// Copyright 2022 xensik. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "stdafx.hpp" #include "h2.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" #include "lexer.hpp" xsk::gsc::h2::parser::symbol_type H2lex(xsk::gsc::h2::lexer& lexer) { return lexer.lex(); } namespace xsk::gsc::h2 { const std::unordered_map keyword_map {{ { "#define", parser::token::SH_DEFINE }, { "#undef", parser::token::SH_UNDEF }, { "#ifdef", parser::token::SH_IFDEF }, { "#ifndef", parser::token::SH_IFNDEF }, { "#if", parser::token::SH_IF }, { "#elif", parser::token::SH_ELIF }, { "#else", parser::token::SH_ELSE }, { "#endif", parser::token::SH_ENDIF }, { "#inline", parser::token::INLINE }, { "#include", parser::token::INCLUDE }, { "#using_animtree", parser::token::USINGTREE }, { "#animtree", parser::token::ANIMTREE }, { "endon", parser::token::ENDON }, { "notify", parser::token::NOTIFY }, { "wait", parser::token::WAIT }, { "waittill", parser::token::WAITTILL }, { "waittillmatch", parser::token::WAITTILLMATCH }, { "waittillframeend", parser::token::WAITTILLFRAMEEND }, { "waitframe", parser::token::WAITFRAME }, { "if", parser::token::IF }, { "else", parser::token::ELSE }, { "do", parser::token::DO }, { "while", parser::token::WHILE }, { "for", parser::token::FOR }, { "foreach", parser::token::FOREACH }, { "in", parser::token::IN }, { "switch", parser::token::SWITCH }, { "case", parser::token::CASE }, { "default", parser::token::DEFAULT }, { "break", parser::token::BREAK }, { "continue", parser::token::CONTINUE }, { "return", parser::token::RETURN }, { "breakpoint", parser::token::BREAKPOINT }, { "prof_begin", parser::token::PROFBEGIN }, { "prof_end", parser::token::PROFEND }, { "thread", parser::token::THREAD }, { "childthread", parser::token::CHILDTHREAD }, { "thisthread", parser::token::THISTHREAD }, { "call", parser::token::CALL }, { "true", parser::token::TRUE }, { "false", parser::token::FALSE }, { "undefined", parser::token::UNDEFINED }, { "game", parser::token::GAME }, { "self", parser::token::SELF }, { "anim", parser::token::ANIM }, { "level", parser::token::LEVEL }, }}; buffer::buffer() : length(0) { data = static_cast(std::malloc(max_buf_size)); } buffer::~buffer() { if(data) std::free(data); } bool buffer::push(char c) { if(length >= max_buf_size) return false; data[length++] = c; return true; } reader::reader() : state(reader::end), buffer_pos(0), bytes_remaining(0), last_byte(0), current_byte(0) { } void reader::init(const char* data, size_t size) { if(data && size) { state = reader::ok; buffer_pos = data; bytes_remaining = size; last_byte = 0; current_byte = *data; } else { state = reader::end; buffer_pos = 0; bytes_remaining = 0; last_byte = 0; current_byte = 0; } } void reader::advance() { ++buffer_pos; if(bytes_remaining-- == 1) { state = reader::end; bytes_remaining = 0; last_byte = current_byte; current_byte = 0; } else { last_byte = current_byte; current_byte = *buffer_pos; } } lexer::lexer(const std::string& name, const char* data, size_t size) : indev_(false), clean_(true), loc_(location(&name)), mode_(build::dev), header_top_(0), locs_(std::stack()), readers_(std::stack()) { reader_.init(data, size); } void lexer::push_header(const std::string& file) { try { if (header_top_++ >= 10) throw comp_error(loc_, "maximum gsh depth exceeded '10'"); auto data = resolver::file_data(file + ".gsh"); readers_.push(reader_); locs_.push(loc_); loc_.initialize(std::get<0>(data)); reader_.init(std::get<1>(data), std::get<2>(data)); clean_ = true; } catch (const std::exception& e) { throw error("parsing header file '" + file + "': " + e.what()); } } void lexer::pop_header() { header_top_--; loc_ = locs_.top(); locs_.pop(); reader_ = readers_.top(); readers_.pop(); } void lexer::ban_header(const location& loc) { if (header_top_ > 0) { throw comp_error(loc, "not allowed inside a gsh file"); } } auto lexer::lex() -> parser::symbol_type { buffer_.length = 0; state_ = state::start; loc_.step(); while (true) { const auto& state = reader_.state; auto& last = reader_.last_byte; auto& curr = reader_.current_byte; auto path = false; if (state == reader::end) { if (indev_) throw comp_error(loc_, "unmatched devblock start ('/#')"); if (header_top_ > 0) pop_header(); else return parser::make_H2EOF(loc_); } if (clean_ && last != 0 && last != ' ' && last != '\t' && last != '\n') clean_ = false; advance(); switch (last) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': loc_.step(); continue; case '\n': loc_.lines(); loc_.step(); clean_ = true; continue; case '\\': throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid token ('\\')"); case '/': if (curr != '/' && curr != '*' && curr != '#' && curr != '=') return parser::make_DIV(loc_); advance(); if (last == '=') return parser::make_ASSIGN_DIV(loc_); if (last == '#') { if (indev_) throw comp_error(loc_, "cannot recurse devblock ('/#')"); if (mode_ == build::dev) { indev_ = true; return parser::make_DEVBEGIN(loc_); } else { while (true) { if (state == reader::end) throw comp_error(loc_, "unmatched devblock start ('/#')"); if (curr == '\n') { loc_.lines(); loc_.step(); } else if (last == '#' && curr == '/') { reader_.advance(); break; } reader_.advance(); } } } else if (last == '*') { while (true) { if (state == reader::end) throw comp_error(loc_, "unmatched multiline comment start ('/*')"); if (curr == '\n') { loc_.lines(); loc_.step(); } else if (last == '*' && curr == '/') { reader_.advance(); break; } reader_.advance(); } } else if (last == '/') { while (true) { if (state == reader::end) break; if (last == '\\' && curr == '\r' || curr == '\n') { reader_.advance(); if (state == reader::end) break; if (last == '\r') { if (curr != '\n') throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid token ('\')"); reader_.advance(); } loc_.lines(); loc_.step(); continue; } if (curr == '\n') break; reader_.advance(); } } continue; case '#': if (curr == '/') { if (!indev_) throw comp_error(loc_, "unmatched devblock end ('#/')"); indev_ = false; advance(); return parser::make_DEVEND(loc_); } buffer_.push(last); advance(); while (state == reader::ok) { if (last != ' ' || last != '\t') break; advance(); } if (state == reader::end || !((last > 64 && last < 91) || (last > 96 && last < 123))) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid preprocessor directive ('#')"); state_ = state::preprocessor; goto lex_name; case '*': if (curr != '/' && curr != '=') return parser::make_MUL(loc_); advance(); if (last == '=') return parser::make_ASSIGN_MUL(loc_); throw comp_error(loc_, "unmatched multiline comment end ('*/')"); case '"': state_ = state::string; goto lex_string; case '.': advance(); if (state == reader::end) throw comp_error(loc_, "unterminated field ('.')"); state_ = state::field; goto lex_name_or_number; case '(': return parser::make_LPAREN(loc_); case ')': return parser::make_RPAREN(loc_); case '{': return parser::make_LBRACE(loc_); case '}': return parser::make_RBRACE(loc_); case '[': return parser::make_LBRACKET(loc_); case ']': return parser::make_RBRACKET(loc_); case ',': return parser::make_COMMA(loc_); case ';': return parser::make_SEMICOLON(loc_); case ':': if (curr != ':') return parser::make_COLON(loc_); advance(); return parser::make_DOUBLECOLON(loc_); case '?': return parser::make_QMARK(loc_); case '=': if (curr != '=') return parser::make_ASSIGN(loc_); advance(); return parser::make_EQUALITY(loc_); case '+': if (curr != '+' && curr != '=') return parser::make_ADD(loc_); advance(); if (last == '+') return parser::make_INCREMENT(loc_); return parser::make_ASSIGN_ADD(loc_); case '-': if (curr != '-' && curr != '=') return parser::make_SUB(loc_); advance(); if (last == '-') return parser::make_DECREMENT(loc_); return parser::make_ASSIGN_SUB(loc_); case '%': if (curr != '=') return parser::make_MOD(loc_); advance(); return parser::make_ASSIGN_MOD(loc_); case '|': if (curr != '|' && curr != '=') return parser::make_BITWISE_OR(loc_); advance(); if (last == '|') return parser::make_OR(loc_); return parser::make_ASSIGN_BW_OR(loc_); case '&': if (curr != '&' && curr != '=' && curr != '"') return parser::make_BITWISE_AND(loc_); advance(); if (last == '&') return parser::make_AND(loc_); if (last == '=') return parser::make_ASSIGN_BW_AND(loc_); state_ = state::localize; goto lex_string; case '^': if (curr != '=') return parser::make_BITWISE_EXOR(loc_); advance(); return parser::make_ASSIGN_BW_EXOR(loc_); case '!': if (curr != '=') return parser::make_NOT(loc_); advance(); return parser::make_INEQUALITY(loc_); case '~': return parser::make_COMPLEMENT(loc_); case '<': if (curr != '<' && curr != '=') return parser::make_LESS(loc_); advance(); if (last == '=') return parser::make_LESS_EQUAL(loc_); if (curr != '=') return parser::make_LSHIFT(loc_); advance(); return parser::make_ASSIGN_LSHIFT(loc_); case '>': if (curr != '>' && curr != '=') return parser::make_GREATER(loc_); advance(); if (last == '=') return parser::make_GREATER_EQUAL(loc_); if (curr != '=') return parser::make_RSHIFT(loc_); advance(); return parser::make_ASSIGN_RSHIFT(loc_); default: lex_name_or_number: if (last >= '0' && last <= '9') goto lex_number; else if (last == '_' || last >= 'A' && last <= 'Z' || last >= 'a' && last <= 'z') goto lex_name; throw comp_error(loc_, utils::string::va("bad token: \'%c\'", last)); } lex_string: while (true) { if (state == reader::end) throw comp_error(loc_, "unmatched string start ('\"')"); if (curr == '"') { advance(); break; } if (curr == '\n') throw comp_error(loc_, "unterminated string literal"); if (curr == '\\') { advance(); if (state == reader::end) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid token ('\')"); char c = curr; switch (curr) { case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case '"': c = '\"'; break; case '\\': c = '\\'; break; default: break; } if (!buffer_.push(c)) throw comp_error(loc_, "max string size exceeded"); } else if (!buffer_.push(curr)) throw comp_error(loc_, "max string size exceeded"); advance(); } if (state_ == state::localize) return parser::make_ISTRING(std::string(buffer_.data, buffer_.length), loc_); return parser::make_STRING(std::string(buffer_.data, buffer_.length), loc_); lex_name: buffer_.push(last); while (true) { if (state == reader::end) break; if (!(curr == '\\' || curr == '_' || (curr > 64 && curr < 91) || (curr > 96 && curr < 123) || (curr > 47 && curr < 58))) break; if (curr == '\\') { if (last == '\\') throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid path '\\\\'"); path = true; if (!buffer_.push('/')) throw comp_error(loc_, "max string size exceeded"); } else if (!buffer_.push(curr)) throw comp_error(loc_, "max string size exceeded"); advance(); } if(state_ == state::field) { if (path) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid field token '\\'"); if (std::string_view(buffer_.data, buffer_.length) == "size") { return parser::make_SIZE(loc_); } return parser::make_FIELD(std::string(buffer_.data, buffer_.length), loc_); } else if (state_ == state::preprocessor) { if (path) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid preprocessor directive"); auto token = parser::token::H2UNDEF; if (buffer_.length < 16) { const auto& itr = keyword_map.find(std::string_view(buffer_.data, buffer_.length)); if (itr != keyword_map.end()) { if (itr->second > parser::token::SH_ENDIF) return parser::symbol_type(itr->second, loc_); token = itr->second; } } preprocessor(token); state_ = state::start; continue; } else { if (buffer_.length < 17) { const auto& itr = keyword_map.find(std::string_view(buffer_.data, buffer_.length)); if (itr != keyword_map.end()) return parser::symbol_type(itr->second, loc_); } if (path) { if (buffer_.data[buffer_.length - 1] == '/') throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid path end '\\'"); return parser::make_PATH(resolver::make_token(std::string_view(buffer_.data, buffer_.length)), loc_); } return parser::make_IDENTIFIER(resolver::make_token(std::string_view(buffer_.data, buffer_.length)), loc_); } lex_number: if (state_ == state::field) buffer_.push('.'); if (state_ == state::field || last == '.' || last != '0' || (last == '0' && (curr != 'o' && curr != 'b' && curr != 'x'))) { buffer_.push(last); auto dot = 0; auto flt = 0; while (true) { if (state == reader::end) break; if (curr == '\'' && (last == '\'' || last == 'f' || last == '.')) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid number literal"); if ((curr == '.' || curr == 'f') && last == '\'') throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid number literal"); if (curr == '\'') { advance(); continue; } if (curr == 'f') flt++; else if (curr == '.') dot++; else if (!(curr > 47 && curr < 58)) break; if (!buffer_.push(curr)) throw comp_error(loc_, "number literal size exceeded"); advance(); } if (last == '\'') throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid number literal"); if (state_ == state::field && dot || dot > 1 || flt > 1 || flt && buffer_.data[buffer_.length - 1] != 'f') throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid number literal"); if (state_ == state::field || dot || flt) return parser::make_FLOAT(std::string(buffer_.data, buffer_.length), loc_); return parser::make_INTEGER(std::string(buffer_.data, buffer_.length), loc_); } else if (curr == 'o') { advance(); while (true) { if (state == reader::end) break; if (curr == '\'' && (last == '\'' || last == 'o') || (curr == 'o' && last == '\'')) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid octal literal"); if (curr == '\'') { advance(); continue; } if (!(curr > 47 && curr < 56)) break; if (!buffer_.push(curr)) throw error("gsc lexer: out of memory!"); advance(); } if (last == '\'' || buffer_.length <= 0) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid octal literal"); return parser::make_INTEGER(xsk::utils::string::oct_to_dec(buffer_.data), loc_); } else if (curr == 'b') { buffer_.push(last); buffer_.push(curr); advance(); while (true) { if (state == reader::end) break; if (curr == '\'' && (last == '\'' || last == 'b') || (curr == 'b' && last == '\'')) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid binary literal"); if (curr == '\'') { advance(); continue; } if (curr != '0' && curr != '1') break; if (!buffer_.push(curr)) throw comp_error(loc_, "number literal size exceeded"); advance(); } if (last == '\'' || buffer_.length < 3) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid binary literal"); return parser::make_INTEGER(xsk::utils::string::bin_to_dec(buffer_.data), loc_); } else if (curr == 'x') { buffer_.push(last); buffer_.push(curr); advance(); while (true) { if (state == reader::end) break; if (curr == '\'' && (last == '\'' || last == 'x') || (curr == 'x' && last == '\'')) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid hexadecimal literal"); if (curr == '\'') { advance(); continue; } if (!((curr > 47 && curr < 58) || (curr > 64 && curr < 71) || (curr > 96 && curr < 103))) break; if (!buffer_.push(curr)) throw error("gsc lexer: out of memory!"); advance(); } if (last == '\'' || buffer_.length < 3) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid hexadecimal literal"); return parser::make_INTEGER(xsk::utils::string::hex_to_dec(buffer_.data), loc_); } // cant get here! } } void lexer::advance() { reader_.advance(); // dont wrap comment marks '/\/' '/\*' outside strings if (state_ == state::start && reader_.last_byte == '/') return; while (reader_.current_byte == '\\') { if (reader_.bytes_remaining == 1) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid token ('\\')"); if (reader_.buffer_pos[1] != '\r' && reader_.buffer_pos[1] != '\n') break; if (reader_.buffer_pos[1] == '\r') { if (reader_.bytes_remaining <= 3 || reader_.buffer_pos[2] != '\n') throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid token ('\\')"); reader_.buffer_pos += 3; reader_.bytes_remaining -= 3; } if ((reader_.buffer_pos[1] == '\n')) { if (reader_.bytes_remaining == 2) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid token ('\\')"); reader_.buffer_pos += 2; reader_.bytes_remaining -= 2; } if (reader_.bytes_remaining == 0) { reader_.state = reader::end; reader_.current_byte = 0; } else { reader_.current_byte = *reader_.buffer_pos; } loc_.lines(); loc_.step(); } } void lexer::preprocessor(parser::token::token_kind_type token) { if (!clean_) throw comp_error(loc_, "invalid token ('#')"); switch (token) { case parser::token::SH_DEFINE: throw comp_error(loc_, "unimplemented preprocessor directive"); break; case parser::token::SH_UNDEF: throw comp_error(loc_, "unimplemented preprocessor directive"); break; case parser::token::SH_IFDEF: throw comp_error(loc_, "unimplemented preprocessor directive"); break; case parser::token::SH_IFNDEF: throw comp_error(loc_, "unimplemented preprocessor directive"); break; case parser::token::SH_IF: throw comp_error(loc_, "unimplemented preprocessor directive"); break; case parser::token::SH_ELIF: throw comp_error(loc_, "unimplemented preprocessor directive"); break; case parser::token::SH_ELSE: throw comp_error(loc_, "unimplemented preprocessor directive"); break; case parser::token::SH_ENDIF: throw comp_error(loc_, "unimplemented preprocessor directive"); break; default: throw comp_error(loc_, "unknown preprocessor directive"); } } } // namespace xsk::gsc::h2