
{ 13612, "enemy_killed_thread" },
{ 13613, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Kill" },
{ 13614, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Kill_Thread" },
{ 13615, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations" },
{ 13616, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Thread" },
{ 13617, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" },
{ 13618, "context_Sensative_Dialog_VehicleSpawn" },
{ 13619, "context_Sensative_Dialog_VehicleDeath" },
{ 13620, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Filler" },
{ 13621, "radio_in_use" },
{ 13622, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Play_Random_Group_Sound" },
{ 13623, "context_Sensative_Dialog_Timedout" },
{ 13624, "playSoundOverRadio" },
{ 13625, "playAliasOverRadio" },
{ 13626, "debug_circle" },
{ 13627, "stingerProximityDetonate" },
{ 13628, "samProximityDetonate" },
{ 13629, "crashPlane" },
{ 13630, "angelFlarePrecache" },
{ 13631, "angel_flare" },
{ 13632, "missileRemoteLaunchVert" },
{ 13633, "missileRemoteLaunchHorz" },
{ 13634, "missileRemoteLaunchTargetDist" },
{ 13635, "remotemissile_fx" },
{ 13636, "tryUsePredatorMissile" },
{ 13637, "getBestSpawnPoint" },
{ 13638, "spawnScore" },
{ 13639, "_fire" },
{ 13640, "_fire_noplayer" },
{ 13641, "MissileEyes" },
{ 13642, "delayedFOFOverlay" },
{ 13643, "staticEffect" },
{ 13644, "archive" },
{ 13645, "Player_CleanupOnTeamChange" },
{ 13646, "Rocket_CleanupOnDeath" },
{ 13647, "Player_CleanupOnGameEnded" },
{ 13648, "radarViewTime" },
{ 13649, "uavBlockTime" },
{ 13650, "uav_fx" },
{ 13651, "killstreakSetupFuncs" },
{ 13652, "UAVRig" },
{ 13653, "activeUAVs" },
{ 13654, "activeCounterUAVs" },
{ 13655, "rotateUAVRig" },
{ 13656, "launchUAV" },
{ 13657, "timeToAdd" },
{ 13658, "spawnFxDelay" },
{ 13659, "monitorUAVStrike" },
{ 13660, "showLazeMessage" },
{ 13661, "waitForLazeDiscard" },
{ 13662, "waitForLazedTarget" },
{ 13663, "waitFxEntDie" },
{ 13664, "waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause" },
{ 13665, "updateUAVModelVisibility" },
{ 13666, "tryUseUAV" },
{ 13667, "tryUseUAVSupport" },
{ 13668, "tryUseDoubleUAV" },
{ 13669, "tryUseTripleUAV" },
{ 13670, "tryUseCounterUAV" },
{ 13671, "UAVStrikeSetup" },
{ 13672, "usedStrikeUAV" },
{ 13673, "tryUseUAVStrike" },
{ 13674, "tryUseDirectionalUAV" },
{ 13675, "useUAV" },
{ 13676, "UAVTracker" },
{ 13677, "_getRadarStrength" },
{ 13678, "updateTeamUAVStatus" },
{ 13679, "updatePlayersUAVStatus" },
{ 13680, "blockPlayerUAV" },
{ 13681, "updateTeamUAVType" },
{ 13682, "usePlayerUAV" },
{ 13683, "setTeamRadarWrapper" },
{ 13684, "addUAVModel" },
{ 13685, "removeUAVModel" },
{ 13686, "addActiveUAV" },
{ 13687, "addActiveCounterUAV" },
{ 13688, "removeActiveUAV" },
{ 13689, "removeActiveCounterUAV" },
{ 13690, "tryUseLbFlock" },
{ 13691, "selectLbStrikeLocation" },
{ 13692, "littlebirdMadeSelectionVO" },
{ 13693, "finishLbStrikeUsage" },
{ 13695, "getFlightPath" },
{ 13696, "doLbStrike" },
{ 13697, "spawnAttackLittleBird" },
{ 13698, "killCount" },
{ 13699, "mgTurret1" },
{ 13700, "monitorKills" },
{ 13701, "startLbFiring1" },
{ 13702, "flock_handleDamage" },
{ 13703, "trail_fx" },
{ 13704, "removeLittlebird" },
{ 13705, "lbStrike" },
{ 13706, "heliGuardSettings" },
{ 13707, "weaponInfo" },
{ 13708, "weaponModelLeft" },
{ 13709, "weaponModelRight" },
{ 13710, "weaponTagLeft" },
{ 13711, "weaponTagRight" },
{ 13712, "sentryMode" },
{ 13713, "tryUseLBSupport" },
{ 13714, "littlebirdGuard" },
{ 13715, "air_node_mesh" },
{ 13716, "createLBGuard" },
{ 13717, "followSpeed" },
{ 13718, "heliGuardType" },
{ 13719, "targettingRadius" },
{ 13720, "attract_strength" },
{ 13721, "attract_range" },
{ 13722, "hasDodged" },
{ 13723, "lbSupport_lightFX" },
{ 13724, "startLBSupport" },
{ 13725, "lbSupport_followPlayer" },
{ 13726, "lbSupport_moveToPlayer" },
{ 13727, "inTransit" },
{ 13728, "lbSupport_watchDeath" },
{ 13729, "lbSupport_watchTimeout" },
{ 13730, "lbSupport_watchOwnerLoss" },
{ 13731, "lbSupport_watchOwnerDamage" },
{ 13732, "lbSupport_watchRoundEnd" },
{ 13733, "lbSupport_leave" },
{ 13734, "lbSupport_handleDamage" },
{ 13735, "marker" },
{ 13736, "lbSupport_watchSAMProximity" },
{ 13737, "lbSupport_getClosestStartNode" },
{ 13738, "air_start_nodes" },
{ 13739, "lbSupport_getClosestNode" },
{ 13740, "lbSupport_getClosestLinkedNode" },
{ 13741, "neighbors" },
{ 13742, "lbSupport_arrayContains" },
{ 13743, "lbSupport_getLinkedStructs" },
{ 13744, "lbSupport_setAirStartNodes" },
{ 13745, "lbSupport_setAirNodeMesh" },
{ 13746, "lbSupport_attackTargets" },
{ 13747, "lbSupport_burstFireStart" },
{ 13748, "lbSupport_burstFireStop" },
{ 13749, "empTimeout" },
{ 13750, "EMP_Use" },
{ 13751, "EMP_JamTeam" },
{ 13752, "EMP_JamPlayers" },
{ 13753, "empPlayerFFADisconnect" },
{ 13754, "empEffects" },
{ 13755, "empEffect" },
{ 13756, "EMP_TeamTracker" },
{ 13757, "EMP_PlayerTracker" },
{ 13758, "destroyActiveVehicles" },
{ 13759, "nukeTimer" },
{ 13760, "cancelMode" },
{ 13761, "teamNukeEMPed" },
{ 13762, "nukeEmpTimeout" },
{ 13763, "nukeInfo" },
{ 13764, "tryUseNuke" },
{ 13765, "delaythread_nuke" },
{ 13766, "doNuke" },
{ 13767, "cancelNukeOnDeath" },
{ 13768, "nukeSoundIncoming" },
{ 13769, "nukeSoundExplosion" },
{ 13770, "nukeEffects" },
{ 13771, "nukeEffect" },
{ 13772, "nukeAftermathEffect" },
{ 13773, "nukeSlowMo" },
{ 13774, "nukeVision" },
{ 13775, "nukeVisionInProgress" },
{ 13776, "nukeDeath" },
{ 13777, "nukeEarthquake" },
{ 13778, "nuke_EMPJam" },
{ 13779, "nuke_EMPTeamTracker" },
{ 13780, "update_ui_timers" },
{ 13781, "remote_mortar_fx" },
{ 13782, "tryUseRemoteMortar" },
{ 13783, "startRemoteMortar" },
{ 13784, "spawnRemote" },
{ 13785, "lookCenter" },
{ 13786, "remoteRide" },
{ 13787, "remoteTargeting" },
{ 13788, "remoteFiring" },
{ 13789, "firingReaper" },
{ 13790, "remoteZoom" },
{ 13791, "zoomed" },
{ 13792, "remoteMissileDistance" },
{ 13793, "remoteMissileLife" },
{ 13794, "remoteEndRide" },
{ 13795, "handleTimeout" },
{ 13796, "handleOwnerChangeTeam" },
{ 13797, "handleOwnerDisconnect" },
{ 13798, "removeRemote" },
{ 13799, "remoteLeave" },
{ 13800, "boxSettings" },
{ 13801, "capturingString" },
{ 13802, "eventString" },
{ 13803, "splashName" },
{ 13804, "shaderName" },
{ 13805, "lifeSpan" },
{ 13806, "xp" },
{ 13807, "tryUseDeployableVest" },
{ 13808, "beginDeployableViaMarker" },
{ 13809, "watchMarkerUsage" },
{ 13810, "watchMarker" },
{ 13811, "takeWeaponOnStuck" },
{ 13812, "beginMarkerTracking" },
{ 13813, "markerActivate" },
{ 13814, "isMarker" },
{ 13815, "createBoxForPlayer" },
{ 13816, "boxType" },
{ 13817, "box_setActive" },
{ 13818, "isUsable" },
{ 13819, "box_playerConnected" },
{ 13820, "box_playerJoinedTeam" },
{ 13821, "box_setInactive" },
{ 13822, "box_handleDamage" },
{ 13823, "box_handleDeath" },
{ 13824, "box_handleOwnerDisconnect" },
{ 13825, "boxThink" },
{ 13826, "doubleDip" },
{ 13827, "boxCaptureThink" },
{ 13828, "isFriendlyToBox" },
{ 13829, "box_timeOut" },
{ 13830, "box_ModelTeamUpdater" },
{ 13831, "boxParams" },
{ 13832, "disableWhenJuggernaut" },
{ 13833, "imsSettings" },
{ 13834, "modelBombSquad" },
{ 13835, "placeString" },
{ 13836, "cannotPlaceString" },
{ 13837, "attacks" },
{ 13838, "modelExplosive1" },
{ 13839, "modelExplosive2" },
{ 13840, "modelExplosive3" },
{ 13841, "modelExplosive4" },
{ 13842, "modelLid1" },
{ 13843, "modelLid2" },
{ 13844, "modelLid3" },
{ 13845, "modelLid4" },
{ 13846, "tagExplosive1" },
{ 13847, "tagExplosive2" },
{ 13848, "tagExplosive3" },
{ 13849, "tagExplosive4" },
{ 13850, "tagLid1" },
{ 13851, "tagLid2" },
{ 13852, "tagLid3" },
{ 13853, "tagLid4" },
{ 13854, "tryUseIMS" },
{ 13855, "imsList" },
{ 13856, "giveIMS" },
{ 13857, "setCarryingIMS" },
{ 13858, "createIMSForPlayer" },
{ 13859, "imsType" },
{ 13860, "createIMS" },
{ 13861, "lid1" },
{ 13862, "lid2" },
{ 13863, "lid3" },
{ 13864, "lid4" },
{ 13865, "explosive1" },
{ 13866, "explosive2" },
{ 13867, "explosive3" },
{ 13868, "explosive4" },
{ 13869, "ims_createBombSquadModel" },
{ 13870, "ims_handleDamage" },
{ 13871, "ims_handleDeath" },
{ 13872, "ims_handleUse" },
{ 13873, "ims_handleOwnerDisconnect" },
{ 13874, "ims_setPlaced" },
{ 13875, "ims_setCancelled" },
{ 13876, "ims_setCarried" },
{ 13877, "updateIMSPlacement" },
{ 13878, "ims_onCarrierDeath" },
{ 13879, "ims_onCarrierDisconnect" },
{ 13880, "ims_onGameEnded" },
{ 13881, "ims_setActive" },
{ 13882, "attackTrigger" },
{ 13883, "attackMoveTime" },
{ 13884, "ims_playerConnected" },
{ 13885, "ims_playerJoinedTeam" },
{ 13886, "ims_blinky_light" },
{ 13887, "ims_setInactive" },
{ 13888, "isFriendlyToIMS" },
{ 13889, "ims_attackTargets" },
{ 13890, "fire_sensor" },
{ 13891, "ims_timeOut" },
{ 13892, "addToIMSList" },
{ 13893, "removeFromIMSList" },
{ 13894, "ims_hideAllParts" },
{ 13895, "ims_showAllParts" },
{ 13896, "turretSettings" },
{ 13897, "hintEnter" },
{ 13898, "hintExit" },
{ 13899, "laptopInfo" },
{ 13900, "remoteInfo" },
{ 13901, "tryUseRemoteMGTurret" },
{ 13902, "takeKillstreakWeapons" },
{ 13903, "takeKillstreakWeaponIfNoDupe" },
{ 13904, "tryUseRemoteTurret" },
{ 13905, "setCarryingTurret" },
{ 13906, "restoreWeaponClipAmmo" },
{ 13907, "restoreWeaponStockAmmo" },
{ 13908, "waitRestoreWeapons" },
{ 13909, "turret_setPlaced" },
{ 13910, "turret_setCancelled" },
{ 13911, "turret_setCarried" },
{ 13912, "updateTurretPlacement" },
{ 13913, "turret_onCarrierDeath" },
{ 13914, "turret_onCarrierDisconnect" },
{ 13915, "turret_onCarrierChangedTeam" },
{ 13916, "turret_onGameEnded" },
{ 13917, "createTurretForPlayer" },
{ 13918, "stunned" },
{ 13919, "stunnedTime" },
{ 13920, "damageFade" },
{ 13921, "turret_setActive" },
{ 13922, "remoteTurretList" },
{ 13923, "startUsingRemoteTurret" },
{ 13924, "stopUsingRemoteTurret" },
{ 13925, "using_remote_turret_when_died" },
{ 13926, "watchOwnerMessageOnDeath" },
{ 13927, "watchEnterAndExit" },
{ 13928, "enter_message_deleted" },
{ 13929, "turret_blinky_light" },
{ 13930, "turret_setInactive" },
{ 13931, "clearRideIntro" },
{ 13932, "turret_handleOwnerDisconnect" },
{ 13933, "turret_timeOut" },
{ 13934, "turret_handleDeath" },
{ 13935, "target_ent" },
{ 13936, "turret_handleDamage" },
{ 13937, "turret_incrementDamageFade" },
{ 13938, "turret_watchLowHealth" },
{ 13939, "turret_stun" },
{ 13940, "tankSettings" },
{ 13941, "mgTurretInfo" },
{ 13942, "glTurretInfo" },
{ 13943, "modelMGTurret" },
{ 13944, "stringPlace" },
{ 13945, "stringCannotPlace" },
{ 13946, "remote_tank_armor_bulletdamage" },
{ 13947, "tryUseRemoteTank" },
{ 13948, "giveTank" },
{ 13949, "createTankForPlayer" },
{ 13950, "tankType" },
{ 13951, "setCarryingTank" },
{ 13952, "tank_setCarried" },
{ 13953, "updateTankPlacement" },
{ 13954, "tank_onCarrierDeath" },
{ 13955, "tank_onCarrierDisconnect" },
{ 13956, "tank_onGameEnded" },
{ 13957, "tank_setCancelled" },
{ 13958, "tank_setPlaced" },
{ 13959, "tank_giveWeaponOnPlaced" },
{ 13960, "createTank" },
{ 13961, "tank" },
{ 13962, "tank_setActive" },
{ 13963, "startUsingTank" },
{ 13964, "tank_blinkyLightAntenna" },
{ 13965, "tank_blinkyLightCamera" },
{ 13966, "tank_setInactive" },
{ 13967, "tank_freezeBuffer" },
{ 13968, "tank_handleDisconnect" },
{ 13969, "tank_handleChangeTeams" },
{ 13970, "tank_handleTimeout" },
{ 13971, "tank_handleDeath" },
{ 13972, "tank_incrementDamageFade" },
{ 13973, "tank_watchLowHealth" },
{ 13974, "tank_handleDamage" },
{ 13975, "tank_turret_handleDamage" },
{ 13976, "tank_WatchFiring" },
{ 13977, "tank_FireMissiles" },
{ 13978, "tank_Earthquake" },
{ 13979, "addToUGVList" },
{ 13980, "removeFromUGVList" },
{ 13981, "tank_playerExit" },
{ 13982, "killstreakWeapons" },
{ 13983, "killstreakWeildWeapons" },
{ 13984, "killstreakChainingWeapons" },
{ 13985, "killstreakRoundDelay" },
{ 13986, "initKillstreakData" },
{ 13987, "curDefValue" },
{ 13988, "spUpdateTotal" },
{ 13989, "earnedStreakLevel" },
{ 13990, "adrenaline" },
{ 13991, "initPlayerKillstreaks" },
{ 13992, "earned" },
{ 13993, "awardxp" },
{ 13994, "kID" },
{ 13995, "isGimme" },
{ 13996, "isSpecialist" },
{ 13997, "nextSlot" },
{ 13998, "updateStreakCount" },
{ 13999, "previousAdrenaline" },
{ 14000, "resetStreakCount" },
{ 14001, "getNextStreakName" },
{ 14002, "getMaxStreakCost" },
{ 14003, "updateStreakSlots" },
{ 14004, "killstreakIndexWeapon" },
{ 14005, "waitForChangeTeam" },
{ 14006, "isRideKillstreak" },
{ 14007, "isCarryKillstreak" },
{ 14008, "deadlyKillstreak" },
{ 14009, "killstreakUsePressed" },
{ 14010, "selectingLocation" },
{ 14011, "useHardpoint" },
{ 14012, "updateSpecialistKillstreaks" },
{ 14013, "getFirstPrimaryWeapon" },
{ 14014, "killstreakUseWaiter" },
{ 14015, "lastKillStreak" },
{ 14016, "waitTakeKillstreakWeapon" },
{ 14017, "shouldSwitchWeaponPostKillstreak" },
{ 14018, "finishDeathWaiter" },
{ 14019, "checkStreakReward" },
{ 14020, "killstreakEarned" },
{ 14021, "firstKillstreakEarned" },
{ 14022, "earnKillstreak" },
{ 14023, "isPerkUpgraded" },
{ 14024, "giveKillstreakWeapon" },
{ 14025, "_setActionSlot" },
{ 14026, "isAssaultKillstreak" },
{ 14027, "isSupportKillstreak" },
{ 14028, "isSpecialistKillstreak" },
{ 14029, "getKillstreakHint" },
{ 14030, "getKillstreakInformEnemy" },
{ 14031, "getKillstreakSound" },
{ 14032, "getKillstreakDialog" },
{ 14033, "getKillstreakIcon" },
{ 14034, "getKillstreakDpadIcon" },
{ 14035, "getKillstreakIndex" },
{ 14036, "giveOwnedKillstreakItem" },
{ 14037, "initRideKillstreak_internal" },
{ 14038, "isNuked" },
{ 14039, "giveSelectedKillstreakItem" },
{ 14040, "showSelectedStreakHint" },
{ 14041, "leaderSound" },
{ 14042, "leaderSoundGroup" },
{ 14043, "getKillstreakCount" },
{ 14044, "shuffleKillstreaksUp" },
{ 14045, "shuffleKillstreaksDown" },
{ 14046, "streakSelectUpTracker" },
{ 14047, "streakSelectDownTracker" },
{ 14048, "streakNotifyTracker" },
{ 14049, "adrenalineInfo" },
{ 14050, "giveAllPerks" },
{ 14051, "setAdrenaline" },
{ 14052, "notifyOverlay" },
{ 14053, "promotionSplashNotify" },
{ 14054, "weaponPromotionSplashNotify" },
{ 14055, "textGlowColor" },
{ 14056, "iconOverlay" },
{ 14058, "playerCardPlayer" },
{ 14059, "resetOnDeath" },
{ 14060, "resetNotify" },
{ 14061, "hintMessageDeathThink" },
{ 14062, "lowerMessageThink" },
{ 14063, "lowerMessages" },
{ 14064, "outcomeOverlay" },
{ 14065, "matchOutcomeNotify" },
{ 14066, "resetOutcomeNotify" },
{ 14067, "resetTeamOutcomeNotify" },
{ 14068, "updateOutcome" },
{ 14069, "canShowSplash" },
{ 14070, "missionCallbacks" },
{ 14071, "createPerkMap" },
{ 14072, "perkMap" },
{ 14073, "mayProcessChallenges" },
{ 14074, "patientZeroName" },
{ 14075, "infected" },
{ 14076, "plague" },
{ 14077, "monitorScavengerPickup" },
{ 14078, "monitorStreakReward" },
{ 14079, "monitorBlastShieldSurvival" },
{ 14080, "monitorTacInsertionsDestroyed" },
{ 14081, "monitorFinalStandSurvival" },
{ 14082, "initMissionData" },
{ 14083, "registerMissionCallback" },
{ 14084, "ch_assists" },
{ 14085, "ch_hardpoints" },
{ 14086, "hardpointType" },
{ 14087, "ch_vehicle_kills" },
{ 14088, "victim" },
{ 14089, "ch_vehicle_killed" },
{ 14090, "clearIDShortly" },
{ 14091, "explosiveKills" },
{ 14092, "MGKill" },
{ 14093, "endMGStreakWhenLeaveMG" },
{ 14094, "endMGStreak" },
{ 14095, "killedBestEnemyPlayer" },
{ 14096, "isHighestScoringPlayer" },
{ 14097, "ch_kills" },
{ 14098, "isCACSecondaryWeapon" },
{ 14099, "brinkOfDeathKillStreak" },
{ 14100, "isStrStart" },
{ 14101, "getWeaponAttachments" },
{ 14102, "anglesOnDeath" },
{ 14103, "anglesOnKill" },
{ 14104, "isBuffUnlockedForWeapon" },
{ 14105, "holdingBreath" },
{ 14106, "adsTime" },
{ 14107, "isPlanting" },
{ 14108, "isDefusing" },
{ 14109, "isBombCarrier" },
{ 14110, "dd" },
{ 14111, "lastPrimaryWeaponSwapTime" },
{ 14112, "lastFlashedTime" },
{ 14113, "lastConcussedTime" },
{ 14114, "lastSprintEndTime" },
{ 14115, "ch_bulletDamageCommon" },
{ 14116, "victimOnGround" },
{ 14117, "attackerOnGround" },
{ 14118, "attackerStance" },
{ 14119, "ch_roundplayed" },
{ 14120, "place" },
{ 14121, "ch_roundwin" },
{ 14122, "attackerInLastStand" },
{ 14123, "waitAndProcessPlayerKilledCallback" },
{ 14124, "processingKilledChallenges" },
{ 14125, "doMissionCallback" },
{ 14126, "monitorSprintDistance" },
{ 14127, "sprintDistThisSprint" },
{ 14128, "monitorSingleSprintDistance" },
{ 14129, "monitorSprintTime" },
{ 14130, "monitorFallDistance" },
{ 14131, "lastManSD" },
{ 14132, "monitorBombUse" },
{ 14133, "monitorLiveTime" },
{ 14134, "survivalistChallenge" },
{ 14135, "monitorStreaks" },
{ 14136, "monitorMisc" },
{ 14137, "monitorMiscSingle" },
{ 14138, "monitorMiscCallback" },
{ 14139, "healthRegenerationStreak" },
{ 14140, "resetBrinkOfDeathKillStreakShortly" },
{ 14141, "playerDied" },
{ 14142, "isAtBrinkOfDeath" },
{ 14143, "getMarksmanUnlockAttachment" },
{ 14144, "getWeaponAttachment" },
{ 14145, "masteryChallengeProcess" },
{ 14146, "isAttachmentUnlocked" },
{ 14147, "buildChallegeInfo" },
{ 14148, "monitorProcessChallenge" },
{ 14149, "monitorKillstreakProgress" },
{ 14150, "monitorKilledKillstreak" },
{ 14151, "playerHasAmmo" },
{ 14152, "monitorADSTime" },
{ 14153, "monitorHoldBreath" },
{ 14154, "monitorMantle" },
{ 14155, "mantling" },
{ 14156, "monitorWeaponSwap" },
{ 14157, "monitorFlashbang" },
{ 14158, "monitorConcussion" },
{ 14159, "monitorMineTriggering" },
{ 14160, "waitDelayMineTime" },
{ 14161, "weaponRankTable" },
{ 14162, "maxPrestige" },
{ 14163, "patientZeroWaiter" },
{ 14164, "isRegisteredEvent" },
{ 14165, "getScoreInfoLabel" },
{ 14166, "getWeaponRankInfoMinXP" },
{ 14167, "getWeaponRankInfoXPAmt" },
{ 14168, "getWeaponRankInfoMaxXp" },
{ 14169, "getRankInfoLevel" },
{ 14170, "xpUpdateTotal" },
{ 14171, "bonusUpdateTotal" },
{ 14172, "hud_xpPointsPopup" },
{ 14173, "hud_xpEventPopup" },
{ 14174, "prestigeDoubleXp" },
{ 14175, "prestigeDoubleWeaponXp" },
{ 14176, "setGamesPlayed" },
{ 14177, "roundUp" },
{ 14178, "weaponShouldGetXP" },
{ 14179, "levelFlag" },
{ 14180, "updateWeaponRankAnnounceHUD" },
{ 14181, "createXpPointsPopup" },
{ 14182, "createXpEventPopup" },
{ 14183, "removeRankHUD" },
{ 14184, "levelForExperience" },
{ 14185, "weaponLevelForExperience" },
{ 14186, "getCurrentWeaponXP" },
{ 14187, "getWeaponRankForXp" },
{ 14188, "getPrestigeLevel" },
{ 14189, "getWeaponRankXP" },
{ 14190, "getWeaponMaxRankXP" },
{ 14191, "isWeaponMaxRank" },
{ 14192, "incRankXP" },
{ 14193, "isCheater" },
{ 14194, "getRestXPAward" },
{ 14195, "isLastRestXPAward" },
{ 14196, "syncXPStat" },
{ 14197, "isWeaponChallenge" },
{ 14198, "isValidPrimary" },
{ 14199, "isValidSecondary" },
{ 14200, "classMap" },
{ 14201, "defaultClass" },
{ 14202, "logClassChoice" },
{ 14203, "cac_getWeaponCamo" },
{ 14204, "cac_getWeaponReticle" },
{ 14205, "recipe_getKillstreak" },
{ 14206, "table_getWeaponCamo" },
{ 14207, "table_getWeaponReticle" },
{ 14208, "table_getTeamPerk" },
{ 14209, "loadoutFakePerks" },
{ 14210, "getLoadoutStreakTypeFromStreakType" },
{ 14211, "recipeClassApplyJuggernaut" },
{ 14212, "classTableNum" },
{ 14213, "loadoutPrimaryCamo" },
{ 14214, "loadoutSecondaryCamo" },
{ 14215, "loadoutPrimaryReticle" },
{ 14216, "loadoutSecondaryReticle" },
{ 14217, "_clearPerks" },
{ 14218, "_detachAll" },
{ 14219, "loadoutAllPerks" },
{ 14220, "loadoutPerk1" },
{ 14221, "loadoutPerk2" },
{ 14222, "loadoutPerk3" },
{ 14223, "loadoutPerkEquipment" },
{ 14224, "tryAttach" },
{ 14225, "tryDetach" },
{ 14226, "buildWeaponName" },
{ 14227, "letterToNumber" },
{ 14228, "getAttachmentType" },
{ 14229, "buildWeaponNameCamo" },
{ 14230, "buildWeaponNameReticle" },
{ 14231, "makeLettersToNumbers" },
{ 14232, "setKillstreaks" },
{ 14233, "replenishLoadout" },
{ 14234, "classGrenades" },
{ 14235, "onPlayerConnecting" },
{ 14236, "fadeAway" },
{ 14237, "getPerkForClass" },
{ 14238, "classHasPerk" },
{ 14239, "isValidAttachment" },
{ 14240, "isValidWeaponBuff" },
{ 14241, "isWeaponBuffUnlocked" },
{ 14242, "isValidCamo" },
{ 14243, "isValidReticle" },
{ 14244, "isCamoUnlocked" },
{ 14245, "isValidEquipment" },
{ 14246, "isValidOffhand" },
{ 14247, "isValidPerk1" },
{ 14248, "isValidPerk2" },
{ 14249, "isValidPerk3" },
{ 14250, "isValidDeathStreak" },
{ 14251, "isValidWeapon" },
{ 14252, "weaponRefs" },
{ 14253, "isValidKillstreak" },
{ 14254, "persistentDataInfo" },
{ 14255, "bufferedStats" },
{ 14256, "bufferedChildStats" },
{ 14257, "statAddChild" },
{ 14258, "statGetChildBuffered" },
{ 14259, "updateBufferedStats" },
{ 14260, "writeBufferedStats" },
{ 14261, "uploadGlobalStatCounters" },
{ 14262, "exploder_sound" },
{ 14263, "streakMsg" },
{ 14264, "endSelectionOnEMP" },
{ 14265, "endSelectionOnAction" },
{ 14266, "endSelectionOnEndGame" },
{ 14267, "getPlant" },
{ 14268, "orientToNormal" },
{ 14269, "deletePlacedEntity" },
{ 14270, "sortLowerMessages" },
{ 14271, "addLowerMessage" },
{ 14272, "addTime" },
{ 14273, "showTimer" },
{ 14274, "shouldFade" },
{ 14275, "fadeToAlpha" },
{ 14276, "fadeToAlphaTime" },
{ 14277, "removeLowerMessage" },
{ 14278, "getLowerMessage" },
{ 14279, "updateLowerMessage" },
{ 14280, "clearOnDeath" },
{ 14281, "clearAfterFade" },
{ 14282, "printOnTeam" },
{ 14283, "printBoldOnTeam" },
{ 14284, "printBoldOnTeamArg" },
{ 14285, "printOnTeamArg" },
{ 14286, "printOnPlayers" },
{ 14287, "printAndSoundOnEveryone" },
{ 14288, "printAndSoundOnTeam" },
{ 14289, "printAndSoundOnPlayer" },
{ 14290, "_playLocalSound" },
{ 14291, "dvarIntValue" },
{ 14292, "dvarFloatValue" },
{ 14293, "updatePersRatioBuffered" },
{ 14294, "lastSlowProcessFrame" },
{ 14295, "isExcluded" },
{ 14296, "leaderDialogBothTeams" },
{ 14297, "playLeaderDialogOnPlayer" },
{ 14298, "leaderDialogLocalSound" },
{ 14299, "setObjectiveText" },
{ 14300, "setObjectiveScoreText" },
{ 14301, "setObjectiveHintText" },
{ 14302, "getObjectiveText" },
{ 14303, "getObjectiveScoreText" },
{ 14304, "getMinutesPassed" },
{ 14305, "getValueInRange" },
{ 14306, "waitForTimeOrNotifies" },
{ 14307, "logXPGains" },
{ 14308, "registerRoundSwitchDvar" },
{ 14309, "roundswitchDvar" },
{ 14310, "roundswitchMin" },
{ 14311, "roundswitchMax" },
{ 14312, "registerRoundLimitDvar" },
{ 14313, "registerWinLimitDvar" },
{ 14314, "registerScoreLimitDvar" },
{ 14315, "registerTimeLimitDvar" },
{ 14316, "registerHalfTimeDvar" },
{ 14317, "registerNumLivesDvar" },
{ 14318, "setOverTimeLimitDvar" },
{ 14319, "getDvarVec" },
{ 14320, "_takeWeaponsExcept" },
{ 14321, "saveData" },
{ 14322, "offhandClass" },
{ 14323, "actionSlots" },
{ 14324, "weapons" },
{ 14325, "clipAmmoR" },
{ 14326, "clipAmmoL" },
{ 14327, "stockAmmo" },
{ 14328, "script_saveData" },
{ 14329, "restoreData" },
{ 14330, "isFloat" },
{ 14331, "registerWatchDvarInt" },
{ 14332, "registerWatchDvarFloat" },
{ 14333, "registerWatchDvar" },
{ 14334, "setOverrideWatchDvar" },
{ 14335, "onlyRoundOverride" },
{ 14336, "hitScoreLimit" },
{ 14337, "getRoundsWon" },
{ 14338, "objectiveBased" },
{ 14339, "bombexploded" },
{ 14340, "ddTimeToAdd" },
{ 14341, "inOvertime" },
{ 14342, "getAverageOrigin" },
{ 14343, "getLivingPlayers" },
{ 14344, "getRemoteName" },
{ 14345, "queues" },
{ 14346, "_setPerk" },
{ 14347, "_setExtraPerks" },
{ 14348, "quickSort" },
{ 14349, "quickSortMid" },
{ 14350, "swap" },
{ 14351, "onlinegame" },
{ 14352, "endSceneOnDeath" },
{ 14353, "giveCombatHigh" },
{ 14354, "arrayInsertion" },
{ 14355, "getProperty" },
{ 14356, "statusMenu" },
{ 14357, "_statusMenu" }, // a typo by IW should be statusMenu
{ 14358, "streakShouldChain" },
{ 14359, "fixAkimboString" },
{ 14360, "roundDecimalPlaces" },
{ 14361, "makeTeamUsable" },
{ 14362, "_updateTeamUsable" },
{ 14363, "_updateEnemyUsable" },
{ 14364, "gameFlagClear" },
{ 14365, "isPrimaryDamage" },
{ 14366, "levelFlags" },
{ 14367, "levelFlagWait" },
{ 14368, "levelFlagWaitOpen" },
{ 14369, "killTrigger" },
{ 14370, "setCommonRulesFromMatchRulesData" },
{ 14371, "matchRules_allowCustomClasses" },
{ 14372, "GetMatchRulesSpecialClass" },
{ 14374, "audio" },
{ 14375, "init_reverb" },
{ 14376, "add_reverb" },
{ 14377, "reverb_settings" },
{ 14378, "is_roomtype_valid" },
{ 14379, "apply_reverb" },
{ 14380, "init_whizby" },
{ 14381, "whizby_settings" },
{ 14382, "set_whizby_radius" },
{ 14383, "set_whizby_spread" },
{ 14384, "apply_whizby" },
{ 14385, "radial_button_definitions" },
{ 14386, "radial_init" },
{ 14387, "radial_button_group" },
{ 14388, "pos_angle" },
{ 14389, "end_angle" },
{ 14390, "start_angle" },
{ 14391, "debug_toggle" },
{ 14392, "crib_debug" },
{ 14393, "observer" },
{ 14394, "return_hud" },
{ 14395, "readyPlayer" },
{ 14396, "get_right_stick_angle" },
{ 14397, "rs_angle" },
{ 14398, "newRadialButtonGroup" },
{ 14399, "radial_button_group_info" },
{ 14400, "newRadialButton" },
{ 14401, "font_size" },
{ 14402, "font_color" },
{ 14403, "action_func" },
{ 14404, "radius_pos" },
{ 14405, "updateSelectedButton" },
{ 14406, "radial_button_current_group" },
{ 14407, "active_button" },
{ 14408, "watchSelectButtonPress" },
{ 14409, "watchBackButtonPress" },
{ 14410, "sort_buttons_by_angle" },
{ 14411, "button_switch" },
{ 14412, "draw_radial_buttons" },
{ 14413, "draw_radial_button" },
{ 14414, "zoom_to_radial_menu" },
{ 14415, "radial_button_previous_group" },
{ 14416, "getRadialAngleFromEnt" },
{ 14417, "radial_angle_to_vector" },
{ 14418, "getMidAngle" },
{ 14419, "isInRange" },
{ 14420, "action_back" },
{ 14421, "action_weapons_primary" },
{ 14422, "action_weapons_secondary" },
{ 14423, "action_gears" },
{ 14424, "action_killstreak" },
{ 14425, "action_leaderboards" },
{ 14426, "view_path_setup" },
{ 14427, "view_paths" },
{ 14428, "build_path_by_targetname" },
{ 14429, "go_path_by_targetname" },
{ 14430, "dummy_mover" },
{ 14431, "go_path_by_targetname_reverse" },
{ 14432, "travel_view_fx" },
{ 14433, "blur_sine" },
{ 14434, "force_player_angles" },
{ 14435, "shotgunSetup" },
{ 14436, "tryUseAutoShotgun" },
{ 14437, "thumperSetup" },
{ 14438, "tryUseThumper" },
{ 14439, "saveWeaponAmmoOnDeath" },
{ 14440, "removeWeaponOnOutOfAmmo" },
{ 14441, "spawnArmor" },
{ 14442, "standardSpeed" },
{ 14443, "deleteOnZ" },
{ 14444, "useTank" },
{ 14445, "tryUseTank" },
{ 14446, "tankInUse" },
{ 14447, "tankSpawner" },
{ 14448, "startTank" },
{ 14449, "nodes" },
{ 14450, "objID" },
{ 14451, "timeLastFired" },
{ 14452, "neutralTarget" },
{ 14453, "waitForChangeTeams" },
{ 14454, "waitForDisco" },
{ 14455, "setDirection" },
{ 14456, "setEngagementSpeed" },
{ 14457, "changingDirection" },
{ 14458, "speedType" },
{ 14459, "setMiniEngagementSpeed" },
{ 14460, "setStandardSpeed" },
{ 14461, "setEvadeSpeed" },
{ 14462, "setDangerSpeed" },
{ 14463, "stopToReverse" },
{ 14464, "stopToForward" },
{ 14465, "checkDanger" },
{ 14466, "numEnemiesClose" },
{ 14467, "tankUpdate" },
{ 14468, "graphNodes" },
{ 14469, "endNode" },
{ 14470, "tankDamageMonitor" },
{ 14471, "forcedTarget" },
{ 14472, "handleThreat" },
{ 14473, "tankCover" },
{ 14474, "handlePossibleThreat" },
{ 14475, "relativeAngle" },
{ 14476, "watchForThreat" },
{ 14477, "checkOwner" },
{ 14478, "modifyDamage" },
{ 14479, "destroyTank" },
{ 14480, "tankFire" },
{ 14481, "onHitPitchClamp" },
{ 14482, "waitForTurretReady" },
{ 14483, "tankGetTargets" },
{ 14484, "harrier" },
{ 14485, "acquireTarget" },
{ 14486, "setNoTarget" },
{ 14487, "explicitAbandonTarget" },
{ 14488, "badTarget" },
{ 14489, "badTargetReset" },
{ 14490, "removeTarget" },
{ 14491, "lastLostTime" },
{ 14492, "isVehicleTarget" },
{ 14493, "turretSightTrace" },
{ 14494, "isMiniTarget" },
{ 14495, "tankGetMiniTargets" },
{ 14496, "getBestMiniTarget" },
{ 14497, "acquireMiniTarget" },
{ 14498, "bestMiniTarget" },
{ 14499, "fireMiniOnTarget" },
{ 14500, "watchMiniTargetDeath" },
{ 14501, "watchMiniTargetDistance" },
{ 14502, "watchMiniTargetThreat" },
{ 14503, "explicitAbandonMiniTarget" },
{ 14504, "addToTankList" },
{ 14505, "removeFromTankList" },
{ 14506, "getNodeNearEnemies" },
{ 14507, "dist" },
{ 14508, "setupPaths" },
{ 14509, "branchNodes" },
{ 14510, "next" },
{ 14511, "length" },
{ 14512, "graphId" },
{ 14513, "getRandomBranchNode" },
{ 14514, "links" },
{ 14515, "linkDirs" },
{ 14516, "getNextNodeForEndNode" },
{ 14517, "g" },
{ 14518, "otherDir" },
{ 14519, "handleBranchNode" },
{ 14520, "linkStartNodes" },
{ 14521, "handleCapNode" },
{ 14522, "nodeTracker" },
{ 14523, "forwardGraphId" },
{ 14524, "reverseGraphId" },
{ 14525, "forceTrigger" },
{ 14526, "getForwardGraphNode" },
{ 14527, "getReverseGraphNode" },
{ 14528, "getNextNode" },
{ 14529, "getPrevNode" },
{ 14530, "initNodeGraph" },
{ 14531, "linkInfos" },
{ 14532, "linkLengths" },
{ 14533, "addLinkNode" },
{ 14534, "toGraphNode" },
{ 14535, "toGraphId" },
{ 14536, "direction" },
{ 14537, "startNode" },
{ 14538, "generatePath" },
{ 14539, "openList" },
{ 14540, "closedList" },
{ 14541, "h" },
{ 14542, "f" },
{ 14543, "parentNode" },
{ 14544, "addToOpenList" },
{ 14545, "openListID" },
{ 14546, "closedListID" },
{ 14547, "addToClosedList" },
{ 14548, "getHValue" },
{ 14549, "getGValue" },
{ 14550, "drawPath" },
{ 14551, "drawGraph" },
{ 14552, "drawLink" },
{ 14553, "debugPrintLn2" },
{ 14554, "debugPrint3D" },
{ 14555, "drawTankGraphIds" },
{ 14556, "tankExplode" },
{ 14557, "tankFlash" },
{ 14558, "tankDust1" },
{ 14559, "tankDust2" },
{ 14560, "ground_support_locs" },
{ 14561, "tryUseMobileMortar" },
{ 14562, "mobileMortar" },
{ 14563, "selectEntranceLocation" },
{ 14564, "createMobileMortar" },
{ 14565, "playersAttacked" },
{ 14566, "lastTarget" },
{ 14567, "lowX" },
{ 14568, "highX" },
{ 14569, "lowY" },
{ 14570, "highY" },
{ 14571, "moveToPosition" },
{ 14572, "fxEnt" },
{ 14573, "findTarget" },
{ 14574, "findRandomTarget" },
{ 14575, "mortarAttack" },
{ 14576, "fireMortar" },
{ 14577, "watchProjectileOnMiniMap" },
{ 14578, "mortarRecoil" },
{ 14579, "watchProximity" },
{ 14580, "watchDamage" },
{ 14581, "a10_fx" },
{ 14582, "a10MaxHealth" },
{ 14583, "a10Speed" },
{ 14584, "a10SpeedReduction" },
{ 14585, "a10StartPointOffset" },
{ 14586, "a10ImpactFXDelay" },
{ 14587, "a10Damage" },
{ 14588, "a10DamageRadius" },
{ 14589, "a10DamageDelay" },
{ 14590, "a10BulletRainDelay" },
{ 14591, "a10BulletImpactsDelay" },
{ 14592, "a10EarthquakeMagnitude" },
{ 14593, "a10EarthquakeDuration" },
{ 14594, "a10EarthquakeDelay" },
{ 14595, "a10DirtEffectRadius" },
{ 14596, "a10ShootingGroundSoundDelay" },
{ 14597, "a10StartPositionScalar" },
{ 14598, "a10SupportSetup" },
{ 14599, "usedUavA10" },
{ 14600, "tryUseA10Strike" },
{ 14601, "selectA10StrikeLocation" },
{ 14602, "finishA10StrikeUsage" },
{ 14603, "callA10Strike" },
{ 14604, "doA10Strike" },
{ 14605, "a10" },
{ 14606, "a10StartMove" },
{ 14607, "initialDelay" },
{ 14608, "startPoint" },
{ 14609, "attackPoint" },
{ 14610, "endPoint" },
{ 14611, "a10PlayEngineFX" },
{ 14612, "spawnA10" },
{ 14613, "fakeA10" },
{ 14614, "startA10Shooting" },
{ 14615, "a10ShootingPos" },
{ 14616, "playBulletRain" },
{ 14617, "manageShootingLoopSound" },
{ 14618, "manageShootingGroundSound" },
{ 14619, "a10Earthquake" },
{ 14620, "a10Destroyed" },
{ 14621, "a10Explode" },
{ 14622, "removeA10" },
{ 14623, "tryUseTeamAmmoRefill" },
{ 14624, "giveTeamAmmoRefill" },
{ 14625, "showSpawnpoint" },
{ 14626, "showSpawnpoints" },
{ 14627, "print3DUntilNotified" },
{ 14628, "lineUntilNotified" },
{ 14629, "hideSpawnpoints" },
{ 14630, "updateReflectionProbe" },
{ 14631, "reflectionProbeButtons" },
{ 14632, "gotoNextSpawn" },
{ 14633, "gotoPrevSpawn" },
{ 14634, "endGameOnTimeLimit" },
{ 14635, "playersLookingForSafeSpawn" },
{ 14636, "registerDvars" },
{ 14637, "blank" },
{ 14638, "testMenu" },
{ 14639, "testShock" },
{ 14640, "fakeLag" },
{ 14641, "spawn_all" },
{ 14642, "spawn_axis_start" },
{ 14643, "spawn_allies_start" },
{ 14644, "flagBaseFXid" },
{ 14645, "bestSpawnFlag" },
{ 14646, "nearbyspawns" },
{ 14647, "domFlags" },
{ 14648, "lastStatus" },
{ 14649, "baseeffectforward" },
{ 14650, "baseeffectright" },
{ 14651, "baseeffectpos" },
{ 14652, "useObj" },
{ 14653, "adjflags" },
{ 14654, "getUnownedFlagNearestStart" },
{ 14655, "didStatusNotify" },
{ 14656, "statusDialog" },
{ 14657, "resetFlagBaseEffect" },
{ 14658, "baseeffect" },
{ 14659, "captureTime" },
{ 14660, "giveFlagCaptureXP" },
{ 14661, "delayedLeaderDialog" },
{ 14662, "delayedLeaderDialogBothTeams" },
{ 14663, "updateDomScores" },
{ 14664, "getOwnedDomFlags" },
{ 14665, "getTeamFlagCount" },
{ 14666, "getFlagTeam" },
{ 14667, "getBoundaryFlags" },
{ 14668, "getBoundaryFlagSpawns" },
{ 14669, "getSpawnsBoundingFlag" },
{ 14670, "getOwnedAndBoundingFlagSpawns" },
{ 14671, "getOwnedFlagSpawns" },
{ 14672, "flagSetup" },
{ 14673, "descriptor" },
{ 14674, "updateCPM" },
{ 14675, "CPM" },
{ 14676, "numCaps" },
{ 14677, "getCapXPScale" },
{ 14678, "multiBomb" },
{ 14679, "bombPlanted" },
{ 14680, "sd_loadout" },
{ 14681, "checkAllowSpectating" },
{ 14682, "sd_endGame" },
{ 14683, "bombZones" },
{ 14684, "killCamEntNum" },
{ 14685, "bombDefused" },
{ 14686, "plantTime" },
{ 14687, "defuseTime" },
{ 14688, "removeBombZoneC" },
{ 14689, "relatedBrushModel" },
{ 14690, "bombs" },
{ 14691, "sdBomb" },
{ 14692, "exploderIndex" },
{ 14693, "bombDefuseTrig" },
{ 14694, "otherBombZones" },
{ 14695, "setupKillCamEnt" },
{ 14696, "sdBombModel" },
{ 14697, "onUsePlantObject" },
{ 14698, "bombOwner" },
{ 14699, "bombPlantedTime" },
{ 14700, "applyBombCarrierClass" },
{ 14701, "removeBombCarrierClass" },
{ 14702, "onUseDefuseObject" },
{ 14703, "tickingObject" },
{ 14704, "BombTimerWait" },
{ 14705, "handleHostMigration" },
{ 14706, "setSpecialLoadout" },
{ 14707, "spawn_axis" },
{ 14708, "spawn_axis_planted" },
{ 14709, "spawn_allies" },
{ 14710, "spawn_allies_planted" },
{ 14711, "otSpawned" },
{ 14712, "sab_loadouts" },
{ 14713, "printOTHint" },
{ 14714, "hotPotato" },
{ 14715, "scoreMode" },
{ 14716, "sabotage" },
{ 14717, "sabBomb" },
{ 14718, "getClosestSite" },
{ 14719, "distanceToSite" },
{ 14720, "scoreThread" },
{ 14721, "bombDistance" },
{ 14722, "createBombZone" },
{ 14723, "abandonmentThink" },
{ 14724, "overtimeThread" },
{ 14725, "bombDistanceThread" },
{ 14726, "dangerTeam" },
{ 14727, "resetBombsite" },
{ 14728, "setUpForDefusing" },
{ 14729, "setSpecialLoadouts" },
{ 14730, "doPrematch" },
{ 14731, "hqAutoDestroyTime" },
{ 14732, "hqSpawnTime" },
{ 14733, "kothMode" },
{ 14734, "destroyTime" },
{ 14735, "delayPlayer" },
{ 14736, "spawnDelay" },
{ 14737, "extraDelay" },
{ 14738, "proMode" },
{ 14739, "iconoffset" },
{ 14740, "updateObjectiveHintMessages" },
{ 14741, "getRespawnDelay" },
{ 14742, "radioObject" },
{ 14743, "hqDestroyTime" },
{ 14744, "objectiveHintPrepareHQ" },
{ 14745, "objectiveHintCaptureHQ" },
{ 14746, "objectiveHintDestroyHQ" },
{ 14747, "objectiveHintDefendHQ" },
{ 14748, "HQMainLoop" },
{ 14749, "hqRevealTime" },
{ 14750, "timerDisplay" },
{ 14751, "gameobject" },
{ 14752, "trigorigin" },
{ 14753, "hqDestroyedByTimer" },
{ 14754, "hideTimerDisplayOnGameEnd" },
{ 14755, "forceSpawnTeam" },
{ 14756, "onRadioCapture" },
{ 14757, "onRadioDestroy" },
{ 14758, "DestroyHQAfterTime" },
{ 14759, "awardHQPoints" },
{ 14760, "nearSpawns" },
{ 14761, "outerSpawns" },
{ 14762, "SetupRadios" },
{ 14763, "trig" },
{ 14764, "radios" },
{ 14765, "prevradio" },
{ 14766, "prevradio2" },
{ 14767, "makeRadioActive" },
{ 14768, "makeRadioInactive" },
{ 14769, "setUpNearbySpawns" },
{ 14770, "distsq" },
{ 14771, "PickRadioToSpawn" },
{ 14772, "flagReturnTime" },
{ 14773, "usingObj" },
{ 14774, "oneflag_ctf" },
{ 14775, "flagModel" },
{ 14776, "icon2D" },
{ 14777, "iconCapture3D" },
{ 14778, "iconCapture2D" },
{ 14779, "iconDefend3D" },
{ 14780, "iconDefend2D" },
{ 14781, "iconTarget3D" },
{ 14782, "iconTarget2D" },
{ 14783, "teamFlags" },
{ 14784, "capZones" },
{ 14785, "flagCaptured" },
{ 14786, "createTeamFlag" },
{ 14787, "createCapZone" },
{ 14788, "returnFlag" },
{ 14789, "attachFlag" },
{ 14790, "detachFlag" },
{ 14791, "ctf_loadouts" },
{ 14792, "ctf" },
{ 14793, "iconEscort3D" },
{ 14794, "iconEscort2D" },
{ 14795, "iconKill3D" },
{ 14796, "iconKill2D" },
{ 14797, "iconCaptureFlag3D" },
{ 14798, "iconCaptureFlag2D" },
{ 14799, "iconDefendFlag3D" },
{ 14800, "iconDefendFlag2D" },
{ 14801, "iconReturnFlag3D" },
{ 14802, "iconReturnFlag2D" },
{ 14803, "iconWaitForFlag3D" },
{ 14804, "iconWaitForFlag2D" },
{ 14805, "friendlyFlagStatusIcon" },
{ 14806, "friendlyFlagStatusText" },
{ 14807, "enemyFlagStatusIcon" },
{ 14808, "enemyFlagStatusText" },
{ 14809, "returnAfterTime" },
{ 14810, "applyFlagCarrierClass" },
{ 14811, "removeFlagCarrierClass" },
{ 14812, "ctfPro" },
{ 14813, "iconFlagBase2D" },
{ 14814, "iconFlagBase3D" },
{ 14815, "createTeamFlags" },
{ 14816, "atHome" },
{ 14817, "createCapZones" },
{ 14818, "zoneHeadIcon" },
{ 14819, "zoneMapIcon" },
{ 14820, "cappedFlag" },
{ 14821, "giveScore" },
{ 14822, "matchRules_initialAmmo" },
{ 14823, "matchRules_rewardAmmo" },
{ 14824, "oic_firstSpawn" },
{ 14825, "oic_rewardAmmo" },
{ 14826, "oic_loadouts" },
{ 14827, "waitLoadoutDone" },
{ 14828, "oic_gun" },
{ 14829, "waitGiveAmmo" },
{ 14830, "giveAmmo" },
{ 14831, "watchElimination" },
{ 14832, "setGun" },
{ 14833, "matchRules_dropTime" },
{ 14834, "matchRules_zoneSwitchTime" },
{ 14835, "grnd_fx" },
{ 14836, "grnd_centerLoc" },
{ 14838, "initFirstZone" },
{ 14839, "zonesCycling" },
{ 14840, "grnd_dropZones" },
{ 14841, "grnd_initialIndex" },
{ 14842, "grnd_zone" },
{ 14843, "initZones" },
{ 14844, "grnd_zones" },
{ 14845, "inGrindZone" },
{ 14846, "setPlayerMessages" },
{ 14847, "inGrindZonePoints" },
{ 14849, "grndHeadIcon" },
{ 14850, "grndObjId" },
{ 14851, "getNextZone" },
{ 14852, "distToZone" },
{ 14853, "cycleZones" },
{ 14854, "grndTracking" },
{ 14855, "locationScoring" },
{ 14856, "randomDrops" },
{ 14857, "getBestPlayer" },
{ 14858, "getDropZoneCrateType" },
{ 14859, "hideHudElementOnGameEnd" },
{ 14860, "createZones" },
{ 14861, "matchRules_enemyFlagRadar" },
{ 14862, "tdef" },
{ 14863, "tdef_loadouts" },
{ 14864, "tdef_flagTime" },
{ 14865, "portable_radar" },
{ 14866, "currentCarrier" },
{ 14867, "currentTeam" },
{ 14868, "watchForEndGame" },
{ 14869, "createFlag" },
{ 14870, "flagAttachRadar" },
{ 14871, "getFlagRadarOwner" },
{ 14872, "flagRadarMover" },
{ 14873, "flagWatchRadarOwnerLost" },
{ 14874, "conf_fx" },
{ 14875, "dogtags" },
{ 14876, "spawnDogTags" },
{ 14877, "victimTeam" },
{ 14878, "showToTeam" },
{ 14879, "bounce" },
{ 14880, "clearOnVictimDisconnect" },
{ 14881, "matchRules_numInitialInfected" },
{ 14882, "infect_timerDisplay" },
{ 14883, "infect_choseFirstInfected" },
{ 14884, "infect_choosingFirstInfected" },
{ 14885, "infect_firstSpawn" },
{ 14886, "isInitialInfected" },
{ 14887, "infect_loadouts" },
{ 14888, "chooseFirstInfected" },
{ 14889, "infect_isBeingChosen" },
{ 14890, "setInitialToNormalInfected" },
{ 14891, "updateTeamScores" },
{ 14894, "matchRules_respawnNewJugg" },
{ 14895, "matchRules_showJuggWorldIcon" },
{ 14896, "jugg_juggernaut" },
{ 14897, "jugg_choosingJugg" },
{ 14898, "jugg_timerDisplay" },
{ 14899, "chooseInitialJugg" },
{ 14900, "jugg_juggScore" },
{ 14901, "jugg_firstSpawn" },
{ 14902, "jugg_loadouts" },
{ 14903, "jugg_headIcon" },
{ 14904, "resetJugg" },
{ 14905, "giveJuggLoadout" },
{ 14906, "updateJuggScores" },
{ 14907, "gun_firstSpawn" },
{ 14908, "gunGameGunIndex" },
{ 14909, "gunGamePrevGunIndex" },
{ 14910, "gun_loadouts" },
{ 14911, "giveNextGun" },
{ 14912, "gun_guns" },
{ 14914, "refillSingleCountAmmo" },
{ 14915, "initGunHUD" },
{ 14917, "updateGunHUD" },
{ 14919, "hideOnGameEnd" },
{ 14920, "setGuns" },
{ 14921, "matchRules_juggSwitchTime" },
{ 14922, "jugg_available" },
{ 14923, "jugg_attackers" },
{ 14924, "jugg_currJugg" },
{ 14925, "tjugg_timerDisplay" },
{ 14926, "jugg_alligience" },
{ 14927, "isJuggModeJuggernaut" },
{ 14928, "tjugg_loadouts" },
{ 14929, "nextJuggTimeout" },
{ 14930, "respawnOldJugg" },
{ 14931, "rewardTeammateProximity" },
{ 14932, "logAttackers" },
{ 14933, "resetJuggLoadoutOnDisconnect" },
{ 14934, "getBestTeammate" },
{ 14935, "precacheFlag" },
{ 14936, "arenaTimeFlagWaiter" },
{ 14937, "arenaFlagWaiter" },
{ 14938, "arenaFlag" },
{ 14939, "setupDomFlag" },
{ 14940, "arena_endGame" },
{ 14941, "bombsPlanted" },
{ 14942, "ddBombModel" },
{ 14943, "spawn_defenders" },
{ 14944, "spawn_defenders_a" },
{ 14945, "spawn_defenders_b" },
{ 14946, "spawn_attackers" },
{ 14947, "spawn_attackers_a" },
{ 14948, "spawn_attackers_b" },
{ 14949, "spawn_defenders_start" },
{ 14950, "spawn_attackers_start" },
{ 14951, "aPlanted" },
{ 14952, "bPlanted" },
{ 14953, "waitToProcess" },
{ 14954, "dd_endGame" },
{ 14955, "verifyBombzones" },
{ 14956, "ddBomb" },
{ 14957, "onUseObject" },
{ 14958, "resetBombZone" },
{ 14959, "defusing" },
{ 14960, "timePauseStart" },
{ 14961, "destroyedObject" },
{ 14962, "bombHandler" },
{ 14963, "playDemolitionTickingSound" },
{ 14964, "waitTime" },
{ 14965, "setBombTimerDvar" },
{ 14966, "dropBombModel" },
{ 14967, "restartTimer" },
{ 14968, "skipWait" },
{ 14969, "isVip" },
{ 14970, "vip_endGame" },
{ 14971, "vipSelection" },
{ 14972, "setupVip" },
{ 14973, "extractionZone" },
{ 14974, "setVIPUse" },
{ 14975, "handleTimer" },
{ 14976, "extractionTime" },
{ 14977, "forceVIPSpawn" },
{ 14978, "gtnw_endGame" },
{ 14979, "useBar" },
{ 14980, "useBarText" },
{ 14981, "setupNukeSite" },
{ 14982, "nukeSite" },
{ 14983, "endGameTime" },
{ 14984, "scoreCounter" },
{ 14985, "activateNuke" },
{ 14986, "setUseBarScore" },
{ 14987, "updateHudElems" },
{ 14988, "AAMissileLaunchVert" },
{ 14989, "AAMissileLaunchHorz" },
{ 14990, "AAMissileLaunchTargetDist" },
{ 14991, "tryUseAAMissile" },
{ 14992, "getTargets" },
{ 14993, "aa_missile_fire" },
{ 14994, "AAMmissileLaunchTargetDist" }, // this is a misspelling in original script
{ 14995, "teamAirDenied" },
{ 14996, "tryUseAAStrike" },
{ 14997, "cycleTargets" },
{ 14998, "findTargets" },
{ 14999, "earlyAbortWatcher" },
{ 15000, "airDeniedPlayer" },
{ 15001, "finishAAStrike" },
{ 15002, "fireAtTarget" },
{ 15003, "AASoundManager" },
{ 15006, "tweakfile" },
{ 15007, "damagetype" },
{ 15008, "audio_settings" },
{ 15107, "meleeingPlayer" },
{ 17433, "attachmentMap" },
{ 17434, "checkRoundWin" },
{ 25827, "_unk_field_ID25827" }, // was introduced in an IW patch, used in _destructible.gsc
struct __init__
static bool init = false;
if(init) return;
init = true;
for(const auto& entry : opcode_list)
opcode_map.insert({ entry.key, entry.value });
opcode_map_rev.insert({ entry.value, entry.key });
for(const auto& entry : function_list)
function_map.insert({ entry.key, entry.value });
function_map_rev.insert({ entry.value, entry.key });
for(const auto& entry : method_list)
method_map.insert({ entry.key, entry.value });
method_map_rev.insert({ entry.value, entry.key });
for(const auto& entry : file_list)
file_map.insert({ entry.key, entry.value });
file_map_rev.insert({ entry.value, entry.key });
for(const auto& entry : token_list)
token_map.insert({ entry.key, entry.value });
token_map_rev.insert({ utils::string::to_lower(entry.value), entry.key });
__init__ _;
} // namespace xsk::gsc::iw5
/* unmaped files */
// "character/character_mp_ally_juggernaut"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_us_army_heads"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_assault_b"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_assault_c"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_lmg"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_lmg_b"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_lmg_c"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_shotgun"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_shotgun_b"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_shotgun_c"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_us_army_riot"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_riot"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_smg"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_smg_b"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_smg_c"
// "character\\mp_character_us_army_sniper"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_opforce_arctic_heads"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_assault_b"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_assault_c"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_lmg"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_lmg_b"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_lmg_c"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_shotgun"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_shotgun_b"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_shotgun_c"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_smg"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_smg_b"
// "character\\mp_character_opforce_arctic_smg_c"
// "character\\mp_character_op_arctic_sniper"
// "character\\mp_character_op_arctic_riot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_seal_udt_heads"
// "character\\mp_character_seal_udt_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_seal_udt_lmg"
// "character\\mp_character_seal_udt_assault_b"
// "character\\mp_character_seal_udt_smg"
// "character\\mp_character_seal_udt_sniper"
// "character\\mp_character_udt_riot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_opforce_arab_heads"
// "character\\mp_character_composite_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_composite_lmg"
// "character\\mp_character_composite_shotgun"
// "character\\mp_character_composite_smg"
// "character\\mp_character_op_arab_sniper"
// "character\\mp_character_op_arab_riot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_airborne_heads"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_assault_b"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_assault_c"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_lmg"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_lmg_b"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_lmg_c"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_shotgun"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_shotgun_b"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_shotgun_c"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_smg"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_smg_b"
// "character\\mp_character_airborne_smg_c"
// "character\\mp_character_op_airborne_sniper"
// "character\\mp_character_op_airborne_riot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_opforce_militia_heads_blk"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_opforce_militia_heads_wht"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_assault_aa_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_assault_aa_wht"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_assault_ab_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_assault_ac_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_lmg_aa_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_lmg_ab_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_lmg_ac_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_shotgun_aa_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_shotgun_aa_wht"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_smg_aa_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_smg_aa_wht"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_smg_ab_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_militia_smg_ac_blk"
// "character\\mp_character_op_militia_sniper"
// "character\\mp_character_op_militia_riot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_tf141_heads_arctic"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_arctic_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_arctic_assault_b"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_arctic_lmg"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_arctic_shotgun"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_arctic_smg"
// "character\\mp_character_tf141_arctic_sniper"
// "character\\mp_character_tf141_arctic_riot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_tf141_heads_desert"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_desert_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_desert_assault_b"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_desert_lmg"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_desert_shotgun"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_desert_smg"
// "character\\mp_character_tf141_desert_sniper"
// "character\\mp_character_tf141_desert_riot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_tf141_heads_forest"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_forest_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_forest_assault_b"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_forest_lmg"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_forest_shotgun"
// "character\\mp_character_tf_141_forest_smg"
// "character\\mp_character_tf141_forest_sniper"
// "character\\mp_character_tf141_forest_riot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_delta_heads"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_delta_heads_longsleeves"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_assault_a"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_assault_b"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_lmg_a"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_lmg_b"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_shotgun"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_smg_a"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_smg_b"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_smg_c"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_us_army_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_us_army_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_us_army_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_us_army_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_us_army_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_us_army_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_arctic_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_arctic_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_arctic_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_arctic_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_arctic_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_arctic_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_seal_udt_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_seal_udt_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_seal_udt_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_seal_udt_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_seal_udt_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_seal_udt_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_comp_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_comp_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_comp_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_comp_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_comp_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_comp_riot"
// "character\\mp_character_composite_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_airborne_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_airborne_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_airborne_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_airborne_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_airborne_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_airborne_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_militia_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_militia_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_militia_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_militia_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_militia_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_opforce_militia_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_arctic_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_arctic_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_arctic_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_arctic_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_arctic_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_arctic_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_desert_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_desert_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_desert_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_desert_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_desert_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_desert_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_forest_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_forest_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_forest_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_forest_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_forest_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_tf141_forest_riot"
// "mptype\\mptype_delta_ucp_assault"
// "mptype\\mptype_delta_ucp_lmg"
// "mptype\\mptype_delta_ucp_shotgun"
// "mptype\\mptype_delta_ucp_smg"
// "mptype\\mptype_delta_ucp_sniper"
// "mptype\\mptype_delta_ucp_riot"
// "character\\mp_character_delta_urban_assault_c"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_empty"
// "maps\\_breach"
// "maps\\_briefing"
// "maps\\_cagedchickens"
// "maps\\_carry_ai"
// "maps\\_deadbody"
// "maps\\_drone_ai"
// "maps\\_drone_civilian"
// "maps\\_flare"
// "maps\\_flashbang"
// "maps\\_float"
// "maps\\_heli_ride"
// "maps\\_hiding_door_anims"
// "maps\\_hud_weapons"
// "maps\\_inventory"
// "maps\\_leak"
// "maps\\_menus"
// "maps\\_shellshock"
// "maps\\_mortar"
// "maps\\_overheat"
// "maps\\_props"
// "maps\\_radiation"
// "maps\\_sea"
// "maps\\_stealth_utility"
// "maps\\_stealth_shared_utilities"
// "maps\\_stealth_animation_funcs"
// "maps\\_stealth_threat_enemy"
// "maps\\_stealth_visibility_enemy"
// "maps\\_stealth_visibility_friendly"
// "maps\\_stealth_behavior_friendly"
// "maps\\_stealth_behavior_enemy"
// "maps\\_stealth_corpse_enemy"
// "maps\\_stealth_corpse_system"
// "maps\\_stealth_event_enemy"
// "maps\\_stealth_color_friendly"
// "maps\\_stealth_accuracy_friendly"
// "maps\\_stealth_smartstance_friendly"
// "maps\\_stealth_visibility_system"
// "maps\\_stealth_vehicle"
// "maps\\_treeburst"
// "maps\\_vehicle_missile"
// "maps\\_vehicle_spline"
// "maps\\_vehicledrive"
// "maps\\_weather"
// "maps\\_wood"
// "maps\\_audio_presets_music"
// "maps\\_shg_common"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_so_martyrdom_smg_bodies"
// "character\\character_so_martyrdom"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_africa_militia_heads_a"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_africa_militia_hats_a"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_africa_militia_hats_b"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_africa_militia_hats_c"
// "character\\character_africa_militia_smg_a"
// "character\\character_africa_militia_smg_b"
// "character\\character_africa_militia_smg_c"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_so_regular_smg_heads"
// "character\\character_so_regular_smg"
// "maps\\_rambo"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_so_veteran_ar_heads"
// "character\\character_so_veteran_ar"
// "character\\character_sp_juggernaut"
// "maps\\_juggernaut"
// "character\\character_so_juggernaut_mid"
// "maps\\_riotshield"
// "character\\character_so_juggernaut_explosive"
// "character\\character_so_juggernaut_headshot"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_chemwar_russian_heads_masked"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_a"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_m_b"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_m_c"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_m_d"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_m_e"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_aa"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_m_bb"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_m_cc"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_m_dd"
// "character\\character_chemwar_russian_assault_m_ee"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_so_russian_naval_bodies"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_russian_naval_heads"
// "character\\character_so_russian_naval_assault"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_chemwar_russian_heads_so"
// "character\\character_chemwar_m_d_so"
// "character\\character_chemwar_m_dd_so"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_so_hardened_ar_heads"
// "character\\character_so_hardened_ar"
// "character\\character_gign_paris_smg"
// "character\\character_gign_paris_assault"
// "character\\character_delta_elite_assault_aa"
// "character\\character_delta_elite_assault_ab"
// "character\\character_delta_elite_assault_ba"
// "character\\character_delta_elite_assault_bb"
// "character\\character_sp_german_sheperd_dog"
// "maps\\_utility_joec"
// "maps\\_squad_enemies"
// "maps\\_sp_killstreaks"
// "maps\\_remotemissile_utility"
// "maps\\_remotemissile"
// "maps\\_sp_airdrop"
// "maps\\_so_survival_perks"
// "common_scripts\\_sentry"
// "maps\\_sp_airstrike"
// "maps\\_so_survival_code"
// "maps\\_chopperboss"
// "maps\\_so_survival_loot"
// "maps\\_so_survival_ai"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_mi17_noai"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_littlebird"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_ucav"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_mi17"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_blackhawk"
// "maps\\_air_support_strobe"
// "maps\\_so_survival"
// "maps\\_so_survival_armory"
// "maps\\_so_survival_challenge"
// "maps\\_so_survival_dialog"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_littlebird_player"
// "maps\\_shg_fx"
// "maps\\createart\\ny_manhattan_fog"
// "maps\\createart\\ny_manhattan_art"
// SCR_OPAQUE_FILE3_maps_cinematic_setups_nym_hind_finale = 0x295,
// SCR_OPAQUE_FILE3_maps_cinematic_setups_nym_sewer_exit = 0x296,
// "maps\\_c4"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_russian_military_manhattan_heads"
// "character\\character_opforce_manhattan_assault_a"
// "character\\character_russian_military_rpg_a"
// "character\\character_opforce_manhattan_shgn_a"
// "character\\character_opforce_manhattan_lmg_a"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_rangers_heads"
// "character\\character_rangers_bdu_assault_a"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_air_crew_heads"
// "character\\character_air_crew_manhattan"
// "character\\character_opforce_manhattan_rpg_a"
// "character\\character_delta_elite_smg_a"
// "character\\character_delta_elite_smg_b"
// "maps\\_minigun_viewmodel"
// "maps\\_minigun"
// "maps\\createfx\\ny_manhattan_fx"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_gaz_dshk"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_hind"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_ss_n_12"
// "maps\\animated_models\\fence_tarp_108x76_med_01"
// "maps\\animated_models\\fence_tarp_132x82_med_01"
// "maps\\_predator2"
// "maps\\_xm25"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_blackhawk_minigun"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_stryker50cal"
// "character\\character_opforce_rushwood_assault_a"
// "maps\\createart\\so_survival_mp_dome_art"
// "character\\character_so_juggernaut_lite"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_russian_naval_bodies"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_submarine_sdv"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_super_dvora"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_zodiac"
// "maps\\_ocean"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_zubr"
// "character\\character_sp_opforce_e"
// "character\\character_sp_opforce_f"
// "character\\character_sp_opforce_derik"
// "character\\character_opforce_rushwood_ass_dust_a"
// "character\\character_opforce_rushwood_smg_dust_a"
// "maps\\createart\\berlin_fog"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_russian_military_gasmask_heads"
// "character\\character_opforce_paris_gasmask"
// "maps\\createart\\so_jeep_paris_b_fog"
// "maps\\createart\\so_jeep_paris_b_art"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_mig29"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_t72"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_btr80"
// "maps\\createfx\\prague_fx"
// "maps\\_stealth_anims"
// "maps\\_idle_lean_smoke"
// "maps\\_idle_sleep"
// "maps\\_idle_smoke_balcony"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_technical_aa"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_technical_payback"
// "maps\\animated_models\\highrise_fencetarp_03"
// "maps\\createart\\so_littlebird_payback_fog"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_uk_delivery_truck"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_uk_utility_truck"
// "maps\\createart\\london_art"
// "maps\\_nightvision"
// "maps\\createart\\so_timetrial_london_art"
// "character\\character_fso_vest_nopacks_alt"
// "maps\\createart\\hijack_art"
// "character\\character_africa_militia_assault_a"
// "character\\character_africa_militia_assault_b"
// "character\\character_africa_militia_rpg_a"
// "maps\\_stinger"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_cobra"
// "character\\character_opforce_rescue_assault_b"
// "character\\character_hero_delta_sandman"
// "character\\character_delta_elite_snow_assault_aa"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_bm21"
// "xmodelalias\\alias_henchmen_heads"
// "maps\\_javelin"
// "common_scripts\\_destructible_types_anim_prop_radar_maz"
// "character\\character_hero_africa_price"
// "maps\\_slowmo_breach_payback"
// "maps\\_underwater_debris"
// "character\\character_hero_delta_sandman_udt"
// "vehicle_scripts\\_russian_torpedo"
// "maps\\_credits"
// "maps\\createart\\paris_a_art"