// Copyright 2022 xensik. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. #pragma once namespace xsk::arc::ast { enum class kind { null, expr_true, expr_false, expr_integer, expr_float, expr_vector, expr_hash, expr_string, expr_istring, expr_path, expr_identifier, expr_animtree, expr_animation, expr_level, expr_anim, expr_self, expr_game, expr_undefined, expr_empty_array, expr_paren, expr_size, expr_field, expr_array, expr_reference, expr_getnextarraykey, expr_getfirstarraykey, expr_getdvarcoloralpha, expr_getdvarcolorblue, expr_getdvarcolorgreen, expr_getdvarcolorred, expr_getdvarvector, expr_getdvarfloat, expr_getdvarint, expr_getdvar, expr_gettime, expr_abs, expr_vectortoangles, expr_angleclamp180, expr_anglestoforward, expr_anglestoright, expr_anglestoup, expr_vectorscale, expr_isdefined, expr_arguments, expr_parameters, expr_pointer, expr_function, expr_method, expr_call, expr_complement, expr_negate, expr_not, expr_add, expr_sub, expr_mul, expr_div, expr_mod, expr_shift_left, expr_shift_right, expr_bitwise_or, expr_bitwise_and, expr_bitwise_exor, expr_equality, expr_inequality, expr_less_equal, expr_greater_equal, expr_less, expr_greater, expr_or, expr_and, expr_ternary, expr_increment, expr_decrement, expr_assign_equal, expr_assign_add, expr_assign_sub, expr_assign_mul, expr_assign_div, expr_assign_mod, expr_assign_shift_left, expr_assign_shift_right, expr_assign_bitwise_or, expr_assign_bitwise_and, expr_assign_bitwise_exor, stmt_list, stmt_dev, stmt_expr, stmt_call, stmt_const, stmt_assign, stmt_endon, stmt_notify, stmt_realwait, stmt_wait, stmt_waittill, stmt_waittillmatch, stmt_waittillframeend, stmt_if, stmt_ifelse, stmt_while, stmt_dowhile, stmt_for, stmt_foreach, stmt_switch, stmt_case, stmt_default, stmt_break, stmt_continue, stmt_return, stmt_breakpoint, stmt_prof_begin, stmt_prof_end, decl_thread, decl_usingtree, decl_dev_begin, decl_dev_end, include, program, // DECOMPILER asm_loc, asm_jump, asm_jump_back, asm_jump_cond, asm_jump_true_expr, asm_jump_false_expr, asm_switch, asm_endswitch, asm_prescriptcall, asm_voidcodepos, asm_dev, }; struct node; struct expr_true; struct expr_false; struct expr_integer; struct expr_float; struct expr_vector; struct expr_hash; struct expr_string; struct expr_istring; struct expr_path; struct expr_identifier; struct expr_animtree; struct expr_animation; struct expr_level; struct expr_anim; struct expr_self; struct expr_game; struct expr_undefined; struct expr_empty_array; struct expr_paren; struct expr_size; struct expr_field; struct expr_array; struct expr_reference; struct expr_getnextarraykey; struct expr_getfirstarraykey; struct expr_getdvarcoloralpha; struct expr_getdvarcolorblue; struct expr_getdvarcolorgreen; struct expr_getdvarcolorred; struct expr_getdvarvector; struct expr_getdvarfloat; struct expr_getdvarint; struct expr_getdvar; struct expr_gettime; struct expr_abs; struct expr_vectortoangles; struct expr_angleclamp180; struct expr_anglestoforward; struct expr_anglestoright; struct expr_anglestoup; struct expr_vectorscale; struct expr_isdefined; struct expr_arguments; struct expr_parameters; struct expr_pointer; struct expr_function; struct expr_method; struct expr_call; struct expr_complement; struct expr_negate; struct expr_not; struct expr_binary; struct expr_add; struct expr_sub; struct expr_mul; struct expr_div; struct expr_mod; struct expr_shift_left; struct expr_shift_right; struct expr_bitwise_or; struct expr_bitwise_and; struct expr_bitwise_exor; struct expr_equality; struct expr_inequality; struct expr_less_equal; struct expr_greater_equal; struct expr_less; struct expr_greater; struct expr_or; struct expr_and; struct expr_ternary; struct expr_increment; struct expr_decrement; struct expr_assign; struct expr_assign_equal; struct expr_assign_add; struct expr_assign_sub; struct expr_assign_mul; struct expr_assign_div; struct expr_assign_mod; struct expr_assign_shift_left; struct expr_assign_shift_right; struct expr_assign_bitwise_or; struct expr_assign_bitwise_and; struct expr_assign_bitwise_exor; struct stmt_list; struct stmt_dev; struct stmt_expr; struct stmt_call; struct stmt_const; struct stmt_assign; struct stmt_endon; struct stmt_notify; struct stmt_realwait; struct stmt_wait; struct stmt_waittill; struct stmt_waittillmatch; struct stmt_waittillframeend; struct stmt_if; struct stmt_ifelse; struct stmt_while; struct stmt_dowhile; struct stmt_for; struct stmt_foreach; struct stmt_switch; struct stmt_case; struct stmt_default; struct stmt_break; struct stmt_continue; struct stmt_return; struct stmt_breakpoint; struct stmt_prof_begin; struct stmt_prof_end; struct decl_thread; struct decl_usingtree; struct decl_dev_begin; struct decl_dev_end; struct include; struct program; struct asm_loc; struct asm_jump; struct asm_jump_back; struct asm_jump_cond; struct asm_jump_false_expr; struct asm_jump_true_expr; struct asm_switch; struct asm_endswitch; struct asm_prescriptcall; struct asm_voidcodepos; struct asm_dev; union call { enum class mode { normal, thread }; std::unique_ptr as_node; std::unique_ptr as_pointer; std::unique_ptr as_function; call(); call(std::unique_ptr value); call(call&& value); call(const call&) = delete; call& operator=(const call&) = delete; ~call(); friend bool operator==(const call& lhs, kind rhs); auto loc() const -> location; auto kind() const -> ast::kind; auto print() const -> std::string; }; union expr { std::unique_ptr as_node; std::unique_ptr as_true; std::unique_ptr as_false; std::unique_ptr as_integer; std::unique_ptr as_float; std::unique_ptr as_vector; std::unique_ptr as_hash; std::unique_ptr as_string; std::unique_ptr as_istring; std::unique_ptr as_path; std::unique_ptr as_identifier; std::unique_ptr as_animtree; std::unique_ptr as_animation; std::unique_ptr as_level; std::unique_ptr as_anim; std::unique_ptr as_self; std::unique_ptr as_game; std::unique_ptr as_undefined; std::unique_ptr as_empty_array; std::unique_ptr as_paren; std::unique_ptr as_size; std::unique_ptr as_field; std::unique_ptr as_array; std::unique_ptr as_reference; std::unique_ptr as_getnextarraykey; std::unique_ptr as_getfirstarraykey; std::unique_ptr as_getdvarcoloralpha; std::unique_ptr as_getdvarcolorblue; std::unique_ptr as_getdvarcolorgreen; std::unique_ptr as_getdvarcolorred; std::unique_ptr as_getdvarvector; std::unique_ptr as_getdvarfloat; std::unique_ptr as_getdvarint; std::unique_ptr as_getdvar; std::unique_ptr as_gettime; std::unique_ptr as_abs; std::unique_ptr as_vectortoangles; std::unique_ptr as_angleclamp180; std::unique_ptr as_anglestoforward; std::unique_ptr as_anglestoright; std::unique_ptr as_anglestoup; std::unique_ptr as_vectorscale; std::unique_ptr as_isdefined; std::unique_ptr as_arguments; std::unique_ptr as_parameters; std::unique_ptr as_pointer; std::unique_ptr as_function; std::unique_ptr as_method; std::unique_ptr as_call; std::unique_ptr as_complement; std::unique_ptr as_negate; std::unique_ptr as_not; std::unique_ptr as_binary; std::unique_ptr as_add; std::unique_ptr as_sub; std::unique_ptr as_mul; std::unique_ptr as_div; std::unique_ptr as_mod; std::unique_ptr as_shift_left; std::unique_ptr as_shift_right; std::unique_ptr as_bitwise_or; std::unique_ptr as_bitwise_and; std::unique_ptr as_bitwise_exor; std::unique_ptr as_equality; std::unique_ptr as_inequality; std::unique_ptr as_less_equal; std::unique_ptr as_greater_equal; std::unique_ptr as_less; std::unique_ptr as_greater; std::unique_ptr as_or; std::unique_ptr as_and; std::unique_ptr as_ternary; std::unique_ptr as_increment; std::unique_ptr as_decrement; std::unique_ptr as_assign; std::unique_ptr as_assign_equal; std::unique_ptr as_assign_add; std::unique_ptr as_assign_sub; std::unique_ptr as_assign_mul; std::unique_ptr as_assign_div; std::unique_ptr as_assign_mod; std::unique_ptr as_assign_shift_left; std::unique_ptr as_assign_shift_right; std::unique_ptr as_assign_bw_or; std::unique_ptr as_assign_bw_and; std::unique_ptr as_assign_bw_exor; expr(); expr(std::unique_ptr value); expr(expr&& value); expr& operator=(expr&& value); expr(const expr&) = delete; expr& operator=(const expr&) = delete; ~expr(); friend bool operator!=(const expr& lhs, kind rhs); friend bool operator==(const expr& lhs, kind rhs); friend bool operator==(const expr& lhs, const expr& rhs); auto loc() const -> location; auto kind() const -> ast::kind; auto print() const -> std::string; }; union stmt { std::unique_ptr as_node; std::unique_ptr as_list; std::unique_ptr as_dev; std::unique_ptr as_expr; std::unique_ptr as_call; std::unique_ptr as_const; std::unique_ptr as_assign; std::unique_ptr as_endon; std::unique_ptr as_notify; std::unique_ptr as_realwait; std::unique_ptr as_wait; std::unique_ptr as_waittill; std::unique_ptr as_waittillmatch; std::unique_ptr as_waittillframeend; std::unique_ptr as_if; std::unique_ptr as_ifelse; std::unique_ptr as_while; std::unique_ptr as_dowhile; std::unique_ptr as_for; std::unique_ptr as_foreach; std::unique_ptr as_switch; std::unique_ptr as_case; std::unique_ptr as_default; std::unique_ptr as_break; std::unique_ptr as_continue; std::unique_ptr as_return; std::unique_ptr as_breakpoint; std::unique_ptr as_prof_begin; std::unique_ptr as_prof_end; std::unique_ptr as_loc; std::unique_ptr as_jump; std::unique_ptr as_jump_back; std::unique_ptr as_cond; std::unique_ptr as_jump_true_expr; std::unique_ptr as_jump_false_expr; std::unique_ptr as_asm_switch; std::unique_ptr as_asm_endswitch; std::unique_ptr as_asm_prescriptcall; std::unique_ptr as_asm_voidcodepos; std::unique_ptr as_asm_dev; stmt(); stmt(std::unique_ptr value); stmt(stmt&& value); stmt& operator=(stmt&& value); stmt(const stmt&) = delete; stmt& operator=(const stmt&) = delete; ~stmt(); friend bool operator==(const stmt& lhs, kind rhs); auto loc() const -> location; auto kind() const -> ast::kind; auto print() const -> std::string; }; union decl { std::unique_ptr as_node; std::unique_ptr as_dev_begin; std::unique_ptr as_dev_end; std::unique_ptr as_usingtree; std::unique_ptr as_thread; decl(); decl(std::unique_ptr value); decl(decl&& value); decl& operator=(decl&& value); decl(const decl&) = delete; decl& operator=(const decl&) = delete; ~decl(); friend bool operator==(const decl& lhs, kind rhs); auto loc() const -> location; auto kind() const -> ast::kind; auto print() const -> std::string; }; struct node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; private: kind kind_; location loc_; public: node() : kind_(kind::null) {} node(const location& loc) : kind_(kind::null), loc_(loc) {} node(kind type) : kind_(type) {} node(kind type, const location& loc) : kind_(type), loc_(loc) {} virtual ~node() = default; virtual auto print() const -> std::string { return ""; }; friend bool operator==(const node& n, kind k); friend bool operator==(const node& lhs, const node& rhs); auto kind() -> kind { return kind_; } auto loc() -> location& { return loc_; } auto is_special_stmt() -> bool; auto is_special_stmt_dev() -> bool; auto is_special_stmt_noif() -> bool; auto is_special_stmt_dev_noif() -> bool; auto is_binary() -> bool; auto precedence() -> std::uint8_t; protected: static std::uint32_t indent_; static void reset_indentation(); static std::string indented(std::uint32_t indent); }; struct expr_true : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_true(); expr_true(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_true&, const expr_true&); }; struct expr_false : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_false(); expr_false(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_false&, const expr_false&); }; struct expr_integer : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; expr_integer(const std::string& value); expr_integer(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_integer& lhs, const expr_integer& rhs); }; struct expr_float : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; expr_float(const std::string& value); expr_float(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_float& lhs, const expr_float& rhs); }; struct expr_vector : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr x; expr y; expr z; expr_vector(expr x, expr y, expr z); expr_vector(const location& loc, expr x, expr y, expr z); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_vector& lhs, const expr_vector& rhs); }; struct expr_hash : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; expr_hash(const std::string& value); expr_hash(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_hash& lhs, const expr_hash& rhs); }; struct expr_string : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; expr_string(const std::string& value); expr_string(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_string& lhs, const expr_string& rhs); }; struct expr_istring : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; expr_istring(const std::string& value); expr_istring(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_istring& lhs, const expr_istring& rhs); }; struct expr_path : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; expr_path(); expr_path(const std::string& value); expr_path(const location& loc); expr_path(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_path& lhs, const expr_path& rhs); }; struct expr_identifier : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; expr_identifier(const std::string& value); expr_identifier(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_identifier& lhs, const expr_identifier& rhs); }; struct expr_animtree : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_animtree(); expr_animtree(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_animtree& lhs, const expr_animtree& rhs); }; struct expr_animation : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; expr_animation(const std::string& value); expr_animation(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_animation& lhs, const expr_animation& rhs); }; struct expr_level : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_level(); expr_level(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_level& lhs, const expr_level& rhs); }; struct expr_anim : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_anim(); expr_anim(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_anim& lhs, const expr_anim& rhs); }; struct expr_self : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_self(); expr_self(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_self& lhs, const expr_self& rhs); }; struct expr_game : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_game(); expr_game(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_game& lhs, const expr_game& rhs); }; struct expr_undefined : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_undefined(); expr_undefined(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_undefined& lhs, const expr_undefined& rhs); }; struct expr_empty_array : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_empty_array(); expr_empty_array(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_empty_array& lhs, const expr_empty_array& rhs); }; struct expr_paren : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr child; expr_paren(expr expr); expr_paren(const location& loc, expr expr); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_paren& lhs, const expr_paren& rhs); }; struct expr_size : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr obj; expr_size(expr obj); expr_size(const location& loc, expr obj); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_size& lhs, const expr_size& rhs); }; struct expr_field : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr obj; expr_identifier::ptr field; expr_field(expr obj, expr_identifier::ptr field); expr_field(const location& loc, expr obj, expr_identifier::ptr field); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_field& lhs, const expr_field& rhs); }; struct expr_array : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr obj; expr key; expr_array(expr obj, expr key); expr_array(const location& loc, expr obj, expr key); auto print() const -> std::string override; friend bool operator==(const expr_array& lhs, const expr_array& rhs); }; struct expr_reference : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_path::ptr path; expr_identifier::ptr name; expr_reference(expr_path::ptr path, expr_identifier::ptr name); expr_reference(const location& loc, expr_path::ptr path, expr_identifier::ptr name); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getnextarraykey : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg1; expr arg2; expr_getnextarraykey(expr arg1, expr arg2); expr_getnextarraykey(const location& loc, expr arg1, expr arg2); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getfirstarraykey : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getfirstarraykey(expr arg); expr_getfirstarraykey(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getdvarcoloralpha : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getdvarcoloralpha(expr arg); expr_getdvarcoloralpha(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getdvarcolorblue : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getdvarcolorblue(expr arg); expr_getdvarcolorblue(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getdvarcolorgreen : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getdvarcolorgreen(expr arg); expr_getdvarcolorgreen(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getdvarcolorred : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getdvarcolorred(expr arg); expr_getdvarcolorred(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getdvarvector : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getdvarvector(expr arg); expr_getdvarvector(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getdvarfloat : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getdvarfloat(expr arg); expr_getdvarfloat(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getdvarint : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getdvarint(expr arg); expr_getdvarint(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_getdvar : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_getdvar(expr arg); expr_getdvar(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_gettime : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_gettime(); expr_gettime(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_abs : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_abs(expr arg); expr_abs(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_vectortoangles : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_vectortoangles(expr arg); expr_vectortoangles(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_angleclamp180 : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_angleclamp180(expr arg); expr_angleclamp180(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_anglestoforward : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_anglestoforward(expr arg); expr_anglestoforward(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_anglestoright : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_anglestoright(expr arg); expr_anglestoright(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_anglestoup : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_anglestoup(expr arg); expr_anglestoup(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_vectorscale : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg1; expr arg2; expr_vectorscale(expr arg1, expr arg2); expr_vectorscale(const location& loc, expr arg1, expr arg2); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_isdefined : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr arg; expr_isdefined(expr arg); expr_isdefined(const location& loc, expr arg); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_arguments : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::vector list; expr_arguments(); expr_arguments(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_parameters : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::vector list; expr_parameters(); expr_parameters(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_pointer : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr func; expr_arguments::ptr args; call::mode mode; expr_pointer(expr func, expr_arguments::ptr args, call::mode mode); expr_pointer(const location& loc, expr func, expr_arguments::ptr args, call::mode mode); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_function : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_path::ptr path; expr_identifier::ptr name; expr_arguments::ptr args; call::mode mode; expr_function(expr_path::ptr path, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_arguments::ptr args, call::mode mode); expr_function(const location& loc, expr_path::ptr path, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_arguments::ptr args, call::mode mode); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_method : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr obj; ast::call call; expr_method(expr obj, ast::call call); expr_method(const location& loc, expr obj, ast::call call); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_call : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::call call; expr_call(ast::call call); expr_call(const location& loc, ast::call call); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_complement : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr rvalue; expr_complement(expr rvalue); expr_complement(const location& loc, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_negate : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr rvalue; expr_negate(expr rvalue); expr_negate(const location& loc, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_not : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr rvalue; expr_not(expr rvalue); expr_not(const location& loc, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_binary : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr lvalue; expr rvalue; expr_binary(ast::kind kind, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_binary(ast::kind kind, const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); virtual auto print() const -> std::string = 0; }; struct expr_add : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_add(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_add(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_sub : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_sub(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_sub(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_mul : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_mul(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_mul(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_div : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_div(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_div(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_mod : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_mod(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_mod(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_shift_left : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_shift_left(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_shift_left(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_shift_right : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_shift_right(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_shift_right(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_bitwise_or : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_bitwise_or(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_bitwise_or(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_bitwise_and : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_bitwise_and(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_bitwise_and(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_bitwise_exor : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_bitwise_exor(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_bitwise_exor(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_equality : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_equality(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_equality(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_inequality : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_inequality(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_inequality(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_less_equal : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_less_equal(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_less_equal(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_greater_equal : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_greater_equal(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_greater_equal(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_less : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_less(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_less(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_greater : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_greater(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_greater(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_or : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_or(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_or(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_and : public expr_binary { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_and(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_and(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_ternary : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr test; expr true_expr; expr false_expr; expr_ternary(expr test, expr true_expr, expr false_expr); expr_ternary(const location& loc, expr test, expr true_expr, expr false_expr); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_increment : node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr lvalue; bool prefix; expr_increment(expr lvalue, bool prefix); expr_increment(const location& loc, expr lvalue, bool prefix); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_decrement : node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr lvalue; bool prefix; expr_decrement(expr lvalue, bool prefix); expr_decrement(const location& loc, expr lvalue, bool prefix); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr lvalue; expr rvalue; expr_assign(ast::kind kind, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign(ast::kind kind, const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); virtual auto print() const -> std::string = 0; }; struct expr_assign_equal : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_equal(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_equal(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_add : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_add(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_add(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_sub : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_sub(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_sub(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_mul : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_mul(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_mul(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_div : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_div(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_div(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_mod : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_mod(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_mod(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_shift_left : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_shift_left(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_shift_left(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_shift_right : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_shift_right(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_shift_right(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_bitwise_or : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_bitwise_or(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_bitwise_or(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_bitwise_and : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_bitwise_and(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_bitwise_and(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct expr_assign_bitwise_exor : public expr_assign { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_assign_bitwise_exor(expr lvalue, expr rvalue); expr_assign_bitwise_exor(const location& loc, expr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_list : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::vector list; bool is_case = false; bool is_expr = false; stmt_list(); stmt_list(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_dev : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; stmt_list::ptr list; stmt_dev(stmt_list::ptr list); stmt_dev(const location& loc, stmt_list::ptr list); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_expr : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr expr; stmt_expr(ast::expr expr); stmt_expr(const location& loc, ast::expr expr); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_call : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr expr; stmt_call(ast::expr expr); stmt_call(const location& loc, ast::expr expr); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_const : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_identifier::ptr lvalue; expr rvalue; stmt_const(expr_identifier::ptr lvalue, expr rvalue); stmt_const(const location& loc, expr_identifier::ptr lvalue, expr rvalue); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_assign : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr expr; stmt_assign(ast::expr expr); stmt_assign(const location& loc, ast::expr expr); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_endon : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr obj; expr event; stmt_endon(expr obj, expr event); stmt_endon(const location& loc, expr obj, expr event); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_notify : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr obj; expr event; expr_arguments::ptr args; stmt_notify(expr obj, expr event, expr_arguments::ptr args); stmt_notify(const location& loc, expr obj, expr event, expr_arguments::ptr args); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_realwait : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr time; stmt_realwait(expr time); stmt_realwait(const location& loc, expr time); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_wait : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr time; stmt_wait(expr time); stmt_wait(const location& loc, expr time); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_waittill : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr obj; expr event; expr_arguments::ptr args; stmt_waittill(expr obj, expr event, expr_arguments::ptr params); stmt_waittill(const location& loc, expr obj, expr event, expr_arguments::ptr args); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_waittillmatch : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr obj; expr event; expr_arguments::ptr args; stmt_waittillmatch(expr obj, expr event, expr_arguments::ptr args); stmt_waittillmatch(const location& loc, expr obj, expr expr, expr_arguments::ptr args); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_waittillframeend : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; stmt_waittillframeend(); stmt_waittillframeend(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_if : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr test; ast::stmt stmt; block::ptr blk; stmt_if(expr test, ast::stmt stmt); stmt_if(const location& loc, expr test, ast::stmt stmt); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_ifelse : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr test; stmt stmt_if; stmt stmt_else; block::ptr blk_if; block::ptr blk_else; stmt_ifelse(expr test, stmt stmt_if, stmt stmt_else); stmt_ifelse(const location& loc, expr test, stmt stmt_if, stmt stmt_else); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_while : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr test; ast::stmt stmt; block::ptr blk; stmt_while(expr test, ast::stmt stmt); stmt_while(const location& loc, expr test, ast::stmt stmt); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_dowhile : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr test; ast::stmt stmt; block::ptr blk; stmt_dowhile(expr test, ast::stmt stmt); stmt_dowhile(const location& loc, expr test, ast::stmt stmt); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_for : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::stmt init; ast::expr test; ast::stmt iter; ast::stmt stmt; block::ptr blk; block::ptr blk_iter; std::vector vars; stmt_for(ast::stmt init, expr test, ast::stmt iter, ast::stmt stmt); stmt_for(const location& loc, ast::stmt init, expr test, ast::stmt iter, ast::stmt stmt); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_foreach : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr array_expr; ast::expr value_expr; ast::expr key_expr; ast::expr array; ast::stmt pre_expr; ast::expr cond_expr; ast::stmt post_expr; ast::stmt stmt0; ast::stmt stmt; block::ptr ctx; block::ptr ctx_post; bool use_key; std::vector vars; stmt_foreach(const location& loc, ast::stmt stmt, bool use_key); stmt_foreach(ast::expr element, ast::expr container, ast::stmt stmt); stmt_foreach(ast::expr key, ast::expr element, ast::expr container, ast::stmt stmt); stmt_foreach(const location& loc, ast::expr element, ast::expr container, ast::stmt stmt); stmt_foreach(const location& loc, ast::expr key, ast::expr element, ast::expr container, ast::stmt stmt); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_switch : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr test; stmt_list::ptr stmt; block::ptr ctx; stmt_switch(expr test, stmt_list::ptr stmt); stmt_switch(const location& loc, expr test, stmt_list::ptr stmt); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_case : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr label; stmt_list::ptr stmt; block::ptr blk; stmt_case(expr label); stmt_case(const location& loc, expr label); stmt_case(const location& loc, expr label, stmt_list::ptr stmt); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_default : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; stmt_list::ptr stmt; block::ptr blk; stmt_default(); stmt_default(const location& loc); stmt_default(const location& loc, stmt_list::ptr stmt); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_break : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; stmt_break(); stmt_break(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_continue : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; stmt_continue(); stmt_continue(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_return : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr expr; stmt_return(ast::expr expr); stmt_return(const location& loc, ast::expr expr); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_breakpoint : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; stmt_breakpoint(); stmt_breakpoint(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_prof_begin : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_arguments::ptr args; stmt_prof_begin(expr_arguments::ptr args); stmt_prof_begin(const location& loc, expr_arguments::ptr args); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct stmt_prof_end : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_arguments::ptr args; stmt_prof_end(expr_arguments::ptr args); stmt_prof_end(const location& loc, expr_arguments::ptr args); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct decl_thread : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_identifier::ptr name; expr_parameters::ptr params; stmt_list::ptr stmt; export_flags flags; decl_thread(expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt, export_flags flags); decl_thread(const location& loc, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt, export_flags flags); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct decl_usingtree : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_string::ptr name; decl_usingtree(expr_string::ptr name); decl_usingtree(const location& loc, expr_string::ptr name); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct decl_dev_begin : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; decl_dev_begin(); decl_dev_begin(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct decl_dev_end : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; decl_dev_end(); decl_dev_end(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct include : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; expr_path::ptr path; include(expr_path::ptr path); include(const location& loc, expr_path::ptr path); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct program : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::vector includes; std::vector declarations; program(); program(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_loc : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; asm_loc(const std::string& value); asm_loc(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_jump : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; asm_jump(const std::string& value); asm_jump(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_jump_back : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; asm_jump_back(const std::string& value); asm_jump_back(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_jump_cond : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr expr; std::string value; asm_jump_cond(ast::expr expr, const std::string& value); asm_jump_cond(const location& loc, ast::expr expr, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_jump_true_expr : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr expr; std::string value; asm_jump_true_expr(ast::expr expr, const std::string& value); asm_jump_true_expr(const location& loc, ast::expr expr, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_jump_false_expr : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr expr; std::string value; asm_jump_false_expr(ast::expr expr, const std::string& value); asm_jump_false_expr(const location& loc, ast::expr expr, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_switch : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; ast::expr expr; std::string value; asm_switch(ast::expr expr, const std::string& value); asm_switch(const location& loc, ast::expr expr, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_endswitch : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::vector data; std::string count; asm_endswitch(std::vector data, const std::string& count); asm_endswitch(const location& loc, std::vector data, const std::string& count); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_prescriptcall : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; asm_prescriptcall(); asm_prescriptcall(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_voidcodepos : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; asm_voidcodepos(); asm_voidcodepos(const location& loc); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; struct asm_dev : public node { using ptr = std::unique_ptr; std::string value; asm_dev(const std::string& value); asm_dev(const location& loc, const std::string& value); auto print() const -> std::string override; }; } // namespace xsk::arc::ast