120 lines
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120 lines
3.4 KiB
// Copyright 2023 xensik. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "misc/types.hpp"
#include "source.hpp"
#include "assembler.hpp"
#include "disassembler.hpp"
#include "compiler.hpp"
#include "decompiler.hpp"
namespace xsk::gsc
class context
context(props props, engine engine, endian endian, system system, u32 str_count);
auto props() const -> props { return props_; }
auto build() const -> build { return build_; }
auto engine() const -> engine { return engine_; }
auto endian() const -> endian { return endian_; }
auto system() const -> system { return system_; }
auto str_count() const -> u32 { return str_count_; }
auto source() -> source& { return source_; }
auto assembler() -> assembler& { return assembler_; }
auto disassembler() -> disassembler& { return disassembler_; }
auto compiler() -> compiler& { return compiler_; }
auto decompiler() -> decompiler& { return decompiler_; }
auto init(gsc::build build, read_cb_type callback) -> void;
auto cleanup() -> void;
auto opcode_size(opcode op) const -> u32;
auto opcode_id(opcode op) const -> u8;
auto opcode_enum(u8 id) const -> opcode;
auto func_id(std::string const& name) const -> u16;
auto func_name(u16 id) const -> std::string;
auto func_exists(std::string const& name) const -> bool;
auto func_add(std::string const& name, u16 id) -> void;
auto meth_id(std::string const& name) const -> u16;
auto meth_name(u16 id) const -> std::string;
auto meth_exists(std::string const& name) const -> bool;
auto meth_add(std::string const& name, u16 id) -> void;
auto token_id(std::string const& name) const -> u32;
auto token_name(u32 id) const -> std::string;
auto path_id(std::string const& name) const -> u64;
auto path_name(u64 id) const -> std::string;
auto hash_id(std::string const& name) const -> u64;
auto hash_name(u64 id) const -> std::string;
auto make_token(std::string_view str) const -> std::string;
auto header_file_data(std::string const& name) const -> std::tuple<std::string const*, char const*, usize>;
auto fs_to_game_path(std::filesystem::path const& file) const -> std::filesystem::path;
auto load_include(std::string const& name) -> bool;
auto init_includes() -> void;
auto is_includecall(std::string const& name, std::string& path) -> bool;
gsc::props props_;
gsc::build build_;
gsc::engine engine_;
gsc::endian endian_;
gsc::system system_;
u32 str_count_;
gsc::source source_;
gsc::assembler assembler_;
gsc::disassembler disassembler_;
gsc::compiler compiler_;
gsc::decompiler decompiler_;
std::unordered_map<u8, opcode> code_map_;
std::unordered_map<opcode, u8> code_map_rev_;
std::unordered_map<u16, std::string_view> func_map_;
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, u16> func_map_rev_;
std::unordered_map<u16, std::string_view> meth_map_;
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, u16> meth_map_rev_;
std::unordered_map<u32, std::string_view> token_map_;
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, u32> token_map_rev_;
std::unordered_map<u64, std::string_view> path_map_;
std::unordered_map<u64, std::string_view> hash_map_;
} // namespace xsk::gsc