add treyarch visibility flags
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ xsk::arc::t6::parser::symbol_type T6lex(xsk::arc::t6::lexer& lexer);
%token INCLUDE "#include"
%token INCLUDE "#include"
%token USINGTREE "#using_animtree"
%token USINGTREE "#using_animtree"
%token ANIMTREE "#animtree"
%token ANIMTREE "#animtree"
%token AUTOEXEC "autoexec"
%token PRIVATE "private"
%token ENDON "endon"
%token ENDON "endon"
%token NOTIFY "notify"
%token NOTIFY "notify"
%token WAIT "wait"
%token WAIT "wait"
@ -337,7 +339,11 @@ decl_constant
: expr_identifier LPAREN expr_parameters RPAREN stmt_block
: expr_identifier LPAREN expr_parameters RPAREN stmt_block
{ lexer.ban_header(@$); $$ = std::make_unique<ast::decl_thread>(@$, std::move($1), std::move($3), std::move($5)); }
{ lexer.ban_header(@$); $$ = std::make_unique<ast::decl_thread>(@$, std::move($1), std::move($3), std::move($5), export_flags::none); }
| AUTOEXEC expr_identifier LPAREN expr_parameters RPAREN stmt_block
{ lexer.ban_header(@$); $$ = std::make_unique<ast::decl_thread>(@$, std::move($2), std::move($4), std::move($6), export_flags::vis_autoexec); }
| PRIVATE expr_identifier LPAREN expr_parameters RPAREN stmt_block
{ lexer.ban_header(@$); $$ = std::make_unique<ast::decl_thread>(@$, std::move($2), std::move($4), std::move($6), export_flags::vis_private); }
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void compiler::emit_decl_thread(const ast::decl_thread::ptr& thread)
function_->index = index_;
function_->index = index_;
function_->name = thread->name->value;
function_->name = thread->name->value;
function_->params = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(thread->params->list.size());
function_->params = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(thread->params->list.size());
function_->flags = 0;
function_->flags = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(thread->flags);
stack_idx_ = 0;
stack_idx_ = 0;
label_idx_ = 0;
label_idx_ = 0;
@ -1236,7 +1236,6 @@ void compiler::emit_expr_call_function(const ast::expr_function::ptr& expr, bool
// TODO: resolve import calls path
bool as_dev = false;
bool as_dev = false;
std::string end;
std::string end;
@ -1334,8 +1333,6 @@ void compiler::emit_expr_method_function(const ast::expr_function::ptr& expr, co
// TODO: resolve import calls path
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ void decompiler::decompile(const std::string& file, const assembly::ptr& data)
auto name = std::make_unique<ast::expr_identifier>(func->name);
auto name = std::make_unique<ast::expr_identifier>(func->name);
auto params = std::make_unique<ast::expr_parameters>();
auto params = std::make_unique<ast::expr_parameters>();
auto block = std::make_unique<ast::stmt_list>();
auto block = std::make_unique<ast::stmt_list>();
func_ = std::make_unique<ast::decl_thread>(std::move(name), std::move(params), std::move(block));
auto flags = static_cast<export_flags>(func->flags);
func_ = std::make_unique<ast::decl_thread>(std::move(name), std::move(params), std::move(block), flags);
stack_ = std::stack<ast::node::ptr>();
stack_ = std::stack<ast::node::ptr>();
labels_ = func->labels;
labels_ = func->labels;
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ const std::unordered_map<std::string_view, parser::token::token_kind_type> keywo
{ "#include", parser::token::INCLUDE },
{ "#include", parser::token::INCLUDE },
{ "#using_animtree", parser::token::USINGTREE },
{ "#using_animtree", parser::token::USINGTREE },
{ "#animtree", parser::token::ANIMTREE },
{ "#animtree", parser::token::ANIMTREE },
{ "autoexec", parser::token::AUTOEXEC },
{ "private", parser::token::PRIVATE },
{ "endon", parser::token::ENDON },
{ "endon", parser::token::ENDON },
{ "notify", parser::token::NOTIFY },
{ "notify", parser::token::NOTIFY },
{ "wait", parser::token::WAIT },
{ "wait", parser::token::WAIT },
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -761,116 +761,118 @@ namespace xsk { namespace arc { namespace t6 {
INCLUDE = 14, // "#include"
INCLUDE = 14, // "#include"
USINGTREE = 15, // "#using_animtree"
USINGTREE = 15, // "#using_animtree"
ANIMTREE = 16, // "#animtree"
ANIMTREE = 16, // "#animtree"
ENDON = 17, // "endon"
AUTOEXEC = 17, // "autoexec"
NOTIFY = 18, // "notify"
PRIVATE = 18, // "private"
WAIT = 19, // "wait"
ENDON = 19, // "endon"
WAITTILL = 20, // "waittill"
NOTIFY = 20, // "notify"
WAITTILLMATCH = 21, // "waittillmatch"
WAIT = 21, // "wait"
WAITTILLFRAMEEND = 22, // "waittillframeend"
WAITTILL = 22, // "waittill"
IF = 23, // "if"
WAITTILLMATCH = 23, // "waittillmatch"
ELSE = 24, // "else"
WAITTILLFRAMEEND = 24, // "waittillframeend"
DO = 25, // "do"
IF = 25, // "if"
WHILE = 26, // "while"
ELSE = 26, // "else"
FOR = 27, // "for"
DO = 27, // "do"
FOREACH = 28, // "foreach"
WHILE = 28, // "while"
IN = 29, // "in"
FOR = 29, // "for"
SWITCH = 30, // "switch"
FOREACH = 30, // "foreach"
CASE = 31, // "case"
IN = 31, // "in"
DEFAULT = 32, // "default"
SWITCH = 32, // "switch"
BREAK = 33, // "break"
CASE = 33, // "case"
CONTINUE = 34, // "continue"
DEFAULT = 34, // "default"
RETURN = 35, // "return"
BREAK = 35, // "break"
PROFBEGIN = 36, // "prof_begin"
CONTINUE = 36, // "continue"
PROFEND = 37, // "prof_end"
RETURN = 37, // "return"
THREAD = 38, // "thread"
PROFBEGIN = 38, // "prof_begin"
TRUE = 39, // "true"
PROFEND = 39, // "prof_end"
FALSE = 40, // "false"
THREAD = 40, // "thread"
UNDEFINED = 41, // "undefined"
TRUE = 41, // "true"
SIZE = 42, // "size"
FALSE = 42, // "false"
GAME = 43, // "game"
UNDEFINED = 43, // "undefined"
SELF = 44, // "self"
SIZE = 44, // "size"
ANIM = 45, // "anim"
GAME = 45, // "game"
LEVEL = 46, // "level"
SELF = 46, // "self"
GETNEXTARRAYKEY = 47, // "getnextarraykey"
ANIM = 47, // "anim"
GETFIRSTARRAYKEY = 48, // "getfirstarraykey"
LEVEL = 48, // "level"
GETDVARCOLORALPHA = 49, // "getdvarcoloralpha"
GETNEXTARRAYKEY = 49, // "getnextarraykey"
GETDVARCOLORBLUE = 50, // "getdvarcolorblue"
GETFIRSTARRAYKEY = 50, // "getfirstarraykey"
GETDVARCOLORGREEN = 51, // "getdvarcolorgreen"
GETDVARCOLORALPHA = 51, // "getdvarcoloralpha"
GETDVARCOLORRED = 52, // "getdvarcolorred"
GETDVARCOLORBLUE = 52, // "getdvarcolorblue"
GETDVARVECTOR = 53, // "getdvarvector"
GETDVARCOLORGREEN = 53, // "getdvarcolorgreen"
GETDVARFLOAT = 54, // "getdvarfloat"
GETDVARCOLORRED = 54, // "getdvarcolorred"
GETDVARINT = 55, // "getdvarint"
GETDVARVECTOR = 55, // "getdvarvector"
GETDVAR = 56, // "getdvar"
GETDVARFLOAT = 56, // "getdvarfloat"
GETTIME = 57, // "gettime"
GETDVARINT = 57, // "getdvarint"
ABS = 58, // "abs"
GETDVAR = 58, // "getdvar"
VECTORTOANGLES = 59, // "vectortoangles"
GETTIME = 59, // "gettime"
ANGLECLAMP180 = 60, // "angleclamp180"
ABS = 60, // "abs"
ANGLESTOFORWARD = 61, // "anglestoforward"
VECTORTOANGLES = 61, // "vectortoangles"
ANGLESTORIGHT = 62, // "anglestoright"
ANGLECLAMP180 = 62, // "angleclamp180"
ANGLESTOUP = 63, // "anglestoup"
ANGLESTOFORWARD = 63, // "anglestoforward"
VECTORSCALE = 64, // "vectorscale"
ANGLESTORIGHT = 64, // "anglestoright"
ISDEFINED = 65, // "isdefined"
ANGLESTOUP = 65, // "anglestoup"
LPAREN = 66, // "("
VECTORSCALE = 66, // "vectorscale"
RPAREN = 67, // ")"
ISDEFINED = 67, // "isdefined"
LBRACE = 68, // "{"
LPAREN = 68, // "("
RBRACE = 69, // "}"
RPAREN = 69, // ")"
LBRACKET = 70, // "["
LBRACE = 70, // "{"
RBRACKET = 71, // "]"
RBRACE = 71, // "}"
COMMA = 72, // ","
LBRACKET = 72, // "["
DOT = 73, // "."
RBRACKET = 73, // "]"
DOUBLECOLON = 74, // "::"
COMMA = 74, // ","
COLON = 75, // ":"
DOT = 75, // "."
SEMICOLON = 76, // ";"
DOUBLECOLON = 76, // "::"
QMARK = 77, // "?"
COLON = 77, // ":"
INCREMENT = 78, // "++"
SEMICOLON = 78, // ";"
DECREMENT = 79, // "--"
QMARK = 79, // "?"
LSHIFT = 80, // "<<"
INCREMENT = 80, // "++"
RSHIFT = 81, // ">>"
DECREMENT = 81, // "--"
OR = 82, // "||"
LSHIFT = 82, // "<<"
AND = 83, // "&&"
RSHIFT = 83, // ">>"
EQUALITY = 84, // "=="
OR = 84, // "||"
INEQUALITY = 85, // "!="
AND = 85, // "&&"
LESS_EQUAL = 86, // "<="
EQUALITY = 86, // "=="
GREATER_EQUAL = 87, // ">="
INEQUALITY = 87, // "!="
LESS = 88, // "<"
LESS_EQUAL = 88, // "<="
GREATER = 89, // ">"
GREATER_EQUAL = 89, // ">="
NOT = 90, // "!"
LESS = 90, // "<"
COMPLEMENT = 91, // "~"
GREATER = 91, // ">"
ASSIGN = 92, // "="
NOT = 92, // "!"
ASSIGN_ADD = 93, // "+="
COMPLEMENT = 93, // "~"
ASSIGN_SUB = 94, // "-="
ASSIGN = 94, // "="
ASSIGN_MUL = 95, // "*="
ASSIGN_ADD = 95, // "+="
ASSIGN_DIV = 96, // "/="
ASSIGN_SUB = 96, // "-="
ASSIGN_MOD = 97, // "%="
ASSIGN_MUL = 97, // "*="
ASSIGN_BW_OR = 98, // "|="
ASSIGN_DIV = 98, // "/="
ASSIGN_BW_AND = 99, // "&="
ASSIGN_MOD = 99, // "%="
ASSIGN_BW_EXOR = 100, // "^="
ASSIGN_BW_OR = 100, // "|="
ASSIGN_RSHIFT = 101, // ">>="
ASSIGN_BW_AND = 101, // "&="
ASSIGN_LSHIFT = 102, // "<<="
ASSIGN_BW_EXOR = 102, // "^="
BITWISE_OR = 103, // "|"
ASSIGN_RSHIFT = 103, // ">>="
BITWISE_AND = 104, // "&"
ASSIGN_LSHIFT = 104, // "<<="
BITWISE_EXOR = 105, // "^"
BITWISE_OR = 105, // "|"
ADD = 106, // "+"
BITWISE_AND = 106, // "&"
SUB = 107, // "-"
BITWISE_EXOR = 107, // "^"
MUL = 108, // "*"
ADD = 108, // "+"
DIV = 109, // "/"
SUB = 109, // "-"
MOD = 110, // "%"
MUL = 110, // "*"
PATH = 111, // "path"
DIV = 111, // "/"
IDENTIFIER = 112, // "identifier"
MOD = 112, // "%"
STRING = 113, // "string literal"
PATH = 113, // "path"
ISTRING = 114, // "localized string"
IDENTIFIER = 114, // "identifier"
HASH = 115, // "hash"
STRING = 115, // "string literal"
FLOAT = 116, // "float"
ISTRING = 116, // "localized string"
INTEGER = 117, // "integer"
HASH = 117, // "hash"
FLOAT = 118, // "float"
THEN = 119, // THEN
INTEGER = 119, // "integer"
TERN = 120, // TERN
NEG = 121, // NEG
THEN = 121, // THEN
TERN = 122, // TERN
NEG = 123, // NEG
/// Backward compatibility alias (Bison 3.6).
/// Backward compatibility alias (Bison 3.6).
typedef token_kind_type yytokentype;
typedef token_kind_type yytokentype;
@ -887,7 +889,7 @@ namespace xsk { namespace arc { namespace t6 {
enum symbol_kind_type
enum symbol_kind_type
YYNTOKENS = 127, ///< Number of tokens.
YYNTOKENS = 129, ///< Number of tokens.
S_YYEOF = 0, // "end of file"
S_YYEOF = 0, // "end of file"
S_YYerror = 1, // error
S_YYerror = 1, // error
@ -906,218 +908,220 @@ namespace xsk { namespace arc { namespace t6 {
S_INCLUDE = 14, // "#include"
S_INCLUDE = 14, // "#include"
S_USINGTREE = 15, // "#using_animtree"
S_USINGTREE = 15, // "#using_animtree"
S_ANIMTREE = 16, // "#animtree"
S_ANIMTREE = 16, // "#animtree"
S_ENDON = 17, // "endon"
S_AUTOEXEC = 17, // "autoexec"
S_NOTIFY = 18, // "notify"
S_PRIVATE = 18, // "private"
S_WAIT = 19, // "wait"
S_ENDON = 19, // "endon"
S_WAITTILL = 20, // "waittill"
S_NOTIFY = 20, // "notify"
S_WAITTILLMATCH = 21, // "waittillmatch"
S_WAIT = 21, // "wait"
S_WAITTILLFRAMEEND = 22, // "waittillframeend"
S_WAITTILL = 22, // "waittill"
S_IF = 23, // "if"
S_WAITTILLMATCH = 23, // "waittillmatch"
S_ELSE = 24, // "else"
S_WAITTILLFRAMEEND = 24, // "waittillframeend"
S_DO = 25, // "do"
S_IF = 25, // "if"
S_WHILE = 26, // "while"
S_ELSE = 26, // "else"
S_FOR = 27, // "for"
S_DO = 27, // "do"
S_FOREACH = 28, // "foreach"
S_WHILE = 28, // "while"
S_IN = 29, // "in"
S_FOR = 29, // "for"
S_SWITCH = 30, // "switch"
S_FOREACH = 30, // "foreach"
S_CASE = 31, // "case"
S_IN = 31, // "in"
S_DEFAULT = 32, // "default"
S_SWITCH = 32, // "switch"
S_BREAK = 33, // "break"
S_CASE = 33, // "case"
S_CONTINUE = 34, // "continue"
S_DEFAULT = 34, // "default"
S_RETURN = 35, // "return"
S_BREAK = 35, // "break"
S_PROFBEGIN = 36, // "prof_begin"
S_CONTINUE = 36, // "continue"
S_PROFEND = 37, // "prof_end"
S_RETURN = 37, // "return"
S_THREAD = 38, // "thread"
S_PROFBEGIN = 38, // "prof_begin"
S_TRUE = 39, // "true"
S_PROFEND = 39, // "prof_end"
S_FALSE = 40, // "false"
S_THREAD = 40, // "thread"
S_UNDEFINED = 41, // "undefined"
S_TRUE = 41, // "true"
S_SIZE = 42, // "size"
S_FALSE = 42, // "false"
S_GAME = 43, // "game"
S_UNDEFINED = 43, // "undefined"
S_SELF = 44, // "self"
S_SIZE = 44, // "size"
S_ANIM = 45, // "anim"
S_GAME = 45, // "game"
S_LEVEL = 46, // "level"
S_SELF = 46, // "self"
S_GETNEXTARRAYKEY = 47, // "getnextarraykey"
S_ANIM = 47, // "anim"
S_GETFIRSTARRAYKEY = 48, // "getfirstarraykey"
S_LEVEL = 48, // "level"
S_GETDVARCOLORALPHA = 49, // "getdvarcoloralpha"
S_GETNEXTARRAYKEY = 49, // "getnextarraykey"
S_GETDVARCOLORBLUE = 50, // "getdvarcolorblue"
S_GETFIRSTARRAYKEY = 50, // "getfirstarraykey"
S_GETDVARCOLORGREEN = 51, // "getdvarcolorgreen"
S_GETDVARCOLORALPHA = 51, // "getdvarcoloralpha"
S_GETDVARCOLORRED = 52, // "getdvarcolorred"
S_GETDVARCOLORBLUE = 52, // "getdvarcolorblue"
S_GETDVARVECTOR = 53, // "getdvarvector"
S_GETDVARCOLORGREEN = 53, // "getdvarcolorgreen"
S_GETDVARFLOAT = 54, // "getdvarfloat"
S_GETDVARCOLORRED = 54, // "getdvarcolorred"
S_GETDVARINT = 55, // "getdvarint"
S_GETDVARVECTOR = 55, // "getdvarvector"
S_GETDVAR = 56, // "getdvar"
S_GETDVARFLOAT = 56, // "getdvarfloat"
S_GETTIME = 57, // "gettime"
S_GETDVARINT = 57, // "getdvarint"
S_ABS = 58, // "abs"
S_GETDVAR = 58, // "getdvar"
S_VECTORTOANGLES = 59, // "vectortoangles"
S_GETTIME = 59, // "gettime"
S_ANGLECLAMP180 = 60, // "angleclamp180"
S_ABS = 60, // "abs"
S_ANGLESTOFORWARD = 61, // "anglestoforward"
S_VECTORTOANGLES = 61, // "vectortoangles"
S_ANGLESTORIGHT = 62, // "anglestoright"
S_ANGLECLAMP180 = 62, // "angleclamp180"
S_ANGLESTOUP = 63, // "anglestoup"
S_ANGLESTOFORWARD = 63, // "anglestoforward"
S_VECTORSCALE = 64, // "vectorscale"
S_ANGLESTORIGHT = 64, // "anglestoright"
S_ISDEFINED = 65, // "isdefined"
S_ANGLESTOUP = 65, // "anglestoup"
S_LPAREN = 66, // "("
S_VECTORSCALE = 66, // "vectorscale"
S_RPAREN = 67, // ")"
S_ISDEFINED = 67, // "isdefined"
S_LBRACE = 68, // "{"
S_LPAREN = 68, // "("
S_RBRACE = 69, // "}"
S_RPAREN = 69, // ")"
S_LBRACKET = 70, // "["
S_LBRACE = 70, // "{"
S_RBRACKET = 71, // "]"
S_RBRACE = 71, // "}"
S_COMMA = 72, // ","
S_LBRACKET = 72, // "["
S_DOT = 73, // "."
S_RBRACKET = 73, // "]"
S_DOUBLECOLON = 74, // "::"
S_COMMA = 74, // ","
S_COLON = 75, // ":"
S_DOT = 75, // "."
S_SEMICOLON = 76, // ";"
S_DOUBLECOLON = 76, // "::"
S_QMARK = 77, // "?"
S_COLON = 77, // ":"
S_INCREMENT = 78, // "++"
S_SEMICOLON = 78, // ";"
S_DECREMENT = 79, // "--"
S_QMARK = 79, // "?"
S_LSHIFT = 80, // "<<"
S_INCREMENT = 80, // "++"
S_RSHIFT = 81, // ">>"
S_DECREMENT = 81, // "--"
S_OR = 82, // "||"
S_LSHIFT = 82, // "<<"
S_AND = 83, // "&&"
S_RSHIFT = 83, // ">>"
S_EQUALITY = 84, // "=="
S_OR = 84, // "||"
S_INEQUALITY = 85, // "!="
S_AND = 85, // "&&"
S_LESS_EQUAL = 86, // "<="
S_EQUALITY = 86, // "=="
S_GREATER_EQUAL = 87, // ">="
S_INEQUALITY = 87, // "!="
S_LESS = 88, // "<"
S_LESS_EQUAL = 88, // "<="
S_GREATER = 89, // ">"
S_GREATER_EQUAL = 89, // ">="
S_NOT = 90, // "!"
S_LESS = 90, // "<"
S_COMPLEMENT = 91, // "~"
S_GREATER = 91, // ">"
S_ASSIGN = 92, // "="
S_NOT = 92, // "!"
S_ASSIGN_ADD = 93, // "+="
S_COMPLEMENT = 93, // "~"
S_ASSIGN_SUB = 94, // "-="
S_ASSIGN = 94, // "="
S_ASSIGN_MUL = 95, // "*="
S_ASSIGN_ADD = 95, // "+="
S_ASSIGN_DIV = 96, // "/="
S_ASSIGN_SUB = 96, // "-="
S_ASSIGN_MOD = 97, // "%="
S_ASSIGN_MUL = 97, // "*="
S_ASSIGN_BW_OR = 98, // "|="
S_ASSIGN_DIV = 98, // "/="
S_ASSIGN_BW_AND = 99, // "&="
S_ASSIGN_MOD = 99, // "%="
S_ASSIGN_BW_EXOR = 100, // "^="
S_ASSIGN_BW_OR = 100, // "|="
S_ASSIGN_RSHIFT = 101, // ">>="
S_ASSIGN_BW_AND = 101, // "&="
S_ASSIGN_LSHIFT = 102, // "<<="
S_ASSIGN_BW_EXOR = 102, // "^="
S_BITWISE_OR = 103, // "|"
S_ASSIGN_RSHIFT = 103, // ">>="
S_BITWISE_AND = 104, // "&"
S_ASSIGN_LSHIFT = 104, // "<<="
S_BITWISE_EXOR = 105, // "^"
S_BITWISE_OR = 105, // "|"
S_ADD = 106, // "+"
S_BITWISE_AND = 106, // "&"
S_SUB = 107, // "-"
S_BITWISE_EXOR = 107, // "^"
S_MUL = 108, // "*"
S_ADD = 108, // "+"
S_DIV = 109, // "/"
S_SUB = 109, // "-"
S_MOD = 110, // "%"
S_MUL = 110, // "*"
S_PATH = 111, // "path"
S_DIV = 111, // "/"
S_IDENTIFIER = 112, // "identifier"
S_MOD = 112, // "%"
S_STRING = 113, // "string literal"
S_PATH = 113, // "path"
S_ISTRING = 114, // "localized string"
S_IDENTIFIER = 114, // "identifier"
S_HASH = 115, // "hash"
S_STRING = 115, // "string literal"
S_FLOAT = 116, // "float"
S_ISTRING = 116, // "localized string"
S_INTEGER = 117, // "integer"
S_HASH = 117, // "hash"
S_FLOAT = 118, // "float"
S_THEN = 119, // THEN
S_INTEGER = 119, // "integer"
S_TERN = 120, // TERN
S_NEG = 121, // NEG
S_THEN = 121, // THEN
S_TERN = 122, // TERN
S_NEG = 123, // NEG
S_YYACCEPT = 127, // $accept
S_root = 128, // root
S_program = 129, // program
S_YYACCEPT = 129, // $accept
S_inline = 130, // inline
S_root = 130, // root
S_include = 131, // include
S_program = 131, // program
S_declaration = 132, // declaration
S_inline = 132, // inline
S_decl_usingtree = 133, // decl_usingtree
S_include = 133, // include
S_decl_constant = 134, // decl_constant
S_declaration = 134, // declaration
S_decl_thread = 135, // decl_thread
S_decl_usingtree = 135, // decl_usingtree
S_stmt = 136, // stmt
S_decl_constant = 136, // decl_constant
S_stmt_or_dev = 137, // stmt_or_dev
S_decl_thread = 137, // decl_thread
S_stmt_list = 138, // stmt_list
S_stmt = 138, // stmt
S_stmt_or_dev_list = 139, // stmt_or_dev_list
S_stmt_or_dev = 139, // stmt_or_dev
S_stmt_dev = 140, // stmt_dev
S_stmt_list = 140, // stmt_list
S_stmt_block = 141, // stmt_block
S_stmt_or_dev_list = 141, // stmt_or_dev_list
S_stmt_expr = 142, // stmt_expr
S_stmt_dev = 142, // stmt_dev
S_stmt_call = 143, // stmt_call
S_stmt_block = 143, // stmt_block
S_stmt_assign = 144, // stmt_assign
S_stmt_expr = 144, // stmt_expr
S_stmt_endon = 145, // stmt_endon
S_stmt_call = 145, // stmt_call
S_stmt_notify = 146, // stmt_notify
S_stmt_assign = 146, // stmt_assign
S_stmt_wait = 147, // stmt_wait
S_stmt_endon = 147, // stmt_endon
S_stmt_waittill = 148, // stmt_waittill
S_stmt_notify = 148, // stmt_notify
S_stmt_waittillmatch = 149, // stmt_waittillmatch
S_stmt_wait = 149, // stmt_wait
S_stmt_waittillframeend = 150, // stmt_waittillframeend
S_stmt_waittill = 150, // stmt_waittill
S_stmt_if = 151, // stmt_if
S_stmt_waittillmatch = 151, // stmt_waittillmatch
S_stmt_ifelse = 152, // stmt_ifelse
S_stmt_waittillframeend = 152, // stmt_waittillframeend
S_stmt_while = 153, // stmt_while
S_stmt_if = 153, // stmt_if
S_stmt_dowhile = 154, // stmt_dowhile
S_stmt_ifelse = 154, // stmt_ifelse
S_stmt_for = 155, // stmt_for
S_stmt_while = 155, // stmt_while
S_stmt_foreach = 156, // stmt_foreach
S_stmt_dowhile = 156, // stmt_dowhile
S_stmt_switch = 157, // stmt_switch
S_stmt_for = 157, // stmt_for
S_stmt_case = 158, // stmt_case
S_stmt_foreach = 158, // stmt_foreach
S_stmt_default = 159, // stmt_default
S_stmt_switch = 159, // stmt_switch
S_stmt_break = 160, // stmt_break
S_stmt_case = 160, // stmt_case
S_stmt_continue = 161, // stmt_continue
S_stmt_default = 161, // stmt_default
S_stmt_return = 162, // stmt_return
S_stmt_break = 162, // stmt_break
S_stmt_prof_begin = 163, // stmt_prof_begin
S_stmt_continue = 163, // stmt_continue
S_stmt_prof_end = 164, // stmt_prof_end
S_stmt_return = 164, // stmt_return
S_expr = 165, // expr
S_stmt_prof_begin = 165, // stmt_prof_begin
S_expr_or_empty = 166, // expr_or_empty
S_stmt_prof_end = 166, // stmt_prof_end
S_expr_assign = 167, // expr_assign
S_expr = 167, // expr
S_expr_increment = 168, // expr_increment
S_expr_or_empty = 168, // expr_or_empty
S_expr_decrement = 169, // expr_decrement
S_expr_assign = 169, // expr_assign
S_expr_ternary = 170, // expr_ternary
S_expr_increment = 170, // expr_increment
S_expr_binary = 171, // expr_binary
S_expr_decrement = 171, // expr_decrement
S_expr_primitive = 172, // expr_primitive
S_expr_ternary = 172, // expr_ternary
S_expr_complement = 173, // expr_complement
S_expr_binary = 173, // expr_binary
S_expr_negate = 174, // expr_negate
S_expr_primitive = 174, // expr_primitive
S_expr_not = 175, // expr_not
S_expr_complement = 175, // expr_complement
S_expr_call = 176, // expr_call
S_expr_negate = 176, // expr_negate
S_expr_method = 177, // expr_method
S_expr_not = 177, // expr_not
S_expr_function = 178, // expr_function
S_expr_call = 178, // expr_call
S_expr_pointer = 179, // expr_pointer
S_expr_method = 179, // expr_method
S_expr_parameters = 180, // expr_parameters
S_expr_function = 180, // expr_function
S_expr_parameters_default = 181, // expr_parameters_default
S_expr_pointer = 181, // expr_pointer
S_expr_literal = 182, // expr_literal
S_expr_parameters = 182, // expr_parameters
S_expr_arguments = 183, // expr_arguments
S_expr_parameters_default = 183, // expr_parameters_default
S_expr_arguments_no_empty = 184, // expr_arguments_no_empty
S_expr_literal = 184, // expr_literal
S_expr_getnextarraykey = 185, // expr_getnextarraykey
S_expr_arguments = 185, // expr_arguments
S_expr_getfirstarraykey = 186, // expr_getfirstarraykey
S_expr_arguments_no_empty = 186, // expr_arguments_no_empty
S_expr_getdvarcoloralpha = 187, // expr_getdvarcoloralpha
S_expr_getnextarraykey = 187, // expr_getnextarraykey
S_expr_getdvarcolorblue = 188, // expr_getdvarcolorblue
S_expr_getfirstarraykey = 188, // expr_getfirstarraykey
S_expr_getdvarcolorgreen = 189, // expr_getdvarcolorgreen
S_expr_getdvarcoloralpha = 189, // expr_getdvarcoloralpha
S_expr_getdvarcolorred = 190, // expr_getdvarcolorred
S_expr_getdvarcolorblue = 190, // expr_getdvarcolorblue
S_expr_getdvarvector = 191, // expr_getdvarvector
S_expr_getdvarcolorgreen = 191, // expr_getdvarcolorgreen
S_expr_getdvarfloat = 192, // expr_getdvarfloat
S_expr_getdvarcolorred = 192, // expr_getdvarcolorred
S_expr_getdvarint = 193, // expr_getdvarint
S_expr_getdvarvector = 193, // expr_getdvarvector
S_expr_getdvar = 194, // expr_getdvar
S_expr_getdvarfloat = 194, // expr_getdvarfloat
S_expr_gettime = 195, // expr_gettime
S_expr_getdvarint = 195, // expr_getdvarint
S_expr_abs = 196, // expr_abs
S_expr_getdvar = 196, // expr_getdvar
S_expr_vectortoangles = 197, // expr_vectortoangles
S_expr_gettime = 197, // expr_gettime
S_expr_angleclamp180 = 198, // expr_angleclamp180
S_expr_abs = 198, // expr_abs
S_expr_anglestoforward = 199, // expr_anglestoforward
S_expr_vectortoangles = 199, // expr_vectortoangles
S_expr_anglestoright = 200, // expr_anglestoright
S_expr_angleclamp180 = 200, // expr_angleclamp180
S_expr_anglestoup = 201, // expr_anglestoup
S_expr_anglestoforward = 201, // expr_anglestoforward
S_expr_vectorscale = 202, // expr_vectorscale
S_expr_anglestoright = 202, // expr_anglestoright
S_expr_isdefined = 203, // expr_isdefined
S_expr_anglestoup = 203, // expr_anglestoup
S_expr_reference = 204, // expr_reference
S_expr_vectorscale = 204, // expr_vectorscale
S_expr_array = 205, // expr_array
S_expr_isdefined = 205, // expr_isdefined
S_expr_field = 206, // expr_field
S_expr_reference = 206, // expr_reference
S_expr_size = 207, // expr_size
S_expr_array = 207, // expr_array
S_expr_paren = 208, // expr_paren
S_expr_field = 208, // expr_field
S_expr_object = 209, // expr_object
S_expr_size = 209, // expr_size
S_expr_empty_array = 210, // expr_empty_array
S_expr_paren = 210, // expr_paren
S_expr_undefined = 211, // expr_undefined
S_expr_object = 211, // expr_object
S_expr_game = 212, // expr_game
S_expr_empty_array = 212, // expr_empty_array
S_expr_self = 213, // expr_self
S_expr_undefined = 213, // expr_undefined
S_expr_anim = 214, // expr_anim
S_expr_game = 214, // expr_game
S_expr_level = 215, // expr_level
S_expr_self = 215, // expr_self
S_expr_animation = 216, // expr_animation
S_expr_anim = 216, // expr_anim
S_expr_animtree = 217, // expr_animtree
S_expr_level = 217, // expr_level
S_expr_identifier_nosize = 218, // expr_identifier_nosize
S_expr_animation = 218, // expr_animation
S_expr_identifier = 219, // expr_identifier
S_expr_animtree = 219, // expr_animtree
S_expr_path = 220, // expr_path
S_expr_identifier_nosize = 220, // expr_identifier_nosize
S_expr_istring = 221, // expr_istring
S_expr_identifier = 221, // expr_identifier
S_expr_string = 222, // expr_string
S_expr_path = 222, // expr_path
S_expr_vector = 223, // expr_vector
S_expr_istring = 223, // expr_istring
S_expr_hash = 224, // expr_hash
S_expr_string = 224, // expr_string
S_expr_float = 225, // expr_float
S_expr_vector = 225, // expr_vector
S_expr_integer = 226, // expr_integer
S_expr_hash = 226, // expr_hash
S_expr_false = 227, // expr_false
S_expr_float = 227, // expr_float
S_expr_true = 228 // expr_true
S_expr_integer = 228, // expr_integer
S_expr_false = 229, // expr_false
S_expr_true = 230 // expr_true
@ -3510,6 +3514,36 @@ switch (yykind)
return symbol_type (token::ANIMTREE, l);
return symbol_type (token::ANIMTREE, l);
#if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
make_AUTOEXEC (location_type l)
return symbol_type (token::AUTOEXEC, std::move (l));
make_AUTOEXEC (const location_type& l)
return symbol_type (token::AUTOEXEC, l);
#if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
make_PRIVATE (location_type l)
return symbol_type (token::PRIVATE, std::move (l));
make_PRIVATE (const location_type& l)
return symbol_type (token::PRIVATE, l);
#if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
#if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
@ -5504,9 +5538,9 @@ switch (yykind)
/// Constants.
/// Constants.
yylast_ = 3634, ///< Last index in yytable_.
yylast_ = 3663, ///< Last index in yytable_.
yynnts_ = 102, ///< Number of nonterminal symbols.
yynnts_ = 102, ///< Number of nonterminal symbols.
yyfinal_ = 22 ///< Termination state number.
yyfinal_ = 26 ///< Termination state number.
@ -6346,7 +6380,7 @@ switch (yykind)
#line 13 "parser.ypp"
#line 13 "parser.ypp"
} } } // xsk::arc::t6
} } } // xsk::arc::t6
#line 6350 "parser.hpp"
#line 6384 "parser.hpp"
@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ stmt_prof_begin::stmt_prof_begin(const location& loc, expr_arguments::ptr args)
stmt_prof_end::stmt_prof_end(expr_arguments::ptr args) : node(kind::stmt_prof_end), args(std::move(args)) {}
stmt_prof_end::stmt_prof_end(expr_arguments::ptr args) : node(kind::stmt_prof_end), args(std::move(args)) {}
stmt_prof_end::stmt_prof_end(const location& loc, expr_arguments::ptr args) : node(kind::stmt_prof_end, loc), args(std::move(args)) {}
stmt_prof_end::stmt_prof_end(const location& loc, expr_arguments::ptr args) : node(kind::stmt_prof_end, loc), args(std::move(args)) {}
decl_thread::decl_thread(expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt) : node(kind::decl_thread), name(std::move(name)), params(std::move(params)), stmt(std::move(stmt)) {}
decl_thread::decl_thread(expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt, export_flags flags) : node(kind::decl_thread), name(std::move(name)), params(std::move(params)), stmt(std::move(stmt)), flags(flags) {}
decl_thread::decl_thread(const location& loc, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt) : node(kind::decl_thread, loc), name(std::move(name)), params(std::move(params)), stmt(std::move(stmt)) {}
decl_thread::decl_thread(const location& loc, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt, export_flags flags) : node(kind::decl_thread, loc), name(std::move(name)), params(std::move(params)), stmt(std::move(stmt)), flags(flags) {}
decl_constant::decl_constant(expr_identifier::ptr name, expr value) : node(kind::decl_constant), name(std::move(name)), value(std::move(value)) {}
decl_constant::decl_constant(expr_identifier::ptr name, expr value) : node(kind::decl_constant), name(std::move(name)), value(std::move(value)) {}
decl_constant::decl_constant(const location& loc, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr value) : node(kind::decl_constant, loc), name(std::move(name)), value(std::move(value)) {}
decl_constant::decl_constant(const location& loc, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr value) : node(kind::decl_constant, loc), name(std::move(name)), value(std::move(value)) {}
@ -1370,7 +1370,16 @@ auto stmt_prof_end::print() const -> std::string
auto decl_thread::print() const -> std::string
auto decl_thread::print() const -> std::string
return name->print() + "(" + params->print() + ")" + "\n" + stmt->print() + "\n";
std::string data;
if (flags == export_flags::vis_autoexec)
data += "autoexec ";
else if (flags == export_flags::vis_private)
data += "private ";
data += name->print() + "(" + params->print() + ")" + "\n" + stmt->print() + "\n";
return data;
auto decl_constant::print() const -> std::string
auto decl_constant::print() const -> std::string
@ -1756,9 +1756,10 @@ struct decl_thread : public node
expr_identifier::ptr name;
expr_identifier::ptr name;
expr_parameters::ptr params;
expr_parameters::ptr params;
stmt_list::ptr stmt;
stmt_list::ptr stmt;
export_flags flags;
decl_thread(expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt);
decl_thread(expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt, export_flags flags);
decl_thread(const location& loc, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt);
decl_thread(const location& loc, expr_identifier::ptr name, expr_parameters::ptr params, stmt_list::ptr stmt, export_flags flags);
auto print() const -> std::string override;
auto print() const -> std::string override;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user