// Copyright 2024 xensik. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "xsk/stdinc.hpp" #include "xsk/arc/context.hpp" namespace xsk::arc { extern std::array, opcode_count> const opcode_list; context::context(arc::props props, arc::engine engine, arc::endian endian, arc::system system, u64 magic) : props_{ props }, engine_{ engine }, endian_{ endian }, system_{ system }, instance_{ arc::instance::server }, magic_{ magic }, source_{ this }, assembler_{ this }, disassembler_{ this }, compiler_{ this }, decompiler_{ this } { opcode_map_.reserve(opcode_list.size()); opcode_map_rev_.reserve(opcode_list.size()); for (auto const& entry : opcode_list) { opcode_map_.insert({ entry.first, entry.second }); opcode_map_rev_.insert({ entry.second, entry.first }); } } auto context::init(arc::build build, fs_callback callback) -> void { build_ = build; fs_callback_ = callback; } auto context::cleanup() -> void { } auto context::engine_name() const -> std::string_view { switch (engine_) { case engine::t6: return "T6"; case engine::t7: return "T7"; case engine::t8: return "T8"; case engine::t9: return "T9"; default: return ""; } } auto context::opcode_size(opcode op) const -> u32 { switch (op) { case opcode::OP_End: case opcode::OP_Return: case opcode::OP_GetUndefined: case opcode::OP_GetZero: case opcode::OP_GetLevelObject: case opcode::OP_GetAnimObject: case opcode::OP_GetSelf: case opcode::OP_GetLevel: case opcode::OP_GetGame: case opcode::OP_GetAnim: case opcode::OP_GetGameRef: case opcode::OP_CreateLocalVariable: case opcode::OP_EvalArray: case opcode::OP_EvalArrayRef: case opcode::OP_ClearArray: case opcode::OP_EmptyArray: case opcode::OP_GetSelfObject: case opcode::OP_ClearParams: case opcode::OP_CheckClearParams: case opcode::OP_SetVariableField: case opcode::OP_Wait: case opcode::OP_WaitTillFrameEnd: case opcode::OP_PreScriptCall: case opcode::OP_DecTop: case opcode::OP_CastFieldObject: case opcode::OP_CastBool: case opcode::OP_BoolNot: case opcode::OP_BoolComplement: case opcode::OP_Inc: case opcode::OP_Dec: case opcode::OP_Bit_Or: case opcode::OP_Bit_Xor: case opcode::OP_Bit_And: case opcode::OP_Equal: case opcode::OP_NotEqual: case opcode::OP_LessThan: case opcode::OP_GreaterThan: case opcode::OP_LessThanOrEqualTo: case opcode::OP_GreaterThanOrEqualTo: case opcode::OP_ShiftLeft: case opcode::OP_ShiftRight: case opcode::OP_Plus: case opcode::OP_Minus: case opcode::OP_Multiply: case opcode::OP_Divide: case opcode::OP_Modulus: case opcode::OP_SizeOf: case opcode::OP_WaitTill: case opcode::OP_Notify: case opcode::OP_EndOn: case opcode::OP_VoidCodePos: case opcode::OP_Vector: case opcode::OP_RealWait: case opcode::OP_IsDefined: case opcode::OP_VectorScale: case opcode::OP_AnglesToUp: case opcode::OP_AnglesToRight: case opcode::OP_AnglesToForward: case opcode::OP_AngleClamp180: case opcode::OP_VectorToAngles: case opcode::OP_Abs: case opcode::OP_GetTime: case opcode::OP_GetDvar: case opcode::OP_GetDvarInt: case opcode::OP_GetDvarFloat: case opcode::OP_GetDvarVector: case opcode::OP_GetDvarColorRed: case opcode::OP_GetDvarColorGreen: case opcode::OP_GetDvarColorBlue: case opcode::OP_GetDvarColorAlpha: case opcode::OP_FirstArrayKey: case opcode::OP_NextArrayKey: case opcode::OP_ProfileStop: case opcode::OP_SafeDecTop: case opcode::OP_Nop: case opcode::OP_Abort: case opcode::OP_Object: case opcode::OP_ThreadObject: case opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariable: case opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRef: case opcode::OP_GetWorldObject: case opcode::OP_GetWorld: case opcode::OP_GetClassesObject: case opcode::OP_GetClasses: case opcode::OP_SuperEqual: case opcode::OP_SuperNotEqual: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 2 : 1; case opcode::OP_SafeSetVariableFieldCached: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 3 : 1; case opcode::OP_GetByte: case opcode::OP_GetNegByte: case opcode::OP_SafeCreateLocalVariables: case opcode::OP_RemoveLocalVariables: case opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached: case opcode::OP_EvalLocalArrayRefCached: case opcode::OP_SafeSetWaittillVariableFieldCached: case opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCached: case opcode::OP_ScriptFunctionCallPointer: case opcode::OP_ScriptMethodCallPointer: case opcode::OP_ScriptThreadCallPointer: case opcode::OP_ScriptMethodThreadCallPointer: case opcode::OP_WaitTillMatch: case opcode::OP_VectorConstant: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 3 : 2; case opcode::OP_GetUnsignedShort: case opcode::OP_GetNegUnsignedShort: case opcode::OP_JumpOnFalse: case opcode::OP_JumpOnTrue: case opcode::OP_JumpOnFalseExpr: case opcode::OP_JumpOnTrueExpr: case opcode::OP_Jump: case opcode::OP_JumpBack: case opcode::OP_DevblockBegin: case opcode::OP_DevblockEnd: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 4 : 3; case opcode::OP_GetString: case opcode::OP_GetIString: case opcode::OP_EvalFieldVariable: case opcode::OP_EvalFieldVariableRef: case opcode::OP_ClearFieldVariable: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 6 : 3; case opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCachedDebug: case opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCachedDebug: case opcode::OP_LevelEvalFieldVariableRef: case opcode::OP_LevelEvalFieldVariable: case opcode::OP_New: case opcode::OP_SelfEvalFieldVariableRef: case opcode::OP_SelfEvalFieldVariable: return 6; case opcode::OP_GetInteger: case opcode::OP_GetFloat: case opcode::OP_Switch: case opcode::OP_EndSwitch: case opcode::OP_GetHash: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 6 : 5; case opcode::OP_ScriptFunctionCallClass: case opcode::OP_ScriptThreadCallClass: return 7; case opcode::OP_GetAPIFunction: return 10; case opcode::OP_ProfileStart: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 10 : 1; case opcode::OP_GetAnimation: case opcode::OP_GetFunction: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 10 : 5; case opcode::OP_CallBuiltin: case opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod: case opcode::OP_ScriptFunctionCall: case opcode::OP_ScriptMethodCall: case opcode::OP_ScriptThreadCall: case opcode::OP_ScriptMethodThreadCall: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 11 : 6; case opcode::OP_GetVector: return (props_ & props::size64) ? 14 : 13; default: throw error(std::format("couldn't resolve instruction size for '{}'", opcode_name(op))); } } auto context::opcode_id(opcode op) const -> u16 { auto const itr = code_map_rev_.find(op); if (itr != code_map_rev_.end()) { return itr->second; } throw error(std::format("couldn't resolve opcode id for '{}'", opcode_name(op))); } auto context::opcode_name(opcode op) const -> std::string { auto const itr = opcode_map_.find(op); if (itr != opcode_map_.end()) { return std::string{ itr->second }; } throw std::runtime_error(std::format("couldn't resolve opcode string for enum '{}'", static_cast>(op))); } auto context::opcode_enum(std::string const& name) const -> opcode { auto const itr = opcode_map_rev_.find(name); if (itr != opcode_map_rev_.end()) { return itr->second; } throw std::runtime_error(std::format("couldn't resolve opcode enum for name '{}'", name)); } auto context::opcode_enum(u16 id) const -> opcode { auto const itr = code_map_.find(id); if (itr != code_map_.end()) { return itr->second; } return opcode::OP_Invalid; } auto context::hash_id(std::string const& name) const -> u32 { if (name.starts_with("_id_")) { return static_cast(std::stoul(name.substr(4), nullptr, 16)); } if (props_ & props::hashids) { auto* str = name.data(); auto hash = 16777619u * (std::tolower(static_cast(*str)) ^ 1268436527u); while (*str++) { hash = 16777619u * (std::tolower(static_cast(*str)) ^ hash); } return hash; } else { if (name.empty()) return 0; auto hash = 5381u; for (auto i = 0u; i < name.size(); i++) { hash = std::tolower(static_cast(name[i])) + 33 * hash; } return hash; } } auto context::hash_name(u32 id) const -> std::string { auto const itr = hash_map_.find(id); if (itr != hash_map_.end()) { return std::string(itr->second); } return std::format("_id_{:08X}", id); } auto context::make_token(std::string_view str) const -> std::string { if (str.starts_with("_id_") || str.starts_with("_func_") || str.starts_with("_meth_")) { return std::string{ str }; } auto data = std::string{ str.begin(), str.end() }; for (auto i = 0u; i < data.size(); i++) { data[i] = static_cast(std::tolower(static_cast(str[i]))); if (data[i] == '\\') data[i] = '/'; } return data; } auto context::load_header(std::string const& name) -> std::tuple { auto const itr = header_files_.find(name); if (itr != header_files_.end()) { return { &itr->first, reinterpret_cast(itr->second.data()), itr->second.size() }; } auto data = fs_callback_(name); if (!data.empty()) { auto const res = header_files_.insert({ name, std::move(data) }); if (res.second) { return { &res.first->first, reinterpret_cast(res.first->second.data()), res.first->second.size() }; } } throw error(std::format("couldn't open gsh file '{}'", name)); } extern std::array, opcode_count> const opcode_list {{ { opcode::OP_Invalid, "OP_Invalid" }, { opcode::OP_End, "OP_End" }, { opcode::OP_Return, "OP_Return" }, { opcode::OP_GetUndefined, "OP_GetUndefined" }, { opcode::OP_GetZero, "OP_GetZero" }, { opcode::OP_GetByte, "OP_GetByte" }, { opcode::OP_GetNegByte, "OP_GetNegByte" }, { opcode::OP_GetUnsignedShort, "OP_GetUnsignedShort" }, { opcode::OP_GetNegUnsignedShort, "OP_GetNegUnsignedShort" }, { opcode::OP_GetInteger, "OP_GetInteger" }, { opcode::OP_GetFloat, "OP_GetFloat" }, { opcode::OP_GetString, "OP_GetString" }, { opcode::OP_GetIString, "OP_GetIString" }, { opcode::OP_GetVector, "OP_GetVector" }, { opcode::OP_GetLevelObject, "OP_GetLevelObject" }, { opcode::OP_GetAnimObject, "OP_GetAnimObject" }, { opcode::OP_GetSelf, "OP_GetSelf" }, { opcode::OP_GetLevel, "OP_GetLevel" }, { opcode::OP_GetGame, "OP_GetGame" }, { opcode::OP_GetAnim, "OP_GetAnim" }, { opcode::OP_GetAnimation, "OP_GetAnimation" }, { opcode::OP_GetGameRef, "OP_GetGameRef" }, { opcode::OP_GetFunction, "OP_GetFunction" }, { opcode::OP_CreateLocalVariable, "OP_CreateLocalVariable" }, { opcode::OP_SafeCreateLocalVariables, "OP_SafeCreateLocalVariables" }, { opcode::OP_RemoveLocalVariables, "OP_RemoveLocalVariables" }, { opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCached, "OP_EvalLocalVariableCached" }, { opcode::OP_EvalArray, "OP_EvalArray" }, { opcode::OP_EvalLocalArrayRefCached, "OP_EvalLocalArrayRefCached" }, { opcode::OP_EvalArrayRef, "OP_EvalArrayRef" }, { opcode::OP_ClearArray, "OP_ClearArray" }, { opcode::OP_EmptyArray, "OP_EmptyArray" }, { opcode::OP_GetSelfObject, "OP_GetSelfObject" }, { opcode::OP_EvalFieldVariable, "OP_EvalFieldVariable" }, { opcode::OP_EvalFieldVariableRef, "OP_EvalFieldVariableRef" }, { opcode::OP_ClearFieldVariable, "OP_ClearFieldVariable" }, { opcode::OP_SafeSetVariableFieldCached, "OP_SafeSetVariableFieldCached" }, { opcode::OP_SafeSetWaittillVariableFieldCached, "OP_SafeSetWaittillVariableFieldCached" }, { opcode::OP_ClearParams, "OP_ClearParams" }, { opcode::OP_CheckClearParams, "OP_CheckClearParams" }, { opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCached, "OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCached" }, { opcode::OP_SetVariableField, "OP_SetVariableField" }, { opcode::OP_CallBuiltin, "OP_CallBuiltin" }, { opcode::OP_CallBuiltinMethod, "OP_CallBuiltinMethod" }, { opcode::OP_Wait, "OP_Wait" }, { opcode::OP_WaitTillFrameEnd, "OP_WaitTillFrameEnd" }, { opcode::OP_PreScriptCall, "OP_PreScriptCall" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptFunctionCall, "OP_ScriptFunctionCall" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptFunctionCallPointer, "OP_ScriptFunctionCallPointer" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptMethodCall, "OP_ScriptMethodCall" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptMethodCallPointer, "OP_ScriptMethodCallPointer" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptThreadCall, "OP_ScriptThreadCall" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptThreadCallPointer, "OP_ScriptThreadCallPointer" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptMethodThreadCall, "OP_ScriptMethodThreadCall" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptMethodThreadCallPointer, "OP_ScriptMethodThreadCallPointer" }, { opcode::OP_DecTop, "OP_DecTop" }, { opcode::OP_CastFieldObject, "OP_CastFieldObject" }, { opcode::OP_CastBool, "OP_CastBool" }, { opcode::OP_BoolNot, "OP_BoolNot" }, { opcode::OP_BoolComplement, "OP_BoolComplement" }, { opcode::OP_JumpOnFalse, "OP_JumpOnFalse" }, { opcode::OP_JumpOnTrue, "OP_JumpOnTrue" }, { opcode::OP_JumpOnFalseExpr, "OP_JumpOnFalseExpr" }, { opcode::OP_JumpOnTrueExpr, "OP_JumpOnTrueExpr" }, { opcode::OP_Jump, "OP_Jump" }, { opcode::OP_JumpBack, "OP_JumpBack" }, { opcode::OP_Inc, "OP_Inc" }, { opcode::OP_Dec, "OP_Dec" }, { opcode::OP_Bit_Or, "OP_Bit_Or" }, { opcode::OP_Bit_Xor, "OP_Bit_Xor" }, { opcode::OP_Bit_And, "OP_Bit_And" }, { opcode::OP_Equal, "OP_Equal" }, { opcode::OP_NotEqual, "OP_NotEqual" }, { opcode::OP_LessThan, "OP_LessThan" }, { opcode::OP_GreaterThan, "OP_GreaterThan" }, { opcode::OP_LessThanOrEqualTo, "OP_LessThanOrEqualTo" }, { opcode::OP_GreaterThanOrEqualTo, "OP_GreaterThanOrEqualTo" }, { opcode::OP_ShiftLeft, "OP_ShiftLeft" }, { opcode::OP_ShiftRight, "OP_ShiftRight" }, { opcode::OP_Plus, "OP_Plus" }, { opcode::OP_Minus, "OP_Minus" }, { opcode::OP_Multiply, "OP_Multiply" }, { opcode::OP_Divide, "OP_Divide" }, { opcode::OP_Modulus, "OP_Modulus" }, { opcode::OP_SizeOf, "OP_SizeOf" }, { opcode::OP_WaitTillMatch, "OP_WaitTillMatch" }, { opcode::OP_WaitTill, "OP_WaitTill" }, { opcode::OP_Notify, "OP_Notify" }, { opcode::OP_EndOn, "OP_EndOn" }, { opcode::OP_VoidCodePos, "OP_VoidCodePos" }, { opcode::OP_Switch, "OP_Switch" }, { opcode::OP_EndSwitch, "OP_EndSwitch" }, { opcode::OP_Vector, "OP_Vector" }, { opcode::OP_GetHash, "OP_GetHash" }, { opcode::OP_RealWait, "OP_RealWait" }, { opcode::OP_VectorConstant, "OP_VectorConstant" }, { opcode::OP_IsDefined, "OP_IsDefined" }, { opcode::OP_VectorScale, "OP_VectorScale" }, { opcode::OP_AnglesToUp, "OP_AnglesToUp" }, { opcode::OP_AnglesToRight, "OP_AnglesToRight" }, { opcode::OP_AnglesToForward, "OP_AnglesToForward" }, { opcode::OP_AngleClamp180, "OP_AngleClamp180" }, { opcode::OP_VectorToAngles, "OP_VectorToAngles" }, { opcode::OP_Abs, "OP_Abs" }, { opcode::OP_GetTime, "OP_GetTime" }, { opcode::OP_GetDvar, "OP_GetDvar" }, { opcode::OP_GetDvarInt, "OP_GetDvarInt" }, { opcode::OP_GetDvarFloat, "OP_GetDvarFloat" }, { opcode::OP_GetDvarVector, "OP_GetDvarVector" }, { opcode::OP_GetDvarColorRed, "OP_GetDvarColorRed" }, { opcode::OP_GetDvarColorGreen, "OP_GetDvarColorGreen" }, { opcode::OP_GetDvarColorBlue, "OP_GetDvarColorBlue" }, { opcode::OP_GetDvarColorAlpha, "OP_GetDvarColorAlpha" }, { opcode::OP_FirstArrayKey, "OP_FirstArrayKey" }, { opcode::OP_NextArrayKey, "OP_NextArrayKey" }, { opcode::OP_ProfileStart, "OP_ProfileStart" }, { opcode::OP_ProfileStop, "OP_ProfileStop" }, { opcode::OP_SafeDecTop, "OP_SafeDecTop" }, { opcode::OP_Nop, "OP_Nop" }, { opcode::OP_Abort, "OP_Abort" }, { opcode::OP_Object, "OP_Object" }, { opcode::OP_ThreadObject, "OP_ThreadObject" }, { opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariable, "OP_EvalLocalVariable" }, { opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRef, "OP_EvalLocalVariableRef" }, { opcode::OP_DevblockBegin, "OP_DevblockBegin" }, { opcode::OP_DevblockEnd, "OP_DevblockEnd" }, { opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableCachedDebug, "OP_EvalLocalVariableCachedDebug" }, { opcode::OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCachedDebug, "OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCachedDebug" }, { opcode::OP_LevelEvalFieldVariable, "OP_LevelEvalFieldVariable" }, { opcode::OP_LevelEvalFieldVariableRef, "OP_LevelEvalFieldVariableRef" }, { opcode::OP_SelfEvalFieldVariable, "OP_SelfEvalFieldVariable" }, { opcode::OP_SelfEvalFieldVariableRef, "OP_SelfEvalFieldVariableRef" }, { opcode::OP_GetWorld, "OP_GetWorld" }, { opcode::OP_GetWorldObject, "OP_GetWorldObject" }, { opcode::OP_GetClasses, "OP_GetClasses" }, { opcode::OP_GetClassesObject, "OP_GetClassesObject" }, { opcode::OP_New, "OP_New" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptFunctionCallClass, "OP_ScriptFunctionCallClass" }, { opcode::OP_ScriptThreadCallClass, "OP_ScriptThreadCallClass" }, { opcode::OP_GetUintptr, "OP_GetUintptr" }, { opcode::OP_SuperEqual, "OP_SuperEqual" }, { opcode::OP_SuperNotEqual, "OP_SuperNotEqual" }, { opcode::OP_GetAPIFunction, "OP_GetAPIFunction" }, }}; } // namespace xsk::arc