

Below are guides to help you setup an IW4x Server.

IW4x Server Install Guide


Server Setup:

  1. Download the IW4x Dedicated Server Full torrent and place it in a location of your choosing on your VPS or PC
  2. Download the IW4x Client, and extract the files to the server folder.
  3. Download the server configurations from GitHub, and extract the files to the server folder.

Match Server Setup:

  1. Right click the "DedicatedServer.bat" file and go to edit with Notepad++.
  2. Carefully review/edit the bat file, along with the Game Port and LAN Mode.
  3. Save the file that you just edit.
  4. Go to your userraw folder. Right click on server.cfg and edit with Notepad++.
  5. Carefully review edit the cfg file to your liking.
  6. Give it a hostname, Message of the day, Gametype, remove/add maps that you want on the rotate.
  7. Save the server.cfg file that you just edit after you done. You can always go back and edit it.
  8. Forward the TCP and UDP port you put in the bat file.
  9. Run the "startserver.bat" and now the server should be listed in the serverlist.
  10. If your server does not appear in the server browser, you have not portforwarded correctly.

Party Server Setup:

  1. Right click the "DedicatedLobbyServer.bat" file and go to edit with Visual Studio Code or your choice of a notepad editor.
  2. Carefully review/edit the bat file, along with the Game Port and LAN Mode.
  3. Save the file that you just edit after you done. (You can always go back and edit it).
  4. Go to your userraw folder. Right click on partyserver.cfg and edit with Visual Studio Code or your choice of editor.
  5. Carefully review edit the cfg file to your liking. Give it a hostname, MOTD (Message of The Day), etc.
  6. Save the "partyserver.cfg" file that you just edit.
  7. On your router, Forward the TCP and UDP port you put in +set net_port "28960" or whatever of your choice. (We can't help on this as everyone's routers very different).
  8. Run the "DedicatedLobbyServer.bat" and the window should open the name of your server, 0/18 players, none. Ignore any console errors that happen. As long as the server doesn't crash or error out.
  9. The server should now be listed in the serverlist

Server Administration Software:

We recommend IW4MAdmin to control your server. To add additional plugins using IW4MAdmin, you may check the Plugin Store.