2023-01-23 23:31:08 +01:00
// Copyright 2023 xensik. All rights reserved.
2022-02-18 19:07:37 +01:00
// Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GPLv3 license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
2023-03-02 16:41:32 +01:00
#include "xsk/stdinc.hpp"
#include "xsk/utils/string.hpp"
#include "xsk/utils/reader.hpp"
#include "xsk/utils/writer.hpp"
#include "common/arc.hpp"
2022-02-18 19:07:37 +01:00
#include "assembler.hpp"
#include "disassembler.hpp"
#include "compiler.hpp"
2022-02-21 16:08:55 +01:00
#include "decompiler.hpp"
2022-02-18 19:07:37 +01:00
#include "resolver.hpp"
2022-02-21 16:08:55 +01:00
#include "context.hpp"
2022-02-18 19:07:37 +01:00
namespace xsk::arc::t6
constexpr std::uint64_t magic = 0x06000A0D43534780;
enum class opcode : std::uint8_t
OP_End = 0x0,
OP_Return = 0x1,
OP_GetUndefined = 0x2,
OP_GetZero = 0x3,
OP_GetByte = 0x4,
OP_GetNegByte = 0x5,
OP_GetUnsignedShort = 0x6,
OP_GetNegUnsignedShort = 0x7,
OP_GetInteger = 0x8,
OP_GetFloat = 0x9,
OP_GetString = 0xA,
OP_GetIString = 0xB,
OP_GetVector = 0xC,
OP_GetLevelObject = 0xD,
OP_GetAnimObject = 0xE,
OP_GetSelf = 0xF,
OP_GetLevel = 0x10,
OP_GetGame = 0x11,
OP_GetAnim = 0x12,
OP_GetAnimation = 0x13,
OP_GetGameRef = 0x14,
OP_GetFunction = 0x15,
OP_CreateLocalVariable = 0x16,
OP_SafeCreateLocalVariables = 0x17,
OP_RemoveLocalVariables = 0x18,
OP_EvalLocalVariableCached = 0x19,
OP_EvalArray = 0x1A,
OP_EvalLocalArrayRefCached = 0x1B,
OP_EvalArrayRef = 0x1C,
OP_ClearArray = 0x1D,
OP_EmptyArray = 0x1E,
OP_GetSelfObject = 0x1F,
OP_EvalFieldVariable = 0x20,
OP_EvalFieldVariableRef = 0x21,
OP_ClearFieldVariable = 0x22,
OP_SafeSetVariableFieldCached = 0x23,
OP_SafeSetWaittillVariableFieldCached = 0x24,
OP_ClearParams = 0x25,
OP_CheckClearParams = 0x26,
OP_EvalLocalVariableRefCached = 0x27,
OP_SetVariableField = 0x28,
OP_CallBuiltin = 0x29,
OP_CallBuiltinMethod = 0x2A,
OP_Wait = 0x2B,
OP_WaitTillFrameEnd = 0x2C,
OP_PreScriptCall = 0x2D,
OP_ScriptFunctionCall = 0x2E,
OP_ScriptFunctionCallPointer = 0x2F,
OP_ScriptMethodCall = 0x30,
OP_ScriptMethodCallPointer = 0x31,
OP_ScriptThreadCall = 0x32,
OP_ScriptThreadCallPointer = 0x33,
OP_ScriptMethodThreadCall = 0x34,
OP_ScriptMethodThreadCallPointer = 0x35,
OP_DecTop = 0x36,
OP_CastFieldObject = 0x37,
OP_CastBool = 0x38,
OP_BoolNot = 0x39,
OP_BoolComplement = 0x3A,
OP_JumpOnFalse = 0x3B,
OP_JumpOnTrue = 0x3C,
OP_JumpOnFalseExpr = 0x3D,
OP_JumpOnTrueExpr = 0x3E,
OP_Jump = 0x3F,
OP_JumpBack = 0x40,
OP_Inc = 0x41,
OP_Dec = 0x42,
OP_Bit_Or = 0x43,
OP_Bit_Xor = 0x44,
OP_Bit_And = 0x45,
OP_Equal = 0x46,
OP_NotEqual = 0x47,
OP_LessThan = 0x48,
OP_GreaterThan = 0x49,
OP_LessThanOrEqualTo = 0x4A,
OP_GreaterThanOrEqualTo = 0x4B,
OP_ShiftLeft = 0x4C,
OP_ShiftRight = 0x4D,
OP_Plus = 0x4E,
OP_Minus = 0x4F,
OP_Multiply = 0x50,
OP_Divide = 0x51,
OP_Modulus = 0x52,
OP_SizeOf = 0x53,
OP_WaitTillMatch = 0x54,
OP_WaitTill = 0x55,
OP_Notify = 0x56,
OP_EndOn = 0x57,
OP_VoidCodePos = 0x58,
OP_Switch = 0x59,
OP_EndSwitch = 0x5A,
OP_Vector = 0x5B,
OP_GetHash = 0x5C,
OP_RealWait = 0x5D,
OP_VectorConstant = 0x5E,
OP_IsDefined = 0x5F,
OP_VectorScale = 0x60,
OP_AnglesToUp = 0x61,
OP_AnglesToRight = 0x62,
OP_AnglesToForward = 0x63,
OP_AngleClamp180 = 0x64,
OP_VectorToAngles = 0x65,
OP_Abs = 0x66,
OP_GetTime = 0x67,
OP_GetDvar = 0x68,
OP_GetDvarInt = 0x69,
OP_GetDvarFloat = 0x6A,
OP_GetDvarVector = 0x6B,
OP_GetDvarColorRed = 0x6C,
OP_GetDvarColorGreen = 0x6D,
OP_GetDvarColorBlue = 0x6E,
OP_GetDvarColorAlpha = 0x6F,
OP_FirstArrayKey = 0x70,
OP_NextArrayKey = 0x71,
OP_ProfileStart = 0x72,
OP_ProfileStop = 0x73,
OP_SafeDecTop = 0x74,
OP_Nop = 0x75,
OP_Abort = 0x76,
OP_Object = 0x77,
OP_ThreadObject = 0x78,
OP_EvalLocalVariable = 0x79,
OP_EvalLocalVariableRef = 0x7A,
OP_DevblockBegin = 0x7B,
OP_DevblockEnd = 0x7C,
2022-03-21 16:36:09 +01:00
OP_Count = 0x7D,
2022-02-18 19:07:37 +01:00
auto opcode_size(std::uint8_t id) -> std::uint32_t;
} // namespace xsk::arc::t6