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2023-08-13 17:45:19 -04:00

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<h2 class="section-title wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="0.3s">IW4x CONTROLLER <span>GUIDE</span></h2>
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<p class="section-subtitle wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="0.3s">An in-depth guide on how to setup controllers for IW4x.</p>
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Video Guide:
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Text Guide:
<p>As MW2 on PC does not natively support controllers, we must use external programs to make a controller emulate keyboard and mouse inputs. This guide will cover using Steam's Big Picture mode, which has this feature built in.</p>
<h3>Step 1: Adding IW4x to your Steam library.</h3>
<li>Launch Steam and click the text in the bottom left that says '[+] ADD A GAME'.</li>
<li>Select the option 'Add a Non-Steam Game...'.</li>
<li>Click the 'Browse' button.</li>
<li>In the browse file window, locate your IW4x install and select 'iw4x.exe', then click the 'Open' button.</li>
<li>Now there should be a tick in the box next to iw4x, now simply click the button 'ADD SELECTED PROGRAMS'.</li>
<li>Then, IW4x has been added to your Steam library and can be launched at any time from within Steam.</li>
<h3>Step 2: Enabling Controller Configuration Support</h3>
<li>Connect your controller to your PC via USB or Bluetooth.</li>
<li>Open steam and select the 'Big Picture Mode' mode icon (It's located at the top right of the steam window next to minimise).</li>
<li>Once in Big Picture mode go to Settings (It's the cog icon in the top right).</li>
<li>In settings, select the 'Controller Settings' option.</li>
<li>Now, depending on the controller you are using, enable the configuration support. (e.g. For an Xbox controller, enable 'Xbox Configuration Support').</li>
<h3>Step 3: Controller Configuration</h3>
<li>Again, while in Big Picture mode, go to settings then controller settings. Plug in your controller, make sure it is detected, and enable the configuration support for your controller.</li>
<li>Go to your library, find IW4x, select 'Manage Shortcut' then the 'Controller Configuration' option. You will now be presented with a image with your controller.</li>
<li>Now select the 'BROWSE CONFIGS' button (Xbox Controllers -> X Button) (PS4 Controllers -> SQUARE Button).</li>
<li>You should now be on a list screen of configurations, Go to the 'Community' tab and press the 'SHOW OTHER CONTROLLER TYPES' button (Xbox Controllers -> Y Button) (PS4 Controllers -> TRIANGLE Button).</li>
<li>Now search the list till you find the 'H3X1C's ELITE IW4x Config V2' Configuration, press the (Xbox Controllers -> A Button ) (PS4 Controllers -> CROSS Button) to 'IMPORT CONFIG'.</li>
<li>Then, you just need to apply the configuration. For Xbox, this will be the "X" Button and for PS4 Controllers, this will be the SQUARE button.</li>
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