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2023-08-13 17:45:19 -04:00

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<h2 class="section-title wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="0.3s">IW6x
SERVER <span>SUPPORT</span></h2>
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Below are guides to help you with any server issues you may have with IW6x.</p>
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IW6x Server Install Guide
<li>The <a
C++ 2010 Redistributable Package</a> and the <a
href="">Visual C++
2015-2019 Redistributable Package</a> (These are included in the IW6x
Dedicated Server torrent linked below).</li>
<li><a href="">Visual Code</a>, <a
href="">Notepad++</a> or <a
href="">Sublime Text</a> (You may use
whatever editor you choose but
we don't recommend Windows Notepad).
<li>Torrent client - (<a
href="">qBittorrent</a> is
<li>Computer or VPS that's online 24/7 with a decent connection that has average
or above specs (We strongly advise a VPS).</li>
<li>Some technical knowledge / background knowledge of computers.</li>
Server Setup:
<li>Download the IW6x Dedicated Server Full <a
and place it in a location of your choosing on your VPS or PC.</li>
<li>Download the X Labs launcher from <a
href="">here</a> and place it into
your server folder.</li>
<li>Download the server configurations from <a
and place the files in the server folder.</li>
<li>Run <code>!updateXLabs.bat</code> to update your server.</li>
<li>Carefully review and edit the configuration settings file to your liking.
Give it a hostname, gametype, and remove/add maps that you want on the
rotate, etc.</li>
<li>Save the server.cfg file you just edited after you are done.</li>
<li>Forward the TCP and UDP port (27016). If you changed the default port or are
adding another server, you may need to open the following addition ports:
27017, 27018, etc.</li>
<li>Run the start bat for the server you want and it should begin to load.</li>
Known Issues:
<li>Currently, <code>g_gametype</code> in server.cfg does not work. Game type
must be set in the map rotation. Example:
<code>set sv_maprotation "gametype war map mp_prisonbreak map mp_dart"</code>.
<li>Other issues may exist that are not covered here. This is an initial
release, so be aware that you might experience difficulties running
dedicated servers for IW6x.</li>
Server Administration Software:
IW4madmin partially supports IW6x. Not all functions work but full support is
planned as the client is further developed. For downloads and more more
information, please visit <a
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