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                <h2 class="section-title wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="0.3s">IW4x <span>Mod Guide</span></h2>
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                            Mods can consist of anything from custom textures, new gamemodes, new weapons, edits of existing gamemodes, the list is endless... In IW4x, mods are handled the same way as they were in Call of Duty: Modern Warefare (Call of Duty 4). If you are familar
                            with that games mod system, great! But if not, I will briefly explain.
                            <br> Mods are located within a folder conveniently named <code>mods</code> inside of your MW2 game folder (See folder structure screenshot below). Each mod has its own sub folder inside of the mods folder. The name of that
                            folder is how IW4x identifies each mod and it also determines the name that you will see in the mods menu inside of IW4x. Once you select a mod via the main menu, the mods content is loaded into the games memory. It will overwrite
                            any scripts / textures / ... with ones found in the loaded mods folder.
                            <h4>Folder Structure Examples:</h4>
                                <br> IW4x/mods/prophunt
                            <img src="https://i.imgur.com/q4jgm7g.jpg" class="img-fluid">
                            <h4>Loading a mod:</h4>
                                Once you have a mod downloaded and in the correct folder (mods), you can start the game up and select the mod in the main menu. Once you click 'Launch' the game will restart with the mod loaded.
                            <img src="https://i.imgur.com/LzjlzPu.jpg" class="img-fluid">
                            <h4>Where to download mods?</h4>
                            <p>This is a commonly asked question. Unfortunately, there is no central location for mod downloads so you will have to do a Google search to find some.
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