/* Copyright 2021 xensik. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ %option outfile="lexer.cpp" %option header-file="lexer.hpp" %option prefix="h2_" %option reentrant %option noyywrap batch nounput noinput %option never-interactive %option nounistd %top{ #include "stdafx.hpp" #include "h2.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" using namespace xsk::gsc; } %{ #define YY_USER_ACTION loc.columns(yyleng); %} RGX_FILE ([_A-Za-z0-9]+\\)+[_A-Za-z0-9]+ RGX_NAME [_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]* RGX_STRING \"(?:\\.|[^\"])*?\"|\'(?:\\.|[^\'])*?\' RGX_FLOAT [0-9]+\.(?:[0-9]*)?f?|\.[0-9]+f? RGX_INTEGER [0-9]+ RGX_DEFAULT (.|\n) %x COMMENT_BLOCK_STATE %x DEVELOPER_BLOCK_STATE %% %{ loc.step(); %} [ \t\r] { loc.step(); } \n { loc.lines(yyleng); loc.step(); } "//".* "/*" { BEGIN(COMMENT_BLOCK_STATE); } . \n { loc.lines(yyleng); loc.step(); } "*/" { BEGIN(INITIAL); } "/#" { BEGIN(DEVELOPER_BLOCK_STATE); } . \n { loc.lines(yyleng); loc.step(); } "#/" { BEGIN(INITIAL); } "breakpoint" { return h2::parser::make_BREAKPOINT(loc); } "prof_begin" { return h2::parser::make_PROFBEGIN(loc); } "prof_end" { return h2::parser::make_PROFEND(loc); } "#include" { return h2::parser::make_INCLUDE(loc); } "#using_animtree" { return h2::parser::make_USINGTREE(loc); } "#animtree" { return h2::parser::make_ANIMTREE(loc); } "endon" { return h2::parser::make_ENDON(loc); } "notify" { return h2::parser::make_NOTIFY(loc); } "wait" { return h2::parser::make_WAIT(loc); } "waittill" { return h2::parser::make_WAITTILL(loc); } "waittillmatch" { return h2::parser::make_WAITTILLMATCH(loc); } "waittillframeend" { return h2::parser::make_WAITTILLFRAMEEND(loc); } "waitframe" { return h2::parser::make_WAITFRAME(loc); } "if" { return h2::parser::make_IF(loc); } "else" { return h2::parser::make_ELSE(loc); } "while" { return h2::parser::make_WHILE(loc); } "for" { return h2::parser::make_FOR(loc); } "foreach" { return h2::parser::make_FOREACH(loc); } "in" { return h2::parser::make_IN(loc); } "switch" { return h2::parser::make_SWITCH(loc); } "case" { return h2::parser::make_CASE(loc); } "default" { return h2::parser::make_DEFAULT(loc); } "break" { return h2::parser::make_BREAK(loc); } "continue" { return h2::parser::make_CONTINUE(loc); } "return" { return h2::parser::make_RETURN(loc); } "thread" { return h2::parser::make_THREAD(loc); } "childthread" { return h2::parser::make_CHILDTHREAD(loc); } "thisthread" { return h2::parser::make_THISTHREAD(loc); } "call" { return h2::parser::make_CALL(loc); } "true" { return h2::parser::make_TRUE(loc); } "false" { return h2::parser::make_FALSE(loc); } "undefined" { return h2::parser::make_UNDEFINED(loc); } ".size" { return h2::parser::make_SIZE(loc); } "game" { return h2::parser::make_GAME(loc); } "self" { return h2::parser::make_SELF(loc); } "anim" { return h2::parser::make_ANIM(loc); } "level" { return h2::parser::make_LEVEL(loc); } \( { return h2::parser::make_LPAREN(loc); } \) { return h2::parser::make_RPAREN(loc); } \{ { return h2::parser::make_LBRACE(loc); } \} { return h2::parser::make_RBRACE(loc); } \[ { return h2::parser::make_LBRACKET(loc); } \] { return h2::parser::make_RBRACKET(loc); } \, { return h2::parser::make_COMMA(loc); } \. { return h2::parser::make_DOT(loc); } \:\: { return h2::parser::make_DOUBLECOLON(loc); } \: { return h2::parser::make_COLON(loc); } \; { return h2::parser::make_SEMICOLON(loc); } \+\+ { return h2::parser::make_INCREMENT(loc); } \-\- { return h2::parser::make_DECREMENT(loc); } \<\<\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_LSHIFT(loc); } \>\>\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_RSHIFT(loc); } \<\< { return h2::parser::make_LSHIFT(loc); } \>\> { return h2::parser::make_RSHIFT(loc); } \|\| { return h2::parser::make_OR(loc); } \&\& { return h2::parser::make_AND(loc); } \=\= { return h2::parser::make_EQUALITY(loc); } \!\= { return h2::parser::make_INEQUALITY(loc); } \<\= { return h2::parser::make_LESS_EQUAL(loc); } \>\= { return h2::parser::make_GREATER_EQUAL(loc); } \< { return h2::parser::make_LESS(loc); } \> { return h2::parser::make_GREATER(loc); } \+\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_ADD(loc); } \-\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_SUB(loc); } \*\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_MULT(loc); } \/\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_DIV(loc); } \%\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_MOD(loc); } \|\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_BITWISE_OR(loc); } \&\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_BITWISE_AND(loc); } \^\= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN_BITWISE_EXOR(loc); } \= { return h2::parser::make_ASSIGN(loc); } \+ { return h2::parser::make_ADD(loc); } \- { return h2::parser::make_SUB(loc); } \* { return h2::parser::make_MULT(loc); } \/ { return h2::parser::make_DIV(loc); } \% { return h2::parser::make_MOD(loc); } \! { return h2::parser::make_NOT(loc); } \~ { return h2::parser::make_COMPLEMENT(loc); } \| { return h2::parser::make_BITWISE_OR(loc); } \& { return h2::parser::make_BITWISE_AND(loc); } \^ { return h2::parser::make_BITWISE_EXOR(loc); } {RGX_FILE} { return h2::parser::make_FILE(utils::string::fordslash(yytext), loc); } {RGX_NAME} { return h2::parser::make_NAME((std::string(yytext, 3) == "_ID") ? std::string(yytext) : utils::string::to_lower(yytext), loc); } \&{RGX_STRING} { return h2::parser::make_ISTRING(std::string(yytext).substr(1), loc); } {RGX_STRING} { return h2::parser::make_STRING(std::string(yytext), loc); } {RGX_FLOAT} { return h2::parser::make_FLOAT(std::string(yytext), loc); } {RGX_INTEGER} { return h2::parser::make_INTEGER(std::string(yytext), loc); } <> { return h2::parser::make_H2EOF(loc); } <*>{RGX_DEFAULT} { throw h2::parser::syntax_error(loc, "bad token: \'" + std::string(yytext) + "\'"); } %%